Barium Studies

What are Barium Studies?
Barium Studies are specialised X-ray procedures to examine the gastrointestinal system namely, the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large colon.
A white mixture called barium, which can be introduced orally or rectally, is used to coat the area being examined.
The most common studies are barium swallow, barium meal, small bowel follow through and barium enema.
What are the risks?
• Patients who have an obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract should not use barium because it could be retained and worsen the blockage of the digestive system. Alternatively, other contrast agent can be used, such as omipaque, vipaque etc.
• Some patients may be allergic to barium but it is very rare.
• It may cause constipation for some patients.
of Barium Studies & what
to expect
Barium Swallow
It is an examination of the oesophagus (food pipe) and to a lesser extent, the stomach. You will be asked to stand and drink the barium mixture. Various pictures will be taken during swallowing. This examination could take 30 minutes.
Barium Meal
It examines the stomach and the first section of the small intestines. An injection is sometimes given to relax the bowel muscles. You will be asked to take some ‘gas’ granules followed by a barium mixture drink. X-rays are taken with you lying down on the table and you will be asked to turn in different positions. This examination takes about 30 minutes.
Small Bowel Follow Through
It evaluates your small intestines. You will be required to drink a large amount of diluted X-ray contrast suspension and X-rays will be taken at specific time intervals of 5 to 30 minutes. The procedure takes about 4 hours but varies largely between different individuals.
Barium Enema
It is an examination of the large intestine. Diluted X-ray contrast is introduced into the rectum (anus) via a small tube. The doctor will pump in some air for a double contrast study which may cause some abdominal discomfort. A series of X-rays are taken in different positions.
When the study is completed, the barium will be drained into a bag and you will be asked to empty your bowels. The procedure lasts 1 to 2 hours.
How to prepare for the study? For all Barium Studies:
• Abstain from solid food and smoking for 6 hours before the scan
• Continue to take your prescribed medication
Please inform our staff before the scan:
• If you have had a recent Barium Study done
• If you have Diabetes Mellitus, Heart problems, Asthma, Glaucoma and/or any drug allergies
• If you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant, as there is a potential risk of harm to the foetus with any radiation exposure
Additional preparations are required for Barium Enema only:
3 days before the examination
• Start low residue diet (e.g. porridge, fish, white bread). Avoid leafy vegetables, fruits and meat
• Drink plenty of plain water throughout the day
• Continue this diet until the day of examination
2 days before the examination
• At 6am, insert the Bisacodyl Suppository into your rectum with adequate time (30 mins1 hour) for it to act before emptying your bowels
• You may drink small quantities of plain water with your medicines, if any, before coming to the hospital
On the day of the examination
For all studies, you are required to change into a hospital gown.
Care after the examination
• Drink lots of water and take fruits and vegetables to minimise the chances of constipation
• At 10pm, take 2 tablets of Bisacodyl
Day before the examination __________________________
• At 8pm, pour 40ml of the Lemon Sweet Purgative into a full glass of plain water and drink the mixture
• At 10pm, take 2 tablets of Bisacodyl with plain water
On the morning of the examination
• Your stools may appear white for the following few days due to the residual barium in your bowels
• You are advised not to drive on the day of the examination as some patients experience double vision after the injection
To note
1. Please be punctual for your appointment.
2. If you are unable to keep the appointment, kindly call 6602 2700 (office hours) to inform us two working days before appointment and request for a new date.
3. Should you be late, a new appointment based on the existing waiting list may be given to you.
4. For foreign workers, please bring along the original work permit and letter of guarantee.
5. We accept payment by cash, NETS, VISA/MasterCard.
Tower B, Level 2 (B25), Diagnostic Radiology
Appointment Date
Appointment Time
Examination Fee
Yishun Health is a network of medical institutions and health facilities of the National Healthcare Group in the north of Singapore. It comprises Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Yishun Community Hospital and community extension, Admiralty Medical Centre. Khoo Teck Puat Hospital • (65) 6555 8000 • Yishun Community Hospital • (65) 6807 8800 •