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November 7-13, 2018 YES! WEEKLY
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November 7-13, 2018
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
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NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018 VOLUME 14, NUMBER 45
22 5500 Adams Farm Lane Suite 204 Greensboro, NC 27407 Office 336-316-1231 Fax 336-316-1930
In a Nov. 2 letter to city manager David Parrish, assistant city attorney/police attorney Andrea Harrell acknowledged she had been directed by Parrish’s office “to contact BIRD SCOOTERS and demand the immediate removal of the scooters from the City of Greensboro.” After consulting with the interim city attorney, Harrell contacted Bird and communicated the following in writing
It’s easy to talk about pizza when it’s your mission in life. MISSION PIZZA NAPOLETANA has been enjoying business in downtown Winston-Salem for almost five years. Owner and pizza-maker-in-chief, Peyton Smith, fell in love with Neapolitanstyle pizza after a visit to Naples, Italy, years ago. 10 The POTTERS OF THE PIEDMONT POTTERY FESTIVAL may only be 6 years old, but painter/potter Molly Lithgo and potter Jim Rientjes of Earthworks Pottery have had their hands in clay for decades. 11 Having been postponed due to Hurricane Florence in September, the RiverRun International Film Festival has rescheduled “The Best of the 2018 Greensboro 48 HOUR FILM PROJECT” for Nov. 13... 12 New stuff often gets inspired by old stuff. That will be part of what’s happening this week when a piece called “How Vain Are All Our Frail Delights,” by the contemporary Swedish composer Magnus Granberg, will get its U.S. premiere at a performance by the POLYORCHARD ENSEMBLE at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro for a free concert. YES! WEEKLY
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
The ELEVATED WEIRDO GAME SHOW returns with Marco Butcher and Tarnations Friday night at Monstercade in Winston-Salem. “Get drunk, answer questions and win prizes!” the event page beckons. It’s fitting for a night of stonerrock bands with sets in between rounds of a weirdo game show. 18 The new Freddie Mercury/Queen biopic BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY knows well enough to keep such flashes of inspiration on the surface and on the outside, so that audiences can follow along as, say, characters discuss their ambitious ideas behind “Bohemian Rhapsody” or start hammering out the unmistakable opening chords of “Another One Bites the Dust.” 24 One Greensboro woman knows all about the anxiety NETWORKING can cause, and she knows that starting businesses and pitching creative ideas are never easy. 25 Many of us in the media have advocated for a ban on assault weapons, but most GUN-RELATED INJURIES and deaths come from the use of handguns, so a ban on rifles won’t abate our current crisis.
DISTRIBUTION JANICE GANTT KARRIGAN MUNRO We at YES! Weekly realize that the interest of our readers goes well beyond the boundaries of the Piedmont Triad. Therefore we are dedicated to informing and entertaining with thought-provoking, debate-spurring, in-depth investigative news stories and features of local, national and international scope, and opinion grounded in reason, as well as providing the most comprehensive entertainment and arts coverage in the Triad. YES! Weekly welcomes submissions of all kinds. Efforts will be made to return those with a self-addressed stamped envelope; however YES! Weekly assumes no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. YES! Weekly is published every Wednesday by Womack Newspapers, Inc. No portion may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. First copy is free, all additional copies are $1.00. Copyright 2018 Womack Newspapers, Inc.
NCDOT TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETING NOVEMBER 8 FOR THE PROPOSED INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS AT I-485 AND BROOKSHIRE BOULEVARD (N.C. 16) MECKLENBURG COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. I-5973 The N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed project to add northbound lanes on Brookshire Boulevard (N.C. 16) and improve the Outer Loop ramps and intersections of N.C. 16 with the Inner and Outer Loop ramps. The meeting will take place on Thursday, November 8th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Mountain Island Church of Christ, Fellowship Hall located at 4205 Mount Holly-Huntersville Road in Charlotte. The purpose of this project is to decrease delays on Brookshire Boulevard through the interchange. The public may drop-in at any time during the meeting hours. NCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions and listen to comments regarding the project. The opportunity to submit comments will also be provided at the meeting or via phone, email, or mail by November 30, 2018. Comments received will be taken into consideration as the project develops. Please note that no formal presentation will be made. Project information and materials can be viewed as they become available online at For additional information, contact Travis Preslar P.E., NCDOT Division 10 DM-STIP Project Manager at, 12033 E. Independence Blvd, Suite H, Matthews, NC 28105, 704-845-1151 or NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Samantha Borges, Environmental Analysis Unit at or 919- 707-6115 as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. Persons who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494. Las personas que no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitan antes de la reunión llamando al 1-800-481-6494.
November 7-13, 2018
be there
SAT 10
WHAT: Details 40 Vendors! ALL Handmade & Hand-Crafted! Merry Merry Market is an exclusive holiday shopping market featuring unique small businesses based throughout NC. All handmade! Join us! Visit our website and our Facebook page to see our full vendor list and links to their own sites. www. WHEN: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. WHERE: Revolution Mill. 900 Revolution Mill Dr, Greensboro. MORE: $5 Admission & FREE Parking
WHAT: Jim Avett of Concord, North Carolina, is the son of a Methodist minister and a classical pianist who grew up in a home full of love and music, a home where he learned the importance of hard work and honest living. He and his wife instilled these same values in their children, tempered with a lot of fun, and of course, music. Jim’s guitar was an ever present instrument, and there was always singing. WHEN: 8 p.m. WHERE: Muddy Creek Cafe and Music Hall. 5455 Bethania Road, Winston-Salem. MORE: $15 advance tickets, $20 door.
WHAT: Bad Bunny comes into 2018 with full force and style. Just in the first week of the year, he was awarded with having five of his songs in Billboard’s Hot Latin Songs chart magazine. He was also featured in an article in the 2018 Predictions section that explores how he has taken Latin Trap to the forefront of the urban genre around the world. WHEN: 8 p.m. WHERE: Greensboro Coliseum Complex. 1921 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro. MORE: $46.50-96.50 tickets.
WHAT: The NC Dance Festival brings professional modern dance choreographers from across the state together to share innovative and moving dance works. NCDF is celebrating its 28th season with shows in traditional and non-traditional venues across NC. Fierce, honest, reflective, and playful, the concert presents a wide variety of NC dance. WHEN: 8-10 p.m. WHERE: Van Dyke Performance Space 200 North Davie Street #101N, Greensboro MORE: $15-21 tickets.
SUN 11 TOTALLY OUTSTANDING AWESOME STROLL THROUGH TANGLEWOOD WHAT: TOAST is the perfect event for families, walkers, strollers, wagoners of all ages and abilities to experience the Totally Outstanding & Awesome Festival of Lights from a completely different perspective. The walk is approximately 1.3 miles and will take you past all your favorite Christmas Light displays. There will be hot chocolate, food, face painting and games. WHEN: 5:30-10 p.m. WHERE: Tanglewood Festival of Lights. Clemmons, North Carolina. MORE: $50 per car.
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NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
Anwar Alston Jr. was only 16 years old when he first came up with the idea for his clothing line Strive/Arrive on April 22, 2014. He said he remembers that day like it was yesterday when his inspiration came from playing around with a T-shirt making website out of curiosity. While making T-shirts using templates on a website called, Alston developed a strong interest in creating. He felt like stores never had what he liked when he would go shopping. “I said one day I’m gonna make only stuff I like so it’ll be easier for me to actually wear it because I’m the one making it,” he said. The beginning stage of Alston’s designing process was much different from his process now since Alston had to rely on websites (such as the one mentioned earlier) and reaching out to distributors. Now, he has the equipment and the resources, such as seamstresses, to help him make his own pieces. Although it took some time to get to that point, Alston eventually was able to get all his contacts within the same week. “My technique and quality is way better than it used to be back then all because of the connects I have now,” he said. Alston said that the main mission of the Strive/Arrive is to bring people together. Something Alston always tries to implement is a “family-oriented feel” into his fashion shows. “Every time I have something, I treat it as a big family reunion just so everyone is happy,” he said. “So I base everything
around happiness a lot, that’s my main thing.” His time spent as a young business owner in the industry of fashion has taught Alston some vital lessons in how to maneuver through it. “It’s taught me to take my time to learn to pace myself,” he said. Learning not to make money an issue, not to stress and to take his time with his product was essential in his success. When money may not be readily available for things he may need in production, Alston is resourceful enough to make it work. “I’m really good at substituting stuff to make it look just as good,” he said. As far as his future goals go, Alston has expressed that his “main goal is to have a big flagship store for one week.” He said this is something he hopes to accomplish within the next two years. To see and purchase Alston’s unique designs, visit his website Want to see his designs on the runway? Be sure to attend Strive/Arrive’s upcoming collaborative runway showcase with Lizzie Barnhardt, creator of the brand LEMON, on Dec. 29 at Studio 503, located at 503 E. Washington St. in Greensboro. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online at Follow Alston on Instagram (@strivearrive) to keep in the loop and to see more of his fashion creations. !
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 AT 6 P.M. Tippett is a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster and New York Times bestselling author. She the creator and host of public radio’s “On Being,” which airs on more than 400 public radio stations nationwide. Tippett also is the author of three highly regarded books that explore spirituality and the meaning of human life. In 2014, President Barack Obama presented the National Humanities Medal to her for “thoughtfully delving into the mysteries of human existence.”
t’s easy to talk about pizza when it’s your mission in life. Mission Pizza Napoletana has been enjoying business in downtown WinstonSalem for almost Kristi Maier five years. Owner @triadfoodies and pizza-makerin-chief, Peyton Smith, fell in love Contributor with Neapolitanstyle pizza after a visit to Naples, Italy, years ago. When the economy was in a state of flux, Smith started as a mobile pizza business. “My inspiration was to produce the exact kind of pizza you’ll find in Naples.” It made perfect sense at the time since the pizza (which originated in Naples) is actually a street food. “Napoletana pizza, or Neapolitan pizza, is the original pizza,” Smith said. Napoletana pizza was established in the 1800s and is wood-fired at temperatures that reach 1,000 degrees for about 90 seconds or less. What you get is a light pizza, with a crispy cornicione (that’s crust to you and me). Sounds pretty basic and simple, right? But to hear Smith describe, it’s almost poetic to achieve the perfect Neapolitan-style pizza. “It starts with high-quality flour, but the big thing for a finished product is the baking method. A stone hearth or live fire, traditionally wood-fire, cooking at about 800-1,000 degrees,” Smith said. “Because of the nature of the high heat and softer flour which gives you a pliable dough, the interior crumb is soft with an open cell structure. And it’s not crunchy, but the veneer has crispiness. It can be folded, and that’s encouraged. The telltale sign is you can fold Neapolitan pizza, and it doesn’t crack.” It also allows us to use our hands to eat it, which Smith encourages because it requires all the senses. “The pizza should smell sweet and bready, with a little blistering, which are the small black or dark brown spots and it should have micro-bubbles.” Because it’s a softer product and baked at high heat at a minute to minute and a half, Smith said what goes (or what doesn’t go) on top is important. “It should be topped with light ingredients,” he said. “The dough is the YES! WEEKLY
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
Mission Pizza possible
Right: owner Peyton Smith fundamental starting point, but it should work in balance with the other toppings, like fresh cheese, salumi, tomato, herbs.” “Finally, it should be light on the stomach. You can crush that whole thing and feel satisfied and not heavy in the gut. If we can do all that right, we’ve produced something pretty special.” It’s best consumed right out of the oven. My personal fave at Mission is the Billy Jowl with its ricotta cream, smoked mozzarella, guanciale, fennel pollen, black pepper and oregano. Smith said though ingredients are essential, such as the flour and the tomatoes, he doesn’t import a lot and gets many ingredients locally. “I use an Italian ethos, but I want to use as many local ingredients as pos-
sible. And our tools and technique are very important here.” One of the major tools is the huge pizza oven that takes center stage in the kitchen. Built by Stefano Ferrara, a third-generation oven builder, it’s hand-
made, brick-by-brick with a traditional low dome for the ultimate in wood-fired high-temperature retention. Although a self-proclaimed pizza geek, Smith conceives the menu as well as plating and likes people to know that his mission is more than just pizza. The name Mission Pizza Napoletana should indicate that their pizza is not what you’re accustomed to. “We’re really an osteria, a small tavern with a limited full-service menu that happens to be pizza-centric,” he said. “I love the non-pizza items we dish out like our salads, pastas and appetizers.” Few are the places where you can get freshly made pasta. “On occasion, we do sheeted pastas and cut into noodles; we make stuffed pasta. Right now we’re making a cavatelli for our bolognese. Our wood-fired oven is
used to finish other dishes, like our cauliflower, which has a life of its own. And on the weekend, we can do funky stuff like porchetta, lamb shank, and the occasional whole fish.” Smith’s approach landed him an opportunity this summer to cook pizza alongside 25 of the top American pizza makers at the New York Pizza Festival. “These are makers who really are executing pizza at a high level,” he said. “It was a humbling experience to be invited. I got to hang out with my friends and make pizza all day.” Smith also met Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We had a nice chat. He was really interested in our ingredients. We fed him our pizza, and he wouldn’t put it down.” Not too shabby for a chef with no formal culinary training; however Smith has worked in the restaurant business in nearly every capacity from bussing to serving. “When I was resolute about opening a place, I worked with Chef Jim Noble, and I gave him all that I had,” he said. “I developed a passion for food 20 years ago and how it’s a vehicle for lubricating social celebrations. I’ve taken a real interest in learning techniques and have curiosity about how things are done. The biggest thing for me is thinking about food and
the plate. There’s no doubt about how I want it to taste and look.” Smith said he gets much inspiration from travel. “I want to eat the best food I can, wherever I am. It gives a really excellent perspective of how things are executed at a high level. Back in my kitchen, whether someone likes what we do or not, we certainly know what we wanted to do.” As for his place in the very communal Winston-Salem food scene, Smith, who grew up here, said he has enjoyed the support and he’s proud of how they’re executing at a high level. “I’m happy with what we do, and I intend on making us better every day.” Tickets may still be available for tonight’s wine dinner at MPN. Call for details and to check availability (336) 893-8217. ! KRISTI MAIER is a food writer, blogger and cheerleader for all things local who even enjoys cooking in her kitchen, though her kidlets seldom appreciate her efforts.
