Yes Philippines NewsMagazine UK - April 2022

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Fi l i pi no Communi ty New spaper COV ER to COV ER UNITED KINGDOM EDITION



H A PPY ea s t er

k a ba y a n ! Th e V i ce-Presi denti al Candi dates Wh o w i l l you v ote f or? p 16 & 17 A teneo students are f i rst A si ans ev er to w i n Cambri dge debate competi ti on p 10 Easter Trav el Speci al - Sev en Si sters Nati onal Park p 21 & 22


APRIL 2022

LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER PRIL br in gs u s n ear t h e en d of t h e Len t en season , w h ich f or u s Ch r ist ian s, is a t im e f or r ef lect ion on t h e deat h of Jesu s Ch r ist on t h e cr oss, an d f or a celebr at ion of His lif e at t h e r esu r r ect ion on East er Su n day ? t h e m ost im por t an t day in Ch r ist en dom .



"We conclude our special series on the May 2022 presidential elections in the home country as we present the vice-presidential line-up, and a timely article on not voting for political lapdogs."

Every year, many of us try to ?give something up? as a form of sacrifice. These could be sweet treats, TV, video games, Facebook, shopping, coffee, etc. Those who made an attempt, would have begun on Ash Wednesday, early in March. They may have chosen to give up a life-long habit like smoking (albeit temporarily), or a favourite edible item such as chocolate. These worldly pleasures can be sorely missed during the six weeks of Lent and forgoing them seem unbearable, but it is important to remember that in the grand scheme of things, one?s sacrifice is infinitesimal: that is, compared to Jesus?ultimate sacrifice on the cross. According to Wikipedia, the month of April

was important to the natives of Las Islas Filipinas under the Spaniards ?as it was associated with the influence of the Chinese during the Spanish colonial period.? If you look up at the night sky this month, you could be in for a celestial treat as meteor showers bring their annual spectacle of bright lights above. Speaking of treats, Yes Philippines has plenty for you in this issue. We conclude our special series on the May 2022 presidential elections in the home country as we present the vice-presidential line-up, and a timely article on not voting for political lapdogs. We have a news story on two Pinoy high school students who made history at Cambridge by winning its debate competition, the first Asians to do so. If you?re planning a holiday during the Easter break, our travel article can help you decide on your destination. All these and more in your favourite news magazine. So, enjoy your copy from cover to cover while you wait for the Easter Bunny. Happy reading!

This Edition is distributed all over the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) Pu blish er M ARY SOL PIM ENTEL Associat e Pu blish er SARAH M AE LARAGAN M an agin g Edit or M ARIA ELLIS Pr odu ct ion M an ager PAULA PEREZ Layou t Ar t ist LEONE CERISE CRISOSTOM O Ar t Dir ect or JOHN KNUCKLES Wr it er s/ Con t r ibu t or s VIVA O'FLYNN PEPS VILLANUEVA ROBERT LABAYEN CAM ILLE EUSEBIO EDGAR DUAY Adver t isin g KARLA DUCAY Colu m n ist LIRA SIM ON-CABATBAT Cir cu lat ion FERNAN DOM INGO BIEN EVANGELISTA


APRIL 2022




ECOND of Ap ril 1788, Fra nc isc o Ba lt a za r w a s b o rn in Big a a , Bula c a n

On 2 April 1788, prominent Filipino poet Francisco Baltazar, the Philippine counterpart of famed English writer William Shakespeare, was born in Bigaa, Bulacan.

coined after his pen name to honour him. Balagtas continued writing "awit" and "moro-moro" pieces until his death on 20 February 1862 at age 74.

President Manuel Roxas was inaugurated as the 5th President of the Philippines

Baltazar served as his aunt?s houseboy, who was impressed with his literary talent. He attended school until he graduated at age 24 with degrees in Crown Law, Spanish, Latin, Physics, Christian Doctrine, Humanities and Philosophy.

On 14 April 1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan serving the Spanish royalty, erected a wooden cross on the shores of Cebu.

His "Florante at Laura", along with Jose Rizal?s "Noli Me Tangere", are considered as among Philippine literary masterpieces. The government made these two masterpieces mandatory reading materials for high school. Baltazar ?s writing prowess made him one of the most revered figures in Philippine literature. "Balagtasan," a traditional Filipino debate in extemporaneous verse, was

Magellan, though, died and did not live to see the final completion of the first known voyage in history to circumnavigate the globe. It was through his trip that the Europeans first learned the existence of the Philippines. It also proved that the earth was round.

Magellan's planting of the cross

Baltazar was among trendsetters of early 19th century Philippines as he wrote in Tagalog ? a move considered as courageous and novel since literary work then was mostly published in Spanish. His work sealed the legitimacy of writing literature in Tagalog and demonstrated this language's effectiveness in communicating one's thoughts.

In Philippine culture, Magellan is honoured for bringing Christianity to the Philippines. Magellan's Cross and Magellan's shrine were erected in Cebu City and Mactan Island. For his part, Lapu-Lapu is retroactively honoured as the first "Philippine national hero" to resist foreign rule, and remembered by a number of commemorations.

14 Ap ril 1521, M a g ella n erec t ed a w o o d en c ro ss o n t he sho res of Ceb u

Known widely through his nom-de-plume Francisco Balagtas, he published in 1838 the famous epic "Florante at Laura", which became the first Filipino literary piece.


the Republic which was proclaimed on the morning of 4 July 1946, this was when the Philippines was granted independence by the United States.

Magellan, who was warmly received by the chieftain of Cebu, Rajah Humabon, and his wife Queen Juana, persuaded them to form an alliance with Spain, leave their pagan ways and be baptized as Christians.

The term of President Roxas is the shortest so far among the country's presidents -- one year, 10 months and 18 days. He had barely outlined his rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes when death took him while taking a rest after delivering a speech at Clark Field in Pampanga on 15 April 1948. After his death, Roxas was replaced by his vice president, Elpidio Quirino, who also became full-term president after winning the 1949 presidential election.

