Ho st
Concert Etiquette-Some Gentle Reminders
. 在音樂會開始前,請確認已關掉鬧錶及流動電 . Please ensure that all sound-emitting devices you carry 話等響鬧裝置。
with you, such as your alarm watch, mobile phone etc., have been switched off before the concert.
. 音樂會進行期間,請勿使用可發光的裝置,因 . Please do not use any light-emitting device during the 屏幕發出的光會影響附近的觀眾無法專心欣賞 演出。
concert, as the light would distract others from enjoying the performance.
consideration of the artist(s) and other members of the . 為尊重演奏者及場內觀眾,音樂會進行期間, . In audience, please avoid making any sounds during the
請保持安靜,避免交談或發出非必要的聲響 (如撕開糖紙、打開膠袋等)。
concert such as conversing, unwrapping candies or opening plastic bags etc.
. 音樂會進行期間,請勿中途進場或離場。如要 . In 中途離場,請待整首樂曲完結,返回音樂廳時 亦請按照場地工作人員指示。
due respect of the artist(s), please do not enter or
leave the auditorium during the concert. If, however, there is indeed the urgency, please do so in between pieces, and only re-enter the auditorium as instructed by
. 如樂曲有多個樂章,請於樂曲終結後才鼓掌。 若不熟悉樂曲,可待指揮或演奏者的手已完全 放下、面向觀眾,表示樂曲已完結才鼓掌。
the venue staff.
. Please
do not applaud between the movements of a
piece. If you are not sure whether it is appropriate to applaud, a good indication is to wait until the conductor or artist has put his/her arms down and turned around to face the audience.
場地規則 Hou se Ru l es 各位觀眾: 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望各位切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請勿吸煙 或飲食。在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。多謝各位合作。
Dear Patrons,
In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation.
節目 PROGRAMME 睡公主圓舞曲
Sleeping Beauty Waltz
The Lion King Soundtrack Highlights
Aladdin Selections
Princess Mononoke
Tangled Medley - 中場休息 Intermission -
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Suite
Princess Leia (From Star Wars Trilogy)
Prince of Egypt
Beauty and the Beast
冰雪奇緣 Frozen
節目長約1小時30分鐘,包括15分鐘中場休息。 The programme lasts for about 1 hour and 30 minutes with an intermission of 15 minutes.
樂團 簡介
宗旨 香港交響管樂團成立的目的乃在於推廣管樂團音樂發展及 培育優秀的管樂人才。
(Leroy Anderson)的家屬同意,由樂團改編其遺世之作《鋼 琴協奏曲》,以管樂團伴奏鋼琴獨奏(原曲為雙鋼琴版本)。 此曲目不僅是香港,更是亞洲首演,音樂會空前成功,好評如 潮。2010年除夕,樂團應邀出席沙田中央公園舉辦之
本樂團不斷衝破地域界限, 把音樂推廣至世界每一角
列藝術歌曲,包括:《古詩今譜》四首、《過零丁洋》及《花木 蘭狂想曲》。這幾首管樂作品在香港及海外演出時,均獲好評。
團出席國際管樂協會(World Association for Symphonic
Bands and Ensembles)在台灣嘉義市舉辦三年一度的大
院滿座,觀眾不但沉醉於歡樂的音樂中,笑聲更是不絕於耳。 樂團再接再勵,舉辦《樂園》(2012)、《童聲童戲》
本地演出 本樂團在推廣管樂方面不遺餘力,自1988年2月20日假
(2013) 及《號召英雄》(2014) 三場老幼咸宜,雅俗共 賞的音樂會;後者更再次錄得全場滿座的紀錄!
沙田大會堂舉行首演後,樂團一直積極參與本地音樂推廣, 並與前市政局及康樂及文化事務署合作,一同走遍港九新 界,為社會各界演出超過三百場音樂會,演奏無數古今中外 名作。2007年,香港交響管樂團假香港大會堂音樂廳舉行了 《香港交響管樂團二十周年慶祝音樂會》,黃氏多年以來培 訓的學生一同出席音樂會,濟濟一堂,場面感人。2008年, 樂團舉辦了兩場《安達臣百周年致敬音會》,並獲安達臣
讓我們在「Harmony First Division」組別中,奪得金
A b o ut H KS W
OUR MISSIONS The missions of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds are to promote wind band music and to nurture local talented wind instrument performers.
PROFILE Founded by Dr. Wai-hong YIP and Mr. Alfonso WONG in May 1987, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) is the first amateur band in Hong Kong with considerable size and structure. WONG has devoted himself to promoting music education in the community. He dedicated 21 years of his life to teaching at Central Conservatory of Music - the national leading music school in China. His devotion and contribution to music and teaching, especially wind band music development, have deeply influenced all band members. His works were also recognized by the Chinese authoritative media, namely “People’s Music”. Members are the greatest assets of the HKSW. The HKSW has evolved into a house of music, nurturing hundreds of talented musicians, with a majority being WONG’s students and even students of his students. This adheres to our principle and core value - Passing the Torch. Among all our members, some are distinguished professional players actively performing on local and international stages, while some are making their great efforts and contributions to music education and performance. Thanks to the inspiration and cultivation of WONG and the HKSW in the past 28 years, our missions have been transformed to all these achievements.
