Moringa Cookery Book Ed. 2 2018

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Yguรก Plantation - Piraretรฃ - Piribebuy - Paraguay




Germination of the Moringa Guaraní seed

“The green winter manure has grown forming a green carpet, which benefits the soil while the sight of such a perfect combination of colours and aromas gives a sensation of peace and tranquillity. In the background we hear the buzzing of hundreds of bees busy pollinating.� Personal experiences on the Farm, July 2018 Rosa Santacruz Escobar

Mba’echapa, hello, how are you? From the Colony of Piraretã, Piribebuy, Paraguay, we wish to share with you our celebration of the publication of this Recipe book, which offers a varied selection of all the recipes received. Our sincere thanks to all those who contributed. We feel we are upholding a challenge, that of testifying to the value of the generous Moringa tree. And each year we share this challenge with you. Your collaboration motivates us to continue promoting the excellence of this species that makes us feel vital and well. Nowadays how easy it is to heat water to make an Yguá drink! The facilities we enjoy in our daily way of life are welcome. One, among other advantages, is being able to have more time to learn about the food we eat: its origin, the way it is grown and those who grow it.


This is why we include photos of the Yguá Plantation: its land, the sky above, its water, light and the people, who live with the Moringa. To transfer ourselves to this place, to those captured moments, so that we can enjoy the Moringa more little by little. As science advances we are still surprised by the depth of knowledge and judgement shown by the Guarani people in their vision for a long vital life. Their intuition, the fruit of observation, is a reality that is now being scientifically proven. As microproducers of Biodynamic Moringa, we perceive the positive energy that it gives out and feel too a respect for the environment that we impact on. We hope the Moringa will reach you with the same force and that you will enjoy it through this Recipe book. The Yguá Family



A past very much in the present “Longevity depends essentially on food, personal cleanliness and happiness. A concept rooted in the Guarani mind” Dr. Moisés Bertoni In the attached book we can read the testimony of André Thevet, C XVI, on the Guarani people. “Although many reach the age of 120, few have white hairs”. The Guarani people consider vitamins a vital element in all food, their life force. Most of the food they were accustomed to eating had a factor in common; it was rich in vitamins. In later studies it was shown that vitamins are formed in vegetables and are then passed on to animals.



A present that observes the past Who has not on some occasion felt the influence of the moon, or heard of it? The application of Biodynamic preparations in Biodynamic farming has its origin in an integral knowledge of the environment in which we live and by studying the monitoring of the cosmic rhythms. “For plants, vital living forces are much more important than the substantial ones, mere substances.” Rudolf Steiner, 1924, founder of Anthroposophy


Maria Thun Preparation, in the picture, based on cow manure, eggshells and basalt dust, together with the 5 biodynamic preparations made with medicinal plants. Applying this preparation favours soil decontamination and absorption by the plants of the vital forces in the earth so that they bring forth a food full of energy.


Future in the present In 2015 Stefano Mancuso, a Plant Neurobiologist, asked us whether we were aware of the evolution in the plant world. The following publication “The Future is Vegetable” (2017) reveals new research, which proves scientifically the capacity of plants to communicate… to feel… adapt to their surroundings and exchange information and nutrients through their roots. Furthermore it has been proved that plants can make distinctions, for example, compensating the hardest-working bees with a more substantial nectar prepared with the huge variety of biochemical products processed by plants.


The plant kingdom is like an incredible laboratory, capable of giving us a long life -so long as we care for it, as it deserves.

The route to Piribebuy. Department of Cordillera. Paraguay


A present full of hope within our reach On deciphering the human genome (2001) multiple advances and changes of paradigms have been made, derived from the regeneration capacity of our tissues. It is known that we depend 20% on our genetics; the other 80% on habits, life style... On food, personal hygiene and the happiness the Guarani tell us about!

It has been proved that every 10 years there is a complete regeneration of our cell tissues. Therefore, the contribution to our daily diet of products full of life matters, as they favour our present and future well-being. “We are not programmed to age, and we have certain genes that keep us healthy and strong… but there comes a time when ageing happens. A better understanding of how to delay and stop this cellular decay will help aging to take place later. Ageing is the cause of non-infectious illnesses”. María Blasco, Molecular Biologist Researcher in telomeres (structures that protect genes) and telomerase (enzyme) to keep cells young for longer. Notes collected in the book “Die young at 140”, written in collaboration with Mónica Salomón, in 2016.