Mission Pizza Napoletana is located at 707 Trade St. NW. Open Tuesday-Thursday 5-9 p.m.; Friday & Saturday 11a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-10 p.m.
Potters of the Piedmont Pottery Festival: Just in time for holiday shopping season
he Potters of the Piedmont Pottery Festival may only be 6 years old, but painter/potter Molly Lithgo and potter Jim Rientjes of Earthworks PotTerry Rader tery have had their hands in clay for decades. In 2002, Contributor they combined their love of the craft and started having pottery shows in their former Greensboro College Hill district studio. In 2006, Rientjes went full-time as a potter where he proudly proclaims he learned how to get paid to “play in the mud.” A few years later, they realized they wanted to invite others to participate and expanded their studio shows to include seven additional potters in 2011. Rientjes said he felt it was important for people to know they could
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NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
buy pottery made locally PHOTOS COURTESY OF MOLLY LITHGO AND JIM RIENTJES PHOTO COURTESY OF BRETT MCDONOUGH in their Triad communities. Rientjes and Lithgo opened Earthworks Gallery in April 2012 in Jim Gutsell’s former South Elm Pottery location. They worked with the City of Greensboro to hold pottery shows in the parking lot across the street. In 2013, it grew and occupied the full length of East Lewis Street, and the vendors doubled by spring of 2014. When the fall show got rained out that year, Lithgo and Reintjes ag(Left) Kelly Brook Howard “Glazed Houses.” (Right) Molly Lithgo “Contemporary Vases.” gressively began searching all using their talents to help support our “It’s all word of mouth,” Rientjes said. for an indoor facility. They cause at GUM.” “Potters talk to each other, and we tell approached Leonard Center supervisor Each year at POTP’s festival, GUM has each other about the pottery festivals we Linda Marsh, and she was very excited to an annual drawing with a requested minigo to.” house the show for Greensboro’s quartermum $2 donation at their information “Very few states have festivals with million residents to have an opportunity table for a piece of pottery that Rientjes just pottery,” Lithgo explained. “North to partake in a local pottery festival. and Lithgo purchase from one of the Carolina is unique in having several.” “Greensboro Parks and Recreation and potters and donates it to GUM. POTP also Rientjes said he wanted to create Leonard Center are proud and happy to gives a free booth to Mosaic-A Lifespan things that didn’t have to be precise after be able to host this show that impacts so Studio in Greensboro that features potyears of making furniture for a living. He many in such a positive manner,” Marsh tery created by adults with intellectual is a production potter and builds his potsaid. “We hope to continue our partnerand developmental disabilities. tery by hand with slab rollers, extruders, ship with Jim and Molly. We are working Lithgo and Rientjes would like to molds and templates. If he makes you a together to make Greensboro a better remind readers that they should support set of plates and you break one, you can place.” local artists by shopping for holiday gifts come back later, and he’ll make another Rientjes was thankful to finally be able at the festival. to replace it. He doesn’t smooth out clay to promise that festivals would be rain For more information about POTP, visit texture or pour glazes, but brushes his or shine beginning in 2015 in a newer the website www.pottersofthepiedmont. glazes on and creates pieces that have facility. The festival now has 45 booths in com/. ! natural, non-straightened shapes. Lithgo the gym plus two other rooms with well throws her pots on the wheel and hand over 50 potters, and some shared booths. carves, paints and decorates each piece (Carolina Clay Guild’s booth usually TERRY RADER is a former ad agency pro creative so that there are never two of the same. includes three or four potters.) director, branding strategist, Earth Harmony columnist Potters of the Piedmont are all about This year’s festival will be held on Nov. and storyteller on a mission to write stories to promote giving back to the community. Each year, 10 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Leoncreative people, grassroots, sustainability and underthey donate 1,000 pounds of clay for ard Recreation Center, located at 6324 ground happenings in our community while she pet/ local potters to make bowls to donate to Ballinger Rd. in Greensboro. This year home sits and writes her personal stories, songs, poems, the Greensboro Urban Ministry’s annual will feature potters from North Carolina, and nature essays. Feast of Caring held the Thursday before South Carolina and Virginia. Thanksgiving. In its 27th year, this annual Some of the first potters included WANNA feast of soup and bread is scheduled for Lithgo, Rientjes, Lorrie Anderson of Nov. 15 and is now served twice a day. Moose Hollow Pottery, Brett McDonough 11/10: The Potters of the Piedmont Pottery FestiWith a minimum $25 donation for a feast of Wild Rumpass Ceramics, Leanne Pizio val, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., free admission and parking at ticket, attendees also receive a regionof Stealing Crow Farm, and Tim MoLeonard Recreation Center, 6324 Ballinger Rd. in ally made pottery bowl or five Honor ran and Janet Gaddy of Celtic Pottery. Greensboro Cards painted by North Carolina artist Bill Rientjes said the pottery styles include Magnum. traditional plates, mugs, bowls, vases and 11/15: The 27th Annual Feast of Caring, lunch “Jim and Molly have been key to serving platters, many of which are fully 11:30am-1:30 p.m. and dinner 5 -7 p.m. at First cultivating partnerships with [POTP] functional pieces. There is anything from Baptist Church,1000 W. Friendly Ave. in Greenspotters in the community as well as with art deco styles by Hog Hill Pottery of Vale, boro. For details and to purchase tickets, visit artists at the Art Alliance and the Center North Carolina, to Raku wall hangings,, for Visual Artists,” said development asmirrors and sculpted clocks by Courtney Art Alliance ( and Censociate of GUM Cheryl Ledford. “They are Tomchik of Clemmons. ter for Visual Artists (
RiverRun reschedules 48HFP event, rings in the holiday season
aving been postponed due to Hurricane Florence in September, the RiverRun International Film Festival has rescheduled “The Best of the Mark Burger 2018 Greensboro 48 Hour Film Project” for Nov. 13 at The Contributor Ramkat (170 W. Ninth St., in WinstonSalem) beginning at 7 p.m. Iris Carter, project director for the 48HFP, will be on hand to introduce the screening and tickets are $5 (plus tax). “This marks our second year of sponsorship and our second year to bring these creative films to our audience in WinstonSalem,” said RiverRun’s executive director Rob Davis. “RiverRun is delighted to be a sponsor of the Greensboro 48 Hour Film Project and provide free waivers for the top two winning films to be entered in our festival. We are very fortunate to have so many talented filmmakers here in the region, and I am always in awe of the immense creativity displayed in these short films completed in just 48 hours with only a few basic parameters.” For more information about the Greensboro 48HFP, visit greensboro-nc. Next, RiverRun rings in the holiday season with a special “RiverRun Retro” screening of the 1949 Christmas comedy Holiday Affair – first at the A/perture cinema in Winston-Salem on Nov. 17, then at the Yadkin Cultural Arts Center in Yadkinville on Nov. 18. Released in 1949, Holiday Affair is a frothy romantic comedy based on John D. Weaver’s story The Christmas Gift, starring Robert Mitchum and Wendell Corey as potential suitors vying for the affections of struggling war widow Janet Leigh, whose precocious young son (Gordon Gebert) figures prominently in the proceedings. The film was produced and directed by Don Hartman, who previously earned Academy Award nominations for 1935’s The Gay Deception (Best Original Story) and 1942’s Road to Morocco (Best Original Screenplay), and marked a distinct change of pace for perennial big-screen tough guy Mitchum (having recently made headlines in a drug bust). WWW.YESWEEKLY.COM
caster, director Robert Wise’s The House on Telegraph Hill (1951), opposite John Wayne and Robert Ryan in Flying Leathernecks (also ‘51), and the original Narrow Margin (1952), then left show business to study architecture. He is now the dean of the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at The City University of New York. The screening in Yadkinville marks the first time that the festival has brought a film to the Willingham Theater, about which Davis said, “RiverRun is delighted to bring one of our ‘Retro’ programs to the beautiful Willingham Theater. We know from our audience surveys we have many patrons from the area and we’re delighted to offer one of our year-round programs there with the Yadkin Cultural Arts Council.” ! See MARK BURGER’s reviews of current movies on © 2018, Mark Burger.
Janet Leigh and Gordon Gebert in Holiday Affair Holiday Affair proved a box-office disappointment, but not unlike It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) – itself a box-office flop in its day – the film became a beloved staple of yuletide viewing thanks to repeated broadcasts on Turner Classic Movies. Its durability was proven in 1996 with the release of a T.V. movie of the same name starring Cynthia Gibb and David James
Elliott, with youngster Curtis Blanck in Gebert’s role. Gebert, who made his screen debut in Holiday Affair, will attend both “RiverRun Retro” screenings to meet-and-greet fans and participate in a post-screening discussion. Gebert subsequently appeared in such well-remembered films The Flame and the Arrow (1950) with Burt Lan-
The “RiverRun Retro” screening of Holiday Affair will take place 3 p.m. Nov. 17 at A/perture cinemas, 311 W. Fourth St., Winston-Salem. Tickets are $12.50. For advance tickets, call 336.722.8148 or visit holiday-affair-nov-17. The subsequent screening of Holiday Affair will take place 3 p.m. Nov. 18 in the Willingham Theater at the Yadkin Cultural Arts Center, 226 E. Main St., Yadkinville. Tickets are $10. For advance tickets, call 336.679.2941 or visit www.yadkinarts. org/. For more information about this or any other RiverRun International Film Festival events, call 336.724.1502 or visit the official website: www.