Highlights of Local Promotion Since the debut concert in Shatin Town Hall on 20 February 1988, the HKSW has started to work with the former Urban Council and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) to promote music among
people from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Over 300 concerts have been held all over Hong Kong, bringing the joy of music to every home by visiting every district. The repertoire includes masterpieces from both the East and the West. In 2007, the HKSW held the 20th Anniversary Celebration Concert at the Hong Kong City Hall. Students whom WONG trained over the decades came and supported, not only the concert but also what HKSW has been doing in the past two decades. Everyone in the house, no matter on stage or not, celebrated the long history of the HKSW in music making and sharing. In 2008, two concerts were held to pay tribute to Leroy ANDERSON. With the permission of ANDERSON’s family, the HKSW re-arranged his piano concerto for piano solo with wind band accompaniment. Not only were the concerts a debut of great success for his masterpiece in Asia, but they were also highly acclaimed with full house audience. On 31 December 2010, the HKSW was invited to perform at the ‘New Year Eve Countdown Carnival 2010’, bringing up and sharing the joyful atmosphere of a New Year Eve to the crowd through each note we played genuinely. The HKSW has built its reputation and has received much recognition for its music making in diversified industries. In 2010, HKSW launched a children’s concert and attracted a lot of children with their families to enjoy a night of music and laughter. The HKSW have succeeded to carry on with two Children’s Day concerts at the Hong Kong City Hall in April 2012 and March 2013, namely Merry Go Round and Music4Kids. The concerts had attracted audience of all ages. The tickets of the latter concert were largely sold out and the average audience percentage was a record-high. In 2011, a prestigious international company invited the HKSW to produce its corporate song with world-class multimedia teams. The recordings have been used in its multiple corporate events. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the HKSW has held a concert in September
2012, The Legend, to share a spectacular and commemorate evening of iconic music with symbolic meanings in HKSW’s 25 year development. In 2010, HKSW launched a children’s concert and attracted a lot of children with their families to enjoy a night of music and laughter. The HKSW have succeeded to carry on with 3 Children’s Day concerts in April 2012 , March 2013 and April 2014, namely Merry Go Round, Music4Kids and Summon The Heroes. The concerts had attracted audience of all ages. The tickets of the latter concert were largely sold out and the average audience percentage was a record-high. Since 1998, the HKSW has published over 10 professional live recordings, both audio and video, including live performance of anniversary concerts. The HKSW was determined to offer our members live records for internal educational use, enhancing music thoughts sharing and communication among members. With all the encouragement received, especially from some international professional players, the HKSW continues to bring music everywhere throughout our lifelong pursuit of promoting wind band music.
Highlights of Overseas Exchange Our missions are not bound by any geographic or national boundaries. Music promotion and sharing have been taking places beyond the borders. In 2001, the HKSW was invited by the Macau Band Directors Association to perform at the “2nd Macau Band Festival Opening Concert”. In 2002, the HKSW was invited to Guangzhou, performing at the “International Wind Band Performance Convention”, by the 12th Band Conference of Asia & Pacific Band Directors Association (APBDA). In 2006, the HKSW was invited by the Guangzhou Band Directors Association to conduct several demonstrative performances in Guangzhou. In August 2006, the HKSW performed two concerts in
Shanghai under the invitation of the Shanghai Zhouzhuang Government and the Shanghai CCTV. In 2011, the HKSW participated in the International Band Festival of the 15th World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE) Conference held in Chiayi, Taiwan. Those concerts were highly accredited for all the great successes. The HKSW has built its reputation and gained musical growth and development through overseas exchange. In January 2013, the HKSW co-hosted a Masterclass section with maestro Jay Friedman, principal trombonist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, one of the top world renowned orchestras. The HKSW has grouped an elite group of brass sixtet specially for the event, which was highly acclaimed by Jay Friedman. In July 2013, the HKSW has brought its members to expand footprint in Europe. The HKSW went to the Netherlands, Kerkrade. The first performance was in the town square in front of a quiant European architectural structure. We performed a few pieces of Chinese and Western music, receiving rapturous applause. On the World Music Contest day, we competed in the Harmony First Division with many other bands from around the world with a mix of excitement and nerves. After an intensive training of more than six months, we finally won the gold medal. In this Europe tour, besides the Contest, the HKSW has also paid a brief visit to Kornberg in Germany to have an exchange programme with a long-running local band. Performing in an historical building for more than a century, the exquisite sound and superb harmony resounded are just beyond words. This exchange programme has also generated local media coverage.
WONG Alfonso 日照1931年出生於菲律賓,九歲起學習小
ong Alfonso, born in the Philippines in 1931, began learning the
trumpet at the age of 9. Filled with passion for music, Wong
希望地北上,渴望投考「北京中央音樂學院」 深造。由於建院初期,急需管樂師資人材,黃氏在前 輩的建議和鼓勵下,接受作為任職教師。一方面教授 小號,另一方面進修了一系列學院的作曲、理論等課
Local Composition & Chinese Wind Band Music Works Apart from nurturing local talented wind instrument performers, the HKSW is also actively engaged in encouraging local compositions and Chinese wind band music works. Our Music Director Laureate, Mr. Alfonso WONG, composed and adapted numerous music works. His remarkable works include Stepping by the Stream - Trumpet Petit Concerto and Hong Kong Symphonic Winds March. Between 1998 and 2004, WONG adapted a series of art pieces of Mr. Wen-hsien CHOU, including four pieces of the “Old Songs with New Compositions” Suites, Crossing the Ling Ding River and “Mulan” Rhapsody. The performances of these music works have been well received, both locally and internationally. Composed by the teacher of WONG, Mr. Zhi Qiu XIA, Nostalgia for Home is arranged by Yuen-hing YAU for wind band. YAU was also commissioned the Prelude to a Celebration to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the HKSW. In the fall of 1999, Dr. Brian Chatpo KOO, the internationally eminent composer, was commissioned by WONG and the HKSW to compose a great wind band music piece, Rainbow, debuted in Hong Kong in January 2000.
