Moringa Cookery Book Ed. 1 2017

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What do we want to offer with this Cookery book? For some of you it will be the chance to discover an exceptional functional food, such as the leaves of the Moringa tree. For others, it will be the discovery of new and interesting culinary applications. And to those who have made this recipe possible with their dedication and creativity, we offer our gratitude and appreciation to those who have made this book of recipes possible with their dedication and creativity and thank them for participating.

We want to make you take part in the admiration we feel for the nutritional excellence of the Moringa tree and to share the special relationship we have with this natural treasure on our agro-organic farm and believing in the need for respect for the land and its seasons. From Pirareta Colony, in Piribebuy, Paraguay, as micro-producers dedicated to the cultivation of the Moringa Yguá, with satisfaction, we share this Cookery book with you.


PG 02

Welcome, we are on our way to Pirareta, Paraguay.


A superfood recommended for its great nutritional value Moringa is undoubtedly one of the three important superfoods, besides quinoa and amaranth. It is so not only because of its nutritional value, but also because of the historical importance of herbs for the Paraguayan people ever since the heyday of the Guarani nation. The Guaraní cuisine is one of the three most significant in pre-Columbian America, besides those of Mexico and Peru. Apart from Moringa´s centuries-old use in the food of the Guarani people (and many others in South America), today there are great chefs who have incorporated Moringa into haute cuisine; like María Marte, a chef originally from the Dominican Republic and now in charge of the cooking in the Allard Club in Madrid. She has created a dish, the Cream of Desire, using Moringa. Maria participated as a member of the jury with me in the 2016 Moringa Challenge, in which I was accompanied also by Teresa Valero, of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation; Alejandra Feldman, gastronomic journalist; Elisa Escorihuela, nutritionist, and Antonella Ruggiero, Deputy General Secretary of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy.

PÁG 04

With the help of Moringa we can prepare dishes ranging from creams and soups to homemade ravioli, chocolate truffles or pizza with Moringa. It was the latter that won the prize for the best recipe in the last Moringa Challenge. The winner was announced at an event that took place at the Paraguay stand at Fitur in January 2016. For the first time, all these recipes using Moringa are compiled in a Cookery book, within the reach and availability of all. As President of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy, I would like to express our satisfaction and support for this initiative of Yguá Moringa, which is giving due value to a product of extraordinary quality, of great nutritional interest and one that can be easily incorporated into our diet.

MR. RAFAEL ANSÓN President of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy

Yguรก Moringa, biodynamic cultivation.


The Cookery book Recipe is, for some of the most gastronomic cybernauts, one of the most frequently searched words on the Internet. Furthermore, words derived from it (like book of recipes) have started to play a frequent, unquestionable role on amateur social networks and among experts in the kitchen. Our offering today is the consequence of a hashtag that the friends of Yguá Moringa launched in 2015 and 2016, #RetoMoringa, in order to have easy access to a selection of culinary dishes taking into account certain prerequisites, that is, unpublished recipes containing the Moringa as an ingredient, that care for nutritional intake and are able to be reproduced at home.

The result? An award and the opportunity to be part of this gathering of simple, useful recipes into a cookery book, dishes you will always wish to resort to when you are tired or feel the desire to eat well without your dish becoming, as Marta Garaulet - nutritionist and Spanish researcher and National Gastronomy Award 2015 would say - “the diet of chicken breast and lettuce”. This is a Cookery book, certainly the first written by people like you, without boundaries, and to be celebrated as unique in Spain, Paraguay and by all those who believe that food is a fundamental factor in a healthy lifestyle.

ANTONELLA RUGGIERO Deputy General Secretary of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy

PG 06

Yguรก Moringa tree plantation with a seasonal green manure cover.


Healthy diet One of the terms used in the field of nutrition, is “healthy” diet. To achieve this, three requirements must be met: variety, balance and moderation. If we speak of a variety of foods, we mean that the diet includes different food groups (vegetables, fruits, cereals, meats, fish, etc.), and within each group, different foods (e.g. not just one type of fruit but various: apple, orange, pear, kiwi, strawberries…).

