Tel: +86 18069012293
Email: 763924897evan@gmail.comPhone: +44(0) 7422949880Address: 195N GowerStreet, Prankerd House, NW1
BACHELOR OF ART Environmental Design
XiAn Academy of Fine Arts - XiAn, China 2019-2023
10 Nov 2022
The Bronze Award of the 20th Asian Design Award
19 Oct 2022
Shortlisted in the 8th China Habitat Environment Design Academic Year Award
26 Sep 2022
Shortlisted in the MetaCity Innovator Compe��on
06 Sep 2022
The Gold Award of the 8th China Interna�onal College Students’ “Internet+” Innova�on and Entrepreneurship Compe��on
16 July 2022
The Third-class Prize of Britain Interna�onal Crea�ve Compe��on
21 Apr 2022
Shortlisted in the 2021 Academy Award of China Interior and Environmental Design Compe��on
18 Apr 2022
The First-class Prize of Milan Design Week College Design Exhibi�on (Shaanxi Division)
27 Dec 2021
The Second-class Prize of 2021 Na�onal Rural Planning Compe��on for College Students
Majoring in Urban and Rural Planning
University of College London - London 2023-2024
July 2022 - August 2022
Ningbo Architecture Design Instution - ZheJiang, China
Broaden design perspec�ves, Understand constraints: follow the team in the design of rural planning and par�cipate in the repor�ng and communica�on with the village government.
Modelling capabili�es:
Streetscape modifica�on and modelling of the surrounding site in conjunc�on with aerial drone photography.
July 2023 - August 2023
YouMu Studio - ZheJiang, China
Self-media opera�on ability:
Created own studio account and post informa�on to a�ract clients, and tutored underclassmen on their por�olios.
Integra�on of so�ware capabili�es:
Consolida�on of modelling and rendering as well as ai-assisted design skills through lectures.
Rhino & Grasshopper
AutoCAD D5, Vray, LU
AutoCAD Rendering
Python Stable Diffusion
Project Description
In 2022, the world is s�ll at war, although countries around the world are hos�ng refugees on a humanitarian basis, there is s�ll a huge cultural divide between refugees and their host countries, crea�ng a mul�tude of social problems.
Therefore, I want to create a shelter for war refugees - a refugee camp at sea where eliminates na�onal boundaries, which not only accommodates refugees of all na�onali�es and provides a good life, but also serves as a beacon against war
Functional divisions
The ve functional blocks of medical area, seashore park, production area, living area and religious memorial space constitute the main functional divisions of the marine refugee camp, which can meet the daily needs of refugees and build an ideal society for future life
Project Description
The design of the installa�on was inspired by a reflec�on on the reasons for the loss of meaning in modern urban life, and I believe that the loss of culture and materialis�c desires are the main causes of this phenomenon. Therefore, I wanted to use so� materials to build a spa�al installa�on to awaken the memory of a good life and make people to rethink the the way of life they should adopt through a so� spa�al form that is different from the outside world.
In ancient Chinese philosophy, all things are in a corresponding system of heaven and earth. The culture of reaction of the material life and spiritual life of this city and its people. The ancients believed that only when
Bu t n ow t he city has be co me a machi ne o f materi al d es ire Peop e have lo st th e ir spi rit and p assio n fo r ife w hen wal k in g th rough th e h ard an d cold b uil di ng s. Ye ars conti nu e here b u t civ il izati on ha s a lre ady sto ppe d ab ru p tl y.
Therefore I wanted to u s e s of t materials to bu ild a spati al nst a ll ation
t he i r m em ories o f a goo d li fe a nd rethink the meani ng of l ife n th e pa st /p resent/f ut ure a nd t he way o f li fe th ey sh oul d adopt th rough a
The se lecti on of devi ce m aterial s s hal l be ba sed o n t he p ri nc i ple o f no t being ab ru pt a nd h ig h ntegrati on w i th the o rigin al si te and n atura l e nviron ment. At t he sam e t im e, th e mater ia ls s hou ld a l so be f a mili a r to Xi'an citi zens and inheri t t h e t raditional culture o f X i 'a n
Portfolio 3
China, Shaanxi, Xi'an city centre
Portfolio 3 2022.2.14-2022.7.4
Redefining the boundary between good and evil
In China, criminals are targets of hatred and fear, and there is a lack of social concern for prisons and prisoners, which has led to a constant backwardness in prison reform and a lack of monitoring of judicial power. Social discrimina�on and the backwardness of prisons can in turn lead to high rates of recidivism and the loss of prisoners' rights. Therefore, I want to introduce a new punishment method into prison to reform prisoners, and let residents rethink the source of evil in each individuals.
