Fi l i pi no Communi ty New spaper COV ER to COV ER UNITED KINGDOM EDITION
k a ba y a n ! - 8 Th i ngs You can Do i f You M i ss Ch ri stmas i n th e Ph i l i ppi nes - Sh are Your Gi f ts at Ch ri stmas - Wh at to remember at th e end of th e year
DECEM BER 2021 11
Let t er f r om t h e Pu blish er
ell, w h at do you k n ow ! An ot h er year is abou t t o en d an d Ch r ist m as is ver y m u ch in t h e air . Have you put up your Christmas tree and lights yet? Some of us opt for understated, subdued decorations while others choose to go OTT (that?s ?over-the-top,?if you?re not into acronyms). To each his own, we say. Whether you prefer a traditional nativity display, a snoring Santa, wobbling angels, gliterry reindeers, tinsel galore, multi-coloured twinkling lights, or all of those together in an overwhelming eclectic mix, is really up to you.
?What?s important is having a Christmassy ambience in your home that reflects your preferences and sentiments.?
What?s important is having a Christmassy ambience in your home that reflects your preferences and sentiments. We know a mum who still hangs her children?s decades-old Sesame Street character stockings every year, filled with little treats for her adult offspring.
for you, our valued reader. In this month?s issue of Yes Philippines, we have an article on different ways to celebrate the merry season if you miss a Paskong Pinoy. There?s an inspirational piece and poem on the spirit of sharing that does not necessarily involve material things. Another one of our treats for the Yuletide season is an end-of-year contemplative look at life that encourages confidence and optimism for the future. On top of the Christmas-themed features, you?ll find the year round offerings of immigration advice, Philippine history shorts, community news, and many more. So continue to the next page and read your favourite newsmagazine from cover to cover as you enjoy your mince pie and mulled wine. Or, your suman and salabat! Happy reading!
Speaking of treats, we?ve got that sorted
This Edition is distributed all over the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) Pu blish er M ARY SOL PIM ENTEL Associat e Pu blish er SARAH M AE LARAGAN M an agin g Edit or M ARIA ELLIS Pr odu ct ion M an ager PAULA PEREZ Layou t Ar t ist LEONE CERISE CRISOSTOM O Ar t Dir ect or JOHN KNUCKLES Wr it er s/ Con t r ibu t or s VIVA O'FLYNN PEPS VILLANUEVA ROBERT LABAYEN CAM ILLE EUSEBIO EDGAR DUAY Adver t isin g KARLA DUCAY Colu m n ist LIRA SIM ON-CABATBAT Cir cu lat ion FERNAN DOM INGO BIEN EVANGELISTA
Hi story i n December
ecem ber 8, 1941, Japan lau n ch ed a su r pr ise at t ack on t h e Ph ilippin es.
The defending Philippine and United States troops were under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, who had been recalled to active duty in the United States Army earlier in the year and was designated commander of the United States Armed Forces in the Asia-Pacific region. The aircraft of his command were destroyed; the naval forces were ordered to leave; and because of the circumstances in the Pacific region, reinforcement and resupply of his ground forces were impossible. Under the pressure of superior numbers, the defending forces withdrew to the Bataan Peninsula and to the island of Corregidor at the entrance to Manila Bay. Manila, declared an open city to prevent its destruction, was occupied by the Japanese on January 2, 1942. The Philippine defense continued until the final surrender of United States-Philippine forces on the Bataan Peninsula in April 1942 and on Corregidor in May. Most of the 80,000 prisoners of war captured by the Japanese at Bataan were forced to undertake the infamous "Death March" to a prison camp 105 kilometers to the north. It is estimated that as many as 10,000 men, weakened by disease and malnutrition and treated harshly by their captors, died before reaching their destination. Quezon and Osmeña had accompanied the troops to Corregidor and later left for the United States, where they set up a government in exile. MacArthur was ordered to Australia, where he started to plan for a return to the Philippines. Decem ber 10, 1898, t h e Tr eat y of Par is, t h r ou gh w h ich Spain ceded t h e Ph ilippin es t o t h e Un it ed St at es, w as sign ed A new era for Filipinos dawned on December 10, 1898 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris
through which Spain ceded the Philippines, its colony for over 300 years, to the United States for US$ 20 million. The Peace Commission consisting of American and Spanish delegates met in Paris from October to December that year to discuss the terms of the treaty. Much of their discussions focused on legal points and both sides maintained their respective hard-lined stand on the matter. The Americans eventually prevailed following Washington's order to ensure Spain's cession of the entire Philippines. Such cession placed the country under American control. Still, the U.S. agreed on allowing for 10 years' entry of Spanish exports into the Philippines.
The Treaty of Paris did not go into effect immediately as several U.S. senators believed this accord was unfair to Filipinos. However, the rise of Filipino-American hostilities on February 4, 1899 eventually led many of such legislators to vote in favor of the treaty. This change happened as they believed the propaganda that Filipinos initiated the hostilities. Decem ber 14, 1897, t h e Pact of Biak -n a-Bat o w as sign ed On December 14, 1897, the Pact of Biak-na-Bato was signed by General Emilio Aguinaldo and Spanish Governor-General Fernando Primo de Rivera to provisionally stop the armed conflict between the Filipinos and Spaniards. Don Pedro Alejandro Paterno was appointed by the Spanish Governor-General as sole mediator in the discussion of the terms of peace. The truce, however, failed due to suspicions on both sides, and fighting resumed in May 1898. Decem ber 21, 1581, t h e M an ila Cat h edr al w as est ablish ed by vir t u e of t h e decr ee of Gr egor y XIII On December 21, 1581, the Manila Cathedral was established by virtue of the decree of Pope Gregory XIII and under the title of the Immaculate Conception. The building itself was a bamboo and nipa construction, like every other house in the settlement, flimsy and exceedingly vulnerable to fire. The settlement was accidentally burned to the ground twice.