The contribution of fibre (11.8%), mainly soluble, contributes to the growth of the microbiota in the colon, due to the richness of the substances that compose it, derived from complete protein and antioxidant compounds. Vitamins of group B (thiamine, B6, folic acid and B12), vitamin C, A, E and K are significant. The Moringa contains a remarkable quantity of calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.

Furthermore, variety should also mean the use of different cooking techniques.

In this Cookery book, Moringa is combined with all types of food: dried fruits and vegetables, fish, pasta, pizza, eggs, etc. adding nutritional value to them.

This is where the Moringa leaves come into their own the “star” ingredient of this recipe book, and that can be ingested through infusions or as a seasoning in powder form by adding it to different dishes from any corner of the world.

I hope this is to your interest and above all, that you will enjoy eating a healthy diet by adding Moringa to your dishes.

Its energy value is 324 Kcal per 100 grams of product. As for macronutrients, 25% of its composition is protein, 18% carbohydrate low glycemic index and 10% lipid where oleic is the most abundant fatty acid (mainly in seeds). TERESA VALERO Chief Information Officer of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation

PG 08

It is easy to maintain a complete nutritional hydration taking Yguรก Moringa since youth.

Index 12

Vegetables & Moringa


Pulses & root vegetables


Pizzas & dough


Rice & pasta






Yguรก, History


Moringa Challenge Winners

Before the sun rises, the Yguรก Moringa leaves are sprayed with Biodynamic Preparation 501.

Vegetables & Moringa PG 12

- Tabule of cous cous with Moringa - Fresh Swiss chard, dried fruit and Moringa - Moringa cannelloni - Delights of the market garden - Spinach Roulade with Moringa - Moringa Tapas

Fresh leaves of Yguรก Moringa picked at dawn.

Cous cous Tabule with Moringa Put the cous cous in a bowl and cover with cold water. Add enough to allow the cous cous to soften. Chop the tomatoes in cubes and add the cous cous (drained if necessary). Wash and pat dry the parsley, peppermint and basil. Chop finely and add to the cous cous. Slice the spring onion finely and add to the cous cous. Grate the lemon peel, squeeze the juice and incorporate both to the salad. Garnish with salt, pepper, oil and mix well. Sprinkle the salad with the Moringa on and mix. Cool in the refrigerator for an hour. PG 14

INGREDIENTS 300 g cous cous 1 blue tomato 1 raf tomato 1 raw tomato 100 g fresh parsley 12 fresh mint leaves or fresh mint 5 fresh basil leaves 1 small onion 1 trocadero/French lettuce 1 lemon 80 ml extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon sea salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoons Moringa Water Note: We can use any variety of fresh tomato.

PRESENTATION Serve the salad in a bowl decorated with leaves of trocadero lettuce around it. Suggestions on how to eat it: take a lettuce leaf, fill with the salad and roll it up with the filling inside.

By Marcelo Mattar, Argentina.

PG 15

PG 16

Fresh Swiss chard, dried fruit and Moringa INGREDIENTS 1 bunch of Swiss chard

Wash and cut the chard well, drain and put to one side Cut the prunes and dried fruit into pieces no more than an inch long and put to one side.

1 onion Prunes Dried fruits

Cut the onion into small cubes and lightly fry in extra virgin olive oil. When golden, add a dash of vegetable broth and seasoning to taste.

Organic Vegetable Broth Spicy seasoning Extra virgin olive oil from Jumilla with

Incorporate the chard and cook until ‘al dente’. When ready, add the prunes and dried fruits. Cook a couple more minutes.

orange essence Moringa powder

PRESENTACIÓN Serve the Swiss chard on a white dish, and sprinkle with Moringa.

By Carmen Molina Navarro, Spain.

