Grasshopper Portfolio

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FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney GRASSHOPPER


FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK01: MAP

For the stage, I use the map of Taipei, Taiwan where I come from, and set up the parameters of distances for restaurants, coffee shops, and public transportations. The distance parameter is setting on 100 meters, so when you scroll slider on “Evaluate Curve� and move the people, you can see where is the closest locations where for 3-minutewalk distance. Rendering





FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK02: ELK2 PLUG-IN

The map is Anchorage, Alaska, where I am taking research studio this semester. I use OpenStreet map data to import to Grasshopper by plug-in of Elk2, so the OSM data will directly compose streets, building, parks, boundary, etc.... And then I applied the distance parameter to amenities of restaurants and cafe, medical, leisure spaces, and services. The feature of the definition is to have two major routes, so you can switch these two routes or select both by checking “Value List” next “List Item” and then move the slider bar. Rendering





FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK03: PATTERN

The exercise I play 5 iterations of patterns by referring definitions on Generative Landscape website. The main processes are to create grids, either rectangular or hexagon to imitate tiles on the paving or trees. Rendering




FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK04: TOWER

The stage, we started to work on multiple definitions, so we use Elk2 to create the map where is Anchorage, Alaska, and I use pattern to create 3D trees by setting up a combinations of spheres and corns and then take few points as parameter to define random heights and diameters of spheres. The geometries of buildings are from the existing street lines, and then I move and rotate to create the extrusions. It is interesting that the location I chose is the hotel we stayed when we visited Anchorage the past weeks. Rendering





FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK05: FACADE & MATERIALS

I create these three buildings by different ways. The left on is by “Tween Curve”+”Range” components, the middle one is to combine “Series”+”Move”+”Rotate” to create the spiral floors, as well as I set one side to have opening, where I want to have spiral curtain walls. The right one is to create the building by two parts. The 1st to 15th floor is moving slightly like a ladder, and the 16th to 30th floor are rotating as a spiral tower, and then I use the diamond structure to create the facade and use the core stair case tower to be the core structure. The extra definition I set up is the building height, which you can set the story height and numbers of stories to create the building in correct scale on the map. Rendering






FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK06: IMAGE SAMPLER

The exercise I play 4 iterations of patterns by creating images. The first one is using a picture with higher contrast, but I don’t feel the pattern show well. The second one is create a pattern by photoshop, using brushes to create different levels of contrast, and then to create contour lines. The third and fourth ones are creating by the same pictures, but creating different outputs. The earlier one was creating contour lines of the image, the later one was creating pixel bars of the image. Definition







FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK06: IMAGE SAMPLER FACADE

I applied the fourth definition to me previous building, and then set up the color as a little bit more transparency, so the little boxes are just like the lighting design on the facade. Rendering





FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK07: BOWERBIRD

I choose Charlottesville as the site to make the waffle model, as well as the topography change is not that apprent, so I re-scaled the Z-axis to 1.5 times to accentuate. Moel 1

Model 2


Model 3

Model 4

FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK08: TOPOGRAPHY

Model 1

Moel 2

I choose Minoto, Alaska as the site to make the topography model, as well as the topography change is not that apprent, so I re-scaled the Z-axis to 2 times to accentuate. The exercise is to use different parameters to play arround the bjects changing along the topography. Moel 3

Model 4


Model 5

FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK09 : SURFACE TO MESH

The surface was made by the topography of Minto in Alaska, where the site of my studio. The site, Minto Flat is next to the Tanana River, most of native Athabaskans live next to river, since water resource is the most important element to support their life. They use the water for drinking, as well as they fishing during summer and fall. Therefore, I use the triangle holes to indicate the river on the east of Minto Flat. In addition, the triangulations remind me the design of Bao Bao Issey Miyake. Model 1

Model 2


Model 3

FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK10 : RELATIVE ITEM

I observed some 3D printing examples, which I discovered the spaces in between surfaces make the physical model look better and more interesting, so I used the topography surface of Minto, Alaska, to build the grid and then to mirror three times to create the space in between the structural grid. And then I printed it by MakerBot, as well as took part the support materials to be the part of the physical model. I kind of like it to consider the accidental supporting material becoming the part of structure. Model 1

Model 2



FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney WEEK11 : MESH - 3D PRINTING

I was trying to have a fabric which look soft or melting, but it is actually is a hard piece. So I started from a rhino mesh cube and moved different faces in and out. And then I used contour component to create lines on direction XY plane and YZ plane. But it did not work well, so After few tests, the best way to thicken the grid is the “Weaverbird’s Picture Frame “ component. Model 1

Process 1


Process 2

Process 3

Process 4

FALL 2017 ARCH 5500 Instructor | Lucia Phinney GRASSHOPPER


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