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Dear Friends, If the founders of our YMCA could see Nashville today, they’d scarcely recognize the city and surrounding region that continue to grow at an unprecedented rate. The changing face of Church Street and the Downtown YMCA might be unrecognizable, but the sights and sounds inside would be as familiar as old friends, because it’s still a place where the doors open wide to neighbors seeking a healthier spirit, mind and body. Although our community and the ways we fulfill our Christian mission in it may have changed since 1875, our commitment to enriching the lives of the people who call Middle Tennessee home remains the same, as does the powerful partnership between staff, volunteers and donors that has fueled our YMCA for 144 years. In 2018, it was our privilege to serve 223,887 individuals, and as we celebrate this, and the other milestones we achieved together in 2018, we offer our deepest gratitude to the many friends who make our life-changing work possible year after year. Through this Annual Report, we honor the supporters who give generously of their time, talent and resources to advance the mission of the Y and we offer up a few powerful reminders of the tangible impact of those contributions. At the Y, we believe everyone deserves the chance to belong and be well, and while that may mean something different to each of our members and participants, we strive to meet each of them where they are, and to be the kind of “lights” Christ described in his Sermon on the Mount. “In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16 Whether it’s a neighbor just trying to manage the daily stresses life brings, a child struggling to read on grade level with classmates or a newcomer seeking to connect with new friends, our YMCA will continue to greet them all with open arms, and we believe our community will be stronger for it. With thanks,

Dan Dummermuth

Wood Caldwell

President & CEO

2018-2019 Association Board Chair


FINDING HER PLACE IN THE POOL Eleven can be a lonely age for any kid, but it’s uniquely challenging for Lily. Confined to a body brace twenty hours a day, Lily suffers from scoliosis, hypermobility in her joints, and an inability to regulate her body temperature. On bad days, she can hardly walk. But, she also has good days—when she gets to swim. Since joining a youth swim team at the Y, Lily feels like she’s found where she belongs. When she’s in the water and free of her brace, Lily feels relief from her chronic pain and a sense of accomplishment. And she thrives on the encouragement of her coaches, who challenge her and cheer on her positive attitude—even declaring her last season’s MVP. “I’m proud of it,” Lily says. “I felt like I worked hard for it and I hope it will encourage other people to work hard, too.” Casie, Lily’s mom, says she can see her daughter’s personality emerging and confidence growing thanks to the swim team’s supportive environment. “She gets to be a normal kid,” Casie says. “She feels like she’s welcome and she’s wanted.”


GIVING EVERY KID A CHANCE TO THRIVE Every child has potential. And each day at the Y, kids like Lily are realizing all they can achieve through activities that encourage them to be active, learn new skills and make friends. From swim team to the soccer field and STEM learning to summer camp, kids are discovering their passions while surrounded by caring adult mentors who want to see them overcome challenges to truly thrive.


youth gaining confidence and life-saving skills in swim lessons


youth learning the value of teamwork through sports


youth experiencing enrichment in before- and after-school care


youth nurturing new friendships and skills at summer camp

YMCA group exercise instructor Wynedka Palmer might say her gift for motivating members comes from conquering her own health challenges. Twenty years ago, she weighed 300 pounds and was battling breast cancer. It was during the isolation of her recovery that Wynedka reached a turning point. “I remember thinking to myself, ‘I am not the best me. I am not the best wife, the best mother, the best Christian. This is not what God intended.’”

Determined to make a change, Wynedka began faithfully attending water aerobics classes, losing more than 100 pounds in a year. Fueled by a newfound passion for fitness, she became certified to teach group exercise and eventually joined the Y’s staff in 2010, where she leads popular class formats like spin and strength training. Now, Wynedka is the one delivering words of encouragement and giving members like Colleen and Hannah (pictured) the push they need to reach their goals.

“It’s more than just teaching for me.

It’s helping people.” — Wynedka



family-friendly membership centers

793,739 square feet of space for people to grow in spirit, mind and body


190,083 members

1875 weekly group exercise classes fostering accountability and community

The Y believes that achieving wellness looks different for every individual walking through the doors of our membership centers—whether they’re a regular in Wynedka’s class, a self-guided exerciser, a parent finding respite or a senior enjoying community over coffee. In neighborhoods across Middle Tennessee, the Y is a place where people of all ages, interests and backgrounds find the resources and support they need to grow in spirit, mind and body.


group exercise instructors encouraging members in their goals


RESTORING SPIRIT, MIND AND BODY After Bryan Lester works out at the Y, he feels like he can “tackle the world.” Four days a week, he’s swimming laps and using the rope machine—a routine that’s helping him get in shape for a knee and hip replacement. But Bryan’s story of transformation runs far deeper than achieving better physical health. When he first came to the Y to apply for a membership, Bryan was living in a halfway house following a twelve-year prison sentence. Financially strapped and apprehensive about being judged for his past, Bryan shared his situation with the membership staff and heard a phrase that filled him with hope: “We’ll find a way to help you out.” Thanks to the Open Doors financial assistance program, Bryan gained access to the resources he needed to improve his health and, more importantly, to a supportive community that he says has made him feel valued and welcomed in the challenging transition back to society. “Everybody seems to be glad you’re here,” he says. “It’s been real rewarding to be accepted.”

“I feel like I can

tackle the world.” — Bryan


HELPING OUR NEIGHBORS OVERCOME CHALLENGES The Y believes that everyone in our community deserves the chance to belong and be well, no matter their life circumstances. It’s this guiding principle that compels us to come alongside individuals and families in whatever challenges they face—financial hardship, hunger, social isolation—and respond with tangible, meaningful support.

$3.3 million

in membership financial assistance provided


members benefiting from financial assistance

$8.1 million

in overall charitable support reinvested in the community, granting individuals and families access to the Y’s life-changing programs and services


meals served to kids in before- and after-school care and summer programs, many of whom face hunger and food insecurity


individuals finding hope and healing to overcome personal struggles through Spirit-Mind small groups

2018 FINANCIAL SUMMARY The YMCA of Middle Tennessee continues to be blessed with improved financial performance. 2018 was our fourth consecutive year of strong financial results, thanks mainly to increased Membership and Program revenue. The additional revenue was sufficient to offset most of our increased expenses, which were largely due to the higher personnel costs that resulted from our third consecutive global merit increase. Our people are by far our most valuable asset, and we will continue to invest in them as our financial circumstances allow. 2018 was the last year in which expenses related to the 2013-2015 restructuring were incurred; we are pleased to close that difficult chapter in our Association’s history.

