YMCA Thrissur : Annual Report 13-14

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127th Annual Report 2013-14

Young Men’s Christian Association Thrissur

(Registered under Travancore Cochin Literary, Scientific, Charitable Societies Act XII of 1955 & Affiliated to the National Council of YMCAs of India)

YMCA Tower, Palace Road, Thrissur, Kerala – 680020

Email: secretary@ymcathrissur.org | website: www.ymcathrissur.org


Administrative Office

YMCA Thrissur YMCA Tower, Palace Road Thrissur, Kerala – 680020 Ph: 0091- 487- 2331190 Email: mail@ymcathrissur.org

Mathew Mampilly VICE-PRESIDENT

Dr. T.T. Paul


Francis Kurian Attokaren

YMCA International Guest House YMCA Tower, Palace Road Thrissur, Kerala – 680020 Ph: 0091- 487- 2331190 Mob: 0091 - 9633 178 888 Email: manager@ymcathrissur.org


Pius Alapatt Raphel Vadakkan Joy George Chiriankandath Leo Louis Devassy Thomas Kollannur Francis Chandy Adv. Davies J. Chirammel James Paul Valappila George Jacob

YMCA International Centre

Cheenikadavu, Kannara PO, Thrissur, Kerala – 680652 Mob: 0091- 9495 333 010 Email: camp@ymcathrissur.org


CA. Biju P.S Biju George & Associates Chartered Accountants


J Paul Zachariah

127th Annual Report and

Audited Accounts 2013-14

127th Annual Report 2013-14

The President’s Message Dear Members and Friends, One thing that has always fascinated me is the thought “Dare to Dream.” God must have dreamt of a beautiful Earth, with all that is on it, before he created it out of nothing. Our leaders of yore also must have dreamt of a great nation before they embarked on the task of creating a free India. The founder of YMCA, George Williams must have dreamt of generations of youth across nations joining together with one purpose and one vision. Shakespeare says in The Tempest, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” It might be more of a psychological aspect, but it is also the plain truth. We are most often than not, the creations of our dreams. And it takes courage to dream big and work on realizing that dream. In the YMCA, this notion of dreams and daring to dream hold such value that it has been virtually steering the movement from the time of Sir. George Williams to Sir. K.T. Paul and into the present century. As my predecessor said, the YMCA is ‘one big versatile team with a common mission.’ With gladness, I wish to let you know that we are progressing well with the works in International Centre at Kannara near the Peechi reservoir. I have to specially thank Board of Directors of our YMCA for their whole-hearted support to me, especially Mr. George Chiriankandath for his strenuous and meticulous efforts in supervising completion of the International Center.

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I also thank the Chairmen and members of the various Standing Committees who had done a very commendable job in organizing a wide range of programs for our YMCA. I also thank each and every one of our Members who had taken an active part in supporting our programs with their presence and also resources. As I reach the end of my term as President of YMCA Thrissur, I once again express my deepest thanks to the Members of the Board who elected me to be in this august chair that entailed great responsibility and diligence. As I said earlier, our YMCA has embarked on fulfilling a long cherished dream and we are not far away. Like an old African proverb says, “Travel alone if you need to travel fast, but travel together if you need to travel far.” Let us travel together as we have yet more distances to cover. I greet you all with joy and gratitude as we move over from yet another eventful and glorious year for the YMCA. Thank you all once again.

Sd/Mathew Mampilly 2

127th Annual Report 2013-14

The Annual Report for the Year 2013-14 On behalf of the Board of Directors of YMCA Thrissur, I am happy to present to you the Annual Report for the year 2013-14 and the Audited Balance Sheet and Financial Statement for Financial Year (FY) ending 31st March 2014.

THE 126TH ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING AND ELECTIONS The 126th Annual General Meeting (AGM), presided over by our President Dr. Justin George was held on 14th September, 2013 at our conference hall at the YMCA Tower on Palace Road, from 4.00 pm onwards. The other officials at the podium were Vice President Mr. Mathew Mampilly, Treasurer Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren and General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah. The meeting opened with the YMCA Prayer led by Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur, Board Member and Chairman of Youth Work Committee. Following the prayer, the AGM observed a minute of silence to mark its respect and pay homage to the honourable members – T.J Andrews, P.G Ousepachan, Jos C Chacko, A.J. Pavoo and Adv. K.B. Veerachandra Menon who departed during the reporting period. The formal welcome to all present at the AGM was given by our Vice-President Mr. Mathew Mampilly. The Minutes of the 125th AGM held on 15th September, 2012 was presented by the General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah which was passed by the AGM after being proposed by Mr. Leo Louis and seconded by Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur. The President, Dr. Justin George in his address first of all expressed his sincere gratitude to all the members of YMCA Thrissur for their support and confidence in him. He also expressed his thanks to the Members of the Board of Directors, YMCA Members and Staff for their co-operation and whole-hearted support. He also briefed the AGM about the major programs newly initiated during the reporting period especially the Tribal Education Project, Program for International Exposure with the German YMCAs and Educational Aid project for Children with HIV/AIDS. The president then specially mentioned and thanked Mr. Jose Paul Chiriankandath who had sponsored the main hall of the YMCA International Centre which is fast nearing completion at the YMCA Multi-Project Centre at Cheenikadavu, Kannara. He said that the main hall would be christened as C.J. Palu Memorial Hall and would be ready for rent out by November 2013. The hard work and diligence of Sri. Joy George Chiriyankandath in supervising the construction of the Convention Centre by visiting the site every morning was specially mentioned and extolled by the President. The President exhorted all members to join hands to achieve the noble endeavours of Thrissur YMCA. He left a concluding thought that irrespective of our differences based on gender, class or faith, the YMCA is an organization that brings everyone together in one common mission with one common vision. The Annual Report for the year 2012-13 was presented by the General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah and it was passed by the AGM after being proposed by Mr. P.M. Jose and seconded by Mr. Pius Alapatt. The Audited Accounts of FY 2012-13 was presented by the Treasurer Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren and was passed by the AGM after being proposed by Mr. Bejo J. Thattil and seconded by Mr. Leo Louis. 3