The new bishop, Domingo de Salazar, had been authorized to choose whatever location in the islands he thought best. He was given five hundred ducats by the Casa de Contratacion, the remainder would be paid from the Royal income of the islands, by the encomenderos, and by the people, in equal portions. But the first cathedral was so wretched, the Spaniards petitioned the government the following year for a special grant to build a decent place of worship. Decem ber 30, 1965, Fer din an d M ar cos w as sw or n in as 10t h Pr esiden t of t h e Ph ilippin es On December 30, 1965, Ferdinand Edralin Marcos was sworn in as the sixth president of the independent Republic of the Philippines, 10th since President Aguinaldo. Marcos was a lawyer, a decorated World War II hero, 3-term Ilocos Norte congressman, a senator and Senate President. Rufino Cardinal Santos delivered the invocation and Chief Justice Cesar Bengzon administered the oath of office, first to Vice-President Lopez and then to President Marcos.
Decem ber 30, 1896, Dr . Jose Rizal w as sh ot in Bagu m bayan On December 30, 1896, Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal, the greatest man of the Malayan race, was shot to death at Bagumbayan (present day Luneta or Rizal Park), Manila, by a firing squad of native soldiers, on the accusation of political conspiracy and sedition, and rebellion against the Spanish government in the Philippines. Dr. Rizal was born of a well-to-do family in Calamba, Laguna on June 19, 1861. He obtained his education successively from his mother, from a school in Biñan, Laguna, then from the Ateneo de Municipal de Manila, Santo Tomas University, and from the Central University of Madrid where he obtained his doctor 's degree in medicine and philosophy. This was supplemented by his travels in France, Germany, England, United States, and other foreign countries. In 1901, when the Americans took control of the country, Governor-general William Howard Taft named Rizal as the Philippine national hero. A year later, on February 1, 1902, the Philippine Commission enacted Act No. 345, which made December 30, a public holiday, Dr. Jose P. Rizal day. (Th e Kah im yan g Pr oject )
St. Barnabas Ch urch ,
reci pi ent of Th e Fai th and Bel i ef
Forum A w ards 2021
t Bar n abas Ch u r ch , Walt h am st ow is an An glican ch u r ch in t h e Ch u r ch of En glan d. Th e ch u r ch is a pr ou d r ecipien t of t h e Fait h an d Belief For u m Aw ar ds 2021. It w as r ecogn ised in t h e cat egor y of Com m u n it y Resou r cef u ln ess in r espon se t o Covid-19.
The church has strong Filipino representation: the Priest-in-Charge is Reverend Canon Salvador Telen and one of the Churchwardens is Averil Pooten-Watan. Attached photos include Rev. Canon Salvador Telen and Averil Pooten-Watan receiving the award from the HM Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE. The Lord-Lieutenant is charged with upholding the dignity of the Crown. He is responsible for the promotion of civic, commercial, voluntary and social activities within London. On Monday, 29th November, The Faith and Belief Forum held its 5th year Community Awards in the Royal Society of Medicine at 1 Wimpole Street. The Faith and Belief Forum and Her Majesty?s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London's Faith Council joined to celebrate the unsung heroes of London's faith and belief communities. St Barnabas won their award for the church's response to combat social isolation amongst the elderly, and deepen community connections with the young people, St Barnabas identified two key areas of activity (1) Memory Community Cafe and (2) Community choir. Before the pandemic, St Barnabas met regularly weekly for both activities. However, the pandemic hit, so the team was forced to move all activities online. St Barnabas continued to support the elderly in our community by delivering food parcels, medicines and any other personal items. It introduced a weekly conference call in lieu of the weekly cafe since none of the elderly had access to the internet! Through its partners, PL84U-Al Suffa, the team was able to support the elderly, key worker families and others on furlough with food parcels and educational packs. St Barnabas even moved the community choir online! When restrictions were lifted, St Barnabas blended the weekly community cafe into "Chocolate and Chat". This is an intergenerational activity where the young and old serve each other and the wider community with FREE hot
chocolate and hot drinks every Thursday, after school, outside the steps of the church in the St Barnabas piazza. Due to the cold weather, St Barnabas has paused its weekly Chocolate and Chat for the winter, but will be back in the Spring! Averil Pooten Watan, churchwarden from St Barnabas says, "Huge thanks to all our volunteers from Team St Barnabas, our community partners, Pl84U Al Suffa, Waltham Forest Citizens, Chelmsford diocese and the wider Queens Boundary community for embracing our Chocolate and Chat and children's Community Choir initiative. Our hope is for everyone to renew community connections with each other, over the Christmas period into the New Year and beyond. We look forward to welcoming the whole community over Christmas carols, hot chocolate and a chat on 19 December from 6:30pm in St Barnabas Church, St Barnabas Road, E17."
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h er e did you st u dy n u r sin g? Studied Nursing in St Joseph?s College, Cavite City
Wh y h ave you ch osen n u r sin g as a car eer ? We have a quite well-off relative who happily gave me accommodation and they live near the nursing school. Thus Nursing. My main goal then was just to go to college whatever the course. Wh er e did you w or k bef or e you cam e t o t h e UK? Medical Centre Manila, International SOS and Ibero Assistencia
the woods, running, exploring different parts of the UK. Driving around the countryside. Ar e you goin g t o st ay in t h e UK f or good? I might divide my time between here and the Philippines. I have no definite plans. Wh at ar e you r f u t u r e plan s car eer -w ise? Right now, I?m doing a Diagnostic Reasoning Course for professional update. I?m happy with what I am doing at the moment and not wanting anything more.
Wh en did you com e t o t h e UK? Working in the UK since 2003 - 18yrs Wh at ar e t h e r espon sibilit ies of you r job? Hospital Admission Avoidance - supporting early discharge from hospital to treat patients at home. Wh at ar e t h e ot h er t h in gs ar e you in volved in at w or k ? Busy! In and out of the hospital and community. Doing clinical and non-clinical work. Wh at do you lik e abou t livin g in t h e UK? Career wise, lots of choices and you can specialise. Balance between work, social and family life. Family-friendly. The four seasons! No age discrimination especially at work. Preserved nature. UK is beautiful! Wh at do you do in you r f r ee t im e? Do I have free time! Lol! Watching television, sleeping, walking in
Oxf or d Un iver sit y Hospit als NHS Tr u st
adv ert
ONE M ORE TI M E: Fi l i pi na Si nger
JoA nne Lorenzana Hol ds h er V i rtual A nni v ersary Speci al A new f t er t h e su ccessf u l t w o-day r u n of h er m u sic an n iver sar y sh ow last Au gu st , ver sat ile OPM (Or igin al Pilipin o M u sic) sin ger -son gw r it er JoAn n e Lor en zan a r est aged h er sh ow on ce m or e as ?JoAn n e Lor en zan a@35: Love Son gs & Lesson s REPLAY Plu s?.