Summary Statements of Financial Position

Summary Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Our Bonds, Notes and Capital Leases Payable declined by $2.39 million during 2018 as a result of scheduled repayments on our bond, notes payable and capital lease obligations. In addition, the proceeds of the life insurance policy previously noted were applied to the outstanding principal of our Bonds Payable. The gain in the value of our interest rate swap corresponded to a reduction in the swap liability on our Summary Statements of Financial Position.

Our Net Assets declined by $0.35 million during 2018, slightly less than the decline in 2017. As previously noted, both Membership and Program revenue increased significantly over last year. Membership revenue was driven by increased member retention, a rate increase in most membership categories, and more favorable terms in third party insurance-based contracts. The increase in Program revenue was driven by a rate increase in School Age Services, continued growth at Camp Widjiwagan, and increased enrollment in the Center for Civic Engagement. Contribution revenue declined from last year due mainly to the loss of one large multi-year donor. Personnel costs increased by $1.42 million over 2017 due to the merit increases previously noted, the related employment tax, and benefit costs of those increases. Property expenses increased by $0.76 million as a result of higher maintenance expenses, utility costs, program supplies in School Age Services, and software costs. Interest expense was higher than the previous year due to the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the tax-exempt interest rate on our bond debt. Depreciation expense was $0.75 million lower in 2018 due to the declining book value of our fixed asset base, and to the decision to extend depreciable lives on our wellness equipment. Depreciation, our largest non-cash expense, will continue to drive a decline in Net Assets so long as it exceeds our Association’s investment in new property, plant and equipment. As previously noted, 2018 should be the last year any restructuring expenses are incurred. Contributions for Capital Assets increased by $0.21 million over last year, mainly due to fundraising activities for projects at Camp Widjiwagan. Gradually increasing interest rates during 2018 produced an unrealized gain in the value of the interest rate swap we entered into in 2015 to protect the Association from future rate increases on our long-term Bonds Payable.

The YMCA of Middle Tennessee continued to maintain its improved financial condition during 2018. Unrestricted Cash increased by $0.46 million despite the purchase of the Maddox Preschool building, the release of Facility Reinvestment Reserves for major maintenance projects, and an investment in master plans for some of our aging facilities. Property, plant and equipment declined by $2.77 million because our capital expenditures were less than depreciation expense. Net Receivables declined by $1.0 million due to the collection of the proceeds of a life insurance policy upon which the YMCA had been designated as a beneficiary.

2019 and Beyond The YMCA continues to strengthen its financial condition with a focus on building a sound financial foundation for the future. We are grateful to be in a position to make ongoing investments in our people, our programs, and our facilities so that we can continue to serve our community. For 2019, we budgeted the transfer of an additional $1.25 million to cash reserves, and we are well on our way toward achieving the established targets for our Debt Service, Capital Reinvestment, and Contingency reserves. We are excited about the accomplishments of the past four years and about what the future holds for our YMCA. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement as we endeavor to meet the needs of a dynamic and rapidly growing community.

—Joseph W. Harwell, Chief Financial Officer

Summary Statements of Changes in Net Assets (GAAP)

Summary Statements of Financial Position (GAAP)

(in thousands)

(in thousands)

2018 2017 Unaudited Audited Change

Contributions Gov't Grants & Contracts Membership Fees Program Fees Other Income

4,677 2,386 44,411 24,476 2,261

5,179 2,469 43,349 23,437 2,040

(503) (83) 1,062 1,039 221

Total Public Support and Revenue




Personnel Property & Equipment Services & Supplies Interest Expense Depreciation & Amortization Other Expenses

44,143 11,235 9,296 1,952 7,267 5,960

42,719 10,476 8,828 1,866 8,012 5,884

1,425 759 468 86 (745) 76

Total Expenses




Change in Net Assets from Operations Loss on Restructuring Contributions for Capital Assets Unrealized Gain on Interest Rate Swap




(13) 588 718

(96) 375 666

83 213 52

Total Non-Operating Activities




Changes in Net Assets




Expense Distribution Program Services 83.6% 84.1% -0.5% Administrative 13.5% 13.2% 0.3% Fundraising 2.9% 2.7% 0.2%

As of As of 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 Unaudited Audited


Unrestricted Cash Restricted Cash Receivables, net Property & Equipment, net Other Assets

11,628 155 1,847 110,291 530

11,169 180 2,868 113,064 635

459 (25) (1,020) (2,774) (105)

Total Assets




Payables & Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenue Bonds, Notes & Capital Leases Payable Other Liabilities

- 4,847 2,491 46,666 981

- 4,553 2,787 49,060 1,699

294 (297) (2,394) (718)

Total Liabilities




Net Assets

- 69,466

- 69,817





Total Liabilities & Net Assets





Jimmy Granbery Since its earliest days in London, England, the YMCA has relied on a powerful partnership between staff and volunteers to deliver its mission in communities across the globe, and perhaps no one in Nashville has been more committed to volunteer leadership of the Y than the Hill Family. It is fitting, then, that the YMCA of Middle Tennessee presents for 2018, the Order of the Red Triangle­—its top volunteer honor—to fourth generation Hill family member Jimmy Granbery. Jimmy began volunteering through the Foundation in the 1990s before joining the Association board in 2004, but his family’s ties to our YMCA date back to the early 1900s. Jimmy’s great-grandfather, H.G. Hill Sr., is credited with saving our fledgling Y from financial ruin when he became president in 1920. Serving in that role for thirteen years, his business sense and volunteer leadership helped the Nashville YMCA regain its footing and survive the Great Depression, positioning it to become one of Nashville’s most successful nonprofits. Later, Jimmy’s great-uncle, H.G. Hill Jr., would serve as president from 1950 to 1953 and again from 1965 to 1967. Not long after, a third generation would follow suit as Wentworth Caldwell Jr. served on the Foundation board. Beyond providing outstanding leadership to our Y, the Hill family’s generous financial support has been the catalyst for some of the most significant periods of expansion in our history. As the Y extended its suburban reach, land and cash gifts from the Hills contributed to the establishment of the Green Hills, Brentwood and Margaret Maddox YMCAs. An endowment established by H.G. Hill Jr. continues to support programs at the Y’s Urban Services Youth Development Center today. In the words of author Ridley Wills II, who has penned two histories of the YMCA of Middle Tennessee, the Hills “have been more important than any family in the history of this Y and its success.” Like his predecessors, Granbery was instrumental in his leadership of the Y during a pivotal time in its history, serving as Association board chair as we turned the corner from a historic restructuring of our operations and restored the fiscal strength necessary to serve this region for generations to come. Today, as the fourth generation of 124-year-old H.G. Hill Company, he serves as its fourth chief executive officer. He took the helm as CEO in 2002 following nine years as vice president of development for H.G. Hill Realty, three years after the company exited the grocery business. Granbery oversees the company’s privately held real estate portfolio of 59 properties and more than 2.3 million square feet. Under his direction, the company has earned multiple industry awards for excellence in built environment, urban and landscaping design, and sustainability practices. Granbery’s current civic engagement includes serving as a commissioner of the Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority. From 2011-2018, he served on the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) Board of Commissioners. An active member of the real estate industry, Granbery was chair of the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Nashville District from 2014-2017 and is currently serving on the planning committee for ULI’s spring 2019 meeting in Nashville. He is also a member of the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) and the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). In addition to continued service with the YMCA, his vast community involvement includes the Nashville Zoo Board and serving as vice chair for the Martin Methodist College Board. Most recently, Governor Lee appointed Granbery to a sixyear term on the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission.

