Yes Philippines NewsMagazine UK - March 2022

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Fi l i pi no Communi ty New spaper COV ER to COV ER UNITED KINGDOM EDITION












Wh o w i l l be th e nex t presi dent of th e Ph i l i ppi nes?


M ARCH 2022



?We continue with our special series on the May 2022 elections in our home country as we want to provide you with the relevant information to help you make an informed decision, if you?re voting.?

t ?s M ar ch an d t h e lovely colou r s of spr in g, on ce again , br in g u s h ope an d ch eer . This is the time of year when the animal kingdom emerges from hibernation and the plant kingdom bursts forth into

amazing blooms. The American poet Elizabeth Akers Allen (1832-1911) puts into words the arrival of the season that we all look forward to: The brown buds thicken on the trees, Unbound, the free streams sing, As March leads forth across the leas The wild and windy spring? Around 20 or 21 March is the vernal or spring equinox. On that day, the sun is directly above the equator, which makes daytime and night-time equal in length. There are still some cold days during March, but there are warm days as well, giving us a hint that better weather is on its way. And as the leaves start growing on trees and plants again, we get a feeling of joy and happiness. Clocks go forward on 27 March to start Daylight Saving Time this year. Mothers?Day falls on the same day. If you were born in

March, your birth flower is a daffodil, and for your birthstone, you can take your choice of either aquamarine or bloodstone. In this issue of Yes Philippines, you?ll be spoilt for choice. We continue with our special series on the May 2022 elections in our home country as we want to provide you with the relevant information to help you make an informed decision, if you?re voting. We have a special feature on the eight presidential candidates wherein you get to know each one of them. We also have our regular Philippine history corner, and for this month, we walk you through back in time to re-visit significant events, such as the blood compact between Bohol chieftain Sikatuna and Spanish explorer Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. Another continuing feature in your favourite news magazine is the community news, which chronicles the various activities and events of many Pinoy groups in our midst. These and many other bits of information and entertainment have been put together for your reading pleasure. So, take a break from whatever you?re doing and enjoy your copy of Yes Philippines. Happy reading!

This Edition is distributed all over the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) Pu blish er M ARY SOL PIM ENTEL Associat e Pu blish er SARAH M AE LARAGAN M an agin g Edit or M ARIA ELLIS Pr odu ct ion M an ager PAULA PEREZ Layou t Ar t ist LEONE CERISE CRISOSTOM O Ar t Dir ect or JOHN KNUCKLES Wr it er s/ Con t r ibu t or s VIVA O'FLYNN PEPS VILLANUEVA ROBERT LABAYEN CAM ILLE EUSEBIO EDGAR DUAY Adver t isin g KARLA DUCAY Colu m n ist LIRA SIM ON-CABATBAT Cir cu lat ion FERNAN DOM INGO BIEN EVANGELISTA


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Juan Luna's illustration of the blood compact between Sikatuna and Miguel Lopezde Legazpi


ir st of M ar ch 1888, som e n at ive Filipin os an d m est izos pr esen t ed a pet it ion dem an din g expu lsion of t h e Span ish f r iar s

Some native Filipinos and mestizos marched in procession to the official residence of Jose Centeno and presented a petition demanding the immediate expulsion of the friars of the religious orders, and of the Archbishop, whom they declared unworthy to occupy the Primacy of the Islands. Centeno, a mining engineer, was acting civil governor of Manila. He was anti-clerical, and was said to have emboldened the demonstration. The petition addressed to the Governor-General, further demanded the secularisation of the benefices and the confiscation of the estates of the Augustinians and the Dominicans. The demand, said to have been written by Doroteo Cortes, a mestizo lawyer, also accused the friars of compassing the death of Father Burgos, by subornation of justice. There were 810 signatures to the petition, but when the signatories were summoned and examined, most of them declared they did not know what they had signed, and denied that they wished the friars to be expelled. The result of this appeal was that the principal persons who took part in it were banished, or sent to reside at undesirable places within the Archipelago. 11 M ar ch 1966, t h e old M ou n t ain Pr ovin ce w as divided in t o f ou r separ at e pr ovin ces The old Mountain Province was divided into four separate provinces, -

Mountain Province, with Bontoc as the capital Benguet, with La Trinidad as the capital Kalinga-Apayao, with Tabuk as the capital and Ifugao, with Lagawe as the

capital. The old Mountain Province used to belong partly to the Ilocos Region (Region 1) and the rest to the Cagayan Valley (Region 2). With the passing of Republic Act No. 6766 of October 23, 1989, Benguet, Mountain Province, Ifugao, Abra and Kalinga-Apayao, and the chartered City of Baguio, were constituted into the Cordillera Administrative Region. On February 14, 1995, through Republic Act No. 7878, Kalinga-Apayao was further partitioned into 2 separate provinces, Kalinga with capital Tabuk, and Apayao with Kabugao as its capital. 14 M ar ch 1947, t h e M ilit ar y Bases Agr eem en t w as sign ed The Military Bases Agreement was signed by President Manuel A. Roxas and Paul V. McNutt, the United States high commissioner in the Philippines and concurred in by the Philippine Senate on March 26, 1947, and accepted and ratified by the US on January 21, 1948. The agreement provides principally for the granting by the Philippines to the United States the right to retain the use of the bases in the Philippines, the Philippines also agreeing "to permit the United States, upon notice to the Philippines, to use such of those bases as the United States determines to be required by military necessity". The Philippines further agreed "to enter into negotiations with the United States at the latter's request, to permit the United States to expand such bases, to exchange such bases for other bases, to acquire additional bases, or relinquish rights to bases, as any of such exigencies may be required by military necessity". The Agreement was set for a period of 99 years subject to extension thereafter as agreed by the two Governments. This agreement would undergo amendments over the years. Notably in the 1966 amendment, the agreement was cut down to 25 years of the unexpired portion of the 99 years, expiring in 1991.

President Manuel Roxas and U.S. Ambassador Paul V. McNutt (right) sign the Military Bases Agreement in Malacañang Palace 15 M ar ch 1565, blood com pact w as m ade bet w een Sik at u n a an d M igu el Lopez de Legazpi in Boh ol

A municipal ordinance was issued forbidding the natives to wear silks from China

The Sandugo or blood compact was made between Bohol chieftain Datu Sikatuna and Spanish explorer Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in Bohol.

Subsequently, Governor-General Dasmariñas, on April 9, instituted an inquiry into the results of this on the natives, and the possibility that the decree should be suspended in some cases. Ten witnesses of converted native chiefs, testified that the importation of Chinese goods has ruined the native industries and demoralized the people and that the ordinance should be enforced.

Earlier, more than 40 years after Ferdinand Magellan died in the Battle of Mactan in Cebu, Legazpi was ordered by Spain in 1564 to launch an expedition to establish colonies and to pick up a lucrative spice trade. After almost a year of sailing, the Legazpi expedition reached the Philippines and landed first on the island of Cibabao (present day Samar) but failed to settle there. He and his companions went off to sail south, to the direction of Mindanao, but due to the winds, his ship was forced to take the route back to the Visayas.

On May 31, 1591, a report prepared for the Governor-General, accounted for some 3,000 Chinese living in the islands, two-thirds of whom live in the Parian area where they have around two hundred shops.

