Digital Design--Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Yingxue Hu
906020 Xiaoran Huang Studio 3
2017 - current 03
Precedent Study
Bachelor of Design
Work experience: 2017 Construction Bereau of Chenzhou Hunan (Intern)
Generating Design Through Digital Processes
Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion
Awards / Exhibition: 2017
FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery
I design for improving the relationship between people and buildings. I am passionate about creating better living for human beings. Therefore, I’ve learned various skills and knowledge though this subject which would help me to develop and improve further. From Module 1, I learned to know how architecture could respond to its context by diagramming Radix and its surroundings. I also understood the importance of circulation and threshold of architecture and different ways in creating diagrams. Module 2 is the first time when I come to be in touch with 3D printing. I learned different fabrication skills such as laser cutting and 3D printing. I explored parametric design such as creating waffle structure, which turns out to be useful and handy for designer as it saves time to try iterations. I explored different definitions of parametric design in module 3 and also learned to create virtual reality scenes by using Unreal Engine rendering.
Skills: Rhino Grasshopper Unreal Photoshop
I aspire to focus on people’ experience when engaging with architecture in my design. For example, in module 3 where I designed my own pavilion, I emphasize audience experience when entering a space and transfering into another. What experience and feelings people might have when in the architecture is the essence of my design.
Illustrator Indesign Fabrication
I need to improve skills in digital skills such as grasshopper and rhino. I also need to pay attention to issues such as scalling issue in my future design.
Diagramming Design Precedent
Radix is located in the exterior of the Arsenale in Venice Biennale designed by Portuguese office Aires Mateus. It is an elegant contemporary response to the architectural setting of the Biennale. It is a project combining historical awareness and sensitivity with modern technology. Rather than novelty, Radix seeks for continuity. In diagramming this project, I learnt to analyze its plan and section view to figure out its structure. Besides, I learnt to use “Boolean” command in rhino. It is composed with three single objects cut out from a cube. It is an arch supported on three points and a fourth end suspended over the water, creating a sense of balance to a heavy structure. Main tools used when modelling it are “project” and “boolean”, with the former one to attach curves to these objects and the latter one for splitting. Hidden curve lines are shown in order to present its form and shape better. Furthermore, I explored the function the project could provide and the relationship of this project with its surrounding environment.
Isometric view
Diagram 01
Diagram 02
Circulation diagram
Threshould diagram
It can be approached from different directions. The circulation space is alomost a rectangle apart from a single space which cannot be easily accessed by adult people as the arch there is lower.
The lower arch though do not allow for entrance of people but it does provide a space for resting. The stairs can be seen as a threshold as well because it marks the radix off the waterfront.
Generating Ideas Through Process
Design Matrix
Grid Points
{150,75,150} {50,150,150}
{150,0,25} {125,0,0} {0,150,0}
{Index Selection}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{135,85,150} {150,100,150}
{50,0,14} {50,0,0}
{50,0,0} {100,150,0}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
Design Matrix 1:5
The two surface are both panelled by a combination of 2D and 3D panels
{100,150,17} {85,150,0} {100,150,0}
{Index Selection}
{Attractor Point Location}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
Design Matrix 1:5
Surface and Waffle The two surface are both panelled by a combination of 2D and 3D panels
The perforations not only allow for light but can also create patterned shadows on the ground when sunlight go through them.
2D panels are at the bottom right and the top left corner which are larger than the 3D panels; 3D panels are smaller when closer to the end corner and larger in the middle.
Openings allow for light and air to enter into the space. Isometric 1:1
The first step of taks 1 is to create waffle structure based on two surfaces. My two surfaces are facing and surrounding each other and they are not intersecting while create a sense of these two surfaces are both attracting and repelling. The two panels are both created by a combination of 2D and 3D panels. The left one is a mainly 3D panel yet with several 2D panels at the end corner and the right one is in reverse. This is to attain the beauty of balance. Variatin in sizes of panels also follow a certain rule which features larger panels in the middle and tow diagonal ends and smaller panels at the other two ends. This creats a contrast as the middle of the left surface is projecting out while the middle of the right surface is flattened. The final step is to unroll those panels and surfaces and have the waffle structure and the
Computation Workflow
first edge of surface
3D panelling
second edge of surface
2D panelling
making notches
Z fins
Z contours
Z orient
two original surface
X contours Solid Trim X orient making notches
8 X fins
Unrolling surface of the modules for laser cutting. However, some surface are undevelopable and I need to adjust my modules. I learnt to create mesh so that surfaces can be unrolled easily. Making 2D and adding tabs and they are ready to laser cut. When using the laser cut template, it is important to put different lines in correct layers. I learnt a trick which is to put some cut lines in etch layer so that masking tape is no longer needed, without the need to ripping the tapes down, those strips won’t be torn apart.