27 Ap ril 1521, Ferd ina nd M a g ella n w a s killed b y w a rrio rs of La p u- La p u On 27 April 1521, Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan was defeated and killed by warriors of Lapu-Lapu, a native chieftain of Mactan Island.

Rajah Humabon was the first indigenous king of the Philippines to be converted to Christianity, after he, his wives and the people of Cebu were baptised by Magellan's priest. Humabon was named Carlos in honour of King Carlos I of Spain, while his principal wife Hara Amihan was named Juana, after the king's mother. He also made a blood compact with Magellan, as a sign of friendship.

23 Ap ril 1946, M a nuel Roxa s w a s elec t ed Presid ent On 23 April 1946, Manuel A. Roxas was elected President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. Inaugurated on 28 May 1946 as last President of the Commonwealth, Roxas continued in office as first President of

FERDINANDMAGELLAN On Tuesday morning of 20 September 1519, with the support of King Charles V, Magellan standing on the poop of the Trinidad, called out in a loud voice, "Larguen en el nombre de Dios!" ("Let's go in God's name!"), Magellan set out to circumnavigate the globe.

28 Ap ril 1949, M rs. Auro ra Quezo n w a s m urd ered b y t he Hukb a la ha p s

The Manila Times headline, April 29, 1949

On 28 April 1949, Mrs. Aurora Quezon, her daughter Maria Aurora, her son-in-law, Philip Buencamino III, together with nine others including Mayor Ponciano Bernardo of Quezon City, were shockingly murdered in a machine-gun ambuscade by a band of Hukbalahaps while on their way to Baler, the birthplace of former President Quezon. Mrs. Quezon was the widow of the former President. President Quirino, speaking in Baguio the next day, issued an appeal for the cooperation of all law-abiding citizens in eliminating "the last vestige of lawlessness and savagery in our land", following the shocking incident. The President issued a proclamation providing for the half-masting of the national flag for 9 days and summoned the constabulary chiefs to a meeting at which he issued fresh orders for the "summary elimination of dissident depredations." The former sub-province of Aurora was created as a separate province named in her memory in 1979. Aurora Boulevard a major thoroughfare in Quezon City and San Juan was named after her in 1963. Sou r ce & Ph ot o Cou r t esy: Th e Kah im yan g Pr oject

RA F- Recrui tment Campai gn f or M ul ti cul tural A udi ences


APRIL 2022



here d id yo u st ud y nursing ?


University of the Philippines

W ha t d o yo u like m o st a b o ut liv ing in t he UK?

W hy d id yo u c ho o se nursing a s a c a reer?

I enjoy the equal opportunities of living in the UK.

It was always a childhood dream to be in healthcare. I started my tertiary education in Medicine and changed to Nursing Sciences.

W ha t d o yo u d o in yo ur f ree t im e?

W here d id yo u w o rk b ef o re c o m ing t o t he UK? After completing my Bachelor ?s Degree in Nursing, I briefly volunteered at The Lung Centre of The Philippines and successfully landed a nursing job in Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

How lo ng ha ve yo u b een w o rking here? I started working in Derby in December 2000. I am still employed at The Royal Derby Hospital.

W ha t a re yo ur resp o nsib ilit ies a t w o rk ? I work as a charge nurse and I take the clinical lead on the daily activities in an acute respiratory and high-dependency unit providing specialist intervention and patient care.

Plea se d esc rib e yo ur t y p ic a l d a y a t w o rk. A typical day at work would be dealing with both human and material concerns and de-escalating patient flow issues. I also take the Major Incident Bleep when


I enjoy travelling and my passion for fashion and the creative arts.

Do yo u int end t o st a y in t he UK f o r g o o d ? I intend to remain here in the UK as I now consider this country my home.

W ha t a re yo ur c a reer p la ns a nd ot her f ut ure g o a ls? I will be retiring soon from healthcare and I will be pursuing my childhood dream of being a fashion designer.

Vir Ad v inc ula 's f a shio n c rea t io n

APRIL 2022



APRIL 2022


A teneo students are f i rst A si ans ev er to w i n Cambri dge debate competi ti on By ASHSDebate Organization and Varsity TENEO de M an ila Sen ior High Sch ool (ASHS) debat er s Naom i An g (12-M ik i) & An t on Abier a (12-Bobola) w on t h e ch am pion sh ip at t h e 2022 Cam br idge Sch ools Fin als Day on 20 M ar ch 2022, m ar k in g t h e f ir st t im e in h ist or y t h at an Asian in st it u t ion h as w on t h e pr est igiou s debat e t ou r n am en t . Ang was also recognized as the tournament?s 9th best speaker.


Fellow ASHS debaters David Bejarin (12-Grodecky) & Johann Bernardo (12-Bobola) narrowly missed the competitive break after four preliminary rounds. Bernardo was in Cambridge while Bejarin competed virtually from Metro Manila. On their journey to the championship, the finalists debated on topics such as environmentalism, social policies, media, and democracy. In the Grand Finals, Ang & Abiera debated on the theme of sociocultural issues and social movements. They ultimately secured the win as the Opening Government in the Grand Finals against Eton College, Westminster School and Wellington College. Ang, Abiera, and Bernardo flew to Cambridge, United Kingdom on 17 March 2022 to compete in-person at the historic Cambridge Union Building. Built in 1815, it is the oldest speaking Union in the world. It holds a strong tradition of contentious debates and the esteem of notable speakers who have addressed the Union, including the Dalai Lama, US President Ronald Reagan, and Stephen Hawking, to name a few. This is the second time Ateneo de Manila Senior High School debaters have competed at this tournament in-person, with