PG 17

Moringa cannelloni For the cannelloni: Mix the milk well with the flour and the Moringa. Incorporate the eggs and beat. Add the butter and continue beating. Add salt and place in the refrigerator about 20 minutes. Cooking. Preheat a frying pan over low heat, butter the inside, and put in some of the mixture and cook without letting it brown. For the vegetable filling: Cut the vegetables in strips. Heat the pan with the olive oil and fry in this order: onion, carrots, red pepper and aubergine skin. Add salt and put to one side. For the red sauce: Peel the 2 tomatoes and cut them into large pieces. Heat the oil and sauté the onion. Stir in the finely chopped garlic. Add the tomato puree, the bay leaf, salt and reduce.

INGREDIENTS For the cannelloni:

For the vegetable filling:

220 g wheat flour

2 carrots

2 eggs

1 onion

1 l milk

1 red pepper

30 g melted butter

60 g aubergine skin


Salt (required amount)

10-15 g Moringa powder

Extra virgin olive oil (quantity needed)

For the red sauce: 200 g tomato puree , 1 clove of garlic , 1 bay leaf , Half an onion, diced , 2 tomatoes, Salt, Pepper.

PRESENTATION Preheat oven to 180 ºC. Take a sheet of dough and add a little filling just below an imaginary centre. Roll up and fold in the ends. Repeat the operation until the dough and filling are finished. Place the cannelloni in a baking dish and bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove and add the sauce leaving a little for decoration. Serve hot. Place a spoonful of sauce at the bottom of a dish and the cannelloni on top. As an optional, decorate the cannelloni with a couple of strips of red pepper and carrot in cubes. Note 1: you can add a little more Moringa to the filling, without overdoing it. Note 2: mincemeat can also be used in the filling.

By Karen Pérez, Paraguay.

PG 19

Delights of the market garden Peel the potatoes, slice and boil. When cooked, mash and mix together with a couple of tablespoons of Parmesan cheese, a dash of cream, a spoonful of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper and 2 teaspoons of Moringa. With this mixture, form small balls, roll in the flour, dip in the egg and cover with breadcrumbs. Repeat with the egg and breadcrumbs and fry in very hot oil. Drain and put to one side. Wash, chop the asparagus and lightly fry in extra virgin olive oil. Add the Himalayan rose salt, the Moringa leaves and cook until ready. Beat 4 eggs, season to taste, add the Moringa leaves and put the mixture in the frying pan with the asparagus. Dice the tomato, season with salt, Moringa, oil and vinegar.

PG 20

INGREDIENTS Moringa Leaves Moringa powder 5 medium-sized potatoes 1 bunch of green asparagus 1 tomato 6 eggs Pink Himalayan Salt Black pepper Wheat flour Breadcrumbs Grated Parmesan cheese Cream Extra virgin olive oil Balsamic cream vinegar

PRESENTATION Serve the scrambled asparagus in a serving dish, preferably transparent. The tomato is placed with 4 potato balls in an attractive bowl separately.

By Silvia Varona, Spain.

PG 21


Spinach Roulade with Moringa For the dough: Preheat oven to 160 ºC. Sauté the spinach leaves and, when they are ready, add 2 teaspoons of Moringa (off the heat). Separate the whites from the yolks of 4 eggs. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Combine the spinach with the egg yolks, add salt and a pinch of nutmeg then put the mixture through the blender. Add the egg whites to the mixture with the aid of a spatula and incorporate by stirring gently with circular movements. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and roll out the dough. Bake for 15-20 minutes. When it is cooked roll the dough and let cool. For the filling: Mix the avocados with the smoked salmon and cream cheese. Add the juice and zest of 1/2 lemon, salt and pepper.

PG 22

For the sauce: Blend 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes, a pinch of salt, pepper, a dash of extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, fresh basil and a teaspoon of Moringa. Unroll the dough, put the filling in. Roll it firmly and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

INGREDIENTS 500 g spinach

1/2 lemon

Moringa Yguá powder

Cherry tomatoes

4 eggs

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Grated nutmeg

Balsamic vinegar

2 avocados

Fresh basil

150 g smoked salmon


150 g Philadelphia cream cheese


By Victoria Meléndez, Spain.