Seeds of Yguá Moringa Guaraní under observation


We embrace the tree of life - the Moringa

Our work consists of motivating the human beings that live and work round the Moringa from an early age with dedication and love; holistically through the preparations they make, the green fertilizers, the compost. In this way we are able to obtain the high nutritional quality that the species is able to offer us.





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Chipa Guasu Pie with Moringa Tomatoes stuffed with vegetable and Moringa sauce with spinach Carrot Eco-Salad with lime and Moringa truffle Notes on the weather conditions during the 2017 – 2018 Campaign Fresh Moringa and spinach pasta Grilled turkey fillet with baked sweet potato Fideuá with an injection of Moringa Moringa Pappardelle pasta with white sauce Pumpkin stuffed with amaranth, Moringa and a rainbow of vegetables Idiazábal fritters with Moringa mayonnaise “Hulk” Green rice, “The rice of life” Cod with Moringa in three textures 2017 – 2018 Campaign Eco Moringa Migas (bread crumbs) Avocado Tabbouleh with Moringa Powder The visit of the bees Cover of green fertilizers Moringa Yguá Bread Moringolas pudding Harvest of 2017 - 2018 Campaign PREMIUM RECIPE Energy bars with Moringa Photocomposition, working on the Plantation DNA, Natural Daily Contribution Job satisfaction Yguá Yguá, preparation Sunset at the Plantation Yguá Sustainability

Walk along the seedbeds of the Guarani Moringas

INGREDIENTS 700 g Corn 3 eggs Half a Paraguay cheese 1 l milk 3 medium onions 5 g Moringa leaf A sprinkle of Moringa powder Extra virgin olive oil Salt to taste PRESENTATION

Chipa Guasu with Moringa


Serve on a dish and sprinkle Moringa powder on top and around the chipa.

Slice the onion in julienne strips and fry using extra virgin olive oil. Stir in the Moringa leaves and salt to taste. Leave to simmer for a few minutes and remove from heat.

Preheat the oven to 250 ° C and place the mixture in a previously greased and floured container, to bake for about an hour.

Cool for a few moments and add the Paraguay cheese in small pieces. Mix in a blender with the milk, egg and corn until all the ingredients are smooth, forming a thick paste.

Verify the mixture is baked by inserting a knife. If the knife comes out dry, the chipa guasu is ready. By María Lourdes Núñez, Paraguay

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetables baked with spinach and Moringa sauce Halve the tomatoes and scoop out the pulp, putting it to one side for later. Place the tomatoes face down with a little salt and leave to drain. Make an infusion or macerate the Moringa. Let stand. Using extra virgin olive oil sauté gently the onion, the green beans, top, tailed and sliced and the diced carrots until they are poached. When the vegetable is tender, add the tomato pulp. While this mixture is being reheated, take the spinach and sauté in a little oil and salt. Stuff the tomatoes with the vegetables and place in an ovenproof dish. Bake at 200 °C for approximately 8 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce by blending the spinach with the Moringa infusion and the cheese.

INGREDIENTS (4 pers) 6 ripe tomatoes 200 g green beans 2 carrots 1 onion A handful of spinach 3 or 4 small cheeses 4 soup spoons of Moringa leaves Extra virgin olive oil Salt Breadcrumbs and grated cheese to grill PRESENTATION Served hot with the sauce or cream.

Sprinkle a mixture of breadcrumbs with grated cheese over the tomatoes. Grill for a few minutes until golden brown. 22

By Isabel de la Morena, Spain

Carrot eco-salad with Moringa and lime truffle Eco-Salad: Without peeling the potatoes, cook them whole with the washed carrots in cold water and no salt. Cook between 20 and 30 minutes until done. Test by pricking with a fork. Put 5 fresh eggs into a small pan covered with cold water and add some drops of vinegar. Once brought to the boil, lower to a medium heat and cook for 10 minutes. Put the cooked yolks to one side to make the truffle. When the potatoes are cooked, remove the skin, shell the hardboiled eggs and mix together with the carrots by hand but not as smooth as a purĂŠe. Cool in the refrigerator. Mayonnaise: Break a whole egg into the blender with a pinch of salt and a few drops of lime. Cover with half the sunflower oil and beat at maximum speed. Add the rest of the oil little by little, without stopping. As we need a very thick mayonnaise, if required, a little more oil can be added until we obtain the required texture.