and outdated concepts, resulting in a lack of guarantee of prisoners' human rights,
the distance between prisoners and society, to narrow the distance between prisoners and citizens by exploring the boundary between prisoners and citizens, and to ease the relationship between them. Through the educational function of Prisons, not only prisoners but also citizens can experience prison life in person, reducing the social crime rate.
Xi'an is an ancient capital with a long history. As the core city of Northwest China in the new era, its urban development level and people's ideas are relatively backward Xi'an initially developed its economy through heavy industry. With the needs the innovation of new ideas.
The proximity of the prison to the hospital helps to ensure the physical and mental health of the inmates
The area contains many dense population and incidence area of crime.
The establishment of prisons in this area has a
The location o he prison n the centre of the cit y helps to increase the exposu e of the prison acilitates nteraction between citizens and prisoners and prevents the isolation of prisoners rom society.
The mutual cooperationbetweenjudicialand administrative organswillhelptoimprovethe realizationofprisoners'rightsandinterests
Although China's crime rate in developed cities is lower than that in other developing countries due to its development in recent years, due to China's large population base, the number of criminals is still large, which is a social problem that can not be ignored
Ranking of China's urban crime rate in 2020
Total number of cases in 2020
Number of criminal cases in 2020
Number of extraordinarily serious criminal cases
Suspect population for juvenile delinquency in 2020
Number of recidivists in a prison
The urban crime rate is relatively high in China
22 % -
10.25 % -
Prisons are supposed to be places where people are imprisoned, but because of the coldness and returning to the walls is the only place they can go
There are many criminal cases, but to a lesser extent
There are few malignant cases and the public is tolerant enough to facilitate the experiment
The number of juvenile delinquency is large and there are serious hidden dangers, which can not be ignored
reform is questionable, which needs to be improved
Slime molds are representatives of swarm intelligence: individuals are single cells, but the reproduction and movement of colonies seem to
together and give them tasks, they can burst out with amazing wisdom and make contributions to society. In my opinion, slime molds are like prisoners. No one is born evil. Therefore, what a prison needs to do is not to punish and retaliate, but to let them create value and reintegrate into society
In the new prison, the boundary is endowed with a new concept, which is not isolation but more attraction, so as to achieve the role of prison in purifying prisoners and educating citizens through mutual contact
The prison building is like a parasite parasitic on the original building. It can be a tumor of the city or a useful plug-in to expand the functions of the original building, which depends on the way and attitude people treat it.
This corresponds to the relationship between prisoners and citizens. The advantages and disadvantages of prisoners to society also depend on the way society treats them
prisoners through reeducation through labor, but helps prisoners master the means to return to society and crime. Therefore, I chose the interactive area of prisoners and citizens in the new prison as the key performance object, and will introduce it in the following
Team work
The one-month mapping project has deepened my understanding of tradi�onal Chinese architecture. Our group has documented and restored the construc�on of a famous tradi�onal house in Shaanxi through measure ment, drawing, computer modelling , hand modeling and VR, hoping to contribute to the future reconstruc �on and restora�on of the building
Presentation of Results
a. Front view
October 2021 - November 2021
b. Upward view
c. Top view
d. Floor plan
i. Node details
e. Front cutaway view
f. Back view
g. Left & Right view
h. Side cutaway view
We Three - City,Theatre and Groups
Project Description
Organised groups have always played an important role in the life of peoples, but never before has this role been as important as it is now. The substitution of the unconscious behaviour of the group for the conscious behaviour of the individual is one of the main features of the present era.
Through the medium of theater, this project responds to the dynamic evolution of the social discourse of groups and political elites as well as the different perspectives on social issues through the use of stage plays. At the same time, the project also hopes to explore the mutual transformation of theatrical urbanization and urban dramaturgy by integrating the stage into the urban space.