The show was in celebration of her 35 years in the music scene, where she touched Filipino listeners through her signature songs I?ll Never Let You Go, You, Kung Alam Mo Lang, Back in
Your Arms, Bayan Ko, Hoy Pakibilisan and Goodtimes, Badtimes, among others. These songs became a staple in the airwaves and also made possible for the songstress to travel and sing for audiences abroad. Prior to her show though, JoAnne would occasionally perform honouring a personal vow to sing or record every five years but her latest composition, My Everyday Valentine, done in collaboration with composer par excellence Jimmy Borja, has allowed to make her presence felt again in the music circuit even through the unique scenario of virtual broadcasting to a global audience from her
local California residence. With the resurgence of her colleagues as well, JoAnne foresees a more frequent return to both recording and performing also with other OPM artists she sang with in the past. ?JoAnne@35 REPLAY Plus? ? the plus signifying some surprise musical additions ? was aired on 3rd December, Friday at 8:00 p.m. (West Coast, US | Canada) & 11:00 p.m. (in the East Coast), on simultaneous broadcast, Saturday, 4th December at 12 noon in Manila. DAY 2 Airing was a watch-on-demand for eight hours that began at 8:00 p.m. ? Manila. 4:00 a.m. (West Coast, US| Canada), 7:00 a.m. (US East
Coast), 5:00 a.m. (Canada East Coast), 12:00 noon (London, UK) & 11 p.m. (Sydney, Australia). Her guests were: Jun Polistico who performs his part on their duet from Manila, The Quarentados Choir made up of Filipino medical frontliners and those in allied fields in various countries, JoAnne?s niece Kylie Lorenzana Fonacier from Canada, and also based in Manila, the King of OPM Ogie Alcasid. Viewers got to see JoAnne perform her hits and her new song, My Everyday Valentine, which she dedicated to her husband Brant. Remaining hopeful for the coming new year, JoAnne plans to finish an EP (Extended Play album), stage more performances and above all, that entertainment will flourish once again for both artists and audiences alike. JoAnne reveals her plans: ?I want to go back to my songwriting roots and write songs for other artists. The global virtual connection is unexpectedly igniting this fresh chapter of my career. The support and accommodation of our kababayans from different parts of the world is something artists like myself can truly be grateful for.? Some of the Philippines?premier performers will make a special appearance on the show as JoAnne and her guests pay tribute to Original Filipino Music. ?JoAnne@35: Love Songs & Lessons REPLAY Plus is presented by NeoMONDE Productions together with Klein Financial Serives, Kickabeat Records, District Homes California, Heavenly Ice Cream, HDI International with Media Partners: The GFN Channel, Light TV, Mellow 94.7 (Manila), RED FM 106.7, Radio Pinoy 94.7 & Pinoy TV Special Calgary (Canada), Philippine News Today, Philippine Asian News Today, The SONNY LARAGAN Show (UK).
New Concessi on on " Ch i l dren" BYATTY. LIRASIMON-CABATBAT
n ear ly Ch r ist m as ch eer f r om t h e Hom e Of f ice com e in t h e f or m of a n ew con cession dir ect ed at you n g adu lt s.
The recipients of the ?good cheer ? are limited but is nevertheless welcomed. The Home Office in October 2021 published new guidance for Home Office staff when considering applications from dependant children of applicants granted leave to remain (visa) because of exceptional circumstances. For exam ple, a family of four consisting of father (Joseph), mother (Mary), a son (Caspar) now aged 12 and a daughter (Mely) now aged 20 were, all, previously overstayers but were granted visas to remain in the UK on the 25th of December 2016 (5 years ago). The children were not born in the UK but have lived in the UK for 10 years. Their visas will expire on the 25th of December 2021. The usual course of event is that the family will apply for extension of their visas and once they have completed 10 years on the same basis they may then (and only then) apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR), otherwise also known as settlement or permanent residence. The new concession offers a possible new course of action to Mely, our 20-year-old daughter in the above example to attain permanent residency before the rest of her family. As to how she might be able to do, this please read on. Th e con cession pr ovides t h at : ?To be eligible to be considered under this concession an applicant must (at the date of application): 1. Be aged 18 years or above and under 25 years of age and has spent least half of his/her life living continuously in the UK (discounting any period of imprisonment); 2. Have either been born in or entered the UK as a child; 3. Have held five years limited leave; and 4. Be eligible for further leave to remain under paragraph 276ADE(1) of the Immigration Rules and have made an application under those rules.? Paragraph 276ADE(1) set out the requirements
to be met by an applicant for leave to remain on the grounds of private life in the UK. ?? w h er e an applican t m eet s t h e above cr it er ia an d r equ est s an ear ly gr an t of ILR t h e f ollow in g f act or s sh ou ld be con sider ed. Th ese in clu de (bu t ar e n ot lim it ed t o) t h e f ollow in g: 5. the person?s age when they arrived in the UK 6. the length of their residence in the UK (including unlawful residence) 7. the strength of their connections and integration to the UK 8. whether unlawful residence in the past was the result of non-compliance on the part of the applicant or their parent/guardian whilst the applicant was under the age of 18 9. efforts made to engage with the Home Office and regularise status 10. any leave currently held and length of continuous lawful leave 11. any period of any continuous leave held in the past
12. whether (and the extent to which) limited leave to remain will have a detrimental impact on the person?s health or welfare.? The above means that John, Mary and their 12-year-old son, Caspar can expect to be granted another 2.5 years leave to remain provided they continue to satisfy the Home Office that exceptional circumstances continue to exist. Wh at h appen s t o M ely? Mely, the daughter satisfies the factors set out in 1 to 4 above as she is: 20 years old, entered the UK when she was only 10, have had leave to remain of 5 years and has spent at least half of her life in the UK. Once these have been established, the next step will be for the Home Office to consider other factors including those set out in points 5 to 12 above and decide whether Mely?s circumstances warrant an
earlier grant of indefinite leave to remain. Let?s say that Mely has not been able to pursue her studies because of her limited visa as she simply cannot afford to pay overseas student fees, an argument can be made that continuing with her limited leave will have a ?detrimental impact on her welfare?. Although the published guidance does not specifically mention prospects, this is no doubt also a consideration. Accordingly, if Mely is seeking to undertake a course that is close to the government?s heart, such as nursing or medicine, I suspect that this will also have a beneficial effect on the application. If successful, Mely will be granted indefinite leave to remain, five years earlier than the rest of her family. Now that will be a great Christmas present!