Ph ot o Cr edit s: Th e Kah im yan g Pr oject

Legazpi landed on the shores of Bohol, but they were given a hostile welcome by the Boholanos, who mistook them as Portuguese who had come to plunder and kill. With the help of his Malay pilot, Legazpi was able to explain to Datu Sikatuna of Bohol and Datu Sigala of Loboc that they were not Portuguese and that they had come to offer peace. Thus, a blood compact was done in order to seal their friendship and establish amicable bonds between the two parties. 30 M ar ch 1591, a m u n icipal or din an ce w as issu ed f or biddin g t h e n at ives t o w ear silk s f r om Ch in a

Cordillera Administrative Region

sen. astra adv ert

M ARCH 2022




here d id yo u st ud y nursing ? I studied Nursing at University of Baguio, Baguio City, Philippines.

W hy d id yo u c ho o se nursing a s a c a reer? Being a naturally empathetic person, I thought it would be the perfect career for me. And in addition, nursing being a popular profession, the demand for nurses has been constantly high, which meant employment would not be a challenge. My parents agreed and the rest was history. W here d id yo u w o rk b ef o re c o m ing t o t he UK? I volunteered for a few months at Fort Del Pilar Station Hospital at the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio City before I permanently moved to work at San Fernandino Hospital in Pampanga. W hen d id yo u c o m e t o t he UK? I came to England in June 2011- 10 years has gone quickly! W ha t a re yo ur resp o nsib ilit ies a t w o rk ? I mainly assist in theatres for major operations and perform minor and local procedures. I also work in Surgical Assessment Unit, assessing and managing emergency surgical patients alongside surgical trainees and consultants. In addition to this, I assist the surgical team during ward rounds and also provide support to the nursing team. I am also involved in clinics, departmental teaching and audits as part of the training.

W ha t d o yo u like m o st a b o ut t he UK? I love the people and the multi-diversity in culture which makes the place more interesting. I also enjoy its picturesque places in Nature and the seasons. And yes, I am still fascinated by snow and still feel it?s magical! The UK is a beautiful country and I am fortunate to call it my second home. W ha t d o yo u d o in yo ur f ree t im e? Free time is a luxury lol! At the moment I work out in the gym a lot, I do yoga and play softball and baseball. I also enjoy short nature trips along the countryside or the coast whenever I get the chance to get away. Baking while binge-watching on Netflix series and cooking shows also fill my time, if there is more time to spare. W ill yo u st a y in t he UK f o r g o o d ? The thought of not going back to the Philippines is a bit unsettling. However, for the foreseeable future, my family and I are staying here in the UK, but we will definitely visit home as often as circumstances would allow. Besides, you can take the Filipino away from the Philippines but you cannot take the Philippines away from the Filipino. W ha t a re yo ur p la ns f o r t he f ut ure c a reer w ise? At the moment, I am focused on finishing my master ?s degree in Surgical Care Practice and gaining the SCP-ACP qualification. I am en-route to my dream career in general surgery whilst staying clinical and progressing at the same time. I am beyond grateful for what I am blessed with, and I wish I could use this platform to inspire others to keep working on their goals.

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire






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FNA -UK I NTERFA I TH WEBI NA R By: Evangeline Martinez, Marion Mangalindan & Mark Rodriguera .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... h e Filipin o Nu r ses Associat ion UK (FNA-UK), in par t n er sh ip w it h NHS En glan d t h r ou gh t h e of f ice of t h e Ch ief Nu r sin g Of f icer (CNO) an d Flor en ce Nigh t in gale Fou n dat ion (FNF) ch ar it y, h eld it s f ir st In t er f ait h w ebin ar , #Spir it u alWellbein g Session on 6 Febr u ar y 2022.


This virtual event, which was part of the ?YOU ARE NOT ALONE? series, was hosted by FNA-UK Officers Evangeline Martinez, Marion Mangalindan, Marc Rodriguera and Jona Cinco. YOU ARE NOT ALONE is a series of activities primarily aimed at addressing the mental health and wellbeing of FNA UK members at the time where nationally, the level of exhaustion of keyworkers, including nurses, in the fight against the pandemic was at critical levels. This partnership has empowered the association to help its members and their families who were afflicted with COVID by ensuring that they were provided with healthy food whilst in isolation. FNA-UK officers have themselves bought and delivered the grocery items to the homes of those afflicted. Another ?YOU ARE NOT ALONE? activity was the ?virtual kumustahan? where members were given the time and opportunity to be listened to in response to the very important question, ?Kumusta??(How are you?). Interactive quizzes, videoke singing and a game of ?bring me!?fostered sportsmanship and added the fun element to the event. One participant said of this event, ?I never thought I would spend a lot of physical energy at a virtual event, so thanks, FNA!? Outside of the ?YOU ARE NOT ALONE? series, and in the wake of typhoon Rai that struck the south-eastern parts of the Philippines in December 2021, FNA-UK aided its affected members and their families by offering financial assistance. In addition, the association continues to conduct virtual meet-and-greets with newly arrived international nurses and hold a series of free OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) sessions as part of its pastoral programme. This Interfaith Webinar is a culminating activity of the series and is based on the core belief that people have spiritual needs regardless of their various religious affiliations. Guided by our core values, which include respect for similarities and

differences as a community, this is believed to be a significant and relevant event at these trying times. The webinar lasted for 90 minutes and was attended by around 30 participants in the UK and the Philippines. Representatives from five denominations were invited to share their ministry, including Father Claro Conde of the Roman Catholic Church who is based in Oxford, England; Pastor Arnold Barrientos of Jesus is Lord Church who is based in Oxford, England; Preacher Phillip Dumawa of the Church of Christ based in Manila and Brother Divino Luzon of the El Shaddai DWXI PPFI Catholic Charismatic Group from Sunderland, England. Rev Canon Salvador Telen of the Church of England based in London, England had to leave the event due to another important commitment and was unfortunately unable to re-join. At the start of the event, the song ?Bind Us Together Lord? was played, setting the mood to one of spiritual cooperation and oneness. This was followed by an invocation led by Marion. Jose Ariel Lanada, FNA-UK President, delivered the welcome remarks and shared the purpose of the event, emphasising the need for spiritual nourishment as theme, on the background of mutual respect and open-mindedness. Each guest speaker took turns to answer the question ?What kind of support do you offer to address the spiritual well-being and mental health of you colleagues or members?? Fr. Conde highlighted that physical needs must be met alongside spiritual needs. As a qualified counsellor, he mentioned that listening positively affects someone who is struggling emotionally and mentally. He acknowledges that inadvertently, his role includes signposting these people to seek professional assistance. Pastor Barrientos shared how he experienced the effects of COVID and how the congregation, which he is part of, managed to continue serving one another despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic. He mentioned that it is God?s love that motivated him to continue helping and how the church became a family that rejoices and grieves together. Bro. Philip mentioned the ironies that developed during this pandemic, for example, the word ?negative?denoted a good thing and ?positive?has become synonymous with a dreaded situation. He stressed the importance of having a community and how the pandemic influenced some people?s outlook and societal norms.