Julia Ocoma & Matti Tan making the Grand Finals back in 2017. Very few teams get to compete in the Finals Day, as only the top teams of different regional competitions held around the world are invited to the culminating tournament. In the lead-up to the championship, ASHS teams competed against debaters from all around the world in the Cambridge Asia BP Southeast Asia Championships, where they landed among the top teams and qualified for the Finals Day. Ang & Abiera were the eventual champions in this regional tournament as the highest-ranking team, while Bejarin & Bernardo also reached the final and ranked right behind them. Ang, Bejarin, and Bernardo were also recognized as the preceding tournament?s Overall Best Speakers in a three-way-tie, while Abiera was named 4th Best Open Speaker. The debaters extend their gratitude to their families for their unwavering support and guidance. They also thank coaches Tim Gamez, Julia Ocoma, Ryan Oquiza, Miguel Sulit, Miguel Yulo, and their moderator, Luigi Alcañeses, for training them for the competition. Additionally, they would like to thank the ASHS Office of Student Affairs and the Cambridge Union for giving our debaters the opportunity to show their talents. They express their appreciation towards ASHS administrators Mr. Noel P. Miranda, Mrs. Jennifer Alarcon Concepcion, Mr. Luis Allan B. Melosantos and Mrs. Inez Louisa C. Crisostomo for the special considerations granted to members of the contingent. Lastly, they would also like to express gratitude to the Valenzuela City government for financial assistance. Sou r ce: w w en / n ew s

(L- R) J o ha nn Berna rd o , Na o m i Ang , a nd Ant o n Ab iera in t he Ca m b rid g e Unio n Deb a t ing Cha m b er

Ant o n Ab iera & Na o m i Ang w it h t heir t ro p hy in t he hist o ric Ca m b rid g e Unio n Deb a t ing Cha m b er

Da v id Beja rin c o m p et ed v irt ua lly f ro m M et ro M a nila



adv ert


APRIL 2022


New Law on Pri v ate Li f e BYATTY. LIRASIMON-CABATBAT

N t h e 15t h of M ar ch 2022, t h e Hom e Of f ice pu blish ed it s m ost r ecen t ?st at em en t of ch an ges? t o t h e Im m igr at ion Ru les. The document is comprised of 205 pages and sets out numerous changes including changes to the Private Life route, which will take effect on the 20t h of Ju n e 2022. This article will focus on the Private Life route including tips and factors to bear in mind when pursuing such applications.


An application based on Private Life can be made by both adults and children and usually covers situations where applicants have lived in the UK for a long time. Private Life is different from Family Life, with the latter mainly dealing with the family connections applicants have made in the UK. In most cases, the two routes are argued at the same time, but they are quite distinct. Th e old Pr ivat e Lif e Law r et ain ed The eligibility conditions under the old Private Life route required that applicants must show that they are: 1.




A child (applicant under 18 years) who has been living in the UK continuously for at least 7 years and who cannot reasonably be expected to leave the UK. This provision is equally applicable to children born in the UK or those who entered the UK during their minority. A young adult who arrived in the UK before the age of 18 and at the time of the application is aged between 18-24 and has spent half of their lives in the UK. An adult (over 18 years) who has lived in the UK continuously for more than 20 years. An adult (over 18 years) who has not lived in the UK for more than 20 years but would face significant obstacles to integration into the country where they would have to live if required to leave the UK.

The new Private Life rules mirror the basis for applications under the above old law but with some notable, and largely positive, changes which are particularly helpful to young

applicants. New Law - Ch ild bor n in t h e UK The new rules provide that a child applicant who was born in the UK and has lived in the UK continuously since birth, for at least 7 years, may now be granted settlement from their first application. This is a welcomed change from the previous rule that only granted the child applicant limited leave to remain of 2.5 years. Bew ar e, however, that the applicant child must still satisfy the second condition which is that he or she cannot ?reasonably? be expected to leave the UK. Recent caselaw such as the case of NA (Bangladesh) is particularly problematic if the child applicant?s parents are overstayers.

New Law - Ch ild n ot bor n in t h e UK The new rule also provides that a child applicant who was not born in the UK but who has been living in the UK continuously for at least 7 years and who cannot reasonably be expected to leave the UK may choose to apply for either a 2.5 years or 5 years visa (leave to remain). Prior to the change such applicants would only be granted a visa for 2.5 years.

New Law - You n g adu lt Similarly, an applicant who is a young adult, who arrived in the UK before the age of 18 and at the time of the application is aged between 18-24 and has spent half of their lives in the UK, may also choose to apply for either 2.5 years or 5 years visa. Before the change such applicants would only be granted a visa for 2.5 years.

New Law - Adu lt applican t s For adult applicants such as those applying under the 20 years route, their initial grant of leave (visa) will remain at 2.5 years, and they will still be required to satisfy a total of 10 years before they can apply for settlement. However, there is also good news for an applicant under this route. The old law provides that applicants are required to have visas totalling to 10 years under the Private Life route (only) before they can apply for settlement. The new rule states that applicants can add visa periods obtained under other routes. For example, if an applicant has been in the UK on a Spouse

visa for 4 years, he can add those 4 years to the time granted under the new Private Life route. This means such an applicant may apply for settlement after 6 years of leave under the Private Life route, rather than 10 years under the old law. Bew ar e, however, that applicants are required to show con t in u ou s leave so any gap / overstaying will likely mean that previous time granted under a different visa will not count towards the overall 10 years. Dat e of Im plem en t at ion The new law will apply to applications made on or after the 20th of June 2022. For some applicants, it may be better to wait until after this date before making their application as it may mean the difference between getting limited leave or settlement. Tips Th e above ch an ges ar e u n dou bt edly good n ew s bu t som e w or ds of cau t ion . * NA (Bangladesh) 2021 is a Court of Appeal case and is therefore a binding precedent on the issue of whether a child can ?reasonably? be expected to leave the UK. The case may present difficulties to those seeking to apply under the 7 years children route so when making representations applicants should try to distinguish the facts of that case from their application. * The perceived generosity of the above provisions does not take away the importance and need for applicants to submit good evidence in support of their application. If the case is based on the young