PG 23

SPECIAL INGREDIENTS Moringa powder Gorgonzola cheese

Moringa Tapas

400 g polenta 1 beetroot 1 carrot 1 courgette Mashed potatoes 1 egg

PRESENTATION The different dishes are served together

PG 24

Polenta with Moringa and gorgonzola: Boil a litre of water and dilute in it three tablespoons of Moringa powder and some 375 g of polenta. Cook for about 8 minutes and serve on earthenware dishes. Add a small ball of gorgonzola cheese and an additional pinch of Moringa. With a vegetable cutter slice finely the beetroot, carrot and courgette. Bake until crisp and put on top of the balls of gorgonzola. Baked potato puree with egg: Spread mashed potato at the bottom of an earthenware bowl. Sprinkle it with Moringa and break an egg over it. Bake until set. For the crispy vegetables with Moringa: Taking advantage of the garnish made for the polenta, add a final sprinkle of Moringa and serve the dish of lightly baked crispy vegetables.

By Patricia Cornelis and Alfonso Antรณn, France and Spain.

Pulses & root vegetables PG 26

- Moringachickpea Hamburger - Yams with yucca with a trace of Kandinsky - Chorimoringueras potatoes

The white, delicate and aromatic Yguá Moringa flower.

PG 28

Moringachickpea Hamburger

INGREDIENTS For the hamburgers: 400 g cooked chickpeas 1 onion 1 clove garlic 4 tablespoons Moringa leaves

For the hamburgers: Wash and drain the chickpeas. Beat in a processor until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Dice very finely the onion and a clove of garlic and fry in extra virgin olive oil. Add the fried vegetables to the chickpeas. Incorporate the Moringa and mix by hand until completely uniform. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. With the mixture form balls which are then flattened to make the hamburgers. Fry in very hot olive oil until golden brown.

Extra virgin olive oil For the Moringa sauce: 3 garlic cloves 1 lemon 3 natural sweetened Greek yogurts 2 tablespoons Moringa leaves Salt Pepper Extra virgin olive oil For the “Burgos� salad: 100 g fresh cheese from Burgos 2 cherry tomatoes

For the Moringa sauce: In a blender, beat 2 cloves of garlic, the lemon juice, yogurts, Moringa, 50 ml olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Put to one side.

4 spinach leaves

PRESENTATION The Burgos salad: Cut the Burgos cheese into slices. Cut the tomatoes in half.

Place the hamburger on a plain dish, with a small bowl of Moringa sauce on the right and the Burgos salad on top: first the spinach leaves, then the cheese and finally the halved cherries. Garnish with the Moringa sauce and serve.

By Inmaculada Varona, Spain.

PG 29



Moringa powder and leaves

When the cassava and eggs are

Two egg yolks

ready, we arrange the food on the

Saffron two types (French

plate emulating one of the paintings

and Spanish)

by the famous Russian painter Wassily

1/4 cup of whisky

Kandinsky, in 1925.

Pinch of pepper and baked tomato

To one side of the plate we place the


fried cassava and next to it the yolks.

300 g yucca

Finish by tracing some lines with the

Extra virgin olive oil

leftover whiskey and the infusion of


Moringa leaves. A few small shoots and a little Moringa powder can give the final touch.

Egg yolks with yucca and a trace of Kandinsky Macerate the yolks in whisky and Moringa leaves for 15 minutes. Then cook one of the yolks at a low temperature (63-64 ºC) for 90 minutes and poach the other for 3 minutes and mix it with a reduction of the saffron. Boil the cassava in salted water and fry in extra virgin olive oil with the Moringa. Form small balls of the cassava with the remaining whisky and put to one side. Infuse 100 grams of Moringa leaves in a litre of water and keep until the moment of serving.

PG 30

By Hosanna Peña and Ricardo de Arrúe, Dominican Republic and Spain.

Chorimoringuera Potatoes Cut into cubes the peppers, the garlic and the chorizo. Stir the ingredients in a casserole with oil, mixing well to amalgamate the flavours. Peel and slice the potatoes. Add them to the pan and sautĂŠ. Add the Moringa and test for salt. Cover with hot water. Cook for 5 minutes over a high heat and 25 over low heat.

PG 32



1 kg potatoes

Serve in a bowl and decorate.