Isolation became normal but may have had detrimental effects on mental health. However, it also led people to think about their spirituality. Bro. Divino recalled how he felt when he first arrived in the UK. He also believed that having a community helped him gain more confidence to strive living in the UK. As a result, he is offering himself to be of service to others. The speakers shared much more of their expertise and advice on overcoming life?s struggles during the question-and-answer session. Overall, the event brought encouragement and realisation to the attendees and the organisers themselves that although there are various religious affiliations, people can always find a common ground and shared purpose to assure one another that in times of difficulty, ?YOU (AND I) ARE NOT ALONE,? and that we all have a community to be part of despite of our race, gender, religion, or culture. As the lyrics of the song say, ?bind us together Lord with cords that cannot be broken? bind us together with love.? The event also provided the perfect time to pause and reflect amidst the busyness of daily life. FNA-UK hopes to conduct another session following the positive feedback. It is true to its commitment of actively establishing networks with other community organisations and national bodies locally and internationally to engage in collaborative, meaningful, beneficial and productive working for the benefit of the public. The FNA-UK is committed to sending this important message, ?YOU ARE NOT ALONE.? For more information, kindly visit our website at



adv ert


M ARCH 2022


Th e A dul t


h e ch an ges m ade t o t h e Im m igr at ion r u les in Ju ly 2012 h as sever ely lim it ed t h e n u m ber of applican t s w h o w ou ld qu alif y u n der t h e Adu lt Depen den t Rou t e (ADR). The Home Office in December 2016 published a review stating that visas issued to parents and grandparents decreased from the average of 2,325 per year to an average of 162 per year following the change in the rules.


There may be a revival of the ADR given the humanitarian crisis that presently face countries such as Ukraine and Afghanistan. Th e Law The applicant:

applicant?s physical or mental condition means that they cannot perform everyday tasks; and (b) This must be from a doctor or other health professional. The Home Office clearly requires evidence to show that the applicant?s health warrants substantial care. This means that submitting a medical note stating the medication prescribed to the applicant is simply not good enough. TIP: Applicants should also consider providing a psychiatric or a psychologist report setting out the relative?s mental state. This may be particularly useful for widowed parents who have been suffering from depression due to separation from their family in the UK.

1. is applying from outside of the UK 2. is sponsored by a person settled in the UK, or present as a refugee 3. is an adult and direct relative of the sponsor namely children over-18, parent, grandparents or brother and sisters. 4. requires ?long-term personal care to perform everyday tasks?(intended as basic essential activities) due to age, illness or disability 5. can be maintained and accommodated in the UK without recourse to public funds. 6. is of good character AND: 7. demonstrates that the care must be u n available or u n af f or dable in the country in which they live, even with the help of the sponsor. The first point to note is that it is an application from abroad, so if your relative is already in the UK, you cannot submit an application under the ADR. The second factor to consider is that of evidence. The Home Office in fact specify as part of the m an dat or y evidential requirements (Appendix FM-SE) that applicants provide: (a) Independent medical evidence that the

The third issue of note is the requirement that care is u n available in the country in which they live, even with the help of the sponsor. This condition is often the most problematic. It is not unusual for the Home Office to contend that the sponsor / family member in the UK should pay for carers or that the applicant can go into a care home. The Home Office provide examples of the type of evidence they expect: 35. Independent evidence that the applicant is unable, even with the practical and financial help of the sponsor in the UK, to obtain the required level of care in the country where they are living should be from: (a) a central or local health authority; (b) a local authority; or (c) a doctor or other health professional. 36. If the applicant?s required care has previously been provided through a private arrangement, the applicant must provide details of that arrangement and why it is no longer available. 37. If the applicant?s required level of care is not, or is no longer, affordable because payment previously made for arranging this care is no longer being made, the applicant must provide records of that payment and

an explanation of why that payment cannot continue. If financial support has been provided by the sponsor or other close family in the UK, the applicant must provide an explanation of why this cannot continue or is no longer sufficient to enable the required level of care to be provided. The ?unavailable? requirement has earned the ADR the description that it is ?a ban m asqu er adin g as a r u le? as it is difficult (some say impossible) to satisfy the Home Office that care for medical conditions is ?unavailable? in most countries, save perhaps countries like Ukraine and Afghanistan where there is a gamut of evidence that their medical facilities have been severely compromised. TIP: The Home Office are often literal when interpreting this condition, which means if there are possible care homes for the applicant they will tend to latch on this point. It is important that applicants provide evidence that they have had regard to this issue and list the care homes they have considered and state why each one was not suitable. The family and societal dynamics in the Philippines has meant that there are far fewer care homes in the Philippines than in the UK. From the limited choices, applicants should then distinguish (for each) why they are not suitable.

The fourth issue, that care is ?u n af f or dable? in the country in which

they live, even with the help of the sponsor, makes the ADR rare amongst immigration routes as it appears to penalise sponsors with funds to support their family member. Yet, applicants must also show that they can be maintained and accommodated in the UK without recourse to public funds. TIP: When looking at care homes for the above exercise, make sure you also request information about their costs. Set this against the sponsor 's income and ensure that account is taken of the sponsor 's other commitments such as other family members in the UK. The condition requires that care is unaffordable for the applicant and sponsor so set out your calculations to back up your claim that care is indeed ?unaffordable?. In doing this, applicants must also satisfy the Home Office that they will not require public funds. Visa Gr an t ed: The fee for the application is £3250.00 as of the 3rd of March 2022. There is no IHS charge. If successful, the applicant is granted indefinite leave to enter (or limited leave matching that of the sponsor if the sponsor is in the UK on asylum or humanitarian protection). Once in the UK applicants with Adult Dependant visas may use NHS services but they must not claim public funds such as Universal Credit or Housing Benefit.

13 M ARCH 2022

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Comel ec l i sts 8 presi denti al bets f or M ay 2022 pol l s BYFERDINANDPATINIO


igh t pr esiden t ial aspir an t s h ave been in clu ded on t h e f in al list of t h e Com m ission in Elect ion s (Com elec) f or t h e M ay 2022 polls. The candidates that made it to the

final list are:

1. Ab ella , Ernie

December. The list started with 97 presidential hopefuls and was trimmed to 15 before Christmas. Various groups have filed seven petitions with the Comelec to block the former senator ?s presidential bid in the 2022 national polls. Of the seven cases, two have been junked by the poll


body. On January 4, the Comelec denied Tiburcio's petition to cancel Bongbong's candidacy, alleging that he is an impostor. Another petition filed by Danilo Lihaylihay which sought to declare Marcos as a nuisance candidate was denied on December 16. (PNA) Ph ot os cou r t esy of COM ELEC



2. De Guzm a n, Leo d y 3. Do m a g o so , Isko M o reno 4. Go nza les, No rb ert o 5. La c so n, Ping 6. M a rc o s, Bo ng b o ng Facebook/LeodyDeGuzman

7. Pa c q uia o , M a nny Pa c m a n 8. Ro b red o , Leni




For the vice presidency, there are nine contenders, namely, there are nine names -Atienza, Lito; Bello, Walden; David, Rizalito; Duterte, Sara; Lopez, Manny SD; Ong, Doc Willie; Pangilinan, Kiko; Serapio, Carlos and Sotto, Vicente. Facebook/Norberto B. Gonzales

Photo lifted from Tribune

File photo: EPA

On ly on e M ar cos lef t Based on the updated list of candidates, Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP) standard-bearer and former senator Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos, Jr. is now the only presidential hopeful for next year ?s elections surnamed Marcos. Among those recently struck from the list is Maria Aurora Marcos, a businesswoman from Tarlac who filed her candidacy for president last October. Meanwhile, Tiburcio Marcos was removed by the poll body from the list last








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f Jam es Bon d h ad at t en ded t h e Filipin o-Br it ish Com m u n it y Not t in gh am sh ir e an d Der bysh ir e (FilBr it s) " Bon d" t h em ed Valen t in e's Par t y at t h e pr est igiou s Cr ow n e Plaza Hot el in Not t in gh am on Sat u r day, t h e 12t h Febr u ar y 2022, h e w ou ld u n dou bt edly h ave given t h e even t t h e t h u m bs-u p. He would have been impressed by the class and elegance of the occasion and awed by the stunning ladies in their fabulous gowns and the gentlemen looking dapper in their smart suits and black bow-ties.