adult (18-24) route, the applicant should provide evidence of his/her continued residence in the UK for half of his life. School reports are often good evidence as it covers school terms. Remember, it is for the applicant to present his case with the best possible evidence at the outset. In the absence of good supporting documents, the Home Office will likely refuse the application. * In 2021, the Home Office introduced a new provision aimed at young adults (18-24) who have already been granted a visa under the Private Life route; that provision allows applicants to apply for settlement before completion of the usual 10 years qualifying period. * To succeed under the Private Life route, it is not enough that applicants satisfy the above eligibility requirements as they must also comply with the Suitability requirements. ?Suitability? is also described as ?Character ?, so an applicant deemed to have ?bad? character may have his application refused on this basis regardless of satisfying the above eligibility conditions e.g., residence of 20 years in the UK. * The new rules have introduced more stringent requirements in relation to character. For example, an applicant convicted of a criminal offence in the UK or overseas and who is sentenced to imprisonment of 12 months of more will be refused an application for settlement under the new Private Life route. This means that unless the applicant has another route available to him, he will not (ever) be granted settlement status in the UK.


RA F- Recrui tment Campai gn f or M ul ti cul tural A udi ences



APRIL 2022


DOT h opes f or f ul l PH reopeni ng to f orei gn touri sts by A pri l BYJOYCEANNL. ROCAMORA


HE Depar t m en t of Tou r ism (DOT) is h opin g t h at t h e Ph ilippin es cou ld f u lly r eopen it s door s t o m or e f or eign t ou r ist s by Apr il of t h is year .

Currently, only fully vaccinated foreign leisure travelers from visa-free countries are allowed to enter the Philippines. "Right now, (the Philippines is) only for 157 visa-free countries but we are hoping that by April, we will be open to all foreigners,? Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat said in an interview.

She said the recommendation to limit leisure travelers for visa-free countries, an easing of restriction that started last February 10, came from the Department of Foreign Affairs. "They wanted 'yong pa-unti-unti muna (gradual), so we started with the 157 visa-free countries. And then they told us that they are ready to accept also kasi (because) they have to open the consular services all over the world, so we hope that that will be approved and we will be able to accept by April," she said. From 10 February to 8 March, the DOT has recorded a total of 73,178 tourists, mostly from South Korea, the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, Vietnam,

and Japan. The official said these figures are not high compared to the pre-pandemic level but they were happy about the unexpected turn of events since projections suggest that arrivals would pick up in June or during the winter months. ?It?s not big compared to the pre-pandemic levels because pre-pandemic levels, we had about 8.28 million tourist arrivals for the whole year but we were pleasantly surprised,? she said. Source & Photo Courtesy: PNA

LET'S PRI NT YOUR STORY! Send us news of your community events and activities. We welcome details of uour stories, including success, awards, appointments and events.

yesp hilnew sm a g uk@g m a i.c o m




APRIL 2022


V I CE-PRESI DENTI A L CA NDI DA TES Wh o w i l l you v ote f or? Lit o At ienza Lito Atienza, 80, has represented the Buhay party-list as a lawmaker in the Lower House since 2012. He has held several seats in the City of Manila since the 1970s, ultimately becoming mayor for three consecutive years from 1998 to 2007.

After the Laban ng Masa coalition launched a 300,000 signature campaign to urge Bello to run for president in 2022, he eventually agreed to be Leody de Guzman?s running mate. As a tandem, De Guzman and Bello propose to ?demilitarize society, uphold human rights and punish mass-murderers and plunderers." Bello claims that their platform offers the kinds of reforms capable of stopping what he calls the ?Marcos-Duterte axis of evil?.

also advancing his policy as a supposed alternative to the political control of oligarchical families in the country, to combat the amorality and cynicism of the general public and promote faith restoration. David also opposes mandatory vaccination against COVID-19, citing his belief in each person?s right to informed consent. Sa ra Dut ert e Sara Duterte, 43, is the incumbent mayor of Davao City. She became the city's first female mayor and the youngest to ever be elected in its history.

WALDENBELLO LITOATIENZA As Buhay representative, Atienza opposes divorce, same-sex marriage or civil unions and the death penalty. He has also sought to repeal the Reproductive Health Law, claiming that the law?s promotion of birth control and use of artificial contraceptives and the possible legalization of same-sex marriage through the anti-discrimination provision violate the 1987 Constitution.

Riza lit o Da v id Rizalito David, 60, is a pro-life advocate and perennial candidate for public office. He has long-espoused stances which he says are guided by his Catholic faith, including opposition to what he claims are the ?anti-life? provisions of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, same-sex marriage, abortion and divorce.


Atienza had intended to retire from politics and serve as an advisor to Senator Manny Pacquiao on his campaign but was convinced by the boxer-turned-lawmaker to seek the vice presidency as his running mate.

Duterte is the running-mate of Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. She entered the vice presidential race at the last hour via substitution after initially claiming that she had no interest in seeking a national post.

He is campaigning on a platform of good government and the elimination of corruption to provide a better life for Filipinos, listing 22 high-level agenda items to be tackled in a Pacquiao-Atienza administration.

Wa ld en Belo

Mayor Duterte is running on shifting the system of government to federalism to veer away from what she derides as "imperial Manila," a hark back to her father 's own campaign rhetoric. Her last-minute substitution into a national race is also reminiscent of her father 's own run.

Walden Bello, 76, has been an activist, social worker, academic and political analyst since the mid-70s. He served as a representative of the Akbayan Citizens? Action Party from 2009 to 2015.

The Marcos-Duterte tandem is formally backed by several other heavyweight political clans including those led by former Presidents Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Joseph Estrada.

Bello is a doctor of sociology which he teaches along with public administration at the University of the Philippines Diliman. He is also an international adjunct professor of sociology at Binghamton University, a top public school in New York State, US.

