e d i u G to Yellogws n i r p S
2 012 – 2 013
Who are we? Why do we live here? A SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF THE YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS • 253½ XENIA AVE., YELLOW SPRINGS, OH 45387 • 937-767-7373 • WWW.YSNEWS.COM
Fire, police, ambulance ...................................... 911 Anonymous hotline .............................. 767-1604 M I A M I T O W N S H I P G O V E R N M E N T ........................... 40 Margaret Silliman, fiscal officer ................ 767-2460 V I L L A G E G O V E R N M E N T ............................................. 40 Clerk of Council ...................................... 767-9126 Clerk of courts ........................................ 767-3400 Economic development ............................ 767-1279 Gaunt Park Pool ...................................... 767-9172 Fire department, non-emergency .............. 767-7842 Police, non-emergency ............................. 767-7206 Public works............................................. 767-3401 Utility billing ........................................... 767-7202 Village Mediation, John Gudgel..............767-7701` Village manager ....................................... 767-1279 Village offices, general information .......... 767-3402 Bryan Center scheduling and renting ....... 767-7209 Parks and recreation ................................. 767-3401 Zoning/Code enforcement ....................... 767-3702
........................................................ 38 Morris Bean & Company ......................... 767-7301 Vernay Laboratories ................................. 767-7261 YSI Incorporated .................................... 767-7241 Y E L L O W S P R I N G S L I B R A RY ........... 352-4003 .......... 36 Library Association, Ruth Lapp ............... 767-2708 .......... 36 P O S T O F F I C E ...................................... 767-7458 L O C A L I N D U S T RY
A R T S & R E C R E AT I O N
Antioch Writers’ Workshop ..................... 769-1803 .......... 12 Artist Studio Tour, Lisa Goldberg ............ 767-7285 .......... 12 Bridge, Ken Huber ................................... 767-1160 .......... 12 Tom Holyoke ....................................... 767-1626 Chamber Music Yellow Springs reservations .......................................... 374-8800 .......... 12 Chamber Orchestra, James Johnston .................................. 12 Community Band, Dennis Farmer ..................................... 12 Community Chorus, James Johnston ................................. 15 Carol Cottom ....................................... 767-1458 Dayton Mandolin Orchestra ............................................. 15 Kathryn Hitchcock .........................937-408-3678 John Bryan Community Pottery ............... 767-9022 .......... 15 Weavers’ Guild, Diana Nelson .................. 767-9487 .......... 15 Yellow Rockers, Ralph and Melanie Acton .................... 767-8951 .......... 15 Yellow Springs Arts Council, Jerome Borchers ................................... 767-1810 .......... 16 Yellow Springs Reading Series, Anthony Fife ....................................... 725-3198 ......... 16 Lauren Shows ..............................850-625-1183 Yellow Springs Strings, Shirley Mullins ... 767-3361 .......... 16 C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
Antioch Review, Muriel Keyes .................. 769-1365 .......... 42 Channel 5, Paul Abendroth ...................... 767-1678 ......... 42 Jean Payne ............................................ 767-2378 WYSO Public Radio ................................ 767-6420 .......... 42 Yellow Springs News .................................. 767-7373 .......... 42 C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT I O N S
365 Project, John Gudgel ........................ 767-8631 .......... 18 AACW, Faith Patterson ........................... 767-9114 .......... 18 African American Genealogy Group ................................. 18 Robert L. Harris ................................... 767-1949 Alcoholics Anonymous ............................ 222-2211 .......... 18 Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions, Jeanna Breza ........................ 767-2161 .......... 18 Better Health Co-op, Billie Eastman ....... 767-1511 ......... 18 Bryan High School Alumni Association ............................ 18 Mickey Harwood ..........................937-629-3862 Chamber of Commerce ............................ 767-2686 .......... 19 Charlie Brown Patient & Caregiver Support Group .......... 19 Rubin Battino ...................................... 767-1854 Community Council, Pam Conine ........... 767-8031 .......... 19 Community Foundation, Virgil Hervey.... 767-2655 ......... 19 Community Resources, Kathryn Van der Heiden ..................... 767-2153 .......... 20 Community Soccer ............................................................ 20 Bill and Lynn Hardman ....................... 767-8433 Corner Cone Farmers Market ............................................ 20 Phil Hagstrom...................................... 265-5411 Emergency Welfare Committee–Starfish ........................... 20 Denise Swinger .................................... 767-2236 Endowment for Education, Virgil Hervey 767-2655 .......... 22 Feminist Health Fund, Sue T. Parker........ 767-9146 .......... 22 Food Co-op, Luan and David Heit .......... 767-1823 .......... 22
Friendly Gardeners, Tia Huston............... 767-4491 .......... 22 Faye Choo ........................................... 767-1853 Friends Care Community......................... 767-7363 .......... 22 Great Books Foundation, Ken Huber ....... 767-1160 .......... 22 Green Environmental Coalition ............... 767-2109 .......... 24 Grinnell Mill Foundation, Chris Mucher . 767-1391 .......... 24 Historical Society ............................................................... 24 David Neuhardt; Nancy Noonan .......... 767-7773 Home Assistance Program ................................................. 26 Amy Crawford, RN .............................. 767-2751 Caroline Mullin, LSW ......................... 767-2751 James A. McKee Association.............................................. 26 Harry Lipsitt ........................................ 767-8061 Kent Bristol .......................................... 767-7773 Bill Bebko ............................................ 767-1521 Kings Yard Farmers Market ............................................... 26 Cathy Christian .................................... 767-7448 La Leche League, Laura Ann Ellison....... 767-1097 .......... 26 Lions Club, Carol Gasho ......................... 767-2168 .......... 26 Masonic Lodge, Don Lewis ..............937-901-6211 .......... 26 McKinney/YSHS PTO, Craig Mesure .... 767-2098 .......... 26 Miami Valley Track Club, Vince Peters .... 767-7424 .......... 26 Mills Lawn PTO, Chris Linkhart ............ 408-1496 .......... 28 Morgan Family Foundation, Lori M. Kuhn ....................................... 767-9208 .......... 28 Narcotics Anonymous .......................800-587-4232 ......... 28 Neighborhood Gardens ............................ 767-2729 .......... 28 Odd Fellows, Dean Severtson .................. 286-2637 .......... 31 Overeaters Anonymous ............................ 767-7645 .......... 31 Ranch Menagerie Animal Sanctuary .................................. 31 Nick Ormes...................................937-231-1046 Riding Centre .......................................... 767-9087 .......... 31 Senior Citizens Center ............................. 767-5751 .......... 31 South Town Farmers Market ............................................. 32 Patty Purdin ......................................... 767-4261 Sowelo ..................................................... 767-2258 .......... 32 Tecumseh Land Trust, Krista Magaw ....... 767-9490 .......... 32 Tenant Cooperative, Paul Buterbaugh ...... 767-2224 .......... 32 Tree Committee ...................767-1853 or 767-2162 .......... 32 UNICEF, Joy Fishbain ............................ 767-7724 .......... 32 Winter Farmers Market .......................... 767-7560 ......... 34 Yellow Springs Home, Inc., Tom Clevenger .................................... 767-2790 ......... 34 E D U C AT I O N Priv ate School
The Antioch School ................................. 767-7642 ............ 4 Preschool
Community Children’s Center ................. 767-7236 ............ 6 Friends Preschool Program ........ 767-1303, ext. 119 ............ 6 Public Schools
Board of Education Superintendent, Mario Basora .............. 767-7381 ............ 8 Mills Lawn Elementary ........................... 767-7217 .......... 10 Mills Lawn After School Care ................. 767-8145 ............ 8 Y.S. High School, McKinney School........ 767-7224 ............ 8 Greene County Career Center ................. 372-6941 ............ 6 Greene County Educational Service Ctr .......................................... 767-1303 ........... 8 Greene County Learning Center .................................... 767-1303, ext. 114 ............ 8 Higher Education
Antioch College ....................................... 319-6164 ............ 4 Antioch University ................................... 769-1345 ............ 4 Antioch University Midwest .................... 769-1818 ............ 6 Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs ..................................... 8 G L E N H E L E N N AT U R E P R E S E RV E .......................... 58 Glen Helen Ecology Institute .................. 769-1902 Outdoor Education Center, Raptor Center ...................................... 767-7648 Trailside Museum and Visitor Center ...... 767-7798 Glen Helen Association ........................... 769-1902 SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY
Bahá’í Faith, Roi and Linden Qualls ........ 767-7079 .......... 50 Bethel Lutheran Church Pastor Larry Bannick........323-8954 or 284-3947 .......... 50 Central Chapel A.M.E. Church ............... 767-3061 .......... 50 Rev. Timothy E. Loggins, pastor Christian Association, Marlene Johnson .. 767-1543 .......... 50 Dharma Center ........................................ 767-9919 .......... 52 First Baptist Church ............767-7659 or 767-7623 .......... 52 First Presbyterian Church, office .............. 767-7751 .......... 52 Grandmother Drum Healing Circle................................... 52 Grandmother Wolfheart....................... 767-9331 Grandmother Moon Fire...................... 767-1170
Havurah, Steve Green .............................. 767-9293 .......... 54 Heart Rhythm Meditation........................... ...................... 54 Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm ...... 767-2293 ......... 54 Pleasant Grove Missionary Church .......... 767-8011 .......... 54 Pastor Ken Moore ....................(home) 372-8110 St. Paul Catholic Church ......................... 767-7450 .......... 54 Society of Friends, Faith Morgan, clerk .... 767-8486 .......... 54 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship ........................... 372-5613, 767-1603 .......... 54 United Methodist Church........................ 767-7560 Rev. Sherri Blackwell ......... (parsonage) 319-6103 .......... 56 Yellow Springs Assembly of God Christian Center ............ 56 Pastor J. Ray Tyson ............................... 767-9133 Y O U T H O R G A N I Z AT I O N S
Boy Scouts, Scott Fletcher ....................... 863-0298 .......... 44 Cub Scouts, Dawn Fain ........................... 510-8743 .......... 44 Fair Play 4-H Club ............................................................ 44 Caroline and Paul Mullin .................... 767-1198 Girl Scouts, Susan Hyde .......................... 767-7756 .......... 44 Perry League, Jason Newsome ...........403-903-7064 .......... 44 Sea Dogs ................................................. 545-4729 .......... 44 Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association ..................... 44 Youth Baseball .................................................................. 46 Tim and Jennifer Sherwood ................. 767-8702 Youth Soccer, Jim Hardman ..................... 767-2200 .......... 46 YS Kids Playhouse, John Fleming ............ 767-7800 .......... 46 PHOTOS
The Trelawny-Cassity Family... ......................................... 5 Tia and Luca Acheson ..................................................... 7 The Siff Family ................................................................. 9 Sharri Phillips and Daniel Tiger..................................... 11 The Truitt Family ........................................................... 13 Robert and Olga Harris.................................................. 17 Mark French and Jim Nealon ........................................ 21 Janeal and Chris Ravndal .............................................. 23 Frank Kakoi .................................................................. 25 Don, Emmet, Otto and Kendra Cipollini ...................... 27 Bob and Sue Parker ........................................................ 29 Terry Johnson and Rosie ............................................... 33 Corrie VanAusdal, Matt Collins, Tiger Jane and Theo ... 35 Doris Blake, Demitri Wallace and Aurelia Blake ........... 37 Hardy Trolander ............................................................ 39 Bryan Gregor ................................................................ 41 Lisa Abel and Lynn Adams ........................................... 43 Elise Yaskoff and Raz Thornton ..................................... 45 Mark, Henrietta, Kingsley Sr., Patricia and Jeannette Perry McDonald ....................................... 47 Simeon, Opolot and Oluka Okia ................................... 49 Jen and Barry Reich ...................................................... 51 Gina Paget .................................................................... 53 Tod Tyslan .................................................................... 55 Bill, Jody and Romy Farrar, Kate Crews and Ludo ........ 57 Asher, Amitai, Hannah and Isaac Delamatre ................. 59 Brian Housh .................................................................. 61 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
As always, the 2012 issue of the Guide to Yellow Springs is a collaborative effort, and many people deserve our thanks. First, thanks to all the community members who submitted information about your organizations, churches or group so that we can keep villagers up to date. Many people at the News deserve thanks. Kudos go to writers and photographers Lauren Heaton, Megan Bachman, Suzanne Ehalt and Sarah Siff for the stories and photos. Our gratitude goes to Village Desk Editor Lauren (Chuck) Shows for corralling and editing the submissions from villagers, and to Ad Manager Bob Hasek and his team, Kathryn Hitchcock and Suzanne Ehalt, for the formidable jobs of selling so many ads. And thanks again to Suzanne and Chuck for so much of the detail work. Also, a great thank you to our alert proofers Amy Achor and Kitty Jensen. Finally, thanks to our IT guru, fix-it-man and creative design force Matt Minde for the layout and cover design and, as always, for keeping us laughing.
A-C Service................................................... 24 AACW .......................................................... 32 Adoption Link, Inc. ....................................... 46 Al Kahina Middle Eastern (Belly) Dance Studio ................................ 42 Andreae, Kristen, M. L.Ac............................. 54 Anthrotech .................................................... 33 Antioch College ............................................ 64 Antioch School, The ...................................... 18 Antioch University Midwest ......................... 49 Antioch Writers’ Workshop .......................... 24 Arbor-Care Tree Service ............................... 33 Arthur Morgan House Bed & Breakfast ....... 46 Asanda Imports ............................................. 38 Battino Counseling Services .......................... 49 Battle, Esther S., Ph.D................................... 47 Bauer Stoves and Fireplaces........................... 19 Bentino’s of Yellow Springs ........................... 60 Bing Design................................................... 37 Blokhedz ....................................................... 36 Bradstreet & Associates .................................. 5 Brandeberry Winery ...................................... 47 Chamber Music Yellow Springs .................... 35 Chappelle, Joan.............................................. 44 Chen’s Asian Bistro ....................................... 50 Children’s Center After School Care............. 35 Clean Gene ................................................... 44 Clifton Opera House..................................... 13 Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors, Craig Mesure ............................................ 52 Bambi Williams ....................................... 15 Steve Bayard ............................................. 44 Community Children’s Center ...................... 36 Community Physicians of Yellow Springs ..... 32 Community Solutions ................................... 40 Corner Cone ................................................. 16 Creative Explorations .................................... 46 Current Cuisine ............................................... 9 Dark Star Books ........................................... 46 Dayton Mandolin Orchestra ......................... 42 Design Sleep.................................................. 12 Downing’s Do it Best Hardware ................... 41 Dunphy Real Estate, Inc................................ 60 Earth Rose..................................................... 37 Eco-Green Recycling .................................... 34
EdenWorld .................................................... 17 Ehman’s Garage............................................. 45 Electric Service Company ............................. 52 Elizabeth’s Overnight .................................... 17 Emporium Wines/Underdog Café ................ 47 Enon Veterenary Hospital ............................. 22 Erickson, Anne, C.N.M. ............................... 10 Ertel Publishing ............................................ 33 Flying Mouse Farms ..................................... 22 Friends Care Community .............................. 14 Funderburg Greenhouses .............................. 38 Funderburg, Pamela ....................................... 19 Gailz Tattooz ................................................. 18 Glen Garden Gifts ........................................ 54 Glen Helen Nature Shop .............................. 26 Glen House Inn ............................................ 59 Gravity Spa.................................................... 55 Green Environmental Coalition .................... 43 Greene County Career Center ...................... 52 Greene County Combined Health District... 29 Greene County Council on Aging ................ 57 Greene County Eye Care .............................. 57 Greenleaf Gardens......................................... 53 Grinnell Mill B&B.......................................... 9 Gulch, The ..................................................... 13 Ha Ha Pizza .................................................. 28 Hearthstone Inn & Suites ............................. 27 Heaven On Earth Emporium ......................... 6 Holser, J. Mark, DDS .................................... 15 Home, Inc...................................................... 45 House of Ravenwood .................................... 18 Humanist Center Massage Therapy .............. 10 Innerlight Yoga & Wellness ............................ 9 Jackson Lytle & Lewis Funeral Home .......... 32 Jail House Suites ........................................... 25 Jannirose Joy .................................................. 25 Jennifer’s Touch Jewelry................................. 58 John Bryan Community Pottery.................... 39 Kadis, Paul P., PsyD, LLC ............................. 31 Kismet ............................................................. 4 Lindstrom-Sprague Mechanical Services ...... 38 Little Art Theatre .......................................... 44 MacDepot, The .............................................. 58 Main Squeeze .................................................. 7 Miami Township Fire-Rescue ....................... 30
Miami Valley Pottery..................................... 22 MillWorks Development Corp...................... 53 MinDesign/Jennifer Berman ......................... 62 Mother Wit & Wisdom ................................ 31 Mr. Fub’s Party, “Toys and More” .................. 29 New Liberty Farms ......................................... 4 Nightingale Montessori ................................. 29 No Common Scents ...................................... 26 Ohio Historic Building Restoration .............. 21 Ohio Silver Co............................................... 55 Pangaea Trading Company ............................ 46 Peifer Orchards.............................................. 61 Pleasant Grove Missionary Church............... 31 Poortinga Chiropractic .................................... 8 Positive Perspectives ...................................... 18 Reichley Insurance Agency ........................... 24 Reflexology .................................................... 21 Re/Max Resources; Chris & Rick Kristensen .......................... 51 Rita Caz Jewelry Studio ................................ 25 Roliff, S. Ann ................................................. 40 Rumpke Waste Removal & Recycling Systems .................................... 11 Russell, J. Thomas, D.D.S. Yellow Springs Dental Care ....................... 7 Sam & Eddie’s Open Books .....................20, 61 Selwa’s Hair Styling....................................... 21 Servlet, Inc..................................................... 34 Southtown Heating & Cooling ..................... 50 Spirited Goat Coffeehouse ............................ 29 Springfield Arts Council ............................... 16 Springfield Museum of Art ........................... 27 Springfield Regional Medical Center ............ 48 Springfield Symphony Orchestra .................. 52 Springs Healing Massage .............................. 12 Springs Motel ................................................ 51 St. Paul Catholic Church............................... 58 Star Pediatrics ................................................ 49 Strongheart Press........................................... 17 Sunrise Cafe .................................................. 62 Superfly Comics ............................................ 50 Tibet Bazaar .................................................. 49 T.K. Tile and Paint ........................................ 57
Tom’s Market................................................. 43 Town Drug ...................................................... 5 Toxic Beauty Records .................................... 43 Twin Coach Apartments ............................... 10 Unfinished Creations..................................... 26 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs ..................................... 31 Village Artisans ............................................. 54 Village Automotive ....................................... 56 Village BP ..................................................... 12 Village Guest House ....................................... 7 Village Mediation Program ........................... 19 Village of Yellow Springs .............................. 39 Vitamin Outlet .............................................. 34 Wagner Subaru .............................................. 42 Wavelength Beauty Wellness Centre ............. 23 WesBanco ...................................................... 28 Winds Cafe & Wine Cellar .......................... 13 “would you, could you” In A Frame ............... 59 WYSO FM Radio ........................................... 8 Ye Olde Trail Tavern & Restaurant ............... 41 Yellow Springs Artist Studio Tour................. 33 Yellow Springs Botanicals.............................. 32 Yellow Springs Building Science ..................... 5 Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce .....7, 53 Yellow Springs Chiropractic .......................... 41 Yellow Springs Community Foundation ....... 62 Yellow Springs News ..................................38, 58 Yellow Springs Obstetrics and Gynecology ... 36 Yellow Springs Farmers Market .................... 22 Yellow Springs Pottery .................................. 58 Yellow Springs Psychological Center............... 4 Yellow Springs Tree Committee .................... 59 Yoga Springs Studio ...................................... 11 Young’s Jersey Dairy ...................................... 40 Yellow Springs United Methodist Church .... 60 YS Federal Credit Union ............................... 20 YS Kids Playhouse .......................................... 8 YSI, Inc.......................................................... 10
Who are we? Why do we live here?
Why did you choose to live in Yellow Springs? Why did I? These questions spark conversations all over town, at our many meetings, parties and potlucks, and we seem to find the answers endlessly fascinating. So here at the News we picked “Who are we? Why did we come here?” as our theme for this year’s Guide to Yellow Springs. Each year in the Guide we aim to identify some of the components of this vital small town, including community organizations, youth activities, spiritual groups, businesses, media outlets, educational institutions and arts groups, among others. Just browse through these pages and you might find yourself feeling a bit tired: there’s a lot going on in this village! Each year we pick a different theme for the Guide, and this year we asked, “Who
are you? Why did you come here?” of a wide range of villagers, ranging from young families who just moved to town to those whose families have lived here for generations. We asked couples and singles and those of diverse interests, economic classes, ages and ethnic groups. We also asked our participants to choose a favorite spot in the village for their Guide photograph. Not surprisingly, we found a wide range of answers. Some people came to Yellow Springs to attend or work at the historic Antioch College, and ended up staying for decades, while others recently moved to be a part of the newly revived college. Some are academics from other colleges and universities in the area who have chosen Yellow Springs as their college town. Some came because it’s a great place to raise a child. Some African Americans came to the village years ago because they weren’t welcome
in other rural Ohio towns. Some grew up here, moved away as young adults and then, starting a family, returned to the village to raise their children the way they’d been raised. One man, a skilled printer, was in a World War II relocation camp for JapaneseAmericans, when he was allowed to leave the camp due to a job offer from former Yellow Springs News publisher Ernest Morgan, a critic of the government’s internment policy. Some came for work, and some for love. And all of us stayed. We hope you enjoy reading these stories, and are once again reminded of why you, too, chose to make your home in this village. —DIANE CHIDDISTER Editor, Yellow Springs News
EDUCATION Antioch College info@antiochcollege.org www.antiochcollege.org
Since entering its �rst class in 1853, with the eminent scholar Horace Mann as its �rst president, Antioch College has been a pioneering liberal arts college preparing students for lives of signi�cance, service and engaged and effective citizenship, whether they choose to pursue graduate education or embark directly on a career. The mission of the college is to provide a rigorous liberal arts education on the belief that scholarship and life experience are strengthened when linked, that diversity in all its manifestations is a fundamental component of excellence in education and that authentic social and community engagement is vital for those who strive to win victories for humanity. The college was among the �rst non-sectarian educational institutions in the United States, the �rst co-educational college in the nation to offer the same educational opportunities to both men and women, the �rst to appoint a woman to its faculty and to its board of trustees and among the �rst to offer African Americans equal educational opportunities. The college rede�ned liberal arts education by initiating an entrepreneurial and experiential curriculum through the development of its hallmark cooperative work program. Many of the now common elements of today’s liberal arts education — self-designed majors, study abroad, interdisciplinary study
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and portfolio evaluation — had an early start at Antioch College. The college was also among the �rst to make a commitment to community governance and the authentic participation of students in institutional decision-making. Throughout the generations, Antioch College faculty, students, staff and alumni have committed themselves to important causes. Consistent with its mission, Antioch College has always given equal weight to understanding theory, to engaging in practice and to taking action. An Antioch College education has always encouraged independent thinking and invention. As a result, the college has earned signi�cant notoriety for producing alumni who make signi�cant contributions. These include two Nobel Laureates, seven MacArthur Foundation Fellows and numerous Fulbright Scholars. There are 200 acres and 25 buildings on the Antioch College campus, which �ts easily and comfortably into Yellow Springs, melding effortlessly into the surrounding neighborhoods. It incorporates the Romanesque and Greek revival architecture styles that were popular in the latter part of the 1800s. The campus opens onto a huge park of ancient trees, which leads the eye easily to the 1,000-acre Glen Helen Nature Preserve, the legacy of Hugh Taylor Birch, who, in 1929, donated the wooded glen to Antioch College in memory of his daughter, Helen.
