Yes - Your English Supplement: Volume 2

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Your English Supplement

Volume 2 10€


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Discover  the  pleasure  of  learning | @yeszine


pages of EXERCISES

More than 1 HOUR OF AUDIO to download THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FOOD Thinking with your stomach


FOOD ADULTERATION Hope it’s only horsemeat! HEALTH 10 secrets to losing weight FAT CATS & FAT TAX The politics of food COMPETITIVE EATING THE GRAMMAR OF FOOD Word building, false friends, phrasal verbs, confusing words and more

BURMA Paradise Lost

Coming soon. The Yes app for the iPad.

Discover the pleasure of learning. For more information visit


YES Volume No. 2

This page should help you to navigate the magazine in general. Notice that on pages 6, 21, 64, 87 and 111 there are more details for each section of the magazine.


How to Use Your English Supplement

6 7 10

Current Affairs Contents News, Anecdotes and Language News Science News: archaeology, food and health, fitness and health and animal psychology Internet News Politics: fat taxes, sugar taxes and fat cats Economics

14 16 18 21 22 24 26






56 Audio Download Code: To download the audio files for this issue, please go to the 'Downloads' page on for instructions. You will need the code given above to access the files. // // @yeszine

28 30 32 36 38 42 46 50 54 56 58 60 64 65 68 70 72 74

Culture Contents Feature: how to lose weight sensibly Health: the adulteration of food Psychology: how food affects your mind and your mood Ecology: the future of meat Sports: competitive eating History: a potted history of food Music: story-telling songs Travel: Burma Art: Still Life Society: the Profumo Affair Poetry: Wordsworth’s Daffodils Biography: Mrs Beeton’s Secrets Life: all about pigs Explorers & Adventurers: Ney Elias Cinema: ethnicity & the movies

75 78 80 84

Grammar Contents US vs. UK: illustrated food words Word building and semantic fields English in Context: cutting and cooking terms False Friends: confusing culinary cognates Confusing words: food, meal, plate, dish and course Phrasal verbs: food-related multi-word verbs Translation: correcting broken English Idioms: euphonic alternatives Etymology: everyday food terms

85 86

Subscription Information Picture Description

87 88

Audio Scripts Contents Audio Scripts

111 112

Exercises Contents Exercises

134 135

Staff and contact addresses In next month’s issue YES 2 | 3

of the Dead

The Tube can also be macabre...

How to Use Your English Supplement

Death on the Tracks

Metro systems the world over1 attract the suicidal. Underground workers use the euphemism ‘a one-under’ to refer to someone who has thrown himself or herself under a Tube train. 2 King’s Cross and Victoria stations attract the most suicides.

There was in North L ging4 unde – hundred Black Deat


Each page-long article in the magazine has been created to be used more or less independently so that you can learn and practise even if you only have five or ten minutes free. At the same time, the symbols below allow you to develop a theme you are interested in more extensively. Teachers can use these symbols to instantly prepare a class or classes around a common theme.


Photo by Tzortzis

Exercise (at the end of the magazine). Test and consolidate what you have learned.

The Grea

Speaking extension. A question aimed at provoking a group discussion of the topic in question.

Meanwhil ghosts. Th at Farringd pieces by h Sarah Whi Philip, was searching said to vis death11 in a noisy –bu


the world the world in New Yo macabre; ‘track pizz 3 to be mea posed to b 4 to dig (dig 5 to run into – encounter 6 plague pi 1


Downloadable audio file (see also audio scripts). There are recommendations on how best to use the audio files on p. 87.

This arrow directs you to other related articles in the magazine.

Photo by Sunil060902




ABBREVIATIONS KEY Listening extension (Internet). Once you’ve learned the basic vocabulary of a topic, why not listen to further discussions? 4 | YES 2

These are the only abbreviations you have to know to use this magazine: sb. = somebody sth. = something swh. = somewhere [U] = uncountable noun [C] = countable noun

Metro systems the world over attract the suicidal. Underground workers use the euphemism ‘a one-under’ to refer to someone who has thrown himself or herself under a Tube train. 2 King’s Cross and Victoria stations attract the most suicides.