RIZALITODAVID David is running for vice president on a platform of centering faith in the formation of policies, restoration of confidence in government, and cultural revival. He is

M a nny SD Lo p ez Manny SD Lopez is an economist and management professional, touting decades of local and international experience.


APRIL 2022

COM M UNITY NEWS He has been supportive of the COVID-19 vaccines? efficacy, a contrast to his vocal opposition to the dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia. Ong maintains his stance that there is no conflict between his beliefs, arguing that Dengvaxia is different from the COVID-19 vaccines.

Serapio, who says he was arrested during the Martial Law regime of the late president Ferdinand Marcos, also works with labour and Christian movements.

Manila Mayor Isko Moreno Domagoso chose Ong as running mate in the 2022 elections for his medical background and expertise. Ong is advocating for health system reform, including improved support for health infrastructure. Kiko Pa ng ilina n Kiko Pangilinan, 58, is an incumbent senator and the president of the once-ruling Liberal Party.


Prior to his marriage to actress Sharon Cuneta in 1996 and his election to the Senate in 2001, he gained fame as a legal commentator in various mass media programmes.

Lopez headed Empowered People?s Initiative and Reform Movement Alliance or ePIRMa, which advocated for people?s initiative as a means of charter change, and the 2.22 Coalition, which sought government reforms and the mass resignation of top officials in favour of a ?transition government? during the administration of President Benigno Aquino III.

Vic ent e Sot t o Tito Sotto, 73, the incumbent Senate president, has served in Congress for almost two decades and has authored over 100 laws. He has often been tagged as a conservative lawmaker, largely because he continues to block the passage of the SOGIE Equality Bill in the Senate, claiming that some of its provisions trample on religious and academic freedom as well as women?s rights.

Lopez said that he was prompted to run at the urging of the Workers and Peasants Party's late chairman, Jose Malvar Villegas. He is campaigning on a platform of boosting economic recovery through lending and direct investments, reform of the people?s initiative mechanism and improving government efficiency and competency as an anti-corruption measure.

He also opposed the Reproductive Health Law when it was still being debated in the upper chamber but has since clarified that he has no issue with the enacted law which, unlike the Senate bill, does not permit abortion, population control and abortifacients.

W illie Ong Doc Willie Ong, 58, is an internal medicine specialist, cardiologist, author and medical commentator who gained popularity primarily through social media where he offers medical and healthcare-related advice.


KIKOPANGILINAN Pangilinan was the lone negative vote on Senate Bill 1564 or Bayanihan II, which allocates a P140 billion standby fund for recovery programmes to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. He cited the alleged previous misuse of the funds (R.A. 11469, or Bayanihan I), and the failed efforts to curb the spread of infections despite severe mitigation measures imposed on the Filipino people.

Sotto is the principal author of the controversial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 and has long supported the administration?s campaign against illegal drugs. Although Sotto, along with his running-mate Sen. Panfilo Lacson, is running as an alternative to the Duterte administration, the Senate under his leadership has generally legislated according to the incumbent president?s agenda.

He is also one of two senators who voted against the passage of the controversial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. Pangilinan decided to forego his Senate reelection bid to run alongside Vice President Leni. He is campaigning on ensuring food security, managing the pandemic and addressing corruption.

Ca rlo s Sera p io

WILLIEONG Ong left ABS-CBN?s ?Salamat Doc?in 2018 to run for the Senate, running a campaign backed by his substantial online presence and strong support from migrant Filipino workers. For a neophyte candidate, Ong placed a surprisingly high 18th place in the polls with 7.6 million votes.

Carlos G. Serapio is a lawyer running for vice president under the Katipunan ng Kamalayang Kayumanggi Party. He specializes in cross-border transactions between Japan and the Philippines in his legal practice and served numerous consultancy posts under the Aquino administration?s Office of the President. He is campaigning on a platform of establishing a federal system of government and addressing the pandemic.



KEZIAMARIEAKUT AGE: 15 BASEDINTHEUK: LEICESTER HOBBIES: playing the piano and reading books CURRENTLYDOING: Secondary School AMBITION: To be a medical doctor MOTHER: Chrsitine Akut FATHER: Donnald Akut


APRIL 2022


Legal Cl i ni c at th e Ph i l i ppi ne Embassy i n Cel ebrati on of Women's M onth 2022 Filipin os gat h er ed at Sen t r o Rizal on 12t h M ar ch 2022 t o avail of t h e legal clin ic h ost ed by t h e Ph ilippin e Em bassy in Lon don f u r t h er t o t h eir celebr at ion of t h e Nat ion al Wom en?s M on t h in M ar ch ? su ch even t w as an ch or ed on t h e com m it m en t of ?M alasak it at Pagbabago? w it h t h e t h em e ?Kababaih an t u n go sa Kau n lar an?. Free legal consultation was provided by an all-women and diverse legal team from Deo Volente Solicitors headed by a Filipino herself Danna Qunto along with her team members Manpreet Matharu, Angel Masih, and Rhona Azir. The team was supported by their admin assistant Lauren Cotchin. Legal advice on family dispute, litigation, immigration, and probate dispute were provided. Legal Advice Corner community (or fondly called ?the social remote bubble?) also congregated with Ms Quinto at the event who hosts a weekly show called Legal Advice Corner with the veteran broadcaster Mr Sonny Laragan.


APRIL 2022



Sou r ce: ABS-CBN New s

f aceb o o k .co m / Fi l i p i n o TVEu r o p e

y o u t u b m / Fi l i p i n o TVEu r o p e

h t t p s: / / w w w .y o u t u b m / c/ Fi l i p i n o TVEu r o p e

APRIL 2022



Easter Trav el Speci al BYEDGARDUAY

ITUATED bet w een Seaf or d an d East bou r n e, t h e Seven Sist er s Nat ion al Par k is pr obably t h e m ost r om an t ic an d scen ic seaside I?ve ever been t o. You can spend all day just sitting near the white cliff facing the English Channel opposite Abbeville, France.