程。1954年,黃氏成為有「中國小號之父」之稱的夏 之秋老師的助教。在任教期間,並得到前蘇聯知名小 號演奏家提摩費.多克西哲(Timofei
The HKSW engages in a variety of charitable activities.
In April 2002, the HKSW was invited by Lions Clubs International District 303 - Hong Kong & Macau, China to participate in a fundraising concert supporting The Hong Kong Society for the Blind.
In March 2004, the HKSW performed again for a fund-raising performance of the Lions Kidney Education Center & Research Foundation. In March 2013, the HKSW presented a community project in Sham Shui Po specially devised to encourage local children to appreciate and learn more about wind band music. Some HKSW members have volunteered to hold a demonstrative instrumental section with small groups of children serviced by the New Home Association and the Kowloon West Community Harmony and Solidarity Services Centre. The HKSW has also followed-up the small group section by sending 160 tickets of the concert MUSIC4KIDS to the two associations. In April 2013, the HKSW was invited by the Patient Resource Center of the Kowloon Hospital to hold a lunchtime concert for its patients and their families.
1974年回港後,隨即加入「香港浸會學院」(現「香 德書院為管樂導師,帶領聖文德書院管樂團於香港校 際音樂節贏得共十次高級組管樂團冠軍的輝煌成績, 其中更包括連續六年贏取該冠軍,「六連冠」的成績 至今仍未被打破。1978年黃氏加入「香港音樂事務統 籌處」並任職一級訓練主任,任教小號長達九年。退 休之後,於1987年為「香港中國婦女會中學」籌辦及 組織了管樂
「香港泛亞交響樂團」,成立了「香港交響管樂 團」,並擔任副音樂總監一職。1992年擔任音樂總 監,二十年來帶領「香港交響管樂團」不斷演出,走 遍香港各區。管樂團水準亦不斷提昇,不但創造出輝 煌成績,更培養出大批管樂演奏人才、作曲家及樂隊 指揮,可謂桃李滿天下。黃氏把《聖文德進行曲》改 名為《香港交響管樂團進行曲》。1999年開始,黃氏
decided to move to Beijing in hopes of furthering his studies at the Central Conservatory of Music. As the Conservatory was newly built, it was in desperate need of brass teachers. Under the advice and encouragement of his elders, Wong took up the job as a teaching staff in the Conservatory. On one hand, he taught trumpet performing, while on the other hand, he furthered his knowledge by attending classes such as music composition and music theory. In 1954, Wong became the assistant lecturer of the “Father of Trumpet in China”, Mr. Xia Zhiqiu, at the Conservatory. During his stay at the Conservatory, Wong received performance techniques trainings from the renowned Russian virtuoso trumpeter Timofei Dokshitser. Wong returned to Hong Kong in 1974, and taught at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist College (now known as the Hong Kong Baptist University). In 1975, Wong started to teach in the St. Bonaventure College and High School Band and has led them capturing many championships at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, including a significant record of “Six Consecutive Championships” which has never been broken ever since. In 1978, Wong joined the Hong Kong Music Office as Assistant Music Officer I and had taught trumpet for 9 years. After his retirement, Wong formed and taught in the Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College School Band. In May 1987, together with Dr. Yip Wai-hong and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong founded The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, taking the position as Assistant Music Director, and acted as Music Director in 1992. For the past 25 years, Wong has led the band in performing all over Hong Kong with brilliant achievements, and had trained large numbers of performers and conductors of public recognition. Wong has had over 300 students. Starting from 1999, Wong had been leading The Hong Kong
Symphonic Winds into performances and inter-flows outside Hong Kong,
places included Macau, Guangzhou and Shanghai. All performances were
highly accredited.
In August 2001, Wong was appointed by the Chinese Art Education
Promotion Association as a committee member of the Asian Student Band
黃氏對樂曲編寫創作具濃厚興趣,數十年來,共編作 了一百多首小號練習曲,近二十首管樂團作品及十多 首小號獨奏作品。黃氏亦根據周文軒先生所寫的中國 樂曲編作給管樂團演奏,促進了中西音樂的交流與 融合。
Music Council. This had showed that his influence and attributions in wind music were highly recognized. Wong also had a passion for music compositions. Throughout all those years, Wong had composed over 100 trumpet studies, over 20 band music and over 10 trumpet solo pieces. Wong also transcribed several renowned music written by Dr. Chou Wen-hsien into band music. This has encouraged the fusion of Chinese and Western music.
LEE Shu-sing
raduated from the St. Bonaventure College & High School,
LEE Shu-sing began his first wind instrument lesson at the
age of 11 with Mr. Alfonso WONG. At 16, LEE had already
been appointed as Assistant Bandmaster of two secondary schools.