Photo by Fish Gravy

The Great Pestilence There was meant to be3 a Tube station at Muswell Hill in North London. Unfortunately, when they started digging4 underground they ran into5 a massive plague pit6 – hundreds of skeletons of people who had died of the Black Death.

The superscript numbers in the text refer to the footnotes at the bottom or at the side of the same page. The footnotes explain the difficult vocabulary as determined by our non-native Spectral Stations proofreaders. Like you, these proofMeanwhile7, four stations are all said to be haunted8 by readers are learners so they are able ghosts. The ‘Screaming Spectre’ of Anne Naylor appears to identify the exact words you need at Farringdon Station. She was murdered and cut into to know to understand the sentence. pieces by her mistress9 in 1758. Bank Station is home to Definitions are given in English, so that Sarah Whitehead’s ghost. She was a nun10 whose brother, you learn to think in English and these Philip, was executed in 1811. Her phantom is supposedly definitions are then checked by the Photo by Tzortzis searching for him. The spirit of actor William Terriss is non-native proofreaders to ensure that said to visit Convent Garden Tube. He was stabbed to you will understand them. Some words death11 in 1897. Finally, Elephant & Castle is said to have are defined by pictures: we use these a noisy –but invisible– ghost. visual stimuli when that is the best way to fix an idea in your memory. Read Follow-on: the definition or look at the illustration and then re-read the sentence in question. By working with English-language 1 the world over – all around for victims of the Bubonic footnotes you will rapidly increase the world Plague 2 7 your vocabulary and learn how Engin New York they are more meanwhile – at the same time 8 to haunt – (of ghosts) frequent macabre; the term there is lish words relate to each other, all of 9 mistress – (in this case) ‘track pizza’! which will have a dramatic impact on 3 to be meant to be – be supfemale boss, lady in whose 1 your fluency and self-confidence . posed to be house one works as a servant 4 10 Some readers find it useful to put to dig (dig-dug-dug) – excavate nun – religious woman who 5 to run into (run-ran-run) typically lives in a convent their finger next to the word in the 11 to stab sb. to death – kill sb. – encounter article that they are looking for in the 6 plague pit – common grave with a dagger/knife footnotes to make it easier to return Photo by Sunil060902 to the text afterwards. Either way, it YES 1 | 37 be6 difficult to find your place 69-70 shouldn’t 23 because the footnotes are numbered and the words are highlighted in bold. Notice that the syllables and words that should be stressed2 are underlined. Red footnotes give extra cultural (rather than linguistic) information, 1 self-confidence – self-assurance (opposite of ‘self-doubt’, ‘hesitancy’) 2 or they refer you to other articles. to stress sth. – emphasize, underline

PHONEMIC SYMBOLS Here are the phonemic symbols that we use which might cause you problems.


/ʧ/ as in church, watch /ʃ/ as in wash, sure, action /ʤ/ as in judge, gesture /ʒ/ as in measure, vision /j/ as in yes /θ/ as in thick, path /ð/ as in this, breathe /ŋ/ as in sing

Pure Vowels

/æ/ as in cat /ʌ/ as in cut /ə/ as in occur, supply, aroma /ɜ:/ as in first, turn, earn /ɔ:/ as in court, warn


/iə/ as in ear, here /eə/ as in air, there

YES 2 | 5



For more on ‘potato parties’ watch - Should potato parties be banned by the Ministry of Health?


For more on the relationship between hunger and obesity, watch:


An 11-year-old lays out the facts on the food system at:

This section of the magazine offers short news stories organized thematically:

Anecdotes - several humorous anecdotes associated with some of the themes developed later in the magazine. 8 News - a couple of serious news stories associated with some of the themes developed later in the magazine. 9 Language News - news from the world of linguistics and language learning. 10 Archaeology News - keep up with the past 11 Science News: Food & Health - the results of the latest medical research 12 Science News: Fitness & Health - the results of the latest medical research 13 Science News: Animal Behaviour - the most recent discoveries from the world of animal psychology EXERCISE 2 7