You can use the Seven Sisters Country Park situated at Exceat, near Seaford, East Sussex (BN25 4AD) or if you are a member of the National Trust, go to Berling Gap, Beachy Head Rd, Eastbourne (BN20 0AB). It is called the Seven Sisters because of the seven white chalk hilltops that stretch 14 miles long. It took me 6 hours to walk, taking occasional selfies and chatting with the locals along the way. The best way to approach this walk is from the Esplanade in (Con t . t o page 22)

...t he Seven Sist ers Na t io na l Pa rk is p ro b a b ly t he m o st ro m a nt ic a nd sc enic sea sid e t ha t I've ever b een t o .


APRIL 2022


(Con t . f r om page 21)

Seaford all the way to Berling Gap to Eastbourne pier as the views are stunning from west to east. Time to relax and take a dip down at the National Trust site or have a cup of tea while enjoying the view of this magnificent prehistoric scenery. Furthermore, to the east you will see the Beachy Head lighthouse and the nearby Belle Toute lighthouse, another James Bond movie location. If you are traveling by car you can use the Shooters Bottom pay and display car park on the side of the road between the two lighthouses. I just couldn?t stop admiring the panoramic view so I kept on walking from the Beachy Head lighthouse to the RAF Bomber Memorial to Helen Garden on King?s Edward Parade to Eastbourne pier and had my fish

and chips. This is not a circular walk so you have to commute back to your car, or you can stay in any B&B hotel nearby. You can have dinner at Cosmo Buffet restaurant near the pier and walk back the following day. Believe me, the view is amazing if you start in the early morning, and if by chance an inversion cloud is covering the deep blue water while the sun is rising to greet you ?good morning?, it?s even more astonishing. I have been to this route twice already before the pandemic and I will never get tired of walking and enjoying the wonderful experience that Mother Nature offers. See you next time and remember, ?Take n ot h in g bu t ph ot os an d leave n ot h in g bu t m em or ies.?








APRIL 2022




T is t h e m on t h of Apr il w h en w e celebr at e East er an d Spr in g. It is t h e t im e of t h e year f or n ew begin n in gs. It is a r em in der t h at w it h dar k n ess com es ligh t . Her e ar e som e r em in der s w e sh ou ld also keep in m in d. We all need to be reminded of who we are, our self-worth and value we bring into this world. Without reminders, we lose track of our tasks, purpose, even our identity. Thus, we can end up procrastinating and not achieve what we envisioned. Daily life can get so busy sometimes that we fall deaf, blind, and unaware of reminders around us. Although we can create reminders for ourselves -sometimes these reminders aren?t what we?ve planned and have their own way of making us notice them. While we go through living half-asleep, reminders come in all shapes, sizes, and forms, nudging us awake. How do you respond to reminders? Do you listen to them or ignore them? Now, let?s

talk about different kinds of reminders. What is your morning routine? Do you get woken up by an alarm on your phone or alarm clock? Possibly you have something important to do in the morning so you?ve set a time the night before to remind you what time to get up. Do you write out your tasks on post it notes, calendar, planner, lists, your phone?s app? Do you have a vision board? We create our own reminders to make the most of time, get productive, and focus on what we want to achieve. Do you like collecting pictures, items, memorabilia, and awards? You probably collect them to remind you of people you love, places you?ve been, how far you?ve come, your faith, belief, causes and things you value. Do you wear a ring on your finger or accessories on your body? What we wear remind us of our commitments, promises we?ve made to ourselves, those important to us, maybe even a group that matters to us. Do you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, or ill? When you suffer from uneasy feelings, it is your body reminding you to take better care of yourself. Perhaps you?re not eating right, getting enough sleep, having enough exercise. It helps to check in with yourself on a regular basis and include it to your self-care routine. Do you have someone important in your life who can keep you on track with your goals? I am lucky to have my husband John who always reminds me to plan things, write my lists, among others and my Mom who regularly reminds me to post monthly family events on our Viber and Facebook group - also other matters as well. How about you, who do you go to for support? Who do you consider your mentor?

Sometimes even a global event that shakes the world, such as COVID-19 pandemic, can remind us what truly is important in life. At other times, it could be something you watch on TV, online, or even an article you read reminding you that you are worth more than your Facebook likes, YouTube followers, retweets on twitter, money on your bank account. You are a miracle. Out of the billions who live on this earth, there is only one you. Share the gift that is you. Now I would like to share my poem with you entitled ?What Matters?.

What matters is not clothes you wear It?s in how you smile and show you care What matters is not where you went to school It?s how you solve your problems and keep your cool What matters is not how much you earn It?s in how much you share what you learn. What matters is not your age or height It?s in using your talents with might What matters is not how you fall It?s how you get up and stand tall What matters is not your outer beauty It?s in loving yourself and feeling free.


25 NOVEM BER 2021


APRIL 2022


LEA DERSHI P THROUGH A DV ERSI TY I............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ nternati onal Women?s Day 2022 BYCRYSTALDIAS,VICE-CHAIRFORINTERNALAFFAIRS(FWA-UK) HE 8t h of M ar ch 2022 m ar k ed t h e day t o com m em or at e t h e social, econ om ic, cu lt u r al, an d polit ical ach ievem en t s of w om en . Th is year , t h e FWA-UK?s t h em e is ?Leader sh ip Th r ou gh Adver sit y ? an d w e explor ed h ow w e can h on e ou r sk ills t o lead ever y day, lead an d adapt t h r ou gh con st an t ch an ge an d su ppor t , an d sh ow u p f or ou r com m u n it y.