The half cut cylindroid not only creates an arc space but can also be a turning point or transitional space These remained
from one side to another.
thin recess lightly mark the transition of space. The leave-shaped openings created by the half cylindroid intersecting with the pyramids creates a link connecting interior space with exterior space. The small booleaned geometry withinthe seeminglingly built-in pyramid chamber creates an intended limited space which is partly hidden and partly visible.
Isometric 1:1 02
It is mainly by using “Boolean difference� to create this project. Many iterations have been tried before the final model. Many attract methods have been tested to manipulate the grid such as point attractor, curve attractor. Various geometries such as sphere, platonic cube, platonic icosahedron have been explored and platonic tetrahedron was finally used as it turns out to be capable in creating different spaces within the cube which is expected. Different scaling have been tried to create the final expected result. The final model could be used as an attachment to facades which function as decoration and also have many other benefits in terms of porosity, providing shade
Solid boolean using 3.4 itteration. 60mm
Design Matrix
Grid Manipulation
{Point Attractor}
Geometry Variation
{Curve Attractor}
Tetrahedron Transformation
{Platonic Cube}
{Platonic Tetrahedron}
Design Matrix 1:5
{Point Attractor}
{Platonic Icosahedron}
{Consistent Scaling}
{Point Attractor}
{Change of Radius}
Computational Process
panelling grids point grids
movement modules
M2 Task 2 3D Printing
Image of your final model or other process
Front facade
Image of your final model or other process
3D printing is a fabrication technique helping us to transfer digital model to phisical model.
Back side
My pavilion is like a conch with these shell structures and I have used the pattern which is called Voronoi. The reason of designing it like this all comes from nature. So in nature, we can see some animals having hard shells which could protect them and resist external forces. Like turtle shell, egg shell. Therefore I’ve chosed this kind of shell structures which is light and hard. It is good at resisting forces so it is sturdy and durable. And also, for aesthetic purpose, I booleaned there of them together to create this shape which follows the concept of Fibonacci sequence. It is basically like a recurrence relation to achieve an aesthetic appealing. The Voronoi pattern is also quite common in nature such as the pattern of giraffe and the dragonfly wings. Through my design, I explored the effect of shadow and light and people’s spatial experience. The overall design is like: one side is the Voronoi pattern and the other is waffle structure and 3D paneling. The Voronoi structure is created with cut-out openings in the middle which allows for transfer of light and air. For this side, the material I’ve chosed for the panels are glass which also allows for light to come in and it would have different color reflections under light to create a natural color and light effect for the concert performance. It also enables people to view performance from outside.
Shell Pavilion
The overall volume of the interior space is descending. The entrance is here and this end side is seating spaces and which people can also lean against and look outside from here. So this is the circulation area and as people walking into the pavilion. The descending of volume help to create a spatial progressional experience. So if the concert is performed here, the progression of space is like directing you into a quiet music world where people can immerse themselves.
This could be an entrance for kids and also a seating space where people can lean against.The opening of this space allows people to look outside when seated here.
Transparent cladding made of glass allows for light to come in and it would have different color reflections under sunlight which could create a natural color and light effect for the concert performance.
The voronoi structure is created with cut-out openings in
The cladding protects people from rain and rainwater would drible down along it to the ground. The transparency also enables the audience to view performance inside.
The entrance is open to the public but this arch is also a threshould defining
Exploded Isometric 1:25 0
The step down creates a threshold helping to differentiate the landscape from the pavilion itself. It also can be seats where people could sit around and listen to the concert inside.
Design Iteration
It is a simple structure with a roof supported by curved beams on the ground and a simple platform for seating and playing activity. I did not use this because it feels a little dull and too traditional to fit into the surrounding environment.
This also use voronoi and has three recessing volume. I like it in terms of its multiple entrance and its impression of magnificence. However, concerning the limited interior spactial functions that it can provide, I did not use this one.
I finally choose this one as it unique shape and structure and its underhidden waffle structure which can not be seen unless people walk into the space. I also like the panelling on the waffle structure which balance the repetitive voronoi pattern and create an expression of this object being an elegant pearl in the Victoria garden.
Computational Process check whether data match with each other and to see wether there is null data
creating voronoi pattern on surface
cull null data out to ensure each data match
scale voronoi pattern and loft it with the original one to create voronoi surface with openings
Brep brep to find the curves intersecting with the surface
extrude the lofts to thicken the surface and make it 3D find the centroid and define the extruding direction
Fabrication process
The voronoi structure is sent to 3D printing while the cladding pattern and the under hidden waffle structure are for laser cutting to create a difference sense of texture and material.
360 Image Output
Digital Design Semester 1, 2018 24