The Antioch School 767-7642 www.antiochschool.org
One of the oldest progressive educational institutions in the United States, the Antioch School was founded in 1921 by Ar thur Morgan, the president of Antioch College. In 1951 the school moved to its current idyllic setting, nestled in beautiful green space neighboring the Glen Helen nature preserve. The building was designed by architect Eero Saarinen to connect the indoors with the outdoors and has been recently renovated to be more energy-ef�cient and environmentally friendly. The Antioch School is a place where childhood is respected and children are encouraged to pursue their innate curiosity wherever their abilities take them. The Antioch School offers programs for children aged 3and-a-half to 11 based on the ideals of respect and trust and “challenge and choice.” A wide variety of educational opportunities are pro-
Supporting our community… Bob Barcus, Ph.D. Aïda Merhemic, M.S.
Yellow Springs Psychological Center
vided, with students encouraged to involve themselves in their own choices, matching their needs and abilities to resources for learning and growth. The children are grouped in the nursery, for 3-and-a-half- to 5-year-olds; kindergarten, for 5- to 6-year-olds; the Younger Group, for 6- to 8-year-olds; and the Older Group, for 9- to 11-year-olds. The school also offers art and science programs and an after-school program. Development of reading, writing and mathematics abilities is emphasized, along with social and self-discipline skills — the interaction of children as a means for self-de�nition and growth is valued. Individualized instruction works two ways at the school: teacherto-child and child-to-child. The personal characteristics of each child are respected and treasured. Creativity is acknowledged as a natural attribute of children. In addition, there are opportunities for the children to participate in a variety of activities, such as unicycling, drama, music and art, including pottery, painting, sculpture and stained glass. An emphasis is placed on physical activities, with children playing together on the school’s expansive grounds and swimming and skating �eld trips. Staff and enrollment policies encourage a diversity of racial, religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Children from Yellow Springs and other area communities attend the school. Directing the school’s operations is a board of directors consisting of parents and faculty members, facilitated by a full-time manager. Family involvement is vital to the school’s learning environment. Because the Antioch School is small, group size and enrollment numbers are limited. Tuition is comparatively low among area private schools. Applications are accepted throughout the year and �nancial aid is available. Tuition rates are available upon request. Visitors to the school are always welcome.
Antioch University Chancellor’s of�ce, 769-1345 www.antioch.edu
Antioch University is a bold and enduring source of innovation in higher education. With roots dating back to 1852 and inspired by the work of pioneering educator Horace Mann, Antioch University was founded in 1964 on principles of rigorous liberal education, experiential learning and social engagement. The multi-campus university nurtures in its students the knowledge, skills and critical thinking to excel as lifelong learners, democratic leaders and global citizens who live lives of meaning and purpose. The university’s students, across the United States and around the world, are served by undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies at Antioch University Los Angeles, Antioch University Midwest (Yellow Springs, Ohio), Antioch University Santa Barbara, Antioch University Seattle and Antioch University New England (Keene, N.H.) and the university-wide Antioch Education Abroad and Ph.D. in Leadership and Change programs. Antioch University provides learner-centered education to empower students with the knowledge and skills to lead meaningful lives and to advance social, economic and environmental justice. Together, students, alumni, faculty and staff form a visionary community that strikes a rare and essential balance between idealism and life experience. CONTINUED ON PAGE 64
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Michael, Sammy, Tamsin & Lew Trelawny-Cassity The Trelawny-Cassitys spend lots of time at their beloved community garden on the Glass Farm. Tamsin is the gardener. Her gram had a sheep farm in Bristol, England, where she grew up. Michael, 4, and Sammy, 6, eat the tomatoes and catch crawfish in the adjacent Thistle Creek. And Lewis helps when he can get away from his job as assistant professor of philosophy at Antioch College. The family moved to Yellow Springs when the college reconvened its first new class in the fall of 2011. The couple had met at Gould Farm therapeutic community in Massachusetts, where Tamsin worked as a clinical social worker and Lew volunteered with the grounds crew. Originally from a rural town in Georgia, Lew was going for a master’s in anthropology when he came across the work of southern preacher Clarence Jordan, whose commitment to interracial equality led to the founding of Habitat for Humanity. The ideas led Lew to a doctorate in philosophy and his first faculty position at Antioch, whose commitment to co-op, classroom and community mirrored the tenants of his alma mater Warren Wilson College, where work, service and learning were the triad of education. Tamsin had never been to Ohio when she first heard of the job at Antioch, and she dreaded moving here. But she found the land a little hillier than she imagined, and she has grown to love the Glen, the library and the walkability and bikeability of the village. Sammy and Michael are also
Tim Rogers, R.PH. Janice Blandford, R.PH. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Mon.– Fri. 9 a.m. – 12 noon Sat. CLOSED SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS 767-1070 263 Xenia Ave.
The Trelawny-Cassitys spend lots of time at their beloved community garden. quite taken with the library. They participated in the summer reading program, and Michael won a party on the Greene County Library’s book mobile full of books about dinosaurs. Sammy likes dinosaurs, but he likes too many other things to be pinned down to any particular interest. — L A U R E N H E ATO N
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Heaven On Earth
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���Garden Room: Garden art, healthful bar & bulk soaps, mens apparel & comfort zone shoes.
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�� Earth Kids Boutique: Boys & Girls apparel (size newborn thru size 16) and accessories.
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Home Décor:Old things & stuff,
lamps, baskets, pillows & glasswaer.
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Antioch University Midwest Student Services, 937-769-1818 sas.aum@antioch.edu midwest.antioch.edu
Antioch University Midwest, formerly Antioch University McGregor, provides adult learners with a unique educational environment that helps them achieve their speci�c personal and professional goals. Students have an extraordinary opportunity to shape their education through collaborative and experiential coursework. Recognized as a national leader in adult learning, Antioch University Midwest, or AUM, is one of �ve regional campuses of Antioch University, which serves approximately 7,000 combined students nationwide. The other locations include Antioch University New England, Antioch University Seattle, Antioch University Santa Barbara and Antioch University Los Angeles. The bachelor’s degree completion program for adult learners includes early childhood education, health and wellness, humanities, human services administration, literature and creative writing and management. Master’s degrees, several of which are offered online with limited residency, include con�ict analysis and engagement, individualized master of arts, management and leading change, master of education with Ohio principal licensure and master of education and teacher’s licensure. Antioch University Midwest also supports opportunities for community ser vice and partnership, from its 200-seat, state-of-the-art auditorium to its classroom facilities, which host events such as the annual Antioch Writers Workshop. Visit Antioch University Midwest online at midwest.antioch.edu to learn more about earning a degree or planning an event, or call 937-769-1800.
Community Children’s Center Marlin Newell, 320 Corry Street, 767-7236 E M A I L : mnewell@childrens-center.com W E B : www.childrens-center.com C O N TA C T:
The Community Children’s Center is a not-for-pro�t, high quality program offering education and care for children 18 months to 12 years of age. Licensed by the state of Ohio, the center is star-rated through the Job and Family Services Step Up To Quality program. The program meets high program and staff standards. The philosophy of the school is based on the belief that children learn through play experiences. The teachers prepare hands-on learning activities to challenge and encourage children at each developmental level. A variety of open-ended materials, activities and social experiences are provided in an environment of comfort and security. Children choose activities, interact with each other, try new roles, experiment with their own ideas, build on their experiences and solve problems. Individualized attention is promoted by small groupings and a low childto-teacher ratio. Parent and community par ticipation enhance program offerings. Staff and enrollment policies encourage diversity of racial, religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The Children’s Center operates Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with a
late program until 6 p.m. Full and half-day programs from two to �ve days a week are designed to meet the needs of three age groups: 18 months through 36 months, 3 years through kindergarten and kindergarten through 12 years of age. The early morning and afternoon program for school age children provides a secure environment, light snack, variety of group and individual enrichment activities and access to community resources. Governed by an elected board of trustees, the Children’s Center is funded through private tuition, United Way allocations, contracts with Greene, Clark and Montgomery county departments of Jobs and Family Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and support from the community. The center staff welcomes inquiries and observation visits.
Friends Preschool Program Brenda Noble, early childhood director, 767-1303 ext. 119 E M A I L : bnoble@GreeneEsc.org C O N TA C T:
Friends preschool program is a public school program that is operated collaboratively by Greene County Educational Service Center, Yellow Springs school district and Council on Rural Services. Located at Friends Care Community, the program provides rich educational experiences to children with delays in development and children who meet Head Start eligibility. A few slots are also available for tuition students from the community. Therapy Services are available as needed. The program is dedicated to helping seniors and children learn together through the development of intergenerational programs. The program includes a strong educational component with structured teaching, as well as a health, nutrition and social service component. Class sizes are small. All staff have bachelor’s or master’s degrees in education. The program follows a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards. Bus transportation is available. The program is free to Head Start children and children with disabilities. There is a nominal tuition charge for private pay children. Friends Preschool serves children ages 3–5 from both Yellow Springs and Cedar Cliff school districts.
Greene County Career Center 2960 W. Enon Road, 372-6941 www.greeneccc.com
The Greene County Career Center has provided quality secondar y and adult career-technical training and exemplar y academic programs since 1967. The center serves students from all seven of Greene County’s school districts, plus adults from all around the Miami Valley. The school’s vision is to provide lifelong opportunities for success. The Career Center’s value lies in its caring staff, cutting-edge technology, options for students of all levels and a fresh start for those looking for a jump-start on a career or a change in their career goals. The center serves over 1,000 high school students and approximately 4,000 adults each year through these programs. Classes are offered at the main campus on West Enon Road and at various high schools throughout the county. In addition to nearly two dozen high school career-technical programs, the Adult Learning Connection provides full-time career CONTINUED ON PAGE 84
Tia & Luca Acheson Aside from the magnetic pull that Yellow Springs seems to exert over artists, painter Tia Acheson felt another element drawing her toward her childhood home. The village native, 41, wanted her son, Luca, 5, to attend the Antioch School, where she herself had learned to create. “It’s really just a place where kids can be kids,” she said of the alternative school that emphasizes child-centered learning. When she was 11 years old, Acheson and her family moved from Yellow Springs to Whidbey Island, an artists’ colony 30 miles north of Seattle. She returned here two years ago when she sensed that the education Luca was receiving in traditional preschool might not suit him. Since then, she too has branched out — as an artist, recently completing a mural in the back room of the Spirited Goat Coffee Shop. The room now sports a cool-toned tropical scene meant to depict the splendor of shade-grown coffee. Birds adorn the trees and coffee plants thrive on the rainforest floor. She said the treetop view from her second-story porch inspired the painting. She contracted with coffee shop owner Michael Herington to create the scene when he noticed her paint-splattered clothing. She proposed the mural and sketched up her idea before painting it freehand. Acheson felt strongly that Yellow Springs would be an excellent community to both
She returned to Yellow Springs when she sensed that the education Luca was receiving might not suit him. grow her painting business and allow her son to explore a non-traditional education. “At Antioch, the teachers trust that kids will learn what they need to learn,” she said. —SARAH SIFF
Photo by Suzanne Ehalt
The Village Guesthouse
A spacious four-room apartment close to downtown and Antioch, available for short and extended stays
The Village Guesthouse 120 W. Davis Street Yellow Springs, OH 45387 (937) 831-1320 or 838-5054 www.thevillageguesthouse.com
��� � � � ������� � ���� � ��� � �� � ��������� ���� � �� � �� � Add Chia Seeds or Moringa Leaf Powder to any drink!
������������������������������������������������� MONDAY–FRIDAY 11A–7P SATURDAY 10A–7P • SUNDAY 10A–6P
937-767-1607 229 Xenia Ave.
preparation classes, enrichment offerings and customized training for local businesses.
Greene County Educational Service Center 767-1303, 360 E. Enon Road greene.k12.oh.us
The Greene County Educational Ser vice Center provides a variety of educational ser vices to Greene County school districts. The ser vices provided for each district var y depending on the size of the district and its students’ needs. By reducing duplication, coordinating programs and minimizing personnel, significant financial savings are realized for the county’s school districts. The nearly 165 Educational Ser vice Center employees, led by Superintendent Mike Gray, presently provide ser vices in six areas. Curriculum ser vices include course of study development, cur riculum alignment to state standards, state proficiency test assistance for teachers, textbook studies, selection of instructional materials, technology support and gifted program coordination. Special education ser vices include preschool programs for children with disabilities; physical, occupational and speech therapy; adapted physical education ser vices; mental health suppor t ser vices; work-study coordination; programs for students with severe behavioral or emotional disabilities; an alternative school for students in grades 6–12; and special education super visor y ser vices.
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Professional development services include a variety of teacher in-ser vice programs. Pupil personnel services include psychological services, alcohol and drug prevention and intervention programs, homeschooling coordination and parent education programming. Mental health services include school-based mental health therapists in each school district providing support for students and educational support for students in need of intensive mental health services.
Greene County Learning Center Lisa Cooney, director of education, 767-1303, ext. 114
The mission of the Greene County Learning Center, located in the Morgan Building, is to provide a school-day program in Greene County for children and youth who are identi�ed as having an emotional disturbance and/or serious behavioral issues. The mission of the center’s teachers and therapists is to meet the academic and emotional needs of the children and youth in the classroom and in therapy. A student’s emotional issues are frequently expressed through inappropriate and detrimental behaviors. The emphasis of the program is to change the behaviors that interrupt academic achievement and to promote positive social and personal interactions, increase students’ self-esteem and increase the probability of success in the regular classroom. To achieve these goals, the academic and emotional support given to students by classroom teachers is enhanced by and coordinated with the mental health component. With the accomplishment of the social and academic objectives, the individual is then ready to re-enter the mainstream school setting. The individual will begin classes at a regular school in a transition process that leads to participation for a full day. Problems or regressive tendencies are dealt with in continued support. When it appears that the individual is ready, he or she is dismissed from the Learning Center program.
Mills Lawn After School Care C O N TA C T:
Mills Lawn After School Care, located on site at Mills Lawn School, is a recreational program offering after-school care for students in kindergarten through sixth grade. The program is designed to provide a safe, stimulating and enriching environment that is child-centered. Children may choose activities according to their own interests, including inside and outside play, organized games, sports, arts and crafts and homework support. In addition, a daily snack is provided. After School Care is a nonpro�t organization with a community-based board of trustees. The program follows the Yellow Springs school calendar and operates on days Mills Lawn is in session, 2:45 to 6 p.m. The program is staffed by a director and child care teachers and is licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Fees, kept as low as possible, range from $100 to $200 a month. The program also accepts Title XX tuition assistance. For registration materials or more information, leave a message at 767-8145.
Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs WEB:
Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs will continue to offer cultural and educational programming along with workshops, reading groups, �lm series and artist residencies in the coming year. Nonstop, a nonpro�t organization since September of 2009, is administered by its working membership and has received funding from the Ohio Arts Council and the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, along with generous donations from villagers. Please check out Nonstop’s informative website for upcoming events, news and archived presentations by nationally respected speakers.
Yellow Springs Public Schools Mario Basora, superintendent, 767-7381; Matt Housh, Mills Lawn principal, 767-7217; Tim Krier, McKinney Middle School/Yellow Springs High School principal, 767-7224 W E B : www.ysschools.org C O N TA C T:
Students in Yellow Springs have the opportunity to pursue an education in three Blue Ribbon National Schools of Excellence: Mills Lawn Elementar y School, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School. The schools are dedicated to creating a challenging educational environment in which each student contributes to the intellectual and cultural richness of the community and is provided with the skills and knowledge to become a socially responsible, self-directed, lifelong learner. The schools have a longstanding reputation for encouraging critical thinking, individual creativity, respect and appreciation for diversity and authentic learning in science, the �ne arts and the humanities. More recently, the schools have been noted for the integration of learning through technology and the inclusion of special-needs students at all grade levels. The public schools are a vital and integral part of the Yellow Springs community and provide an education based on the belief that small schools can provide big opportunities. The board of education continues to ful�ll its commitment to the children of Yellow Springs by de�ning educational goals and supporting programs that meet the needs of each child. A highly trained and dedicated staff and access to the natural beauty and wide range of talent in the community remain cornerstones of the district. Yellow Springs High School provides a comprehensive and varied curriculum for ninth through 12th-grade students. Advanced placement courses, college prep courses, vocational courses (through the Greene County Career Center), dual enrollment, Post Secondary Options Education (PSEO) and a variety of electives are offered in many subject areas. Numerous co-curricular opportunities are available to students: athletics, including a dozen varsity sports, band/orchestra, a theater program, academic clubs, the School Forest Club, Planting Peace Club, Camera Club, French Club, Poetry/Spanish Night, Charlotte Drake Youth Philanthropy Group, and other activities. All students are required to perform 45 hours of community service and a senior CONTINUED ON PAGE 104
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Jen Ater, B.A., E-RYT Holistic Massage Practitioner Hot Yoga Classes Yoga & Surf Retreats Yoga Teacher Trainings Thai-Yoga Massage Holistic Bodywork Yoga Therapy DETOX TREATMENTS:
alkaline ionized water ionic foot baths
Harvey, Miriam, Steve & Sarah Siff
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Miriam loved the toddler program at the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center. Since moving to Yellow Springs she has developed her love of spiders and the color purple, as well as her skills in trike- and bike-riding (with training wheels). Harvey gets lots of attention from other village residents just for being a happy redhead.
Photo by Suzanne Ehalt
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The Siffs spent a day looking around town; two weeks later, they had decided to move here.
Newly accepted into the Ph.D. program in history at Ohio State in 2011, Sarah Siff was expressing her anxiety over the long commute from Oxford (where her husband, Steve, teaches journalism at Miami University), to advisor Steve Conn, a Yellow Springs resident. He suggested checking out the village as a midway point between the two universities. The Siffs spent the next Sunday looking around town for a place to live, and two weeks later, they had decided to move here. Steve, an avid bicyclist, takes Miriam to almost every playground in a 15-mile radius in the bike trailer he got for Father’s Day the month after the Siffs moved to Yellow Springs. Sarah ran her first 5k race at Glen Helen last year, four months after Harvey was born.
937.532.9315 | 120½ Dayton St.
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project as graduation requirements. Students in grades seven and eight attend McKinney Middle School under the same roof as the high school, but McKinney School students have their own band and orchestra programs and participate in seasonal interscholastic sports activities. Emphasis is placed on assessing and accommodating the uniqueness of the early adolescent child in a middle school environment. Considerable effort is made to incorporate interdisciplinar y studies through thematic units. McKinney students are afforded a variety of other cocurricular opportunities including: Power of the Pen, Student Council and other activities.
��������������� Massage Therapy
Ruth A. Schroeder, LMT
T W I N C O A C H A PA RT M E N T S 310 / 320 Union Street Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 767-9180 or 767-7439 Central Air • Fully Carpeted Two-Bedroom Apartments Two blocks from Downtown
licensed by Ohio Medical Board with advanced training in deep tissue and clinical massage �������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������� �������������������
105 West N. College Street, Yellow Springs
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Mills Lawn School focuses on excellence and quality in its mission to educate students in grades kindergarten through sixth. The school offers a safe and engaging environment that promotes inquir y and problem-solving. Mills Lawn School encourages students to “own” their learning and take pride in their work, as well as their school. The school ensures that its students develop strong reading and math skills by focusing on the individual and using data to drive instruction. Mills Lawn School comprises a dynamic staff of educators who excel at teaching and dedicate themselves to improving students’ lives through education. Parents and community members are encouraged to engage with students and play an active role in the school community through numerous volunteer opportunities. Mills Lawn School pursues an integrated academic approach that helps students see the connections between subject areas. The school’s focus on arts education and problem-based learning allows students to learn by doing, thinking and creating. Classes regularly leave the building to explore nature or visit important places that inspire their learning. The school actively recruits and welcomes guests to the school to help students understand their world from many perspectives. Mills Lawn School continues to enhance learning through the use of classroom technology, mobile devices (iPods and iPads), computer labs and quality educational software. The advent of new protocols for assessment and inter vention also help to ensure that all student needs will be noticed and addressed.
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Sharri Phillips & Daniel Tiger Yellow Springs is a place that nurtures young and old, but above all it may be its artists who flouish most here. Such a supportive creative community has surely helped local fiber artist Sharri Phillips express herself through her magical and whimsical quilts and faerie houses. Today her work is both inspired by, and inspires the community. “A lot of people seem to be moved by what I do,” Phillips said. “For a lot of people it gives them a sense of whimsy and opens them up to themselves.” From a light-filled second-story downtown studio, Phillips creates enchanting quilts, magical carousels and fanciful faerie castles that evoke a sense of childhood wonder. The former Antioch College art major considers herself a self-taught outsider in the art world. But she may never have found her style without the village. “I really admired folk and outsider art, but it wasn’t until I came here that I felt like I could express myself in that way,” she said. In many ways, Phillips’ work reflects Yellow Springs, especially the town’s quaintness, she said. But more tangibly, the local arts community has reached out to Phillips and helped her along as an artist. She was
“I really admired folk and outsider art, but it wasn’t until I came here that I felt like I could express myself in that way.” invited to shows and classes and encouraged to continue creating. “The people here were really supportive of arts,” Phillips said. “They were kind, openminded people and it made it easy to feel okay to do art.” For her day job, Phillips works at the counter at the Emporium. There the natural introvert gets her social fix and also has a place to show her work. She’s already preparing for her next Emporium exhibit in December 2013. Until then, she’s preparing her new studio to someday soon host events and be open to customers, spending time with her 10-week-old cat, Daniel Tiger, and continuing the artwork that brings wonder and enchantment to her life. “It’s an escape, but it’s a pretty healthy escape,” she said. — M E G A N B AC H M A N
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Village BP 4 Xenia Ave. 767-1349 MON–THURS: 7 am–11 pm FRI: 7 am–12 midnight SAT: 8 am–12 midnight SUN: 8 am–11 pm
• Over 250 selections of domestic, imported and micro brew beers • Expanded selection of wines including a wide variety of organics • Natural flavors of coffee & cappuccino • Sunday beer all day & wine sales after 11 a.m. • Lottery/ATM machine Locally and Family Owned Ben Van Ausdal, Manager
ARTS AND RECREATION Antioch Writers’ Workshop c/o Antioch University Midwest, 900 Dayton Street, 769-1803 E M A I L : info@antiochwritersworkshop.com W E B : www.antiochwritersworkshop.com C O N TA C T:
The Antioch Writers’ Workshop (AWW), in partnership with Antioch University Midwest, presents writing programs including its annual week-long summer workshop. The workshop was initiated in 1985 by two retired Antioch College professors: Judson Jerome, a well-known poet, and William Baker, an experienced college administrator, dean and teacher. From the beginning, the workshop created a community of writers that mingled faculty and students informally throughout the day as well as during classes and seminars. Its mission was to encourage good writing, and the AWW organized a summer week-long workshop as well as (in some years) a oneday fall workshop. In 1991, a group formed a board of trustees and reorganized to sponsor the summer Antioch Writers’ Workshop using the college as �scal agent, then in 1993, formed its own nonpro�t organization, the Yellow Springs Writers’ Workshop. As of 2009, AWW is presented in partnership with Antioch University Midwest. AWW has brought many well-known and talented writers to Ohio over the years, including Sue Grafton, Ellen Gilchrist, William Least Heat-Moon, Joyce Carol Oates, Melissa Fay Greene, Natalie Goldberg, Sena Jeter Naslund and Nicholas Delbanco. The organization has also highlighted prominent
Ohio authors, including Allan W. Eckert, John Jakes and Virginia Hamilton. AWW embraces diversity and strives to meet the high professional and artistic expectations participants bring to ever y program. By cultivating excellence in all the workshops, AWW works to ensure Yellow Springs remains at the forefront of writing communities nationwide. The 28th annual summer program of the Antioch Writers’ Workshop will be held July 6–12, 2013.