A leader is always moving forward even in the face of adversity when the pressure is unrelenting. During the past two years, when the pandemic swept across the world, women discovered the extent of their strength, bravery, and their ability to adapt. Adversity can indeed be character-building and can force someone to face their truest selves. We are fortunate to have women, Filipino women in the UK, who have demonstrated their ability to lead in time of crisis, just as M r s. An geles ?Nen e?Tu ason Qu im son did. She founded The Filipino Women?s Association UK nearly 34 years ago to counter the negative image of Filipino women portrayed by the UK media. We are saddened by her death last year, but we are grateful to our founder as we continue with her legacy to project a balanced and positive image of Filipino women in the UK.

community as they talked about ?Leadership Through Adversity?via a virtual event

women empowerment, gender sensitivity and entrepreneurship disaster risk resiliency.

livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. * ROWENA ROM ULO: An award-winning business entrepreneur and owner of Kasa & Kin and Romulo Café & Restaurant in London. She is an FWA-UK member and a long-standing supporter of the Association. * M AY PARSONS: the first COVID-19 vaccinator in the world. She is an FWA-UK member and a Modern Matron at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. * Cllr M YLA ARCENO: the first Filipino Labour councillor in the UK, based in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. Our Patron, M adam e M ar ia Lin da Floir en do Lagdam eo sent her warmest wishes to the strong and lovely ladies of FWA-UK on IWD 2022. She said that this year ?s theme, ?Leadership Through Adversity?resonates with the current times. We have noteworthy projects that raised awareness of the contribution of Filipino women to the healthcare, science, technology, education, politics, and business in the UK and globally.

M s. Rose Eclar in al, Bureau Chief for EMEA, ABS-CBN, executive journalist, and a 2021 Presidential BANAAG Awardee (Presidential Awards for Filipino Individuals and Organizations Overseas).

On International Women?s Day, we were reminded of the amazing women who started it all with the likes of Clara Lemlich, a Ukrainian-born union organiser in 1909 who stood up for the rights of garment workers in the US. She was a bold leader who came to the attention of the outside world. In the present time, let us stand with Ukrainian women and girls. We salute them for their resilience in the face of harrowing experiences and never-failing hope. We were joined for candid conversations by female leaders from the UK Filipino

We?ve had three amazing women who had given us some inspiring messages dedicated to uplifting women and honouring their achievements. Women are the epitome of courage, hope, and life. Let us take a pledge this Women?s Day that we will make the world a much better place for them. You are bold, beautiful, compassionate, and caring. M s. Ch air San dy M on t an o, Chairperson of the Philippine Commission on Women championing

M s. Pam ela Got an gco-Hu pp, a Filipina artist based in Switzerland and founder of PamPinay, an awardee of ?The 100 Most Influential Women in the World?by the Filipino Women?s Network and the 2021 Presidential ?Pamana ng Pilipino?Awardee.

APRIL 2022



APRIL 2022


Ex perts ex pl ai n w h y pol i ti cal l apdogs may do bad th i ngs BYROBERTLABAYEN


DICTATORIAL leader ?s pu ppet s an d blin d f ollow er s m ay n ot on ly lose t h eir IQ, bu t also t h eir con scien ce. CEO and professor Margaret Heffernan observed in Willful Blindness, ?When the individual is working alone, conscience is brought into play. But when working within a

hierarchy, authority replaces individual conscience.?

heartless rubber stamps pretending to be legitimate.

Ju st f ollow in g or der s

Th e dict at or w an t s 100% loyalt y

Heffernan cited the famous Stanley Milgram experiment in the 1960s. In the Yale laboratory, students were given instructions to administer an electric shock to a man strapped to a chair. Every time the man in the chair would give a wrong answer, he would get an electric shock. The voltage would go higher every time. Sixty-five percent of the students showed no guilt and remorse in pulling the lever up to the maximum 450 volts. They didn?t care about the victim at all. Of course, the man in the chair was just acting. But the students did not know it was just a set-up. The experiment was repeated by different groups, even once using a puppy in the electric chair, and the conclusions were the same. Many people were willing to do bad things without guilt if they?re "just following orders." Milgram?s study explains why ?yes men? can execute a dictator ?s evil or unjust orders. It may enlighten us on why majorities in an assembly can be just mindless,

If you are an autocrat?s sidekick but you are smarter than him, you may be kicked out, if not executed. Dictators are so insecure. They don?t like people who have the intelligence, or the popularity of a potential successor. Even Fidel Castro had to exile his number two, the heroic and good-looking Che Guevarra. Chinese strongman Mao Zedong sent thousands of intellectuals to labour camps. Saddam Hussein had members of his own Ba?ath party, who were intellectuals and credible professionals, shot by a firing squad. If political allies want to stick around, to keep receiving the pork barrel and the perks, they have to surrender their IQ. They only need to repeat what the boss says which is usually stupid. So, the lapdog has the problem of being loyally stupid while pretending to be smart when speaking to the public. Or maybe they just swallow their pride and get used to lying through their teeth. Many dictators and dictatorial bosses are narcissists. Joe Navarro was an FBI specialist

"Alt ho ug h it ?s hum a n t o just f o llow o rd ers, c it izens exp ec t m o re c o ura g e a nd ind ep end enc e f ro m p o lit ic ia ns b ec a use t hey w ere t rust ed , t hey w ere vot ed in a nd t hey a re p a id w it h p eo p le?s t a xes.? assigned to cases involving people with clinical pathologies. He reported that narcissists don?t want to be contradicted. Those who disagree with them are seen as ?enemies.? Navarro also described narcissists as ?wound collectors.? They never forget when slighted so, they always ?have an axe to grind.?

way. According to Frank Dikotter, author of How to Be a Dictator: The Cult of Personality in the Twentieth Century, historical dictators did not preach ideologies in their pure form because ideologies were too vague for the masses to grasp. Instead, the dictator was the one who mattered. The law was what he said.