8 Th i ngs You Can Do I f You M i ss Ch ri stmas i n th e Ph i l i ppi nes BYCAMILLEL. EUSEBIO
t ?s Decem ber on ce again . Ju st like t h at , a year h as passed. An d as m u ch as w e h oped t o go h om e t o ou r f am ilies in t h e Ph ilippin es t h is year an d exper ien ce t h e lon gest Ch r ist m as in t h e w or ld, t h e on goin g pan dem ic com pels u s t o pu t a pin on ou r t r avel plan s back t o ou r h om et ow n .
But don?t let this temporary setback dampen your holiday spirits. We Filipinos are resourceful by nature and we always find a way to put a positive spin on things. So what if the Philippines is a thousand miles away? With some creativity, there?s no reason we can?t have the Filipino Christmas traditions we know and love while we?re in the Western hemisphere. Nothing beats spending Christmas in the Philippines, but here are a few ways overseas Filipinos can experience Paskong Pinoy wherever we may be: 1. Decor at e you r h ou se Pin oy h oliday st yle.
wars, we just love seeing these unfold during the holiday season, it?s like we have our very own Christmas miracle. While other folks love watching and re-watching Home Alone, It?s A Beautiful Life or Love Actually on Christmas time, us Pinoys have our own share of classic Pinoy movies that make us feel extra sentimental. So prepare your popcorn, open a bottle of wine and watch Tanging Yaman, or Seven Sundays via streaming. If you have kids, watch Puso ng Pasko together. Just make sure there are subtitles if their Tagalog is a bit rusty. Don?t forget the tissue!
One of the best things about Christmas in the Philippines is you can feel it everywhere you go - in the church, in the malls, on the streets, and even in our own homes. Some Pinoys even start decorating as early as September!
5. Have a Pask on g Pin oy br eak f ast .
You can have your own version of Paskong Pinoy at home by setting up a belen, or a miniature nativity scene display in your living room. You can also hang some Christmas lights outside your house or a parol, a star-shaped lantern made of bamboo, capiz, plastic, or even recycled materials, on your front door.
If there?s a good Filipino restaurant in your
2. At t en d sim ban g gabi on lin e. Miss waking up early in the morning to attend the dawn mass or Misa de Gallo? You can find videos of live masses on Facebook or YouTube. You can opt to attend it live, or in your most convenient time. But if you want the whole ?Simbang Gabi experience,? set your alarm at around 5:00 in the morning U.K. time, wake up, have a cup of coffee and watch a recorded mass on YouTube. What an inspiring way to start your day. 3. List en t o Filipin o Ch r ist m as son gs. Nothing gives you the ultimate kilig Christmas feel than the voice of Mr. Jose Mari Chan on a cool December morning. So blast some of your favourite Pinoy Christmas songs on your mp3 player or on Spotify - you?ll find a lot of Paskong Pinoy playlists there. If you?re feeling extra festive, round up the gang and go caroling, Pinoy-style. You may even do a bit of choreography, as we Pinoys love some flair. 4. Wat ch Pin oy f am ily m ovies. Let?s face it - Christmas in the Philippines isn?t complete without some drama. From families being reunited with each other to ending year-long cold
Food is very important to us Pinoys. It?s part of every celebration. So naturally, there will be food that reminds us of our favourite holiday.
neighbourhood, see if they serve staples like puto bumbong and bibingka. If there?s none, you can always buy some holiday ham, quezo de bola and hot tsokolate at the nearby Filipino store, and enjoy a delicious Paskong Pinoy breakfast. Fun fact: Did you know that the quezo de bola that Pinoys love and is so in demand during the yuletide season actually originated here in Europe? It?s the Dutch edam cheese that Spaniards brought to the Philippines during its colonization. 6. Sen d a pack age t o you r loved on es back h om e. Christmas is the season of giving, so pack up the box that you?ve been filling for several months now and send it to your family back home. Throw in a few tiny presents for your inaanaks too. They might not receive it in time for Christmas, but they will surely appreciate the little trinkets you send them. Besides, it?s the thought that counts. 7. Celebr at e Noch e Bu en a w it h you r f ou n d f am ily. Listen to every Pinoy Christmas song or watch any Pinoy family movie, and you?ll see that for us Filipinos, nothing is more important than being with your family. And although we?re a thousand miles away from home, what?s awesome about being Pinoy is you have a family anywhere in the world. Your neighbours, your close friends, co-workers, they are
the family you found in this country. So meet up with other homesick Pinoys in your area and celebrate one of the most important Pinoy Christmas traditions together. Serve the usual Pinoy Noche Buena staples - ham, spaghetti, fried chicken and fruit salad. After the meal, you can do a round of videoke featuring ?Sana Ngayong Pasko?by Ariel Rivera. 8. Call h om e on Ch r ist m as Day. The holidays can be a little hard, especially if you haven?t seen or talked to your family in a while. But guess what? You?re not the only one feeling down about it. Your family is surely missing your presence too. So set up a virtual party (mobile applications and social media have made getting in touch with your family more convenient and affordable) and touch base with your loved ones in the Philippines and around the world on Christmas Day. Malayo man, malapit din. Don?t let distance and time difference prevent you from feeling the Filipino Christmas spirit you?re longing for. We?ll never stop wishing that soon we can spend the holidays together with our families back home, but until then, these suggestions will help you feel a bit closer to home. Happy Holidays!
LI FE Foundati on, Ch ampi on sa ENFi D-UK Bow l i ng Fundrai ser BYRICGACAYAN, PRO, ENFID-UK
an alo an g LIFE Fou n dat ion sa gin an ap n a Bow lin g f or a Cau se n g Eu r opean Net w or k of Filipin o Diaspor a (ENFiD)-Un it ed Kin gdom n oon g Nobyem br e 21, 2021 sa Air por t Bow l, Har lin gt on Hayes.