THANK YOU JIMMY ORDER OF THE RED TRIANGLE PAST RECIPIENTS 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1988

H.G. Hill Jr. Clifford Love Jr. Edmund W. Turnley Sr. Mark Bradford Jr. Roupen M. Gulbenk Harold U. Buchi George H. Cate Jr. Russell W. Brothers James M. Hudgins M.D. Robert L. Freeman D. H. Vardell Thomas E. Baldridge Homer B. Gibbs Jr. James M. Ward Charles L. Cornelius Jr. A. Battle Rodes William C. Weaver Jr. William Henderson Sydney F. Keeble Jr. J. P. Foster W. Ridley Wills II Walter Knestrick Dortch Oldham Jack Elisar Robert L. Bibb Jr. James L. Harper William B. Wadlington M.D.

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

William Wilson E.M. “Bert” Haywood Nelson Andrews Sandra Ford Fulton William E. Turner Jr. Margaret H. Maddox H. Lee Barfield John Ed Miller Rebecca Thomas Cal Turner Sr. Senator Douglas Henry James A. “Jimmy” Webb III Anne E. Ragsdale Florence Davis Ron F. Knox Jr. Jacquelyn Draughon Guthrie Bill DeLoache Cal Turner Jr. Wood S. Caldwell Rep. Brenda Gilmore Frank F. Drowota III George L. Yowell Marty G. Dickens Leilani S. Boulware Bill Lee Liz Wilson Allbritton R. Walter Hale III



Leilani S. Boulware For 2018, it is the Foundation of the YMCA of Middle Tennessee’s distinct privilege to present its highest volunteer honor, the H.G. Hill Jr. Philanthropic Award, to Leilani S. Boulware. Boulware first became affiliated with the YMCA of Middle Tennessee in the 1990s as a volunteer, providing legal counsel to the nonprofit on human resources and other legal issues. Her involvement with the Y deepened when she was invited to join the board of the Joe C. Davis YMCA Outdoor Center (home of YMCA Camp Widjiwagan). She was soon asked to chair the camp board, and during her tenure helped lead the capital campaign that made the dream of establishing an overnight resident camp a reality. In 2010, Boulware was named Association board chair, serving as the Y’s chief volunteer through 2011. Throughout almost two decades of volunteer service, Boulware’s commitment to the Y mission has remained steadfast, and her wise counsel and dynamic leadership continue to encourage the organization to grow and evolve to meet the community’s most pressing needs. And over the years, she has lent those same talents to a number of other local organizations, including The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Nelson Andrews Leadership Center, Bethlehem Center, and Mental Health Cooperative. An accomplished professional and former partner at the H3GM law firm, Boulware later served in executive legal counsel and administrative leadership roles for healthcare and academic medical institutions, recently retiring from her role as executive vice president and general counsel for Correct Care Solutions, where she oversaw all legal and risk management operations for the healthcare company.

Nevertheless, retirement has not slowed her pace. Joining her long-standing interest in buying, selling and remodeling investment and residential homes with her 27 years of legal experience, Boulware is now a realtor with Fridrich & Clark Realty and stays quite busy helping individuals and families wisely navigate the complexity of buying and selling a home. Boulware received her Doctor of Jurisprudence with honors from Vanderbilt University School of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree from Western Kentucky University, graduating with honors and a double major in economics and accounting. She is married to Dwaine Anderson and has three children, four grandchildren, and two adorable labradoodles.

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sis & Dortch Oldham Margaret & Dan Maddox Anne Knestick Walter Knestrick Cathy & Bill Turner Jr. Anna & Bill Wadlington M.D. Anne & Dick Ragsdale Florence & Buzz Davis Honey & Joe Rodgers Irene & Ridley Wills II Marshall Polk III Frank Burkholder Linda Burkholder Lolly & Senator Douglas Henry Bond DeLoache Kaye & Ron Knox Mary & Lee Barfield Barry & Homer Gibbs Frances Caldwell Jackson Anne Caldwell Parsons Wentworth Caldwell Jr. Bill Wilson Sandra and Richard Fulton Ruth and Bob Napier Cal Turner Jr. James A. Webb III Marty & Betty Dickens




Bellevue Family YMCA

Brentwood Family YMCA

Chad is a dedicated member of the Bellevue community who strives to make it better and better. Not only is he a devoted husband to his wife, Ashley, and father to three active kids, he also serves on the Y board and the Bellevue Harpeth Chamber of Commerce board—all while serving as a project manager for American Contractors during a booming Nashville economy. He has been instrumental in helping the Y receive major gifts and securing the Predators dek hockey rink for the Y. Chad is tireless in his dedication and action. The Bellevue Y is very grateful for his positivity and leadership. —Sam Stephens

Long before Bob joined the Brentwood YMCA advisory board, he was already a dedicated volunteer for the Y through his involvement with youth sports and Full Circle. Now, as a member of the board and chair of a task force dedicated to Full Circle, Bob’s impact has only continued to deepen and expand. His leadership has been vital to establishing programming for adults with diverse abilities and to the creation of a dedicated room for Full Circle. Because of his commitment and hard work, we are a better Y and have a greater impact than ever before. On behalf of the Brentwood Family Y and all those impacted by his efforts, we thank you, Bob, for all you do. —Steve Saxton