1/2 red pepper 1/2 green pepper 3 garlic cloves 1/2 spicy sausage 3 tablespoons Moringa leaves Extra virgin olive oil Water Salt

By Elisa FernĂĄndez, Spain.

Pizzas & dough PG 34

- Morinpizza Alma - Mbeju with Moringa

New shoots of Yguรก Moringa, new greens in the landscape.

INGREDIENTS 20 g yeast 1 teaspoon fructose 2 kg mixture of integral, organic flour spelt, rye, kamut and buckwheat, Moringa powder 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Hot water


Morinpizza Alma


Preheat oven to 250 ยบC. Put about 200 ml of hot water, yeast and fructose into a small bowl. Mix and let stand for 15 minutes. In a larger bowl add the 2 kilos of flour, Moringa powder, salt, oil, risen yeast and enough water to obtain a dough that can be mixed by hand. When everything is well mixed, cover with a cloth and let stand for one hour on a hot surface. Line the worktop with baking paper (according to the size of the oven tray to be used), sprinkle with flour and roll the dough out. On this base add the ingredients we want for the pizza and bake with the fan on. PG 36

Serve the pizza in pieces of a size that can be held in the hand on a flat porcelain dish or a wooden board.

By Alberto Guida and Mari Carmen Sรกnchez, Italy and Spain.

Mbeju with Moringa Put the butter in a bowl with the cheese and mix by hand until softened and smooth. Add the starch, the Moringa and the milk. Knead again. Heat a little butter in the frying pan and add a handful of the mixture without flattening it down. When the mixture is done one side, turn over and fry the other.

INGREDIENTS 500 g cassava starch 100 Paraguayan cheese 500 ml milk 1 tablespoon Moringa powder 150 g butter Salt to taste

PRESENTATION Cut the mbeju mixture into large pieces and serve them one overlapping another on the dish. Warning. Make sure it´s hot!

PG 38

By Karen PĂŠrez, Paraguay.

Rice & pasta PG 40

- Risotto Moringa with mushrooms - Seafood rice with bacon and Moringa - Moringa ravioli stuffed with mushrooms

Yguรก Moringa leaves seek out the light of the sun and its heat.

PG 42

Risotto Moringa with mushrooms Prepare the vegetable broth (if you have neither the time nor the inclination, use a concentrated broth cube). Clean the mushrooms and cut into thin slices. Slice the garlic and soften in extra virgin olive oil over lowmedium heat. Add the mushrooms, salt and a little black pepper. When ready put to one side. Heat the vegetable broth. Cut the onion into small pieces and gently fry 50 g of butter and 2 tablespoons of olive oil for 15 to 20 minutes. Add the rice to the casserole with 100 ml wine and let the liquid evaporate. Incorporate the mushrooms and put to one side. Add three scoops of very hot broth. Leave over a medium heat until most of the broth has evaporated, stirring continuously for the rice to release starch. Add a scoop of hot broth each time the rice runs dry and continue stirring. After 18 minutes try the rice. If necessary, add another scoop of broth and so on until it is ready. It should be very creamy. Add the grated Parmesan cheese, the remaining 25 grams of butter and the three tablespoons of Moringa.

INGREDIENTS 180 g short-grain rice 600-700 ml vegetable broth 150 g mushrooms 100 g chive (or onion) 75 g unsalted butter 50 g Parmesan cheese 100 ml white wine 2 cloves of garlic 7 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil Black pepper Salt 3 tablespoons of Moringa

PRESENTATION Using a circular mould, put the risotto in the centre of the plate. Sprinkle a little Moringa around it.

By Raquel Sedano, Spain.

PG 43

Seafood rice with bacon and Moringa Around 3 hours before preparing the dish, soak the clams in a bowl with cold water and a tablespoon of coarse salt to get rid of the sand. Heat 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet or paella pan, lightly fry the chopped onion, and, when it has a nice golden colour, add the clams previously washed and drained. Stir and incorporate the strips of bacon. SautĂŠ for 5 minutes on a lower heat. Add 4 large cups of water and raise the heat to the maximum. When it boils, add 4 small cups of rice and bring to the boil. In a mortar, we make a paste with the garlic and saffron and spoon it onto the rice. Sprinkle the stew with salt and Moringa and cook for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, add the prawns, lower the heat and cook until the rice is soft or all the water is absorbed (water may need to be added from time to time, depending on the variety of rice used). Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes.