127th Annual Report 2013-14

Mr. Biju P.S, FCA (M.No.216140) was proposed to continue as the Auditors for FY 2013-14 by Mr. Sebi Joseph and seconded by Adv. Davies J. Chirammel. The remuneration of the auditors was fixed as Rs.7,500/- and it was approved and passed by the AGM. The President announced that there were no counter nominations to fill the vacancies in the Board of Directors. As such the AGM elected and approved the four names nominated by the Nomination Committee. Consecutively the President declared the following as elected and appointed them as Members of the Board of Directors for the term 2013-2016. 1) Mr. Pius Alapatt 2) Dr. T.T. Paul 3) Mr. Joy George Chiriankandath 4) Adv. Davies J. Chirammel The proposal to amend the Constitution and Bye-law of YMCA Thrissur was not taken up for discussion as the President announced that more discussions were needed to fine tune the constitution owing to the draft National Policy for Property Management being proposed to be passed by the National Board. The proposal to amend the constitution would be taken up in a special General-body meeting called for the purpose. No other written questions or queries were received from the members. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by the General Secretary Mr. J. Paul Zachariah who specially thanked the members for being present. The 126th Annual General Meeting concluded with the National Anthem.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Members of the Board of Directors for the year 2013-14 were the following persons with the General Secretary as ex-officio member of the Board.  Mr. Mathew Mampilly  Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren  Dr. T.T. Paul  Mr. Pius Alapatt  Mr. Raphel Vadakkan  Mr. Joy George Chiriankandath  Mr. Leo Louis  Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur  Er. Francis Chandy  Adv. Davies J. Chirammel  Mr. James Paul Valappila  Mr. George Jacob

OFFICE BEARERS The newly constituted Board of Directors at its first meeting after the AGM elected the Office Bearers for the year 2013-14. Whereas, Mr. J. Paul Zachariah continues as the General Secretary who shall serve full time.  President : Mr. Mathew Mampilly  Vice-President : Dr. T.T. Paul  Treasurer : Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren  Gen.Secretary : Mr. J Paul Zachariah


127th Annual Report 2013-14

STANDING COMMITTEES AND CHAIRMEN The Chairmen of the Standing Committees were appointed by the President in consultation with the Board. The Committees and the Chairmen are as follows  Social Action : Dr. T.T. Paul  Finance, Tax & Audit Affairs : Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren  Personnel & Administration : Mr. Pius Alapatt  Media and Communication : Mr. Raphel Vadakkan  Memberships : Mr. Joy George Chiriankandath  Ecumenical Action : Mr. Leo Louis  Technical Advisory : Mr. Francis Chandy  Youth Work : Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur  Sports and Games : Adv. Davis J Chirammel  Christian Emphasis : Mr. George Jacob  Programs : Mr. James Paul Valappilla

AUDITORS Mr. Biju P.S FCA of M/s Biju George and Associates continued as the Statutory Auditors for FY 2013-14. Mr. A.A Jose B.Com CAIIB serves as Concurrent Auditor.

EDITORIAL BOARD OF ‘YMCA NEWS THRISSUR’ Dr. T.T. Paul continues as the Editor and Mr. Junie Paul Zachariah continues as the Printer and Publisher of our official newsletter titled ‘YMCA News Thrissur.’ The Members of the Board of Editors were Mr. Mathew Mampilly (President), Mr. Raphel Vadakkan (Chairman of the Media & Communications Committee), Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren (Treasurer) and Mr. Pius Alapatt.


Full Members - Life Full Members – Ordinary Associate Members – Life

As on 31st Mar, 2013 767 370 87

As on 31st Mar, 2014 807 370 97

OBITUARY With a fond remembrance of their involvement with the activities of YMCA, we pay homage to these departed persons who were members of the YMCA. Our deepest condolences go with the bereaved families.  P.I John (LJ/28)  Tony Thottan (LT/02)


127th Annual Report 2013-14


ANNUAL FAMILY MEET 2013 It was a time for members of the YMCA to come together to renew bonds and refresh relationships. The Annual YMCA Family Meet 2013 was held on 29th September at the Casino Cultural Auditorium presided by the then President Dr. Justin George. The Most Reverend Mar Andrews Thazath, Arch-bishop of the Catholic Arch-diocese of Trichur was the Chief Guest who inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp. We also had the presence of Mrs. M.S Jaya IAS, the District Collector of Thrissur, who gave the Key-note address and Mr. Jyothis Mohan IRS, Asst.Director of Income Tax who was the Special Guest. The program began with a prayer song by Ms. Ashley Shiju. The General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah gave the formal welcome and the Program Committee Chairman Mr. James Paul Valappila proposed the vote of thanks. The YMCA contribution towards the Uttarakhand Flood Relief was handed over to the District Collector by President Dr. Justin George. The YMCA Awards for Excellence were also given at the event by the Reverend Arch-Bishop Mar Andrews Thazath to Prof. P. Bhanumati (Sevana Mitra Award), Mr. V.K. Hamza (Vasthu Sreshta Award), Mr. Francis P.A (Kanaka Rathna Award) and Mr. Binoj C.K (Nirman Sree Award). The C.M. George Award (for Meritorious Services to the YMCA) and the Chammanam Devassy Award (for Best YMCA Worker) were also handed over to Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren and Mr. Harikrishnan respectively by the District Collector. Mementoes of Appreciation were given to the Board Members who retired in 2013 - Dr. Justin George and Mr. P.M. Jose. After the formal function we had entertainment programs and a dinner for the families of our members and other invited guests.