TE Connectivity in Greensboro, NC, is looking for a Senior Manufacturing Engineer to ensure high quality products are produced safely and efficiently, and evaluate tooling design and possibilities. Send resume to: Jennifer Nesbitts, HR, TE Connectivity, 719 Pegg Road, Greensboro, NC 27409 NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
A U.S. premiere of contemporary music at UNCG
ew stuff often gets inspired by old stuff. That will be part of what’s happening this week when a piece called “How Vain Are All Our Frail Delights,” John Adamian by the contem@johnradamian porary Swedish composer Magnus Granberg, will get its Contributor U.S. premiere at a performance by the Polyorchard ensemble at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro for a free concert. The piece involves video scores and aleatoric, or chance, elements, where the performers choose from among a selection of different possible melodic or intervallic instructions. As a result, because of the near infinite combinatory possibilities, no two performances of the piece will fully resemble each other. So, in that regard, the composition is very much of the 21st century, using techniques and philosophies, derived in part from composers such as John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Brian Eno, that have over the decades made their way more and more into common practice. “How Vain Are All Our Frail Delights” is also, in another sense, a piece of music that points back to older musical traditions. The title refers to a song by the great Elizabethan English composer William Byrd. (The Byrd song is called “O Lord, How Vain Are All Our Frail Delights.”) That song was a setting of a love poem by the poet Philip Sidney, a contemporary of Shakespeare. Granberg’s piece draws not only its title from the Byrd composition, but it also uses fragments of melodic lines and rhythms, transposed, inverted or otherwise tinkered with. This technique might sound modern in terms of its collage-istic approach, but in fact medieval and Renaissance composers routinely borrowed and repurposed secular music, like drinking songs or folk melodies, and put them to use in church music, sometimes stitching together disparate bits to create a new sonic tapestry made in part of the pre-existing material. The opposite happened as well, with snippets of church music making its way into folk songs. (Listeners would probably be hard-pressed to hear the connection between the Byrd YES! WEEKLY
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
and the Granberg pieces without knowing that it was there.) Triangle-based bassist David Menestres leads the Polyorchard ensemble, which will consist of seven musicians and two dancers for this performance, and Menestres is responsible for bringing Granberg’s piece to the region. I spoke to Menestres by phone from his home in Durham last week. Menestres first heard a recording of Granberg’s piece over the summer and became interested. “I was really intrigued by it,” Menestres said. He emailed Granberg to find out more about the score. “I was really curious about how it was organized,” Menestres said. Granberg sent Menestres versions of the score. The idea of a performance took shape quickly after that. Once he had a look at the score, Menestres got a better sense of the structural logic underpinning the recording he had heard. Granberg’s score includes written verbal instructions, musical notation, and video time cues. There are dynamic and tempo suggestions and instructions about repeating phrases, playing permutations of those phrases, repeating those, allowing fragments to be left out and generally gravitating toward a kind of gentle dematerialization of the sound groupings. Each player has a set of four parts that consists
of variations of some of the core intervallic and rhythmic material. The video score serves as a kind of fancy stopwatch, providing temporal cues for the players to move between those four parts throughout the 40-minute piece. There’s a central melodic phrase, or cell, which Granberg calls the “cantus firmus” part, a term that refers to the core line, generally taken from somewhere else, that a polyphonic composition is built around, sort of a musical substructure and motif which other voices play against. “Technically it’s not a complicated piece,” Menestres said. “The material that is provided to you is pretty simple. But, philosophically, I think it’s a really difficult piece because you’re working and playing around the melody.” In Granberg’s recording of the piece, notes hover and dissipate in a slowmoving cloud-haze. It’s mesmerizing, but the repetitions are not so relentless as to be mechanical, and the variations are generally subtle enough to feel more like organic drift than forced change. And it’s not without its slightly shrill and biting moments, though even those come at you like shafts of bright light over a dusky landscape. Menestres likens the musical material to fragments and shards. “It’s like building something out of negative space,” he said. “Eventually you
do get the melody, it’s just shattered into a million pieces.” Menestres is no stranger to bold reinterpretations of foundational musical materials. He and several of the players of this iteration of the Polyorchard ensemble regularly accompany Greensboro’s own avant-garde folk-experimentalist Eugene Chadbourne, who routinely draws on pop, rock, country, folk, classical, jazz and other musical traditions for his fearless deconstructions and hyped-up homages. Menestres was a music student at UNCG, graduating in 2003, and he still has ties with the department there. (This event will also include a performance by UNCG music professor Steven Stusek of a composition by fellow instructor Steve Landis.) In a way, Granberg’s treatment of or borrowing from Byrd fits in with other currents in contemporary music. The music of the English Renaissance has been getting a fair amount of attention from experimentalists, conceptualists and others in recent years. In 2001, Canadian sound artist Janet Cardiff made an installation that used 40 speakers to create an immersive experience of dense polyphony in a space, where listeners can walk through the sound almost feel the voices wash over them in the air. The New York-based composer Nico Muhly has orchestrated versions of some of Byrd’s motets and written about the power of Byrd’s music. Folk-rock and vocal harmony icon David Crosby has expressed his admiration for Byrd’s music. And music blogger and former Bad Plus pianist Ethan Iverson wrote about the captivating effect of a recording from 1971 of legendary Canadian pianist Glenn Gould playing some of Byrd’s music. From Menestres’s perspective, Granberg’s piece balances the need for structure and freedom nicely, and the variation built into the composition makes for endless possibility. “This is one of those pieces that I could play a thousand times, and it would never sound the same, ever.” Polyorchard performs the U.S. premiere of Magnus Granberg’s “How Vain Are All Our Frail Delights?” at UNCG’s School of Music Recital Hall on Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. The performance is free and open to the public. ! JOHN ADAMIAN lives in Winston-Salem, and his writing has appeared in Wired, The Believer, Relix, Arthur, Modern Farmer, the Hartford Courant and numerous other publications.
Get lifted at the Elevated Weirdo Game Show The Elevated Weirdo Game Show returns with Marco Butcher and Tarnations Friday night at Monstercade in Winston-Salem. “Get drunk, answer questions and win prizes!” the FaceKatei Cranford book event page beckons. It’s fitting Contributing for a night of stonerrock bands with sets columnist in between rounds of a weirdo game show. “I grew up in the 1980s watching reruns of game shows from the 1970s when everyone was drunk and high,” Elevated host Toby Hilliard noted of the inebriated marketing inspiration. “The Gong Show, The Match Game, and Let’s Make A Deal were my favorites growing up,“ he added. Hilliard’s game show, now on its third incarnation, started mostly as “drunken hypothetical” suggestions. “I had a conversation once or twice about how trivia nights at bars are cool but are also pretty dull,” he explained. “Hosting a game show was never an official plan, though.” Growing up in the New Jersey punk scene, Hilliard snowballed a Philly squat experience into a sequence of endeavors, thus far culminating with his own vintage store and hosting duties for a weirdogame show at a weirdo-bar in WinstonSalem. “It was out of necessity,” Hilliard said of founding the @elevatedweirdoempire, an online shop he operates largely through Instagram and at www. elevatedweirdo. com. “I was living in Philadelphia and got into it with my boss and landlord. I had two or three months before they could legally evict me, so I squatted there and started selling the books off my shelf and clothes out of my closet. I’d take that money to the thrift store and buy more stuff and sell that. I haven’t stopped since.” As for the game show, “it became a real thing last spring when my friend’s band from Philly was coming through on tour,” Hilliard explained. “I booked them a show at Monstercade, and all the local-openers fell off at the last minute. Without really thinking about it, I told them I’d just do a game show.” “Then, of course, I had to actually make up a game show,” he laughed. “The first game was sort of loosely thrown together with questions and prizes I grabbed from my store,” he said. WWW.YESWEEKLY.COM
champion of the night will take home a one-of-a-kind trophy. The Elevated Weirdo Game Show is part of a larger rock show with Marco Butcher and Tarnations. “The game will go on before and after the Marco Butcher set, and then Tarnations will wrap-up the night,” Hilliard said. Hilliard calls Butcher, “a super cool stoner-y blues rock’n’roll one-man band.” Tarnations is a newer Winston supergroup outfit. “And they play this super heavy epic stoner rock. But with weirdoshit thrown in,” Hilliard said. ! KATEI CRANFORD is a Triad music nerd who dreams of one day winning both showcases on the Price Is Right. She also hosts the Tuesday Tour Report, a radio show that runs like a mixtape of bands playing NC the following week, 5-7pm on WUAG 103.1fm. “Since then, I’ve sort of added some things and taken away others. But basically, it remains a trivia or quiz show with buzzers and bonus rounds.” “After a couple rounds of trivia, the top players move onto the finals, which has been a weirdo version of Jeopardy,” he said. “Sometimes I ask people to do celebrity impressions for extra points,” Hilliard added. “At the last show, I made contestants do an impression of Steve Harvey being excited for Christmas presents.” Rules vary each time. For Hilliard, the overall equation is “usually at least halfchaos.” “The crowd seems to get more wild with each show,” he added, “during the last game I allowed people to either keep their prize, steal someone else’s prize or choose from the bag of mystery prizes.” “For this show, we’re going to do our version of The Match Game where people have to match-up fill-in-the-blank questions with other people,” Hilliard said of the surprises that await repeat-players. An amicable host, Hilliard insists that it takes a handful of weirdos to run the game show. “I couldn’t handle it without them,” Hilliard said of his co-hosts which include friends Mikey and Lutz operating soundeffects and the scoreboard. His fiancée Maggie helps with the boards and prizes like Winston’s own weirdo Vanna White. Prizes, according to Hilliard, will “vary from really cool stuff to funny cheap stuff, to total garbage.” He hints that potential winnings also include items from his shop like clothes, records, or trading cards.
“But I’ve also been known to give away things like cigarette butts and pencil shavings,” he smirked. “I like to mix it up and surprise people.” Early bird attendees will be automatic winners of mystery door prizes, while the
Wanna get weird and win prizes? The Elevated Weirdo Game Show, featuring sets by Marco Butcher and Tarnations, will run Nov 9 at Monstercade (204 W. Acadia Ave) in Winston-Salem.
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
Submissions should be sent to by Friday at 5 p.m., prior to the week’s publication. Visit and click on calendar to list your event online. home grown muSic Scene | compiled by Austin Kindley
218 South Fayetteville St. | 336.610.3722 Nov 9: Couldn’t Be Happiers Nov 17: Abigail Dowd Nov 18: Randolph Jazz Band Nov 23: High Cotton Nov 24: Robert Mabe Band
6000 Meadowbrook Mall Ct | 336.448.5330 Nov 8: James Vincent Carroll Nov 9: Whiskey Mic Nov 10: Exit 180 Band Nov 16: DJ Bald-E Nov 17: Essick-Tuttle Outfit Nov 21: Plaids Nov 23: DJ Bald-E Nov 24: Southern Eyes Nov 30: Whiskey Mic Dec 1: Jukebox Revolver Dec 7: DJ Bald-E Dec 8: Buccannon Boys
GREEN HERON ALE HOUSE 1110 Flinchum Rd | 336.593.4733
129 W Main St | 336.258.8240 Nov 9: Annabelle’s Curse w/ Adam Bolt Nov 10: Zach Deputy Nov 16: John Dee Holeman Nov 17: Jeff Little Trio Dec 14: Mickey Galyean & Cullen’s Bridge Dec 15: Terry Baucom’s Dukes of Drive
T-Shirts · Posters · Incense
Dec 6: kountry Wayne Dec 7: kountry Wayne
505 N. Greene St Nov 9: Gerry Stanek Nov 10: Craig Baldwin
COMMON GROUNDS 11602 S Elm Ave | 336.698.3888 Nov 10: The Settlement
2900 Patterson St #A | 336.632.9889 Nov 9: 1-2-3 Friday Nov 11: Waterparks Nov 25: Yung Pinch Dec 8: Every Time I Die
1819 Spring Garden St | 336.272.9888 Nov 7: Mychildren Mybride Nov 9: Bad Christian Road Show: Emery Nov 10: Angry Chair: Alice In Chains Tribute Nov 11: Project Pat Cheese-N-Dope Tour w/ Smileyface & Ed E. Ruger Nov 13: Ingested Nov 16: Rumours: Fleetwood Mac Tribute Nov 17: Create. Ft. Mersiv, Dorfex Bos Nov 18: New Politics Nov 21: The Contortionist Nov 23: The Dead South w/ Elliot Brood & Del Suelo Nov 27: Seaway & Trophy Eyes
523 S Elm St | 336.271.2686 Nov 9: DJ Dan the Player Nov 10: DJ Paco and DJ Dan the Player
BARN DINNER THEATRE 120 Stage Coach Tr. | 336.292.2211 Nov 8: Ms. Mary & The Boys Nov 9: Ms. Mary & The Boys Nov 10: Ms. Mary & The Boys
KING RECORDS New & Used Vinyl · CDs · DVDs
THE LARGEST SELECTION OF HEMP FLOWERS AND PRE ROLLS IN NC 2626 Lewisville Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC · 336-306-9252 Visit our booth at Cook’s Flea Market!