From start to finish, the FilBrits Valentine's Party bubbled with fun, laughter, music, dance and sheer excitement. The ambiance was electrifying, enhanced by the hosting and entertainment provided by Gaga Lord with her amazing repertoire of Bond songs, singer Ela Segovia, comedian Mudak, songstress Annabella Ausa, and the Vintage Angels dancers. Love was certainly in the air as couples participated in parlour games, the hilarious Bonkers Bingo, and in Filbrits' own version of "Blind Date", Mr./Mrs. Searchy. An exuberant video message was sent all the way from New York by Nottingham's own Bond girl, Philippine-born Rachel Grant. A specially designed 007 cake by Filbrits member, Janiz de la Cruz, was the attractive centrepiece on a table of sumptuous Philippine desserts, including cakes and delicacies "to die for " by another member, Mary Jane Warner. This was one event certainly difficult to match and equal, and the FilBrits officers/organisers led by Darlene Fernandez and Ofelia Obien, deserve every recognition for its remarkable success.


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GOODWI LL GI FTS Ch ari ty Sh op and Communi ty Support Serv i ces


oodw ill Gif t s is a ch ar it able or gan isat ion f ou n ded in 2014 by Rose San t iago Kelly in Om agh , Co. Tyr on e, Nor t h er n Ir elan d t o pr ovide su ppor t an d ser vices t o people in t h e com m u n it y, par t icu lar ly t h ose f r om Black , Asian an d M in or it y Et h n ic (BAM E) back gr ou n ds.

The Go o d w ill Gif t s sho p in Om a g h, Co . Ty ro ne

Our c ha rit y m issio n: To help eliminate living in poverty by supporting local vulnerable and homeless people, and poor people suffering from various illnesses in the Philippines. We support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people and local people to combat isolation and loneliness and issues of disability.

Our serv ic es: 1.



We are open Monday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. at Goodwill Gifts Charity Shop in Omagh, Co. Tyrone to welcome vulnerable people and donors who support our charity mission. We organise educational and social activities to ease isolation of BAME and their local friends from the local community and beyond (the Philippines). We provide meetings face-to-face and via Zoom for private and confidential support for different issues concerning day-to-day

Our c o m m unit y sup p o rt f a c ilit ies a nd a c t iv it ies: -

Drop-in Centre for Black Asian Minority Ethnic people Saturday coffee morning Social and educational events Transport to different activities by appointments Signposting to professionals Volunteering opportunities, all ages Opportunity to visit the Philippines Monthly Zoom meetings Private meeting room for different occasions Helping homeless people in the local community and in the Philippines

Ro se Sa nt ia g o Kelly, f o und er of Go o d w ill Gif t s, a nd her so n Pa t ric k.

Tel: 07881347716 Find us on Facebook. We would like to thank our patrons for their generous support in helping eliminate living in poverty, locally and in the Philippines.

Trust ees a nd m em b ers f ro m lef t : Fra nc is Ba ird , J o na t ha n Allen, Eug ene Cra ig , J o hn Ga lb ra it h, M eim ei Turner, Pa t ric k M c Cryst a l. Sea t ed a t f ro nt : Fr. Do na lBennet t , J ennif er King a nd Na t iv id a d Ba ird

A ho m eless m a n w ho c a m e t o t he Go o d w ill Gif t s of f ic e f o r sup p o rt a nd w a s im m ed ia t ely p rov id ed w it h em erg enc y ho using , show n here a ssist ed b y vo lunt eer Ga b rielle.

Go o d w ill Gif t s ha s d elivered d if f erent p ro jec t s v ia Zo o m sinc e M a rc h 20 20, w hic h t he reg ula r p a rt ic ip a nt s ha ve f o und very usef ul a nd em p ow ering .

The new ly renova t ed c hurc h in Ca b ia o , Nueva Ec ija , Philip p ines, a rec ip ient of Go o d w ill Gif t s f und ing .

Go o d w ill Gif t s sent f o o d p a rc els t o t he Philip p ines in Dec em b er 20 20 t ha t w ere d ist rib ut ed t o p o o r f a m ilies.


ARIANNECLAIREVICENCIO AGE: 19 BASEDINTHEUK: DERBY HOBBIES: playing guitar, gym, going out with my sister, clubbing (if I must say), going toward successfulness CURRENTLYDOING: 2nd Year Civil Engineering at Nottingham Trent University, doing Manchester placement AMBITION: To be a Civil Engineer just like my granddad and grandmum?s career MOTHER: Sherry Ann Vicencio FATHER: Ansel Vicencio


M ARCH 2022


THE PRESI DENTI A BLES ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ERNESTO CORPUZ ABELLA

ng panig ng Metro Manila. Tila bulkang sumabog ang poot ng mamamayang matagal nang nagtitiis sa ilalim ng diktadurang Marcos.

Ernie Abella was the first spokesperson of President Rodrigo Duterte. After fulfilling his mandate at Malacanang, he moved to the Department of Foreign Affairs as Undersecretary for Strategic Communications, representing the Philippines internationally at various diplomatic, democratic, cultural, political and religious fora, and in inter-agency and inter-branch activities of government.

A bu ilder of in st it u t ion s -




Ernie started as a junior copywriter in Manila and became a Creative Director five years later Taught at the Ateneo de Davao Humanities & Communication Arts Department Started and was pastor of a Founder/president of an innovative secondary school for 20 years Sent missionaries to Southeast Asia and East Asia

Un der st an ds an d appr eciat es bot h f or m al & self - edu cat ion -




Graduated pre-medicine from Ateneo de Davao Studied at the Graduate Schools of both English and Communication Arts Departments of the Ateneo de Manila Finished his Master in Divinity, Silliman University Earned his Master in Entrepreneurship

ERNESTO CORPUZ ABELLA (Social Development) at the Asian Institute of Management (A.I.M) He learns from social media, vloggers, bloggers, young people, kids and those who take the opposite view. Ernie is married to Joy and they have two children and six grandchildren children, with another one on the way. He is also a father figure, and a spiritual mentor and counsellor to many ordinary men and women, along with many who have their own ministries. He says, ?It is my experience with people, from Makati to the provinces, from schools to farms, from credit cooperatives to churches, or government, that made me see and realise, that there is a genius within people that knows the solution of the problems they face, they just need to be heard. When we change mindset, when we change inside and listen to one another, then miracles happen.? Sou r ce: Pr of ile k in dly pr ovided by Er n ie Abella?s cam paign t eam

LEODEGARIO QUINTAIN DE GUZM AN Si ?Ka Leody? De Guzman ay pampito sa labintatlong anak ng mga magsasakang si Lorenzo De Guzman at Dolores Quintain sa bayan ng

Naujan, Oriental Mindoro noong July 25, 1959.