Nanguna ang LIFE Foundation sa 17 participating teams ng mga iba?t ibang organisasyon ng Filipino community sa UK. Runner up naman ang Mitcham Filipino British Association UK, Caviteños UK, at Bicol United UK. Nagsimula ang kaganapan sa parada ng mga kalahok ganap na ika siyam ng umaga. Dala ng bawat kalahok ang bandera ng kanilang organisasyon. Inumpisahan ang opisyal na tournament sa pamamagitan ng ceremonial throw na pinangunahan ni ENFID-UK Chairman Ronald Sipat at Councilor Danny Favor. Bukod sa mga nagwagi, naglaro sa torneo ang Albayanon UK, e-Learning Group, Filipino Community of Black Nazarene UK, Fil-UK Charity Association, Finchley Raiders, Four Nations/Quilter Financial Planning, Knights of Rizal at Kababaihang Rizal Inc.-London Chapter, PESO UK, Phils SLWUK-Samar Leyte Association Wales, Pinas-saya Groups, Samareños UK, Styler Printing at Tropa UK. ?Napakasaya natin sa pakikiisa ang Fil-coms sa ating Bowling for a Cause. Nagpapasalamat tayo sa lahat ng indibiduwal at pangkat na nag-ambag ng kanilang oras at kakayahan para magtagumpay ang ating aktibidad,? sabi ni Ronald Sipat, Chairman ng ENFiD UK, ang organizer ng nasabing palaro. Ang ENFiD-UK?s Bowling for a Cause ang unang fundraising activity ng nasabing organisasyon matapos ang 18-buwang lockdown. Pagkakataon ito para pagbuklurin ang Filipino community sa UK at para magkumustahan sa gitna ng pandemya. Ang ENFiD-UK ang pinakamalaking network ng Filipino community, pangkat, organisasyon, at mga indibiduwal sa UK. Miyembro ito ng ENFiD, isang aktibong international networking association na naglalayong mapagyaman ang shared nationhood at kooperasyon sa mga overseas Filipinos sa Europe.
Bow l i ng Fundrai ser Air por t Bow l, Har lin gt on Hayes 21 Novem ber 2021
M it ch am Filipin o Br it ish LIFE Fou n dat ion UK, Win n er 1
Associat ion UK, Win n er 2
Bicol Un it ed UK, Win n er 4
Albayon - UK
FIL UK Ch ar it y
Cavit eñ os UK, Win n er 3
E-Lear n in g Gr ou p UK
Fin ch ley Raider s
Th e A guman K apampangan and i ts of f i cers
n 1993, Th e Agu m an Kapam pan gan UK w as f ou n ded. It has firmly been
established as a non-profit and cultural organisation. Aguman is a vernacular word that means meeting and assembling for a noble communal purpose. There are well over 2 million Kapampangan speakers spread throughout the Central Plain of Luzon. Kapampangan is an Austronesian language, one of the eight major languages spoken in the Philippines. They live mainly in the provinces of Pampanga, Bataan, Tarlac, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija and Zambales. It is further spoken as a second language by a few Aeta groups in the southern part of Central Luzon. The language is known honorifically as Amánung Sísuan. 1993 was a soul searching year for the Kapampangan speakers in the UK. The group often assembled, and the topic of their caucus was their unique and beautiful language, of how to propagate and preserve it. So, they formally convened to address their overwhelming concerns. The discourses protracted with a wide range of issues. These compatriots, whom I could not help but admire, with their hard work and dedication in carrying out the noble job, have tasked themselves to set up an institution that would address their concerns and
apprehension. The preservation of cultural heritage became the primary plan. After lengthy poignant deliberations, a consensus was reached to establish an institution to hoist up the Kapampangan values. Hence, the Aguman Kapampangan UK was born. Although it aimed to propagate and preserve the cultural heritage, after a few years in its profitable operations, the cultural aim has been coupled with a charitable function due to fortuitous events. Super Typhoon Yolanda has ravaged the country in which thousands have died, and billions worth of agricultural products and property were damaged. The enormity of the destruction was unprecedented, which has prompted the international
community to pour their millions of donations into the country. Aguman did not have second thoughts about donating thousands of sterling pounds to the Philippine Calamity Funds. Since then, Aguman has become a very active donor when natural calamities struck our country. These non-stop charity work have come to the government's attention, which has rewarded Aguman, through the Presidential Awarding Committee, a Lingkod Sa Kapwa Pilipino Award under the leadership of Zanie Delmundo. The newly elected officers have committed to following suit and replicating their predecessors' excellent and superior work, a paradigm of virtuous and moral undertakings of a charitable institution.
Ch ri stmas at Ch atsw orth BYEDGARDUAY
Phot o Co urt esy: Eng r. Gla iza Ga rsut a Sha w
This grand state house sits at the heart of Bakewell in Derbyshire and has been there since the 16th century. It belongs to the Cavendish family and currently seats the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. It is wider than Buckingham palace and it has more than 350 rooms, 25 of which can be explored by the public. There is a lavish garden which features the record breaking gravity-fed Emperors fountains that shoot up to 90 meters. The house is known for its collection of arts, hospitality, spectacular landscapes that?s been cultivated thru centuries. The 12th Duke of Devonshire, Peregrine Cavendish, succeeded his father in 2004. He married Amanda Heywood-Lonsdale in 1967 and they have three children - William, Earl of Burlington, Lady Celina and Lady Jasmine, and ten grandchildren.
Estate Trust and is totally independent from the National Trust and English Heritage Trust. The pay-to- park and entrance fee to the house and garden can be obtained at the ticket office or can be booked online. (Check their website for prices and schedules). The house is open all year round except Dec 24th to 26th and Jan 1st. The Christmas season starts around November 6th till January 9th. Expect a whole day if you wish to explore the 35,000 acres estate, plenty of space to walk both in and out of the property and the nearby Monsal head I featured on my first travel corner, which is only 14 minutes away west of the property. And don?t forget to try the famous Bakewell tart while in town. I strongly advice to visit the house first then the garden and explore the surrounding properties. Plenty of hotels and B&B accommodations in the area not too far from the state house and Peak District national park.
