YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng (Jan to Jun 2016) Newsletter
Dear Parents, We would like to welcome all our new children and their families to Gan Eng Seng Student Care Centre. We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Miss Nana & Miss Sherline, our new teachers, to YMCA Gan Eng Seng Student Care Centre. This first half of 2016 has been exciting for both the teachers and students of YMCA GESSCC with many highlights that will form lifelong memories.. In this issue, we shall recap all the fun we’ve had.
We at YMCA GESSCC would like to thank GESPS and parents for the never – ending support in ensuring the students are able to enjoy learning to their fullest in a safe environment.
Learning Fiesta & Open House 2016
Upcoming Events •
8th August 2016 Centre Closure
9th August National Day
7th September 2016 – 4th SCCs Storytelling Competition (Semifinals and Grand Final)
Junior Entrepreneur Programme
GESSCC was involved in GESPS Learning Fiesta on 28th May 2016. We set up an Art & Craft Corner for our potential P1s. They made animal face masks with the help of our teachers. Our students’ creative art pieces were displayed in the classrooms. We had overwhelming response from parents who are keen to enroll their child in our centre next year. Handmade Flowers for Sale!!! During the Open House, our centre raised funds for the school by selling handmade craft work such as colourful paper weight, Origami Waterlily and Paper Roses. These items were made by our Primary 2 & 3 students. Potential P1s engaging in our Art & Craft activities during the Learning Fiesta & Open House
YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng (Jan to Jun 2016) Newsletter Termly Enrichment Programmes
Junior Engineers @ Work Our students attended the Junior Engineers @ Work in Term One. They worked in teams to build a 3D model. At the end of the lesson, they had to present creative stories using models for visual and dramatic effects. The children enjoyed themselves and were able to express their ideas creatively and with self-confidence.
Chua Rui An in the midst of building his Alligator Robot
Thank You!!! On behalf of the students of GESSCC, we would like to thank Punggol Park CC & volunteers from Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School for the Angry Bird Movie Treat!!!
Cup Stacking
Lower Primary Cup Stacking Team L – R : Vanessa Ching, Jed Tan, Ethann Li & Mohd Arrify
Cup Stacking was introduced this year in the Student Care Centre. The students enjoyed the activity so much that they put in as much practice as they could. This activity developed the students’ hand-eye co-ordination as well as their self-esteem and confidence. The team event helped the students to develop team spirit and camaraderie.
Getting Ready for the movie
YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng (Jan to Jun 2016) Newsletter During the School Holidays, Mdm Anidah conducted Mini Cookery Lessons for the students. The students made Sushi & Graham Marshmallow Treats.
Graham Marshmallow Goodies Cookery
Let’s start baking!
Sushi Making Workshop
June Holiday Art & Craft Workshops During the June Holidays our students got creative by making their very own DIY Lava Lamp and DIY Coloured Sand. The room was filled with laughter during the workshops.
Tricia Ying our future Scientist
Curious Brayden observing his Lava Lamp
The younger ones engaging in the Coloured Sand Workshop with the help of Miss Cao
YMCA SCC @ Gan Eng Seng (Jan to Jun 2016) Newsletter Madame Tussauds School Holidays Our students really loved the experience of their trip to Madame Tussauds on 10th June in Sentosa. We were also able to watch Singapore’s native plants come to life in Sentosa .
Zac Wong & Tricia Ying having a tea party with Audrey Hepburn
One of our P2 students made a remark: “This is my favourite part of Sentosa”!
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10th August 2016 5th – 9th September 2016 7th October 2016 Children’s Day 21st November 2016 – 30th December 2016
SINGAPORE CUP STACKING COMPETITION 2016 A Cup Stacking Competition was held at YMCA Auditorium on 11th June 2016. 6 of our boys, Danial Amirul, Brayden Lim, Song Loh, See Yuu Jin Aoki, Klein Lim, Han Loh, Evan Peck & Ethann Li participated in the competition.
Practice Sessions
It was a close competition between our boys and the students from various SCC. Congratulations to Han Loh who won first prize for the 3-6-3 Lower Primary category.
Congratulations to Han Loh. He won first prize for the 3-6-3 Lower Primary Category. 4