Artist Studio Tour Lisa Goldberg, 767-7285 www.ysarts.org
The Yellow Springs Artist Studio Tour provides visitors the opportunity to explore artists’ studios while getting a glimpse into the inner-workings of technique used by local artists. The tour also allows visitors to see the latest creations of some of the premier painters, sculptures, potters and �ber artists in Yellow Springs. The tour includes eight local studios, with each host artist inviting two to four guest artists to join them for the weekend. The self-guided driving tour is held once a year for two days, usually the third weekend of October, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., both days. Come visit new and returning artists each year. For more information or to download a tour map, visit www.ysarts.org.
Bridge Ken Huber, 767-1160 (Tuesday group); and Tom Holyoke, 767-1626 (Wednesday group)
C O N TA C T S :
Two informal bridge groups meet weekly in the village. On Tuesdays, 1–3:30 p.m., a group meets for party bridge in the Lawson Place common room. On Wednesdays, 6:30– 10 p.m., a group meets for duplicate bridge in the great room of the Senior Center, located at 227 Xenia Avenue.
Chamber Music Yellow Springs For reservations, 374-8800 www.cmys.org
the greatest quintet of reed instruments, will appear on Nov. 18. The masterful Vienna Piano Trio will perform Haydn, Beethoven and Saint-Saens on Feb. 24. On March 24, the Daedalus String Quartet will return and play a new quartet by Allen McCullough, commissioned by CMYS. The Calefax Reeds and the Daedalus String Quartet will also give outreach concerts for schoolchildren. The �nals of the annual CMYS Competition for Emerging Professional Ensembles will be held April 28. This is a double concert by two of the �nest young professional ensembles before a live audience and three judges, who award $7,000 in prizes. CMYS subscription concerts are recorded by SoundSpace, Yellow Springs, for broadcast over WDPR-FM (88.1) and WDPG-FM (89.9) on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. These broadcasts can be heard anywhere in the world on streaming audio at www.dpr.org. The broadcast schedule this season is Nov. 17 (A�ara Quartet), Feb. 23 (Calefax Reeds), March 23 (Vienna Trio), April 20 (Daedalus Quartet) and Aug. 24 (competition �nals). Millard Mier also videotapes the concerts for the community access cable channel. Most CMYS concerts include works by living composers or works with a cross-cultural in�uence. All are preceded by a free pre-concert talk by WSU Professor Chuck Larkowski. There is a post-concert gourmet dinner and reception for the artists, for which a reservation is required. Tickets and reservations for dinner seats are available online at www.cmys.org or by phone at 937-374-8800.
Chamber Orchestra James Johnston delphi@ameritech.net
The Chamber Orchestra welcomes all intermediate and advanced string players and selected woodwind and brass players in consultation with the music director. Ability to read music is necessary. The ensemble gives two to three concerts a year, frequently with chorus, and performs standard repertoire from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church.
Community Band
Chamber Music Yellow Springs will present �ve world-class concerts this season at 7:30 p.m. on Sundays in the First Presbyterian Church. The A�ara Quartet began the season on Sep. 30, with a Beethoven, a Haydn and a new work. The Calefax Reeds, the �rst and
Dennis Farmer or James Johnston, music directors E M A I L : dfarmer@ysschools.org or delphi@ameritech.net C O N TA C T:
The Community Band is open to all woodCONTINUED ON PAGE 154
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Buck & Kyle Truitt & Valerie Blackwell-Truitt Valerie grew up in the village and always knew she wanted to raise her children here.
and his older sons Adam and Justin Truitt played on. Valerie grew up playing volleyball and softball and running track, and always danced because the music moved her to do so. “I dance because it’s part of my calling — I feel it’s part of my soul.”
Physical wellness is core to the Truitts. When the whole family is in town, they often find themselves spontaneously gathering at Buck Truitt’s training studio, Posterior Chain, located at 108 Cliff Street, to row, box, stretch and lift weights to maintain strong, healthy bodies. Buck and Valerie Blackwell-Truitt and their son Kyle Truitt all live in Yellow Springs. Valerie grew up in the village and always knew she wanted to raise her children here. As a dancer, in 1994 Valerie started the annual Yellow Springs community dance concert (which continues today) and involved both Buck and Kyle in creative pieces. But painting is the preferred creative outlet for both father and son, whose art colors the walls of the studio. Buck’s vibrantly colored and angular abstracts contrast with Kyle’s photography and multi-media work, which often touches on issues of race and justice — issues that have affected him both in and outside the village. He drums as an expressive outlet too, and played with the Davie Haters and other bands when the WEB coffeehouse was active in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. Sports are another thing the family shares. In his youth, Buck played baseball in the American Legion and climbed mountains in Colorado, later embodying his love of sports as a coach for many of the teams Kyle
��Built in 1893, the Clifton Opera House now hosts year-round entertainment.
� Every weekend you can find a variety of musical offerings & entertainment. � The Opera House is currently hosting live concerts and events every Friday and Saturday night. INFO : 937-767-2343 www.villageofclifton.com
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wind, brass and percussion players without audition. Music reading is necessary. The band plays about seven concerts a year: two in fall, two in winter/spring and three outdoor summer concerts in June and July. The repertoire includes standard marches, medleys of Broadway and Hollywood songs, big band and jazz sets and featuring standards and other works for concert band in a variety of styles. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m. in the high school band room.
Community Chorus James Johnston, delphi@ameritech. net; Carol Cottom, 767-1458
Founded in 1972, the Yellow Springs Community Chorus is open without audition to all who enjoy singing, can attend rehearsals regularly and are able to learn and perform the music. The ability to read music is desirable, but not required. The chorus usually gives two or three performances a year, often with orchestra, and sings music from a variety of styles, periods and genres. Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings, 7–9 p.m., in the YSHS band room. The chorus gratefully receives United Way funds and other donations through the Yellow Springs Arts Council.
Dayton Mandolin Orchestra Kathryn Hitchcock, 937-408-3678 www.daytonmandolin.net
The Dayton Mandolin Orchestra takes its name from an orchestra that performed in the early 1900s, the heyday of mandolin orchestras. DMO was resurrected in 2004, becoming part of a nationwide revival. Now
in its eighth season, DMO is a community orchestra made up of the family of mandolin instruments, guitar and contra bass. DMO, the only mandolin orchestra in Ohio, is directed by James Johnston. Rehearsals are held in the fellowship hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs on the �rst three Mondays of each month, 7:30–9:30 p.m. Rehearsals are held at other times as required. The orchestra plays a wide variety of music and the season runs from late August to early June. Visitors are welcome at rehearsals, and those who would like to play along should contact the orchestra in advance so that sheet music may be made available.
John Bryan Community Pottery Allison Paul, studio director; Todd Hickerson, studio technician; Geno Luketic, wood kiln manager, 767-9022, 100 Dayton Street; E M A I L : jbcp.ys@gmail.com W E B : www.communitypottery.com C O N TA C T:
the Penguin Building and take a tour. Gallery and open studio hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon–4 p.m. A schedule and description of upcoming classes is available at www. communitypottery.com.
Weavers’ Guild Diana Nelson, 937-767-9487, P.O. Box 825, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 W E B : www.wgmv.org C O N TA C T:
The Weavers’ Guild of the Miami Valley, organized in 1949 to promote interest in handweaving and spinning, moved to Yellow Springs from Dayton in 1998. The guild is a nonpro�t educational organization that promotes handweaving, handspinning and the textile arts. The guild offers education programs in �ber techniques and processes and encourages artistic awareness through topical lectures, discussions, exhib-
John Bryan Community Pottery (JBCP) is a cooperative studio that offers an extensive array of classes, workshops and studio rentals. The Pottery also features a gallery, exhibiting and selling the work of its members and other contemporary ceramic artists. For nearly 40 years, the nonpro�t studio has been providing opportunities for learning and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surrounding areas. The studio is well-equipped with a newlybuilt wood kiln, a gas reduction kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 12 wheels, a slab roller, extruder and glaze room. Renters have 24hour access to the studio. Visitors are always welcome to stop in at
its, workshops and demonstrations.
Yellow Rockers C O N TA C T:
Ralph and Melanie Acton, 767-
Yellow Springs Yellow Rockers is a western square dance club that dances at the plus level. Club dances are held on the second Sunday of each month, 7:30–10 p.m., in the John Bryan Community Center. Square dancers who have completed the plus-level dance lessons — both singles and couples — are welcome. It publishes a newsletter, maintains a large textile arts library and owns equipment available for rent by members. Membership is open to anyone interested in the guild’s mission. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., September through June, at the John Bryan Community Center.
Gentle Dentistry “Caring for Your Teeth and Your Feelings”
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Yellow Springs Arts Council P.O. Box 459, Yellow Springs, OH 45387; Jerome Borchers, president, board of trustees, 937-767-1810
Connecting art, culture and community! The Yellow Springs Arts Council (YSAC) is a membership organization whose mission is to honor, promote and advocate for the community’s creative spirit, strengthening its capacity to build economic prosperity and enhance quality of life. Incorporated in 1972, the YSAC grew out of the Yellow Springs Arts Association, active throughout the ’50s and ’60s in planning classes for children and adults. In 2008, it expanded from a visual arts emphasis to include the village’s wide array of creative offerings, and to date, has identified at least 13 art disciplines active in the village’s ar ts industr y — music, literature, media, movement, visual, theater, culinar y, wellness, crafts, innovation, environmental, design and 3-D (sculpture/assemblage/ceramics). Member artists receive a member page on the Arts Council website, email and Facebook publicity ser vices, fiscal agency, grant-writing education, arts program consultation and opportunities to present art during event programs and in the multi-arts community galler y. The YSAC Community Galler y Program, operating since 2008, has become central to the council’s educational and cultural goals. Currently located at 111 Corr y Street, it is a social purpose enterprise for developing ar tists, providing experiential education under a structured model of facilitation and suppor t. The program encourages regional ar tists to fulfill their visions and enhance professional skills through the exhibition/performance process. Through the program, ar t reception events occur monthly (10month season) in coordination with Third Friday Flings and Experience weekends. Collaborations between visual ar tists and per formers, including musicians, dancers, actors, filmmakers, culinar y specialists and others, are fundamental to the program. Educational workshops and demonstrations supplement exhibitions and are of fered to the public for free or at a low cost. The YSAC also collaborates with a variety of artists and community partners to implement major village-wide events such as Summer in the Springs, Spring Into the Arts, Yellow Springs 10-Day Experience, Experience Artoberfest, Experience
Wellness, Experience Love-In, Experience Earth Day and Experience Cirque Carnival. With partners in 2009, the council created a public art contest, which resulted in three vibrant installations to grace the village at its west and north gateways. As partners, the working model is to provide leadership with shared responsibility for planning, programming and promotion. With research indicating “cultural facilities and events enhance property values, tax resources and overall pro�tability for communities” (The Role of the Arts in Economic Development: National Governor’s Association), the YSAC looks for ward to continued program offerings that enrich the quality of life of community members and visitors.
Yellow Springs Reading Series Anthony Fife, 937-725-3198 or Lauren Shows, 850-625-1183
aj�fe_2005@yahoo.com, lauren. mf.shows@gmail.com
The Yellow Springs Reading Series seeks to introduce both established and upand-coming writers of poetr y, �ction and other genre, and their work, to the Yellow Springs community. Typically held ever y other month, readings feature two to four writers, and readings are preluded by a performance from a musician or group of musicians. Readings are held at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery, located at 111 Corry Street. Occasionally, artists whose work is hanging in the gallery will come and speak on their exhibits at the readings. Reading dates and times are always advertised in the Yellow Springs News. So far, writers and musicians have hailed from Ohio and Kentucky, a few from Yellow Springs and the Miami Valley. The series is constantly seeking writers and musicians to participate. Those interested in reading or performing may contact Anthony Fife at aj�fe_2005@yahoo.com or Lauren Shows at lauren.mf.shows@gmail.com; writers should submit a few pieces for consideration, and musicians may attach sound �les or videos, or links to sites that host their music.
Yellow Springs Strings C O N TA C T:
Shirley Mullins, 767-3361
The Yellow Springs Strings is a string orchestra for adults that meets Tuesdays, 7–8:30 p.m., in the Yellow Springs Senior Center’s great room. Players of modestto-advanced levels of pro�ciency are welcome. There are no fees for participation. The ensemble is conducted by Shirley Mullins. Children and young adults join with the ensemble for special occasions such as the Celebration Concert. Membership is �uid; college students home for vacation, children of orchestra members, etc. are welcome. The ensemble has membership in the New Horizons band, orchestra and chorus organization, which fosters seniors to renew an active role in music-making, or to start from the beginning.
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The Yellow Springs Strings is assisted by the YSYOA, Community Council and the United Way.
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Robert & Olga Harris Fresh out of college with a degree in math and physics, Robert Harris in the late 1950s had a plan: he’d work a few years at WrightPatterson Air Force Base, then take his new family to California, where loads of interesting scientific research was taking place. Raised in Philadelphia, Harris had come to Wright-Patt because, at that time, the federal goverment was one of the few places an African American could find a professional job. After college, he’d tried to find work in his field in Philadelphia, which had several large companies, but he gave up after Philco did make him an offer: as head of maintenance. So Harris came to Wright-Patt, and later brought his new wife, Olga. The couple lived in Dayton, but after their first child, Angela, was born, they worried about sending their child to segregated public schools. Some Wright-Patt colleagues suggested the couple visit Yellow Springs, and the couple was impressed that the town had African Americans on the school board and a black chief of police. “I’d never seen a village as integrated as Yellow Springs,” Harris said. When they moved into their Lisa Lane home, Olga was taken aback by the neighborhood welcome. “The day we moved in, every neighbor on the street came by and brought us food,” she said. “I’d never experienced anything like that.”
“[The kids] all look back on Yellow Springs as the roots of their beginning.” And when Angela thrived in school — she’s now a law professor at the University of California/Davis known as a leading scholar in the fields of critical race theory and feminist legal theory — the family knew they’d made a good choice. At about that time, Bob Harris reconsidered his original plan to move to California, and began contemplating a future in a small town in the Midwest, which he’d never imagined. “I liked Yellow Springs, and we were beginning to grow roots,” he said. “I thought it was a great place to raise kids.” Two more children, Anne and Michael, came along, and the family moved into a larger home on Miami Drive, the one where Bob and Olga still live. The kids seemed to thrive in the diverse yet intimate village, and went on to become accomplished adults. A violinist, Anne is now a professional musician in Chicago who plays with the Otis Taylor Band and records her own music, and Michael works in finance at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, under Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner. “They’re fascinating kids, all so different,” Bob said.
When the kids got older, Olga worked for the Greene County Library for 15 years, and later finished her degree at Antioch University McGregor. After retiring, Bob founded the African American Genealogical Group of the Miami Valley, a group that is still going strong. All in all, the move to Yellow Springs many years ago has worked very well for the Harris family. In a recent interview, they chose to be interviewed in their Miami Drive home, which is rich is photos of their now grown children, of whom they are very proud, and three grandchildren — Angela and Anne each had a daughter, and Michael has a son. “They all look back on Yellow Springs as the roots of their beginning,” Bob said. —DIANE CHIDDISTER
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Hand Letterpressed Invitations, announcements, hand made paper and more! ������������������������������������������������������������������
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John Gudgel, 767-8631
The 365 Project is a local volunteer organization that ser ves as a catalyst organization that challenges and supports the people of Yellow Springs and Miami Township to engage critically and respectfully in dialogue and action that promotes and sustains diverse African-American heritage and culture and educational equity, 365 days a year. The 365 Project meets monthly and has sponsored the annual Elaine Comegys Film Fest, community conversations and a myriad of other activities. For more information, contact John Gudgel at 767-8631.
AACW Faith Patterson, 767-9114 www.aacw.org
• TATTOOS – your design or mine • Body piercing and jewelry
Health Dept. Licensed Gift Certificates Available
115 Glen St., Yellow Springs
AACW (African American Cross-Cultural Works) is a grassroots community organization operating under Ohio guidelines for nonpro�t organizations. Its activities focus on celebrating cultural diversity and working with other organizations to develop understanding of diversity in Yellow Springs, Wilberforce, Spring�eld, Xenia and neighboring communities. Activities are scheduled throughout the year. They include cultural, educational, charitable or social service-oriented activities with a focus on fun, often including performances, and designed to bring together people of diverse cultural backgrounds.
The group has held more than 50 events at various times of the year, including the annual Blues Fest, which has been successful, in part, because of the increasing collaborative efforts of many individuals and organizations in Yellow Springs and the surrounding area. As an organization that is about inclusion, AACW seeks the involvement of all who appreciate diversity and believe that everybody counts.
African American Genealogy Group Robert L. Harris, 767-1949 rharris25@woh.rr.com www.aaggmv.org
The African American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley is a nonprofit ser vice and educational organization devoted to the promotion of African-American genealogy and the study of black and family histories. It encourages education and training in basic genealogical research methods and suppor ts techniques for finding ancestors who were brought to America as slaves or who were nonwhite and outside the social and political framework of early America. The group’s main goals are the search for ancestors, their identification and their documentation. Activities include lectures, networking, workshops and field trips for genealogical purposes. The organization also encourages the writing of personal family histories and historical and genealogical societies. Membership is open to ever yone. Meetings are held monthly at various locations throughout the Miami Valley.
Alcoholics Anonymous C O N TA C T:
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����������������������������������������� www.antiochschool.org�����info@antiochschool.org
Alcoholics Anonymous, 222-2211
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who meet to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no membership dues or fees. The group meets in Yellow Springs on Sundays at 8 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church; Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church; and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and Fridays at 8:30 p.m. at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus.
Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions Jeanna Breza, 767-2161, 114 East Whiteman Street E M A I L : info@community solution.org W E B S I T E S : www.communitysolution.org, www.pluginscam.org F I L M W E B S I T E : www.powerofcommunity.org C O N TA C T:
The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions (CS) was founded in 1940 as Community Service, Inc. It is a nonpro�t organization that advocates for small communities and the bene�ts of face-to-face relationships in a particular place. The organization envisions a world where people live cooperatively in smaller communities which are diverse, equitable and emphasize the values of conservation and curtailment in reducing our energy use. The Community Solutions program, started in 2003, provides knowledge and practices to support low-energy lifestyles, with a primary focus on reducing CO2 emissions in housing, transportation and food. The organization designs or locates solutions to the current unsustainable, fossil-fuel based, overly centralized way of living. The guiding principle for the organization is that small community living is optimal for society’s health. Community Solutions has presented �ve Peak Oil and Solutions conferences, written three books, including Plan C: Community Survival Strategies for Peak Oil and Climate Change, and produced the award-winning �lm Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil.
Better Health Co-op C O N TA C T:
Box 262
Billie Eastman, 767-1511, P.O.
The Better Health Cooperative, Inc., is a lay organization working to achieve physical and mental well-being through emphasis on nutritional balance, physical exercise and spiritual awareness. The co-op’s main program is hair analysis. Membership is open to anyone interested in working on maintaining and improving their health. Membership fee is $10 a year for individuals, $12 a year for families and can be sent to the co-op’s post of�ce box.
Bryan High School Alumni Association C O N TA C T:
Mickey Harwood, 937-629-3862
The Bryan High School Alumni Associa-
tion, formed in 1997, meets the �rst Thursday of February, April, June, August and October at 10 a.m., in meeting room A, Bryan Center. Any person who attended Bryan when it was a high school (1929–1963) or anyone who attended junior high there is encouraged to attend meetings and become a member. The association’s goal of compiling a directory of names and current addresses of all who attended Bryan is on-going. One of the long-term goals continues to be assisting the Yellow Springs public schools in providing students with materials, equipment or amenities needed to support or improve scholastic and athletic programs whenever possible. An annual event/reunion is held once a year at John Bryan Community Center for all eligible persons and their guests.
Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce Karen Wintrow, executive director, 101 Dayton Street, 767-2686 W E B : www.yellowspringsohio.org C O N TA C T:
The Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce is a nonpro�t corporation whose mission is to promote economic development and maintain and improve the prosperity of its member businesses and organizations, thereby improving the quality of life in the Yellow Springs area community. The Chamber supports more than 300 members, representing retail, restaurant, service businesses, industries and organizations by providing education, networking and promotional resources. Bene�ts of Chamber membership include access to discounted health and dental insurance programs; a worker’s compensation group rating program; discounts for prescriptions, eye care, hearing aids, of�ce supplies, credit card processing, employee training and group advertising; networking, education and mentoring, website links and preferred Street Fair registration. The Chamber hosts member events on the third Thursday of every month, with each event held once quarterly. Chamber Chats are informal member gatherings to discuss areas of interest for members. Success Seminars bring in professionals to present educational programming. Both are held 9–10 a.m. in the Bryan Center, rooms A and B. Business After Hours are networking events held at member locations as an opportunity for them to highlight their business, and are held 5:30–7:30 p.m. In addition to providing business resources to support our members, the Chamber is the information center, providing information about shopping, dining, enter tainment, events, recreation, local businesses and
relocation, both residential and business. Printed publications, including the visitor’s guide, member directory and event schedules, among others, provide details about life in Yellow Springs. Much more information is available electronically at www.destinationyellowsprings.com, an easy-to-navigate website and the most complete source of information about events, attractions and businesses in Yellow Springs. With its of�ces centrally located in the Yellow Springs Station on the Little Miami Bike Trail, visitors and residents can also stop into the of�ce for information and brochures. Chamber employees and volunteers staff the of�ce 9 a.m.–5 p.m. weekdays, and noon–5 p.m. on weekends. Twice a year — on the second Saturdays in June and October — the Chamber sponsors the Yellow Springs Street Fair to showcase the community. Other major events include Third Weekend Flings and Holiday in the Springs, plus numerous smaller events throughout the year.
Charlie Brown Patient and Caregiver Support Group Rubin Battino, 767-1854 rubin.battino@wright.edu
The Charlie Brown Exceptional Patient and Caregiver Support Group meets the �rst and third Thursdays of every month from 7–8:30 p.m. in the Senior Center great room. The group provides support for anyone who has (or has had) a life-challenging disease, and also for caregivers. The service is free. Meetings provide an opportunity for attendees to share in con�dence what is going on in their lives. Group members listen respectfully and attentively to each other’s stories. Meetings end with a healing meditation. There is a free lending library.
Emergency Welfare, YS Kids Playhouse, Therapeutic Riding Centre, Youth Center Association, Youth Orchestra and Senior Centers (of both Yellow Springs and Clifton).