1700 Spring Garden St | 336.272.5559 Oct 25: Live Thursdays
1126 S Holden Rd | 336.333.1034 Nov 9: Shaun Jones Nov 10: Shaun Jones Nov 15: Shuler king Nov 16: Tennessee Tramp w/ Amy Dingler Nov 17: Tennessee Tramp w/ Amy Dingler Nov 23: Darren DS Sanders Nov 24: Darren DS Sanders Nov 30: J Bliss Dec 1: J Bliss
117 S Elm St | 336.378.9646 Nov 10: Midland Nov 14: Suffocation Nov 15: Morgan Wallen Nov 17: Puddle Of Mudd Nov 18: Tech N9ne
GREENE STREET CLUB 113 N Greene St | 336.273.4111 Nov 8: R&B Thursdays
1635 New Garden Rd | 336.288.4544 Nov 9: Joey Whitaker Nov 16: J. Timbers & Joel Henry Nov 23: The Invaders Nov 30: Second Glance
1111 Coliseum Blvd | 336.265.8600 Nov 7: Casey Noel & Danny Dockery Nov 11: 11/11 at 1111 Songwriter’s Showcase Nov 14: Renae Paige Nov 21: John Stevens Nov 28: Tony Low Dec 5: Leah kaufman and Isabel Taylor Dec 6: Piedmont Old Time Society Jam
LISTEN SPEAkEASY 433 Spring Garden St
(Off S Main · Corner of Baker & Stratford)
November 7-13, 2018
348 South Elm St | 336.510.9678 Nov 11: Andrew Massey Nov 24: Courtney Lynn Dec 2: Susanna Macfarlene Lee
12 Baker Road, Suite 124 · Archdale
Great Painter Referral Program!
5105 Michaux Road | 336.282.0950
Residential· Commercial· Industrial 414 S. Fayetteville St.· Asheboro, NC 27203· 336.625.4336
SomEwhErE ElSE tavErn
5713 W Friendly Ave | 336.292.5464
SpEakEaSY tavErn
1706 Battleground Ave | 336.378.0006
thE idiot box comEdY club
502 N. Greene St | 336.274.2699 nov 9: ultimate comic challenge Quarterfinals nov 30: krish mohan
thE w biStro & bar 324 Elm St | 336.763.4091 @thewdowntown nov 8: karaoke nov 9: live dJ nov 10: live dJ
high point
aftEr hourS tavErn 1614 N Main St | 336.883.4113 nov 17: american hair band nov 24: carolina rose
ham’S palladium
5840 Samet Dr | 336.887.2434 nov 9: brothers pearl nov 10: ultimate rock machine nov 16: the dickens nov 17: Stereodoll nov 23: Jukebox revolver
thE dEck
118 E Main St | 336.207.1999 nov 9: Stereo doll nov 10: Soul central nov 16: Jukebox Junkie nov 17: Spare change nov 21: hip pocket nov 23: the dickens nov 24: megan doss band nov 30: disco lemonade
NCDOT TO HOLD PUBLIC NOVEMBER 13 FOR THE PROPOSED WIDENING OF U.S. 220 (BATTLEGROUND AVENUE) FROM WESTRIDGE ROAD TO THE EASTBOUND I-840 RAMPS GUILFORD COUNTY STIP PROJECT NO. U-5892 The N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed project to widen U.S. 220 to six lanes with a median from north of Westridge Road to the future eas tbound I-840 ramps in Greensboro. Sidewalks are proposed on both sides of U.S. 220. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 13 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall located at 2005 New Garden Road in Greensboro. The purposes of the project are to address congestion now and through the design year of 2040, and to improve safety along Battleground Avenue. Widening the road will improve mobility along the corridor, and is consistent with previous City transportation plans. The public may drop-in at any time during the meeting hours. NCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions and listen to comments regarding the project. The opportunity to submit comments will also be provided at the meeting or via phone, email, or mail by December 7, 2018. Comments received wil be taken into consideration as the project develops. Please note that no formal presentation will be made. Project information and materials can be viewed as they become available online at For additional information, contact Jennifer Evans, P.E., NCDOT Division Project Delivery at, P.O. Box 14996, Greensboro, NC 27415-4996, 336-487-0075, or NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Samantha Borges, Environmental Analysis Unit at or 919-707-6115 as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.
dancE hall dazE
612 Edgewood St | 336.558.7204 nov 9: Skyryder Experience nov 10: cheyenne nov 16: Silverhawk nov 17: the delmonicos nov 23: the delmonicos
Persons who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494. Las personas que no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitan antes e la reunión llamando al 1-800-481-6494. November 7-13, 2018
BREathE CoCktail loungE
221 N Main St. | 336.497.4822 nov 8: 80’s tribute with Joey and Courtney nov 9: Will Easter and the nomads nov 10: DJ Mike lawson nov 17: DJ Mike lawson nov 21: Jerry Chapman Band nov 24: DJ Mike lawson
olD niCk’S puB
191 Lowes Foods Dr | 336.747.3059 nov 10: lasater union nov 16: karaoke nov 17: Mooch 1 & the night gallery nov 24: Bootleggers nov 30: karaoke
CoaCh’S nEighBoRhooD gRill
1033 Randolph St. Suite 26 | 336.313.8944
SEConD & gREEn
207 N Green St | 336.631.3143
Bull’S tavERn
408 West 4th St | 336.331.3431 nov 24: Fruit Smoothie trio nov 30: Souljam
BuRkE StREEt puB 1110 Burke St | 336.750.0097
CB’S tavERn
3870 Bethania Station Rd | 336.815.1664 nov 9: the usual Suspects nov 16: the Blue Jeans
Finnigan’S WakE
620 Trade St | 336.723.0322
FoothillS BREWing 638 W 4th St | 336.777.3348 nov 7: Brother oliver nov 10: the Clanky lincolns nov 14: letters to abigail
nov 17: violet Bell nov 21: greg Wilson and Second Wind nov 24: the pop guns nov 28: Sezessionville Road Dec 1: Disaster Recovery Band Dec 5: West king Street Band
nov 25: Robert Mabe Band nov 30: the hall Sisters Dec 1: Muddy Creek players w/ Sam Frazier and Will Jones Dec 8: Cane Mill Road/the Wildmans Dec 9: Sarah potenza
JohnnY & JunE’S Saloon
thE RaMkat
2105 Peters Creek Pkwy | 336.724.0546
630 S Stratford Rd | 336.768.2221 nov 10: live Jazz nov 17: live Jazz
MuDDY CREEk CaFE & MuSiC hall
5455 Bethania Rd | 336.923.8623 nov 8: indiscriminate lovers - a leonard Cohen tribute nov 9: Jim avett nov 10: honey Magpie & the gingersnaps nov 15: Jenny & tyler nov 16: Christy Snow nov 17: Mystic Chicken nov 23: all the locals w/ Mike Fiorello
170 W 9th St | 336.754.9714 nov 7: Yoga Flow w/ nikki & DJSk nov 8: amanda Shires, Cory Branan nov 10: Symphony unbound: Mandolin orange nov 11: J. Wail Band ft. vince herman nov 12: Jake Shimabukuro trio nov 16: Reverend peyton’s Big Damn Band nov 17: Whiskey Myers, C2 & the Brothers Reed nov 24: possum Jenkins, Caleb Caudle nov 30: the Distractors, the gB’s, 60 Watt Combo Dec 1: town Mountain, aaron Burdett
WiSE Man BREWing
826 Angelo Bros Ave | 336.725.0008 nov 10: Dangermuffin Dec 5: lisa & the Saints Dec 19: Blake Christiana of Yarn: unplugged
The Sportscenter Athletic Club is a private membership club dedicated to providing the ultimate athletic and recreational facilities for our members of all ages. Conveniently located in High Point, we provide a wide variety of activities for our members. We’re designed to incorporate the total fitness concept for maximum benefits and total enjoyment. We cordially invite all of you to be a part of our athletic facility, while enjoying the membership savings we offer our established corporate accounts. Visit our website for a virtual tour: Contact Chris King at 841-0100 for more info or to schedule a tour!
November 7-13, 2018
[CONCERTS] Compiled by Alex Eldridge
BOOTH AMPHITHEATRE 8003 Regency Pkwy | 919.462.2025
2700 E Independence Blvd | 704.372.3600
CMCU AMPHITHEATRE former Uptown Amphitheatre 820 Hamilton St | 704.549.5555
1000 NC Music Factory Blvd | 704.916.8970 Nov 7: Pale Waves Nov 8: Amanda Miguel & Diego Verdaguer Nov 8: Saint Jhn Nov 9: Turnpike Troubadours Nov 9: Papadosio Nov 10: Snails Nov 10: Dom Kennedy Nov 11: Slightly Stoopid Nov 11: Machine Head Nov 14: Dawes Nov 14: H.E.R. Nov 15: Tank Nov 16: Mayday Parade Nov 16: Day 26 Nov 17: Doyle Nov 18: Hobo Johnson & The Lovemakers Nov 20: Seven Lions Nov 20: Atmosphere Nov 21: The Story So Far Nov 21: Drez DeShon Nov 23: 3OH!3 & Emo Nite Nov 23: Zoso - A Tribute to Led Zeppelin Nov 24: Playboi Carti
PNC MUSIC PAVILION 707 Pavilion Blvd | 704.549.1292
2700 E Independence Blvd | 704.372.3600 Nov 7: Vince Gill Nov 9: Bob Dylan Nov 24: Straight No Chaser Nov 25: Martina McBride
333 E Trade St | 704.688.9000
309 W Morgan St | 919.560.3030 Nov 7: Aida Cuevas + Mariachi Juvenil Tecalitlรกn Totalmente Juan Gabriel Nov 16: Hiss Golden Messenger Nov 23: A Motown Christmas
WINSTON-SALEM FAIRGROUND 421 W 27th St | 336.727.2236
Click on our website,, for more concerts.