Clarksville Area YMCA

Donelson-Hermitage Family YMCA

Donelson-Hermitage Family YMCA

Shank embodies the spirit of volunteerism on our board and through his active membership. He is the “mayor” of earlymorning group exercise classes, always checking in on members and building community. He graciously gives his time and materials to make balloon animals for our events (in every kind of weather) and always goes the extra mile to support our staff. Shank is a true advocate for the work of the Y. —B.J. Keener

Miles not only serves his community through board work, but he also builds bridges with members and staff. He helped redecorate the Youth Activity Center, stood behind the grill to serve lunch at Splash Bash, and organized an informational safety night with our local police precinct. Miles goes above and beyond in strengthening community, encouraging everyone around him. —B.J. Keener

Kimberly has been one our biggest community advocates for 2018 and many years prior. We can always count on her to share the Y’s impact on her own life and in the community. Her passion for Clarksville and the YMCA is a wonderful blessing to those around her. —Amanda Gill






Franklin Family YMCA

Green Hills Family YMCA


Maryland Farms YMCA

Lee O’Dell is a wonderful supporter of the YMCA and has dedicated so much of himself to our cause. Lee is quick to volunteer to lead a new initiative, always eager to learn more about the Y, and constantly shares our stories and mission with others in the community. During Lee’s time as board chair, he led a change in culture which resulted in a more successful Annual Giving Campaign, more engaged volunteers and deeper community relations. Lee embodies all you could want in a volunteer, member and ambassador, and we are blessed to have him on our team! —Drew Freeman

Walt makes such an impact on members he encounters daily during his 5 a.m. workouts at the Green Hills YMCA. The knowledge and guidance he brings to our center advisory board and Spirit-Mind committee is invaluable. But perhaps the largest impact he makes is in delivering the “ask” to over 350 guests at our annual Breakfast of Champions. He speaks from his heart, letting God and the spirit of the YMCA shine through, and inspires guests to generously give. —Laurel Wilson

Margaret Maddox Family YMCA

For 40 years, Nelson Andrews and the Andrews Transportation Group have focused on people—their staff, their customers and their community. That commitment has never been more evident than in their twenty-year sponsorship of the Andrews Cadillac Firecracker 5K/10K. Their support has created a priceless triad: a giving business, committed runners and a grateful Y. Thank you, Nelson, for being a bedrock of the Brentwood community and giving so selflessly to the Maryland Farms YMCA. —Jodi Schroer

If you mention Lockeland Table to anyone in Nashville, they don’t just talk about the wonderful food—they talk about how the owners, Cara and Hal, care about the community and want everyone to feel included. Cara and Hal are receiving the Impact Award because of the many ways they lead and volunteer through acts of service at the Margaret Maddox Y. The Lockeland Table team exhibits a distinguished commitment to raising awareness for key societal issues like literacy, education, poverty and diversity. Many of our teens, preschoolers and families have been recipients of their generous gifts. For this, the Margaret Maddox Y is truly blessed and grateful. —Judi Winfield-Ferri


JASON TOLLESON North Rutherford Family YMCA Jason has been a vital part of our board at North Rutherford. He always makes our needs a priority and has played a major role in helping us better connect with our donors and our community. Jason embodies exactly what it means to be a servant leader, and we are so thankful for his dedication to our YMCA. —Joey Hassell


Accepted by Kenneth Adams Northwest Family YMCA The Tennessee Titans and the Ed Block Foundation constantly show up for our community through their ongoing impact on the development of our youth. They provide support, create opportunities for once-in-alifetime experiences and ensure that players are connected to the YMCA’s cause. Through offering their time and financial gifts, they continue to leave a lasting impression on the people we serve daily. We are extremely grateful for their partnership over the last two years. —Johari Matthews

DAVID “GOOCH” FRANCIS Robertson County Family YMCA “Gooch” is selfless. He has six young children and limited free time; yet, after experiencing the lifestyle change that he has, he gives of himself to others with the hope that they may be as impacted as he was. —Chad Smith

PEGGY HOOKS Sumner County Family YMCA Peggy has a heart of gold and we are blessed to have her as a volunteer with our Y. She has selflessly given her time for years to make a positive difference in the lives of women who are incarcerated but want to make a change when they are released. Peggy shows these Journey to Freedom participants that they are worthy of God’s love and grace through her support and commitment to them. We are so thankful for Peggy and all she does to make our Y and this community better. —Kathy Raglin

FLORENCE DAVIS Joe. C Davis YMCA Outdoor Center When I think of Florence, the words that come to mind are inspirational, heartdriven, passionate, kind and the epitome of southern class. Florence has been the greatest ambassador for the YMCA and a driving force behind Widjiwagan’s growth and success over the years, including the effort to expand our program activities. We are blessed and privileged to work alongside Florence; she has had a tremendous impact on the staff, guests, families and children of Nashville. Thank you, Florence. —Jeff Merhige


ERIC SEIFERT Center for Civic Engagement Eric Seifert has been a part of the YMCA of Middle Tennessee for more than half his life. He began as a delegate with CCE, transitioned to a staff member, and has served the last 16 years as a volunteer. Regardless of where he is living, Eric uses his vacation time to attend the YMCA Conference on National Affairs in Black Mountain, NC. Over the years, he’s worked with hundreds of young people, helping them hone their debate skills and encouraging them to take an active role in law, government or civics. He exemplifies our Youth in Government motto: “Democracy must be learned by each generation.” As both a delegate and now an adult volunteer, Eric exemplifies what we try to instill in our students: everyone has the opportunity to make a difference. Eric Seifert has spent his life making that difference. —Susan Moriarty



School Age Services


Dr. Smith has been a longtime supporter of the YMCA and our Fun Company program. She has always recognized the value that the YMCA brings to parents and children. Throughout the years, she has created a family atmosphere at Jones Paideia Elementary. As such, she treats our staff as if they were her own, including them in staff appreciation gestures and invitations to community events. Dr. Smith’s work is the epitome of what true partnership looks like, and the YMCA has been blessed to work alongside her efforts to enrich the lives of those children. —Rico X

Board Chair Darrell Moore led Y-CAP through a major restructuring of both our organization and of the board itself in 2018. Darrell was a calm and steady presence during this season of dramatic transition, helping the board focus on the positive and stay open to change, which tremendously blessed our mission and service to students. —Bev Revo