Truffle: Grate the remaining 2 yolks very finely into a bowl and mix with 1 teaspoon of Moringa, a teaspoon of grated lime, a pinch of grated nutmeg, fine salt and pepper.

Knead the mixture by hand adding a few drops of limejuice to get malleable dough and divide into two spherical balls. Wrap each of the balls in transparent film and press hard to compact them. Put in the coldest part of the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. PRESENTATION Take out the Eco-salad from the fridge and gradually add the mayonnaise until it is covered evenly. Fill a round mould in the centre of a flat dish with the Eco-salad, pressing down with a spoon. Remove the mould slowly. Take the truffles from the refrigerator and grate thickly over the salad keeping a little to sprinkle over the rest of the dish. Decorate the salad with a coriander leaf. If you wish, you can also sprinkle the dish with finely- chopped coriander.



Eco-Salad: 250 g organic potatoes 250 g organic carrot 5 free range eggs A few leaves of fresh coriander Salt to taste Mayonnaise: Organic sunflower oil (1 glass) 1 free-range egg ½ teaspoon limejuice Salt to taste Truffle: 2 cooked egg yolks 1 teaspoon of Moringa powder ½ teaspoon finely grated lime peel 1 pinch finely ground pepper 1 pinch grated nutmeg Salt to taste

By Alfonso Crespo Fernández, Spain



Notes on the weather conditions during the 2017 – 2018 Campaign (July 2017 – June 2018) Average temperature

22,4 °C

Average maximum temperature

34,1 °C

Average minimum temperature

11,5 °C

Total Heat during the Campaign Total rainfall during the campaign


268,3 °C 1.205 mm

Maximum temperature

36,8 °C (14 Dec. 2017)

Minimum Temperature

-1 °C (18 July 2017)

Fresh pasta with Moringa and spinach Bring to the boil then simmer all ingredients for the vegetable juice over a low heat for 45 minutes. Beat and strain. SautĂŠ the pumpkin with its seeds. When half-cooked add the cinnamon and orange juice. Reduce. Beat the mixture until smooth. To make the pasta: blanch the spinach and mince. Make a mound with the flour and put in the centre the egg, salt, Moringa and the spinach puree. Mix. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes. Pass through a laminator. Fill the pasta squares with the pumpkin and form the capelletti. Cook the cauliflower in water and coconut milk. Flavour with some slices of ginger. Salt and pepper. Make a purĂŠe with the electric beater. Blanch the tomatoes, yolks and slices of asparagus and courgette. Put to one side. Cook the pasta for a short time to avoid the capelletti opening. PRESENTATION Put the vegetable juice in the bottom of a deep dish Place the capelletti in the centre. Decorate with the vegetables. Add a few small scoops of the cauliflower puree. 30

INGREDIENTS For the fresh pasta:

Vegetable juice:

100 g strong flour 1 egg Salt 1 bunch of spinach 5 g Moringa

2 asparagus 1 bunch of spinach Half a courgette 1 onion 3 garlic cloves Salt Pepper 1 bunch of parsley 10 g Moringa

For the pumpkin: 100 g pumpkin Juice of 1 orange 3 g pumpkin seeds Cinnamon For cauliflower cream: 100 g cauliflower 100 ml coconut milk Ginger 100 ml water By Leticia Ruiz, Spain

Other ingredients: 5 asparagus 1 courgette 3 cherry tomatoes Extra virgin olive oil

Grilled turkey sirloin with baked sweet potato Heat top and bottom oven at 250 ° C for 10 minutes. Slice the sweet potato and put in the centre of the oven. Bake for 20 minutes. Slice the sirloin into fillets, macerated in Moringa for four hours. Fry gently for about 4 minutes, until golden brown. Without taking the frying pan off the heat add the mushrooms to the remains of the sirloin. Stir continuously until they are completely golden and without a trace of moisture. In a serving dish place first the slices of sweet potato then the turkey fillets on top. Add the mushrooms and the diced avocados. Sprinkle on the Moringa dust, the Himalayan salt and vinegar to taste.