Chatsworth house is not only famous for its fine architecture and rich residents but also holds the title of one of the 10th most visited state house in the United Kingdom. Visitors from all over the place flock to the house to see the gardens, the vast amount of Egyptian and other European art collections, in any season, especially during Christmas.
Be mindful of flash photography as it may damage some arts inside the property and as I remember, it?s not permitted. Plenty of bright spaces and gorgeous tapestry but I enjoyed the garden the most. You can choose to visit only the garden and farmyard.
It hosted one of the most flamboyant Christmas decorations of all state houses I ever visited. It also has a Christmas market just outside the state house.
At the end of the house route, you can get more souvenirs or fancy an afternoon tea, or a light bite at the Orangery shop, or just simply relax in the garden.
Going there, follow postcode DE45 1PP and it will take you directly to the state house. But along the route you will be amazed by the breath-taking view of the Peak District national park. So, it?s really a must to include Chatsworth house to your journey if you?re going to visit the Peak District.
By the way, for those traveling with children, they don?t allow pushchairs or prams inside the house. Baby carriers or harnesses will do. Backpacks? Leave them in the car. Dress accordingly and feel like the duke and duchess for a day.
The house is being managed by the Chatsworth
Have a pleasant Christmas and marvellous new year everyone. Keep walking and smiling!
Check your health before you go.
Check the weather and your route before you go.
Suitable footwear is need as some route can be slippery and muddy, a walking stick can be useful as some route can be dangerously steep. Bring a spare slippers or shoes to avoid expensive car wash.
Don't forget your cameras, power banks or spare batteries to charge your devices. Drones can be useful but check your local guidelines and safety precautions before you do so.
5. Rain coat or a tri-climate jacket, extra clothes or a bin bag are always handy. I do always carry a bin bag everywhere I hike. Bin bags can be used to safeguard your belongings from the unforgiving UK weather.
6. Picnic is a must, light food, a bit of candy, power bar is very handy while nature and of course, your water bottle is very important.
Travel light and please...Take you r r u bbish h om e.
"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but foortprints and share you memories."
Gov ernment tak es deci si v e acti on agai nst new COV I D-19 v ari ant
n 30 Novem ber , f ace cover in gs w er e m ade m an dat or y in sh ops an d on pu blic t r an spor t , an d all t r aveller s r et u r n in g t o t h e UK w ill r equ ir e PCR t est in g.
Temporary and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the new COVID-19 Omicron variant in the UK came into force on 30 November, the government has confirmed. From 4am Tuesday 30 November face coverings will be compulsory in shops and other settings such as banks, post offices and hairdressers, as well as on public transport unless individuals are exempt from doing so. All travellers arriving into the country from 4am on Tuesday 30 November will be required to take a PCR test on or before Day 2 and self-isolate until they have received a negative test result. These PCR tests can be purchased from private providers. Free NHS tests are not valid for this purpose. This update adds to the measures rapidly implemented earlier to prevent the spread of the new variant including travel restrictions and meaning all close contacts of anyone who has tested positive for the Omicron variant are required to isolate for 10 days regardless of whether they have been vaccinated.
Ti to peps
Wh at to remember at th e end of th e year BYROBERTLABAYEN
h e Bish op said in h is ser m on , ?t h ose w h o h ave an u n h ealt h y liver t en d t o f or get t h at t h ey st ill h ave h ealt h y eyes, ear s, lu n gs, legs, h ear t , br ain , an d m an y ot h er body par t s.?
their life. They have been acutely colour blind since birth. They could only see shades of gray. With the help of eyeglasses from Valspar Paint and EnChroma, they were finally able to see the world the way we see it. They sobbed, they shook their head in disbelief, they jumped out in joy, and they were stunned.
that story:
Many may agree that one bad thing can make us oblivious to the many other things we have been blessed with.
All of us who are not color blind may not have stopped, even for a while, to appreciate how wonderful normal eyes are.
?Passengers on a train were annoyed by a teenager who never stopped describing everything he saw. ?Look, the clouds are following us,?he yelled. ?The trees are going backward,?he exclaimed. Recognizing how irritated the other passengers have become, the teen-ager ?s father had to explain, ?my son has been blind since birth. We have just come from the good surgeon today.??
Recently, viral videos showed some people practically floored when they were able to see nature?s true colours for the very first time in
A few years ago, an anecdote on Facebook tried to illustrate how we take great things for granted. This would be my best recollection of
This is an article that I decided to write toward the end of the year when we count our blessings. Many of you may be grateful. Others
may be disappointed that prayers have not been answered. This morning at the mall, the voice in my head said,?You think God is deaf? You think He is indifferent to your concerns? Is it his intention to ridicule you?? Then the voice continued, ?Many people have been astonished by miracles they didn?t foresee!? When things are not great, I remind myself of what the Buddhist nun Pema Chodron wrote in the book When Things Fall Apart. She said that that life is in constant flux. Things fall apart and they fall into place again. Ten years ago, my son lost his girlfriend in a fire. He was devastated for a long time. But God always sends someone to soothe our pain. Today, he is very happy in his life with a great wife, a pretty daughter and a promising career. Another son was close to feeling left behind. He spent eight years in a four-year college course. Jobs were elusive and he was always in a bad mood. Today, he is almost sleepless because of writing jobs left and right straight from the most respected people in his industry. After having lived 60 years, I know that many great things today were unforeseen or even unimagined. Superstars were anonymous people, CEOs were dropouts, millionaires were paupers and spiritual leaders were sinners. I have an officemate who was forever at odds with her mother. Today, they are the best of friends! Things can always get better. Two nights before Christmas, I was talking to another son. He?s been going through the biggest regret in his life. He?s been trying his best to stay positive while focusing on his new job and praying for the other people involved in his sad experience. He learned lessons, valuable lessons that can make him a better person. Life can always get better.
Sh are Your Gi f ts BYVIVAANDRADAO'FLYNN Ph oto Cou r tesy: Jacob Ol ivia
h r ist m as is t h e season of givin g. You u su ally t h in k of gif t s as cu t e pack ages w r apped w it h a bow.