PG 44

INGREDIENTS 1/2 k clams 8-10 cooked prawns 1 packet bacon strips 100 g onion 1 clove garlic Short-grained rice Extra virgin olive oil Saffron Moringa powder Water Salt Parsley

PRESENTATION Serve the dish decorated with Moringa powder.

By Teresa Montero, Spain.

PG 45


Moringa ravioli stuffed with mushrooms For the dough: Put the flour in a bowl with a hollow in the centre for the eggs and the Moringa. Mix well until the dough is consistent. Wrap in cling film and allow to cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then divide the dough into several pieces and pass through the pasta machine to achieve thin sheets. Cut into similar- sized shapes. For the filling and the ravioli: Mash all the ingredients and fry them on a low heat. When ready, with a teaspoon cut the ravioli into squares of 7x7 cm, squeezing the edges with a fork. Boil in plenty of salt water until al dente.

For the sauce: Blend what is left of the filling with a little cream. Cook over a very low heat.

INGREDIENTS For the dough:

For the filling:

100 g flour

Moringa powder

2 eggs

Oyster mushrooms

1 tablespoon Moringa powder

Garlic Onion


Extra virgin olive oil

For the sauce:


Part of the filling



Garlic Onion

PG 46

By Silvia Varona, Spain.

Desserts PG 48

- Strawberries with chocolate and Moringa - Green truffles (in food processor)

Pasture land on the Yguรก Moringa Farm.

Strawberries with chocolate and Moringa Melt the black chocolate bain-marie. When the mix is liquid, mix it with the Moringa powder.

INGREDIENTS 1 tablet of dark chocolate 3 strawberries 2 teaspoons of Moringa powder

PRESENTATION Place some dark chocolate in a bowl and the 3 strawberries on top.

By Patricia Cornelis and Alfonso Antón, France and Spain.

PG 51

INGREDIENTS 5 g cream with 35.1 % fat content. Vanilla drops 100 g chocolate with 70 % cocoa to be melted 15 g butter Moringa powder to coat the truffles Peeled Pistachios Croccanti and chocolate vermicelli for decoration

PRESENTATION Serve the truffles on an attractive dish. More chocolate vermicelli and small pieces of pistachio can be added.


Green truffles Heat the cream, add the vanilla, beat on speed 1 (of the food processor) and reserve. Grate the chocolate for 10 seconds on speed 9. Add the butter and mix for 5 minutes at speed 1 to reach 50 ยบC. Stir in the cream and mix for 5 seconds at speed 3. Keep in the fridge for 6 to 8 hours. After that, form small balls with a pistachio in the centre, cover with Moringa powder and chocolate vermicelli. PG 52

By Montse Toledo, Spain.

Yguรก PG 54

- Yguรก Moringa - Yguรก Moringa with rooibos and mint - Yguรก smoothie

Drinking Yguรก Moringa before and after exercise helps to give a good balance.

Yguรก Moringa Infuse the leaves by heating the water to 80 ยบC, without it boiling, and pour it over 8 - 10 g of Moringa oleifera leaves. Leave to stand for about 5 minutes before drinking if you enjoy it hot or leave it to cool; it will be equally good for you. The Moringa can also be prepared by macerating it in cold water. Use the same proportion of water and Moringa and wait until the liquid takes on an ochre colour, which indicates that the many nutrients of this functional food have passed into the water.

INGREDIENTS 10 g Moringa leaves 1 l water, mineral preferably

PG 57

Yguรก Moringa with rooibos and mint Mix the Moringa with mint and Rooibos to achieve a new combination of flavours that is refreshing, pleasant and healthy.

INGREDIENTES 10 g Moringa leaves

In this case, it is advisable to heat the water to 80 ยบC and pour on a mixture of Moringa oleifera Yguรก (10 g), Rooibos (3 g) and fresh mint leaves (3 g).