INGREDIENTS (5 pers) 100 g Moringa powder 1 kg fresh turkey sirloin 2 kg fresh sweet potatoes 800 g fresh mushrooms 2 fresh avocados Himalayan Salt to taste Vinegar to taste

By David Albarrán Gómez, Spain

Fideuá injected with Moringa Clean and dice the eggplant into small cubes. Cook over a medium heat in extra virgin olive oil. Incorporate the mushrooms and then the tomato, peeled and diced. When cooked, add the noodles and stir for 2 minutes. Meanwhile, infuse Moringa leaves to substitute chicken or fish broth. Drain the liquid and add to the noodles and vegetable. Give a stir once a minute for 5 minutes. Let stand for 3 minutes and place on the serving dish. While the oven is heating to 220 ° C, grate 150 g Idiazábal cheese. Spoon little mounds of cheese with some Moringa leaves on top on kitchen paper or foil. Place in the top part of the oven for 3-4 minutes. By Alberto Gil, Spain 34

INGREDIENTS Fideuá (thick noodle) 1 small eggplant 2 handfuls mushrooms 2 cloves garlic 1 handful Moringa leaves 1 small tomato 150 g Idiazábal cheese Salt Extra virgin olive oil 1.5 l of water PRESENTATION Incorporate the melted cheese with the Moringa to decorate and enrich the dish.


Moringa Pappardelle with white sauce In a bowl form a circle with the dry ingredients, add the liquid ingredients progressively and mix everything together to make a dough ball. Knead until smooth and a uniform colour. Cover with cling film and leave to stand. On a floured surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of 3 mm and trim the edges, leaving a rectangle. Shake plenty of flour onto the dough; fold both sides in to the centre. With a sharp knife cut 1 cm strips. Boil in plenty of salt water, until the pasta is al dente. Drain and serve with the hot sauce.



INGREDIENTS For pappardelle:

For white sauce with mushrooms:

190 g flour 10 g Moringa powder 1 egg 5 g salt Water (as necessary)

25 g buttermilk 25 g flour 100 g skimmed/ whole milk 20 g mushrooms Moringa powder

For the sauce: Melt the butter and add the mushrooms. Pour in all the flour and stir with a hand whisk avoiding lumps. When well mixed, add the milk, salt and pepper. Continue stirring to reach a semi-thick consistency. Coat the noodles with the sauce. By Karen PĂŠrez, Paraguay 37


We maintain a good relationship with the trees, being attentive to how they feel and what they need. We respect their seasons whether of growth or internal construction, in order to obtain leaves with complete protein and diversity of substances with antioxidant elements.


Pumpkin stuffed with amaranth, Moringa and a rainbow of vegetables Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Cut off the top of the pumpkin. Discard the pips and with a strong spoon carefully empty the two parts of the pumpkin, leaving just 1 cm of flesh. Put the pumpkins to roast in the oven and keep the pulp to one side in a large bowl. Start by sautéing the pumpkin pulp in a large pan with coconut oil (keeping a third of the pulp for other uses, mashed potatoes, stew, etc.). Add salt and, while the pulp is simmering, wash and cut up the rest of the vegetables. Cut peppers into 1 cm cubes, chop up the onion, slice the leeks, asparagus, broccoli and finely chop the fresh turmeric. From time to time stir the pumpkin. Once the vegetables are cut up, add them to the pumpkin with some more salt and keep on stirring and cooking. Cut up the shitake mushrooms and add them to the vegetable mix. In a small pan we boil the amaranth in water and a pinch of salt or a drizzle of seawater. When cooked, keep covered up for later. Finish frying the vegetables.


Add spices, black pepper, tarragon, nutmeg… to taste, Stir the amaranth into the vegetables and leave the pan covered. Check the pumpkin in the oven. When it is well roasted, turn off the oven and leave the pumpkin inside. Blend the peeled tomatoes, soaked almonds, garlic, peeled ginger, ground Moringa, turmeric powder and salt in a suitable recipient. Taste and add more salt or spices if required. Remove the pumpkin from the oven and fill with the vegetables and amaranth mix. When stuffed, the sauce is poured uniformly over the top. Sprinkle with plenty of nutritional beer yeast and put back into the oven under the top grill. Grill for three or four minutes and the food is ready to serve. PRESENTATION The pumpkin can be decorated with slightly roasted sesame seeds and turmeric powder and freshly picked sprigs of rosemary can be added.