When you?ve saved enough cash, you can go to stores or shop online and buy them. There are also gifts within your reach and they don?t come with a price tag. You can easily share these gifts with your family, friends, and even strangers. You?ll even brighten up their day all year round. Here are some gift ideas to try. Give t h e gif t of t im e. Set aside time for important people in your life. Help your mum with the house chores. Plan the Christmas meal with your dad. Get your sister ready for her zoom meetings. Got extra time on your hands? Do volunteer work for your community?s outreach programme. Give t h e gif t of you r t alen t s. Your God-given gifts make you an extraordinary person. Believe in your talents. Only you can express your talents the way you do. When you use your talents, you inspire others to find their own. Give t h e gif t of en cou r agem en t . Listen to other people?s dreams and support them. Be there to nurture
their dreams. If your friend is an aspiring writer, offer to read her written works. Cheer her on. Give t h e gif t of you r blessin gs. If you have a roof over your head, enough food to eat and clothes to wear, then count yourself lucky. Give gifts that come from the heart. Don?t throw unwanted gifts. Share them to cheer up someone?s day. Think of ways to share your blessings to those in need of holiday cheer.
Here is a poem about sharing.
f ellow m en .
?If I can?
Uplif t t h eir lives
If I can w alk t h e dist an ce t o car r y ou t t ask s in lif e,
M ake t h em r ealise
If I can r u n t o get h ear t pu m pin g, If I can f ly t o expan d h or izon s an d exper ien ce ot h er cu lt u r es, Th en I can Ext en d m y h an d t o m y
In m y h om elan d
Th er e?s m or e t o lif e Th an basket ball, beer , an d boxin g. M y lif e w ill h ave m or e m ean in g Be m or e f u lf illin g If I can on ly lear n t o sh ar e.
25 NOVEM BER 2021
FI LI PI NO SURNA M ES: Wh at You Sh oul d K now A bout I ts Ori gi ns (Part 2) BYTODDLUCEROSALES, The Filipino Genealogist t is clear f r om t h ese sam plin g of n am es f r om t h e ear liest r u ler s of t h e Visayas t h at t h e ear ly, pr e-Hispan ic Filipin os did n ot u se a f am ily n am e. In his article Accounting for Souls: Ecclesiastical Sources for the Study of Philippine Demographic History, American historian Michael Cullinane wrote that although there are very few records available on pre-Hispanic naming patterns, it is widely believed that Filipinos did not use family names that were passed from generation to generation. He further cites Pedro Chirino who made an observation during the last decade of the 16th century that ?it was common not toAarohi useAchwal family names or Photo Courtesy: middle names but only one single name, one which was given by the mother ?.
One other claim in Claveria?s decree was that even up to the time when the Claveria decree was made, Filipinos were still without legal surnames. It is an undeniable truth in genealogical research that for the most part, only the genealogies of prominent and famous Filipinos have been explored by Filipino historians and genealogists. So, it is the genealogies of prominent Filipinos where we find answers to this question. We know that the family of the country?s first President, Emilio F. Aguinaldo, can claim that their family name is a pre-Claveria name. The earliest available recorded ancestor of President Aguinaldo is his father, Carlos, whose baptismal record listed him as Carlos Aguinaldo and his father as Don Eugenio Aguinaldo in the 1830s. An earlier document from 1776 lists a certain Bernaldo Aguinaldo of sitio Binacayan, Kawit, Cavite. Some historians claim that this person could be ?the earliest recorded Aguinaldo? though he cannot be connected to the president. Presidents Diosdado Macapagal (and daughter Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo)?s surname is traced to as early as the early 1600s, when his great (7X) ? grandfather, Don Eugenio Lapira, adopted Macapagal following the example of his uncle, Don Juan Macapagal, the first in the country to use the name.
Current President Rodrigo Roa Duterte?s surname is proven through of a certification attesting to a Francisco Duterte?s baptism in 1798 and issued in 1841 by the Cebu Cathedral giving his parents as Bernardo Duterte and Dominga Guzman, President Duterte?s earliest traceable ancestors. The Roxas family, too, could claim a pre-Claveria decree last name, as ample documentation show that the Roxases are descendants of Antonio Roxas y Ureta, himseldf a brother of Domingo Roxas y Ureta, whose line would intertwine with the Zóbel de Ayala family. On the other hand, there are Presidents whose surnames were clearly adopted: President Elpidio Quirino?s grandfather, Juan Manuel, used to have the surname ?del Rosario? but changed it to Quirino in accordance with the Claveria decree; President Sergio Osmeña?s family, through his grandfather Severino Agatón, later Osmeña ; President Jose P. Laurel?s family, through an ancestor, Miguel de la Cruz, adopted ?Laurel?to replace ?de la Cruz?. Of course, not all former Philippine presidents have had their family trees researched extensively. Some came from towns whose records either go only as far as after the Claveria decree or where records no longer exist. These are simply a sampling of families that have been researched before. As they were more educated and had closer and more interaction with the ruling Spaniards, they were then more than likely to follow the Spaniards in the usage of surnames. However, it is also imperative to look at the situation of ordinary inhabitants of the colony before Claveria?s decree, especially since the decree was really meant for the ordinary indios. During the Spanish period, there really was no ?common? rule in the naming system among towns all over the colony. In fact, it is true that throughout different centuries and different localities, indios and even mestizos used a variety of naming system: a single Spanish saint?s name as seen in many of the early to mid-1600s; those with a single Spanish name and an indigenous descriptive such as Maria de Calungsod of Jaro, Iloilo; those with two Spanish saint?s names as seen in
most baptismal registries before the Claveria decree; those with a Spanish saint?s name and an indigenous second name like Juan Macapagal; those with a Spanish saint?s name and a Spanish patronym like Pablo de Leon; and those with a Spanish saint?s name and a second name comprised of a compressed Chinese personal name (Maria Tongco). These samples and many more would tell us that though there was already an attempt by many families, even those of indio extraction, to carry a second name common to all members in the family, there was still no systematic naming system in the entire colony. As Michael Cullinane said in Accounting for Souls, the presence of indigenous second names (or other last names) does not confirm that these names were being used as transmitted family names. It will still take purposeful study to determine whether these second names were being used as family names and were being passed on with any consistency from parents to children. Plus, there is not a long enough time series of registers to verify this. Presidents and their First Ladies, many political families all over the Philippines like the Garcias, Davides, and Frascos of Cebu. He is also the leading expert on Claveria?s surname decree and is currently pursuing his Master ?s degree in History with Claveria?s decree as the topic of his thesis.