123 Vivian St | 919.680.2787
310 S Greene St | 336.333.2605 Nov 9: Songs From The Road Band Nov 10: Colin Allured Nov 17: Johanna Breed
GREENSBORO COLISEUM 1921 W Gate City Blvd | 336.373.7400 Nov 9: Bad Bunny Nov 10: MercyMe
1921 W Gate City Blvd | 336.373.7400
220 E Commerce Ave | 336.883.3401 Nov 8: Mipso Nov 9: Classic Journey Live Nov 11: Raleigh Ringers Nov 27: Sons of Serendip Nov 30: The Manhattan Transfer
3801 Rock Quarry Rd | 919.831.6400
RED HAT AMPHITHEATER 500 S McDowell St | 919.996.8800
1400 Edwards Mill Rd | 919.861.2300 Nov 9: Travis Scott w/ Trippie Redd, Gunna, & Sheck Wes NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
Bohemian Rhapsody: Another biopic bites the dust?
ttempting to capture the artistic process on screen is an arduous and thankless task, as delineating the inner workings of the human mind as it strives to create something unique is generally a concept best left to the written page. The new Freddie Mercury/Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody ( ) knows well enough to keep such flashes of inspiration on the surface and on the outside, so that audiences can follow along as, say, characters discuss their ambitious ideas behind “Bohemian Rhapsody” or start hammering out the unmistakable opening chords of “Another One Bites the Dust.” This approach may not be especially deep, but it’s undeniably entertaining. That, in a nutshell, is a description that ends up suiting the entire picture. Bohemian Rhapsody is nothing if not endlessly engaging, as the picture illustrates how Farrokh Bulsara, a young Brit of Parsi heritage, adopted the name Freddie Mercury and got together with musicians Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon to
form one of the all-time great rock’n’roll bands. Rami Malek delivers an incendiary performance as Mercury, yet there’s ample praise to go around for those perfectly cast as his bandmates: Gwilym Lee as May, Ben Hardy as Taylor, and Joe Mazzello (Jurassic Park’s little Timmy, all grown up!) as Deacon. Whether their characters are bonding or bickering, the chemistry between this quartet is one of the picture’s best components, a designation it shares with the ample concert sequences. Particularly pleasing is the recreation of one of the band’s final at-bats: their appearance at 1985’s Live Aid, during which they managed to steal the show from what was merely a whos-who of the music world’s enduring legends. For those seeking nothing more than a rollicking good time, Bohemian Rhapsody largely gets the job done. But those looking for some depth – or, heck, even some historical context – will be sorely disappointed, as the film wreaks havoc on chronology, ignores key albums and songs (personal aside: Ted the talking teddy bear and I were not pleased with the MIA status of “Flash!”), and takes
factual liberties that will raise ample sets of eyebrows on both sides of the Atlantic. Mercury’s homosexuality and subsequent death from AIDS are noted, but peeks at his lifestyle are mainly channeled through sly glances here and there with beefy bodies as well as a one-dimensional villain in Paul Prenter (Allen Leech), Mercury’s part-time lover and part-time manager. (By all accounts, Prenter was a somewhat shady character, but the film version has him hitting all the sneer-worthy beats, only stopping short of twirling a handlebar mustache.) Bohemian Rhapsody is rated PG-13, as the film’s producers and band members May and Taylor (both heavily involved with the making of the movie) were clearly hoping for a frothy, toe-tapping smash along the lines of the ABBA-approved Mamma Mia! But this story deserved a deeper and more shaded rendition, one worthy of the dynamic figure at its center. It should have been – excuse the clumsy co-opting – “Killer Queen” rather than a compromised biopic that will only intermittently rock you. !
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
UNCG Theatre presents Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse
he University of North Carolina Greensboro, School of Theatre will present Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse in the Taylor Theatre Nov. 10, 11, and 17 at 2 p.m. Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse is directed by 2009 MFA graduate Annika Pfaender. The play’s story revolves around Lilly, a little mouse full of ambition and youthful enthusiasm. She loves school, especially her new teacher, Mr. Slinger. When she receives an exciting new purple plastic purse, she can’t wait to show it to her class, but things don’t go exactly as Lilly planned. “From the start of the process, I wanted to emphasize the ‘young’ aspects of the characters and de-emphasize the ‘mouse’ aspect,” said Pfaender, who focused on theater for youth as a graduate student at UNCG. “So, while elements of a mouse world are incorporated into the set and the costumes, we tried to focus more on the difference in scale between the human and mouse world. We also have some really neat things that light up. I’m eagerly anticipating the ‘ooohhs’ and ‘aaahhs.’” The North Carolina Theatre for Young People (NCTYP) exists to celebrate the art of live theater for young audiences, to enrich the lives of young people and their families, and to connect the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with the community. Founded in 1962, the company has reached well over one million young people with fully mounted main stage productions as well as touring shows that have traveled as far as rural Maryland and Washington, D.C. The touring shows alone engage more than 15,000 children every year. NCYTP aims to embrace all community members in its offerings, promoting diversity, inclusion, and acceptance. Producing work for deaf audiences, bi-lingual audiences, and refugees from around the globe, NCTYP works to expand its audience base. Tickets are available online at www., by phone (336.334.4392), or in person at the UNCG WWW.YESWEEKLY.COM
Nov 9-15
DR. SEUSS’ THE GRINCH (PG) LUXURY SEATING Fri & Sat: 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10, 11:10 Sun - Thu: 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10 BEAUTIFUL BOY (R) LUXURY SEATING Fri - Thu: 12:40, 3:30, 7:15, 9:55 THE OLD MAN & THE GUN (PG-13) LUXURY SEATING Fri & Sat: 12:45, 3:05, 5:20, 7:35, 9:50, 11:55 Sun - Thu: 12:45, 3:05, 5:20, 7:35, 9:50 DR. SEUSS’ THE GRINCH (PG) Fri & Sat: 12:10, 8:10, 10:10 Sun: 12:10, 4:10, 10:10 Mon - Thu: 12:10, 4:10, 8:10, 10:10 DR. SEUSS’ THE GRINCH IN 3D (PG) Fri: 2:10 PM Sat: 6:10 PM Sun: 2:10 PM Mon - Thu: 2:10, 6:10 OVERLORD (R) Fri & Sat: 12:05, 2:35, 5:05, 7:40, 10:10, 11:55 Sun - Thu: 12:05, 2:35, 5:05, 7:40, 10:10 LIZ AND THE BLUE BIRD (NR) DUBBED Fri & Sat: 12:15, 7:00, 11:30 Sun - Thu: 12:15, 7:00 LIZ AND THE BLUE BIRD (NR) SUBTITLED Fri - Thu: 2:20, 4:40, 9:15 THUGS OF HINDOSTAN (HINDI) (NR) Fri - Sun: 12:00, 3:20, 6:40, 10:00 Mon - Thu: 12:00, 3:20, 7:30 BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY (PG-13) Fri & Sat: 12:00, 2:55, 5:50, 8:45, 11:40 Sun - Thu: 12:00, 2:55, 5:50, 8:45 NOBODY’S FOOL (R) Fri - Thu: 12:00, 2:25, 4:55, 7:20, 9:50
[A/PERTURE] Nov 9-15
THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS (PG) Fri - Thu: 12:40, 3:00, 5:25, 7:45, 10:05 HALLOWEEN (2018) (R) Fri & Sat: 12:00, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35, 11:55 Sun - Thu: 12:00, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 THE HATE U GIVE (PG-13) Fri - Thu: 1:25, 4:30, 7:25, 10:20 MID90S (R) Fri - Thu: 12:15, 2:15, 4:15, 6:15, 8:15, 10:15 GOOSEBUMPS 2: HAUNTED HALLOWEEN (PG) Fri - Thu: 12:25, 5:00 A STAR IS BORN (R) Fri - Thu: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:55 VENOM (PG-13) Fri - Thu: 2:30, 7:30, 10:00
CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? (R) Fri: 3:00, 5:30, 8:00 Sat & Sun: 10:00 AM, 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00 Mon: 6:00, 8:30, Tue: 3:30, 6:00, 8:30 Wed: 6:00, 8:45, Thu: 3:30, 6:00, 8:30 BEAUTIFUL BOY (R) Fri: 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 Sat: 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 Sun: 11:00 AM, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30 Mon: 6:15, 8:45, Tue: 3:45, 6:15, 8:45 Wed: 6:15, 9:00, Thu: 3:45, 6:15, 8:45 FREE SOLO (PG-13) Fri & Sat: 3:30, 8:30 Sun: 12:15, 2:30 Tue: 3:00, 5:30, Thu: 3:30, 5:30 THE OLD MAN & THE GUN (PG-13) Fri: 6:00 PM Sat: 10:15 AM, 6:00 Sun: 10:15 AM, 5:00 Mon: 9:00 PM, Tue: 8:00 PM Wed: 5:30 PM, Thu: 8:00 PM WILDLIFE Fri: 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Sat: 11:15 AM, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Sun: 11:15 AM, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45 Mon: 6:30, 9:00, Tue: 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 Wed: 6:45, 9:15, Thu: 4:00, 6:30, 9:00
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NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
For some folks, Disneyland and Walt Disney World are more than amusement parks. Take Jodie Jackson Wells of Boca Raton, Florida. In 2009, Chuck Shepherd after her mother died, Wells smuggled in some of her ashes to Disney World and spread them on a favorite spot of her mom’s along the It’s a Small World ride. Later, she leapt over a barricade at Cinderella’s Castle and flung ashes from both hands as she cavorted on the lawn. “Anyone who knew my mom knew Disney was her happy place,” Wells told The Wall Street Journal. However, for the theme parks, the spreading of ashes presents a constant cleanup challenge, referred to by the code “HEPA cleanup” among custodians. (Other secret signals are Code V for vomit and Code U for urine.) Alex Parone of Saratoga Springs, New York, sprinkled his mother’s ashes in a flowerbed, then boarded It’s a Small World. “I was still crying. That song is playing over and over
again, and there are those happy little animatronic things. I remember thinking, ‘This is weird.’” But a Disney spokesperson said: “This type of behavior is strictly prohibited and unlawful,” and the Anaheim Police Department confirmed that spreading ashes without permission is a misdemeanor. To add insult to injury, when cremation residue is found on rides, they have to be shut down (riders are told there are “technical difficulties”) for cleaning.
In what can only be described as a “shaking my head” incident, an unnamed employee of the U.S. Geological Survey invited malware into the government agency’s computer system by visiting more than 9,000 porn websites on his work computer, according to an inspector general’s report. The Washington Post reported on Oct. 30 that many of the websites were Russian, and the malware spread to the entire network at the USGS. The employee also saved images from the sites on a USB drive and personal cellphone, which also contained malware. The Office of the Inspector General made
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NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
recommendations to the USGS about preventing future malware infections, and a spokesperson for the IG’s office said the employee no longer works at USGS.
After the package bomb scares in New York and Florida, things were tense in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the early morning hours of Oct. 30 when mailroom employees at Duke Energy discovered a suspicious incoming package. They welcomed the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police and the bomb squad with “Open Arms,” and the building and surrounding roads were evacuated as officials investigated. But WBTV “Faithfully” reported that the small, hand-addressed manila envelope was “Worlds Apart” from a mail bomb: It merely contained a cassette tape with songs from the band Journey. To which we say, “Don’t Stop Believin’” in your fellow ‘80s music-loving humans.
If “Pokemon Go” has overextended your short attention span, up your game with the Vatican’s “Follow JC Go,” a new augmented reality mobile game in which players collect saints and other notable Bible figures as they move through the world. Pope Francis has approved the game, which asks players to answer questions about the characters and donate to charities to earn game currency. The Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported on Oct. 21 that the app is available only in Spanish, but other languages are on the way.
Two mothers are suing the Adventure Learning Center day care in St. Louis over an incident in December 2016 when teachers organized a “fight club” among preschoolers. According to Fox 2 in St. Louis, the idea was conceived as a way to entertain the kids while the heater was broken. The 10-year-old sibling of one of the preschoolers was in the room next door and captured video of the fights with an iPad, then texted the video to his mom, Nicole Merseal, who believes the fight was broken up only because she called the director of the center. The video shows one teacher jumping up and down in excitement as another one puts “Incredible Hulk” fists on the kids, and cameras at the center recorded more than 30 minutes of fighting. While the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute, the teachers were fired and the center has been subject to increased inspections, resulting in 26 violations. The lawsuit is scheduled to go to trial in December.
Construction workers in Valdosta, Georgia, were rattled on Oct. 30 when they tore down a second-story wall in a turn-of-the-20th-century building to find about 1,000 human teeth secreted inside. The T.B. Converse Building, constructed in 1900, was originally home to a dentist, Dr. Clarence Whittington, reported the Valdosta Daily Times. In 1911, Whittington was joined by Dr. Lester G. Youmans. Ellen Hill, director of Valdosta Main Street, said two other Georgia towns have had buildings, also home to dentists’ offices, where teeth have been found in the walls. “I’m not sure if it was a common practice” to deposit extracted teeth in the walls, she said. Valdosta police said there was no evidence of a crime.
WPVI-TV in Philadelphia reported on Oct. 30 about a new fashion accessory: the Skin Heel. These thigh-high boots feature moles, hair and uneven skin tones, and the shoes are meant to look like surgically altered feet, with toes and long, realistic-looking skin-colored spikes on the heels. Conceived by Montreal, Canada, designers Hannah Rose Dalton and Steven Raj Bhaskaran, the creepy footwear will set buyers back $10,000. Fortunately, they’ve produced only one pair so far.