INGREDIENTS 1 pumpkin Odourless coconut oil 2 leeks 1 onion 1 red pepper

1 green pepper 1 yellow pepper 12 green asparagus Broccoli (optional) 250 g fresh shitakes 200 g amaranth Fresh turmeric

Tarragon Nutmeg For the sauce: Black pepper 30 g soaked almonds Salt 2 tomatoes 2 garlic cloves 15 g fresh ginger

3 tablespoons ground Moringa Salt Turmeric powder Nutritional brewer’s yeast By Fernando Juan García-Berlanga, Spain

Hulk Green rice, “The rice of life”


Infuse 10 g of Moringa in 1 litre of water in a wide low pan together with the spinach without boiling the water - 80-85 °C (reserving a couple of tablespoons, about 5 g, to be added later). In this first step after 6 minutes we will get the amber gold liquid, which will be the Keynote of the dish that highlights the superfood that concerns us. We place the Moringa and the spinach in this infused water, which we will keep on a slow heat in order to incorporate it into the rice little by little, to obtain a texture similar to risotto, without additional thickeners.

When the mixture is starting to boil we add the rice. During the cooking, stirring all the time, little by little we add a scoop of the broth from the pan that is being kept hot so as not to stop the rice cooking. This process is repeated until the rice is cooked, thus achieving a creamy texture.


While the rice is cooking, we will grind the two spoonfuls of dehydrated Moringa leaf to, obtain a powder. Stir gently into the rice, this final step providing extra nutrients and properties to our rice of life.

Moringa can be sprinkled over the food, preferably white, like the Moringa flower in order to highlight and enhance the appearance of the dish.

In extra virgin olive oil gently fry the garlic clove and half a finely diced onion so that they do not burn (adding of a trace of spice with the cayenne is optional). We incorporate the pasta blended previously with a little Moringa infusion and season to taste.

The rice is served as soon as it is ready.

For a side dish, take a slab of tuna, previously rolled in chopped nuts (macadamia and almond nuts) and sear in a hot pan. Cut into pieces and place on the rice base.

By Manuel Martínez, Spain

INGREDIENTS (2 pers) 200 g rice 15 g dehydrated Moringa leaves 400 g fresh spinach 1/2 onion 1 clove garlic

1 Cayenne chilli pepper (optional) 1 l mineral water 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil Salt Pepper 43


Cod with Moringa: three textures For the cod pil pil:

For the chickpeas with spinach:

Using plenty of oil, brown the sliced garlic and chilli Add the cod (with the skin facing up). Cook both sides about 5 minutes over a low heat. Put to one side. Warming the oil, thicken the sauce stirring constantly. When done remove from the heat.

Put the chickpeas to soak for 4 hours. Cook without salt until they are tender. Blanch the spinach. Chop the garlic and add it to the pan. Fry then add the chickpeas. Season with salt and pepper. Add broth from the cooking if necessary. Finally, add the spinach and the onion confit.

For the onion confit: Using a skillet or heavy frying pan, cook the onion slowly over a low heat in extra virgin olive oil and a little salt. Green apple and lime smoothie: Wash and core the apples. Chop and put in a Thermomix along with the peeled and seedless lime. Beat and pass the mixture through a cheesecloth without pressing. Put into a clean container and keep cold.


Moringa crisp lace tile: Beat the ingredients together with an electric beater. Put the mixture in a hot pan and half cover the pan to let the water evaporate and form the “tile�. Add Moringa leaves. Apple aioli: Beat the egg with the garlic and a few drops of lemon.