Community Foundation
The Yellow Springs Community Foundation is a tax-exempt, public charitable foundation established to bene�t the citizens and community of Yellow Springs and Miami Township. The foundation’s mission is to enhance community life by providing means for charitable giving and grant making that fund a broad range of activities. Entrusted with this responsibility, the foundation’s vision is: • to serve as a catalyst and resource for philanthropy; • to build and be stewards of endowments that address the community’s evolving needs; • to provide �exible and cost-effective ways for donors to improve our community; • to excel in strategic grant-making in areas that include arts, culture, education, recreation, scientific research and social services. Created in 1974, the foundation has assets of nearly $8 million. Endowment funds account for most of those assets, and beneficiaries include Glen Helen, Community Children’s Center, Senior Citizens, educational scholarships and awards, community athletic and music programs, YS Kids Playhouse, Yellow Springs Library, a student-run youth philanthropy program,
Membership of the Yellow Springs Community Council includes Yellow Springs and Miami Township organizations involved with charitable, educational, literary, artistic, recreational and scienti�c endeavors in the village. The board of trustees, acting as the taxexempt �scal agent for the organization, solicits, accumulates and distributes funding in support of the recipient organizations. Funding support is obtained from the United Way of Greater Dayton, Combined Federal Campaign, Combined Community Campaign and individuals. Recipient organizations include AACW, Aquatic Club, Arts Council,
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Virgil Hervey, foundation administrator, 767-2655 E M A I L : info@yscf.org W E B : www.yscf.org
P.O. Box 274; Pam Conine, 767-
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Community Council C O N TA C T:
(937) 767-7701
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the Women’s Park, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Home, Inc., Chamber Music Yellow Springs, Friends Care Community, Green Environmental Coalition, Tecumseh Land Trust and Community Council. The foundation’s newest endowment, the Richard and Nolan Miller Endowment, bene�ts Antioch students demonstrating commitment to working with nonpro�ts in Yellow Springs. The work of the foundation is made possible by the contributions of community-minded donors. Gifts may be made for general or speci�c purposes. Donors may choose direct donations, bequests and a wide variety of other planned gifts. Families may choose to honor a loved one through a memorial fund, and an arrangement with the Dayton Foundation allows the Yellow Springs Community Foundation to offer the convenience of a charitable checking account. The foundation encourages donors to give and local nonpro�ts to apply for grants. For more information, contact the foundation of�ce or visit its website.
Community Resources Kathryn Van der Heiden, chairperson, 767-2153, P.O. Box 214 E M A I L : communityresources@ yellowsprings.com W E B : www.yellowsprings.com/cr C O N TA C T:
Community Resources is a nonprofit community improvement corporation whose aim is to foster economic and community improvement by suppor ting projects, businesses and ideas in Yellow Springs and Miami Township, and to make this region a vibrant, economically healthy, diverse and affordable place to live and
work. The group is focusing on development of the 46-acre Center for Business and Education at the northwest corner of Dayton Street and East Enon Road. A major effort is underway to provide utilities and roads for the business park. Community Resources is a tax-exempt organization formed in the fall of 1998. An all-volunteer board of local people brings to the organization a diversity of skills and resources. The board is composed of representatives from large business, small business, local government, community organizations and the public. Village and township residents with projects, ideas and proposals or who wish to help with one of the projects are encouraged to contact Community Resources.
Community Soccer C O N TA C T:
Bill and Lynn Hardman, 767-
Indoor soccer is played nearly year-round by Yellow Springs residents of all ages at Sportsplex in Fairborn and Gateway in Dayton. In addition to the YSSI youth recreational soccer program, community club teams for boys and girls have competed in MVYSA with conditional use of Morgan Fields. Teams are organized depending on the level of interest in a variety of leagues. Teams generally pay their own way and carpool from Yellow Springs. “Pick-up” soccer games frequently take place at Morgan Fields or Gaunt Park, weather permitting, spring through fall evenings. A “just-for-fun” annual co-ed sixversus-six soccer round robin is also held at Gaunt Park on or around July 4. Teams
are organized the week before the event and players must be at least 14 or entering high school in the fall.
Corner Cone Farmers Market C O N TA C T:
Phil Hagstrom, 265-5411
The Corner Cone Farmers Market is in its second season and welcomes small and large growers to sell their produce and homemade products. There are 13 spaces, and at times, participants will squeeze together to accommodate an additional vendor. This market supports economic diversity and openness with as few rules as possible. The Corner Cone Farmers Market does not require rent or dues and is made possible by the generosity of Bob and Sue Swaney, owners of Corner Cone, located at the Corner of Dayton and Walnut streets. The market is open 7–11 a.m. Saturdays.
Emergency Welfare Committee — Starfish Denise Swinger, 767-2236 denise.swinger@gmail.com
The Yellow Springs Emergency Welfare Committee helps to provide temporary and emergency assistance to people who have urgent financial and personal problems. County programs provide many services on a continuing basis, so much of the effort of Emergency Welfare volunteers is directed toward referring people to appropriate agencies. Financial support is provided by donations from local organizations and the general public. CONTINUED ON PAGE 224
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� Reflexology
Working with all � ages � � races � � levels of physical & emotional health �
Reflexology has the potential to open the channels
for self-healing.
Mark French & Jim Nealon Mark French and Jim Nealon were living in Columbus when they began their search for a small farm. Both grew up in small towns and Jim is a serious horseperson, so they sought a less hectic life at a place where Jim could keep a horse and go hiking on weekends. The two looked into the Gambier area and also Yellow Springs, near where Jim went to college at Wittenberg. Things began falling together in Yellow Springs, when they found a beautiful small farm on Clifton Road, and Jim, an attorney, got a job at the Second Court of Appeals in Dayton. Mark, who sells historic quilts online, could work anywhere. The couple found they enjoyed life near Yellow Springs, whose charms included the local Dharma Center, where Mark meditates. After a while the demands of a farm proved too much, and they found the house on Grinnell Circle where they now live. Jim keeps his horse, Next, at the McCauley Barn on Hyde Road. “We loved being closer to town,” Mark said, and soon they sold one of their cars. Sometimes Mark packs up a quilt for a client and bikes into town to the post office to send it. “I love how accessible everything is,” he said. They were also pleasantly surprised to find in town a larger horse community than they expected. The move has worked out well — so
“I love how accessible everything is; it’s a small town with a big city feel.”
much so that Jim’s parents, Jim and Jean Nealon, also moved to town last year, to an independent apartment at Friends Care Community. Jim and Mark enjoy the vitality of village life, with its restaurants, galleries and movie theater. “It’s a small town with a big city feel,” Mark said. —DIANE CHIDDISTER
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Endowment for Education C O N TA C T:
Virgil Hervey, 767-2655
The Yellow Springs Endowment for Education (YSEE), formerly a separate nonpro�t organization, in 2009 became an advisory committee to the Yellow Springs Community Foundation (YSCF), continuing to review grants consistent with its original mission of promoting excellence, creativity and diversity in education. YSEE’s endowment funds have been converted to a donor-advised �eld of interest endowment residing solely at YSCF, and is a vehicle through which the community members, school alumni, civic organizations and businesses can make contributions to support the education of students in the Yellow Springs public schools. The endowment provides funding for learning opportunities that enhance the curriculum but are not fully �nanced by tax revenues or other grants. For information on how to donate to the fund or apply for grants, contact the Yellow Springs Community Foundation at 767-2655 or visit their website at www.yscf.org.
Feminist Health Fund Sue T. Parker, 767-9146, P.O. Box 323, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 B O A R D M E M B E R S : Elizabeth Danowski, Esther Hetzler, Sue T. Parker, Kathy Robertson, Janet Jenks Ward and Marianne Whelchel C O N TA C T:
The Feminist Health Fund grew out of a local woman’s need for alternative health care during her struggle with cancer in 1978.
With its small board of five to seven women, the fund has continued to provide supplemental coverage and needed alternative health care for women mainly in this area. Two years ago, the board made the decision to limit the area to Greene, Clark and Montgomery counties. Funds are raised yearly as need arises. Grants are often small, but they may make a big difference. Last year, the fund helped 10 women. To apply for help or send a donation, contact the group by phone or post of�ce box listed above.
Food Co-op/Buying Club C O N TA C T:
Luan and David Heit, 767-1823
The Yellow Springs Food Co-op is a local buying club. The group orders natural and organic food and other household products at affordable prices, with a minimum of work for its members. Members place orders online from a wide selection of products. Delivery is every four weeks on Wednesday afternoon.
Friendly Gardeners Tia Huston, 767-4491; Faye Choo, 767-1853
The Yellow Springs Friendly Gardeners are dedicated to horticultural education and to beauti�cation within the village. The organization spans more than six decades. The club donates a new publication on horticulture annually to the local library. Members maintain the Hilda Rahn Park. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month and feature a program of interest to gardeners. This group is af�liated with the Greene County Association of Garden Clubs and with the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs. Membership is open to all with an interest in gardening.
Friends Care Community 150/170 East Herman Street, 767-7363 W E B : www.friendshealthcare.org C O N TA C T:
mvpottery.com 145 hyde rd, ys
Friends Care Community has a single goal: the af�rmation of life. Friends Care’s continuous care community has succeeded in meeting the needs of seniors who seek security and quality care, �rst with extended care, then with assisted living and independent living homes. Friends Care is located on a 22-acre campus. Friends is owned and operated by the Friends Health Care Association and a nonpro�t community for over 30 years. Friends Care is a 66-bed skilled and longterm nursing facility. In August of 2011, Friends completed construction on a new, 16 private room rehabilitation center, provid-
ing a distinct unit for care of short-term stay rehab and nursing services. To accomodate growing therapy needs, a 3,400-square-foot addition provides a state-of-the-art therapy and �tness area to accommodate in-patient as well as out-patient needs. Friends Care is a certi�ed provider of Medicare and Medicaid and some insurance policies. Friends Care has a long history of innovative approaches to resident-focused quality care and de-institutionalization. In the early years, residents determined dress code with the decision to make uniforms optional. In 1987, Friends Extended Care became the �rst home in Ohio, and one of the �rst homes in the nation, to admit people with AIDS. Today, with the advent of new treatments and widespread support, extended care placement is rarely necessary. The Circle of Friends approach strives to capture the feel of home by adding diversity of life to the environment. Friends has a variety of home-like features for residents to enjoy, such as a greenhouse, raised gardens that residents can help care for, plants, facility dog, cat, birds and children. Now a leader in intergenerational programming, Friends Care supports and facilitates relationships between residents and young people. Friends Care has partnered with the Greene County Educational Service Center’s Preschool Program by housing Friends Preschool, which is attached to the nursing facility. Friends Assisted Living Center is a licensed 20-unit facility designed to enhance independence, security and socialization in a quiet setting. The building optimizes privacy, space and views of a wooded landscape from every apartment. Residents enjoy full use of a family-style home, featuring dining and living areas. The center offers a beauty shop, laundry facilities and parking. Services include meals and snacks, medication administration, emergency call lights and pager, daily activities, housekeeping and linen service. Friends Independent Living Homes are senior living duplexes. When fully completed, there will be a total of 16 duplexes, or 32 units. Buyers can choose between twoand three-bedroom units and two building design plans. Each duplex features a garage, appliances and maintenance-free living.
Great Books Ken Huber, 767-1160 kenneth.huber@att.net
Currently, meetings are held September through June on the �rst Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Yellow Springs Community Library, 415 Xenia Ave. CONTINUED ON PAGE 244
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Janeal & Chris Ravndal
Janeal and Chris Ravndal have been married for 54 years, and moved to Yellow Springs six years ago after spending16 years in the Quaker community Pendle Hill in Wallingford, Penn. They were looking for a retirement community and checked out Yellow Springs because they had a daughter in Dayton. Janeal’s sister now lives here as well. The couple purchased an independent living apartment at Friends Care Community six years ago. When the house was being built, Janeal was questioning whether this was the right move for them. One afternoon, as she walked around the FCC pond, the sun hit the trees just right and she saw the same beauty here that she remembered in Pendle Hill. She’s never regretted the move. The FCC path and pond are Janeal’s favorite places in the village, and the yard behind their home is Chris’ favorite place.
One afternoon, the sun hit the trees just right and she saw the beauty here; she’s never regretted the move.
Retired from teaching school, he works hard on landscaping and enjoys watching birds and deer in his yard. Janeal is very active at Curves and the Older and Bolder group at the Senior Center, and she is on the Senior Center board. — S U Z A N N E E H A LT
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The Great Books Foundation, a pioneer of book discussion, brings together people whose love of reading is part of their appetite for lifelong learning. The group uses the Foundation’s method of shared inquiry. This encourages participants to entertain a range of ideas by bringing their own experiences to the discussion of a work rather than relying on outside sources of expertise, an approach the late Bill Baker thought a natural �t for Yellow Springs when he organized the group in 1998. For 2012–13, the group will continue with selections from the second volume in the Foundation’s Great Conversation series. These include: selected poems by John Donne, Meditations One and Two by René Descar tes, Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti, Physics and World Philosophy by Max Planck, The Playboy of the Western World by John M. Synge, selection from The Road to Ser fdom by Friedrich Hayek, selection from Collected Papers of John Rawls, Guests of the Nation by Frank O’Connor, Which New Era Would That Be? by Nadine Gordimer, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Car ver and discussion guides for Frankenstein by Mar y Shelley and Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt.
Green Environmental Coalition 767-2109, P.O. Box 553, gec@greenlink.org www.greenlink.org
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The Green Environmental Coalition (GEC) is a grassroots activist group founded in 1990. The coalition’s mission is to have a positive impact on local, state and regional environmental issues. During its �rst four years, GEC helped educate the community and mobilized legal and political opposition to local burning of toxic chemical wastes. The group is a winner of the 1992 Community Service Award from the Citizens Clearinghouse on Hazardous Wastes. In 2003, GEC was awarded a Private Technical Assistance Grant from YSI Incorporated. In conjunction with the source water protection committee, GEC became the liaison between YSI and the Yellow Springs community for the cleanup of ground water contamination at the YSI site. Documents and a video of this process are in the Yellow Springs Community Library. In addition, GEC produced video coverage of the “Smart Growth for a Small Town” weekend in April 2005. These videos are available at the Yellow Springs Community Library. From 2006 to 2008, GEC waged an active educational campaign against the proposed used tire burn at the local cement kiln. Once again the community rallied together, and along with a turn in the economy, defeated the plan. This harmful type of scrap tire disposal and other alternative fuel use will probably return to the area, so group members remain vigilant, watching for air and water pollution violations. Currently GEC is involved in several projects in the area, including: • Monitoring the water quality of Hebble Creek which runs through the Pitstick Pork Farm after ODA approval to raise its capacity to over 7,000 pigs, making it the eighth largest CAFO in Ohio. • Conducting a cancer study of cases in Yellow Springs using data from the Ohio
Department of Health. • Assisting Greene County residents in their opposition to a rezoning application from Cemex to build another quarry near a residential area. • Launching a major campaign against hydraulic fracturing for natural gas and oil, which includes holding public meetings, educational outreach and working with local and state government. GEC helps support neighbors’ involvement in a range of local environmental issues, as well as becoming involved in state and federal environmental regulation efforts. Interested persons are welcome to attend the regular business meetings on the �rst Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., on the �rst �oor of the Union School House, 314 Dayton Street.
Grinnell Mill Foundation C O N TA C T: WEB:
Chris Mucher, 767-1391
The Grinnell Mill Foundation is a nonpro�t foundation comprised of Miami Township, Glen Helen and the Yellow Springs Historical Society. Its purpose is the preservation and promotion of the historical and educationally valuable Grinnell Mill located at 3536 Bryan Park Road. For more information, please visit grinnellmill.org.
Historical Society David Neuhardt, president; Nancy Noonan, 767-7773; P.O. Box 501
The Yellow Springs Historical Society is dedicated to telling the stories of Yellow Springs’ histor y. The society looks for fresh ways of making the history of Yellow Springs, Miami Township and the region real and exciting to local residents and visitors. The society plans four or more programs a year at which a different story is told. In addition, the society seeks to make these stories accessible to a wider audience through other means. These other efforts have included photo and other exhibits at the Street Fair and other public events; publications, including the popular reprint of Harold Igo’s local ghost stories from the Yellow Springs News and a biography of William Mills by Jane Baker; cooperation with local history programs in schools; stories and announcements on the website and Facebook; community events and celebrations; support of oral and video history projects; advocacy for the preservation, and for collecting the stories, of historic structures; and maintenance of the Antioch Bookplate archives. Future projects include walking tours with supplemental brochures, a formal inventory of a growing collection of artifacts, in-depth research on the historical houses of Yellow Springs and the long-term vision of a museum and research center. The Historical Society is a co-sponsor of the Grinnell Mill Foundation. The historic Grinnell Mill Museum is open to the public year-round on Saturday and Sunday, noon–5 p.m. Membership fees are modest, and the group’s public programs are free and open to the public. CONTINUED ON PAGE 264
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Frank Kakoi Frank Kakoi was a young man living with his parents and siblings in one room in a California relocation camp during World War II when Ernest Morgan offered him a job in Yellow Springs. Morgan, the son of former Antioch College president Arthur Morgan, was a progressive thinker who opposed the government’s move to intern Japanese Americans during the war, and so offered Kakoi a job to help him leave the camp. At the time Morgan, who founded the Antioch Company, was publisher of the Yellow Springs News, and Kakoi was a Linotype operator. Having lived his whole life in California, Kakoi never expected to move to a small town in Ohio, and he worried about prejudice against those with Japanese heritage. But Morgan assured Kakoi that he would find Yellow Springs a diverse and tolerant village, and Kakoi, who has by now spent most of six decades here, found he was right. He also enjoyed working for Morgan, who brought his progressive ideas to the workplace. “Ernest was a great old guy,” Kakoi said in an interview. “He cared about you. He figured if you were happy with your work, your work would be better.” Kakoi was thrilled when, after his father’s death, Morgan also brought his mother and siblings to the village.The family lived for decades in a small house on High Street, where Kakoi tended a large garden. After Morgan sold the paper, Kakoi worked in Springfield until the heavy work damaged his back and he had to quit. About five years ago, he needed more care, and moved to the
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“I love the cordiality of the people here; I take things in stride.” Friends Care Community’s extended care facility, where he currently lives. Having lived through one of the darkest periods of American history, Kakoi is grateful for the advice of his late father, who urged him to always face hard times with a smile. The advice served him well, according to Kakoi, who also feels grateful to the FCC staff for their care. “I love the cordiality of the people here,” he said. “I take things in stride.” —DIANE CHIDDISTER
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Largest selection of
Herbs • Spices • Teas Essential Oils in the area
Handmade Incense & Soaps • Shea Butter • Shampoos • Lotions • All custom scented
1525 Xenia Ave.
Open 10-6 M, Tu, Th, Fri & 12–5 Sun.
Home Assistance Program Amy Crawford, RN; Erika Mahle, LSW; located at the Senior Center, 227 Xenia Avenue, 767-2751, fax: 767-7435 E M A I L : ysschap@gmail.com C O N TA C T S :
The Home Assistance Program is a service of the Yellow Springs Senior Center with partial funding from the Greene County Council on Aging for residents of Yellow Springs and Miami Township. Assistance is available to help older persons and people with disabilities remain in their homes, �nd solutions to problems that arise with diminishing abilities for self-care and care of the home, and strengthen the support offered by family and friends. A registered nurse and a licensed social worker provide assessment of needs, care management, caregiver support and linkage to services such as help with household tasks, home health care, prescription assistance and referrals to community agencies. Counseling, information and referral are offered regarding bene�ts, �nancial assistance, health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, housing, short-term or long-term care planning and other concerns. Home visits and consultations at the Senior Center are provided. Contact Amy or Erika at 767-2751 for more information or email ysschap@gmail. com. All contact is con�dential.
The James A. McKee Association Harry Lipsitt, president, 7678061; Kent Bristol, secretary, 767-7773; Bill Bebko, treasurer, 767-1521 W E B : www.45387.org C O N TA C T S :
The James A. McKee Association, aka
Jim’s Group, formerly known as the Yellow Springs Men’s Group, was organized by the late James A. McKee, the longtime police chief of Yellow Springs who was known to many villagers as simply “Chief.” Since its inception, membership in Jim’s Group has been open to all women and men who have an interest in the health, safety and welfare of the Yellow Springs village community — men and women who want to be involved in and enhance life in the community, school system, the Village and Township governance and commercial and industrial enterprises. At Jim’s Group’s bi-monthly meetings, a guest-speaker is invited to help keep the group informed about some element of the community — Village, Township or school representatives, business owners and representatives from community organizations. The regular meeting agenda includes updates on Village, Township and school governance activities, as well as local business news. Jim’s Group sponsors the annual James A. McKee Scholarship award to deserving graduating high school seniors who have demonstrated both academic achievement and leadership skills. Jim’s Group also sponsors the annual Founders Award to recognize individuals and/or groups (nominated by villagers) who’ve made a significant contribution to the community through voluntary effort. Jim’s Group also supports the annual Martin Luther King Jr. oratory contest and the Lions Club �reworks fund, as well as other community organizations. Jim’s Group sponsored the Cost of Living Study (from which two annual Community Forums evolved), a water protection forum and a study of telecommunications in the village. And Jim’s Group continues to sponsor Candidates Night — a forum for candidates for local of�ce to present their views and to interact with voters.
Kings Yard Farmers Market C O N TA C T:
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Cathy Christian, 767-7448
For over 20 years, the Yellow Springs Farmers Market has offered an opportunity for area growers to sell extra produce from their farms, gardens and homes. The Kings Yard Farmers Market is open Saturdays from May through October, 7:30–11:30 a.m., in the Kings Yard Market Place parking lot. Now there are over 20 vendors at the market, and all products are raised or grown in Ohio by licensed agri-businesses. Many are certi�ed organic, and all are part of the Ohio Proud Program.
La Leche League Laura Ann Ellison, 767-1097 ellisonla@mindspring.com www.llli.org
Mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies will �nd encouragement and information from La Leche League International. La Leche League leaders are available by phone 24 hours a day. Leaders are available for private consultation, home visits and hospital visits. La Leche League is a mother-to-mother breastfeeding suppor t group. La Leche League leaders are accredited through La Leche League International. Leaders stay informed of current medical research and best practice. Leaders encourage the sharing of personal experiences from mother-tomother.
Lions Club C O N TA C T:
Carol Gasho, 767-2168
Chartered in 1951, the Yellow Springs Lions Club aids the blind and visually disabled and supports community projects. For many years, the club has funded eye exams and glasses for local needy individuals, primarily schoolchildren. The Lions are responsible for bringing the Fourth of July �reworks show to Yellow Springs. They plan this event year-round. Club members also erect American �ags downtown on national holidays. The club administers the $3,500 Foos Scholarship, which goes to a high school senior planning to major in math or science. Most Lions Club funds raised in Yellow Springs are returned to the community, but regular support is also given to area and state eye banks, Ohio Lions eye research and helper dog programs. A special effort every year to collect and recycle eyeglasses and lenses for the use of people in other countries is an ongoing project, and collection boxes can be found in several locations throughout Yellow Springs. Primary revenue projects are the annual sale of Entertainment Books, a food booth at Yellow Springs Street Fairs and contributions from businesses and individuals for the Fourth of July event. Dinner meetings are held at the Friends Care Assisted Living facility on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, except in July and August, and include a brief program on a topic of interest from a guest speaker.
Masonic Lodge Don Lewis, 937-901-6211 www.YellowSprings421.org
The Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge was chartered in 1868. Its mission is to provide a fraternal brotherhood that supports the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Masonr y is a place where one can find unlimited opportunities to acquire leadership experience, self-development and personal growth while enjoying fellowship and service to the community.
