Bounce Back Support Programme
What is Bounce Back Support (BBS) Programme?
BBS is a programme that helps patients who have concerns about job loss or finding suitable jobs due to their health shock to remain in open employment.
The BBS Journey
Patient experiences a health shock, leading to mild impairment(s) that affect their ability to work.
A healthcare professional will refer the patient to the BBS programme for employment assistance.
A BBS coordinator will assess the patient’s needs and work readiness. If suitable, the patient will be referred to a WSG career coach.
A BBS executive will invite the patient to join a support group to improve their work readiness.
The WSG career coach will provide the patient with career guidance and provide regular updates on patient’s progress to the BBS coordinator.
The BBS coordinator will determine when the patient is ready for discharge from the BBS programme.
The BBS executive will follow-up with the patient for up to 6 months. If needed, they will escalate any concerns to the BBS coordinator.
How will you benefit from the BBS programme?

Receive Personalised Support
A BBS coordinator, who is a Medical Social Worker (MSW), will work closely with you. They will assess your health and social care needs and evaluate your work readiness to support your return-to-work journey.

Receive Career Guidance
If suitable, you will be referred to a WSG career coach. They will help you explore job options, understand the labour market, access resources for skills upgrading, and prepare you for job interviews.

Participate in a Support Group
You will be invited to join a support group facilitated by an Occupational Therapist, MSW, and BBS executive. In this group, you will learn coping strategies, interpersonal skills, and develop action plans to improve your work readiness. You will also receive support from peers facing similar challenges.
Do you have to pay for the BBS Programme?
The services in the BBS programme, including case management and work readiness assessment by an MSW, referral to a WSG career coach, and participation in the support group, are free.
If you are referred to other services outside of the BBS programme (e.g., assessment by a therapist), standard consultation rates will apply.
How long will you be on the BBS Programme?
Typically, BBS Programme varies from 3 to 6 months, or until you are deemed suitable for discharge. After discharge, the BBS executive will continue to follow up with you for up to 6 months.
How can you join the BBS Programme?
Your healthcare professional can refer you to the BBS programme if you meet the following criteria:
• You are a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
• Your medical condition is deemed stable
• You have concerns about job loss or finding suitable employment due to your health shock
• You have the potential for open employment
• You are motivated to pursue new job opportunities
Alternatively, you can discuss with your attending doctor, therapist, or MSW on your suitability to be referred to the BBS programme. For more information, please contact us at 6602 2588.
Yishun Health is a network of medical institutions and health facilities of the National Healthcare Group in the north of Singapore. It comprises Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Yishun Community Hospital and community extension, Admiralty Medical Centre. Khoo Teck Puat Hospital • (65) 6555 8000 • Yishun Community Hospital • (65) 6807 8800 •
The information is correct at the time of printing and subject to revision without further notice.