14 15

Internet News - the latest stories from the Net Internet: The Humble Hashtag - the secret life of #

16 17

Politics: White Death - the case against sugar Politics: Fat Taxes vs. Fat Cats - the food corporations that provoke diabetes


Economics: The Dangers of High-frequency Trading - Can machines be trusted to run the financial markets? Economics: Rational Investment is Stupid - crazy markets are no place for reasonableness Behavioural Economics: Confessions of a Shopaholic - the machinations of marketing EXERCISE 4

19 20

6 | YES 2

Science | FOOD & HEALTH


Photo by Fina Fahey


A report from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition has found that eating small amounts1 of processed meat raises2 the risk of heart disease3. Eating as little as one rasher of bacon4 a day can increase the risk of an early death. Eating larger5 quantities of processed meat – for example three sausages a day – increases the risk of dying of heart disease by 72% and that of dying of cancer by 11%. While sausages6, bacon and salami are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle – people who eat processed meat are more likely to7 smoke and less likely to eat fruit and vegetables – the impact remains8 even after the risk is adjusted for these factors. It is postulated that the salt and the chemicals used to preserve processed meat are what is doing the harm9. The study involved 450,000 people in 10 EU countries. amount – quantity to raise – increase 3 heart disease – coronary problems 4 rasher of bacon – piece of bacon 5 larger – (false friend) bigger, greater 6 sausages – 7 to be more likely to – have a greater probability of (+ -ing) 8 to remain – continue to exist 9 to do harm (do-did-done) – have a negative effect 10 figure – (in this case) percentage

staggering – shocking fatty acid – a carboxylic acid that forms part of a lipid molecule 13 junk food – food of little nutritional value 14 condition – (in this case) medical problem 15 mouse (plural ‘mice’) – small rodent 16 gourmand – sb. who enjoys eating too much 17 to wash sth. down with X – eat sth. while drinking X 18 to reach – get to, arrive in 19 the bloodstream – the system of veins and arteries






p. 6

Another problem associated with modern lifestyles is asthma and other allergies. These have also been linked to diet. An international study found that six and seven year olds are 27% more likely to7 suffer from asthma, severe eczema and rhinitis if they eat fast food three times a week or more. The figure10 for 13 to 14 year olds is a staggering11 40%. Asthma may be associated with certain fatty acids12, however no causal link has been demonstrated and it may be that children who eat a lot of junk food13 simply have less healthy lifestyles in general. Eating more fresh fruit and vegetables counteracts the allergic effect.

Photo by Marina Carresi


Too much salt in food aggravates autoimmune conditions14, including multiple sclerosis and psoriasis – at least in mice15 – according to the Yale School of Medicine. Research continues to see if a similar mechanism affects humans. ✚ For more on the dangers of salt, see. pp. 16-17.


OK, OK, that’s enough making you gourmands16 suffer. Here’s some good news. According to research done at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, when eating meat the healthiest thing you can do is wash it down with17 red wine. Antioxidants in the red wine – called ‘polyphenols’ – seem to reduce some of the unhealthy effects of meat. Specifically, they seem to stop cholesterol-forming compounds in the meat from reaching18 the bloodstream19.

YES 2 | 11


This section of the magazine offers...


22-23 Feature: How to lose weight sensibly EXERCISES 5, 29 24-25 Health: You are what you eat – the adulteration of food EXERCISE 5 26-27 Psychology: The interaction between mind and food EXERCISE 5 28-29 Ecology: Meat – decision time The meat you eat is about to change radically EXERCISE 5 30-31 Sports: Competitive eating – death by gluttony EXERCISE 5 32-35 History: Our relationship with food over the ages EXERCISE 5

56-57 Life: Pigs – how hogs have shaped our lives EXERCISE 26 58-59 Explorers: Ney Elias – the Great Unknown Explorer of Asia EXERCISE 6 60-63 Cinema: Ethnicity & Hollywood – the strange history of the movie industries attitude to race EXERCISE 16


Is the contents of our food sufficiently controlled? Are people becoming more squeamish?


