Professional Voice Advice Otolaryngology (ENT) - Head and Neck Surgery The vocal folds are made of small muscles and very delicate tissues that require special care to withstand heavy voice use. Taking care of your voice is important in order to avoid damage to vocal folds and hoarseness. The following are some helpful tips to preserve the voice. 1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate Drink at least 2 litres, or 8-10 glasses of water per day. Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks pull water out of your system and deplete the vocal folds of needed hydration. Therefore, switch to decaffeinated beverages or drink a glass of water for every cup of coffee or soda. 2. Reduce/elimate harmful vocal behaviors • Avoid throat clearing. Try the following remedies: use an effortful swallow instead, sip water, talk through it, or clear your throat silently (with air only). • Avoid shouting, screaming, loud laughter, and making strange vocal sounds.
• Avoid whispering as it can be worse than speaking. • Avoid coughing when possible. 3. Reduce/eliminate acid reflux Gastric reflux is a common condition and is aggraved by stress, obesity, spicy food, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, and eating late at night. 4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle • Eat a balanced diet, including vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods. • Exercise regularly. • Get adequate rest to minimise fatigue. If you do get sick, do not attempt to override a cold or laryngitis. See your physician and rest your voice. • Avoid smoking and breathing in smoggy, polluted air. • Avoid dry, artificial interior climates. 5. Practice good vocal use • Learn to use your voice with as little effort and tension as necessary • Less is more if we think of vocal longevity. Do not speak excessively.
• Schedule vocal naps (15 to 20 minutes of silence) as needed. Avoid lengthy telephone conversations. Use natural pausing in conversation wisely (avoid vocalised pauses). • Avoid speaking/singing at a pitch that is continually near the extremes of your own vocal range. • Before singing or using the voice in strenuous ways, do vocal warmups and whole-body stretches. After singing, do vocal cool-downs. • Move closer to the people you are talking to. • Be aware of noise in the environment and do not compete with it (restaurants, parties, cars, machinery). • Use adominal/diaphragmatic breathing during both speaking and singing. Inhale before you start voicing, and start each sentence with an exhaled breath. Pause in the middle of sentences to breathe and take in more air as needed. • Maintain a smooth, easy speech pattern with clear articulation. • “Place” or “focus” the voice appropriately. • Speak at a normal rate of speed.
• Use normal vocal inflection. • Be in tune with your voice. Be sensitive to the first signs of vocal fatigue (hoarseness, throat tension, dry throat, poor vocal projection) and rest your voice as needed. 6. Practice good vocal use when addressing a class or large audience • Avoid holding your breath and talking fast. • Be aware of muscle tension while talking. • Reduce the amount of talk time by increasing the use of audiovisual aids and audience participation. • Sip water throughout presentation. • Use amplification. • Use non-verbal ways to draw back attention. • Be aware of noise in the enivronment and do not compete with it. • Reduce general voice use before and after. Conserve your voice. • Face the person(s) with whom you are speaking with. Use gestures, facial expressions, etc., to aid in communication.
Yishun Health is a network of medical institutions and health facilities of the National Healthcare Group. Admiralty Medical Centre • (65) 6807 8000 • Khoo Teck Puat Hospital • (65) 6555 8000 • Yishun Community Hospital • (65) 6807 8800 • The information is correct at the time of printing and subject to revision without further notice.