奏樂導師 。 他曾於多個香港音樂事務統籌處組織的 樂團出任第一聲部單簧管手,亦曾參加 香港兒童交響樂團及泛亞交響樂團的演 出工作。李氏曾就讀香港演藝學院,一
He was then appointed as tutor of the Sai Kung Children Choir Percussion Ensemble. His commitment to nurturing future generations of musicians in Hong Kong has begun ever since. LEE took part in several Hong Kong Music Office bands as First Clarinetist. He was also a member of the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra.
Studied at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, LEE has
昇管樂水 準 。
always been enthusiastic about music, devoting himself to music
FUNG Ka-hing
號演奏家及指揮家馮嘉興以漂亮而清澈的 音色,優秀的音樂感及親和的舞台魅力而 深受觀眾喜愛,活躍於表演舞台。 馮嘉興舞台足跡踏遍全球,東南亞如日本、 台灣、 北美洲、 加拿大、 歐洲法國、 荷蘭以致南美洲巴 西、阿根廷等。 於2013年成為Yamaha Artist (HK)小號演奏家, 馮嘉興曾任香港小交響樂團小號首席(20072014),及其他多個樂團合作包括香港管弦樂團, 香港城市室樂團,台灣國家交響樂團,澳門樂團及 廣州交響樂團等,亦經常舉行獨奏會及獲邀作獨奏 演出。
education, the promotion of band music and the pursuit of new
heights of musical excellence in the wind band industry.
任首席單簧管手,現為該團的音樂總監 及指揮,繼續活躍於中小學管樂教育及
In 1987, LEE joined The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds as Principle
Clarinetist. He is currently Music Director and Conductor of the
管樂團之公開演出中擔任指揮,場數多 達三百場 以 上 。 李氏不斷推動香港音樂發展及香港整體 文化藝術,例如參與區議會和香港電台 等製作的音樂教育節目,又為《經濟日
HKSW, and is actively involved in wind band education and conducting. LEE has conducted more than 300 concerts in his music career, a considerable number of performances as Conductor in the wind band industry. With his dedication to the local music development in Hong Kong, LEE has long been endeavoring to achieve his ambition of
promoting music with diversified approaches, participating in
電影劇本 , 貢 獻 良 多 。
music educational programmes presented by the District Council and the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), and writing music column in the Economic Daily News. His overall contribution in arts and cultural promotion in Hong Kong, besides music making, is apparent by various means, creative writing in short stories, fiction, column, screenplay, to name a few.
除小號演奏之外,馮氏亦是一位出色的指揮家及教 育家。馮氏於2011年開始成為香港交響管樂團之 副音樂總監,演出無數,更於2013年帶領香港交 響管樂團遠赴歐洲,參與於荷蘭舉行之世界管樂大 賽(WMC Kerkrade) 之比賽及演出,廣受好評。馮氏 現任教於香港演藝學院,香港浸會大學,亦於多個 場合舉行大師班,工作室及講座。 馮嘉興曾獲得香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金贊助赴美 國 伊 士 曼 音 樂 學 院 深 造 , 師 隨 Prof.James T h o m p s o n , 取得其碩士學位及獲頒發演奏家證 書,亦曾獲得亞洲文化協會之獎學金贊助參加美國 Apsen Music Festival and School,赴美前馮氏於香港 演藝院完成音樂學士及專業文憑課程。馮氏亦曾師 隨Laurence Gargan、 Jonahan Clarke、馮啟文、 Raymond Mase、 Kevin Cobb,其中以其啟蒙老師黄 日照對馮氏之影響最為深遠。
ith the beautiful tone color and great communicative power, Fung Ka Hing received good reputation no matter in the role of a trumpet performer or conductor. Fung began studying trumpet with Mr. Kenneth Fung at a tender age, and went on the enthusiasm with Mr. Laurence Gargan, Mr. Jonathan Clarke, Mr. Raymond Mase, Mr. Kevin Cobb and Mr. Alfonso Wong, whom Fung regarded as the most important role model in life. Upon graduation from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) as a Profession Diploma, he was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, for which he commenced his Master Degree at the Eastman School of Music, where he studied with the acclaimed Professor James Thompson. In 2006, he completed with the Performer’s Certificate for outstanding performance. He was also awarded scholarship by the Asian Culture Council Hong Kong to participate in Apsen Music Festival and School. Fung is active in trumpet performance and is always invited to be guest soloist. He had performed abroad in Japan, Taiwan, North America, Canada, France, Netherland, Brazil, Argentina and so forth. He had also collaborated with Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra,Macao Orchestra and Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. Fung has been the Yamaha Artist (HK) since 2013 and was the principle trumpet in Hong Kong Sinfonietta from 2007-2014. Besides being active in conducting masterclass, workshop and seminar, he is now giving trumpet lesson in HKAPA and Hong Kong Baptist University. Besides trumpet performance and education, Fung is also keen on conducting. He has been the Associate Music Director at Hong Kong Symphonic Winds since 2011. In 2013, he led the winds band to compete in World Music Contest in Netherland and received great success. 11
卓能現任香港交響管樂團的指 揮、樂團首席及首席單簧手, 於2010起,同時出任香港城巿室樂團 的單簧管手。王氏在聖文德書院就學期 間學習單簧管,師承黃日照老師。畢業 後,他先受教於香港浸會大學蔡國田, 學習吹奏單簧管,後於香港演藝學院師 從香港管弦槳團的助理單簧管首席史家 翰 , 並取 得 文 憑 及 高 級文憑。
WONG Cheuk-nang ong
Concertmaster and Principal Clarinetist of the Hong Kong
Symphonic Winds. He has also been performing as tutti clarinetist in the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong since 2010. Clement
College & High School with Mr. Alfonso Wong. He furthered his studies in clarinet with Mr. Martin Choi at the Hong Kong Baptist Universtiy and obtained his Diploma and Advanced Diploma at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), where he studied with Mr. John Schertle, Acting Principal Clarinetist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He was chosen to join the
王氏於在學期間入選亞洲青年管弦樂 2006年,百老匯著名音樂劇《歌聲魅
In 2006, Clement was selected as Principal Clarinetist of the
famous Broadway Show Phantom of the Opera for the Hong Kong
session staged at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre’s Grand Theatre.
