YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng Newsletter July 2016 – December 2016
In this Newsletter •
Story Telling Competition 2016
Termly Enrichment Programmes
Cookery Workshops
Holiday Activities
Dear Parents As we approach the end of 2016, we would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support and interest this year.
Centre Closure 2017
• • • • • •
10th March 2017 – Staff Training 16th June 2017 – Town Hall & Staff Training 08th August 2017- Staff Training 31st August 2017 – Teachers’ Day 24th November 2017 – Staff Training 15th December 2017 – Spring Cleaning
YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng Newsletter July 2016 – December 2016
Story Telling Competition Students from each level were selected, and coached by the Student Care Teachers to narrate and present their stories based on “Peace”. It was an interesting experience for our kids as this encouraged them to be more confident. Han Loh representing GESCC for the Lower Primary Semi Finals
Children’s Day Celebration We had Children’s Day Celebration on 6th October 2016. The teachers came up with interesting games and prepared a delicious lunch for the students. Every child went home with loads of sweet treats and presents.
Racial Harmony Day During Racial Harmony, teachers and students were dressed in their traditional costumes. They also learnt about the different racial cultures through fun quizzes and games.
Our P1 s in the colourful Traditional Costumes :))
L: Arriqy, Arrify, Araiqy, Arrifky :R
YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng Newsletter Termly Enrichment Programmes
July 2016 – December 2016
In GESCC we conduct weekly Enrichment Programmes. In Terms 3 & 4, our students participated in the Y Junior MasterChef & Y Basketball Programmes.
Y Junior MasterChef In the Y Junior MasterChef Programme, students were taught to prepare simple meals & snacks such as fruit kebabs, tuna & egg sandwiches & every kid’s favourite banana split with yogurt ice cream and strawberry toppings.
Y Basketball Students were taught 4 techniques in the basketball practice drills. By the end of the lessons, they were able to dribble and pass the ball to their team mates with confidence.
Our happy little Chefs Rifqoh & Ferlyn
This Programme enhanced students’ life skills such as coordination and orderliness, promote the importance of healthy eating, build the social-emotional competency of selfmanagement through following instructions carefully to create a dish BOINK! BOINK!
YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng Newsletter Holiday Programmes
July 2016 – December 2016
Batik Painting Workshop Cookery Workshop
DIY Batik Painting Workshop @ Kids Explorer Peanut Butter Chocolate & Rice Krispies Chewy bar Cookery Workshop
DIY Volcano Workshop Pastamania Kitchen Tour
A successful Volcano Experiment. Hooray!
Bon appetite!