Minsan pa nga, tumakas siya sa trabaho, kasama ang isa pang kamanggagawa at sinalubong ang makasaysayang martsang "Tarlac to Tarmac" nila Butch Aquino na tumatahak noon sa kahabaan ng EDSA.

Dala ng hirap ng buhay, dalawa lang sa labingtatlo ang nakapagtapos ng kolehiyo. Ang sinundan niya ay nakapagtapos ng Nars sa Arellano University at siya naman ay pinalad magtapos ng Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration sa PMI Colleges.

Yon ang umpisa at mayor na dahilan ng pagbababago ng direksyon ng kanyang buhay. Napuno siya ng diwang mapanlaban matapos mapakinggan ang mga talumpati nina Ka Pepe Diokno, Ka Tanny Tanada, Butch Aquino, Reli Herman at dating Senador Soc Rodrigo noong gabing iyon sa Ugarte Field (Makati Square ngayon).

Dalawang araw matapos makagraduate ng hayskul noong Marso 1976 ay pinasok na ng kanyang panganay na kapatid sa kanyang pinagtratrabahuhan, Aris Phils Inc., isang pabrika sa Pasig na gumagawa ng leather gloves na pang export.

Hindi na siya tumuloy sa pag-alis ng kumpanya at paghahanap ng bagong hanapbuhay batay sa kanyang kurso hanggang sa naging lider ng koalisyong ?Justice for Aquino, Justice for All?o JAJA sa Aris Phils. hanggang sa kinailangan na may tumayong

Hindi nakulong sa apat na sulok ng sa Aris Phils. ang paglilingkod sa mga manggagawa, naging organizer siya ng koalisyong Alyansa ng mga Manggagawa sa Pasig (ALMAPAS) mula 1984 hanggang 1990. Noong 1990, nahirang siya bilang delegado sa pang rehiyong kongreso ng KMU sa Metro Manila at nahalal bilang Regional Executive Council member. Subalit makalipas ang 3 taon naganap ang hindi pagkakasundo sa pagitan ng KMU NCR at ng KMU National sa usapin ng taktika sa pagsulong ng kilusang manggagawa na humantong sa paghihiwalay. Pumanig siya sa grupong pinamumunuan ni dating kasamang Romy Castillo na nagtayo ng bagong sentro ng manggagawa, ang Bukluran ng Manggagawa para sa Pagbabago (BMP), na pormal na itinatag noong Septiembre 14, 1993 at nahalal bilang Deputy General Secretary. Matapos ang termino ni Ka Romy, nahalal siya bilang General Secretary sa pamumuno ni Filemon ?Ka Popoy?Lagman (1996-1999) at sa termino ni kasamang Victor Briz (1999-2005).

Sa pagnanais maiangat ang kalagayan ng kanyang pamliya, pinagsabay niya ang pagtratrabaho sa pabrika at pagaaral ng kolehiyo, grumadweyt sa kanyang kurso noong Oktubre 1983.


He also served as Officer-in-Charge of the UNESCO National Commission (NATCOM) working closely with the Creative Bloc of Congress, promoting Philippine Creative Cities, and advancing UN peace efforts through educational, scientific and cultural cooperation.

Gaya ng marami, ang mga kaganapan noon ang nagmulat sa kanyang mga mata sa kalagayan ng bansa at nagenganyo sa kanya sumama at maging aktibo sa malawak na kilusan laban sa diktadura.

oposisyon laban sa liderato ng unyon sa kumpanya.

Bagamat nakapagtapos at marami-rami naman ang opurtunidad pasukan, pinili niyang hindi ito gamitin para mapaganda rin ang buhay ko. Dahil ilang buwan bago ang graduation ay nagimbal ang buong bansa sa pagpaslang kay Ninoy Aquino pagdating niya sa airport galing Amerika. Araw-araw mula noon ay dumadagundong ang samu?t saring mga protesta sa lahat



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SPECIAL SERIES ON M AY 2022 ELECTIONS Taong 2005 nang mahalal siya bilang Pangulo hanggang Enero 2018. Sa kasalukuyan, si kasamang Luke Espiritu na ang Pangulo at siya ang tumatayong Chairman ng BMP.

City Mayor, achieving an outstanding electoral victory. For the people of Manila, one of their very own ? a ?Batang Maynila? ? had finally become their leader.

Liban sa pagiging Chairman ng BMP, tumatayo din bilang Board of Trustee ng PhilRights, isang non-government organization (NGO )na nagsusulong ng karapatang pantao at Bulig Visayas, isa ring NGO na tumutugon sa mga biktima ng mga kalamidad.

He is married to Diana Lynn Ditan. They have five children: Vincent Patrick, Frances Diane, Joaquín André, Franco Dylan, and Drake Marcus.

Naninirahan siya kasama ang kanyang asawang si Marieza Tolentino at tatlong anak na sina Prolan, Lea at Dexter sa Cainta, Rizal. Sou r ce: Pr of ile k in dly pr ovided by ?Ka Leody ? De Gu zm an?s cam paign t eam

FRANCISCO M ORENO DOM AGOSO Francisco ?Isko? Moreno Domagoso, colloquially known as ?Yorme Isko?, has been serving as the 27th Mayor of Manila since 1st July 2019. His elevation to Manila?s mayoralty occurred via a historic election: defeating an incumbent Mayor ? a former Philippine President ? on broad hopes of generational and transformative change for the 449 year old Philippine capital city. Prior to becoming mayor, Mayor Domagoso was Manila?s vice mayor from 2007 ? 2016 and served in Manila?s City Council representing the ancient, densely populated, and economically challenged urban district of Tondo. He was first elected to The Manila City Council in 1998. Back gr ou n d Francisco ?Isko? Moreno Domagoso was born on 24 October 1974. He is the only child of Joaquin Domagoso, from Tondo, Manila, and


FRANCISCO M ORENO DOM AGOSO Rosario Moreno, from Allen, Northern Samar. His father was a stevedore who worked at Manila?s North Harbour, also in Tondo. Moreno?s mother managed to keep a loving household for the precocious Domagoso. As a child, the young Domagoso learned the ways of Tondo?s hardscrabble streets and contributed to the family?s tight budget. He became a young entrepreneur, pushing a streetcart going house-to-house to collect newspapers, glass bottles, and other recyclables, which he would resell to a junk dealer. He also salvaged in restaurant garbage bins for leftovers which were repurposed by his practical mother into the family dinner. In 1993, the fair-skinned Domagoso caught the attention of Filipino talent scout Wowie Roxas who was attending a funeral in Tondo. Persuaded to enter Philippine show business and under a new screen name, ?Isko Moreno? soon emerged a popular host of then daily entertainment variety show, ?That?s Entertainment?, produced by the late German Moreno, a pillar of the local entertainment industry. However, Domagoso?s newfound affluence and public popularity could never take him far from his roots in Tondo. He ran for and won a City

Council seat in 1998, representing Manila?s first district, and was reelected in 2001 and 2004. In 2007, he won his first term as Manila?s vice mayor. To ensure he could craft and deliver the right policies to his constituents, Domagoso undertook courses in Local Legislation and Finance at University of the Philippines. He studied Public Administration in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (University of the City of Manila) and Law at Arellano University. Domagoso undertook further education modules at Harvard University?s Kennedy School of Government and at the Business School at Oxford.