MARJORIE A. NEUHOFF FOUNDATION Christ Church YMCA The faithful and generous support committed year after year to the Christ Church YMCA by the Marjorie A. Neuhoff Foundation provides crucial financial assistance for membership and programs to so many in need. The extent of the foundation’s impact is tremendous and often immeasurable as access to the Y can be life-changing for the individuals we serve. We recognize the organization’s dedication to the community and its belief in providing opportunities for everyone, and we thank them for having such an incredible impact. —Steve Saxton



YMCA OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE 2018 LEADERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wood Caldwell, Chair Liz Allbritton, Chair-elect David Wilds, Treasurer Decosta Jenkins, Asst. Treasurer Lawson Allen Kelvin Ault H. Lee Barfield II David Bohan Leilani Boulware Stewart Bronaugh Jr. Terrence Brooks Laura Beth Brown Trudy Carpenter George H. Cate Jr. Florence Davis Bill DeLoache Marty Dickens Frank Drowota* Jack Elisar Rich Ford Sandra Fulton Catherine Gemmato-Smith Homer B. Gibbs Jr. Jimmy Granbery (Immediate Past Chair) Steve Greene John Gromos James Harbison Michael Harris Bill Henderson Chris Holmes Bill Hudson Cooper Jones

Walter Knestrick Ronald F. Knox Jr. Bill Lee Rob McNeilly John Ed Miller Michelle Robertson A. Dexter Samuels, Ph.D. Bill Thompson Tony Wall James A. Webb III Olin West III William M. Wilson Carol Yochem *Deceased in 2018

CENTER BOARD CHAIRS Robin Shope, Bellevue Simon Henley, Brentwood Brandon Oliver, Center for Civic Engagement Simon Henley, Christ Church Van Stokes, Clarksville Sheila Gibson, Donelson-Hermitage Leslie Hay, Downtown Lee O’Dell, Franklin Chad Folk, Green Hills Stephen Young, Joe C. Davis Judy Bawcum, Margaret Maddox Dan Banks, Maryland Farms Shauna Zurawski, North Rutherford Alfred Degrafinreid II, Northwest Randy Davis, Robertson County Jordan Woodruff, Sumner County Darrell Moore, Y-CAP

SENIOR STRATEGY TEAM Dan Dummermuth, President & Chief Executive Officer Jessica Fain, Senior Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer Joey Harwell, Chief Financial Officer Bob Knestrick, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Peter Oldham, Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer Julie Sistrunk, Chief Development Officer

ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP David Abbott, Senior Vice President of Technology David Shipman, Senior Vice President of Operations Jill Tramel, Senior Vice President of Youth Development Rebecca Walker, Senior Vice President of People Services Ted Cornelius, Vice President of Health Innovation Bill Pursell, Vice President of Property Cathy Robinson, Vice President of Leadership & Staff Development Keith Russell, Vice President of Marketing Vona Wilson, Chaplain Kelly Hunter, Controller

MEMBERSHIP CENTER LEADERSHIP Laurel Wilson, Group Vice President, Green Hills Family YMCA Scott Clinton, District Executive Director, Bellevue Family YMCA and FiftyForward J.L. Turner Center Drew Freeman, Executive Director, Franklin Family YMCA Amanda Gill, Executive Director, Clarksville Area YMCA Joey Hassell, Executive Director, North Rutherford Family YMCA B.J. Keener, Executive Director, Donelson-Hermitage Family YMCA Kathy Raglin, District Executive Director, Sumner County Family YMCA Nicole Rowan, Executive Director, Northwest Family YMCA Steven Saxton, District Executive Director, Brentwood Family & Christ Church YMCAs Jodi Schroer, Executive Director, Maryland Farms YMCA Chad Smith, Executive Director, Robertson County Family YMCA Sharon Stiteler, Executive Director, Downtown YMCA Judi Winfield-Ferri, District Executive Director, Margaret Maddox Family YMCA

PROGRAM CENTER LEADERSHIP Jeff Merhige, Executive Director, Joe C. Davis YMCA Outdoor Center Susan Moriarty, Executive Director, Center for Civic Engagement Rico X, Executive Director, School Age Services


$50,000 AND UP

The AWC Family Foundation The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Dan and Margaret Maddox Charitable Fund Dollar General Literacy Foundation Jimmy & Jamie Granbery/H.G. Hill Realty Company LLC Stephanie & John Ingram James Stephen Turner Family Foundation The Memorial Foundation Inc. Sissy & Bill Wilson/The Anne Potter Wilson Foundation YMCA Foundation of Middle Tennessee YMCA of the USA


$25,000 - $49,999

All Ways Up Blevins Inc. Trudy & Bill Carpenter The Crichton Group Claire Drowota - the Estate of Frank F. Drowota Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Health Foundation CoreCivic Delta Air Lines Inc. First Tennessee Bank Nashville FirstBank Headquarters Sarah & David Ingram Kaye & Ron Knox Maria & Bill Lee/Lee Company National Christian Foundation Middle Tennessee Nissan North America Robert W. Baird & Co. Susan G. Komen Central Tennessee Tivity Health Margaret & Cal Turner/Cal Turner Family Foundation United Way of Metropolitan Nashville Cindy & David Wilds


$10,000 - $24,999

Liz & Bob Allbritton/The Monarch Group American Endowment Foundation American International Group American Paper & Twine Co./American Paper & Twine Company Charitable Trust Mary & Lee Barfield Leilani Boulware & Dwaine Anderson Nelson Andrews - Andrews Cadillac Missy & Rick Baker Deborah & Fred J. Cassetty Charity Circle of Murfreesboro Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company City of Brentwood Coca-Cola Bottling Company Justin & Elena Collier M.D. Delta Dental Betty & Marty G. Dickens The Dorothy Cate & Thomas F. Frist Foundation The Draughon Foundation Ecard Transactions Alison & March Egerton Electrolux Faith Church Fiduciary Partners Trust Company First Presbyterian Church The Frist Foundation HCA Foundation Google Fiber Anthony Grande John & Leslie Hooper III IHOP (International House of Pancakes) Lasko Family Foundation Little Bird Foundation The M. Stratton Foster Charitable Foundation Marjorie A. Neuhoff Private Foundation Inc. Janet & Vincent Martin Master Custom Builders Council Matrix Fitness/Johnson Krankcycle Shannon & David McGahren Morgan Stanley Nacarato Volvo Trucks Anne & Tommy Nesbitt NorthCrest Medical Center