For more on how to grow meat, watch: - Which alternative to conventional meat would you prefer? Why? For more on food waste, watch:


Is competitive eating a sport? If not, why not?


Do you agree that cooking is what differentiates us from other animals? If not, what else makes us unique?


For more on how food shapes our cities, watch:


Think of a song that tells a story (it doesn’t matter what language it is in). Tell the story in English. Why is this storytelling song important for you?


We tend to romanticize certain cultures such as Buddhism. BBC images from Myanmar in March 2013 show Burmese rioters orchestrated by Buddhist monks behaving like Nazis (towards the Muslim minority). How do you react to your cultural stereotypes being contradicted?


Are the sexual peccadilloes of politicians important in your country? Should they be considered important? What causes political scandal where you live?


Do you agree that film and television play a central role in moulding our view of people from other ethnic groups?

36-37 Music: Story-telling songs EXERCISE 7 38-41 Travel: Burma – Paradise Lost? Asia’s biggest secret is finally available to the conscientious traveller EXERCISE 30 42-45 Art: Still Life – the secret art of painting your lunch EXERCISE 25 46-49 Society: The Profumo Affair – sex, lies, spies and politicians EXERCISE 19 50-53 Poetry: Wordsworth’s Daffodils EXERCISE 31 54-55 Biography: Mrs Beeton – the most influential British woman ever?

YES 2 | 21


The engine8 of world trade9 was food and above all10 spices... A Mediaeval Big Mac?

A Potted1 History of Food Our Food Makes Us Human Our relationship with food defines us. For starters2 , cooking food is the only thing we do that unambiguously no other animals do. The great leaps3 in our history are also food-related. First we were huntergathers4 , i.e. 5 eaters of game 6 and forage7; then we were pastoralists – eating only one or two species of domesticated animals and consuming their milk. Finally, we developed farming and changed our diet again; bread and soup became standard. potted – (in this case) abridged, short for starters – to begin with, in the first place 3 leap – (in this case) substantial advance 4 hunter-gathers – community that survives by killing wild animals and finding edible plants for subsistence 5 i.e. – (id est) that is 6 game (U) – animals that are hunted (in this case) for food 1


32 | YES 2

Fast food was invented way back in the 12th Century. William FitzStephen, who died in 1190 describes the fast food area down by the Thames. In A Description of London he tells us how the ‘public cook shops’ provided a great selection of hot food for rich and poor. Fast food was still so popular a century and a half later that strict rules governed the price and the quality of takeaway food in London in the 14th Century. Indeed15, the Thames cook shops survived until the 18th Century. In the early 19th Century they were replaced by hot-pie16 shops and by fish-and-chip shops in the late 19th Century.

The engine 8 of world trade 9 was food and above all10 spices, the urge to eat something different.

Confucian Confusion Around 400BCE11 Confucius recommended that his followers should use chopsticks12 to eat, consolidating them as the cutlery13 of choice in China. Confucius, a vegetarian, was against the use of knives as they reminded him of the slaughterhouse14. forage – naturally growing food that one finds 8 engine – motor, impetus 9 trade – commerce 10 above all – especially 11 BCE – before Common Era, before Christ (BC) 12 chopsticks –


cutlery – eating utensils 14 slaughterhouse – abattoir, place where animals are killed for meat 15 indeed – (emphatic) in fact 16 hot pie – 13

p. 21


p. 21


This section of the magazine offers...



US vs. UK: the differences between food terms on either side of the Atlantic - An illustrated guide to British and American culinary idiosyncrasies 65-67

Word Building & Semantics: what’s growing in your semantic fields? - How different languages cause us to group things differently 68-69


Do you agree that the attitude to traffic lights in a country is symptomatic of that culture’s values in general?


What parts of the curriculum in your country would you eliminate? Is there anything that schoolchildren should study that they don’t?


Are ‘cat people’ fundamentally different from ‘dog people’ or is the population in fact divided between animal lovers and those who don’t particularly like pets?


Are ostentatious displays of religiosity inappropriate in professional sports?


Is youth wasted on the young? Is there anything you would do differently?