In 2007, he won the Concerto Competition at the HKAPA
performing the Copland Clarinet Concert. Upon graduation from
藩 巿 交響 樂 團 的 費 里 牧斯與比亞斯。 2011年,王氏參與著名牧童笛演奏家 柏特利的專輯錄音。該專輯由世界知 名西洋古典音樂唱片品牌拿索斯唱片 於2012年發行。2015年百老匯著名 音樂劇《歌聲魅影》再度上演,王氏 獲委為單簧管首席。
CHEUNG Ho-sing 浩昇自中一起在聖文徳書院 學習小號,師隨黃日照,其 後加入香港交響管樂團,並 多次隨團到香港,澳門和中國演出。 中學畢業後考獲香港演藝學院文憑課 程,於2006年畢業,其後繼續於香 港演藝學院修讀音樂學士課程,並於 2009年畢業,主修小號。師隨香港 管弦樂團首席小號卡拉克,並接受助 理首席小號莫思卓指導,亦曾接受過 多個世界知名小號大師如湯瑪遜,偉 蘇提等指導。
heung Ho Sing has studied trumpet with Mr. Alfonso Wong since form 1 in St. Bonadventure College & High School. He later joined the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, which performed throughout Hong Kong, Macau and China. After form seven graduation, Cheung was admitted by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and finished the diploma programme in 2006, he continued the study in Bachelor of Music at the HKAPA and graduated in 2009, major in Trumpet . He studied with Mr. Jonathan Clarke, principal trumpet of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and also received training from Christopher Moyse, assistant principal trumpet of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.
張氏曾參與多個大型音樂活動和演 出,包括廣東國際音樂夏令營、香港 國際管樂節、第四十屆國際圓號交流 匯演。張氏亦以特約樂手之身份參與 多個管弦樂團之演出,包括香港管弦 樂團、香港小交響樂團和澳門樂團, 張氏現為音樂事務處兼職樂師。張氏 在2008年之香港演藝學院協奏曲比 賽中勝出,並擔任其音樂會之獨奏 家。
Besides the above, Cheung had lessons with several world known trumpet players such as James Thompson and Allen Vizzutti. He performed in various performances, such as the Canton International Summer Music Academy (CISMA), the Hong Kong International Band Festival and the 40th Annual International Horn Symposium. He also participates in many orchestras as a freelance player, such as Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Macau Orchestra, Cheung is currently Music Office part-time performer. Cheung won the concerto trial in HKAPA at 2008 and played as a sololist in the concerto winner’s concert.
Asian Youth Orchestra and toured many Asian countries in 2001.
HKAPA, Clement received a scholarship to study at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, where he studied with Mr. Ben Freimuth and Mr. Luis Baez, members of the San Francisco Symphony. In 2011, he enjoyed taking part in the professional recording of the English Recorder Concertos with eminent recorder player Michala Petri. The record has been released in mid-May 2012, distributed by the World’s leading classical music label Naxos. In 2015, Clement was again selected as Principal Clarinetist of the famouse Broadway Show Phantom of the Opera for the Hong Kong session.
irn CLA___ET
BEO O___
meu 5
挑戰 2
UA 8
NOR H___
今 的音樂會中,你最喜愛的人物是誰?他/ 的樂器又是 什麼?在下面空白的地方繪畫出來吧! What’s your favourite character in tonight’s concert? Which instument does he/she play? Draw it below.
一頁並放在音樂廳門外的收集箱 Tear off this page and put it in the collection box outside the concert hall.
挑戰 1
9 ©The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds 2015
演奏的樂器名稱是 The instrument that he/she plays is:
圈出樂器所屬的音樂家族 Circle the family that the instrument belongs to: 定音鼓
木管 Woodwind
銅管 Brass ©The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds 2015
敲擊 Percussion
阿拉丁 節目簡介
Programme Notes
Sleeping Beauty Waltz 柴可夫斯基作曲;馬 克・奧 利 華 編 曲 | Comp. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Oliver; arr. Marc Oliver
有「旋律大王」之稱的俄國作曲家柴可夫斯基,在1889年完成了芭蕾舞劇《睡美人》的 譜曲,自此,舞劇和音樂都成為了經典。以至在1959年狄士尼將故事拍成動畫電影時, 也將這套音樂放進電影裡。而《睡公主圓舞曲》正是其中最燴炙人口的音樂,亦經常於音 樂會上獨立演奏。 The Sleeping Beauty Waltz is composed by Russian composer Tchaikovsky in 1889 for the ballet The Sleeping Beauty, subsequently both received favorable accolades and became a classic of all time. This masterpieces was later turned into songs in the Walt Disney animated film in 1959. It has always been staged in concerts worldwide due to its popularity and its endless fascination.
