Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

What is MRI?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical diagnostic technique, which creates images of the body using a strong magnetic field and radiofrequency waves. MRI can demonstrate certain structures of your body better than conventional X-ray imaging and can be used by your doctor for better management of your condition.
It is painless and no ionising radiation is used in the process. There are also no known harmful side effects from either the magnetic field or the radiofrequency waves used.
What to expect during the examination?
• You will be assisted to lie down on the scan table or to sit in a chair by our radiographer or nurse and slowly moved into the center of the scanner.
• Once you are comfortably positioned, it is important that you remain relaxed and still completely throughout the whole scan. Movement will result in unclear images, making it difficult for our doctors to make a diagnosis.
• If you have a history of feeling uncomfortable in confined spaces, please let our staff know in advance. Though the feeling of confinement may cause you to feel uneasy, most people are able to go through the whole scan with minimal discomfort.
• Our staff will have voice contact with you and will observe you closely from the control room throughout the whole procedure.
During the scan you will hear loud humming and thumping sounds produced by the scanner. Disposable earplugs will be provided to reduce the noise.
• It is normal for the area of your body being scanned to feel slightly warm but if it bothers you, please notify us.
• Examinations usually take between 30 mins to 1 hour, depending on the region being scanned.
How to prepare for the examination?

• Most MRI examinations do not require any restrictions on diet or medication. You will be informed if there are any special requirements for your scan.
• In general you should not bring any metallic or magnetic objects into the scanner room. For your own safety and comfort, you will be required to change into a hospital gown regardless of the region of the body being scanned.
• Please help us by removing any of the following before the scan:
1. Jewellery or piercings.
2. All patches (e.g. medicated plasters, transdermal drug patches or others).
3. Items with magnetic strips (e.g. credit cards, ATM cards) as they may be damaged if brought into the scan room.
4. Electronic or mechanical devices (e.g. mobile phones, watches) as they may cause interference with the scanner or be damaged if brought into the scan room.
• Do inform our staff if you are pregnant or there is a chance you might be pregnant.
• Do let our staff know if you have any tattoos.
• If there is a chance you may have shrapnel or metallic foreign bodies in you, please alert our staff and X-rays may be performed to confirm it.
• Your doctor should have completed an MRI screening questionnaire with you prior to your scan. Any significant medical history has to be declared. However, if you have any of the following, you should still highlight it to our staff conducting the MRI scan before the start of the procedure:
1. A pacemaker
2. Metallic implants e.g. stents
3. Prosthetic devices
4. Hearing aids
5. Metallic clips used in brain surgery
6. Artificial heart valves
7. Neurostimulators
8. Glucose monitoring patches
9. Any surgical staples, plates, pins and screws
For patients undergoing an MRI of the head or neck region
DO NOT apply any hair spray, mousse or make-up and DO NOT use coloured contact lens. These may affect the MR images.
For patients undergoing MRI Liver, Abdomen, MRCP, MR Elastography, Pancreas, Enterography, DO NOT consume any food or fluid 4 hours before your scheduled scan time.
For patients undergoing Arthrogram with MRI Study
As your study involves an injection of contrast dye into your joint space, it is advisable for you NOT to drive or operate heavy machinery after the examination. Please arrange for alternative transport or take public transport during the day of your examination.
Are there any injections involved?
Some patients may require an injection of a special dye into the bloodstream to clarify certain conditions. You will be informed if such an injection is required during the scan. If you have any doubts, please discuss with your doctor or with the radiographer inattendance.
When will the results be ready?
After the study is completed, you may change and leave the department. Our radiologists will evaluate and report on your scan. The images and report will be made available on our system for your doctor’s reference, in time for your next appointment.
To note
1. Please be punctual for your appointment.
2. If you are unable to keep the appointment, kindly call 6602 2700 (office hours) to inform us two working days before appointment and request for a new date.
3. Should you be late, a new appointment based on the existing waiting list may be given to you.
4. For foreign workers, please bring along the original work permit and letter of guarantee.
5. We accept payment by cash, NETS, VISA/MasterCard.
Name Venue
Tower B, Level 2 (B25), Diagnostic Radiology
Appointment Date
Appointment Time
Examination Fee
(65) 6555 8000 • Yishun Community Hospital • (65) 6807 8800 •