Craig Mesure, 767-2098
E M A I L : yshspto@gmail.com
The McKinney Middle School/Yellow Springs High School Parent Teacher Organization is an organization of parents and guardians working cooperatively with the faculty and staff to: facilitate home and school communication; support faculty, staff, students and fellow parents with the common goal of promoting student success; and develop meaningful and collaborative roles for parents and guardians by providing opportunities for volunteering, advocacy and fundraising for the bene�t of the students and the school. All parents/guardians of students attending the McKinney School or YSHS will be considered members of the PTO. There are no membership dues. The PTO meets monthly; the regular meeting time is announced at the beginning of the school year. Discussion, speakers and events are planned to strengthen the community and develop parent and educational success. For additional information, email yshspto@gmail. com or call PTO co-chair Craig Mesure at 767-1098. CONTINUED ON PAGE 284
Don, Emmet, Otto & Kendra Cipollini
When Don and Kendra Cipollini return home to Yellow Springs from vacationing, they sometimes feel that their vacation is beginning all over again. “I’m always excited about coming home,” Kendra said. Part of their enthusiasm has to do with the lush green surrounding their Spillan Road home, where their sons, Emmet, 9, and Otto, 7, love to climb trees. And part has to do with the warmth of the community they’ve called home for the past 12 years. “You go to the store and run into 25 people you know,” Kendra said. The Cipollinis are both biologists — Kendra teaches at Wilmington College and Don at Wright State — and moved to the village after Don got the Wright State job. Five people in his department live in or near Yellow Springs, he said, and he estimates that perhaps 50 Wright State faculty live in town, attracted, like the Cipollinis are, to the town’s lively culture. “It’s artsy and intellectual, and that’s interesting to us,” Don said. “And it’s like a city — you can walk.” In recent years, Don has become an expert on a topic of great local interest: the emerald ash borer and the fate of village ash trees. In a collaboration with biologists at Ohio State, Michigan State and the United States Forestry Service, Cipollini and others at Wright State are studying how to develop ash trees that are resistant to the pests, which have decimated most ash trees in northern Ohio and are now heading south.
Part of their enthusiasm has to do with the lush green surroundings; part with the warmth of the community. “It’s the only place I’d want to live in Ohio.”
For the first time, infected trees were found in the village this summer. Kendra’s scientific interest also involves pests, but of the invasive species variety, especially honeysuckle, garlic mustard and figwort. The couple met as graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania. And when they’re not studying invasive species, the Cipollinis like to be active. They’re pleased to have found others in town who share their athletic interests — Don has been playing pick-up basketball with a local group for 11 years, and on Saturday mornings Kendra joins the Yellow Springs Running Girls, who jog on the bikepath. Living in the village works well for both their family and their careers, the Cipollinis said. “I go 10 miles west and she goes 25 miles south to work,” Don said. “It’s the only place I’d want to live in Ohio.” —DIANE CHIDDISTER
Miami Valley Track Club Vince Peters, 767-7424 mv_tc@sbcglobal.net www.MiamiValleyTrackClub.org
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The Miami Valley Track Club is an organization for runners, joggers and walkers of all ages. Now in its 26th year, the club hosts several events during the calendar year, including road races, track and �eld meets and cross-country carnivals. The club is based in Yellow Springs but also attracts athletes from the surrounding communities. The Miami Valley Track Club is focused on developing the younger athlete. However, it is nationally recognized, with several member athletes competing at the top levels of the sport, including the Olympic Trials and representing the U.S.A. in international competitions. While the club is involved in activities year round, it conducts organized practices from May through July and September through December.
Mills Lawn PTO Chris Linkhart, president, 408-1496 E M A I L : clinkhart@aol.com C O N TA C T:
The Mills Lawn PTO is a volunteer organization that provides enrichment and social activities for the Mills Lawn community. PTO sponsors fundraisers, such as Street Fair parking and magazine sales, to help support the purchase of equipment, supplies and fund �eld trips not covered by the school budget. The PTO relies solely on volunteers, and welcomes and encourages any parent/ guardian to become involved by attending
the monthly meetings or volunteering time or services for an event. More information will be available in students’ school mail for fall PTO events. For more information, contact PTO President Chris Linkhart at 4081496 or clinkhart5@aol.com, or visit the PTO website at www.yellow-springs.k12.oh.us/ysmls/mills_lawn_pto.htm.
stop using drugs. The program has found that one addict helping another works to achieve that, when all else fails. An open meeting is held in the basement of the Yellow Springs Methodist Church Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m.
Morgan Family Foundation
Executive Director Lori M. Kuhn, 767-9208 E M A I L : info@morganfamilyfdn.org W E B : www.morganfamilyfdn.org C O N TA C T:
The Morgan Family Foundation is a private family foundation based in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and funded in December 2003 by Lee and Vicki Morgan. The foundation believes in: • building stronger, more inclusive communities; and • broadening horizons and inspiring action through the power of education and experiential learning. The foundation awards grants to public charitable organizations that primarily serve the communities of Yellow Springs and St. Cloud, Minn., and their immediate vicinity. In addition, other communities and organizations that are supported by board and family members may receive grants from time to time.
Narcotics Anonymous Information line, 800-587-4232 frascna.org
Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship for achieving recovery from addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to
Neighborhood Gardens 767-2729
Neighborhood gardening is based on a simple idea: to have places within walking distance of one’s home where neighbors can garden together. Presently, �ve neighborhood gardens are open, at Friends Care, Bill Duncan Park, Corr y Street, Fair Acres Park and Glass Farm. This year, 70 gardeners signed up for plots. Most of the present gardeners do not own land, or do not have suitable sites for gardens because of shade. Currently, no fees or deposits are required, in order to promote a central value of af fordability. The independent group does not receive — nor will it ask for — �nancial support from any government agency. We rely upon the voluntar y labor and occasional donations from the gardeners themselves, according to their abilities. Fellow gardeners work together to overcome dif�culties which may arise, and meet during the growing season at monthly potlucks open to all. The group hopes eventually to open seven more neighborhood gardens, geographically well-distributed about town, and to accommodate around 200 gardeners by 2015. It is likely that certain of these gardens will be on volunteered private and corporate land. The group’s steering committee is CONTINUED ON PAGE 314
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Bob & Sue Parker Bob Parker came to Yellow Springs in 1957 as the first director of the Glen Helen school camp at the request of Antioch College President Arthur Morgan, and he went on to run the co-op program at the college for 20 years. Retired now, he leads nature hikes in the Glen in his free time and is well known as a local history buff. Sue came to the village in 1970 looking for a communal living situation. A single mom with a 2-year-old daughter, she had been living communally in Chicago and wanted to find a similar way to live. A friend said “Just move to Yellow Springs. It’s a commune.” So Sue and her daughter, Jennifer, came down to the village on a whim and found shelter by housesitting for an entire year before finding a place of their own. Sue never returned to Chicago. The couple met at a neighborhood bar, Comms on Davis Street, and have been married for 38 years. Bob describes Sue as a “doer.” She’s been active with the Feminist Health Fund, and Home, Inc., and in the ’ 80s helped run a refuge camp. Sue describes Bob as “a super-practical person who can solve any problem.” They have a total of six grandkids, four of
“A friend said, ‘Just move to Yellow Springs. It’s a commune.’ ” whom they see daily because they live here in town. Sue’s daughter, who moved to Boston to pursue graduate school in voice, now lives here with her two children, and one of Bob’s daughters also lives in Yellow Springs. — S U Z A N N E E H A LT
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Greene County Combined Health District Your Center For Public Health Services and Information
Community Health Services
w Women’s Health Services wTots-N-Teens w WIC w HIV/AIDS/STD w Dental Clinic w TB/Communicable Disease Control w Immunizations w Health Education w Safe Communities
Environmental Health Services
w Emergency Preparedness Planning w Sanitation Inspections– Food, Sewage, Water, Housing and Recreation w Plumbing Inspections w Mosquito Control w Nuisance Abatement
Birth and Death Certificates Serving Café Brioso beans shade grown, fair trade coffee ������������������������������� ���������������������������������������
360 Wilson Dr. Xenia, Ohio 45385 (937) 374-5600 /1-866-858-3588 www.gcchd.org
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composed of representatives selected by each neighborhood garden group, liaisons with the Environmental Commission and Village manager and experienced garden mentors. For more information, or to sign up for a plot, contact Thor and Friends at 767-2729.
Odd Fellows Dean Severtson, 286-2637 ysioof279@yahoo.com
The Yellow Springs Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows dates back to 1855. Odd Fellows follow the precept to “visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan.” The local lodge sponsors annual scholarships for Yellow Springs High School seniors and contributes to local charitable organizations. Recent activities include sponsorship of the Fourth of July parade, road cleanup, park maintenance, Street Fair participation and various fun social activities. IOOF Lodge #279 meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Lodge Hall, 261 Xenia Avenue, starting with a social hour at 6:15 p.m. Men and women over the age of 16 are welcome to join.
Overeaters Anonymous C O N TA C T:
Overeaters Anonymous is a program of recovery for persons who share a common problem: compulsive overeating. Patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous believes that compulsive overeating is a threefold disease: physical, emotional and spiritual.
Ranch Menagerie Animal Sanctuary Nick Ormes, 937-231-1046, P.O. Box 123, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 E M A I L : theranchmenagerie@yahoo.com W E B : TheRanchMenagerie.org C O N TA C T:
The Ranch Menagerie Animal Sanctuary was incorporated as an Ohio nonpro�t organization in 2008. The main purpose of Ranch Menagerie is to provide homes for abandoned, lost or owner-surrendered farm animals and farm-friendly dogs. Ranch Menagerie is a “no-kill” facility, and grows all-natural, native cat nip, which is sold in several local shops and by appointment. The goals of Ranch Menagerie are: • To be “grid-free” in three years
• To grow most of its own feed and hay • To help “revive the hive” by providing beehives to bene�t the honey bee population, without the intention of collecting honey • “Project Flying Blind” — building and installing bat houses throughout the ranch and adjoining properties • To rid the property of honeysuckle • To plant native species Those interested in supporting the Ranch Menagerie may make donations at any U.S. Bank location to the RMAS account, the Y.S. Federal Credit Union account or by PayPal (see website). For volunteer information, contact Nick Ormes by phone or email. As of the publication, Ranch Menagerie is not open to the public; visits may be arranged in advance by phone or email. Visits by appointment only.
Riding Centre The Riding Centre, 767-9087 www.ridingcentre.org
The Riding Centre was established in 1960 by Louise Soelberg as an educational, nonpro�t project dedicated to the teaching of horsemanship, the care and management of horses and the training of young teachers. Located on a portion of Glen Helen, Riding Centre facilities include a large outdoor ring, a lighted indoor ring, a cross-country hunt course, several trails and two stables, which house the school’s horses, boarders and the Therapeutic Riding Program. The Therapeutic Riding Program, started in 1974, serves adults and children with developmental disabilities. Carolyn Bailey is the riding teacher for the program, which is funded by individual contributions, several bene�t horse shows and United Way funds disbursed by the Yellow Springs Community Council. The Riding Centre also features summer riding day camps, in which children attend a four-hour-daily schedule for one week, learning about the care of horses and the skills of riding.
a variety of services, programs and events, and have of�ces and meeting rooms in the Senior Center building downtown in Yellow Springs. The transportation program operates Monday through Friday and transpor ts seniors, and others in the community who are unable to drive for medical reasons, to medical appointments, social ser vice appointments and on shopping trips for critical needs. The homemaker program provides help with everyday living chores such as essential light cleaning, laundry, meal preparation and errands. The services can be tailored to a person’s needs. The home assistance program provides a wide range of social services for seniors, including home visits with individuals and caregivers; consultations at the Senior Center to discuss problems and options; assistance with arranging home health care services; ongoing care management; caregiver support; assistance with Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, prescription assistance, help with utility costs, housing, short or long-term care needs and linkage to other supportive programs. In addition, the Senior Center provides a wide range of social services for seniors, including hearing aid help twice monthly, and health screenings. Yearly �u shots are provided by the Greene County Combined Health District. The Activities Program arranges trips to museums, gardens, plays and other programs and events that give seniors opportunities to socialize and to stretch their minds and bodies. There is a lunch outing at least once a month. The quilters, needleworkers, weavers and knitters teach others their
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Senior Citizens Center 767-5751, 227 Xenia Avenue ysscof�ce1@gmail.com www.seniorcitizenscenter.org
The mission of the Yellow Springs Senior Center is to provide supportive services and effective programs that enhance dignity and quality of life for seniors, and to foster interaction with each other and the community. To further this mission, the organization and its members provide
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SEEKING A NEW SPIRITUAL HOME...? The UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP of Yellow Springs is a liberal, inclusive, supportive congregation for people with diverse beliefs. You may be a Unitarian and don’t know it. Take the test at www.beliefnet.com. Sunday services and classes for children 10 a.m. Adult discussion group 8:30 a.m. Meetinghouse on U.S. Rt 68 in Goes two miles south of Yellow Springs. Phone 372-5613
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Building rental available. Air conditioned & geothermal heat.
skills and hone their own while enjoying each other’s company. Bridge players meet at the Center, devoting one night a week to teaching others and another night to playing duplicate bridge. The Mah Jongg group meets every Saturday, noon–5 p.m. There are many opportunities for exercise: yoga, tai chi, Flexercise, qi gong, ping pong, seated volleyball twice a week, swinging weights and other exercise classes. There is a constantly evolving collection of interesting activities such as poetry reading and poetry writing class, memoir writing class and French, Spanish and Italian language classes. A hot lunch is available on Monday and Wednesday at noon in the Senior Center great room through Community Action Partnership by signing up in advance. The third Thursday potluck lunch at noon has enjoyable entertainment and good food. The Center’s support group is the Charlie Brown Exceptional Patient and Caregiver Support Group. Older and Bolder: The Joys and Challenges of Growing Old is an open group for sharing information, experiences and opinions, and hearing from well-informed guests. Participants cooperate to make aging the best growth experience in life. The Senior Center is a resource for information for seniors and other adults, including forms for living wills and durable power of attorney, and information about regional transportation services. A monthly newsletter is published for members and anyone who requests it. Membership in the Yellow Springs Senior Center is open to all — there is no age or residency requirement. And you do not need to be a member to participate. Weekly hours are Monday–Friday, 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Please come for a visit at the Senior Center.
South Town Farmers Market C O N TA C T:
Patty Purdin, 937-767-4261
The South Town Farmers Market offers Yellow Springs and other area growers and bakers an opportunity to sell fresh produce and baked goods every Thursday, 2–6 p.m., from April to October. The market is located in the parking lot of the Dollar General store on Xenia Avenue, across from WesBanco. It is open to all and �lls the need of the community for a mid-week farmers market. Prospective vendors should call for more information.
Sowelo C O N TA C T:
767-2258, P.O. Box 450
Sowelo (pronounced so-wee-low) is a nonprofit, community-based network of practitioners with diverse expertise in endof-life issues, committed to ser ving the Yellow Springs area. Sowelo offers support, education, facilitation and empowerment to those who are coping with complex choices and needs. It also helps people who are not dying but who may be facing mortality issues. Although Sowelo is not hospice, it may be helpful prior to, in the absence of, or in conjunction with hospice. The group also provides support to dying animals and their human companions. Fees are based on ability to pay.
Tecumseh Land Trust Krista Magaw, 767-9490, P.O. Box 41 E M A I L : krista@tecumsehlandtrust.org W E B : www.tecumsehlandtrust.org C O N TA C T:
Tecumseh Land Tr ust is a nonprofit conservation organization serving Greene and Clark Counties and surrounding areas. The purpose of the organization is to preserve agricultural land, natural areas, water resources and historic sites, in voluntary cooperation with landowners, and to educate the public about permanent land preservation. The organization assists landowners in navigating state and federal easement programs and accepts donated easements on farmland and natural areas. Tecumseh Land Trust has helped preserve over 20,000 acres of land in the area. Landowners may contact the organization’s of�ce to learn more about the potential tax and economic bene�ts of conservation options. One Percent for Green Space is a program of the Land Trust created to raise funds speci�cally dedicated to preserving green space, farm land and natural areas in Yellow Springs and Miami Township. Participating busi-
nesses add a voluntary one percent donation to the purchase price and pass the contribution on to the Tecumseh Land Trust. Since 2008, these funds have helped preser ve over 600 acres in Miami Township. Signs are posted in approximately 30 participating businesses. Tecumseh Land Trust welcomes new members and volunteers. Member support is the only way the organization is able to keep natural lands natural, rural landscapes rural and drinking water clean. Call the Tecumseh Land Trust of�ce or visit the website to learn more or become a member.
Tenant Cooperative Paul Buterbaugh, 767-2224 paulbuterbaugh@sbcglobal.net
The Tenant Cooperative of Yellow Springs and Miami Township offers free consultation on matters of tenant/landlord disputes. Typical problems relate to security deposit return, maintenance, eviction and discrimination in rental offerings.
Tree Committee C O N TA C T:
767-1853 or 767-2162, P.O. Box
The Yellow Springs Tree Committee was founded in 1982 with these goals: • To provide leadership in the planting and care of ornamental trees on the public lands of Yellow Springs • To act as an advisory group to the public on tree and shrub care, selection, removal, etc. • To encourage the improvement of private property through the wise selection and use of ornamentals The Tree Committee grew out of two community tree-planting projects: a 1976 project honoring retiring Yellow Springs News editor Kieth Howard by planting trees on Mills Lawn, and an ongoing beauti�cation program placing trees in the downtown business district and throughout the village. The committee offers a tribute tree-planting program, including memorials and commemoratives for living persons, to honor a life, a service or a signi�cant event. New members are always welcome to join.
Joy Fishbain, 767-7724
UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, has worked since 1946 to protect the lives of children around the world. Assistance is provided in the areas of health care, safe water supply, sanitation, nutrition, eduCONTINUED ON PAGE 344
Terry Johnson & Rosie Terry Johnson is a peaceful patriot. The stars and stripes stickers and the American flag mailbox in front of his apartment stand for more than just supporting the troops in Afghanistan. They also symbolize his hope that those troops will all come home soon, to the families here waiting for them. When he can’t sleep at night, Johnson gardens. He can be found at any hour of the night watering the cannis, geraniums and sunflowers that bring butterflies and green finches to his own private Eden. The gardening takes him back to his grandparents’ tobacco farm along the Ohio River in Adams County, where he grew up. After moving to Detroit to work for a tool and die shop, he was drafted into Vietnam’s 701st maintenance division and served a hellish year from 1966–67. He returned with post-traumatic stress disorder and spent decades, which he calls his “crazy days,” trying to manage a peace-time working life. He is grateful to have a place where he feels comfortable in the company of good neighbors and extended family, including his granddaughter Anaya. His little dog Rosie helps him to remember the love he has in his life. “A lot of people take things for granted, and I just thank the Lord that this space is available to me to raise my flowers and vegetables,” he said. “Now I’m just enjoying life.” — L A U R E N H E ATO N
“A lot of people take things for granted, and I just thank the Lord that this space is available to me to raise my flowers and vegetables. Now I’m just enjoying life.”
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cation and training. The Yellow Springs community has given generous support to UNICEF. Many residents make an effort to purchase UNICEF cards and children collect donations during Halloween “Trick or Treat for UNICEF.” The holiday card consignee program has been discontinued, but cards can be purchased from Hallmark Gold Crown Stores, Pier One Imports or by contacting Joy Fishbain for assistance.
Winter Farmers Market
• working with potential low-income home buyers to prepare them for home ownership • building permanently affordable homes and rental housing in Yellow Springs where housing prices are relatively high • supporting homeowners through a stewardship program • advocacy for sustainable development in Yellow Springs
767-7560 wintermarket@yellowsprings.com
is to strengthen community and diversity by providing permanently affordable and sustainable housing through our Community Land Trust model. Home, Inc. accomplishes its mission through four major activities:
Located in the basement of the United Methodist Church at 202 S. Winter Street, the winter market is open every Saturday morning, January–March, 9 a.m.–noon. The market features hoop-house produce, baked goods, jellies, honey, eggs, pork, cheese, maple syrup, granola, herd-share milk and more items from many of the same vendors who attend the summer market. Some Saturdays feature local artists or musicians. Follow the market on Facebook at “Yellow Springs Winter Farmers Market.”
Yellow Springs Home, Inc. Tom Clevenger, program manager, 767-2790, P.O. Box 503 W E B : www.yshome.org. C O N TA C T:
Yellow Springs Home, Inc. (Home, Inc.) is a nonpro�t organization whose mission
Home, Inc. has built or rehabbed 16 homes with a zero percent foreclosure rate since its founding and has provided for more than $2,500,000 in development in Yellow Springs. Home, Inc. has a pipeline of diverse projects over the next several years and is actively seeking applications for home ownership. Yellow Springs Home, Inc. is organized as a membership-based community land trust, or CLT, with a board of directors that includes at least one homeowner. The CLT model encourages the permanent affordability of each home built. Funding from local donors, foundations and county and state government help support its housing development efforts. To become a member or volunteer, or to get homeowner or renter information, contact Tom Clevenger, program manager, at 767-2790 or email tom@yshome.org, or visit www.yshome.org.
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STIFLE THE SEASONAL SNEEZES • Quality supplements to help with allergies and colds • Special orders gladly ful�lled
The Vitamin Outlet in the News of�ce, 2531/2 Xenia Ave.
Corrie VanAusdal, Matt Collins, Tiger Jane &Theo The Yellow Springs High School class of 1995 is doing its part to bring young people to the village. Several graduates of that class have recently, with their families, moved back to the village after years of being away, and others are considering a move. Corrie VanAusdal is one of those 1995 YSHS graduates. With her husband, Matt Collins, and children, Tiger Jane and Theo, Corrie moved this summer to the former Hollister residence on Wright Street. The family moved after many years in Kansas City because Corrie wanted her children to have the sort of small-town childhood that she grew up with. “We wanted a safe place with lots of personal freedom,” she said. “A place where you can let the kids go off and explore, where an 8-year-old can ride on their bike downtown and spend their allowance.” They’re also pleased to be closer to family, including Corrie’s father and stepmother, Paul and Carol VanAusdal, and her brother, Ben, and his family. Corrie is also the daughter of the late Carolion. The couple met at the University of Cincinnati where Corrie was studying theater and doing improvisational gigs (she got her start in YSHS plays) and Matt studied photography at the UC School of Design, Art, Architecture and Planning. In Kansas City, he owned a commercial photography studio, and Corrie was active in theater. They plan to make a slow entry into vil-
“We wanted a safe place with lots of personal freedom; a place where you can let the kids go off and explore.” lage life as much as possible, although Tiger enters kindergarten this fall at Mills Lawn, so things will get hectic soon. Initially the two will share studio space across the parking lot from Dr. VanAusdal’s office, and Corrie will also work for her stepbrother in Dayton. Matt plans to seek commercial photography jobs in the area and eventually Corrie plans to return to acting. Corrie is thrilled that her YSHS friend Eden Robertson, along with her husband, Kevin Matteson, and their two children recently moved to town as well, and another friend, Hillary Skea Lee, with her husband and two little girls, is planning a move soon.
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LIBRARY Yellow Springs Community Library
whether we use it or not, but you might as well come in and make sure you get your money’s worth!
352-4003; Connie Collett, head librarian; Ann Cooper, children’s specialist W E B : www.greenelibrary.info
The Yellow Springs Community Librar y is located at 415 Xenia Ave. Hours of operation are: Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.–9 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sundays (during the school year), 1–5 p.m.