Robbie & Doug Odom Jr. Julie & James Peeler Haden & Jimmy Pickel Precor USA Peggy & Richard Raney Ellen & Gregory B. Richard Ryman Hospitality Properties Samuel M. Fleming Foundation Gracie & Dennis Scandrett Beverly & Jimmy Small South Central Growers Inc. Southeast Venture State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Stokes and Sarah Brown Charitable Foundation SunTrust Bank Nashville SunTrust Foundation Taylor Farms Monte Turner Turner Construction Company Vanguard Charitable Waste Management of Nashville Rebecca & James A. Webb III YMCA of San Francisco Jane & Edward Zavala


$5,000 - $9,999

9 Fruits Inc. Academy Sports - Corporate Office Kent & Donna Adams Mary Lauren & Lawson Allen Amano McGann Inc. American General Life Insurance Company American Heart Association Judy A. Andrews Leigh & J. Hunter Atkins Sheryl & Kelvin Ault Austin Peay State University Stephanie & David Bailey Carolyn & Clark Baker Loretta & Larry Baker Christen & Cole Barfield Melinda Owen Bass Judy Bawcum BB&T Bank Bessemer Trust

Diane & David Black Bluebird Cafe Inc. Linda & David Bohan Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP Molly & Stewart Bronaugh Gina & Terrence Brooks Teresa & George Buck Nancy & Jeff Bunting Betty Lou & Jim Burnett Ginny & Wood Caldwell The Chop House Christ Presbyterian Church Church of the City Clarksville Fire Rescue Ernest Clevenger III Kimberly Coakley Concord Building Group LLC Joyce Cook Sandy Cornelius Julie & Mike Costanzo Cile & Matt Cowan Jim Crossman Cummins Business Florence Davis Daxko John & Kathleen Dodd Gwen & Dan Dummermuth Burton Dye Jack Elisar Mimi & Dale Esworthy Deborah & Gary Everton F&M Bank Jessica & Mark Fain Wayne Faust First Farmers & Merchants Bank First Fleet Andrea Flores Judy & Larry Folk Kady & Chad Folk Beth & Paul Frankenberg Bretta & Drew Freeman Jr. Patricia & Thomas F. Frist Jr. Frost-Arnett Company Nashville Landscape Systems Catherine Gemmato-Smith & David Smith Genesco

Henry Geny Susan & Jerry Geraghty Homer Gibbs Jr. Deana & Fred Goad Jr. Rusty & Sarah Goodsell Cara Graham Gray Line Of Tennessee Betsy & John Gromos Faye & Walter Hale III Holly Hanke Jayna Harley Shannan & Rob Hatch Elizabeth & William H. Hawkins Rowland Hawkins Kim & Gary Hawkins Leslie Hay Martha & Simon Henley Amber & Phil Hertik Susanne & George Hicks II Tiffany & Bob Hines Cheri & Ronnie Hollingsworth Hollingsworth Family Limited Partnership Hollingsworth Oil Company Inc. Leslie & Steven Holman HUB International Thomas Isenhour Mary Lee & Granbery Jackson III Joe C. Davis Foundation Johnson Electric Jinnifer & Ben Johnston Marty & Roy Jordan Joy in Childhood Foundation Elizabeth & Garey Keltner Adrienne & Bob Knestrick Jen & Neil Knickerbocker Kronos Kathy Crisp & Dave Kumatz Ladies Golf Association Clarksville Country Club Lee, Danner & Bass Inc. Life Fitness/Cybex Timothy Lloyd Michael P. Long Kelley & Gregory Luken Rebecca Marc Brenda & Charles C. Martin Jr. Walker Mathews - R.C. Mathews Contractor

Vickie & Pat McGuigan Mere Bulles Anna & Rick Mills JoAnn Mitchell Lilly & Brennon Mobley Darrell Moore Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust Inc. MTEMC Electric Mary Jo & Dick Murphy Ruth & Robert H. Napier Nashville Paw Magazine Kim & Peter Oldham Rachel & Brandon Oliver Richard & Melissa Orgain Paypal Pinnacle Financial Partners Planters Bank Susan & William E. Plantz Sandra & Marshall T. Polk III Ron M. Pratt ProImage LLC PWC Raymond James Charitable Mr. Scott W. Rice RJ Young Company Robertson County Association of Realtors Rock Springs Family Chiropractic Melissa & Philip Russ Mary Sales Holly & Jim Sanders Jodi & Matt Schroer Michelle & David Shipman Hart Ace Hardware - Robin & Frank Shope Margaret & J.C. Siegrist, Jr. Signal Mountain High School Youth in Government Club Julie & Ben Sistrunk Matt Smallbone SMS Holdings Corporation Smyrna Charity Smyrna Ready Mix Southwest Value Partners Stefan Speligene Ms. Norah A. Buikstra & Mr. Clark Spoden Square 1 Construction LLC STAR Physical Therapy SunTrust Bank Headquarters

Kimberly & Derrick Surratt Synovus Jenadi & Ben Talbot Erin & Bill Taylor Taziki’s Nashville LLC Tennessee Title Services LLC Mandi & Josh Terry Sylvia & Troy Tomlinson Jill Tramel Transplant Management Group Cathy Turner UBS United Way Uptown Property Holdings LLC The U.S. Physical Therapy Foundation Kimberly Vaughn Ivette & Tony Wall Melissa Walton Michelle & Brad Warren The Washington Foundation Jodi & Chase Wilkinson Diversified Cleaning Inc. Jerry & Ernie Williams III/The Enchiridion Foundation Williamson Medical Center Tim Wilson Laurel & Scottie Wilson Tucker Woodring YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly Carol & Darryl Yochem David Young Allison & Bill Zotti

CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 Julie & Tom Aaron Mike Baas Complete Health Partners Melissa & Patrick Bahan Kim & Dan Banks Beaman Automotive Group Bedroc Julie & Rob Blagojevich BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Regional Office Community Foundation of New Jersey Community Health Systems Foundation Anna & Eric Cook