In the spirit of “be careful what you wish for,” a monkey in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, India, shimmied down a wall and stole a venomous cobra from a snake charmer at the Barbanki temple on Oct. 26. The man had just removed the snake from a basket when the monkey grabbed it and ran back up the wall, according to United Press International. The snake charmer tried to climb on a vendor’s cart to chase the monkey, but it got away. No word on the monkey’s fate.
Doctors at the Hai Duong Hospital in Hai Duong Province, Vietnam, treated a man who arrived complaining of pain in his ear. Using an endoscope to look inside his ear canal, they found the cause: a live cricket digging around in the duct. United Press International reported on Oct. 26 that the doctors were able to successfully remove the cricket. !
© 2018 Chuck Shepherd. Universal Press Syndicate. Send your weird news items with subject line WEIRD NEWS to
[KING Crossword]
[weeKly sudoKu]
Having a fling
13 16 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 34 36 38 40 41 42 45 47 48 49 52 57 60 63 64 65 66 67
Not rough Small digital images expressing ideas Bus schedule abbr. Bouquet-bringing co. Oahu greetings Extreme eccentricity Ivy — (Yalie, e.g.) Diamond events Any of 13 Catholic leaders Experts at CPR Prefix with gauge On — streak (winning big) Was in need of restocking Strong Italian cheese They’re over gables Lakota’s language family Lilting syllable Parris Island mil. branch Sticky, chewy candy Shelters for backpackers Sash for Cio-Cio-San Texter’s “As I see it ...” Election day, often: Abbr. Hold fast (to) “Pieces of Me” singer Simpson They often include spiels LuPone who played Evita Bygone autocrat Grimm bully “Dash it all!” The “A” of ACLU: Abbr. Mu — beef
69 71 72 73 74 76 78 79 84 85 86 87 90 92 95 99 102 103 104 107 109 110 111 112 115 117 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
Some NFL linemen With 83-Down, like Rudolph “Behold!,” in Latin Dirt-dishing Barrett Dear old dad “— dog’s life” Super-angry Orchestral array Reply to “Am so!” More chancy Mauna — Prefix with angle or fold “Not impressed” Thrown-away items Tricky pool shot Kosovo native Norse god of battle PC-sent holiday greetings Some paved arteries “Phooey!” Capital of Albania New attempt Palmtop device, for short “— yellow ribbon ...” Salon colorant Theme of this puzzle Whole number, e.g. Writer Waugh Tackled energetically Niger-to-Zambia dir. Tram rock Beat back Luanda’s country
DOWN 1 2
Mr. Kotter Jack of old Westerns
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 24 29 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 43 44 46 50 51 53 54 55 56 57
Spaceship in “Alien” 2004-15 sarcastic recap series on E! R&D room Sofia’s “that” “E.T.” boy Steins, e.g. Bump — log Actor Malcolm- — Warner Places to store frozen blocks B-board runners Skiing peak Co. shuffling Hip-hop performer Rife with Drive, in golf Half-asleep Largest port in Italy K-O middle Cook with Apple Luau cocktail Make invalid Desert rodent Cpl. or sgt. Ecol., e.g. Sam- — Gets, as profits “No kiddin’!” Declaration while pointing Bleated Car of the early 1900s Memory trace People in concealment Poet Federico Garcia — Sign into law Lauder of perfume Virus variety
58 59 60 61 62 67 68 70 75 77 78 80 81 82 83 87 88 89 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 105 106 108 111 113 114 116 118 119 120
Half-witted Half of sei City ENE of 22-Down Love, to Luc Wrought up Sudden rush Actor Sparks Curb locales “Shy” singer DiFranco Ill-tempered Lake — (Mississippi River source) Be sporadic Explore a reef, maybe High RRs See 71-Across Become Rustic mail abbr. What- — (conjectures) ‘48 electee Tending to wear down Adorning tawdrily, with “up” Singer Johnny Mongolians, e.g. Elfish one Allotment Require a 110-Across, maybe Movie critic Richard Onion part Is a little too fond “I’ve — it!” — ed (gym) The same, in France “The Thin Man” dog Afore 151, to Nero Old rival of Pan Am She cackles
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November 7-13, 2018
Bye, bye Birdie: E-scooters banned in Greensboro
*Editor’s note: The photograph of the Bird rider in a Halloween costume was staged by writer (and model) Ian McDowell and photographer Ciara Kelley on an empty and blockedoff side street, with Ian McDowell McDowell only riding a very short distance and Kelley spotting Contributor for pedestrians. It’s meant to symbolize public fears over the scooters, and not to represent a real instance of dangerous behavior. Neither the author nor YES! Weekly condone riding a scooter without a helmet or while wearing a mask. At least you’re young enough at heart to try new things!” So said a Greensboro police officer on Oct. 28 when I told her I’d scraped my nose and cheek falling off a rental “Bird” e-scooter on Elm Street. Her kind remark hurt my ego more than the lumpy Southside pavement hurt my face. You have to look old to get compliments on how youthful you act. Five days later, the Greensboro City Attorney’s office ordered Bird Rides, Inc., the Santa Monica start-up that markets “the Uber of scooters,” to remove its vehicles from Greensboro. I discovered this on Nov. 2, after fruitlessly searching for a Bird on Elm Street. Undeterred by my accident, I wanted to time how long it took to ride one from LeBauer Park to Gate City Boulevard, versus the time it took to walk (I now knew that the scooter’s wheels couldn’t bump over railroad tracks as easily as a bicycle’s, that has been my literal downfall five days earlier). For the previous week, I’d been searching Washington, Greene and Elm twice daily, seeking evidence for Greensboro City Council at-large representative Marikay Abuzuaiter’s claim that parked Birds were a nuisance. On Oct. 21, Abuzuaiter posted to Facebook photos of the scooters allegedly blocking sidewalks on Washington and Greene streets. I never saw one doing that. I also never had trouble finding a Bird when, for this article, I wanted to experience riding it in rush hour traffic, or simply needed to get home faster than I could walk. Until Friday, when the Bird app showed none downtown. Wondering if this had
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
Bird e-scooters lined up in downtown Greensboro before the ban anything to do with the upcoming A&T Homecoming, I started asking questions, first of friends, then of the GPD and city council. It was until the end of the business day that I found out what happened. In a Nov. 2 letter to city manager David Parrish, assistant city attorney/police attorney Andrea Harrell acknowledged she had been directed by Parrish’s office “to contact Bird Scooters and demand the immediate removal of the scooters from the City of Greensboro.” After consulting with the interim city attorney, Harrell contacted Bird and communicated the following in writing: “I am reaching out due to mounting concerns in Greensboro over the safety of Bird Scooters, as well as the myriad City Ordinances which are being violated both in their operation and in the way they are being left on sidewalks and in streets. (Specifically, 18-44 (preventing the blocking or impeding of streets and sidewalks), 16-222 (preventing scooter operation on any City street, on any sidewalk within the Central Business District, and at any municipal parking facility), 16-228 (preventing the operation of any
motorized device in a bike lane), and the Park Rules and Regulations (preventing any motorized device from being operated on trails and walking paths)).” Citing “our several meetings,” Harrell wrote that Bird was aware of those ordinances and had agreed “to remove its scooters” in August, “then failed to do so.” Harrell reported to Parrish that she had informed Bird that “the City is requesting that Bird remove all of its scooters from Greensboro immediately” and that, as of Nov. 2, “any scooter found in violation of a City ordinance will be immediately seized and taken to 300 S. Swing Rd., Greensboro, North Carolina, where Bird can pick it up and remove it from the City.” In the same paragraph, Harrell stated her understanding that the Greensboro Department of Transportation has given Lime, the competing company that rents ride-share e-scooters in Greensboro “notice so that it may also remove its scooters.” Both Bird and Lime follow the Uber business model. Riders download an app to their phones, activating it by scanning their driver’s license and credit card.
Before a ride (and hence billing) can be ended, the rider must take a photo of the scooter via the app, demonstrating that it’s been properly parked. Renting Bird or Lime scooters costs a $1 flat fee plus 15 cents per minute. Both brands claim to go as fast as 15 mph (I’ve only used Bird and have unable to clock one at more than 12 mph). The scooters are collected each night by independent contractors who connect them to company-provided chargers and put them out again each morning. Bird contractors, known as “Bird Catchers” or “Bird Hunters,” receive anywhere from $5 to $20 per scooter, depending upon accessibility, and must have them on the street by 9 a.m. When I first noticed the Bird scooters in August, I realized that few people writing about them locally actually rode them. So, I downloaded the app and tried it. On my first ride in September, I ran into (fortunately not literally) College Hill Neighborhood Association vice president David Arneke, who mentioned his understanding that the scooters were technically illegal on city streets, but added that the police weren’t enforcing the law while the city attorney’s office was attempting to draft a revised ordinance allowing them. Unsurprisingly, nobody officially confirmed the non-enforcement, but a month of regularly riding Birds from Mendenhall to Elm Street without police intervention suggested it was the case. On Oct. 3, I emailed deputy city attorney Terri A. Jones about the claim her office was attempting to revise the ordinance that made scooters illegal. She replied that “I have participated in drafting ordinance amendments with other employees from the City’s Departments of Police and Transportation.” She attached a draft copy but warned that it was subject to change before presentation to the Greensboro City Council, which she anticipated would occur on Oct. 16. At that meeting, the council was presented with a document titled ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 16 OF THE GREENSBORO CODE OF ORDINANCES WITH RESPECT TO SCOOTERS. The proposed amendment added the words “non-motorized” before “scooter” in Sec. 16-222 (a), which makes it “unlawful for any person riding on a skateboard, roller skates or scooter to ride any of such devices on any street” or “any sidewalk located in the central business district of the city.”