YWCA/YMCA WEEK OF PRAYER AND WORLD FELLOWSHIP 2013 The 139th YWCA/YMCA Week of Prayer and World Fellowship with the theme “Be the Change” was held from November 10-16, 2013 across various venues. The opening ceremony was presided over by our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly. His Grace Mar Joseph Pastor Neelankavil, Emeritus Bishop of Sagar was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the Week of Prayer. The Chairman of YMCA Christian Emphasis Committee Mr. George Jacob (Geo Kattukaran) welcomed the gathering and the Chairperson of the YWCA Religious Committee, Mrs. Laila Geevarghese gave the Vote-of-Thanks. The venue, speakers and topics covered for each day were as follows – Day 1 -YMCA Hall -Rev. Justin Neelankavil (Vicar, Mar Geevarghese Sahda Church, Cheroor) -“Be: We are Called to be” Day 2 -Chaldean Syrian HSS -Rev Fr. John Paul Chemmannur (Asst.Vicar, St.Antony’s Forane Church, Ollur) -“What God wants is me” Day 3 -Marthoma GHSS -Rev. P.V. James (Vicar, All Saints CSI Church, Thrissur) -Ubuntu: I am because you are” Day 4 -YWCA Hall -Prof. Dr. K.T.Markose (Dept. of Commerce, Vimala College) -“I am the Change” 6

127th Annual Report 2013-14

Day 5 -YWCA Hall

-Rev. Fr. David Thankachan (Vicar, St.Thomas Orthodox Church, Chembukavu) - “Addressing Gender inequalities in our Communities: A call to Action” Day 6 -Chaldean Syrian College -Rev. Fr. Johnson C. Jacob (Vicar, Marthoma Ebenezer Church, East Fort) -“Instruments for Change” Day 7 -YWCA Hall -Sr. Lekha (Principal, St. Paul’s CBSE School, Kuriachira) -“What we are at the horizon of change” The closing ceremony was held on the last day at the YWCA Hall. Mar Yohannan Yoseph, Episcopa, Church of the East was the Chief Guest. The ceremony was presided by YWCA President Mrs. Latha Jacob. Our President, Mr. Mathew Mampilly welcomed the congregation and our past President Mr. Sebi Irimpan gave the vote-of-thanks. Members and well wishers of the YMCA and YWCA attended the program which was a blessing to all.

DEEPAVALI CELEBRATIONS The celebration of festival of lights, Deepavali, was held at the YMCA Hall on 8th November, 2013. The Chief Guest for the program was Sri. T.V. Chandra Mohan Ex-MLA, Chairman of the Guruvayur Devasom who inaugurated the celebrations by lighting the chirag (lamp) that was arranged in front of the YMCA building. He then delivered the Deepavali message. Our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly presided over the function and the welcome speech was given by our past President Mr. Sebi Irimpan and the General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah gave the vote-of-thanks. Sweet packets were distributed and our members exchanged Deepavali greetings. The finale was the spectacular fire-works display. The program was organized by the Ecumenical Action Committee under the Chairmanship of Mr. Leo Louis. We are thankful to Mr. Yashwant Rao Chavan who sponsored sweet packets and Mr. Sadasivan Seth for the fire-works.

CHRISTMAS CAROL COMPETITION The Eighth edition of the YMCA Ecumenical Christmas Carol Competition, Christunes, was held on 21st December, 2013 at the YMCA Hall. The Chief Guest for the program was Rev.Fr. Thomas Chakkalamattath CMI, Director of Chetana, who inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp. Our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly presided over the function and our past President Mr. Sebi Irimpan formally welcomed the gathering. The President of YWCA Thrissur Mrs. Latha Jacob gave her felicitations to the program. The winners of the competition were the Mar Aprem Church, Chelakottukara who won, for the second consecutive time, the Christunes Ever Rolling Trophy and cash prize of Rs.10,001. The choir of the Mar Adhai Sleeha Church, Paravattani were the Runners-up. We congratulate all the winners and thank all the choir teams who participated in this program. The prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest Fr. Thomas Chakkalamattath and our General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah gave the vote-of-thanks. The master of ceremony was Dr. J.S Nivin and the judges of the competition were – Mr. Jimmy Mathew, Mr. Amal Antony and Mr. Sangeeth. The program was conducted by the Ecumenical Action Committee under the Chairmanship of Mr. Leo Louis.


127th Annual Report 2013-14

ALL KERALA’S CHILDREN’S PAINTING COMPETITION 2014 The All Kerala Children’s Painting Competition jointly conducted by Balarama and YMCA was held on 1st February, 2014 in over 350 centres in Kerala. The centre for Thrissur YMCA was, as usual, the Academic Block of St. Thomas College. The competition was inaugurated by renowned artist Prof. K.T. Sasi. Also present was Mr. Georgekutty Myladoor, Sr. Circulation Manager of Malayala Manorama. The competition was supervised by our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly, the Program Committee Chairman Mr. James Paul Valappila, Members of the Board and Members of the Program Committee. The volunteers of the Uni-Y were present to co-ordinate the event. The unit level prize distribution ceremony was held on 15th February at the YMCA Hall. The Chief Guest was Mr. T.V Chandramohan Ex-MLA and Chairman of the Guruvayur Devasom who gave away the prizes to the winners. Our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly presided and felicitations were given by Treasurer Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren and Mr. Nandakumar of Malayala Manorama. The Program Committee Chairman Mr. James Paul Valappila welcomed the children and their guardians and General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah gave the voteof-thanks. The Ever-rolling Trophy “Art-piece” and cash prize was bagged this year by the Holy Family Convent Girls High School, Chembukavu for sending the most number of students to participate in the competition. The Judges of the Competition were senior students of the Govt. College of Fine Arts – Mr. Shobharaj K.R, Mr. Arunnath K.R and Mr. Renjith R.

Social Projects

EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FOR CHILDREN WITH HIV/AIDS Educational Scholarship for Children with HIV/AIDS is an ongoing project of YMCA Thrissur that was launched in July 2013 and co-ordinated by the Social Action Committee. We have been giving a monthly educational scholarship to children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. This program is in co-operation with TNP+ (Trichur Network of Positive Persons) which is a self-help group of People Living with HIV/AIDS. We take this opportunity to request our members to contribute towards this fund to ensure continuity of the project.