INGREDIENTS (4 pers) For the cod pil pil:

Onion confit:

100 g cod 1 clove garlic 1/2 chilli 50 g extra virgin olive oil Moringa powder Candied onion

400 g onion Extra virgin olive oil Salt

For chickpeas and spinach: 250 g chickpeas 100 g baby spinach 200 g onion confit Extra virgin olive oil Salt 2 cloves of garlic Pepper Apple and lime smoothie: 1 lime 1 Granny Smith apple


Moringa tile: 100 ml extra virgin olive oil 100 ml fish fumet Moringa powder 14 g of cornstarch Green apple aioli: 1 clove garlic Grapeseed oil 65 g pasteurized egg 1 Granny Smith apple Moringa powder Lemon, a few drops

PRESENTATION Put a layer of chickpeas and spinach over the pil pil sauce. It should not be too hot. On top place the cod loin. Place some aioli, the crisp teja and a trickle of the liquidised liquid. Put the pil pil sauce around the edge of the dish and decorate with pea shoots and other leaves.

By Leticia Ruiz Caballero, Spain

Idiazรกbal fritters with Moringa mayonnaise Start by preparing the bechamel, so that it cools while preparing the cheese and mayonnaise. To save time we can make the bechamel with the Thermomix. The mixture should be quite thick. First we coat the cheese in the mixture then roll it in the batter and fry it. We cut 12 cheese cubes about 1.5 cm each side. Put to one side. Prepare the mayonnaise with limejuice. Beat an egg and with a little flour prepare the batter prior to frying. Put extra virgin olive oil ready in the pan. When the la bechamel is ready, dip the diced cheese in it coating it well, and then each cube is rolled in the flour and egg. The cheese cubes are fried in hot oil. It is important not to put too many in the pan at one time to stop them sticking together.


INGREDIENTS (4 pers) For the bechamel:

For the batter:

Milk Butter Wheat flour Ground pepper Salt Nutmeg

Egg Wheat flour Extra virgin olive oil Moringa powder, 2 teaspoons Idiazábal cheese, about 12 dice of approx. 1.5 cm on each side (150-200 g)

For the mayonnaise: Sunflower oil Lime Egg Salt PRESENTATION

Before serving, soak up the excess oil by putting the fritters on a dish covered in absorbent paper. When serving, put a small amount of Moringa mayonnaise on the dish under the fritter and on top. A small piping bag can be used to do this.

By Fernando Juan García-Berlanga, España


2017 - 2018 Campaign

16th September 2017

17th January 2018

18th June 2018


We observe the capacity for regeneration in these GuaranĂ­ Moringa leaves. It must be the light and heat of the place that transform the vegetable juices into sugars for us to experience aromas, colour... for this transfer of energy, a special sensitivity is needed. Applying the six biodynamic preparations of compost and two other non-vegetable components to the earth and the leaves help capture and fix the living forces.


Eco- Moringa Migas Put 125ml oil in the pan and fry the ñora peppers until they are crispy, without burning them. Put to one side. Chop the pepper, the cauliflower and the broccoli and fry. Also fry the whole peeled garlic. To prepare the migas (crumbs) place the flour, Moringa powder, water and a pinch of salt in a bowl and knead. The amount may vary depending on the type of flour. The dough should be firm but somewhat lighter than bread dough. We can adjust the amount of water or flour as we go along. We put half a glass of oil (125 ml) in a pan, the one used previously to fry the ñora peppers and the rest of the vegetables. Add the dough and cook on a high heat. Cut and turn the dough with the spatula, frequently, until it comes away from the pan. Once the crumbs are separate, add all the ingredients previously fried.


INGREDIENTS 250 g wheat flour 250 g water 0.125 l extra virgin olive oil Salt 4 ñora peppers 2 cloves garlic 1/2 bunch young garlic 1.5 tablespoon Moringa powder 50 g pepper 20 g cauliflower 20 g mini broccoli PRESENTATION To decorate the dish we can sprinkle a little Moringa powder over it. And some grapes to accompany it

By Alejandro Cánovas Rivera, Spain

Avocado Tabbouleh Ă la Moringa Dice the avocado into very small cubes and add a few drops of lemon so that it does not discolour. Add the anchovies cut into small pieces and the capers. Chop a very small piece of red onion and add to the mixture. If you do not like the taste of onion, leave it out. Shell the boiled eggs and add only the egg white, cut into very small cubes. Keep the yolk to use for decoration. Mix all the ingredients and add a few drops of Modena vinegar.