Dr. Joe Doctora Neal Doherty Dollar General Enterprise Holdings Foundation Fifth Generation Inc. - Tito’s Handmade Vodka Fifth Third Bank Nashville Devin & Mark Floyd Devin Floyd Steve Greene Cherie & Dan Hammond Kim Hamner Randy Hartley Margaret & Tony Heard Heritage Retirement Facilities LLC Christopher T. Holmes Humana Kerry & Rob Ivy Ben Kimbrough Sr. Sarah & Walter Knestrick Elizabeth & Howard Lamar Carol & Walt Leaver Winifred Macfarlan Maryland Farms Owners Association Merrill Lynch Abby & John Mitchell Nathan Murrell Nashville Machine Company N & S Waterproofing Meghan & Jeff Owen Carol & James Tom Pulliam Joyce & George Pust RCO Holding Company Inc. Heather & Steve Saxton Service Management Systems Sandra & Harold Siebert Shawn & Alexander Stanton Brian Taylor Tennova Healthcare The Community Foundation Martha & William Thompson Walmart Warner’s Athletic Construction Barbara and Justin Wilson Mandy & Stephen Young

CHAIRMAN’S ROUNDTABLE $1,000 - $2,499 Dena & David Abbott Acousti Engineering Company of Florida Edward A. Adams II Dr. George Adams Sr. Aetna Foundation Inc. Aladdin Industries Wesley W. Allen Gracie Allen Kristi & Shawn Allender Altra Federal Credit Union American Commercial Industrial Electric Amgen Foundation Staff Giving Programs Vernon & Erin Anderson Nancy & Paul Anderson Stacey & Hal Andrews Susan A. Andrews Archangel Protective Services Aseracare Hospice Foundation William & Pennie Aust Jill & Lloyd R. Baker Suzanne Baker Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz PC BancorpSouth Bank of America Headquarters Barnett Ironworks Inc. Colin Barrett Sharman Barrett Allison and Frank Bass Madge & Warner Bass Bass, Berry & Sims Barbara & Nader Baydoun Lindsay & David Beasley Beasley Family Foundation Rachel & Jim Beavers Angie & Craig Becker Peggy & Billy Benz Bethlehem United Methodist Church Better Block Company (Lee Smith) Duffy & Michael Betterton Lydia & Paul Bianchi Catherine Birdwell Joe Bisio Station Camp H.S. Bison Soccer Booster Club Mr. & Mrs. Donald Boehm Tammy & Dennis Boehms In honor of the Bellevue Family Y Full Circle program Bootstrap Kelly & Chad Bowser Braces By Dr. Ruth Spavia Day Spa Bellevue Copperheart Creative Barbara & Robert Braswell Brentwood Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic

Brentwood Rotary Club Charitable Foundation Diane Brewer Andra Brewer Bridgestone Americas Bridgestone Metalpha Daniel Brodbeck Connie & Berry Brooks Joseph Brown Leslie & Bob Brown DeAnna & Scott Brown Missy & Matthew Browning Frances & Allen Bryan LaShawnda Bryant - State Farm Agent Annette Bullard Martie Burnett Burr & Forman LLP Elizabeth & Randal Bury Peter & Debbie Bush Cage Drywall Andy Caldwell Darrell Caldwell Jennifer & Cory Calendine Sean Caley John Campbell Lauren Cannon Christopher A. Carpenter Terry Carter Pam & Tom Carter Wallace Cartwright Janie & John Chaffin Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre Charlie Irwin Painting Jason Childress Kevin Chunn Rene Ciarametaro City Church of East Nashville Clarksville High School Clarksville OB-GYN Associates Kevin Clingan The Clinton Family Sallylou Cloyd Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated Lisa & Jonathan Cole Marjorie Collins Sherry & Ted Cornelius Kelley & Jerimie Crecelius The Crow Family LeToia & Ronald Crozier Ruth & Michael Cullen Cumberland Bank and Trust James Daniel Hakan U. Darud Data Blue LLC Mark Davenport Susan W. Davenport Gigi Davis Adelaide Davis

DBS & Associates Engineering Inc. Jennifer Deal Trudy & Alex Dedman Joseph DeLemos Mac & William DeLoache Jr. Edwin Demoss Susan & Bob Derrington Olivia & William Dial Janice & Donald Dickerson Debbie & Jim Dickson Todd Dirksen Discount Tire Pamela Dishman David Drummond Kerri Dunaway Lillian & James Duncavage Leah Dupree Heather & Anthony Edens Edward Jones Investments, Todd Johnson Misty & Dan Ellis Ellis & Company Inc. Mary Elsea & Michael Hull EMC Structural Engineers Linda & Martin Emrath The Enright Family EOA Architects PLLC Escape Day Spa Exit Realty East Nashville DeWitt Ezell Jr. First Light Home Care Childress Collision Center Loveless Cafe Brian Ferguson Enrique Finol First Farmers First Federal Bank First Tennessee Bank Flow Construction Co. Kathryn Floyd-Boyd & Ronald Boyd Mark Ford Forterra Credit Union Robert & Christie Foster Joyce & George Fournier Faith & Frank Francis Franklin Synergy Bank Freedom Title Services LLC Don Fuson Phil Gannaway Ray Gebhardt Elizabeth & Gregg Gerken Keith & Perrie Gibbons Sheila Gibson Elaine Gibson Amanda Gill In honor of the Women of Magdalene & Thistle Farms Mary Gingrass & Christopher Stark Joe Goldthreate

Goodall Family Foundation William Goodman Ryan Greene Joicelyn Gregory Gresham, Smith & Partners Susie & John Groomes Roger Grove Gupton Motors Inc. Karen & Rafael Gutierrez Beth Haley Lynn & Jerry Hampton Beth Hannon-Penny & Christopher Penny Cordia & Tom Harrington Brian M. Harter Valerie Hartong Elizabeth & Phil Hartsig Bari & Joey Harwell Mark Has Megan & Joey Hassell William A. Hawkins Hawthorn Charitable Foundation Helton Real Estate Group Hendersonville Noon Sertoma Club Inc. Susan & Bill Henry Cynthia B. Hickerson Nancy & Jay Hickey Michelle & Robert Higgins Jr. Marlene Hilligoss Bobby Hite Sam Hodges Laura & John Hollingsworth Vicki & Richard Holton Betty & Russell Hooper Hecseliz & David Howell Chip Howorth Bea & Bill B. Hubbard Brentwood Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic Ashley & Josh Hughes Kelly & Brian Hunter Valerie Hunter-Kelly & Mark Kelly Kathy Hutcheson Philip N. & Vera Hutcheson Hyalynx, Inc. Ingram Entertainment Inc. INS Bank Island Hoppers Scuba Tracey & Chad Jackson Jackson National Life Insurance Company Marion & Decosta Jenkins Todd & Kim Johnson Mandy Johnson Randall Jones Angie & Richie Jones Stan & Sandy Jones Jon Jordan Dr. Seth Karp Knox Doss M.S. PTO