Secretary Norberto B. Gonzales served as Presidential Adviser for Special Concerns to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on February 2001 to January 2004. He then served as National Security Adviser and Director General of the National Security Council from February of 2005 till the end of President Arroyo?s term on June of 2010. Concurrently, Secretary Gonzales served briefly as the 32nd Secretary of National Defense on July to August of 2007 and back again as the 34th Secretary of National Defense on November of 2009 to June of 2010. Secretary Gonzales also served in brief capacities to the President as Political Adviser, Officer in Charge of the Office

Secretary Gonzales has more than twenty years of experience in conflict management and peace negotiations in the Philippines, having served as Peace Panel Member in talks with Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) which signed a Final Peace Agreement with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines in 1996, and as principal senior official in back-channel efforts in the talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and National Democratic Front (NDF). Secretary Gonzales, before entering government service, had long experience in trade union and peasant organising. He is currently the Chairman of the Philippine Democratic Socialist Party (PDSP). He was born on April 17, 1947 in Balanga, Bataan. He finished his Bachelor of Science in Pre-Medicine at the Ateneo de Davao University in 1968 and Master in National Security Administration (MNSA) from the National Defense College of the Philippines in 2006. Sou r ce: h t t ps:/ / n or ber t obgon zales. com / on lin e/ ?page_id=197

Facebook/Norberto B. Gonzales

Si Ka Leody ay ang kasalukuyang country representative sa International Council ng Internatinal Center for Labor Solidarity (ICLS) at Vice President ng Asia Regional Organization of Bank, Insurance and Finance Union (AROBIFU).

Sou r ce: h t t ps:/ / m an / m ayor /

of Political Coalition Affairs and as Presidential Chief of Staff.

In 2013, in a controversial election, former Philippine President Joseph Estrada was elected 26th Mayor of Manila. In 2016, Domagoso ran for The Philippine Senate ? all 24 Philippine senators are elected nationally, 12 every 3 year election cycle ? and narrowly missed his opportunity to sit in the legislative upper house. In 2017, Domagoso was appointed Chairman of the Board of then North Luzon Railways Corporation. In 2018, he was appointed Undersecretary for Luzon Affairs in the Department of Social Welfare. However, Domagoso?s heart has never strayed from Manila?s dynamic, colourful streets and in 2019 he ran for


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Special Diploma in Social Studies from Oxford University in England.

Ang tama, ipaglaban. Ang mali, labanan. (What is right must be kept right. What is wrong must be set right.)

In his desire to pursue further studies, Bongbong took up Masters in Business Administration in Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. Though he felt privileged to enter such an esteemed institution, he had to cut his studies short because he was elected Vice-Governor of the province of Ilocos Norte in 1981, at a young age of 23. He succeeded as Governor of the province from 1983 to 1986.

These words have served as the constant guide of Senator Panfilo ?Ping? Morena Lacson, who has been circumspect in matters of public interest and committed against various forms of corruption in his more than 40 years of public service in the fields of law enforcement, lawmaking, and humanitarian work. Lacson is an untiring, tenacious watchdog of the national budget, making sure dubious congressional insertions (a.k.a. pork barrel) and useless appropriations are checked and deleted during plenary debates. His continuous fight against corruption, including pork barrel in all its iterations, earned him the degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa, from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila in March 2019. Lacson first earned a tough, no-nonsense reputation while serving in the Philippine National Police: solving high-profile crimes including kidnap-for-ransom cases in the 1980s and 1990s; and reviving the PNP?s glory days as Chief, PNP from 1999 to 2001. During his term as PNP Chief, Lacson led by example as he instituted a no-take policy and a fitness program, while cleansing the police force of ?scalawags in uniform? (a.k.a. kotong cops) ? initiatives that earned the PNP the highest public approval ratings in its

PANFILO M . LACSON history. Philippine National Police Chief Before the Senate, Lacson served in the PNP, heading it from 1999 to 2001. He went after criminals, including rogue cops. He had 85 percent of resources go to frontline units, and imposed a 34-inch waistline limit for police officers. More importantly, Lacson led by example, refusing bribes and declining ?rewards? from rescued kidnap-for-ransom victims. Under Lacson, the PNP ? and Lacson ? scored very high approval ratings. Sou r ce: h t t ps:/ / legacy.sen at / sen at or s/ sen _bio/ lacson _ bio.asp

FERDINAND R. M ARCOS, J R. Having been in public service for over 25 years, Ferdinand

?Bongbong? Marcos Jr. has achieved a distinguished career in government. His electoral journey has allowed him to serve in several positions in both the executive and legislative branches of government. His various stints in government have allowed him to carve his niche in the Philippine?s rich political history. As a young boy in Manila, Bongbong went to Institucion Teresiana and La Salle Greenhills where he obtained his kindergarten and elementary education, respectively. Due to his parents?insistence that he grow up grounded without being overwhelmed by his family?s stature, Bongbong was sent to England where he lived and studied in an all-boys Benedictine abbey, Worth School. Thereafter, he pursued his undergraduate degree, graduating with a

After his family?s return from exile in 1992, Bongbong served as Congressman in the Second District of Ilocos Norte.

Governor of Ilocos Norte where he served for three consecutive terms. During his tenure, he transformed Ilocos Norte into a first-class province of international acclaim, showcasing its natural and cultural destination areas. In 2010, Bongbong won a seat in the Philippine Senate, placing 7th overall. He currently chairs the Senate Committee on Local Government and the Committee on Public Works. He is married to lawyer Louise Araneta-Marcos with whom he has three sons: Sandro, Simon & Vincent. Sou r ce: h t t ps:/ / legacy.sen at ph / sen at or s/ sen _bio/ bm ar cos_ bio.asp

From 1998 to 2007, Bongbong served as



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elementary and high school, in 1978 and 1982 respectively, from Unibersidad de Sta. Isabel. In 1986, she graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of the Philippines in Diliman. She completed her juris doctor degree in 1992 from the University of Nueva Caceres and passed the Philippine Bar in 1997.

Nicknamed "PacMan?, Manny Pacquiao was born in Kibawe, Bukidnon on 17 December 1978 and was raised in General Santos. He is the fourth of six siblings. Pacquiao completed his elementary education at Saavedra Saway Elementary School in General Santos City, but dropped out of high school due to poverty. In February 2007, Pacquiao took and passed a high school equivalency exam, and was awarded with a high school diploma by the Department of Education. Pacquiao entered politics in 2010 when he was elected as the representative of Sarangani. He held this post for six years until he was elected and assumed office as a senator in 2016. Manny?s parents separated when he was in sixth grade. At the age of 14, he moved to Manila and lived on the streets, worked as a construction worker and had to pick between enduring hunger, or sending money to his mother. He started boxing and made the Philippine national amateur boxing team where his room and board were paid for by the government. Polit ical car eer In preparation for his political career in the Filipino House of Representatives, Manny enrolled in the Certificate Course in Development, Legislation, and Governance at the Development Academy of the Philippines ? Graduate School of Public and Development Management (DAP-GSPDM).