Are there any a priori criteria for deciding who gets laid off first from a company?

English in Context: cutting and cooking words in English - Nine different ways to cut and 20 ways to cook 70-71

False Friends: confusing culinary cognates and dishes that aren’t what they seem - How to avoid unpleasant surprises in Anglo eateries 72-73


Confusing Words: can you distinguish between a meal, a dish, a plate and a lunch?

Phrasal Verbs: all the multi-word verbs you need to be able to cook in English - Plus food words that are used to make un-culinary phrasal verbs 75-77


Translation: fun with thermometers!

80-83 Idioms: Euphonic Alternatives - Dozens of English idioms are unstable – oscillating between two (or more) forms. What is the surprising reason behind this indecisiveness? 84

64 | YES 2

Etymology: the curious history behind some everyday food terms

Can you think of any dishes from your country that have confusing names? Explain in English what the dish consists of and what it might be confused with.

English in Context

Shredded vegetables

Photo by Chopping parsley

Cutting in the Kitchen

There are two fundamental areas of food preparation: cutting and cooking. On this page we will look at the English vocabulary for cutting up food. On the next page we will do the same for cooking.

Photo by Katerha Carving a turkey

Photo by Dinner Series

slice: cut into thin flat pieces. Typically, you slice bread, ham and cheese with a knife. - He sliced the loaf of bread1. - Would you like a slice of cheese. carve2: cut slices off using a carving knife3. Typically, you carve roast4 meat. - Would you like to carve the turkey, dad? chop 5: cut into pieces. Chopping implies pressing the cutting instrument against the food or hitting the food with the cutting tool6, such as a cleaver7. Typically, you chop meat or parsley8. A chop is a slice of meat usually including a piece of bone9 that has been chopped from the carcass10 of an animal (using a cleaver7). dice: to cut into small pieces that are more or less square or cubed. Typically, you dice carrots11.

loaf of bread – to carve – 3 carving knife – 4 roast (adj.) – cooked in the oven with some type of oil, grease or fat 5 to chop – 6 tool – instrument, implement, utensil 7 cleaver /ˈkli:vər/ – 8 parsley – a herb (see photo) 9 bone – 10 carcass – dead body 11 carrot – 12 cabbage – 13 grater – 14 mincer (UK English) – meat grinder /ˈgraindər/ (US English) 15 peeler – 16 chopping board (UK English) – chopping block (US English) 1


70 | YES 2

shred: chop finely into thin pieces. Typically, you shred cabbage12. grate: break into small pieces using a grater13. Typically, you grate cheese. mince: cut into small pieces using a mincer14. Typically, you mince meat. Meat that has been minced is called ‘mince’ in UK English and ‘ground beef’ in US English. mash: turn food into a purée. Typically, you mash potato. peel: take the peel (= skin) off a vegetable or a piece of fruit. Typically, you peel potatoes. You may use a peeler15. In the kitchen you cut things up on a chopping board16 – a special wooden or plastic board. 22

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How to Buy Your English Supplement (Yes) All versions of the magazine include an hour’s original recorded material. The special collector's edition and the digital magazine will inlcude a special download code with each issue which will allow you to download the corresponding audio files.

If you have any questions regarding subscriptions or would like more information about our magazine, please visit or contact us at

1. Digital magazine >> Individual issues: €4 >> Annual subscription (10 issues): €30

2. Special Collectors’ edition (print magazine) >> Individual issues: €10 + postage and packing* >> Annual subscription (10 issues) + access to corresponding digital issues: €80 + postage and packing* The collectors’ edition is also available from official stockists in Spain (see our website for complete list).

3. Yes iPad app Coming soon to the iTunes store. For further information on the app please visit

AUDIO SCRIPTS The following pages contain the transcriptions of what is spoken on the audio files.


Spoken English is significantly different from the written language: A more limited vocabulary is generally used and it is, by definition, more colloquial. Moreover1, spoken English uses many more incomplete or badly constructed sentences. On the other hand, intonation and stress can be used in speech.