480 BC.:
King Xerxes of Persia, in an attempt to fulfill his father's wishes and personal prestige, broke out the Second Bohemian War, which resulted in massive loss of life in both countries internal conflicts intensified"
This anti-government movement with the theme of "democracy" was entirely a bottom-up civic movement, where people's opinions were pooled on social media to form an organized protest movement."
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Organised groups have always played an important role in the life of peoples, but never before has this role been as important as it is now. The substitution of the unconscious behaviour of the group for the conscious behaviour of the individual is one of the main features of the present era.
The Waning of the Renaissance Theatre Urbanization
… the general culture of Europe in this period was probably the most theatrical in its history … theater taught about the world and how to display oneself in it.
2002 William J. Bouwsma“Street” and “stage” are interchangeable ideas in the Renaissance, but perhaps never more so than in the oneiric utopia of the ideal city. “Theater” performances happened in the street before the development of special theatrical spaces in gardens and palaces. More to the point, it was widely perceived that urban public life was itself a
kind of performance. Therefore, the project demonstrates through an example how to take elements from the stage play for spatial design, so that the issues in the play can be externalized into the urban space, breaking down the sub-dimensional wall between the audience and the performance.
02.1 Casting
The Social Media Revolution
"The Internet has become the most powerful megaphone ever invented by mankind."
Vinton Gray Cerf.Database 01: # Twitter
The database contains statements tweeted by 24 groups from 2016 through 2023, 500 tweets per quarter each, 16,000 tweets per group each.Relying on tf-idf to match tweets, which will serve as a language bank for later performances in which each actor will speak on a different issue.
Database 02: # National Theatre StagePlay
Database 02 contains 50 classic plays Relying on the timestamps of the lines corresponding to the results of the tweets matched by database01, database02 can provide corresponding stage clips to provide the corresponding spatial characteristics and emotional atmosphere.
Database 03: # Spanish Theatre StagePlay
Database 03 contains 300 Spanish plays. Since the project is located in Madrid, in order to make the spatial scene conform to the local culture, the project needs to visualize the lines through the database 02 and then match them with the scenes in the Spanish Theatre Library through the image feature vectors to achieve the purpose of Spanishizing the spatial scene.
Database 01: # Twitter
Database 02: # National Theatre StagePlay
Database 03: # Spanish Theatre StagePlay
Step 01: Choosing topics and actors
Use Feminism as Topic
Feminnism related words
Group's tweets library tweets that express different groups's thoughts on women's rights
The characters in our theatre are twenty different groups. Project searched each group's tweets library with words related to women's rights in order to get tweets that express different groups' thoughts on women's rights.
Choose a topic and characters
Step 02: Tweets match to Lines
Use Feminism as Topic
In this step, the project can get the different reactions of the different characters to the topic of discussion, as well as the lines and corresponding timestamps that match their emotional context, and next the project will match the frames.
The selected Role
input: words related to topic User.
Output: Search
Feminism, Women Rights, Female Empowerment, Women's Leadership, Menstrual Equity, Women's Suffrage, Equal Pay, Misogyny
30 tweets in total
''Taylor Swift and her squad are all about 'female empowerment' when it suits them.''
''They all preach women empowerment and then the minute Taylor gets slvtshamed and decided to defend herself, instead of supporting her, they'll drag her down ughh nakakairita''
"You know for them ferminism only applies to Taylor Swift Feminism was ruined by the intellectual property of Taylor Swift woman takes break from ferminism to listen to better than revenge by taylor swit the feminism leaving my body when better than revenge by taylor swift comes on: Nicki Mina doing that fake feminism shit that Taylor Swift does and I'm TIRED of it."
30 Tweets clustering merging matching
[{‘Text’: ['Haste me to know it, that I with wings as swift as meditation may sweep to my revenge.’],
'Start Time’: '00:28:04,0’,
'End Time’: '00:28:10,0’,
'File Name’: 'Hamlet01’},
In this step, we match the timestamps and filenames recorded in the dictionary with the video files, extract the corresponding video clips and select the most spatial keyframes as the image reference.
{‘Text’: ['For me, with sorrow, I embrace my fortune. I have some rights of memory in this kingdom which now to claim my vantage doth invite me.’],
'Start Time’: '00:08:16,660’,
'End Time’: '00:08:26,660’,
'File Name’: 'Hamlet05’}
{‘Text’: ['Haste me to know it, that I with wings as swift as meditation may sweep to my revenge.’],
'Start Time’: '00:28:04,0’, 'End Time’: '00:28:10,0’,
'File Name’: 'Hamlet01’}
[{Text: Catholic hell.