Read t h e t h ir d an d f in al par t of t h is ar t icle in t h e Jan u ar y issu e of Yes Ph ilippin es. Abou t t h e Au t h or Todd Lucero Sales is a professional genealogist based in the Philippines. With over 25 years of genealogical experience, he has traced the family trees of Philippine He can be reached through and a sampling of his published books may be found in his Amazon book page
Fi l bri t Derbysh i re & Notti ngh amsh i re
Communi ty Sp ec ia l g uest Derb yshire Ma yo r Ro b in Wo o d (3rd f ro m lef t )
n Su n day, t h e 5t h of Decem ber 2021, an am azin g, st ar -st u dded com m u n it y Ch r ist m as par t y t ook place at Colw ick Hall, Not t in gh am . What was more significant was the occasion ushered in the birth of the newly-formed Filipino-British Community, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
From the impressive grand entrance to what looked like a fabulously embellished party fit for Royalty, coupled with a sumptuous 3-course meal - and added to these, a spectacular array of Philippine talent entertaining a stunningly attired audience - what you got was undoubtedly a remarkable and memorable event. Ma yo r of Erew a sh Do nna Brig g s
This, their very first event, had successfully attracted and drawn in many people from nearby counties allowing them to rub shoulders with guests such as the Mayor of Derby Robin Wood (longest serving Mayor in the UK), Former Mayor & now Sheriff of Nottingham Merlita Bryan, Mayor of Erewash Donna Briggs, Mayor Danny Favor, and Knights of Rizal Commander Sir Carmelo San Juan. A personal endorsement was also received from His Excellency Ambassador Antonio Lagdameo of the Philippine Embassy in London. On this occasion, the Fil-Brit Officers also expressed their commitment to developing the youth of the community by holding free language lessons (in Filipino and English), through involvement in music, sports, culture and fashion, traditional Filipino cuisine, to name a few. Moreover, at this early stage, this new organisation has already created over 16 part-time jobs for the Filipino community within a brief span of 2 months!
This is indeed a community with a heart brimming with potential and excitement, a community to be watched as their ideas radiate from their voices with passion, and as they speak unrelentingly of that wonderful Filipino "Bayanihan" spirit of unity and togetherness - the true essence and core of community life.
Ma yo r Da nny Fa vo r
Ma yo r of Not t ing ha m shire Merlit a Brya n
Ho st s Ella & Ga g a Lo rd w it h Luella & c o m ed ia n Mud a k
FWA -UK Ex ecuti v e Board Pays Courtesy Cal l on H. E. A mbassador A ntoni o Lagdameo & FWA -UK Patron, M adam M ari a Li nda Lagdameo BYNENEMARTIN u f f olk St r eet , a ven u e ver y n ear t h e h u bbu b of t ou r ist y Tr af algar Squ ar e, w as w h er e t h e ladies h eaded t o on t h e af t er n oon of Wedn esday 6t h Oct ober . The autumn air was unexpectedly warm, light and playfully breezy. It was enough to give the crown of the trees a hint of the season, a promise of the golden leaves about to fall. To the FWA-UK ladies, slowly convening at the entrance of the Embassy of the Philippines, feverish expectancy was palpable. After all the virtual meetings with Ambassador Antonio Lagdameo and Madam Linda Lagdameo, the chance to meet face-to-face with them seemed untrue. But hey, they were about to be presented to the distinguished couple as the newly elected officers of FWA-UK in a long-awaited courtesy call.
Chairman Dulia Prado opened the proceedings by introducing each of the members of the Executive Board. * There are two Vice-Chairs, Atty. Crystal Dias, who handles the internal affairs of the Association and Arlene Morley, who looks after the external affairs such as the Fundraising, Special Projects, Outreach and Membership and Personal Development Committees. Crystal talked about the work of the Publicity Committee, which she shadows and gives help when needed, along with the Education and Scholarship Grants Committee. She initiated the virtual Christmas video streamed LIVE via Facebook which coincided with the showing of the typhoon calamities in the Philippines in December 2020. It earned excellent views and fundraised £2,800. * Pat Shah has been the treasurer for 2 years running and affirmed the group of her deep respect for her position in keeping the purse of the Association safe. Adele Beltran is her assistant. * Lydia Sumang, Outreach Committee Chair, emphasized on reaching out and connecting with other organisations in the Filipino community, by representing FWA-UK on their events and provides favourable feedback to the Executive Board. * Linda Challis, Membership and Personal Development Committee chair, outlined the different activities of the committee on board beginning with organising a Christmas Party followed by the Founding Day in April 2022. * Clarita Richardson, Education and Scholarship Grants Committee chair and PND Coordinator, talked about the 17 scholars from all over the Philippines, just a drop of the many who have come through the auspices of FWA-UK. She outlined the coming PND 2022 scheduled for 11th June. * Wilma Lone looks after the Special Project of the Association. This project will commence as soon as the target of £10,000 has been raised to support a student through university/college. * Ira Lehman, our secretary, shows an exceptional and unrivalled ability in monitoring the Association?s record keeping with Imee Pinto as her assistant. * Raquel Scrivens, the indomitable chair of the Publicity Committee who supports and promotes all the committee?s projects and events on different platforms such as our website, Facebook, Instagram, and the quarterly Halo-Halo newsletter. She also contributes articles to ONE Philippines and YES Philippines. * Nieves Bates, whose absence for a long time has made everyone?s heart grow fonder, is a Trustee. Other Trustees present were Nanie Tamayo and Chelo Valencia.
* Jeannette Thomson, the hardworking chair of the Fundraising Committee who?s also a Trustee, has set out her strategic plans to raise funds. Amor Bayudan, also an appointed Trustee is the Auditor of the Association. Both were unable to join due to work commitments. * Dr Remy Reyes and Mrs. Nenita Garrad felt that with all the members of the Executive Board all geared up, their posts as Advisers are becoming redundant. The Board confides that they are more confident and happier with them around.
The ice has been broken, there followed unrivalled exchanges of pleasantries until everyone sang, ?Happy Birthday?to Madam Lagdameo. Chair, Dulia presented her with a beautiful card hand-made by Nene Martin and signed by everyone, a bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake, specially baked by Chelo Valencia. All from FWA-UK. It was time to say ?Au Revoir ? SALAMAT PO!