《獅子王》電影配樂選段 The Lion King Soundtrack Highlights
艾頓莊、漢斯・吉瑪、添賴斯作曲;奇雲・卡斯特編曲 | Comp. Elton John, Hans Zimmer, Tim Rice; arr. Calvin Custer
原野充滿生機,各樣生物欣欣向榮。萬獸之王獅子雖然天生異稟,但也經常遇到危難。 《獅子王》動畫電影中,小獅子辛巴經歷了許多磨練,以無窮的勇氣和力量克服困難,終 於重登王位。這首電影配樂選段,集合多首令人回味的歌曲,包括《生生不息》、《等我 長大來當王》、《無憂無慮》、《今夜感覺我的愛》等。今晚就讓我們用音符代替顏料, 將非洲草原描繪出來吧! “The grasslands of the wilderness become a lush pasture, and the hillsides blossom with joy.” (Psalm 65:11-12 NLT ). Lion has been called the King of Beasts due to their raw power and strength, but they face dangers as well. In the animated The Lion King animated film, the young lion Simba experienced many challenges. Simba has finally taken over the Kingdom with his boundless courage and strength to overcome difficulties. This soundtrack highlights combine various memorable songs including "Circle of Life", "I Just Can’t Wait To Be King", "Hakuna Matata", "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" and so on. Tonight let us use notes to depict the African grasslands!
Aladdin Selection 柴亞倫・孟肯作曲;約翰・摩斯編曲 | C omp. Ala n M e n ke n , a rr. J oh n M os s
揚帆、起航!最愛到處冒險的阿拉丁,他的故事家喻戶曉。藉著曲折離奇的經歷,阿拉 丁與茉莉公主,還有住在神燈裡的精靈,發展出一段深刻的友誼。這次的音樂選段,正 是《阿拉丁》動畫電影中最動聽的部分,洋溢著阿拉伯風情的旋律,叫人聯想到阿拉丁 和公主乘著魔毯環遊世界的情景。 Get Set, Go! The adventure story of Aladdin is a classic of all time. Aladdin has developed a profound relationship with Princess Jasmine and Genie during the twists and turns of his adventure. The musical selections is the most enchanting part of the animated film Aladdin, filled with Arabian melodies. This drives people to the scenario of Aladdin taking Princess Jasmine on a magic carpet ride.
Princess Mononoke 久石讓作曲;森川浩一編曲 | C omp. Joe H is a is h i, a rr. by H a ya o M iya z a ki
為了解除魔咒,少年在森林與遇上努力保護大自然,驅除邪魔的幽靈公主⋯⋯宮崎駿的 動畫向來有強烈的環保訊息,《幽靈公主》更直接點出人類文明如何破壞大自然的平 衡。動畫畫面震撼,加上久石讓的配樂,將日本傳統音樂特色融合在描寫大自然的旋 律中,氣勢宏大之餘不乏細膩的情感演繹。 To lift the curse, a young warrior met Princess Mononoke in the forest while protecting his village and the nature... Most of Hayao Miyazaki's films feature a strong environmental message and Princess Mononoke highlights the fact that supernatural forces of destruction are unleashed by human civilization. With all the breathtaking film's imagery, Joe Hisaishi composed its soundtrack with the essence of traditional Japanese music to re-present the nature in a rich and subtle interpretation.
Tangled Medley 亞倫・孟肯作曲;星出尚志編曲 | C omp. Ala n M e n ke n , a rr. Ta ka s h i H os h ide
為什麼樂佩公主的頭髮會這麼長?為什麼公主會獨自在塔頂生活?為什麼來拯救公主的 不是王子,而是一名愛惹事生非的大盜費華特?奧斯卡得獎常客亞倫・孟肯包辦動畫的 配樂和歌曲,大家定可從他的音樂中感受到少女活潑的個性,及嚮往自由的心情。 Why Rapunzel's hair is so long? Why she would live in the secluded tower alone? Why it was not a prince rescuing her, but a troublemaking thief Flynn Rider? Eight Oscar winner composer Alan Menken scored Tangled for its music and soundtrack. We can definitely feel the vigorousness of a young girl and her longing for freedom with his music.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Suite 約翰・威廉士作曲;謝利・布魯貝克編曲 | Comp. John Williams, arr. Jerry Brubaker
無論是小說抑或電影都風靡一時的《哈里波特》又要出場了!今次他與混血王子一起行 動,目的就是要比賽誰可俘虜觀眾的心。如果觀眾能猜出音樂中的所有選段,那麼就證 明你是哈里波特的忠實粉絲囉。 The craze for Harry Potter whether fiction or movies is all the rage. Tonight he is competing with the Half-Blood Prince to see who can capture most of the hearts and minds of the audience. If you can guess all the music selections played tonight, then it can prove that you are the big fan of Harry Potter. Are you ready?
莉亞公主(選自星球大戰交響組曲) Princess Leia (From Star Wars Trilogy)
約翰・威廉士作曲; 唐勞・亨斯波格編曲 | Comp. John Williams, arr. Donald Hunsbergers
在很久以前,在一個很遙遠、遙遠的星系⋯⋯看似柔弱的莉亞公主肩負著拯救人民脫離 邪惡帝國支配的重任,在無際的星空中默默穿梭,直至碰上影響她命運的兩個人。願原 力與你一起。約翰・威廉士筆下最美的旋律,《莉亞公主主題》令人悠然陶醉,充份描 繪這個角色內剛外柔的特質。 A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Princess Leia appears to be the petite and weak female but she bears the responsibility to save people from the evil Empire. During her journey across galaxies, she encountered two people influencing her life. May the Force be with you. The beautiful enchanting leitmotif “Princess Leia’s Theme” by John Williams depicts throughly the forceful personality of Princess Leia cloaked in outward gentleness.