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Do you need entertainment that is free and close to home? Do you need a fast Internet connection? Do you need a learning and social time for your baby, toddler or preschooler? Do you need something for your kids or teens to do? Do you need a good book to read? Do you just need some answers? Your local library provides all of this for free! The Yellow Springs Librar y houses almost 60,000 items including books, movies, audiobooks, music, magazines and newspapers. Millions more can be borrowed from other libraries, including six other public libraries in Greene County. Quickly gaining popularity are free, downloadable audiobooks and e-books for the iPad, Nook or Kindle. Computers for the public and a high-speed Internet connection make the library the place to go when there’s slow or no Internet at home. Wireless for your own laptop lets you connect to the Internet and use all the library’s online services. One-on-one instruction for computer novices ensures that no one is left behind. Story times for babies, toddlers and preschoolers are a fun way to make sure your child gets an early start in reading. Special activities for older kids and teens — including a Teen Advisory Group — keep them busy, connected and reading. The Summer Reading Program keeps people of all ages reading over the summer, educates and entertains with great programs and prizes to keep everyone motivated. If you have questions, there’s always someone to help �nd an answer, whether in person, by phone, via 24/7 chat, instant messaging or email. The library’s subscriptions to premium databases often make getting answers easier than Googling on your own. If you’re homebound and can’t make it to the library, the library’s Outreach Department will bring books and other materials to you. All these ser vices are available to you for free, but they don’t just fall out of the sky; they’re paid for with your tax dollars. When our community joins together to fund a public librar y, the payoff for each of us is many, many times greater than anything we could get for the cost of one share alone. We all bene�t from the librar y
A GREAT PLACE TO SELL Call the News at 767-7373 for details and rates.
Library Association Ruth Lapp, president, 767-2708, hslapp@aol.com; Deb Marvin, secretary, marvin212@juno.com
C O N TA C T S :
The Yellow Springs Library Association has a long histor y of volunteer achievement. The doors of the �rst library in Yellow Springs opened in 1899 through the efforts of a group that, in 1901, incorporated as the Yellow Springs Librar y Association. The group was responsible for maintaining every aspect of the library until 1926, when the library became part of the Greene County library system. The Library Association is now a “Friends of the Library” organization. The governing of the library and its day-to-day operation are the responsibility of the Greene County system. The Yellow Springs Library Association assists the Yellow Springs Library in many ways: • Publishes a newsletter, Ex Libris, four times per year • Provides refreshments and prizes for library programs • Funds speci�c projects such as new bike racks, updated media shelving and meeting room lighting improvement • Provides a forum for the library-using public and a means for book lovers to gather together • Supplies supplemental activities for the summer reading program • Gives a book to local newborns • Presents a book bag to children when they get their �rst library card • Augments the librar y’s collection of DVDs, CDs, toys and books • Helps the library with the purchase of equipment and furnishings • Raises funds through such activities as the Founders’ Day bake sale, and used-book sales at the library and on Amazon • Works on library landscaping, including removal of invasive honeysuckle and maintaining garden plots In 1980, the association produced “This Town Is Our Town,” a slide and tape histor y of Yellow Springs, and in 1978 it founded the Corky Schiff Circulating Art Collection and established a local authors shelf. The association commissioned Jon Barlow Hudson to create “Tree of Knowledge,” an outdoor sculpture that was dedicated in 1993. Librar y Association membership is open to anyone interested in ser ving the community. Find YSLA’s page by searching “Yellow Springs Librar y Association” on Facebook. Annual membership dues are $5 per household, with the oppor tunity for lifetime membership for $100. YSLA brochures with membership application forms are available at the entrances to the librar y.
Doris Blake, Demitri Wallace & Aurelia Blake A footpath in the middle of the village is all that separates the four generations of family that Aurelia Blake brought to the middle of Ohio in the early 1990s, despite her desire to live internationally. From the swing in their front yard, Blake, her mother Doris Blake and her grandson Demitri Wallace, affectionately known as Little Tree, talked about their life in the village. Blake came to be a language arts teacher at McKinney Middle School by way of Antioch University McGregor, whose 1990s ad “Become a teacher in one year,” caught her eye at a time of inspired transition. Having grown up in Philadelphia, Blake joined the U.S. Air Force to travel the world and was stationed, twice, at WrightPatterson Air Force Base. A single mother of three and a reserve lieutenant colonel, she was attempting to run a coffee shop near Ohio State University, when she got involved with a Bahá’í group teaching youth about Africa. The ad called her to move her family to Yellow Springs, where she has taught since 1996 and mentored many groups of champion writers through Power of the Pen. Doris Blake joined her daughter from a New Jersey suburb after her husband of 42 years died of a heart attack. Doris was sent to Catholic school in New York City as a child, but escaped the convent to eke out a living with her father in the city during the Depression. She worked as a timekeeper in the shipyards during World War II and married a
Doris spends time with Demitri ‘Little Tree’ and does her best to stay involved. black U.S. soldier who had graduated from Wilberforce University. When she came to Yellow Springs as a widow, she helped raise her grandchildren and played bridge every week at the Senior Center. Now 92, she spends time with Little Tree and does her best to stay involved, despite having recently lost her best friend and given up driving. Little Tree lives with his parents, Matthew and Jacqui Wallace, just around the block and across the foot “bridge” to his grandmother’s house. He loves playing on the baseball, basketball and especially soccer teams his dad coaches in the village. Living between home and his grandmothers’ house “feels like I’m growing up with a bunch of women,” and he dreams of someday moving to New York. — L A U R E N H E ATO N
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INDUSTRY Morris Bean & Company 767-7301, 777 E. Hyde Road www.morrisbean.com
Morris Bean & Company had its beginnings as a co-op work project of Antioch College. It was once known as the Antioch Foundry and occupied what is now the Antioch Theater on Corry Street. Morris Bean was assigned to the project as student manager in 1928, and the business incorporated with Morris as president and part-owner in 1946. The company supplies precision castings with extraordinar y performance characteristics to manufacturers of commercial refrigeration, locomotive turbochargers, medical and cryogenic equipment. Morris Bean & Company is recognized as the source for castings exceeding normal industry capabilities. The company will celebrate its 66th anniversary in 2012.
Vernay Laboratories 767-7261, 120 E. South College Street W E B : www.vernay.com C O N TA C T:
Vernay Laboratories is a world leader and innovator in the design and manufacture of sophisticated fluid-handling components. Since Sergius Vernet’s invention of the waxexpansion element that revolutionized the automotive thermostat in 1938, the company has been dedicated to meeting and exceeding the specialized needs of the global marketplace. Vernay ser ves the industrialized world through sales and manufacturing facilities in
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Ohio, Georgia, the Netherlands, Italy, Israel, Brazil, Japan, Singapore, Shanghai, France and Suzhou. Vernay’s headquarters and research and development operation remain in Yellow Springs at its facility on East South College Street. Vernay produces precision elastomeric products for the automotive, appliance and medical industries. Products include duckbill valves, umbrella valves, V-Ball spheres, diaphragms, bidirectional valves, combination valves, check valve assemblies, �ow control valves, and a variety of precision molded, inserted products, such as the V-Tip needle valves, poppets, solenoid armatures and seals. Vernay Laboratories, Inc. celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2006.
YSI Incorporated 767-7241, 1700/1725 Brannum Lane, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 E M A I L : info@ysi.com W E B : www.ysi.com C O N TA C T:
YSI Incorporated, a Xylem brand, is a manufacturer of precision scienti�c equipment. The company was founded in the village in 1948 by graduates of Antioch College. YSI’s global headquarters, research and development lab, and largest manufacturing facility remain in Yellow Springs, employing 160 people. An additional 190 employees work in YSI facilities in Massachusetts, California, Florida, Louisiana, Utah, Europe, Japan, China, Arabian Peninsula, India, Hong Kong and Australia. YSI’s major instruments and sensors are focused on environmental monitoring, namely water quality and velocity. These systems deliver high-quality data to governments and other professionals to protect ecosystems and natural resources. A smaller division of YSI manufactures bioanalyzers for pharmaceutical, health care and alternative fuel processing applications. Who’s Minding the Planet? ® — YSI’s slogan — communicates its commitment to designing and building products that protect the planet and enrich life. Citizens who drink water or receive �ood warnings, �sh in oceans and lakes and patients with diabetes, among many others, have encountered YSI products that have helped them. To further “walk the talk” of its mission, YSI supports a foundation which has donated $2.4 million over the past two decades to environmental and charitable causes, such as college scholarships and watershed restoration and education. YSI is both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registered.
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For nearly 40 years, this non-profit studio has been providing opportunities for learning and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surrounding areas. The studio is well equipped with a newly built wood kiln, a gas reduction kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 12 wheels, slab roller, extruder and glaze room. Renters have 24-hour access to the studio. Visitors welcome. Gallery and Open Studio Hours Saturday and Sunday from 12-4 P.M.
Hardy Trolander When Hardy Trolander came to Yellow Springs more than 70 years ago, he had no idea he’d eventually start what is today the village’s most successful company. He was an engineering student who transferred to Antioch College from Purdue University, seeking a more rigorous program. “Within a few weeks, I knew I’d stay,” Trolander said in a recent interview. Many aspects of Antioch College worked well for Trolander, who was especially impressed with the co-op program, through which he worked for the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, among other places. When war broke out, he enlisted, returning in 1946 to finish his degree. At that time he met his future wife, Gene, and the two married within weeks of meeting. Later they had two children, Megan and Patty. After graduation, Trolander was asked by the college to stay on to teach for a year in the physics and engineering department. While he enjoyed teaching, Trolander also sought a new venue for his ideas. “I was looking for ways to try some things out, and thought a hobby shop might be a good idea,” he said. “So I scratched my head and started YSI.” Yellow Springs Instruments, or YSI, was born when Trolander and fellow engineers Dave Jones and John Benedict became partners in a new company. A year later the company changed from a partnership to a corporation, and David Case joined the team. The company did engineering work for
Trolander was an engineering student who transferred to Antioch College. “Within a few weeks, I knew I’d stay.” the local Fels and Kettering labs, along with medical researcher Leland Clark. They went on to develop a variety of sensors, useful for both medical and nonmedical applications. “We wanted to make more and better instruments,” he said. Influenced by his Antioch College experience, Trolander brought to the company progressive ideas on how to run a business. YSI later became employee-owned, allowing employees to share in profits. Trolander led the company for 38 years, and retired as CEO in 1986, staying on the board of directors until 1990. About 10 years ago, several years after Gene’s death, Trolander moved from his spacious home on President Street to an independent living apartment at Friends Care Community. Over the years YSI changed its focus from medical sensors to instruments for measuring water quality and quanity. In 2011 it was purchased by the international corporation ITT, and is currently the village’s largest employer. —DIANE CHIDDISTER
100 Dayton Street Yellow Springs Look for a schedule and description of upcoming classes at ������������������������
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LOCAL GOVERNMENT Village of Yellow Springs Village of�ces, 767-3402, John Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street W E B : www.yso.com C O N TA C T:
An engaged, active citizenry and a responsive government are a tradition in Yellow Springs. The Village of Yellow Springs is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio, governed by a home-rule charter adopted in 1950. The Village operates under the Council-Manager form of government, operating several departments including police, streets maintenance, parks, water treatment and distribution, sewer and storm water collection, water reclamation, refuse/recycling and electrical service. Fire and EMS service are provided by Miami Township. The Village of�ces are located in the John Bryan Center, at 100 Dayton Street. The Village Council is a non-partisan, �ve member governing elected body. The Council serves as the policy-making body of the Village, with the village manager assisting Council with policy decisions through insightful analysis on policy alternatives, implementing policy decision and carrying out other duties as described in the charter. Three of the �ve Council members are elected every two years, in the November general election in odd-numbered years. The two candidates receiving the most votes are elected to four-year terms, and the candidate with the third-highest total receives a two-year term. Village Council is presided over by the council president, who is a Council member elected by Council members with each newly elected Council. The Village Council meets on the �rst and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m., in the Bryan Center. Council provides time at each meeting for public input, on both matters being discussed before Council and on matters not on the agenda, but of interest to the community. Meetings are televised live via cable TV on channel 5. The Village Planning Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m., in the Bryan Center. The Planning Commission is presided over by an elected president and consists of �ve members who are appointed by Village Council, including one Council representative. The Commission provides time at each meeting for public input, on both matters being discussed before the commission and on matters not on the agenda, but of interest to the community. These meetings are also televised on channel 5. Council also has established citizen advisor y committees and commissions, who advise Council on policy matters on related topical areas. Membership is appointed by Council, but meetings remain open to the public for input and comment. These are the Library Commission, the Human Relations Commission, the Energy Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and Board of Tax Appeals. The Village works with other local groups on speci�c projects. Village partners have included the Chamber of Commerce, Community Resources, Home, Inc., Tecumseh Land Trust, Bicycle Enhancement and Safe Routes to School Committee, the Senior Center, Yellow Springs Arts Council, the Tree Committee and several others. The Village also operates a mediation program for helping resolve disputes and foster peace in the community. The John Bryan Center is a multi-use facility that provides space for Village govern-
ment of�ces, Mayor’s Court, conference and meeting rooms, a youth center and a number of recreational and educational areas. The center is accessible to all citizens per the use policy. Facilities for tennis and basketball, as well as a pottery shop, toddler playground and skate park are located at the rear of the John Bryan Center property. Recreational activities in the village include numerous parks and the John Bryan Center. Gaunt Park, located on West South College Street, is the Village’s largest park and is home to the public swimming pool. The Village’s swim team, the Seadogs, competes regionally. The two softball diamonds at Gaunt Park are used by men’s and women’s leagues and the Perry League, the local t-ball program. The Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Program also plays at Gaunt Park every summer. Ellis Park on the north end of town is a passive recreation park and patrons enjoy strolling through the Lloyd Kennedy Arboretum and/or using the �shing pond. Ohio’s longest bike trail, the Little Miami Bike Trail, is adjacent to the John Bryan Center parking lot. Residents and visitors use the trail for bicycling, walking, running, skating, horseback riding and other non-motorized recreation. The Village manages its section of trail in conjunction with the Greene County Parks and Trails department.
Mediation Program John Gudgel, 767-7701 mediation@yso.com
The Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs provides peaceful and productive methods of addressing con�ict in the Yellow Springs and Miami Township community. Skilled volunteer mediators provide free mediation sessions to assist community members with their disputes. Free facilitation and consultation services are available for nonpro�t, community service and education organizations. VMP offers a variety of workshops and training opportunities for local residents and organizations.
Miami Township Miami Township of�ces, 767-2460 trustees@miamitownship.net W E B : www.miamitownship.net C O N TA C T: EMAIL:
Miami Township, which includes Yellow Springs and Clifton, is governed by a threemember Board of Trustees — currently Mark Crockett, Chris Mucher and Lamar Spracklen — and a Township Fiscal Of�cer, Margaret Silliman. The Township is zoned, and the trustees oversee and appoint the �ve members of the Zoning Commission and the Zoning Board of Zoning Appeals. The Township zoning code and map are available online. The trustees also see to the maintenance of 14.35 miles of Township roads, all of which are hard surfaced, and the operation of two cemeteries, the Township cemetery in Clifton and the private Grinnell Cemetery. The Township also owns the historic Grinnell Mill which is open to the public Saturdays and Sundays, noon–5 p.m. The Board of Trustees meets the �rst and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m., at the Township of�ces, located at 225 Corry Street in Yellow Springs. Township residents are invited to attend the meetings, which traditionally have an “open agenda” format. Meeting minutes may be viewed by visiting www.miamitownship.net.
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Bryan Gregor Bryan Gregor was born in Italy in 1929. He chose geology as a profession and, in 1968, a Case Western University geology project brought Gregor and his wife to the United States. Bryan’s job at Wright State teaching geology brought the family — his wife, Anna, and sons Tomaso and Matteo — to the Dayton area. He was shown many different places around the area to live, but when he stumbled across Yellow Springs, he took the job and never looked back. In 1973, the family moved to their West North College Street home, which is one of the older homes in town, built in 1832. Bryan found his home when he was house-hunting in the village, and stopped to ask directions from a man working in his yard. The man said if he waited a year, Bryan could buy his house, and the Gregor family did just that. When Bryan was younger he enjoyed walking in the Glen and playing the piano. Anna died almost 20 years ago, but most of his family — his son from a former marriage, Andrew, lives in California — is still nearby, with Tomaso and his family, including grandson, William, the next block over, and Matteo on the other side of the village. Retired only three years from Wright State, Bryan enjoys his early morning walks to the Emporium, where he checks out the coffee shop’s small library and sometimes meets Matteo for coffee. And at home he often reads in his library, which is stuffed with geol-
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ogy books as well as contemporary American and British literature, with his 17-year-old cat, Kitsia, by his side.
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Gregor was shown many different places, but when he stumbled across Yellow Springs, he never looked back.
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Muriel Keyes, assistant editor, 937-769-1365, P. O. Box 148 E M A I L : mkeyes@antiochreview.org W E B : www.antiochreview.org C O N TA C T:
The Antioch Review is a quarterly publication of critical and creative thought that prints award-winning �ction, essays and poetr y from emerging and established writers. It is variously identi�ed as a literary journal, a scholarly quarterly and a little magazine. Established in 1941, the Review has attracted an international readership with an active interest in culture as it is re�ected in the arts, politics and current affairs. For 70 years, writers and thinkers have found a friendly reception in the Review, regardless of formal reputation. Antioch Review authors are consistently included in Best American anthologies and Pushcart prizes. The Review was a �nalist for the National Magazine Award in 2009, 2010 and 2011 in the �ction and essay categories. Subscriptions and copies are available from the website or P.O. Box 148, Yellow Springs. Copies are also available at Tom’s Market and Sam and Eddie’s Open Books. Excerpts from the current and upcoming issues can be viewed on the website.
Channel 5 Station Mgr. Paul Abendroth, 7671678; Program Dir. Jean Payne, 767-2378; Hours: 10 a.m.–noon Saturday, Council Chambers, John Bryan Community Center, 767-7803 E M A I L : communityaccess@yso.com W E B : cap.yso.com C O N TA C T:
Yellow Springs Community Access Television Channel 5 is the public access station for the village. The station regularly broadcasts meetings of Village Council and its commissions, Township trustees, School Board and other organizations. In addition, local groups and residents provide shows of interest to the community. Between shows, Channel 5 volunteers broadcast announcements of local events. Forms for announcements are on the website and in the John Bryan Center lobby. Villagers may email favorite pictures, and Channel 5 will use them. The station’s cameras, editing equipment and training are available to the community to create content to show on the station. An informal group of villagers is forming to help put together productions. A wide range of training is also available through the Miami Valley Communications Council. Channel 5 can use help from the general public in taping meetings and events, working with others to create shows and operating the station.
WYSO Public Radio 767-6420 wyso@wyso.org www.wyso.org
WYSO Public Radio, 91.3 FM, is the most listened-to public radio station serving the Miami Valley. It is the area’s primary source for National Public Radio programming, including Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Entertainment favorites include Car Talk, This American Life, World Café and Fresh Air. For its overnight schedule, WYSO features news programming from the BBC World Service.
WYSO produces news reports and features for its Miami Valley listeners as well as its own weekly magazine, WYSO Weekend, and many other locally hosted music programs. Programming, membership information and audio streaming are available online. WYSO is licensed to Antioch University and broadcasts at 50,000 watts from the Antioch campus to a weekly audience of over 60,000 persons. WYSO depends on listener and business support for most of its operating budget. Businesses interested in reaching WYSO’s audience through underwriting messages may contact the station for more information.
‘Yellow Springs News’ 767-7373, P.O. Box 187, 253½ Xenia Avenue E M A I L : ysnews@ysnews.com W E B : www.ysnews.com C O N TA C T:
For more than 125 years, the Yellow Springs News has reflected the myriad activities in Yellow Springs and Miami Township, from coverage of the local governments and schools, to stories about interesting people who live here, to the many events that take place throughout the year. Published every Thursday, the News is read regularly by more than 80 percent of Yellow Springers. Over the years, the paper has consistently won state and national journalism awards for its reporting, editorial writing, adver tising, typography and community service. It received the General Excellence award — the highest award for a weekly paper — in 2011 and 2012 at the ONA’s annual convention in Columbus.
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Lisa Abel & Lynn Adams When Lisa Abel and Lynn Adams moved from a “back porch community” in Dayton to the “front porch community” of Yellow Springs, life began to change. Their social engagements increased by about 70 percent, since they didn’t have to jump in their car anytime they wanted to go anywhere or see anyone. And outdoor chores that would take 20 minutes before stretched to over an hour when conversations with neighbors and passersby were taken into account. All in all, it was a good change, and one they haven’t regretted making. “I’m a people person,” Adams said. “People here stop and talk — even if it’s just to ask what kind of crabgrass we have.” Abel has worked for Yellow Springs Instruments, now a division of Xylem, for 23 years but spent most of that time living outside the village. It wasn’t until she went on a vacation in Spain and Portugal and spent time wandering from one walkable town to the next that she realized she was ready to move to Yellow Springs. For the couple of 21 years, there were other benefits. “I liked that the town was open to diversity and tolerant of people, especially those with a gay and lesbian lifestyle,” Adams said. And when Adams was diagnosed with uterine cancer last year, she felt the community’s support, in friends and neighbors who cooked meals, drove her to doctor’s appointments and walked their dogs.
“I’m a people person; people here stop and talk — even if it’s just to ask what kind of crabgrass we have.” “I’m able to feel like my neighbors and other people are kind of like family,” Adams said. “It feels good to have support.” Another plus for Abel and Adams, who moved into an 1850s home on Walnut Street, is the grocery store within walking distance of their house. They remember walking to Tom’s Market in the snow during their first winter in town when the streets where too slippery to drive. “[Tom’s] is a critical business to the community,” Abel said. “You can think of it as the heart of the community. It’s great being able to walk whatever the road conditions, or when you need that one critical item that’s going to make the pasta sauce awesome.” Abel, whose dad was in the grocery business his whole life, understands that grocery stores are like restaurants in that they run on narrow profit margins. They go to Tom’s as much for the variety and good prices as to keep the business afloat. “It would suck if we had to drive out-oftown to go to the store,” Abel said. — M E G A N B AC H M A N
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YOUTH Boy Scouts Scoutmaster Scott Fletcher, 863-0298
Local Boy Scout Troop 78 has been in existence for more than 60 years, meeting regularly at the First Presbyterian Church. Outdoor activities are the highlight of the program. The troop is also involved in community service, leadership training and fostering cooperation. Recent and planned activities include backpacking in southern Ohio and Kentucky, caving, summer camp, an 80-mile bike trip, whitewater rafting and a four-day canoe trip. The troop sells Christmas wreaths in late November and December to raise money for trips and conducts the annual Christmas tree removal in January, which is its largest community project.
Cub Scouts Dawn Fain, cubmaster, 510-8743 lilbity2002a@yahoo.com
Cub Scouts is a volunteer program for boys who are in the �rst through �fth grades (ages 6–11). It is a home-centered program with activities that involve the whole family. The Cub Scouts in Yellow Springs are represented by Pack 578, sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church. Pack 578 is grouped into dens of Webelos, Wolf, Bear and Tiger Cubs. Boys in the �rst grade may participate in the Tiger Cub program. Den meetings are held twice a month, with a pack meeting once a month at the Presbyterian Church. The Cub Scout program helps boys grow
through character development, craft skills, citizenship training and activities that involve skits and games and physical �tness skills. Pack events include a Pinewood Derby and other races, an overnight camp, Cub Scouts Days at Camp Birch and a family picnic. Currently, individual den leaders run the dens in Yellow Springs. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.