EDUCATIONAL EMPOWERMENT OF TRIBAL CHILDREN The objective of Project for Educational Empowerment of Tribal Children is to support the education of the tribal children including boys and girls who would have other-wise lived a life of seclusion and ignorance in their jungle hamlets. The program will also help in the enhancement of their soft skills and open up chances of better social integration. The program will enable the tribal children to avail resources for books, school stationary, uniforms, nutritious food and such necessary things that would ensure that they go on to successfully finish their high school. We have been supporting 28 children this academic year 2013-14 directly through this program and our mission is to enable them to complete class 12. These children are originally inhabitants of the tribal colonies of Kadapara and Thaliyakkal (in Palakkad District) and are studying in various schools in Kannara near our International Centre. They have been offered residence at Akasaparavakal (Birds of the Air) Orphanage, Chennaipara and Alvernia Boys Home, Kannara for which we are thankful to Fr. George and Brother Johnson respectively.


127th Annual Report 2013-14

For this first year (2013-14) the YMCA of Ajman has partnered with us and has sponsored all the 28 children. Earlier the Vice-President of the Ajman YMCA Dr. Rajan Varghese visited the children at Kannara and appraised the project. He also handed over the first installment of their aid to our General Secretary. We are also in constant communication with Mr. Sajan Veloor, the President of Ajman YMCA, who was instrumental in their support for us. We are extremely thankful to all the members, Directors and office bearers of Ajman YMCA.

Observance of Important Days

WORLD AIDS DAY 2013 The World AIDS Day 2013 was observed in partnership with the office of the District Medical Officer (DMO). Our Social Action Chairman Dr. T.T. Paul, spoke at the program organized by the DMO. The DMO’s office had also organized a rally of students and other activists holding placards and banners with various slogans on the theme “Getting to Zero: Zero Discrimination, Zero New Infections and Zero AIDS-related deaths.”

NATIONAL YOUTH DAY 2014 The National Youth Day is observed on January 12 in India which is the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. The Youth Work Member of YMCA Thrissur observed the day in a ceremony held at the YMCA Hall. The members decided to start a series of talks aimed at the Youth to be delivered at colleges and schools in Thrissur by eminent personalities.

REPUBLIC DAY 2014 India’s 65th Republic Day was celebrated with all respects and jubilation by our YMCA. The President Mr. Mathew Mampilly hoisted the national flag and addressed the gathering. Our Directors, members and also well-wishers were present on the occasion. Sweets were distributed to all those who were present.

WOMEN’S DAY 2014 In a serene ceremony at the YMCA Hall, the members of the Uni-Y and Youth Work Committee of Thrissur YMCA observed the International Women's Day on March 8 th. The Uni-Y President Mr. Jojo C Jacob, Secretary Mr. Tinu Thomas Antony and YMCA Youth Work Committee Chairman, Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur co-ordinated the program.

ENVIRONMENT DAY 2014 The World Environment day was observed on June 5, by planting 20 different species of native and exotic plants at the YMCA International Centre in Kannara. Our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly and Board Member Mr. Joy Chiriankandath led in this special activity where our Board Members took an active participation.

YMCA FOUNDERS’ DAY The YMCA Founders’ Day was observed on June 6, in a special way where the members of the Board and our young Uni-Y Members met in a special meeting to renew their commitment to work towards the mission of the YMCA. 9

127th Annual Report 2013-14


The Hiroshima Day (that is observed on August 6 each year to commemorate the atomic bombing of Hiroshima city during the final stages of the 2nd World War) was remembered by our Youth members at a solemn function at the YMCA Hall. A critical analysis of the Gaza Crises was held by the members themselves who underscored that all war and conflicts, no matter for what, was disastrous to humankind.

INDEPENDENCE DAY India’s 68th Independence Day was celebrated on August 15th with our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly hoisting the national flag at the premises of the YMCA Administrative office on Palace Road. Our Directors, members and also well-wishers were present on the occasion and sweets were distributed to all those who were present.

Youth Empowerment

POWERTALK 2014 SERIES The University Students wing of YMCA Thrissur (Uni-Y) has been organizing a series of motivation lectures (Power-Talks) for higher secondary and degree students with the objective of inspiring and empowering them to dream beyond the conventional and beaten path and to realize their full potential – as an individual, as a student, as a social being and as a citizen of this country. The talk is being delivered by Mr. Jyothis Mohan IRS (Asst. Director of Investigations, Income Tax, Thrissur) a young and dynamic civil servant of the government of India. This series of talks will be held in only select 10 schools/colleges who have expressed interest. The venues selected for this year were the following 1. Chaldean Syrian HSS 2. Marthoma Girls HSS 3. St. Joseph’s CGHSS, Mission Quarters 4. St. Paul’s Public School (CBSE), Kuriachira 5. Vijayagiri Public School, Annallur 6. St. Thomas College, Thrissur 7. Vimala College, Thrissur 8. Don Bosco College, Mannuthy 9. Sri. C. Achutha Menon College, Kuttanellor 10. St. Mary’s College, Thrissur The inauguration of the series was held at the Chaldean Syrian HSS on January 15, 2014. It was organized on that day so as to coincide with the National Youth Week observed in connection with the National Youth Day that falls on January 12, the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The Chief Guest for the program was eminent educationist Prof. P.C Thomas whose presence and talk were indeed a great inspiration for the students. Our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly presided over the function where Youth Work Chairman Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur, Uni-Y President Mr. Jojo C Jacob, Uni-Y Secretary Mr. Nandakumar Balachandran spoke to the students. The General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah proposed the vote of thanks.


127th Annual Report 2013-14



An exposure visit to YMCA Ooty was organized for our young members of the Uni-Y by the Youth Work Committee under the Chairman Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur. A team of 15 youth visited the YMCA Ooty and reviewed the activities of the YMCA Ooty. They also had an interaction with the General Secretary of YMCA Ooty Mr. Max Williard Jayaprakash. The team also visited other important places in Ooty.