YES NO. 2 TRACK LIST Mini-debates (30m27s) 1. Should Most Traffic Lights Be Abolished? (5m24s) 2. Should Mary Seacole be Removed from the National Curriculum? (8m10s) 3. Which are better – cats or dogs? (9m38s) 4. Does God Follow Sports? (7m14s)

Follow our eight-step process to get the most out of the audio scripts: 5. Psychology of Food (0m56s)


Before you listen we recommend that you read through the relevant section of the footnotes2 (not the text itself). This should give you some idea of the subject3 and help you to understand the more difficult vocabulary as you listen.


When you listen the first time, don’t expect to understand everything; listening practice should not be a painful4 process. Simply see how much meaning you can extract from the recording.


Listen more times going back to the footnotes to integrate the information you have.


Once you understand reasonably well, do the relevant exercise.


Finally, read the audio scripts as you listen again.


Stop each time you get lost or encounter a structure that interests or confuses you.


Repeat words or phrases whose pronunciation surprises you.


Two or three days later, listen to the text again without reading to see if your understanding has improved5.

Monologues: Youth is Wasted on the Young (11m42s) 6. Monologue 1 [US English] (2m46s) 7. Monologue 2 [British English] (4m10s) 8. Monologue 3 [British English] (2m31s) 9. Monologue 4 [Irish English] (2m14s) 10. Pigs in English (0m41s) Mini-Dialogues (20m02s) 11. Umbrella Organization (1m19s) 12. The Marriage-Guidance Counsellor (6m20s) 13. Learning the Irish Brogue (5m35s) 14. The Short Straw (6m45s) 15. The Death of the Texan Drawl (1m01s) 16. Picture Description (4m32s)

This process is intense and time-consuming. However, it will eventually6 solve the problem most learners have of relating7 the spoken word to the written. Once you’ve done that, the rest is easy!

Total time: 1h09m24s

moreover – what’s more, furthermore footnotes – notes at the bottom of the page (in this box) 3 subject (n.) – (in this case) theme 4 painful – (in this case) arduous, unpleasant 5 to improve – get better 6 eventually – (false friend) in the end 7 to relate – associate, connect, link 1


YES 2 | 87




Listen to these short discussions.

1. Should Most Traffic Lights Be Abolished? (5m24s) Englishman (EM): I was reading the other day about this idea that most traffic lights1 should be abolished. Apparently, something like 20 sets of traffic lights have been removed2 in London and they are reviewing3 thousands of them to see whether4

they are really a good idea or not. I mean 5, I’m not a driver, so a traffic light for me is just6 what makes the taxi stop or the bus stop. But those of you who do drive7, what’s your attitude? American man (AM): But when

Photo by Marina Carresi

traffic lights – to remove – (false friend) eliminate 3 to review – evaluate 4 whether – ‘if’ (but ‘if’ cannot be used before ‘or’) 5 I mean – (pause filler) y’know, like, sort of, kind of 6 just – (in this case) simply 7 do drive – (emphatic) drive 8 flow – flux, movement, circulation

whereas – by contrast gambler – (in this case) risk taker 11 to shoot the lights (shoot-shot-shot) – race through traffic lights, drive quickly past traffic lights 12 stoption – the option to stop or go past a traffic light when it is flashing 13 stretch – section 14 pedestrian – sb. who walks in a town 15 walkway – footpath





88 | YES 2

you say ‘better’, what do they mean? Better in the sense that it reduces traffic or the traffic flow8 is better? EM: I believe the argument goes… I believe the argument goes that without traffic lights1 drivers take responsibility for crossing when it is the appropriate moment, whereas9 …I don’t know if you use the expression in America, but in Britain we have the term ‘amber gambler 10’ and the idea is that people will tend to shoot the lights11 trying desperately to… they will accelerate when they see the amber lights, try to get through, etc. AM: Yeah. EM: And that causes a lot of accidents. AM: Yeah, yellow means accelerate, right? Irishman (IM): Yeah, ‘stoption’ 12! I mean 5, the only problem is though that I can understand maybe removing 2 traffic lights 1 from certain long stretches13 of city roads where you’ve got maybe lots of pedestrian14 walkways15 that maybe hold up16 traffic flow8 and maybe cause more bumper 17 -to-bumper 18, road rage19, that kind20 of thing. But, at busy junctions21? No. There’s no way I can imagine that anyone would benefit from there not being some sort22 to hold sth. up (hold-held-hold) – delay, impede 17 bumper (UK English) – fender (US English), metal bar on the front or rear of a vehicle that absorbs an impact 18 bumper-to-bumper – traffic jams, traffic congestion 19 road rage – extreme aggression associated with the frustration of driving 20 kind (n.) – sort, type 16