Fair Play 4-H Club C O N TA C T:
Caroline and Paul Mullin, 767-
The Fair Play 4-H Club includes boys and girls ages 5–18, and helps them grow into productive, contributing members of society. Fair Play 4-H Club offers fun, active oppor tunities for personal learning and growth through club meetings, projects, hands-on learning, leadership opportunities, fairs and activities. Participants are encouraged to explore their own unique interests and share their knowledge with others in the club.
Girl Scouts Susan Hyde, 767-7756; Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, 800-233-4845 E M A I L : susanhyde@aol.com C O N TA C T:
The Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. strive to develop self-esteem, a strong personal value system, skill in interpersonal relationships and the ability and desire to contribute meaningfully to society. Locally, girls 5 to 17 can participate in a variety of activities such as camping, earning badges, community service and product sales. Troop camping, resident and day camps are available for all ages. Leaders for troops are needed every year; leaders do not need to be a parent of an active scout. Volunteers are welcome.
Perry League C O N TA C T:
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Jason Newsome, 403-903-7064
Perr y League, Yellow Springs’ unique, hilarious and wonderful t-ball program, is a noncompetitive beginner’s baseball program for girls and boys ages 2 to 9. Two- and 3year-olds are welcome if accompanied on the diamond by an adult. There is no fee, no registration. Children can begin to play on any of the 10 Friday nights, and there is no requirement to play every week. Organizers try to keep it simple, try to
make it fun and are serious about keeping it noncompetitive. There are no outs, no runs, no scores and no one ever strikes out: you get 1,000 strikes in t-ball. Every child gets a chance to �eld and to bat a couple of times each evening. Organizers try to be as tender, patient and loving as possible. The program is open to all children regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, ability, disability or spiritual inclination. Children come out to play ball, to play in the water at the drinking fountain, to play in the grasses around the two �elds, to hang out with their old and/or new friends and they often come out to just sit and play in the dust of the Gaunt Park ball diamonds. Perry League is a Yellow Springs Recreation Board program. United Way funds, which come through the Yellow Springs Community Council, get the program started each summer. Donations from parents, grandparents, loving aunts, ugly uncles, big brothers, big sisters, friends of the program, the children themselves, the sale of t-shirts, and a special gift from the Yellow Springs Lions Club (which pays for the children’s trophies each summer) allow the program to pay back the recreation board and pay for the program itself. Perry League is held every Friday night from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Gaunt Park. The season runs for 10 weeks beginning on the �rst Friday in June and ending on the �rst or second Friday in August with a wiener roast potluck picnic, at which every child is awarded a Perry League trophy. It’s great fun for kids and adults alike, so why not come on out and play?
Sea Dogs 545-4729 https://sites.google.com/site/ ysacseadogs
The Yellow Springs Sea Dogs is a competitive swim team for kids ages 5–18. There are eight dual meets and a seventeam championship meet during June and July. The Sea Dogs swim team teaches kids the essentials of all four competitive strokes in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun. Practices are held Monday–Thursday. For more information, go to sites.google.com/ site/ysacseadogs.
Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association EMAIL:
The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association, or YSYOA, was formed in 1964 as CONTINUED ON PAGE 464
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Elise Yaskoff & Raz Thornton
Elise Yaskoff, 25, was born and raised in Athens, Ohio, and began dancing at a very young age. She trained in ballet, modern and irish dance growing up, and at age 19 went to New York City for ballet. Because life happens, and dance doesn’t always pay the bills, Elise moved to Yellow Springs in August 2010, not long after her son was born. She wanted Erasmus “Raz” to grow up in a friendly, safe town with both his parents. Raz, now 3-and-a-half, is a man-about-town, and everyone seems to know his name at the Emporium. He loves the Mills Lawn playground, has a fantastic sticker collection and he and Elise attempt to skateboard every chance they get. Elise is now in nursing school at Sinclair Community College, with one more year to go. And she feels she’s been able to find her creative outlet here in the village with the community dance, yoga, the Glen and friends. Elise and Raz have a quaint apartment downtown where the two of them have had their shares of ups and downs, like any single, working mom and 3-year-old.They’ve decorated their home together with paintings, black and white pictures and plants.They even have a pet stuffed dog, named Wolf. One of the very first things Elise bought when she moved to town was a magnet
Elise wanted Raz to grow up in a friendly, safe town.
from Sam & Eddie’s that says “When going through hell, keep going.” Between that friendly reminder, the joy of her son and the peace of the village, Elise keeps on going.
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Creative Explorations Women’s Retreat • Relax • Reconnect • Renew
937-750-4117 253 Xenia Ave Yellow Springs www.creativeexplorations.net
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This B&B was one of my favorites anywhere, and I have stayed at a lot. �����
Review in TripAdvisor.com, April 2012
an organization interested in promoting and supporting music education and activities for the youth of Yellow Springs. The YSYOA accomplishes this goal through loan and repair of instruments, scholarships and concerts. Each summer, the YSYOA offers a Summer Strings and Band Camp for music students who have played an instrument for a year, up through intermediate level. The camp includes group and individual instruction and culminates with a grand �nale concert in Kings Yard. Email ysyoa@earthlink.net for more information.
Youth Baseball C O N TA C T:
Tim and Jennifer Sherwood, 767-
The Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Program has two divisions: the Minor League for children aged 6 to 9 or 10; and the Major League for children ages 10 or 11 to 14. This is recreational baseball with a focus on fundamentals, spor tsmanship, teamwork and fun. The season runs from after Memorial Day through July and is a volunteer organization. A volunteer coordinator is needed for each of the leagues. Volunteer parents and other adults are needed to coach teams and referee games. Volunteers are also needed to prep the �elds before games (except mowing). High school community service credits are available for this function. The Minor League plays coach-pitch with some modification of standard baseball rules to promote learning and the basics of baseball. The Major League plays by standard baseball rules with only a few changes to promote learning advanced concepts of the game. All games are played at Gaunt Park, with the Minor League playing on the diamond nearest the forest tree line, and the Major League playing on the large diamond closest to the pool area. All teams usually play two games per week with the games during evening hours and on the weekends. There is a registration fee to help cover team uniform and league supply expenses. Scholarships are available.
Youth Soccer C O N TA C T:
Jim Hardman, 767-2200
The Yellow Springs Youth Soccer Organization sponsors recreational soccer leagues for children ages 5 to 14. Copper Cup play is for those ages 5 and 6; Bronze Cup play is for kids 7 and 8; Silver Cup play is for 9- to
11-year-olds; and Gold Cup play is for kids 12 to 14. Teams are coached by adult volunteers who offer players level-appropriate instruction in the fundamentals and �ne points of soccer. This is a recreational program where having fun, learning soccer skills and learning teamwork are the primary goals. Two seasons are held, in the fall, beginning with the annual clinic the weekend before Labor Day and continuing through October, and in the spring, April through May. The Yellow Springs youth recreational soccer league can always use experienced, knowledgeable adults to help coach, of�ciate and organize fall and spring games on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings.
YS Kids Playhouse John Fleming, 767-7800 www.yskp.org
The YS Kids Playhouse is a multimedia theater experience by and for youth. YSKP holds introductor y and advanced acting and technical theater ar ts immersion experiences for youth ages 9–18 throughout the year. Each summer immersion focuses theater ar ts education around both knowledge and hands-on experiences by producing newly commissioned musicals and plays for youth. As the only Dayton-area theater to exclusively present original work, YSKP of fers professional quality and innovative entertainment for all ages. It promotes creative interaction between area youth and a variety of art forms. YSKP’s projects reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of Yellow Springs and issues important to today’s youth and to its times. Participation in productions is open to all. Fees for participation in the program are offset by partial and full scholarships as needed. Through YSKP, area youth have the opportunity to engage in a structured learning experience within a broad range of theater skills. Founded in 1995 by John Fleming, YSKP is critically acclaimed by area theater critics and regularly cited in their lists of the best theater work in the Dayton area. YSKP is the recipient of numerous grant awards, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ohio Arts Council, CultureWorks, the Morgan Family Foundation and the YS Community Foundation, among others. As a nonprofit community theater arts education program, it is also supported by donations from individuals and sponsors.
Dark Star Bookstore ��������������������������������������������������
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120 W. Limestone Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
(937) 767-1761
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Mark, Henrietta, Kingsley Sr., Patricia & Jeannette Perry McDonald
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They’ve become the ties between a robust, extended family that makes the village its home.
attended the Antioch School and Antioch College a few years before joining the Navy and later living all over the country. But 11 years ago Mark and his wife, Henrietta, moved back to the village. Levi Perry’s youngest son, Kingsley, went on to have five children, and one, Kingsley Jr. had three children who all still live in town. Before he retired, Kingsley Jr. worked as the head of the physical plant at both Antioch College and Kettering Lab. Today he volunteers for Home, Inc. The youngest child of Kingsley, Sr. was Patricia Perry who, after growing up here, moved to Brooklyn, N.Y., but she later came back to town and now lives in a home where her grandfather’s pig pen used to be, and gardens in the rich soil he left behind. Retired after 34 years at YSI, she now volunteers at the Glen and is known as a local birder and lover of the natural world. — S U Z A N N E E H A LT
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It would be hard to find deeper roots than those that tether the Perry family to Yellow Springs. Originally those roots were the literal ones that Levi Perry tended on his farm on both sides of what’s now Dayton Street in the late 1800s, but since then they’ve become the ties between a robust extended family that continues to make the village its home. Levi Perry first showed up in Ohio records as the child of an escaped slave whose mother made it safely to Ripley, Ohio, right on the Ohio River, where the Rev. John Rankin gave shelter to the slaves who managed to cross the Ohio to freedom. It’s not known how, exactly, Levi got to Yellow Springs, but years later he showed up in records as a farmer who owned the land around Dayton Street over to Omar Circle. He married Retta Adams, and the couple had 10 children who helped tend the cows, pigs and apple orchard. Their oldest son, William, had five children, of whom Jeannette Perry McDonald was the oldest. She grew up, married and moved to Cleveland, but didn’t like city life, and moved her family back to the family land in Yellow Springs. Along with having five children, Jeannette worked at the Antioch Company and drove a school bus for years. William’s son, Douglas, went on to have three children, including Mark Perry, who
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Simeon, Opolot & Oluka Okia The zinnias populating the Okia’s backyard on Orton Road speak of the color and motion the family that grows them went through to get to Yellow Springs three years ago. Opolot came by way of Uganda and Alabama, while his wife Simeon took the Columbus to Athens (Ohio) route. And the whole family lived in Kenya for two years before they chose the village as their landing spot. Simeon grows the flowers, and has sold them at the Saturday farmers market along with cement garden art sculptures made from giant leaves. Opolot teaches history at Wright State University and recently published a book about forced labor in colonial Kenya. Oluka will be a freshman at Yellow Springs High School and likes all manner of sports, especially basketball, which, with a father who stands at 6 feet, 8 inches, could prove a good choice. Before arriving here, the Okias went to Kenya for two years when Opolot received a Fulbright Fellowship to teach at Moi University and research labor issues in the western Nyanza province. Oluka attended Kenyan elementary school and found the education standards were high and the teachers extremely strict. The Okias find Yellow Springs to be a comfortable community for an interracial family. Opolot hopes to continue his research on labor practices in Uganda, where his father
The Okias find Yellow Springs to be a comfortable community for an interracial family.
is from and where he spent part of his childhood. He also expects his research will lead him to his maternal family roots within the African-American community in New Orleans, La. — L A U R E N H E ATO N
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SPIRITUAL Bahá’í Faith Roi and Linden Qualls, 767-7079, 502 Dayton Street E M A I L : ysbahai@gmail.com W E B : www.ohiobahai.org C O N TA C T:
In the words of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í faith, “The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.” Bahá’u’lláh taught that there is one God who progressively reveals his will to humanity. Each of the great religions initiated by one of God’s divine messengers — Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad — represents a successive stage in the spiritual development of humankind. All religions are seen as one in spirit because, essentially, they share a common aim and origin. Bahá’ís regard Bahá’u’lláh as the most recent of these messengers, whose teachings address the ethical and spiritual challenges of the modern world. For more than a century, Bahá’í communities around the globe have worked to dissolve prejudices based on nationality, race, religion and gender. They have collaborated with other like-minded organizations to promote social justice, world peace and love for all humankind. Bahá’ís living in Yellow Springs meet regularly for worship. Their holy day celebrations, devotional services, children’s classes and study circles are all open to the public. The Bahá’í Center in Yellow Springs is located at 502 Dayton Street.
Bethel Lutheran Church Pastor Larry Bannick, 323-8954 or 284-3947, 2731 W. Jackson Road
Bethel Lutheran Church was founded in 1844 by Ezra Keller, who was also a cofounder of Wittenberg University. It is the oldest Lutheran church in Clark County. This ELCA church has developed from its traditional country heritage to serve a diverse congregation. It is a small, family-oriented church in which every member or visitor is valued. Sunday School is held at 9:30 a.m. and church services are held at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Rev. Larry Bannick became the pastor in Januar y of 2006. In addition, the Kay Glaesner Community Center was completed and is available to rent for receptions, etc. The center has full kitchen facilities and accommodates up to 90 people. For rental information, contact Lois Pelekoudas at 325-7781.
Central Chapel A.M.E. Church Church of�ce, 767-3061, 411 South High Street; Rev. Timothy E. Luggins M.Div., pastor; Ernestine Benning, administrative assistant and public relations E M A I L : TheChapelOne@aol.com C O N TA C T:
Central Chapel is a local church in the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) denomination. It began in 1866 in the Old Central School House on State Route 370, and the church moved twice before settling at High and Davis streets. Members now worship in the second sanctuary located at that location. In order to better serve the congregation and community, the church family erected an addition, the Education and Family Life Center.
The church has and will continue to address the spiritual, civil rights, physical and educational needs of all persons in Yellow Springs and beyond. The A.M.E. motto is “God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit our Comforter, Humankind our Family.” Sunday church school is held at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday morning worship begins at 11 a.m.; Bible study takes place Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Christian Association C O N TA C T:
Marlene Johnson, 767-1543
The Yellow Springs Christian Association consists of local Christian churches and individuals who have joined together to encourage and support one another. Each is in agreement with the Apostle’s Creed, a Christian statement of faith, and holds to a belief in the saving grace of God through the gift of His son, Jesus, the Christ. Members gather together to celebrate the presence and goodness of God and to share the knowledge of His plan for their lives as written in the scriptures. The association was formed in 1991 and ser ves the churches and the community in a variety of ways. Each year the Lenten series is traditionally held at St. Paul Catholic Church before Resurrection Sunday. The �rst Thursday of May, many churches are open at designated times for prayer during the National Day of Prayer. On the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving, one church hosts the community Thanksgiving service, to which everyone in the village is invited. The association also funds a transient service which is administered by the Yellow Springs CONTINUED ON PAGE 524
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Jen & Barry Reich After attending the Urbana High School prom together in 1962, Jen and Barry went their separate ways. Barry became an attorney at a Springfield law firm; Jen went back-to-the-land at a commune in rural North Carolina and mastered the craft of woodturning. (“We were the von Trapps of woodturning,” she joked.) Then a little over a decade ago, Jen and Barry were drawn back to one another, and to the community both had loved since their childhood. Barry has vivid memories of visiting Yellow Springs through the decades. In the ’50s, it was taking in Shakespeare productions at Antioch Amphitheater; in the ’60s, watching Little Art Theatre movies; in the ’70s, eating cashew chicken at the Winds — the only meat dish at the predominantly-vegetarian restaurant — and listening to Clean Gene spin tunes at the bowling alley. Jen too found herself drawn to Yellow Springs from the far more conservative town of Urbana. “Yellow Springs was an exotic destination for people from Urbana,” Jen said. “It was like going to Hong Kong.” Then, almost 40 years after their prom date, the high school sweethearts were reunited when Jen returned to Urbana for her father’s funeral. Barry was there, hoping to see Jen. Jen showed up in overalls and work shoes, the only outfit she wore at the time. Barry went up to Jen’s then-husband and shook his hand. “I said, ‘I just want to shake the hand of the luckiest man I’ve ever met,’” Barry recalled.
“There’s something about this place. It’s a good place to heal, a good place to be however you are and do what you want to do. And I treasure it.” “He had me there,” Jen said, and three months later they were moving to a home together in Yellow Springs, to Jen, “the only town I could ever think of living in Ohio.” “This is such an oasis,” Jen said of the village. “I love this town. There’s something about it. It’s a good place to heal, a good place to be however you are and do what you want to do. And I treasure it.” Jen and Barry now spend most of their time together, playing Scrabble or hanging out with friends, on the screened-in back porch at their Northwood Drive home. From their backyard they swim, watch the cows graze on Whitehall Farm and observe how the distant cornfields change through the seasons. And on the night of a full moon they sometimes hear a drum circle coming from Ellis Pond. “That’s when we know we’re in Yellow Springs,” Jen said. —DIANE CHIDDISTER
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Police Department. The largest undertaking is the community vacation Bible school, which was initiated in 1995. The churches pool their resources and provide the event free of charge for the entire community. The association consists of eight local churches: Bethel Lutheran, Central Chapel A.M.E., Christian Center Assembly of God, First Baptist, First Presbyterian, Pleasant Grove Missionar y, St. Paul Catholic and United Methodist. Meetings are held 6–7 p.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church on the �rst Monday of the month, nine months of the year. No meetings are held in Januar y, August or December. If the �rst Monday falls on a holiday, then the meeting is held either the following Tuesday or the next Monday. For meeting information, call 767-1543.
Dharma Center
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767-9919, 502 Livermore St. info@ysdharma.org www.ysdharma.org
The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is a Buddhist meditation center supporting practice in the traditions of Vipassana, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. The center seeks to create an environment that supports the development of calm, compassion, generosity and clarity in the community and to encourage an awareness of an individual’s own thoughts, words and actions upon the world. To this end the center sponsors many activities at the big brown house on Livermore Street. Daily silent meditation is offered at 7 a.m. every Monday through Friday, and at 7 p.m. every evening except Saturday. Zen medita-
tion is offered Saturday, 7:30–9:30 a.m. and Vipassana meditation is held on Sunday, 8–9:30 a.m. For information about Vajrayana practice, and the schedule for the 11 a.m. Sunday Family Hour, check the website. Those new to meditation and wanting to familiarize themselves with a beginning practice may attend a brief orientation session held on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 7:45 p.m. Additionally, sixweek Basic Meditation Courses are offered throughout the year by senior practitioners of the Dharma Center. Week-long, weekend and one-day retreats are held at variously announced times throughout the year as well. The Book Discussion Group meets on Thursday evenings throughout the year at 7:45 p.m., and devotional chanting in all traditions is held on a regular basis. A lending library is available for community use. Visiting teachers from the three traditions frequently hold teachings and practice retreats. Please check the website for additional information, changes, and updates to the schedule (www.ysdharma.org) and follow the center on Facebook.
First Baptist Church Church of�ce, 767-7659 or 7677623, 600 Dayton Street
The First Baptist Church was originally called Zion Baptist Church when it was founded in May 1863. According to its records, it was formed to meet the needs of freed slaves. In 1876 members were able to purchase the new former First Baptist Church located on Xenia Avenue. After 134 years at the Xenia Avenue site, members held a final ser vice Aug. 17, 1997, and departed to the new location at 600 Dayton Street. On March 25, 2006, the church achieved the extraordinary by celebrating the mortgage burning for the new building. Besides many groups and events serving its members, the church is noted for annual community events, the most noteworthy of which is the annual Calendar Tea, which has taken place for 50 years. The church is a member of the Yellow Springs Christian Association. The church also has an AWANA Program held each Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. AWANA is a Bible-based club for youth, kindergarten through seventh grades. AWANA combines fun, physical activity, Bible memorization and the basis of a relationship with God. The church prescribes for itself a core belief in the love of all mankind generated by the love of God. Sunday school begins at 9:15 a.m., and worship service is held at 10:45 a.m. each Sunday.
First Presbyterian Church Rev. Derrick Weston; Ara Beal, secretary; church of�ce, 767-7751, 314 Xenia Ave. Of�ce hours: 9 a.m.–noon, Monday–Friday. Pastor’s hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday. E M A I L : �rpys@att.net W E B : yspresby.blogspot.net C O N TA C T:
The First Presbyterian Church was organized in Yellow Springs in 1855. Its presence in the community has been a very visible one, and the new addition build in 1958 was dedicated for ministry oriented toward the community. A strong musical emphasis has brought excellence and diversity to its own musical program, as well as making the church a center for community music programs. It also offers space for meetings by many community groups as a part of its ministry, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Boy Scouts, Monday Morning Artists, Chamber Music, Montessori School, Dayton Mandolin Orchestra, support groups, social justice and peacemaking and dance and movement classes. The church offers diverse styles of worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. , Sunday school for children and youth and both adult and children’s choirs. The church is an inclusive community of God’s people continuing Christ’s ministry of justice, mercy and love in the world. We are the only More Light congregation in the Greene County area (open and af�rming of GLBTQ community).
Grandmother Drum Healing Circle Grandmother Wolfheart, 7679331; Grandmother Moon Fire, 767-1170
The Grandmother Drum Healing Circle holds monthly gatherings on the Saturday nearest the full moon, from 6 to 9 p.m., at the Rockford Chapel on the Antioch campus. The group draws from indigenous spiritual practices that recognize and honor the wisdom of female elders, the healing power of the drum and the importance of our connection to the earth. The group aims to build community and support one another. Each gathering begins with a silent meditation, followed by a �re ceremony and drumming. Colored cloths represent the four directions, and these colors swirl together to form pastels that �ow out in all directions with a voice for peace. The circle is open to everyone to honor the sacredness of the full moon. Following drumming we share �nger foods and conversations. CONTINUED ON PAGE 544
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Gina Paget Of all the problems facing the world today, Gina Paget believes that education is one of the most important, and she has spent a large part of her life working to change the way education is delivered. While she has often wondered if her work made any difference at all, she sometimes sees evidence that she has made a positive impact. Paget grew up on a farm in Arkansas and sent four children through the St. Louis public school system, where she first got involved in education reform. While the 1970s were about influencing the system, the 1980s were about becoming part of it. After earning a Ph.D. in educational policy making, Paget came to the Kettering Foundation to teach democratic deliberation skills to literacy providers and emerging democracies in eastern Europe. Her aim was to teach people how to listen and get them to focus on identifying the problem and the common values on both sides of an issue. She moved to Yellow Springs in 1987 and later worked at Antioch University McGregor, where she taught and directed the individualized master’s program. Using her skills for the village, she participated in the community visioning process and served on both the formal and volunteer boards for Glen Helen. Currently she is on the education committee for Tecumseh Land Trust.
Using her skills for the village, she participated in the community visioning process and served on both the formal and volunteer boards for Glen Helen. As a political and education activist, Paget is proud of the work she did in St. Louis to help the Episcopal Church to condone the ordination of women into the clergy. And when she came to Dayton, she helped organize a program through Metropolitan Churches United for youth who were at risk of dropping out of school. She recently heard from a leader at the Wesley Community Center in Dayton that many of the AfricanAmerican leaders in the Dayton area are graduates of her program. “Sometimes I feel I’ve spent my life tilting at windmills, when schools are still struggling, especially in low-income areas...” she said. “But I was so thrilled to find out that that program was a success. “ — L A U R E N H E ATO N
Office, light industrial or art space available 305 N. WALNUT ST., YELLOW SPRINGS For more information, call Sam Young 767-2700 or Rod Hoover 767-9338
Havurah C O N TA C T:
Steve Green, 767-9293, P.O. Box
275 groups.yahoo.com/group/ yellowspringshavurah
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The Yellow Springs Havurah provides Jewish spiritual, religious, cultural, social and educational experiences. The Havurah holds Shabbat services the �rst and third Saturday of each month at 10 a.m., at the Rockford Chapel, on the Antioch College campus. A schedule of Havurah activities is posted at groups.yahoo.com/group/yellowspringshavurah.