The proposed revision also included the following revision to Sec. 16-228: “The street or portions of streets designated in traffic schedule No. 11 are established as bicycle-street lanes for the use of nonmotorized bicycles requiring manual operation or standup electric scooters.” Finally, a new section, “16-229. – Standup electric scooter share permit,” was added, declaring: “It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to operate a commercial standup electric scooter share program within any public right-of-way without first obtaining a permit from the Director of Transportation and paying the proper fees.” (The proposed ordinance and two documents relating to it can be found here.) At the Oct. 16 work session, city staff made suggestions for regulating the electronic scooters that Bird and LimeBike ride-sharing programs have introduced to Greensboro. Including the proposed ordinance banning them from sidewalks in the downtown central business district but allowing them in bike lanes, and requiring the companies to obtain permits and pay fees to operate their scooters in the city. Several city council members expressed reservations. The strongest was from Abuzuaiter, who criticized Bird’s business model of dropping its scooters off in cities without permission or prior warning. “I really have a problem with people coming and plopping down something in Greensboro. Most people are just joyriding. It’s just a toy.” Ultimately, council members declined to give direction to staff members on how to proceed with the ordinance. Parrish said that the staff would research ordinances currently being enacted or debated in Charlotte, Durham and Raleigh, and provide further information at the Nov. 20 work session. Mayor Nancy Vaughan concluded by saying, “I’d like to see us find a way to permit it because they are cool and we are trying to attract young people.” Since that meeting, Abuzuaiter has expressed more negative sentiments about the scooters on social media, despite her Oct. 21 posting stating, “I’ve really tried to keep in an open mind.” In the comment thread on her post to the Facebook group Greater Greensboro Politics, she wrote, “I’d love it if they were used for getting home from the bus stop, going that extra mile to work, etc. What most people are seeing is pure joyriding and being careless most of the time.” In the original thread on Abuzuaiter’s Facebook page, YES! Weekly contributor Katei Cranford commented that “I’ve had my path blocked *way* more often by LimeBikes” and asked why Abuzuaiter WWW.YESWEEKLY.COM
Masked Ian McDowell riding a Bird e-scooter in downtown Greensboro was complaining solely about Bird scooters and not the rental bicycles that the city council has approved and “celebrated.” Abuzuaiter replied, “I honestly haven’t heard many complaints about the LimeBikes.” As I previously noted, I’ve not seen Birds (either upright or on their sides) blocking a sidewalk. But photographer and Vintage to Vogue employee Ciara Kelley photographed several in the middle of the sidewalk near Crooked Tail Cat Café on the morning of Nov. 1. I have, however, repeatedly seen parked LimeBikes blocking sidewalks on Lewis and McGee streets. I’ve also interviewed multiple downtown business owners and employees who contest Abuzuaiter’s claim that, “what most people are seeing is pure joyriding,” as well as the commonly voiced (albeit not by anyone willing to be quoted for this article) belief that the majority of Bird users are “kids.” Easa Hanhan, co-owner of Jerusalem Market on Elm, told me on Saturday that he has seen “people of all ages riding them, including Zack Matheny.” When I reached out to Matheny, president of Downtown Greensboro, Inc., he confirmed
the claim. “I do ride the scooters around downtown,” he wrote in an email on Sunday morning. “I have spoken with city officials and my recommendation is to work with the companies to have an agreement. Basically, we need to understand scooters are here and the future.” However, he also acknowledged that “we see folks outside of our office going at full speed down the sidewalks and speeding through intersections without really looking both ways.” I’ve witnessed this on multiple occasions. Last Thursday, a young woman on a Bird whizzed past me at full speed as I emerged from Scuppernong Books, coming close enough that the wind from her passage ruffled the pages of my notebook. However, in the previous weeks, I had three similar near-misses with bicycles on Elm Street sidewalks, two involving riders on LimeBikes. None of the bicyclists were wearing a helmet. I’ve talked to many people annoyed by the presence of Birds downtown, although they overwhelming cited the careless way some ride them rather than where they’re parked as the problem. But I’ve also spoken to many supportive of their use and presence. Both Karen Stratman, owner of Crooked Tail Cat Café, and Jen Graf, owner of Vintage to Vogue Boutique, told me that there had been days when the ongoing water and sewer rehabilitation has severely limited automobile access to their businesses on the Southside part of Elm Street. On one such day, Stratman pointed to every customer in her café and said that they’d all arrived on Birds. As often the case with chain restaurants, no employee of Mellow Mushroom would comment for the record, but on the afternoon of Oct. 23, I watched eight people arrive on Birds or Lime scooters and enter that restaurant over the course of two hours. During that time, I only saw six customers arrive on foot, none of them from cars parked on that block. Kelley, Terra Blue owner Sarah McDavid and Boxcar employee Kristen Mantz all agreed with Hanhan’s statement that people of all ages could, before Friday, regularly be seen riding Bird scooters downtown, with McDavid citing “whole families” and Mantz citing “people in their 40s and 50s” as doing it. There does seem to be something of an age divide between some Bird opponents and proponents. Marketing strategist Shamira Azlan, 25, told me, “I typically use Birds when I’m downtown trying to hop to meetings up and down Elm Street. Parking can be finicky so Bird scooters help with that.” Program assistant at Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina Nadia Moreta, 28, called the scooters “very useful” and
“a strategy for millennial retention.” However, the most ardent advocate I’ve yet encountered is 46-year-old Mark Ballard, who identified himself as “an IT professional with the Greensboro office of a major transatlantic law firm” and said, “I also function as a courthouse runner and non-certified paralegal.” Ballard told me that he suffers from a hip injury that causes him to limp 11 years after the operation intended to repair it. He emailed me the following statement: “I travel frequently in downtown GSO to the state and federal courthouses to perform research, file motions, responses to motions, everything in between. I also go to the sheriff’s office and other downtown businesses. Due to my limping, this can be very difficult.” His life became easier, he wrote, when he discovered Bird. “I actually think I was their first customer in downtown Greensboro. The scooters get me to my destination and back quickly and easily. I’ve obeyed all the rules including ordering their free helmet.” But Ballard didn’t stop there. Noting resistance to the new technology, he became what he called “a Bird activist” and contacted the company’s marketing department. “I know there are a few bad actors out there, so I even went so far as to propose a new position with Bird other than Bird Charger. My proposed position was called a ‘Bird Watcher.’ This person would make sure Birds were parked correctly, and perhaps even hand out helmets.” In our correspondence, Ballard repeatedly called Bird scooters “a great last mile solution.” He wrote that he has an appointment at Moses Cone on Monday, and that, “it’s going to be so much easier for me to hop on a scooter and run up Elm for one mile, than to walk all the way to the parking deck, get in my car, take 10 minutes to badge out of the deck, drive there, drive back, repeat, walk back to work, etc.” He also said that his on-call schedule permitting, he intends to speak against Friday’s “ban” on scooters downtown at the Nov. 5 city council meeting, which will be held at in the Melvin Municipal Office Building at 300 W. Washington St. at 5:30 p.m. (due to the election, it’s Monday rather than the traditional “First Tuesday”). Unlimited public comment is allowed, and Ballard hopes “others whose lives have benefitted from these scooters will be present and speak out.” ! IAN MCDOWELL is the author of two published novels, numerous anthologized short stories, and a whole lot of nonfiction and journalism, some of which he’s proud of and none of which he’s ashamed of.
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
Yoke and Abundance spotlights wise women of the Triad One Greensboro woman knows all about the anxiety networking can cause. She also knows that starting businesses and pitching creative ideas are never easy. She has decided to share her Katie Murawski experiences and lend a helping hand to other local women Editor through a blog, podcast and panel discussion. Alisha Wielfaert is a leadership, life and creativity coach with her company Yoke and Abundance, and is based in Greensboro. “My purpose and what I do is work with women who are creative, women who are inspiring entrepreneurs, women who are seasoned business owners and I help them crush their goals,” Wielfaert said. Wielfaert came to Greensboro to attend Guilford College 17 years ago and never left. She graduated Guilford in 2004 and worked in corporate America for a decade before she realized it wasn’t for her. “It was one of those things where, during that time I always thought I was supposed to be doing something to make a difference, to have a greater purpose,” she said. “I am one of those people that needs my work to be in line with my life’s purpose, and I didn’t know what that would be.” Wielfaert said she then completed 200-300 hours of teacher training and founded Greensboro Downtown Yoga. She said after a year of running the studio and working a full-time job, she decided to sell it and quit her full-time job to pursue her own business in coaching, which she called Yoke and Abundance. “Yoke, because of my yoga background, yoga means to yoke,” she said. “In yoga, you can think about it as the yoke is the tool that you use to accomplish the task.” She said there is also a negative connotation to yoke. “A yoke is our burden to bear, and in coaching, I believe that we should be able to choose the burdens we bear,” she said. “Because, in any job, there are pros and cons, right? So it is about choosing what your burden or yoke is.” She chose the name Yoke and Abundance because she wanted to help people choose their burdens and handle them accordingly, all while living life to the fullest (or to its “abundance”). Wielfaert said she began Yoke and Abundance as a blog and YES! WEEKLY
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
while she was working at the yoga studio, she started writing a column she called “Wise Women Wednesday.” “I did that to teach myself a lesson,” she said. Wielfaert said she had feelings of jealousy, fear and lack due to another (and what seemed like a more successful) yoga studio opening not far from hers. She said on the outside she was trying to practice what she preached, but on the inside, she didn’t feel the same. She said she became stuck in these emotions. “I am feeling jealousy toward another woman who is just up to something big,” she said. “I want to be up to big things too, and I know a lot of women who were up to a lot of big things, so why am I not celebrating these things and learning from these things instead of being stuck in these feelings?” Wielfaert said she began interviewing different women each week and writing her column. After about a year as she was starting her own business, she realized how successful it was becoming and wanted to create a community around it. “I hate networking, I love friendraising,” she said. “So I wanted to create a space that people could get to know each other based on opinions and ideas.” In January, Wielfaert said she brought Wise Women Wednesday off the page and onto a monthly panel discussion. She said the panel begins with a half an hour of “curated friendraising.” “I want people to feel like they have found a place of like-minded spirits and souls, and that they are in a supportive environment where they can learn, grow and be vulnerable with each other,” she said. Then Wielfaert said she takes 30 minutes to ask questions to panelists and 30 minutes for the audience to ask questions to the panelists. For Wise Women interviews, Wielfaert said she is looking for
Alisha Wielfaert standing in front of a crowd at one of her Wise Women Wednesday panels
women who are doing something creative and “living for themselves from a place of abundance.” The next Wise Women Wednesday panel is on Nov. 14 and will feature panelists Christina Brown of Moon Bird Pottery, Jen Brown from FEARLESS Winston-Salem and Fa’Lon Thomas of Onyx Ocean Technologies. She said there is another panel discussion scheduled for Dec. 12 as well, which makes up for the canceled event due to the hurricane in September. Those panelists have not been announced yet. Since the Wise Women blog and panels have been successful, Wielfaert also started a weekly podcast in August. She said the podcast is accompanied by a blog post and it goes online every Tuesday. She said the listenership/readership are enthusiastic women between the ages of 25 and 55 in the Triad area who are entrepreneurial-minded. “The response to that has also been overwhelmingly positive,” she said. “I am always looking for podcast sponsors.” Tickets for the Wise Women Wednesday panel discussion cost $20, or for a discounted rate Wielfaert said to join her Collective ( collective/). “Everyone is welcome, and I never want
someone to let money be a reason why they don’t work with me or why they don’t come to my events,” she said. “So there can always be an exchange of energy. I can always use volunteers.” Wielfaert’s biggest takeaway from her experiences is that entrepreneurship is hard and it takes courage, passion, and commitment to be successful. “So many women say to me that they want to start a business and have some easy extra income,” she said. “Starting a business for easy extra income is so not why you start a business.” Wielfaert hopes that more people will come to the Wise Women Wednesday panel because she said attendees will leave with new friends and a community of women who wants to see them succeed. “I think there is an awakening happening now. I think since the [2016] election, it has become crystal clear that we can’t wait for things to happen to us,” she said. “This is so cliché, but you have to be the change you want to see, and I know that I have flourished anytime, man or woman, has stuck their hand out and given me a hand up. I want to be a hand up for other women.” For more information, visit the Yoke and Abundance website ! KATIE MURAWSKI is the editor of YES! Weekly. She is from Mooresville, North Carolina and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in journalism with a minor in film studies from Appalachian State University in 2017.
The next panel is Nov. 14 from 7:30- 9 p.m. at HQ Greensboro, 111 W. Lewis St. and it is recommended that tickets be purchased online at www., or at the door for $20.
Kids and guns: The crisis grows Journalists are naturally drawn to superlatives. Something is either “the first of its kind,” or it’s “the most comprehensive,” or it’s “the largest in the area.” It’s not surprising, then, that last year’s Las Vegas Jim Longworth concert massacre was known as “the Longworth deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history,” at Large according to the Associated Press. Last week’s attack on Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue was reported by CNN as, “the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the U.S.,” according to the Anti-Defamation League. No doubt those superlatives apply because they give us perspective, but sometimes we get so caught up in the horrors of large tragedies, that we lose sight of the smaller ones that seem to happen every week. Last week, two teenage boys got into a heated argument in a hallway at Butler High School in Matthews. (Reportedly, one boy had been bullying the other, but it isn’t yet known which student did the alleged bullying.) Regardless, 16-year-old Jatwan Cuffie shot 16-year-old Bobby McKeithen. Cuffie then admitted his crime and surrendered. Ironically, that same day, AP reported that the U.S. Agency on Healthcare Research and Quality released a report on gun injuries involving children and teens. It couldn’t have been timelier. According to that report, gun injuries sent 75,000 teenagers to hospital emergency rooms over the past nine years, and 6 percent of them died. (But those numbers could be deceiving, as authors of the AHRQ study admit that their data does not include gun victims who never made it to the hospital.) Many of us in the media have advocated for a ban on assault weapons, but most gun-related injuries and deaths come from the use of handguns, so a ban on rifles won’t abate our current crisis. The gun problem is one of access and opportunity, so that begs the question, “How do we put a stop to school shootings?” Let’s suppose that tomorrow the federal government banned the sale and manufacture of all guns. Would that stop kids from shooting kids at school? No, because they would still have access to guns WWW.YESWEEKLY.COM
that are already in circulation. According to a 2015 report by the Washington Post’s Christopher Ingraham, as of 2013, there were 357 million civilian firearms in circulation. That means there are 40 million more guns in America than there are people. Don’t get me wrong. We still need to ban assault weapons and restrict the sale of handguns and shotguns by requiring comprehensive background checks and increasing the wait-time between application and purchase. Local sheriff ’s departments must be able to interface with FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms databases (and vice versa), so that local trouble-makers, domestic abusers, patients treated for mental illness, and people who have been charged with, but not convicted of a violent crime, will be red flagged by gun shop owners. We also need to put restrictions on the sale of ammunition because a gun without bullets is useless. But, again, as it stands now, a kid can still get his hands on a loaded gun by borrowing or stealing one. So how to do we keep guns out of schools? Very simple. Install metal detectors and have controlled entrances and exits. Local school officials will tell you that there’s no budget for installing a metal detector in every school and that it’s impossible to have locked doors on school buildings. As for the latter, Joe Clark, the legendary New Jersey school principal proved that locked doors are feasible. As for the former, metal detectors are reliable, and yes, they are costly, but we can always find money for priorities. We hold referendums to pay for building upgrades, and we apply for grants to buy computers, so why not invest in security measures? It’s time for local, state, and federal officials to get serious about school safety, and that doesn’t mean just funding metal detectors. It also means hiring additional security personnel to monitor those detectors, and control who comes and goes through the main entrance throughout the day. The NRA might have our elected officials hog-tied from banning certain types of weapons, but even the NRA can’t oppose legislation that would increase school security. New science labs, more computers, and re-modeled bathrooms are important, but they’re of no use if students don’t feel safe using them. ! JIM LONGWORTH is the host of “Triad Today,” airing on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. on ABC45 (cable channel 7) and Sundays at 11 a.m. on WMYV (cable channel 15).