p. 64





14. Word game: test your vocabulary and understanding of English morphology.


15. Phrasal Verbs Round-up: how many new phrasal verbs have you learned this month? 16. Cinema: a reading comprehension about the article on pp. 60-63.




1. Illustrations round-up: see if you can identify most of the objects and actions illustrated in the footnotes of this issue.


2. Title Tag: can you match these alternative titles to the news and science articles on pp. 7-13? 3. Confusing Words: practise using ‘meal’, ‘dish’, ‘plate’, ‘food’ and ‘course’ correctly (p. 74). 4. Economics: reading comprehension for the three articles on pp. 18-20.


5. Word Search: find words relating to food and cuisine. This exercise relates to pp. 22-35 and pp. 65-77.


6. Prepositions: fill the gaps in this text relating to the explorer Ney Elias (pp. 58-59) with prepositions. 7. Music Match-up: can you match these summaries to the songs mentioned on pp. 36-37?


8. Crossword for general vocabulary revision.


9. Sentence transformation for general syntax revision.


10. Debates: listening comprehension for audio tracks 1-4


11. Visualizing Vocabulary: revise the terms in the US vs. UK article on pp. 65-67.


12. Pronunciation: can you remember the chiming alternatives for these idioms from pp. 80-83? 13. Pronunciation round-up: review the difficult words from the footnotes


17. False Friends: test how well you have understood pp. 72-73. 18. False Friends Round-Up: review the false friends identified in the footnotes.


19. Homophones: find the misused homophones in this extract from the article on the Profumo Affair (pp. 46-49) 20. Internet Listening: test your listening comprehension of this fascinating talk.


21. Word Building: can you find the compound nouns from pp. 68-69? 22. English in Context: match these cutting and cooking words to foodstuffs to check that you assimilated pp. 70-71.


23. Dialogues: a listening comprehension on tracks 11-14 (pp. 102-109) 24. Translation: more real broken English to correct. See pp. 78-79.


25. Reading Comprehension: did you understand the article on still lifes on pp. 42-45? 26. Wordplay: another word game relating to the articles about pigs on pp. 56-57.


27. Food Phrasal Verbs: complete these sentences containing food-related phrasal verbs from pp. 75-77.


28. Listening comprehension for the monologues (audio tracks 6-9, pp. 98-102). 29. Feature: reading comprehension. See p. 23.


30. Map exercise: a bit of topography relating to the travel article (pp. 38-41). 31. Poetry: use the rhyme scheme to complete the poem ‘Daffodils’, analyzed on pp. 50-53.