Disr egar din g t h e con st it u t ion

In recent autocracies, rulers bent the laws to suit their agenda because most politicians and judges were appointed by the dictator himself.

Corrupt regimes are in the habit of accusing their critics of ?violating the Constitution.? In truth, it is the bad party that actually interprets the law their

Aban don in g t h e sh ip When the current boss is beginning to lose the chance of longevity, maybe sick or losing popularity and influence, these hack politicians will change their pitch and chummy up to the emerging new leader. Their principles have always been flexible anyway. Although it?s human to just follow orders, citizens expect more courage and independence from politicians because they were trusted, they were voted in and they are paid with people?s taxes.

h t t p s: / / w w w .f aceb o o k .co m / Pi n o y Rad i o UK w w w .p i n o y r ad i o u k .co m

+4 4 (0 ) 7 8 5 0 7 4 0 5 5 3

APRIL 2022



Th e Grow i ng Scene of Ph i l i ppi ne Puppetry BYKAYLATEODORO

UPPETRY in t h e Ph ilippin es is r em em ber ed f or t h e golden ages of Bat ibot h an d pu ppet r y an d papet pasyon?s in t h e black box t h eat r e of Teat r on g M u lat n g Pilipin as. Beyond the familiar characters of Pong Pagong and Kiko Matsing, Philippine puppetry has not developed much since.


While we have had various ventriloquists and hand puppeteers create their own characters based on international companies such as ?Sesame Street? and the ?Muppets,? contemporary efforts of developing puppetry in the Philippines have since been scarce. After much research into the puppetry of Southeast Asia, I thought to myself; why don?t Filipinos have a puppetry culture that we, too, can be proud of? Something in the leagues of Indonesian shadow puppetry or Vietnamese water puppetry ? something that can help us stand out in the global scene. With the plethora of artists, handicrafts, and literature that comes out of the Philippines, surely we can make something for ourselves; a culture that we can call our own. I sat down with like-minded colleagues and decided to develop puppetry, by the Philippines, for the Philippines and together we came up with Puppet Theater Manila. Puppet Theater Manila stands for three things ? to tell Filipino stories, train Filipino puppeteers, and use Filipino materials. In 2019 I packed my bags and moved to Cardiff, Wales to study puppetry at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in order to make these three things a reality. By taking masterclasses given by the college, to attending every workshop I could possibly attend, I made sure that all my learnings were funneled back into the development of Puppet Theater

Manila. Along with my partners, Marvin Choa and Benjor Catindig, we have been creating programmes to give young Filipino creatives the chance to hone skills in puppetry as well as teaching makers to step out of their comfort zones and to make puppets for themselves. Our first foray into the introduction of contemporary puppetry to the Philippines came with the creation of a life-sized carabao puppet named Clara. We took Clara around the metro in order to see how Filipino audiences would react to her. Similarly, we also created a dog puppet named Puraw. Made from a local Filipino weave called inabel from the north of the Philippines, Puraw was able to interact with children that have never seen a puppet before. Small efforts such as these are what has allowed us to introduce the idea of puppetry to Filipino audiences. Taking cue from the National Theatre?s advertising of their show ?War Horse? wherein they would tour their life-sized horse puppet, Joey, around the UK, we have been able to thrive through street performances and improvised puppeteering. Puppetry engages with one?s suspension of disbelief and jogs a person?s skills in imagination. It exercises a person?s ability to interact with something that is not real and gives them an avenue for empathy. This is what Puppet Theater Manila hopes to inspire within Filipino audiences; a community wherein they can be vulnerable and enjoy puppetry for what it is. I have learnt a lot of what I know through the guidance and support of British puppet designers and puppeteers such as Jimmy Grimes, Toby Olie, and Mei Mac. Their influence on my puppet designing and making skills are what have inspired me to grow as a puppet practitioner beyond the Philippines. Aside from introducing

?Puppet Theater Manila stands for three things ? to tell Filipino stories, train Filipino puppeteers, and use Filipino materials.? puppetry to the Philippines, being in the UK and working alongside British designers and makers has inspired me to tell Filipino stories to British audiences as well. With this, I have been developing a sister company to Puppet Theater Manila to help promote the telling of Filipino and East/Southeast Asian stories through puppetry in the UK. ?Maya Puppet Theater ? comes from the Filipino word pamayanan or community. Through Maya Puppet Theater, I hope to create shows for all audiences that highlight the diverse culture that comes from East and Southeast Asia and to create a community of puppet professionals that want to celebrate their puppetry heritage with British audiences. In line with this, I have been researching Filipino literature and indigenous cultures to root the practice in. With an interest in stop-motion animation, I have been able to create a puppet that was based on beloved Filipino superhero; Mars Ravelo?s ?Darna.? This reimagination of the character as a young superhero, balancing fighting crime and growing up, has allowed me to introduce a character so integral to Filipino culture to members of the UK animation community. Aside from this, I have been able to write stories that explore family dynamics in Filipino

communities and how this dynamic can solve problems in the face of adversity. A story about a young girl and her lola talks about Filipino food and the magic that lies within the grandmother ?s cooking skills. While another story talks about a young Sama-Bajau boy working hard to support his impoverished family through the discovery of a mythical pearl. Stories such as these are what I want to share with global audiences as they highlight the magic of Filipino culture and the ingrained values that a Filipino has growing up. Both Puppet Theater Manila and Maya Puppet Theater will allow me to share these stories with UK and Filipino audiences alike. Currently, I have been applying for grants and sponsorships in order to get shows off the ground and to realise stories that I?d like to tell through puppetry. Until then, I continue my pursuit in bringing puppetry to the Philippines and introducing Filipino stories to the UK. I expose myself to world puppetry and use it as an avenue to allow Filipino puppetry to thrive and to make its mark on the global scene. Who knows, we might see Filipino stories on the stages of the West End and Broadway one day, but for now I continue to create stories and inspire individuals from my own small corner of the world.


APRIL 2022





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