Occu pat ion bef or e polit ics Before entering public service, Leni Robredo was a researcher and economist at the Bicol River Basin Development Program Office, an Economics professor at the Universidad de Sta. Isabel, and a lawyer at the Public Attorney's Office.

EM M ANUEL PACQUIAO In May 2010, Manny Pacquiao was elected to the House of Representatives, representing the province of Sarangani. He scored a landslide victory over his opponent. In 2013 he was re-elected to the 16th Congress of the Philippines. He ran unopposed. Additionally, his wife, Jinkee, was also elected as vice-governor of Sarangani. On May 19, 2016, Manny was formally elected as a senator by the Commission on Elections, garnering over 16 million votes. As of 2018, Pacquiao has filed a total of 31 Senate bills during the 17th Congress. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Pacquiao worked with Alibaba Group co-founder Jack Ma to help bring to the Philippines 50,000 COVID-19 test kits through their respective charity foundations.

Sou r ce: Wik ipedia

Ter m as vice pr esiden t Determined to bring the Office of the Vice President

closer to the people, she led the crafting of its flagship anti-poverty program, Angat Buhay ? an endeavor inspired by six key advocacy areas; namely, food security and nutrition, women empowerment, education, healthcare, rural development, and housing. VP Leni continued to exemplify grace and resolve as she and her office stepped up, launching one initiative after another in response to the many needs because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Believing in the power of collaboration, and a faith in the people, VP Leni vows to keep working to help her fellow Filipinos, especially those in the fringes of society. Sou r ce: h t t ps:/ / / con t en t / biogr aph y.h t m l

M ARIA LEONORA GERONA ROBREDO Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo is the 14th Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines. After years of working with the poor and the marginalized, teaching the less fortunate about their rights under the law, Leni, as she is popularly known, emerged into national consciousness following the loss of her husband, long-time Naga City Mayor and Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo. Called upon to carry on his legacy of good governance, she stepped into the political arena in 2013, when she won as Representative of the Third District of Camarines Sur. Edu cat ion Leni Robredo graduated





M ARCH 2022


Lov e th e Li f e you Li v e BYVIVAANDRADAO'FLYNN


s w e m ar ch in t o spr in g, w e n eed r em in der s t o r ef r esh ou r lives.

Sometimes in life, you get distracted with all that?s going on around you. Due to life?s constant demands, you get pressured to do things you don?t want to do. While everyone experiences life differently, we all can work out ways to love our lives even more. Here are my ideas on how to love the life you live. 1. Con n ect w it h you r in n er self . Tune into your intuition. Listen to your inner wisdom. What do you want from life? What impact do you want to achieve in your lifetime? What?s your purpose, your reason for being? What makes your heart sing? Take the time to ask yourself questions like these and get to know more about yourself every day. You?ll find out more about what you love to do, your values and what matters to you. It?s when you?re quiet and still that you realize you have more to do and say. Silence speaks a wealth of meaning to those who listen to their inner wisdom. 2. Keep lear n in g an d gr ow in g.

Constantly find ways to improve yourself. Be humble enough to accept you have a lot to learn from life no matter your age. Keep finding ways to stretch your knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience. Life is about fun and adventure. If you only did what you love, you would be missing out on things you have yet to love. Sometimes you have to stumble to discover your new passion. Go beyond what you normally do and awaken to bigger possibilities of you. Just remember growth comes with feeling awkward. We all have to start from somewhere to get to where we want to be.

3. Bu ild m ean in gf u l h ealt h y r elat ion sh ips. Relationships enrich our lives and experiences with the world. Relationships help us in loving and cherishing life. From our relationships we get the support we need to become better individuals. We learn to cooperate, collaborate, and work as a team. We realize there?s more to life than ourselves. 4. Celebr at e Now. Live in t h e m om en t . It?s today that matters, not yesterday?s regrets nor tomorrow?s worries. While the sun rises and sets, keep believing every day is a reason to

start anew on the road to a better you. 5. Be you r ow n best f r ien d. Nou r ish you r self . While you aim to feed yourself healthy food, feed your mind too with inspiring thoughts. They say the longest relationship you have in life is with yourself. Take time to love and appreciate who you are. When you do, you?ll radiate love to others and life will get better around you. We?re all walking wounded wondering

when we?ll heal wishing for the one who?ll whisk our worries away then we wake up and realize the one we?re waiting for is already within. Why wait for someone to love you before you love life? Love is all around and within you. The person you?re always with is you. Love yourself. As Bob Marley?s song goes, ?love the life you live and live the life you love.? Here?s a love letter for you.

Dea r Yo u, Yo u ha ve a ll it t a kes t o live a g o o d life. Believe in yo urself. Be m o re c o nf id ent . Trust in yo ur c a p a b ilit ies. Co nnec t w it h ot hers. Sha re yo ur g if t s. Enric h yo ur rela t io nship s. Ta ke it ea sy. Rew a rd yo urself w it h d elig ht f ul t rea t s every now a nd t hen. Cho o se love a nd yo u m ove t ow a rd s t he rig ht d irec t io n. Love, Yo urself


25 NOVEM BER 2021


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A Hel pi ng Hand to th e El derl y (65+) and th e V ul nerabl e i n New h am, London A n FWA -UK Proj ect By Jeannette Thomson, Fundraising Committee Chairman



OOD NEWS!! On 12 Jan u ar y 2022, FWA-UK w as aw ar ded a gr an t f r om Nat ion al Lot t er y Aw ar ds f or All (A4A) f or on e of ou r pr oject s called, ?A Helpin g Han d t o t h e Elder ly (65+) an d t h e Vu ln er able in New h am , Lon don .? FWA-UK will run computer skills workshops for digitally excluded elderly, in Newham, London, who are housebound, ill, and lonely, enabling them to participate fully in society.

Sup p o rt Serv ic es f o r t he Senio r Cit izens of t he Co m m unit y Pro jec t , La vend er Fa rm Sum m er Out ing , Surrey Aug ust 2018

Th e Pr oject st ar t s on 14 M ar ch 2022 an d en ds on 10 M ar ch 2023.

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant vast changes to how public services are delivered ? doctors, schools, banking have all moved online. The FWA-UK project will enable participants, such as the elderly, to adapt to this new reality, equipping them to use digital services such as NHS appointments and online banking, thereby increasing their resilience and ability to live independently. If you are from Newham and interested to join the FWA-UK computer training course, please send us an email con t act @f w a-u k .com . The association Project Manager will get in touch with you. A big thank you to the Lotto players who make possible the funding of National Lottery?s charitable projects.

Sup p o rt Serv ic es f o r t he Senio r Cit izens of t he Co m m unit y Pro jec t , La vend er Fa rm Sum m er Out ing , Surrey Aug ust 2018

Sup p o rt Serv ic es f o r t he Senio r Cit izens of t he Co m m unit y Pro jec t , Friend ship M a t inee, Roya l Alb ert Ha ll, Lo nd o n M a rc h 2019

An a f t erno o n t ea held a t t he Roya l Fest iva l Ha ll o n 10 M a rc h 2018.

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Wh y bad pol i ti ci ans rose to pow er and w h y th ey stayed th ere BYROBERTLABAYEN


ot all polit ician s ar e bad. But it?s true that politics attracts many bad people. Not just normally bad people but even people with a psychological pathology.