131-133 ANSWERS

YES 2 | 111

27. Food Phrasal Verbs. Read the articles on food-related phrasal verbs on pp. 75-77. Then, without looking at the article, fill the gaps in the following sentences to complete the expressions correctly: i. Study the verbs on p. 75. Then, without looking at the article, fill the gaps with one of these verbs. The initial letters have been given to help you: 1. To make Russian salad, first you have to d_____ u___ an assortment of vegetables. 2. Nick, don’t w______ d_______ your food. Eat slowly and appreciate the flavours. 3. Your job is to l_______ o______ punch into these drinking bowls, OK? 4. Traditionally, the man of the household c______ u___ the meat for Sunday lunch. 5. S_______ u_____ the onion as thinly as possible, please. 6. He b________ d________ his breakfast because he was desperate to get outside to play in the snow. 7. D_______ o_____ the food as quickly as possible so that people aren’t waiting too long for their meals. 8. Does one person d______ u___ the food or do we each serve ourselves? 9. C______ u___ the meat using this cleaver. Careful, it’s very sharp. 10. Jaime says he can k______ u_____ a three-course meal in a quarter of an hour. ii. Study the verbs on p. 76. Then, without looking at the article, fill the gaps with a food word: 1. Jackie’s always trying to _______ up the teacher with her compliments. 2. In the TV show they ________ up an old pickup so it roared like a tiger! 3. Could you help me to ________ my hat out of the pond? The wind blew it off. 4. He ________ his time away daydreaming about being a movie star. 5. If we all ______ in we can buy the time machine and then share it. 6. Apparently, the party treasurer was _________ off a sizeable commission for himself. 7. He’s meant to be a serious actor but he really ______ it up in that film. 8. Are you going to _____ yourself up or are you ready to leave now? 9. She ________ up when I mentioned her wayward brother. 10. Stop ________ about and help me with the cleaning. iii. Study the verbs on p. 77. Then, without looking at the article, fill the gaps with a preposition: 1. I don’t feel like going out tonight. Let’s just chill _____ here. 2. Come on, kids. Simmer ______. The class has started. 3. His letter was peppered ______ exclamation marks. 4. Does the restaurant cater ______ vegetarians? 5. They gingered _____ the party by adding vodka to the fruit juice. 6. She churned ______ romantic novels at an unbelievable rate. 7. In periods of expansion the government should be salting _______ resources for times of recession. 8. How can we spice ______ the atmosphere in the club?

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STAFF Anglo Files, S.L. (publisher) Nicholas Franklin (editor) Marina Carresi (artistic director and photography, proofreading) Nathan Burkiewicz (sub-editor, page-design, webmaster) Fabiola Vieyra (promotion) Josh Tampico (sound engineer) Gonzalo Cohen (legal)

WRITERS, VOICES, INVALUABLE SUPPORT & HELPING HANDS Douglas Jasch, Prof. Raoul Franklin, Colman Keane, Almudena Cáceres, Susannah Jones, Robbie Jones, Lois Humphrey, Julie Davies, Adrian Hall, AmyJo Doherty, Hamish Binns, Ruth Hellema, Garrett Wall, Dave Mooney, Howard Brown, Bea Alzona, Saskia Eijkins.

PHOTOGRAPHY Cover photos: ‘Food’ by David Osado, ‘Burma’ by Belén Gutiérrez. Belén Gutiérrez, Sara L. Carresi, Jacobo Trévol, Mario Herrera, Leonardo L.Carresi, Sonia Crivillers, Irene Sanz, Ana Lozano, Jaume Carbonell, Marcelo Fabra, Isabel Rodríguez

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Nicholas Franklin

Marina Carresi


Nathan Burkiewicz

Published by Anglo Files S.L. C/ Bronce 27, 11-B, Madrid 28045 Depósito legal: M-9788-2013 // ISSN: 2255-5676 PVP: 10,00€ VAT included/incluido IVA // Printed in Spain All rights reserved. Neither all nor part of this magazine can be reproduced, recorded in or transmitted by any information-recovery system by any means, be it mechanical, photochemical, magnetic, electronic, photocopies or any other method or used for commercial purposes without prior written permission from the publisher and in accordance with the Intellectual Property Law. Any violation of these terms and conditions will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

In the Next Issue of Your English Supplement

SEX Focus: a Serious Look at

Photo by Jacob Appelbaum


The Science of Sex: The chemistry of love

Zoology The Birds and the Bees: Animals and sex Virgin Births: Animals that don’t need sex

The Great Debate Gender: The town in which girls spontaneously become boys

History Ancient contraceptives

Functional English Talking Dirty: The language of sex

Travel Bristol: delicious contradictions

Common Mistakes


The Copulative



Mary Carpenter: Spare the rod and spare the child

Sexual euphemisms explained

Biography Isambard Kingdom Brunel: The man who built the modern world

Photo by Marina Carresi

Plus loads more stuff on economics, internet, science, news, language etc. which we haven’t decided yet!

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