Indonesia Career Evening 2016: Event Booklet

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Young Indonesian Professionals’ Association

Anglo-Indonesian Society

Young Indonesian Professional’s Association Indonesia Career Evening 2016 Ginting & Reksodiputro is a dynamic and forward-thinking Indonesian law firm, backed by the global strength and depth of Allen & Overy. The firm’s international standards and approach, supported by its exclusive association with Allen & Overy, puts Ginting & Reksodiputro at the top of many people’s lists when it comes to complex and challenging transactions in Indonesia. Ginting & Reksodiputro has developed a strong reputation with a wide range of expertise in key areas of business including: Banking



Capital Markets

– Acquisition finance – Debt restructuring – Export finance – General lending – Structured finance

– Corporate and commercial – Corporate restructuring – Joint ventures – Mergers and acquisitions – Private equity

– Project development – Project finance – Construction law – Sectors: power,energy and natural resources,oil and gas, and infrastructure

– International debt capital markets – International equity capital markets – Securitisation – Structured products

If you are interested, send the CV to

Ginting & Reksodiputro in association with Allen & Overy has ‘excellent banking knowledge’ and ‘handles transactions with skill and professionalism’. Legal 500, 2016 (Banking & Finance)

“They looked at all the permutations of regulations in the country to help us reach decisions.”

Ginting & Reksodiputro in association with Allen & Overy is ‘a one-stop shop for international and Indonesian matters’, providing advice across the full gamut of project finance, infrastructure, trade and energy matters. Legal 500, 2016 (Projects & Energy)

Chambers Asia Pacific, 2015 (Corporate/M&A)

Allen & Overy means Allen & Overy and/or its affiliated undertakings. The term partner is used to refer to a member of Allen & Overy or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or an individual with equivalent status in one of Allen & Overy’s affiliated undertakings. CA1602013 |


Dr. Rizal Sukma H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Kingdom and Ireland


am very pleased to see this excellent initiative of the Young Indonesian Professionals’ Association and Anglo-Indonesia Society who organize the Career Evening 2016. This is a great opportunity for Indonesian students to explore the UK Job market by dealing directly with a number of leading companies in the UK. The networking reception of this year career evening is truly exemplary, allowing Indonesian students to network with professionals who are working

Through this event, the business entities in the UK would also have the chance to have a better picture of the top quality of Indonesian graduates from UK’s universities and the knowledge and skills they can offer. Thus, this link-and-match event to some extent could foster the relations between Indonesia and the UK.

CAREER EVENING Indonesia Career Evening 2016 aims to raise employability awareness among Indonesian Students studying at top UK Universities through a mini career fair, career talks and networking reception with professionals who are working in the UK. This event is the only recruitment platform for UK and Indonesian businesses to tap to Indonesia’s brightest talent pool in the UK. Background Indonesian students are under-represented in the UK job market. According to OECD (2015), 72% of Fortune 500 companies are placing Southeast Asia as a strategic region to grow over the next 10 years. Currently, Indonesian nationals are on the minority side on these global companies despite Indonesia’s 250 Mn population – also the largest economy in Southeast Asia and a G20 economy. If you’re interested to participate in next year career evening, please get in touch via AGENDA Career Stalls are open to students Career Evening 2016 Introduction Anglo Indonesian Society and its student outreach Welcome Address by H.E. Dr. Rizal Sukma, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Kingdom and Ireland

Special session with guest of honour, Nazir Razak, Chairman of CIMB Group Career Panel: Launch your global career with your UK Degree. Q&A session Networking Reception Indonesian Gourmet Dinner is provided Closing and Photo Session

Trusted to deliver excellence


“There hasn’t been a day where I’ve done the same thing. It keeps things interesting; it makes me excited to go to work every day. There are always new ideas to be developed, new ways of handling processes and new people to meet.” Denise | Customer Management & Services Broaden your experience as part of our 50,000-strong global team and you’ll deliver engineering excellence, whether you join us in a business function or an expert engineering team.


CIMB AD Shall we chase it?

Are you looking to develop your career in Asia with a global organisa=on, with extensive development and mentoring support from senior execu=ves?

Company Tour in Hong Kong 2015

JARDINE AD SouthEast Asia Talent Programme The SOUTHEAST ASIA TALENT PROGRAMME is designed to develop young country na=onals who will be capable of leading one of our Jardine Matheson Group businesses in Asia. We are now hiring Indonesian who are keen to pursue a career in your home country.


Jardine Matheson is a highly diversified group focused principally on Asia but respected on an interna=onal level. The Group’s interests include Jardine Pacific, Jardine Motors, Jardine Lloyd Thompson, Hongkong Land, Dairy Farm, Mandarin Oriental, Jardine Cycle & Carriage and Astra Interna=onal. We employ over 440,000 people, these companies are leaders in the fields of motor vehicles and related opera=ons, property investment and development, food retailing, home furnishings, engineering and construc=on, transport services, insurance broking, restaurants, luxury hotels, financial services, heavy equipment, mining and agribusiness.


Learn about our Group’s businesses at

Scan to apply

Jardine Matheson Jardine Graduate Schemes

*Periode Tim yang bertugas: Periode I : September 2016 Periode II : Desember 2016 (tentative) Periode III : Maret 2017 (tentative)

5. Menerima Surat Keterangan Pengampunan Pajak.

4. Ajukan SPH ke Tim yang bertugas di KBRI London.*

3. Hitung dan Lunasi Uang Tebusan.

2. Isi Surat Pernyataan Harta (SPH) dan kelengkapannya.

1. Hubungi Tim yang bertugas di KBRI London.*


ungkap . tebus . lega

amnesti pajak


10% 5% Jan-Mar ‘17


6% 3% Okt-Des ‘16



TIDAK direpatriasi 2%


Pengungkapan harta yang

Seluruh wajib pajak, kecuali sedang: dilakukan penyidikan dan berkas penyidikannya telah dinyatakan lengkap oleh Kejaksaan; dalam proses peradilan; atau menjalani hukuman pidana, atas Tindak Pidana dibidang perpajakan.

Jul-Sep ‘16




Direktorat Jenderal Pajak

Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia



a. penghapusan pajak yang seharusnya terutang, b. tidak dikenai sanksi administrasi dan pidana di bidang perpajakan, dengan cara mengungkap harta yang belum dilaporkan serta membayar Uang Tebusan.

namun, Anda boleh tidak ikut jika anda: WNI yang tidak bertempat tinggal di Indonesia lebih dari 183 hari dalam jangka waktu 12 bulan dan tidak mempunyai penghasilan dari Indonesia.

a. Tidak dilakukan/penghentian atas proses pemeriksaan, pemeriksaan bukti permulaan, dan penyidikan. b. Jaminan kerahasiaan data. c. Pembebasan PPh balik nama harta tambahan.

Amnesti Pajak adalah

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YIPA Young Indonesian Professionals’ Association

Young Indonesian Professionals’ Association (YIPA) promotes business and social bilateral relationship between the United Kingdom and Indonesia through a community of young professionals who have an interest in Indonesia, including Indonesians who are working in the United Kingdom. Our registered members are from numerous industries, e.g. financial services, consulting, legal, design and manufacturing. For further info, e-mail us:


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