Beauty and the Beast 亞倫・孟肯作曲;真島俊夫編曲 | Comp. Alan Menken, arr. Toshio Mashima 從法國的一則傳統童話,到1771年的法國歌劇版本,再1991到狄士尼動畫電影,《美 女與野獸》歷久不衰。女主角貝兒沒被野獸兇猛外表嚇怕,反而因為了解他而愛上他, 最終純潔的愛情打破魔咒,野獸變回英俊的王子。動畫版為這愛情故事添上扣人心弦的 音樂和歌曲,直至今天仍為聽眾喜愛。 Adapted from a French traditional fairy tale to an operatic version written in 1771 to an animated file produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation in 1991, this just reveals how enduring Beauty and the Beast is. The protagonist Belle was not scared by Beast’s ferocity, and she even fell for him after getting familiar with him. Ultimately, the pure love broke the curse and the Beast then transformed back to a handsome prince. Blending the affecting music with the timeless love story in the animated film, Beauty and the Beast retains its fascination.
冰雪奇緣 Frozen
史特芬・般拿編曲 | Arr. Stephen Bulla
Prince of Egypt
史提芬・施瓦茨,漢斯・吉瑪作曲; 積・寶曲編曲 | Comp. Stephen Schwartz, Hans Zimmer, arr. Jay Bocook
改篇自《舊約聖經》〈出埃及記〉的動畫《埃及王子》,除了劇情吸引,畫功出色外, 更有不少動聽的配樂和歌曲。其中主題歌《When You Believe》,更榮獲第71屆奧斯 卡最佳歌曲獎。今晚精選的三段全是百聽不厭的音樂。 The Prince of Egypt is an animated film based on the Book of Exodus of the Old Testament. Apart from its attiring plot and outstanding imagery, the film has produced numerous pleasant soundtrack and film songs. The film won for Best Original Song at the 1999 Academy Awards for “When You Believe”. Three remarkable highlights from The Prince of Egypt will be staged tonight.
一陣冰雪,竟然令全世界沸騰起來!在無數的王子與公主故事中,《冰 雪奇緣》可說是另類之作,因為今次王子不再是主角。雖然取材自安徒 生童話《冰雪女王》,但與原著大不同,主要描寫兩姊妹,艾莎與安娜之 間的親情。主題曲《冰心鎖》可謂街知巷聞,連沒看過動畫的孩子,也能跟 隨音樂高歌一番。 Frozen Fever is snowballing! Among countless prince and princess fairytale, Frozen can be seen as atypical as there is no longer the protagonist prince. Loosely based on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, the film depicts the sisterhood between two orphaned princesses: Anna and Elsa. Its theme song "Let it Go" has been described as a “musical epidemic sweeping the nation”. Even children who have not seen the film can sing along the music.
團員名單 Member List
指揮 張浩昇 馮嘉興 王卓能
Conductor CHEUNG Ho-sing FUNG Ka-hing WONG Cheuk-nang
主持 李樹昇
Host LEE Shu-sing
短笛 方善瑤
Piccolo Fong Sin Yiu
長笛 李國輝# 陳俊廷 鍾子希 方善瑤 傅靖之 馮芷蕎 林葆懿 劉銘章 梁俊賢 梁偉陶 麥淑欣 王潔瑩 胡珮而
Flute Li Kwok Fai# Chan Chun Ting Chung Tsz Hei Fong Sin Yiu Foo Ching Chi Fung Tsz Kiu Lam Po Yi Lau Ming Cheung Leung Chun Yin Leung Wai To Mak Shuk Yan Wong Kit Ying Wu Pui Yee
雙簧管 林嘉奇
Oboe Lam Ka Ki
單簧管 王卓能#* 張嘉希 郭雪蓮 何晉業 呂家俊 伍沛茵 溫子俊 王鍵鏘 黃樂兒 黃穎恒 楊曉瑩 葉家威
Clarinet Wong Cheuk Nang#* Cheung Ka Hei Candice Kwok Ho Chun Yip Lui La Chun Ng Pui Yan Wan Tsz Chun Wong Kin Cheong Wong Lok Yi Wong Wing Hang Yeung Hiu Ying Yip Ka Wai
中音單簧管 李樹昇
Alto Clarinet Lee Shu Sing
低音單簧管 凌子程
Bass Clarinet Ling Tsz Ching
巴松管 羅裕廣# 何祿樺
Bassoon Lo Yu Kwong# Ho Luk Wa
中音薩克管 陳中豪# 鄭蘭欣 趙立雯 賴嘉敏 葉羨衡 次中音薩克管 藍靖喬 劉嘉宜 謝偉君
音樂會統籌 劉銘章
Concert Coordinator LAU Ming-cheung
藝術設計 葉羨衡
Artistic Design YIP Sin-hang Natalie
舞台總監 鄧藹玲
Stage Manager TANG Oi-ling
Alto Saxophone Chan Chung Ho# Cheng Lan Yan Chiu Lap Man Lai Ka Man Yip Sin Hang Natalie Tenor Saxophone Lam Ching Kiu Lau Ka Yi Tse Wai Kwan
