Comments and Suggestions
Please let us know more about yourself
Share with us how we have performed well or how can we improve to serve you better.
Name (Patient):
NRIC (Patient): I stay in Ward: Your Name (if you are relative/friend):
Contact No. : Email Address:
Date of Feedback: day
Please drop this in the Feedback Box or return to: Khoo Teck Puat Hospital 90 Yishun Central Singapore 768828 Main line: (65) 6555 8000
Inpatient Service Quality
Feedback Form
Thank you for choosing
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. It is our desire to provide a level of care and service good enough for our own mothers without the need for special arrangements. Your comments and feedback are important to us. Please take a few minutes to share how we can further improve to serve our patients better. We wish you and your family the best of health always. Chew Kwee Tiang (Mrs)
Excellent Good
Poor Very poor
Excellent Good
Admission Services
Knowledge & Skills Care & Concern Clear Explanation
Prompt & Courteous Clear Explanation
Helpful & Courteous Clear Explanation
Knowledge & Skills Care & Concern Clear Explanation (Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist & Speech Therapist)
Knowledge & Skills Care & Concern Clear Explanation
Environment Cleanliness Comfort Clear Signage
Meals Taste Temperature Presentation
(Dietician, Medical Social Worker)
Discharge Services
I am a:
Knowledge & Skills Care & Concern Clear Explanation
Overall Service
Relative of patient
(please specify, e.g. Father)
Yes, you may contact me for more information when necessary. I would like to attend the patient focus group.
Knowledge & Skills Care & Concern Clear Explanation
(Health Care Assistant, Patient Service Assistant)
This feedback is a:
Compliment Complaint Suggestion
Knowledge & Skills Care & Concern Clear Explanation
Poor Very poor
Financial Counselling
Do share your experiences with us. Please shade ( ) the appropriate circles.
Prompt & Courteous Clear Explanation
What was your overall experience? Better Slightly Neither Slightly Worst than above above below than expected expectation or below expectation expected exception
Would you recommend our hospital to others? Strongly
Neither will nor will not
Will not