NATIONAL INTEGRATION MEET Each year the first week of August is observed as YMCA Peace Week by the YMCA South West India Region. On August 4th this year, our YMCA hosted a National Integration Meet for the Region. The program was held at the YMCA Hall and was attended by the YMCA Leaders from Kerala. The Youth Work Committee of YMCA Thrissur co-ordinated the program with a strong Uni-Y contingent including students from St. Thomas College, Thrissur attending the program. Our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly officially welcomed the august gathering which was presided by Mr. Paul Vazhakala (Regional Standing Committee Chairman) on behalf of the Regional Chairman Mr. Lebi Philip Mathew who could not attend owing to a physical discomfort. The program was inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Mar Aprem, Metropolitan of the Church of the East. The President of Guruvayur Devasom Mr. T.V Chandra Mohan Ex-MLA was the Chief Guest and Dr. Usman Sahib, Education and Sports Standing Committee Chairman of Thrissur Corporation was the Guest of Honour. We also had the presence of Mr. Saiju Varghese (YMCA Regional Secretary), Mr. V.V Kuriakose (YMCA Thrissur SubRegion Chairman), Mr. Sebi Irimpan (our past President) who gave felicitations. The programs was compered by Mr. Kurian Paul (Secretary for Regional Properties and Projects) and the vote of thanks was give by our General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah. A photo exhibition on the humanitarian and environmental impact of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was also held at the YMCA Hall.

ALL KERALA INTER-SCHOOL PATRIOTIC SONG COMPETITION 2014 The 9th All Kerala Inter-School Patriotic Song Competition titled ‘Vande Mataram 2014’ organized by the Thrissur Uni-Y was held at the YMCA Conference Hall on 12th August, 2014. The inaugural ceremony was presided over by the Uni-Y President, Mr. Jojo C Jacob. Noted caricature and cine artist Mr. Jayaraj Warrier was the Chief Guest and inaugurate the program and YMCA President Mr. Mathew Mampilly gave the Key-Note address. The gathering was formally given the welcome by Mr. Devassy Thomas Kollannur, Chairman of the Youth Work Committee and Mr. Tinu Thomas Antony, Uni-Y Secretary, gave the voteof-thanks. The judges of the competition were Mrs. Lakshmi E, Mrs. Lakshmi Sudheer and Fr.Martin Gabriel, all from the Chetana Sangeetha Natya Academy, Thrissur. The winners of the Ever-rolling trophy were the Paramekavu Vidyamandir school team. The Second Prize was won by the St. Clares’ Convent Girls High School and the Third Prize was bagged by the Devamatha CMI Public School. Consolation prizes were won by Chinmaya Vidyala, Nirmala Matha Central School and St. Joseph’s Convent Girls Higher Secondary School. The Chief Guest for the Prize Distribution ceremony was Dr. Fr. Paul Poovathingal CMI, Director of Chetana Sangeeth Natya Academy and Music College, and we also had Mr. Priyaraj, Head of Club FM 104.8, as Guest of Honour. The official radio partners were Club FM 104.8. 11

127th Annual Report 2013-14

International Relations

GERMAN YMCA OFFICIALS VISIT THRISSUR As our YMCA grows and expands its activities and programs, it is only essential that our members, especially the youth, get an international exposure in relation to the YMCA. An international partnership with sister YMCAs in a different country would enhance the skills and give opportunities for international exposure for our youth. We expressed our interest for a partnership to the officials of the German YMCAs who already had a very good working relation with many Indian YMCAs. Heeding to our request, top officials from the CVJM Germany (YMCAs of Germany) visited the YMCA Thrissur in January 2013 and had a discussion with our President and other Members of Board on the possibilities of an international partnership between the YMCA Thrissur and CVJM Germany. In continuation of these, a delegation from the YMCA of Baden Region in Germany visited Thrissur YMCA to hold further talks. The officials were Mr. Dieter Stockle, National Board Member of German YMCAs and Ms. Anne Scherle, Secretary of International Volunteer Program of YMCAs of Baden Region. The German officials also visited the YMCA International Centre that we are building at Kannara. The officials appreciated our efforts in the growth of the YMCA. Our President Mr. Mathew Mampilly, Vice-President and Social Action Committee Chairman Dr. T.T. Paul, Treasurer Mr. Francis Kurian Attokaren and General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah participated in the discussions which proved to be fruitful and paved the way for further actions.

YMCA Programs

APAY RESOURCE MOBILISATION PROGRAM With the objective of enhancing the collective brand image of the YMCAs in India and to equip the YMCA professionals and volunteers to raise resources for various social projects, the Asia Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (APAY) had organized resource mobilization seminars in India. The second follow-up program for South India was held at Kollam YMCA were the important aspect of capital resource mobilization was imparted to the delegates by the resource persons – Ms. Jamie Inman (YMCA Greenville, USA), Ms. Eloisa Borreo (Executive Secretary, APAY), and Mr. Jose Varghese (National Secretary for Movement Strengthening). Our General Secretary Mr. J Paul Zachariah participated in this two day workshop and presented our project YMCA International Centre at Kannara.

YMCA SUB-REGIONAL ONAM CELEBRATIONS The Onam celebrations of YMCA Thrissur Sub-Region was hosted by our YMCA on August 24, 2013. As a part of the Onam celebrations a Pookalam (Floral Design) competition was conducted for the YMCAs under Thrissur Sub-Region. 12

127th Annual Report 2013-14

Personalia AWARDS & RECOGNITION C.M. George Award In recognition of the exemplary and meritorious services rendered to YMCA Thrissur, Mr. Mathew Mampilly has been conferred with the C.M.George Award 2014. Chammanam Devassy Award The Chammanam Devassy Award which is given in recognition and encouragement to the Best YMCA Worker has been conferred on Mr. John Kokken Davis for 2014.