INGREDIENTS (4 pers) Moringa powder 3 avocado pears 2 boiled eggs 3 or 4 anchovies Capers 1 red onion A few drops of Balsamic vinegar

PRESENTATION Serve on the dish, using a mould. Grate the egg yolk on top and sprinkle over the Moringa powder. Decorate with lumpfish eggs placed in the centre. Accompany with some leaves of tender shoots and grains of pomegranate. By Yolanda RodrĂ­guez, Spain




The bees´ visit

Thousands of bees pollinate the flowers of the green compost

Yguá Moringa Bread Mix all the ingredients together and let stand for 10 minutes. Then knead, creating a consistent ball of dough and leave for about 3 hours.

INGREDIENTS (All the ingredients used in this recipe are organic)

Shape the dough and leave in a floured bowl in a cool place for 8 hours. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.

320 g sourdough 630 g wholemeal spelt flour 350 ml water 10 g salt 75 g Moringa powder

After 8 hours put the dough on a sheet of baking paper, making some cuts on the surface of the dough, and put it in the oven for 10 minutes at 250 ° C. Then lower the temperature to 200 ° C and leave the bread for about 30 minutes. Take the bread out of the oven and let it cool for about an hour before cutting it.


By Emilio de la Rosa, Spain

“Moringola� pudding Beat the fruit in a blender to get a fine puree. Keep for later.


Heat 200 g of water in a saucepan. When the water is hot, add the gelatine leaves and stir until they are completely dissolved.

Agave Moringa powder 300 g fruit puree (in this case, strawberries and other red fruit) 200 ml water 10 leaves neutral gelatine Agave

Add the fruit puree, 2 tablespoons of agave and 2 teaspoons of Moringa powder. Remove the foam with a strainer. Pour the mixture into small chocolate-type moulds and leave to cool for 3 hours in the fridge. Take out of the mould, sprinkle Moringa on top and present to taste.

By Elena Laguna, Spain


Harvest of the 2017 - 2018 Campaign


Energy bars with Moringa PRIZE RECIPE Grind the cashews and keep to one side. In a bowl add the crushed dried apricots, ground coconut, crushed cereals and the reserved cashew nuts. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and incorporate the honey and Moringa liquid. Continue until we get a smooth paste. Line a mould with greaseproof paper, grease lightly with oil and sprinkle with Moringa. Put the mixture into the mould distributing it evenly and keeping the surface smooth. Sprinkle again with Moringa. Put in the freezer for about 30-60 minutes then keep in the fridge.


INGREDIENTS 1 cup apricots 1 cup raw cashews ½ cup coconut flakes 1 cup cereals 2 tablespoons coconut milk 1 tablespoon Moringa leaves Moringa powder 2 tablespoons manuka honey ½ teaspoon extra virgin coconut oil

Prize Recipe III Edition Moringa Challenge Energy bars with Moringa By Montse Toledo, Spain

DNA Natural Daily Addition To taste colors, the Moringa combines well with almost everything


We feel the satisfaction of doing our very best by producing a unique Moringa


“Yguá”, Guarani word Meaning “To drink water with herbs during the day”




Preparation of Yguá As a hot infusion

Natural, in maceration

To infuse the Moringa leaves, heat 1 l of water (preferably mineral or filtered), to about 80 ° C, making sure it does not boil. Pour into a container with 9 - 10 g of Moringa leaf. Worth knowing that a soupspoon holds about 3 g.

Yguá can also be prepared through maceration in warm water. We can use the same amount of water, 1 l,” and about 9 g of Moringa leaves.

Let the infusion stand for approximately 5 minutes. Depending on the container used, either decant the liquid or strain it to separate the leaves, leaving only the infused water. The tea can be enjoyed hot, at room temperature or cold by keeping it in the fridge. Combinations Yguá combines well with other herbs, such as mint and rooibos, among others.


We leave the leaves to soak for half an hour, until the liquid turns golden, indicating that part of the nutrients of the Moringa have passed into the water. The leaves can be left in the water one or even two hours. Using the leaf in maceration allows the preserving of micronutrients, some of which are sensitive to high temperatures.


We wish to thank all those who give life to Yguá Moringa Guaraní; our investors who trust our enterprise and those who give continuity to the path chosen. Without the former we would not exist and without the latter we would not be publishing this Recipe Book. The satisfying task goes on.


Moringa Oleifera Lam. (sin. MoringaptreygospermaGaertn.) Moringaceae family Drawing by Pierre Jean - Francois Turpin, 1830



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