Heart Rhythm Meditation Classes and Meditation Circle Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm, 767-2293, E M A I L : darun@sbcglobal.net. C O N TA C T:
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Heart Rhythm Meditation is a form of meditation that synchronizes the breath and heartbeat to strengthen and energize one’s connection to the heart of oneself, of others and of the Divine. This meditation is rooted in the teachings of Universal Su�sm and early Christianity. Heart Rhythm Meditation is taught by Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm, initiates in the Institute of Applied Meditation (IAM) and students in the IAM School of the Heart. The HRM classes and meditation circle meet weekly. An hour of instruction is provided for beginners and those interested, followed by an hour of group meditation.
Pleasant Grove Missionary Church Church of�ce, 767-8011; Pastor Ken Moore, home, 372-8110; 491 W. Hyde Road W E B : www.pleasantgrovemc.org C O N TA C T:
The Missionary Church is an Evangelical denomination, committed to church planting and world missions. The Pleasant Grove Missionary Church has been a part of this community since 1945. A warm welcome awaits visitors by the people of this country church. Adult Bible fellowship, elective class and Sunday school classes for children are held on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.; worship service for adults and children’s church are held at 10:30 a.m., Sundays; a nursery is available for all Sunday morning services. Sunday evening service is held at 6 p.m. and includes worship, training, music, ministry opportunities, choir practice and kid’s Bible quizzing. Adult Bible fellowship is held Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m., and small groups meet on Fridays at 6:30 p.m.
St. Paul Catholic Church 308 Phillips Street; 767-7450; fax, 767-7465 E M A I L : stpaulof�ce@woh.rr.com or stpaulpastor@woh.rr.com W E B : www.stpaulchurchyso.org C O N TA C T:
Friends (Quakers) meet each Sunday at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch campus. Meetings for worship are held in silence at 8:30 and 11 a.m., with individuals delivering spoken ministry when led by the spirit. Quakers recognize a measure of divine presence in every person, and their quiet worship times, called meetings, are intended to deepen devotion to this Spirit. Religious education is offered for children and adults Sundays from 10 to 11 a.m., September through May. An additional meeting for worship is held at Rockford Chapel each Wednesday from 7 to 8 a.m. The meeting sponsors a peace witness every Saturday at noon on the corner of Limestone Street and Xenia Avenue. Yellow Springs Friends have been active in peace and social concerns at local, national and international levels. In the 1970s, this body initiated formation of an extended-care facility in Yellow Springs now known as Friends Care Community; assisted living and independent living accommodations have been added.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs 372-5613, 767-1603 www.uufys.org
767-8486, Faith Morgan, clerk www.yellowspringsfriendsmeeting.org
Unitarian Universalists come from a wide variety of spiritual paths and are attracted by liberal values and freedom from creed and doctrine. Individuals of all races, ethnic origins, religious philosophies, life styles and gender orientation are welcome at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs, or UUFYS. The fellowship’s af�rmation is, “Love is the spirit of this fellowship and ser vice is its law. To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another — this is our covenant.” The fellowship meetinghouse is two miles south of Yellow Springs at 2884 U.S. 68 in Goes Station. Sunday morning programs are at 10 a.m. year-round, with liberal religious education for children and youth and baby and toddler care at the same time. For adults, an informal spiritual discussion group meets at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday. The building is wheelchair accessible and may be rented for groups of up to 75. The fellowship began in 1956 and is af�liated with the national Unitarian Universalist Association. UUFYS does not have a minister; thus, programs and activities are planned by volunteers. It is led by an
Members of the Religious Society of
The cornerstone of the first St. Paul Catholic Church was laid in 1856 on a lot at the corner of West North College and High streets. In 1908 the current church at the corner of Phillips and Elm streets was dedicated in a building that once housed the First Christian Church. St. Paul has 325 registered family units on its roster, a religious education program for approximately 60 children and youth, and adult education programs offered throughout the year. The parish praises God in word, song and Eucharist every week in its masses on Saturday at 5 p.m. and Sundays at 11 a.m. The church is the site of the annual Lenten luncheon series, sponsored by the Yellow Springs Christian Association. The church has an outreach to various groups and persons in the area. It rejoices in the richness of the Roman Catholic tradition and in the diversity of a worshipping community drawn from the variety of Yellow Springs and its environs.
Society of Friends C O N TA C T: WEB:
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Tod Tyslan As an Antioch College student in the mid90s, Tod Tyslan read to the longtime Antioch literature professor Nolan Miller — then 87 years old and blind — as part of his community service scholarship. After graduation he briefly moved to his hometown outside Philadelphia, but was soon drawn back to the place where all of his friends still were, Yellow Springs, and ended up spending the next decade helping Nolan write a memoir and numerous short stories before his death. “I thought, ‘Well, I’m here, so there’s no reason to not keep doing it,’” Tyslan recalled. To Tyslan, community is not a passive concept, but an active commitment that pays dividends. The freelance graphic designer who was the creative director at a major ad agency (think Don Draper) has lent his time and skills to many a local group. He’s been the chair of the Village Design Advisory Committee, designed Street Fair logos and often discounts his work for local nonprofits. “This town has had my back, and so I want to have its,” Tyslan said. “It feels right to give when you get.” What Tyslan puts into the community, he gets back through a rich daily village life. The key, he says, is becoming a regular. Even though Tyslan has a coffeemaker at home, he still gets a cup of coffee every morning at the Emporium, a seemingly small act that
“You can be guaranteed an openness of conversation but you never know what the results. are going to be.” “makes me feel like I’m connected to the world,” Tyslan said. Peach’s Bar and Grill is both his office and his living room. He frequently takes work meetings there, runs the weekly “Brains are Sexy” trivia match and knows just about everyone. “It’s not so much a bar as a community,” he said. As for the community in which he’s chosen to be a regular, there is much to love, from its small town character to good conversations wherever he goes. “You can be guaranteed an openness of conversation but you never know what the results are going to be,” Tyslan said. “It’s a creation of possibilities.” And even though he’s firmly a regular, Tyslan still sees the value of the outsider. “A lot of people are down on tourists,” he said. “I appreciate that we have a lively place that they want to come to. It validates my decision to live here.” — M E G A N B AC H M A N
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elected executive board. Unitarian Universalists ever ywhere are united by seven principles, which are: the inherent worth and dignity of ever y person; justice, equity and compassion in human relations; acceptance of one another and encouragement for spiritual growth; a free and responsible search for truth and meaning; the right of conscience and the use of democratic process within each congregation and in society at large; the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence. Each spring for the third weekend in May, UUFYS organizes a family camping weekend at Tar Hollow State Park and invites the wider community to attend. Other activities of the fellowship include social justice projects, evening study groups, potluck dinners in members’ homes, work bees and committee work. On the �rst Sunday of each month, the fellowship holds a potluck lunch at the meetinghouse. Visitors are always welcome to be a part of the inclusive community that is Unitarian Universalism.
United Methodist Church Rev. Sherri Blackwell, 767-7560 (church), 319-6103 (parsonage), 202 S. Winter Street E M A I L : pastor-ysumc@yellowsprings.com W E B : yellowspringsumc.com C O N TA C T:
The United Methodist Church has been a presence in the village since 1837. Its current building was completed in 1846, dedicated in 1850, and has experienced a number of additions and improvements over the years.
The membership is diverse and consists of professional, working class and farm people, theologically representing the entire spectrum of faith understandings from evangelical to progressive. The congregation is racially mixed. The force that holds the group together is love: the love of Christ and love for one another. The church ser ves this community by providing space for local support groups and organizations, the community Emergency Food Pantr y, the Yellow Springs Winter Farmers Market and Home, Inc., a nonpro�t housing corporation. Sunday worship is held at 10:30 a.m. Church school begins at 9:30 a.m., September through May. Bible study and other educational programs sponsored by the church are always open to the community. The United Methodist Church is a church community where everyone is welcome.
Yellow Springs Assembly of God Christian Center Pastor J. Ray Tyson, 767-9133, 324 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Road E M A I L : jamesraytyson@gmail.com W E B : yscc@ag.org C O N TA C T:
The assembly is a small family church where the special, unique quality of each individual is cherished and nurtured. The body of believers is warm and supportive with strong belief in the Bible as God’s manual for everyday living. Worship is informal and participatory. The Yellow Springs Assembly of God Christian Center began in 1975 as an independent fellowship, and in 1977 associated with the Assemblies of God Fellowship.
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Bill, Jody, Romy Farrar, Kate Crews, & Ludo The first Christmas the Farrars spent in Yellow Springs told them all they needed to know about the community. Seven years ago Bill Farrar and his daughter, Romy, were coming back from some last minute Christmas shopping when their Volkswagen bus, filled with presents, caught fire and burned to the ground. To help them get back on their feet, someone put a tip jar in the Emporium and, in response to a letter-to-the-editor in the News, a fellow villager donated a car to the family, which had just lost its only vehicle. “This community is looking out for us,” Bill recalled feeling. That Christmas, the differences between Yellow Springs and the far more conservative town they moved from,West Milton, became quite clear. In West Milton, the Farrars were targeted for their political views, their appearance and even their bumper stickers. “We stuck out in our town being upset by intolerance,” Bill said. “We were the only ones saying, ‘that’s not right’ or ‘there’s nothing wrong with that.’” The move was especially important for Bill and Jody’s school-age daughters, Kate and Romy. Kate, who had a mohawk and nose ring, was kept out of regular classes for her look at her old school, but fit in fine in Yellow Springs. She even grew a much bigger mohawk. “High school being the high pressure zone because everyone radiates negativity, kids take it out on each other less [in Yellow Springs],” said Kate, now 22 and working in town.
“What we’ve been able to contribute to Yellow Springs has been accepted, and that’s been a gift.” Romy, who met all of her classmates at Gaunt Pool before school even started, especially loved her time at Mills Lawn, which included far more field trips and outdoor time than she was used to. Now 17, Romy enjoyed a pretty free childhood. She went downtown by herself at age 10. And she learned that in a small town, nothing said is private. “You can’t say anything about anyone because everyone’s very connected,” Romy said. Bill and Jody feel at home as well. Jody, who was once the chef at the Emporium, runs a catering company with gluten-free and vegetarian options and sells the eggs from the 28 chickens she raises in her backyard. Bill commutes to his job at a Fairborn nursing home on bike, offsetting about 10,000 vehicle miles over the last few years. “What we’ve been able to contribute to Yellow Springs has been accepted, and that’s been a gift,” Jody said. Added Bill of their life before Yellow Springs: “It’s like having something to write but nothing to write it on.” — M E G A N B AC H M A N
���������������� ������������������� ��������� Todd Kreeger YELLOW SPRINGS
767-2319 or 768-5450
937 CELL 937
�������������� ���������������� Support for Greene County Seniors & Caregivers • Information and Assistance Seniors and caregivers can call/e-mail the Yellow Springs Senior Center or Council for information on senior/caregiving issues and services. The Council’s Directory of Services and Support is available at the Center. • Partners in Care (PIC) Program Designed to keep seniors (60+) in their own or family member’s home for as long as possible. Depending on need, in-home services are purchased from local agencies. Council staff works with the Yellow Springs Senior Center when assisting Yellow Springs seniors and families. • Caregiver Support Caregiver Resource Center – information and materials on a wide variety of topics to review, borrow & keep. Caregiver support groups, educational and wellness programs and respite care.
937-376-5486 or 1-888-795-8600/www.gccoa.org Programs provided by the Council on Aging are possible through a 1.0 mil countywide senior services levy.
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GLEN HELEN Glen Helen 405 Corry Street, 769-1902 bbryan@glenhelen.org www.glenhelen.org
Glen Helen is the legacy of Hugh Taylor Birch, who donated nearly 1,000 acres to Antioch College in memory of his daughter in 1929. With this gift, Antioch accepted the responsibility of preserving the land into perpetuity. Today, that mission is carried forward by the Glen Helen Ecology Institute, which manages the land and coordinates the educational programs of “the Glen.” The Glen is rich in scenic features, all accessible from a 25-mile network of footpaths. On even a short walk, visitors can view spectacular wild�owers, 400-year-old trees, limestone cliffs with waterfalls and overhangs and the beautiful yellow spring that gives the town its name. Trails are open year-round during daylight hours. In addition to a downloadable trail map, Glen Helen’s quarterly list of public programs (guided hikes, youth after-school naturalist sessions, forums, public lectures and workshops) can be accessed online at www.glenhelen.org. The Ecology Institute depends on the support of individuals, through the Glen Helen Association, to maintain the preser ve and its programs. The Glen Helen Association is a membershipbased organization founded in 1960 to support Antioch and its efforts to protect the Glen. Members are entitled to complimentar y parking at the Corr y Street entrance, plus free or discounted admis-
Who? What? When? Where? Why? Find out weekly in the Yellow Springs News. Subscribe today!
sion to many of the events in the preser ve. Basic membership in the association starts at $40, student memberships are $20. To support the Glen, please visit www.glenhelen.org or by mail: Glen Helen Association, 405 Corr y Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387. Glen Helen programs and activities include the following: Outdoor Education Center For more than 50 years, the center has shaped the lives of the fifth and sixth graders who visit with their schools. For families, the Outdoor Education Center offers summer Ecocamps — youth day camps or week-long retreats designed to build leadership skills and deepen environmental awareness. Raptor Center Glen Helen’s nationally-recognized facility rehabilitates injured hawks, owls and related birds of prey, each year providing 200 birds a second chance at life in the wild. Resident birds, used for educational programs, can be viewed on site. Open during daylight hours, limited parking for bird viewing only at 1075 State Route 343. Trailside Museum The hub for regularly scheduled programs and hikes in the preserve — stop in for a trail map and information before venturing onto the trails. Hours vary seasonally, 505 Corry Street. Nature Shop Operated by the Glen Helen Association, the shop features a wide variety of �eld guides and other nature books, crafts, tshirts, bird feeders and greeting cards. Open daily, Noon–4 p.m, Glen Helen Building at 405 Corry Street. Extension Programs Glen Helen can bring a host of programs to your site, and our naturalists can join your group hike as guides. Call 767-7648. Rent the Glen The Glen Helen Building, Birch House, Trailside Museum, the Outdoor Education Center complex as well as select outdoor settings within Glen Helen are available for rental for special events like weddings, retreats, conferences, meetings and memorials. Call 937-769-1902, ext. 103 for information. Volunteering Glen Helen has ongoing volunteer opportunities for habitat stewards, Nature Shop clerks, hike leaders, museum docents and more. Contact 937-769-1902, ext. 103, for information.
Ten local artists producing elegant, functional, contemporary pottery. Located in Kings Yard Yellow Springs, Oh 937.767.1666 yellowspringspottery.com
Hours: Mon–Fri 12–5:30 Sat 11–5:30 Sun 12–5:30
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Asher, Amitai, Hannah & Isaac Delamatre Isaac and Hannah Delamatre call it the “curse of Yellow Springs.” As the local legend goes, once you drink the water bubbling from the yellow spring, you’re bound to the village, and if you leave, you’ll be drawn back time and time again. Having left, and come back, to Yellow Springs at least seven times in the last decade, Isaac and Hannah know the curse well. And they know what a blessing it’s been. The young couple met while working at Ye Olde Trail Tavern. Both Ohio natives had been attracted to Yellow Springs because of Antioch College, and Isaac was a student for a time. Then the village nearly lost the family to a farm in North Carolina, where they went to live with friends in a quasi-communal situation in a 100-year-old log cabin. But Yellow Springs would provide a more stable foundation, strong community and safe environment for their two young sons, Asher and Amitai, and soon they were back. “We had always been on the road, rambling, moving and shifting,” Isaac said. “Asher was the beginning of a lesson in what family and community means. It really set in that we wanted to be closer to family.” Coming back to the “ideal spot to raise young children,” they found that many of their friends had children of the same age and that, in Yellow Springs, it was “safe to go outside, day or night,” Isaac said. But the safety of a small town wasn’t the only draw. “There are plenty of safe small towns, but the collective values of the community are similar to ours,” Isaac said, then enumerated a few. “Live and let live, let creativity reign free...”
“Yellow Springs tends to hold and protect people to undergo some personal growth.”
The village hasn’t only been good to Asher, 3-and-a-half, and Amitai, 2. Last fall Isaac became the food service coordinator at the revived Antioch College, cooking mostly locally-grown organic food for the next generation of Antiochians. Hannah spends her time as a full-time caretaker of the children, and with Isaac cooking all day at work, is the main chef at home. They live downtown in a second-story apartment above a storefront, getting a little taste of city life in a small town, they said. And they continue to grow and evolve thanks to this unique place. “Yellow Springs tends to hold and protect people to undergo some personal growth,” Hannah explained. “In other places people tend to pigeon-hole a person or place as a static thing.” One of the family’s favorite spots is the Glen Helen Nature Preserve, where Asher and Amitai bound along barefoot in a place they feel right at home. In fact, the Delamatre family has a pretty regular routine here. “You can either find us in the woods, on our bikes or in a kitchen — our own or someone else’s,” Isaac said. — M E G A N B AC H M A N
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COUNCIL BOARDS, COMMISSIONS & TASK FORCES The following is a list of volunteer Village Council boards, commissions, task forces and other organizations which allow villagers to serve the community in speci�c areas. Not all groups meet regularly or are always active, and some are called into action on an as-needed basis. Check the Yellow Springs News for monthly updates to meetings, times and availability of positions. Planning Commission Meets second Mondays, 7 p.m., Council Chambers Board of Zoning Appeals Scheduled as needed by Planning Asst. Board of Tax Appeals Scheduled as needed by Administration Member Community Access Panel Meets third Wednesday, 7 p.m., Council Chambers Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Committee Meets as required by Village Treasurer Economic Sustainability Commission Meets fourth Tuesday, 6 p.m., Art Room Energy Board Meets second and fourth Tuesday, 6 p.m., Council Chambers Environmental Commission Meets second and fourth Thursday, 7
p.m., Rooms A and B Human Relations Commission Meets �rst Thursday, 7 p.m., Council Chambers Librar y Commission Meets in January, June and as needed. There is no set day or time. Miami Township Trustees Meet �rst and third Mondays, 7 p.m., Township of�ces at Miami Township Fire-Rescue Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission Meets �rst Thurday, 9:30 a.m., 11040 W. Third St., Dayton Regional Planning and Coordinating Commission for Greene County Meets fourth Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., County Building, Dayton/Xenia Rd., Xenia Yellow Springs School Board Meets second Thursday, 7 p.m., Mills Lawn Graham Conference Room. Other groups include: Chamber of Commerce Karen Wintrow, director Wellhead Protection Plan Management Committee Design Advisor y Committee Tecumseh Land Trust Krista MacGaw, executive director Community Council Community Resources
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Brian Housh ��������������� �������������
When Brian Housh first came to Yellow Springs last year, he surprised a friend by handing him a business card. “You’ve only lived here a month — how can you already have a card?” the friend asked. Not only was Housh new to town, he had only just recovered from an illness that brought him back from Thailand, where he lived and worked for the past 12 years. But Housh is “a bit of a workaholic,” as he puts it. For him, having just one part-time job as gallery marketing director for the Yellow Springs Arts Council and to sit on the board of only one nonprofit (Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse), means he has scaled back his schedule significantly, even if he accumulated those responsibilities in just one month. Housh has family in town — he’s the older brother of Mills Lawn Elementary principal Matt Housh — and he’s not so far from his hometown roots in West Carrolton. And he came to the village rather circuitously. After getting a business degree from Tulane University, he thought about heading for Wall Street, but chose “adventure” instead by moving to Thailand. There Housh founded English Solutions, a consulting company that helped corporations train their staff in leadership. Being immersed in the corporate world didn’t dampen Housh’s enthusiasm for
“I’m surprised how easy it is to meet people; you can’t leave home without running into somebody.”
giving back. English Solutions embraced the ethic of corporate social responsibility (CSR), donating 10 percent of its profits to charity. Following the 2004 South Asian tsunami that devastated parts of Thailand and Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India, Housh worked with American Chamber of Commerce to raise half a million dollars for relief. But working for YSAC has been “another great way to get plugged in,” and he’s enjoying life in Yellow Springs. “I’m surprised how easy it is to meet people,” he said, adding that he can’t leave home without running in to somebody he’s met. He’s thrilled with the village’s bike friendliness, and beats a path between the Corner Cone and “this strip right here,” Xenia Avenue. He’ll check on the special at Current Cuisine, get coffee at the Emporium, settle there for a while and eventually “go to Dino’s for another coffee.”
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CHAMBER MUSIC YELLOW SPRINGS Sunday, Sep. 30, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church)
FALL STREET FAIR Saturday, Oct. 13, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (downtown) ART STROLL Friday, Oct. 19, 6–10 p.m. (downtown) YELLOW SPRINGS ARTIST STUDIO TOUR Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 20 & 21, 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
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CHAMBER MUSIC YELLOW SPRINGS Sunday, Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church)
HOLIDAY FEST Saturday, Dec. 8 (downtown)
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. PEACE WALK Monday, Jan. 21, 10:30 a.m. (downtown)
259 Xenia Ave. www.sunrisecafe-ys.com 767-7211 WORLD CUISINE WITH LOCAL FARE
HOURS: M., W., Th. 7:30 a.m.–2 p.m. & 5 p.m.–9 p.m. F. 7:30 a.m.–2 p.m. & 5 p.m.–10 p.m.
ART & SOUL: A YELLOW SPRINGS ART FAIR Saturday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn Gym)
Sat. 8 a.m.–2 p.m. & 5 p.m.–10 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m.–2 p.m. & 5 p.m.–9 p.m. Closed Tuesdays
CHAMBER MUSIC YELLOW SPRINGS Sunday, Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church)
CHAMBER MUSIC YELLOW SPRINGS Sunday, Mar. 24, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church)
CHAMBER MUSIC YELLOW SPRINGS Sunday, April 28, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church)
SPRING STREET FAIR Saturday, June 8, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (downtown) ART STROLL Friday, June 14, 6–10 p.m. (downtown) ANTIOCH COLLEGE REUNION (June 13–16)
YS KIDS PLAYHOUSE Gaston Boudreaux — The Cajun Robin Hood July 11–21 (Antioch Amphitheater) ANTIOCH WRITERS’ WORKSHOP July 6–12 (Antioch University Midwest)
BOOK FAIR Saturday, Aug. 3, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn School) ART ON THE LAWN Saturday, Aug. 10, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn School)
AACW BLUES FEST Friday, Aug. 30–Saturday, Aug. 31 (Antioch Amphitheater)
CORNER CONE FARMERS MARKET Saturdays, 7 a.m.–noon (Corner Cone parking lot)
YELLOW SPRINGS FARMERS MARKET Saturdays, 7 a.m.–noon (Kings Yard parking lot) SOUTH TOWN FARMERS MARKET Thursdays, 2–6 p.m. (Dollar General parking lot) YELLOW SPRINGS WINTER MARKET Saturdays, United Methodist Church basement YEAR-ROUND
4 For a comprehensive list of community activities, read the Yellow Springs News each Thursday or visit ysnews.com.
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