OUR MEMBERS IN IMPORTANT POSITIONS IN YMCA Mr. P.M. Jose Personal Committee Member of National Council of YMCAs of India Editorial Board Member, YMCA Kerala Yuvatha Mr. Sebi Irimpan Vice-Chairman, Public Relations Board of YMCA South West India Region Mr. Bejo J Thattil Convenor for Youth, Women and Children Concerns Committee of Thrissur Sub-Region

MEMBERS OF STAFF The members of staff of YMCA Thrissur are the following persons Mr. J Paul ZachariahGeneral Secretary Mr. Thomas C.V Manager (Finance and Administration) Mr. Tony Joseph Manager (YMCA International Guest House) Mrs. Saima Baju Executive Assistant (Accounts & Administration) Mr. Manoj Joseph Executive Asst (YMCA International Guest House) Mr. Devassy serves as the Care-taker of YMCA International Centre, Kannara. And we also have Mr. Balan, Mr. Bahuleyan, Mr. Jose and Mrs. Devaki who serve as sub-staff in the Administrative Office and the Guest House.


127th Annual Report 2013-14

Acknowledgements The Board of Directors of YMCA Thrissur places on record their sincere thanks and gratitude to the members, friends, well-wishers and other institutions who had extended their support to YMCA Thrissur. Though naming every individual and organisation is not feasible, we wish to mention the names of some of them and express our special thanks to them. 1. President, National General Secretary and Officers of the National Council of YMCAs of India 2. Chairman, Regional Secretary and Officers of the YMCA South West Inda Region 3. Chairman, Gen.Convenor and Officers of the YMCA Thrissur Sub-Region 4. Sri. Rajan Pallan, Mayor of Thrissur 5. Sri. I.P. Paul, Ex-Mayor of Thrissur 6. Sri. P.C. Chacko, Ex-MP of Thrissur 7. Sri. Therambil Ramakrishnan MLA, Thrissur 8. Sri. M.P. Vincent, MLA, Ollur 9. Sri. T.V ChandraMohan Ex-MLA, President, Guruvayur Devasom 10. Sri. K.V. Dasan, Former District Panchayath President 11. Dr. M. Usman Sahib, Education and Sports Standing Committee Chairman, Thrissur Corporation. 12. Prof. Annam John, Corporation Councilor 13. His Grace The Most Reverend Dr. Mar Aprem, Metropolitan of India (Church of the East) 14. His Grace Mar Raphael Thattil, Aux. Bishop, ArchDiocese of Trichur 15. His Grace Mar Awgin Kuriakose Episcopa, Assyrian Church of the East 16. Vicars, presbyters and leaders of the parishes and churches in Thrissur and Kannara 17. District Collector and the Collectorate 18. Thrissur Municipal Corporation 19. Commissionerate of Income Tax 20. Commissionerate of Commercial Tax 21. Thrissur District Sports Council 22. Offices of Pananchery Panchayath and Peechi Village 23. Offices of Thrissur Taluk and Chembukavu Village 24. Electricity Dept., Thrissur Corporation 25. KSEB, Pattikad 26. Inspector General of Police, Thrissur Range 27. City Police Commissionerate 28. Thrissur East Police Circle 29. City Traffic Police

30. Peechi Police 31. The Press, Visual media and Radio 32. The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd 33. The Indian Bank 34. The South Indian Bank Ltd 35. The Federal Bank Ltd 36. The Fathima Nagar Cooperative Bank Ltd 37. HDFC Bank Ltd 38. State Bank of Travancore 39. Syndicate Bank Ltd 40. Chandy Consultants 41. Biju & Co., Chartered Accountants 42. Cheeran Varghese & Co., Chartered Accountants 43. Our Legal Advisors 44. Our Tax Consultants 45. Chetana Music College, Thrissur 46. St. Thomas College, Thrissur 47. Vimala College, Thrissur 48. Govt College of Fine Arts, Thrissur 49. Trichur Eye Hospital & Diabetes Centre 50. Schools and Colleges of Thrissur 51. KFRI, Peechi 52. Trichur Network of Positive Persons (TNP+) 53. Safco Constructions 54. Site Developers and Contractors of our MultiProject Centre, Kannara 55. Josco Fashion Jewellers 56. Sponsors of our various programs 57. Donors of our social activities 58. National Council of YMCAs of Germany 59. Y’s Men International 60. YMCA Ajman 61. YMCA Greenville, USA 62. YWCA Thrissur 63. YMCAs in Kerala 64. YMCAs in rest of India 65. Chairmen and Members of our Committees 66. Uni-Y Members 67. All staff and volunteers of YMCA

Above all, we glorify God Almighty for His abundant blessings and guidance to our association. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors, Sd/J Paul Zachariah General Secretary 14

The Young Men’s Christian Association Thrissur


Auditor’s Report I have examined the balance sheet of YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, TOWN HALL ROAD, THRISSUR 680020 as at 31st March, 2014 and the Income and Expenditure account for the year ended on that date which are in agreement with the books of account maintained by the said Trust. I have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of my knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of the audit. In my opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the above named institution visited by me so far as appears from my examination of the books. In my opinion and to the best of my information, and according to information given to me the said accounts give a true and fair view: . (i)

In the case of the balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the above named institution as at 31st March, 2014 , and


In case of the Income and Expenditure Account, the excess of Income over Expenditure of the accounting year ending on 31st March, 2014

Sd/Biju P.S, FCA M.No. 216140

Thrissur 21.07.2014






Capital Fund



Membership Fee



Endowment Fund



Sch 8


Capital Work in Progress

Kannara Project


4500000.00 3



Fixed deposit




Rent Security Deposit



Sundry Creditors




Suspense A/C


Sales Proceeds Receivable

Advance (Rubber)


Sub Court Deposite

Caution Deposit Advance Payable

Prepaid Expenses





Loans and Advances





TDS & Income tax refundable



Sundry Debtors






Hall Rent Advance


VIOM Network (Tata Tower)

Rent Advance (Josco)


Bank Account

Room Rent Advance


Cash-in hand

Neon Board Security Advance(Shah)


Safco (retension)


Deposit (Tata Tower)