Start Time: 00:31:47,920
End Time: 00:31:49,400
File Name: Leopoldstadt - National Theatre at Home}]
[{Text: Hymen sings his blessings on you
Start Time: 00:51:51,274
End Time: 00:51:56,451
File Name: As you like it3 Part II}]
Step 04: Extracting regional characteristics
Use Feminism as Topic
In this step, we first save the video in the Spanish video library as keyframes by drawing a frame in 10 seconds, and then match it with the selected images in the previous step by using image vectors to obtain the closest 400 images and then use the self organizing map (SOM) for clustering to obtain the spatial images with the characteristics of the Spanish elements.
{'Text’: to all the
{'Text’: [“I am just doing this to protect all the women. I look up at Julian’s boys in the gallery. Your honor.”],
in 'Start 'End 'File
'Start Time’: '00:21:23,0’, 'End Time’: '00:21:33,300’, 'File Name’: 'Prima Facie’}
{Text: – HUGO: It’s a matter of respect.
OMOLARA: Thank you, Bahman.
{Text: a OMOLARA:
Start Time: 01:04:29,520
Start 01:04:29,520
End Time: 01:04:32,400
File Name: Phaedra}
End File
{'Text’: ['Yes, by selling it effectively, but we still retain rights. We are not tenants. We still have full rights of residency. Until you die.’],
{'Text’: still still die.’],
'Start Time’: '01:02:23,930’,
'End Time’: '01:02:31,930’,
'File Name’: 'Last of the Haussmans (2012)’}
'Start Time’: '01:02:23,930’, 'End 'File a.
[{Text: – You said I could go.
[{Text: You
Text: – On the contrary, I said you couldn’t.
Start Time: 00:56:18,200
Start 00:56:18,200
End Time: 00:56:20,560
File Name: The Corn is Green}]
End File Corn
The project creates a cohesive place by collec�ng the cultural life of local villagers and the historical lineage of the village, in order to build a rural iden�ty and facilitate villagers' life
October 2023 - December 2023
Self Organizing Map
FinalVideo URL:
UCL, The Bartlett School of Architecture RC11
A Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is a type of artificial neural network designed for unsupervised learning. Unlike traditional networks, SOMs have a grid-like structure where neurons adjust their weights during training to cluster similar input data patterns, thus providing a topological, lowerdimensional representation of the data.
In my postgraduate studies at the Bartle� School of Architecture, I ventured into an en�rely new realm of content compared to my undergraduate experience: computer-aided design.
In the context of the impact of the pandemic on Xi'an, online exhibi�ons and remote work have become part of daily life. Given this background, I have integrated features for online viewing and remote work within physical exhibi�on spaces to address unforeseen situa�ons.
In this project, I u�lized computer algorithms to analyze data which are surrounded alcohol, the computa�on help me to iden�fy the unmet needs of specific communi�es and propose improvements to enhance their quality of life.
By extrac�ng the facial and clothing data of guests in different regional bar, I can analyze the economic level of guests, the influence of alcohol on guests' emo�ons and the reasons for guests to drink, so as to serve the architectural planning and
The Best Matching Unit (BMU) is a fundamental concept in the training algorithm for Self-Organizing Maps. The BMU is the neuron in the SOM whose weight vector is closest to a given input vector in Euclidean distance. the BMU represents the neuron in the SOM that is most similar to the input vector in terms of its weights. During training, the SOM adjusts its weights to move the BMU closer to the input vector, while also adjusting the weights of neighboring neurons to a lesser extent. This allows the SOM to learn the underlying structure of the input data and organize it into clusters or groups.
By si�ing through the vast amount of text informa�on related to the effects of alcohol, designers can know what func�ons are missing in the community
For example, when we submit textual data to a trained SOM, the BMU of that data is the neuron whose weights best match the input vector, and when the text used is a resource from a book on urban theory, the BMU will represent patterns or themes in those sentences, and if there is a common theme in urban theory about "public space" , when we enter a sentence about public space, this BMU will be activated to get the expertise related to it to guide urban design.
In the last summer, I use own pla�orm to help junior to prac�ce so�ware and basic design skills.