Read us on your phone when you’re at the bar by yourself.
[FACES & PLACES] by Natalie Garcia
Wicked On Elm @The W Bistro
YES! Weekly’s Photographer
10.31.18 | Greensboro
hot pour presents
BARTENDERS OF THE WEEK | BY NATALIE GARCIA Check out videos on our Facebook!
BARTENDER: Summer Macleod BAR: Rascals Tavern AGE: 30 Where are you from? Emerald Isle How long have you been bartending? 7 Years How did you become a bartender? I’ve always been service industry so the transition was easy. But I started bartending in Ft. Lauderdale working for resort hotels and found I like more of a high energy pace. What do you enjoy about bartending? I truly enjoy making people feel YES! WEEKLY
welcome in my place of business. If you’re in my care, consider yourself a close friend. I love that I can make a huge difference in someone’s night. What’s your favorite drink to make? I’ve ALWAYS loved the Old Fashioned. It’s such a nice cocktail to start the evening, it’s just ironic that I happen to have the tools to make the best one in town. It’s a whole other level of goodness. What would your recommend as an after-dinner drink? I’m a big fan of coffee drinks. You can’t beat an Irish Coffee with dessert. What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen while bartending?
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
As a former hotel bartender, the list goes on. Something to be said about the bar and bed being ridiculously close together. I’ve seen nudity, glass eating, groupie fights. But Rick Flair did put me in a headlock one time and I feel that was pretty AWESOME because no one believes me. What’s the best tip you’ve ever gotten? I get crazy money from time to time. But honestly the best tips I’ve gotten are friendships for years and years that go beyond the bar scene. That to me is worth so much more. But I got bills so I appreciated the $300 I got once.
November 7-13, 2018
Dia De Los Muertos @ CVA 11/7
11.2.18 | Greensboro
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
NCDOT TO HOLD PUBLIC NOVEMBER 13 FOR THE PROPOSED WINSTON-SALEM NORTHERN BELTWAY EASTERN SECTION (FUTURE 1-74) PROJECT U-2579 SECTIONS D, E, AND F BETWEEN UNIVERSITY PARKWAY AND NEW WALKERTOWN ROAD FORSYTH COUNTY STIP Project No. U-2579 D, E, And F The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to construct the Eastern Section of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway (Future I-74), Projects U-2579 Sections D, E, and F. Project U-2579D would be constructed between U.S. 311 and I-40 Project U-2579E would be constructed between I-40 and I-40 Business/U.S. 421. Project U-2579F would be constructed between I-40 and I-40 Business/U.S. 421. The public meeting will be held at Bethany Baptist Church located at 600 Old Hollow Road, in Winston-Salem, on Tuesday, November 13 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to provide interested citizens with updated information on the project and gather public input. Interested citizens may attend at any time between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Please note that there will not be a formal presentation. Representatives of NCDOT and the design-build team of Flatiron Constructors, Inc – Blythe Development Company will display maps and be available to answer questions and receive comments. Comments and information received will be taken into consideration as work on the project develops. Written comments or questions can also be submitted at the meeting or later by November 27, 2018. Information on the project can be viewed or downloaded online at: For additional information contact Michael Shumsky, NCDOT Design-Build Project Manager, by phone at (919)707-6341 or by email at NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this workshop. Anyone requiring special services should contact Diane Wilson, NCDOT Senior Public Involvement Officer by phone at (919) 707-6073 or by email at as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. Persons who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494. Aquellas personas no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitan antes de la reunión llamando al 1-800-481-6494. November 7-13, 2018
last call
[LEO (July 23 to August 22) Things start to brighten for the Lion’s immediate financial future. But be careful to resist the urge to splurge. You need to tuck something away to help you through another tight period.
[AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You still need more facts before you can make an informed career choice. One note of caution: Be careful about whom you ask for that information; otherwise, you could be misled.
[VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Having to do too many tasks in too short a time could lower your mood to just above the grumbling level. But if you handle things one at a time, you’ll get through it all soon enough.
[PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Changing situations through the end of the week could lead to some challenging opportunities for those perspicacious Pisceans who know how to make them work to their advantage.
[LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Your usually carefully made holiday plans could be subject to change later this month. Use this week to prepare for that possibility by starting a Plan B just in case you need it.
[ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although your energy level is high, be careful not to commit to too many projects at this time. You’ll do better focusing on just a few tasks rather than spreading yourself too thin.
[SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Be careful about joining a colleague’s plan to solve a workplace problem. Investigate it thoroughly. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a predicament with other associates.
[TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your heart might be leading you in one direction, but pay attention to your keen Bovine intellect. I’m cautioning you to think things through before making any commitments.
[SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Slow down that highpaced whirl you’ve been on. Spending quiet time alone or with people you care for can be both physically and spiritually restorative.
[GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your “serious” Twin has been dominant in your life for quite a while. It’s time now to let that “wilder” half take you out for some good times — perhaps with someone very special.
[CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Make suggestions, not demands. You’ll be more successful in getting people to follow your lead if you exercise quiet patience instead of strong persuasion to get your ideas across.
[CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Career aspects are high for Moon Children who make a good impression. Show people not only what you can already do, but also how you can be more valuable to them in the future. © 2018 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
[STRANGE BUT TRUE] by Samantha Weaver
Real Singles, Real Fun...
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018
* It was British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic and political activist — and, not insignificantly, Nobel laureate — Bertrand Russell who made the following sage observation: “The fundamental cause of trouble in this world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” * In an odd coincidence, President Abraham Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. Kennedy the secretary told Lincoln the president that he shouldn’t go to Ford’s Theatre the night he was shot; Lincoln the secretary tried to convince Kennedy the president not to go on a trip to Dallas, where he was shot.
* Those who study such things claim that an average bank robber in the United States nets about $4,000 for every job. No info at hand on how the researches acquired their data. * You might think that hot dogs are a relatively recent food offering, but you’d be wrong. The first sausages were created more than 3,500 years ago when ancient Babylonians began stuffing spiced meat into the intestines of animals. Thought for the Day: “Every man possesses three characters: that which he exhibits, that which he really has, and that which he believes he has.” — JeanBaptiste Alphonse Karr © 2018 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
[THE ADVICE GODDESS] love • sex • dating • marriage • questions
My friends tease me, saying that I’m such an obnoxious jerk, but amazingly, everybody seems to love me. Somebody said it’s because I Amy Alkon have charisma — like a rock star/movie star quality. Honestly, Advice I don’t think that Goddess highly of myself. I’m interesting-looking, outgoing, funny, and relatively talented in what I do. What is charisma exactly, and can people create it? — Weirdly Beloved Woman There are certain people throughout history that you just know had charisma. Moses, for example: “Hey, fellow Jews, just follow right behind me as I take a jog into the sea.” Charisma is the Pied Piper of personality traits — a mix of personal magnetism, likability, and powerful presence that leads people to flock to and follow a person who has it. This can have creepy and even deadly results when the charismatic person is a cult leader, but evolutionary researchers Allen Grabo and Mark van Vugt believe that charisma evolved to be a cooperation booster. Their research suggests it is a “credible signal of a person’s ability” to inspire a group of people to unite behind him or her so they can collectively solve some problem that would stump them individually. Looks are an element of charisma. Being
tall, good-looking, and physically stronger than your peers, as well as appearing healthy, are correlated with charisma, note Grabo and van Vugt. That said, though it’s helpful to be a ringer for Gisele Bundchen, you can more closely resemble a hamburger bun in a bikini and still be mad charismatic. Accordingly, the researchers observe that “anecdotal evidence” suggests that having “particularly unique” features — “such as Abraham Lincoln’s elongated face or Rasputin’s piercing eyes” — may amp up charisma “as a result of their attentiongrabbing ability.” The good news — for anyone who lacks height, hots, or eyes that burn a hole in people — is that how a person acts appears to be the main driver of charisma. And though some people are naturally (that is, genetically) equipped to be more charismatic through their set of personality traits, there are charismatic behaviors that anybody can learn and practice (or, perhaps in your case, engage in more often). The behaviors that drive charisma are those that reflect a combination of “high power and high warmth,” explains business coach Olivia Fox Cabane in her researchbased book “The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism.” Most people probably believe that charisma comes simply out of speaking powerfully — Martin Luther King-ing it rather than mumbling their message. Actually, listening powerfully — tapping into how somebody’s feeling, engaging with it emotionally, and empathizing — is essential to having charisma. Connecting in this way drives what people experience as warmth, which Cabane sums up as “goodwill” — the
sense that another person cares about them and their well-being. And sorry, but you can’t just fake the look of someone who’s listening (nod, nod, nod, eye contact, eye contact) while you’re all up in your to-do list or formulating the brilliant thing you’re going to say next. You’ll think you’re hiding your inattentiveness, but little bits of your body language will always sell you out. Charismatic body language comes out of the antithesis of nervousness — being comfortable in your skin, having a sort of high-powered calm. That’s reflected in slower speech (rather than squirrel-like chit-chattering), the confidence to take pauses while speaking, and breathing from your diaphragm instead of taking shallow gulps of air. (For the basics on speaking more powerfully, read speech therapist and pathologist Morton Cooper’s “Change Your Voice, Change Your Life.”) Slower, expansive body movements are another mark of the charismatic, in contrast with the herky-jerkyness of the perpetually uneasy — those who always seem on the verge of making a run for it. However, there’s a caveat to all of this walking and talking advice: If you’re
insecure and self-loathing, you can’t just plaster some alpha-girl body language on top of that. Not credibly, anyway. You’ve got to put in the work to fix your foundation. (See my “science-help” book, “Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence.”) Finally, consider that it takes a strong person to be open about their weaknesses and failures. Counterintuitive, I know. But people don’t relate to greatness. They relate to other people who show how human and imperfect they are. Cabane explains that “drawing attention to your vulnerabilities” ultimately enhances your power. In other words, instead of always working hard to look good, you’ll amp up your charisma by making intermittent efforts to look bad — like by confessing, “I’m socially awkward. Always have been. I’m really bad at leaving conversations at parties — to the point where I wish a meteorite would crash through the ceiling so I could make my escape.” ! GOT A problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail ( © 2018 Amy Alkon Distributed by Creators.Com.
answers [CROSSWORD] crossword on page 21
[WEEKLY SUDOKU] sudoku on page 21
NOVEMBER 7-13, 2018