Duties and Taxes



Time share Advance ( Kannara) Tribal Education Fund




36848.00 84876939.86

Notes & Additional Informations



[sch:22] Sd/CA.Biju P S M.No.216140

THRISSUR 21/07/2014 For YMCA Thrissur Sd/-



Mathew Mampilly

J Paul Zachariah

Francis Kurian Attokaren




YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION PALACE ROAD, THRISSUR INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTFOR THE YEAR ENDED ON 31ST MARCH, 2014 EXPENDITURE Administrative Expenditure Guest house Expenses Programme Expenses Other Expenses Insurance Depreciation Audit fee Professional consulting charge Agricultural expenses(kannara) Bank interest(Indian bank loan) Prime Minister's Relief Fund Donation To DMO Office (HIV) Family Meet Expense Luxury tax(Regi renewal) Luxury Tax Paid Luxury tax interest Medical camp Medical Relief National contribution Regional contribution Service Tax (previous year) Service tax paid Service tax interest paid Service tax Penalty Students Scholarships Sub-region contribution Sub-region Expense Sales Tax Interest Taxi Charge (HIV Project) TDS Interest

Sch 15 16 17 18 19 8

Excess of Income over Expenditure

INCOME 1355333.00 1127107.00 93556.50 46238.22 27156.00 1369253.43 16500.00 15718.00 33924.00 12382.00 25000.00 5000.00 304855.00 2750.00 289425.00 2523.33 61687.00 15000.00 42510.00 5000.00 6556.00 663579.00 136.00 5553.00 13500.00 1000.00 2000.00 6562.00 800.00 555.00

Agricultural income Annual subscription Bank interest received Projector Rent Carol competition income Cleaning charges received Directory Income Extra bed charge received Extra hour charge received Hall rent received Hall rent received (Non tax) Interest on FD Celebrations & Programme income Miscellaneous income News letter advt.charge received Mini Hall Rent Rental income Room rent received Interest ON IT Refund TATA Tower rent Transient membership fee Water charge received Yoga registration fee Donation Received Family meet income Service Tax Collected Luxury Tax Collected Medical Camp Income Medical Relief


20 21

300371.96 2400.00 21074.68 4000.00 13000.00 4468.00 450.00 62996.00 634.00 195417.00 2537.00 48622.00 1000.00 3801.31 15000.00 134257.00 4550028.00 2093897.00 39293.00 321125.00 23000.00 1956.00 5800.00 11000.00 403370.00 663579.00 289058.00 30000.00 5000.00

3695975.47 9247134.95


Sd/CA.Biju P S M.No.216140

THRISSUR 21/07/2014 For YMCA Thrissur Sd/-



Mathew Mampilly

J Paul Zachariah

Francis Kurian Attokaren




SCHEDULE - 1 Capital Fund Opening Balance Add; Excess of Income Over expenditure Less; Building Fund donation

22176235.19 3695975.47 25872210.66 500000.00 25372210.66

SCHEDULE- 2 Membership Fee Life Membership Opening Balance Add: Additions during the Year

6242940.00 825000.00 7067940.00

SCHEDULE- 3 Secured and Unsecured Loans CSB Loan-A/c Indian Bank Loan- A/c

35507456.00 71725.00 35579181.00

SCHEDULE- 4 Sundry Creditors Ceramic Centre

54851.00 54851.00

SCHEDULE- 5 Advance Payable George C Chacko Dr. Justin F Attokaran Thomas Porathur C J Stanley K T Palu P.J Raphael K D Paul P V Thimothy E.Varghese Jacob E A Benny M I Pauly Antony P A

1640.20 1000.00 100.00 1000.00 1000.00 550.00 1000.00 1000.00 500.00 500.00 1000.00 80.00 9370.20 Sd/CA Biju P.S Mem.no.216140

SCHEDULE-6 TRIBAL EDUCATION FUND Opening Balance Add Donation received during the year Less Utilisation Of Fund

SCHEDULE-7 Duties And Taxes Luxury Tax Payable Service tax


5310.00 171439.00 55349.00 121400.00

33490.00 3358.00 36848.00 Separately attached

SCHEDULE- 9 Fixed Deposit Fathima Nagar Co-op.Bank- A/c No. 47989 Fathima Nagar Co-op.Bank- A/c Union Bank Of India- 338903020000736 FD TDS CSB-02587696

2329.00 497250.00 14503.00 4234.00 518316.00

SCHEDULE- 10 Prepaid Expenses AMC- AC Systems AMC- Computer AMC- Generator AMC- HT Fittings AMC-Lift Service Cable TV Charges

24135.00 3000.00 7197.00 15730.00 53022.00 26741.00 129825.00 Sd/CA Biju P.S Mem.no.216140

SCHEDULE- 11 Loans and Advances Kannara Construction Advance Salary Advance- Tony Joseph Salary Advance- Balan Salary Advance -Devassy Locker Deposit- CSB Locker Deposit- FNCB Poly Memorial Club Thomas P L YMCA Shuttle Club YMCA Shuttle and Poly Club

SCHEDULE- 12 TDS & Income tax refundable Prior Period balance Add: Income Tax Refundable - 2010-2011 Income Tax Refundable - 2012-2013 TDS During the year SCHEDULE- 13 Sundry Debtors Chethana Adv. Davis J Chiramal K R STEELS LG ELECTRONICS Shah International Branding Solutions

SCHEDULE- 14 Bank Account Syndicate Bank SIB MG Road- 53.52033 SIB A/c No. 50264 SBT- 67106960204 Fathima Nagar Co.op Bank Federal Bank A/c 752206405 CSB College Road HDFC Bank 00577620000010 Indian Bank A/c-752206405

3610210.32 6500.00 4500.00 3500.00 500.00 4000.00 4878.00 59.00 100.00 100.00 3634347.32

1497167.00 411900.00 457227.00 491646.00 2857940.00

3250.00 4000.00 5000.00 16200.00 5000.00 33450.00

6096.76 47030.00 12985.84 12953.00 4690.00 106019.00 364508.83 13054.62 72212.14 639550.19 Sd/CA Biju P.S Mem.no.216140