Barbara & Hans Keener Cara Kieft Janet & David Kleinfelter Robert M. Knight Barry L. Kolar Patricia Kresch Dr. Sabi & Linda Kumar Wayne Lampley James P. Langfitt II Becky & Harley G. Lappin Marcus Lavender Reba Law Cynthia & J. Lawrence Tom Lawrence Lois & Carl Layne LBMC, PC and Affiliates Bill Leader David Lennon - LP3 Solutions Stephanie LeVasseur & Jeffrey Steele Ashley & Joseph Levi Rosemary Lewis Saskia & David Lewis Mace Linde Lipscomb Athletics Living Truth Christian Center Robert Long James Lugge Madison Swimming Pools Peter Magargee Marilyn Mahoney Pat & David Malone Jr. Mr. Sam Mansour Dr. Mark S. Mappes Orthodontics Lucas Marshall Teri & Scott Matlock Johari & Lonnell Matthews Ann Mayo Michael McBride Jewell & Michelangelo McCallister Patricia & James McKay Caroline & Robert E. McNeilly III Jane & Jim Melrose Camille & Lowell Mickle Sina & John Ed Miller Sylvia Minaya Chastity & Bo Mitchell Lechelle & Philip Moore Karen & Bruce Moore Susan Moriarty Deirdre & Rich Morris Robin Mudd - Merle Norman Cosmetics & Spa Chris & Donna Mule MW Real Estate Co. Pal Narayanan Wade Nelson Sedrik Newbern Newcomers & Community Club of Greater Hendersonville

NHC at the Trace NHC Healthcare Al W. Nisley Nissan Motor Company Nixon Power Services Noble’s Kitchen and Beer Hall Brenda & Mike Norton Oak Hall Ashley & Mikey Oaks Sandee & James O’Dowd - Benchmark Realty LLC Surgical Alliance of Middle TN Samantha O’Leary Robert Ondras Susan O’Neal Jerry Painter Stephanie Paris Susan & Tom Parker Eric Parks Ritchie & Susan Parris - Parris Printing Susan & Paul Parsons M.D. Mary Passarella Wesley E. Payne Payne Chevrolet Nina Pearce Courtney Pearre Diana & Zach Pelham Heather M. Perry Willie Perry Pershing Advisor Solutions Sue & Brian Peterson Pinnacle Bank Mr. Robert Pinson Paul & Elaine Plummer Power Management Brian Poynter Premier Medical Group PC Pro-Clean LLC Laura Radebaugh Radiation Billing Solutions Inc. Kathy & Kelly Raglin RAI Services Company Peggy & Steven Rammer Mr. Wyatt Rampy Mary & Kent Rea Mary & David Read Jason Reed Susan & Michael Reid Beverly & Scott Revo RG Masonry Laura Rhodes Anita & Steve Rich Richards and Richards Kali & Josh Righter James Ring Virginia & Doyle Rippee Helma Ritter Riverside Village Pharmacy & River Village Clinic

Michelle Robertson William Robertson D.D.S. Cathy Robinson Vail Ross Richard Rowlett Keith Russell Jamey Rutschilling Peter Sales & Jeanne Hubert Jeremy Salmon Ivanetta & A. Dexter Samuels Natalie-Chantal Sana Marques Santiago Louis Schumacher Sertoma Club of Nashville Servpro Industries Inc. Servpro of Sumner County Robert Sewell Cynthia Shafer In honor of Drake Suiter & Annie Conway Sharon & David Shaub Ellis C. Simmons Jennifer & Blaine Smith Corey & Meshan Smith Beverly & Jimmy Spradley Steven Smith Smyrna Lions Club Saul Solomon Southern Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical Institute PLC Bobette Spear Amanda & Ryan Spiehler Springfield Rotary Club St. George’s Episcopal Church Laura & Ronald Stanley Yolanda & Lelan Statom National Certified Alarms Inc. Carolyn & James Steinhouse Sam L. Stephens Sharon Stiteler Valerie & John Stockdale Bridget & Phillip Street Sudberry Millwork Inc. Jason Surratt Alicia Sydney Denise & Chris Tabscott Jenni & Jeremy Tackett Mark Tate Juanita & Jeremy Taylor Linda Taylor Tennessee Bank & Trust Tennessee Beer Festival Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance The Batson Team The CarMax Foundation The Charles Rowe Family Foundation The Precious Gift of Hope Foundation The Sweetest Batch Cupcakery Kenneth Thomas

Ragan-Smith-Associates Inc. Karen Thompson Debbie & Kevin Tilbury Asailio Timmermeier Tokyo Steakhouse Jason Tolleson Grace A. Tomkins Total Comfort Systems Inc. Triangle2 Solutions LLC Julia B. Turner Jeff Turner Margie & Jack B. Turner William Underhill Mary Jo & James Vaillancourt Vanderbilt Medical Center Vanderbilt University-Community, Neighborhood & Government Joan & Michael Vaughn Tracey & Sean Von Tagen Betsy & David Waldron Rebecca C. Walker Megan Walker Robert O. Walker Jeff Walker Warren Construction Waterstone Weaver Foundation James Webb Charles Webb Lisa & Jon Weber Dean Weiland Faye & Tim Weill Connie & Rick Weisner Wellspring Builders Inc. Ryan P. White David Wicker Kathy & Douglas Williams Fessey Williams Irene & W. Ridley Wills II Barbara & Alan Winfield Judi Winfield-Ferri & Ed Ferri Bettie Winton Wonderful Giving Leah & Bill Wood DJ Wootson Lisa Wurth Wyatt Johnson Nashville - Ford Tim Wyckoff Rico X Holland Youngblood & Jason Candido Stephen Youree



Written and Edited by: Jessica Fain, Lindsay Merwin and Abigail Wilt Design: David Read Photography: Tucker Photography Special Thanks: Joey Harwell, Kelly Hunter, Holland Youngblood, David Abbott, Tim Wyckoff and Ruth Napier A United Way Member Agency

YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE Established 1875 1000 Church Street • Nashville, TN 37203 615-259-9622 • ymcamidtn.org Our Mission: A worldwide charitable fellowship united by a common loyalty to Jesus Christ for the purpose of helping people grow in spirit, mind and body.

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