?Ba d p o lit ic ia ns g ot elec t ed b ec a use c it izens w ere f o o led b y t heir c ha rm a nd lies. They g ot re- elec t ed b ec a use t hey c o nt ro lled t he m ed ia , g a m ed t he syst em , ha d f und s t o b uy vot es, a nd p ow er t o c o erc e vot ers.?

Photo Credit: LucasTheExperience

Na rc issist s


Psychologist Steve Taylor wrote that ?narcissists crave attention and affirmation and feel they are superior to others and have the right to dominate them. They also lack empathy, which means they are able to ruthlessly exploit and abuse people for the sake of power.?

Mao Zedong said ?let a hundred flowers bloom? when he encouraged his people to freely express their feelings about the government. A year later, he had many of these critics arrested and some were sent to labour camps.

This is the problem: narcissists fool us because they look like people with admirable leadership traits. A study by Ohio State University found that ?when a group is without a leader, you can often count on a narcissist to take charge.? They are ?overconfident in their own abilities? so many people are made to believe these guys are capable. But ?they don?t necessarily make better leaders.? Both Hitler and Mao Zedong projected their intellectual superiority. In truth, their incompetence led to the suffering of millions of people.

They ha t e c rit ic s Narcissists will do everything to protect their image. Upon becoming Chancellor of Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler seized the printing equipment of the political parties he didn?t like. He also controlled the ?independent? organs and used them for his own

Psyc ho p a t hs Psychos can charm people because they have no inhibition, they are great at lying, and they only have cognitive empathy, not affective empathy. With affective empathy, you can feel what others feel. With cognitive empathy, you know what others feel but you are unmoved. With knowledge of what people feel, psychopaths can manipulate their victims. During campaigns, they can lie about their credentials, lie about their rivals, and make big promises they don?t intend to fulfill. Voters in a suffering country can be fooled by big promises because they are in need of a ?messiah.?

A b a d c o m b ina t io n Joseph Stalin had a terrible combination of narcissism,

Machiavellianism and paranoia, among others. He used and fooled so many connections, told lies and changed facts in order to become Secretary-General of the Soviet Communist Party in 1922. Being extremely paranoid, he believed people were criticizing him and out to get him. So, he had many of his closest collaborators, closest party members, even a famous doctor murdered along with 20 million others who were killed during his reign.

It t a kes t hree t o t a ng o Andrew Lobaczewski was a Polish psychologist and a victim of both the Nazis and Stalin. He came up with the term ?pathocracy? to describe a government made up of people with pathological disorders. He believed that a pathological leader attracts people like him to serve in his government while the good ones will fall away or will be rendered powerless. Other political scientists explained the ?toxic triangle? which involves a bad leader, vulnerable followers, and a society with conditions ready to be exploited. For example, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot were brought to power by bad political parties while their respective countries were going

through economic insecurity and social disintegration.

W hy p eo p le vot ed f o r t hem Bad politicians got elected because citizens were fooled by their charm and lies. They got re-elected because they controlled the media, gamed the system, had funds to buy votes, and power to coerce voters. A recent study in the U.S. also showed that corrupt politicians got elected because of the voters??lack of attention.? Many voters didn?t really care to know the issues and the track records of candidates. Like in any marketplace, ?name recall? was enough for people to make a choice. Among other things, more political education enabled by free communication can help reduce the possibility of being manipulated by madmen. Does power corrupt every politician? A recent study by the University of Toronto said no. The researchers found that power may heighten ?pre-existing ethical tendencies.? The bad become worse, the good may stay good and use power for good. That second part is reassuring enough. Ph ot o Cr edit : Aar on Favilla


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Fi l i pi no nurse nomi nated f or Nati onal Li f eti me A ch i ev ement A w ard

n om in at ed f or an aw ar d. Ediscyll Lorusso is, so rightfully so, in the running for Our Health Hero?s ?National Lifetime Achievement?Award. Ediscyll?s achievements, particularly at the age of just 44, are remarkable. Ediscyll joined St George?s University Hospitals NHS Trust as a newly qualified nurse when she was 21, back in 2000. Coming from the Philippines, she had a harder start to her career in NHS nursing than most as she faced homesickness and adjusting to the temperate British climate. Since then, St George?s has been immensely proud of Ediscyll?s achievements in her time at the Trust. Ediscyll?s dedication to Thrombosis prevention awareness lead to the Trust being acknowledged as one of the Exemplar Sites for Venous ThromboEmbolism (VTE) prevention in the Houses of Parliament. Ediscyll was subsequently invited to participate in the All Party Parliamentary Thrombosis Group (APPTG) and has attended meetings with MPs and NHS bosses in the House of Commons every year since 2010. This nomination and prestigious work comes off the back of Ediscyll being a passionate advocate for thrombosis prevention,

organising regular campaigns, study days, teaching sessions, and other initiatives for both staff and the community. In 2012, she helped launch a UK first at St George?s ? the Joint Thrombosis Nurse and Midwife clinic. Her innovation quickly caught the attention of the Department of Health and health authorities around the world, having presented her work to thousands of healthcare professionals and policymakers at conferences in USA, Canada, Australia and Singapore. Robert Bleasdale, Chief Nurse at St George?s University Hospitals Trust, said: ?Among the many thousands of nurses nationwide with incredible achievements, Ediscyll?s achievements really do stand out.? ?Ediscyll has been central to St George?s reputation for innovation and excellence in thrombosis care and prevention for many years now and has touched countless lives through her pioneering work. In addition to her impressive track record of clinical achievements, Ediscyll is an ambassador for her profession and passionate advocate for Filipino communities across the UK. She truly is an inspiration and we are very proud of her.? Aside from being a full-time nurse and a mum to two young children, Ediscyll volunteers for various Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) networks related to healthcare, including Freedom To Speak Up and Philippine Nurses Association-UK, which

provides pastoral welcome packages for newly arrived nurses from the Philippines. Ediscyll is also active in the wider community, visiting schools to inspire and educate young children to enter the nursing profession. Ediscyll Lorusso, Senior Thrombosis Nurse Specialist Practitioner and Our Health Heroes National Lifetime Contribution award nominee said: ?I love working as a nurse and knowing that I make a positive difference in my patients?lives gives me great job satisfaction and a huge sense of achievement.? ?As an overseas nurse at the age of 44, to be in the running for the national lifetime achievement award



Filipin o n u r se at St . Geor ge?s Hospit al in Lon don h as been

I love w o rking a s a nurse, a nd know ing t ha t I m a ke a p o sit ive d if f erenc e in my p a t ient s?lives g ives m e g rea t jo b sa t isf a c t io n a nd a hug e sense of a c hievem ent .

for the Our Health Heroes award is such a huge honour. I would like to extend my indebtedness appreciation to my past and present colleagues who took the time to make this nomination. I am deeply humbled to represent all the extraordinary, hardworking and selfless nurses all over the world who work intensely every day and especially during the pandemic. This is a collective success for all of us.?


The ?Skills for Health Our Health Heroes?lifetime contribution award is sponsored by NHS Employers and the winner will be announced at a special ceremony at London Science Museum on 24th March.

Sou r ce: St Geor ge's n u r se n om in at ed f or Nat ion al Lif et im e Ach ievem en t Aw ar d - St Geor ge's Un iver sit y Hospit als NHS Fou n dat ion Tr u st (st geor ges.n h s.u k )


M ARCH 2022





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