SCHEDULE- 15 Administrative Expenditure Incentive Paid Accounting Charge Internal Audit fee Internet charge Meeting Expenses Salary and allowance PF Contribution(Gen. secretary) Telephone charges Travelling expenses Printing &Stationary SMS Charge Advertisement charge News letter printing charge News paper & periodicals Computer maintenance Postage charges Designing And DTP Work Charges Amc -computer Onam gift (staff) TDS Return Filing Charge

128,228.00 1,337.00 7,500.00 8,672.00 59,061.00 951,652.00 15,600.00 24,419.00 42,721.00 26,694.50 8,702.00 16,252.00 21,300.00 8,052.00 4,270.00 9,156.50 8,650.00 3,000.00 9,750.00 316.00 1355333.00

SCHEDULE- 16 Guest House Expenses Electrical Maintenance Electrical charges Generator Maintenance Generator Diesel Guest house Maintenance Building tax paid Mineral water expenses Painting charge Website renewal charge Repairs & replacement Repairs & Maintenance Cleaning charges Garbage removing charges Amc Cable T.V rent Professional tax X' mas gift

42,566.00 393,510.00 5,123.00 35,893.00 98,370.00 124,656.00 15,325.00 148,500.00 5,300.00 83,838.00 27,700.00 2,250.00 300.00 101,980.00 31,060.00 1,236.00 9,500.00 1127107.00 Sd/CA Biju P.S Mem.no.216140

Schedule-17 Programme Expenses Carol competition Deepavali expenses Independence Day Expenses Photography Painting competition Republic day expenses Uni-Y/Patriotic Song Bouquet Week of prayer 2013 International Exchange National meeting

Schedule-18 Other Expenses Bank charge Coolie charges Discount Allowed Medical Allowance Rates & taxes Wreath expenses Building Registration Expense Driver(Daily wages) Hostel license Fee

35383.00 2292.00 160.00 340.00 28725.00 512.00 16421.00 400.00 7408.50 1285.00 630.00 93556.50

9944.22 2500.00 14750.00 1744.00 2012.00 7050.00 5000.00 2300.00 938.00 46238.22

SCHEDULE- 19 Insurance Insurance(building) Insurance (lift) Insurance (xylo)

9321.00 7069.00 10766.00 27156.00

SCHEDULE- 20 Service Tax collected Service Tax 12.36% Service Tax (Room Rent) 7.416%

SCHEDULE- 21 Luxury Tax (Hall) 10% Luxury Tax 12.5% Luxury Tax 7.5% Sd/CA Biju P.S Mem.n0.216140

649939.00 13640.00 663579.00

19800.00 268623.00 635.00 289058.00



Air conditioner Bed Borewell Building(let out) Building Computer Compound wall Counseling training centre of project Cycle Drainage system Electrical fittings Emergency light&torch Fire fighting equipment Furniture & fixtures Generator Gate Intercom Heater Bore well pumpset(kannara) Land Land(kannara) Lift Mobile phones Motors Music systems Name board Neon board Reception counter Slurry pump Stabilizer Step ladder Tele phone Transformer TV Water purifier Xylo car Total

Rate 15% 10% 15% 0% 10% 60% 10%

WDV as on 01/04/2013

Deduct Addition ion More than Less than 180 days 180 days 280058.36 26650 0 12446.68 0 19538.23 0 4622348.44 0 8274735.10 0 17260.12 6900.00 0 186927.55 0


Depreciation for the Year

306708.36 12446.68 19538.23 4622348.44 8274735.10 24160.12 186927.55

44007.50 1244.67 2930.73 0.00 827473.51 12426.07 18692.76

WDV as on 31/03/2014 262700.86 11202.01 16607.50 4622348.44 7447261.59 11734.05 168234.80

44677.13 155.57 3766.28 35573.89

402094.16 881.58 21342.23 320164.98

10% 15% 15% 10%

446771.29 1037.15 25108.50 355738.87

0 0 0

446771.29 1037.15 25108.50 355738.87













10% 15% 10% 15% 15%

773067.92 207710.20 65610.00 48604.13 2651.84

0 0 0 0 0

785569.92 207710.20 65610.00 48604.13 2651.84

78556.99 31156.53 6561.00 7290.62 397.78

707012.93 176553.67 59049.00 41313.51 2254.06

15% 0% 0% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% 10% 15% 15% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15%

42796.93 77474.00 12808229.00 352714.38 5811.40 55669.55 7813.65 15008.15 186630.48 50006.48 7357.73 4880.77 32799.17 2184.21 137213.78 123358.62 14088.20 462718.01

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

42796.93 77474.00 12808229.00 353714.38 7011.40 235473.55 7813.65 15008.15 186630.48 50006.48 7357.73 4880.77 32799.17 3834.21 137213.78 123358.62 14088.20 462718.01

6419.54 0.00 0.00 53057.16 1051.71 21835.73 1172.05 1500.82 18663.05 5000.65 1103.66 732.12 3279.92 451.38 20582.07 18503.79 2113.23 69407.70

36377.39 77474.00 12808229.00 300657.22 5959.69 213637.82 6641.60 13507.34 167967.43 45005.83 6254.07 4148.65 29519.25 3382.83 116631.71 104854.83 11974.97 393310.31







1000.00 1200.00





Note: No depreciation has been claimed for Let out Building

CA.Biju P S M.No.216140

Schedule 22 Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts

1. The accounts are prepared on historical cost basis and as a going concern. Accounting policies not referred to otherwise are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. 2. Fixed asset are valued at cost less depreciation. The depreciation has been calculated at the rates provided. No depreciation has been taken on the value of land.

3. Expenses are accounted on mercantile basis but some expenses due to their peculiar nature are accounted for on cash basis.

4. The figures for the previous year have been rearranged and regrouped wherever considered necessary 5. There are no prior period or extra ordinary expenses debited to profit and loss account 6. Balance of debtors, creditors and unsecured loans are subject to confirmation. 7. Final Accounts has been prepared on going concern assumption.

Sd/CA.Biju P S M.No.216140

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