上低音薩克管 Baritone Saxophone 梁逸滔 Leung Yat To 圓號 何鑑亨# 唐梓諾 余文強 羅婉穎 劉世勤 潘慧韞 余文偉 陳慧萍 郭肇廷 呂俊穎 丁菁雲
Horn Ho Kam Hang Richard# Tong Sze Lok Yue Man Keung Samuel Law Yuen Wing Lau Sai Kan Poon Wai Wan Vivian Yue Man Wai Alan Chan Wai Ping Kwok Siu Ting Lui Chun Wing Vivian Ting
小號 張浩昇# 歐澤亮 馮嘉興 李兆昌 廖碧恩 馬琬珊 葉育泉 余偉賢
Trumpet Cheung Ho Sing# Au Chak Leong Fung Ka Hing Li Siu Cheong Liu Pik Yan Ma Amanda Yuen Shan Yip Yuk Chuen Yu Wai Yin
長號 吳宗鵬# 張樂安 盧天恆 温志堅 張錦添 鄭健民
Trombone Ng Chung Pang# Cheung Lok On Rocky Lo Terence Wan Chi Kin Zhang Jin Tian Zheng Kin Man
次中音號 廖少國# 歐美茵 陳錦昕 李偉強
Euphonium Liu Siu Kwok Scott# Au Mei Yan Chan Kam Yan Lee Wai Keung
大號 陳栢恒# 陳梓濠 香嘉傑
Tuba Chan Pak Hang Brian# Chan Tsz Ho Heung Ka kit
敲擊 謝禧文# 黎駿熹 麥德偉 吳若林 譚家怡 陶永琼
Percussion Tse Hei Man# Lai Chun Hei Mak Tak Wai Ng Yuk Lam Tam Ka Yi To Wing King
* 團長 Concertmaster # 首席 Principal
執行委員會 Executive Committee
永遠名譽顧問 周文軒博士
Honourable Life Advisor Dr. CHOU Wen-hsien, OBE, JP
名譽音樂總監 葉惠康博士
Honourable Music Director Dr. YIP Wai-hong, MH
名譽顧問 蔡建中先生
Honourable Advisor Mr. CHAI Jian-zhong
桂冠音樂總監 黃日照先生
Music Director Laureate Mr. WONG Alfonso
音樂總監 李樹昇
Music Director LEE Shu-sing
副音樂總監 馮嘉興
Associate Music Director FUNG Ka-hing
秘書 吳宗鵬
Secretary NG Chung-pang
總務委員會 General Committee
藝術委員會 Artistic Committee
財務 潘慧韞
Treasurer POON Wai-wan Vivian
音樂總監 李樹昇
Music Director LEE Shu-sing
項目經理 劉銘章
Project Manager LAU Ming-cheung
副音樂總監 馮嘉興
Associate Music Director FUNG Ka-hing
項目經理 溫志堅
Project Manager WAN Chi-kin
團長 王卓能
Concertmaster WONG Cheuk-nang
推廣總監 余文偉
Marketing Manager YUE Man-wai Alan
木管聲部長 陳中豪
Section Leader - Woodwind CHAN Chung-ho
物流主任 張浩昇
Logistics Officer CHEUNG Ho-sing
高音銅管聲部長 張浩昇
Section Leader - Upper Brass CHEUNG Ho-sing
資訊科技主任 李國輝 呂家俊
Information Technology Officer LEE Kwok-fai LUI Ka-chun
低音銅管聲部長 吳宗鵬
Section Leader - Lower Brass NG Chung-pang
樂譜編輯主任 羅裕廣
Music Score Editor LO Yu-kwong
敲擊樂聲部長 謝禧文
Section Leader - Percussion TSE Hei-man
行政主任 麥淑欣
Administrative Officer MAK Shuk-yan
譜務 麥德偉
Librarian MAK Tak-wai
總務主任 謝禧文
General Affairs Officer TSE Hei-man
鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 香港交響管樂團謹向以下人士及單位之協助及支持致謝: The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds wishes to thank the following parties for their unfailing assistance and support: 葉惠康博士 MH 蔡建中先生 周百英先生 周忠繼先生 OBE JP 黃安爵老師 張可薇小姐 聖文德書院 楊佩珊校長 盧照強老師 周樂文老師 香港中國婦女會中學 黃明孝校長 徐燦玲老師 何兆華先生 Tubascott.com 廖少國先生 許聯發先生
Dr. YIP Wai-hong, MH Mr. CHAI Jian-zhong Mr. P. Y. CHOW Mr. CHOW Chung-kai, OBE JP Ms. WONG On-cheuk Ms. CHEUNG Fanny St. Bonaventure College & High School Principal YEUNG Pui-shan, Rita Mr. LO Chiu-keung Mr. CHOW Lok-man Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College Principal WONG Ming-hau Ms. CHUI Tsan-ling Mr. HO Albert Tubascott.com Mr. LIU Scott Siu-kwok Mr. HUI Gary
www.hksw.org.hk 加入我們的Facebook專頁 Join us on Facebook THE HONG KONG SYMPHONIC WINDS 香港交響管樂團
電話 Tel: +852 9613 7160 傳真 Fax: +852 2893 8818 電郵 Email: info@hksw.org.hk
香 港 交 響 管 樂 團