Colonoscopy Afternoon Appointment (Chinese)

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Colonoscopy Afternoon Appointment 大肠镜检查下午时段

One day before colonoscopy examination 在大肠镜检查前一天 5pm to 6pm: Light Dinner 傍晚5点到6点: 清淡的晚饭

Fish porridge 鱼粥

Bee hoon or mee sua 白米粉或白米线

No milk & no yogurt 不可以喝奶或奶制品 (例如酸奶)

No red meat (beef/mutton/pork) & no deep-fried food 不可以吃红肉 (牛肉、羊肉、猪肉)和煎炸食物

6pm to 8pm 傍晚6点到8点

8pm to bedtime 晚上8点到睡觉前

Mix 2 packets of PEG with 2 litres of water and drink all by 8pm 2包通便药粉溶于2升量的水中在傍晚8点前喝完

Drink 2 cups of clear water 喝至少2杯水

No food after 12 midnight 半夜12点之后 不可以吃东西

On colonoscopy examination day 在大肠镜检查当天 Before 7am (Breakfast) 早上7点前的早餐

Only clear drinks (water/apple juice/clear soup/plain tea) 只可以喝透明液体 (水、苹果汁、清汤 或无加奶和糖的茶)

Eat 2 slices of plain white bread 可以吃两片 白面包

8am to 10am 早上8点到10点 Mix 2 packets of PEG with 2 Litres of water and drink all before 10am. NO drinks 2 hours before colonoscopy. 2包通便药粉溶于2升量的水中, 并且在早上10点前喝完。 在大肠镜检查前2小时不可喝东西。

Yishun Health is a network of medical institutions and health facilities of the National Healthcare Group in the north of Singapore. It comprises Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Yishun Community Hospital and community extensions such as Admiralty Medical Centre and Wellness Kampung. Khoo Teck Puat Hospital • (65) 6555 8000 • Yishun Community Hospital • (65) 6807 8800 • The information is correct at the time of printing and subject to revision without further notice.


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