3 g Rooibos 3 g fresh mint 1 l water, mineral preferably

PG 58

Leave the mixture to stand between 5 minutes before removing the leaves. If you wish, place the jug in the refrigerator for a refreshing cold drink.

YguĂĄ smoothie Mix all the ingredients at a slow speed in the mixer. By using this simple process we gain the necessary nutrients and we have plenty of energy without feeling heavy before doing sports. In addition the smoothie can be taken after sports activity or any physical activity as an energy recovery source. Moringa powder brings the energy of a green superfood.

INGREDIENTS 1 banana 1 peach 1 paraguaya peach / or 1 cup of melon Wheat grass, 1 tablespoon 5 g of Moringa 1 teaspoon Moringa honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 Greek yogurt 3 cups of soy milk PG 61

PG 62

PG 63

Yguá, History We went in search of something as defined yet imprecise as the reason for longevity in human beings. We discovered a silent, almost concealed civilization, the Guarani, who possessed the secret of a long, active and quality life. We studied the works of Dr. Moisés Bertoni, a scholar of Nature, who lived with the Guarani for over 40 years. He was a scrupulous observer who patiently compiled the Guarani wisdom in his works to pass on to us with all generosity. “The Moringa tree is good here,” Dr. Bertoni affirmed. Science shows us nowadays that the teachings on good habits inherited from generation to generation are the secret of a long life. The Guarani used to drink yguá, water with herbs during the day. Among herbs, the Moringa is known as the tree of life. Nature has managed to gather in its leaves what human beings need to survive: complete protein, a variety of vitamins, a richness in minerals and high antioxidant capacity. We honoured this legacy of the Guarani people by giving the name “Yguá” to the Moringa that we grow in the Guarani land of Paraguay. Yguá Moringa Guarani is the result of the biodynamic agriculture that we carry out with conviction. Throughout the years, with observation and care we have obtained an expression of the vital species, full of nutritional value. Fulfilling work continues.

PG 64



Continuous observation of the teachings of Nature.


PG 66

Like the kitchen, the field needs the right ingredients: green manures.

The winner, Reinhard Wall, next to the Jury of the First Moringa Challenge, at the Club Allard. PG 68

Winner of the First Moringa Challenge The winner of the 2015 edition, Reinhard Wall, was awarded a dinner for two at the Club Allard in Madrid for his Yguá Moringa Risotto with Spinach. María Marte, chef of the 2 Michelin- star restaurant, presented the Diploma. According to Reinhard, “I had made the spinach risotto before but without the Moringa, and I was sure that the Moringa would combine very well with these flavours. In my recipe you see that it goes well with cheese and other dairy products. Care should be taken with the heat, to avoid the Moringa burning. I would advise using the Moringa in dishes with a component of vegetables, meats and fish with well-defined flavours where Moringa brings an alternative taste”.

PG 69

Winners of the Second Moringa Challenge Alberto Guida and M. Carmen Sánchez won the Second Moringa Challenge by presenting a recipe with “soul” that combined the culinary enjoyment of the best Italian pizzas with a series of healthy ingredients. As their authors put it, the Moringa oleifera functional food “balances pizza nutritionally”. The Moringa Challenge Jury valued the nutritional intake that the Moringa contributed to an everyday dish as versatile as is the pizza. In this case, it is a home-made pizza, in true Italian style using 4 different types of flour and a large amount of Moringa to enrich the dish nutritionally. The prize was a trip for two people to discover Paraguay and one of its green treasures: the Moringa Yguá Farm.

PG 70

Alberto Guida shows the diploma certifying his having won the Second Moringa Challenge. PG 71

Montse Toledo next to MarĂ­a Marte in the Club Allard. PG 72

Second price of the Second Moringa Challenge Montse Toledo won the Second Prize of the 2016 Moringa Challenge for her Green truffles. She was awarded a dinner at Club Allard, where she was able to meet the Chef and taste an exquisite menu produced with real ingredients, creativity and love.

PG 73



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