Voice Clinic

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Voice Clinic Otolaryngology (ENT)-Head and Neck Surgery The Voice Clinic is a subspecialty clinic in the Otolaryngology (ENT) – Head and Neck Surgery Service. We have state of the art equipment and deal with a wide variety of laryngeal disorders. • Acute and chronic laryngitis • Benign vocal fold lesions (polyps, nodules, cysts, etc) • Laryngeal cancer • Muscle tension dysphonia and functional voice disorders • Neurological disorders (stroke, Parkinson’s disease) • Swallowing problems

Our Voice Clinic Services include: • Botox injection for spasmodic dysphonia and dysphagia • Care of the professional voice • Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing - This test involves inserting a small fiberoptic scope into the nose to study the swallowing mechanism. It helps us individualise swallowing therapy techniques for the patient. • Laryngeal electromyography • Phonosurgery

• Diagnostic videostroboscopy of the larynx - Special scopes are used to examine your vocal cords and determine the cause of your hoarseness. • Voice evaluation and therapy using state-of-the-art equipment • Voice rehabilitation of laryngeal cancer surgery (electrolarynx, tracheoesopageal voice prosthesis)

Yishun Health is a network of medical institutions and health facilities of the National Healthcare Group. Admiralty Medical Centre • (65) 6807 8000 • www.admiraltymedicalcentre.com.sg Khoo Teck Puat Hospital • (65) 6555 8000 • www.ktph.com.sg Yishun Community Hospital • (65) 6807 8800 • www.yishuncommunityhospital.com.sg The information is correct at the time of printing and subject to revision without further notice.


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