YMCA SCC @ St Margaret's (Jul to Dec 2016) Newsletter

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Newsletter of YMCA Student Care Centre @ St Margaret’s JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016

The Best of 2016


Dear Parents & Guardians, The Best of 2016 YMCA Good Character Awards National Day Celebrations


Teachers’ Day Performance


Milo Discovery Tour


SCC Story Telling Competition 2 Best Teacher Award


Remembering Mr. S R Nathan 2

Another successful year draws to a close. It is amazing how much has been achieved by the children, staff and parents in one year. The achievements extend from the academic learning, enrichment and creative arts to the numerous fun activities and the Junior Entrepreneurship fundraising efforts by the children, teachers and parents of YMCA SMSCC. We take this opportunity to thank the parents for their generous support as we managed to raise a total of $1, 695.94 for the school fund. We also want to express our gratitude to all St Margaret’s Primary School management team, school canteen vendors, cleaners & Chapel of Christ the King Church staff for their continuous support throughout this year.

Fun with Chinese


Choral Beats (Lower Pri)


Choral Beats (Upper Pri)


Children’s Day Celebrations


It was a wonderful year in 2016 and we wish all children and their families a safe and an enjoyable December school holidays.



Best wishes, Mdm. Fu Min (Assistant Supervisor)

December Holidays


Junior Entrepreneurship

Calligraphy @YMCA SMSCC 5 Build a Kaleidoscope


Marble Machine Workshop


Feedback (Marble Machine)


Kids Amaze @ Jurong Safra


Making Chocolate House


YMCA Souvenirs


Parent’s Letter


Upcoming Events


In addition, we would like to thank parents for their contributions and presents that were given for Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day and Christmas. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

YMCA Good Character Awards 2016 Congratulations to the following girls who were awarded the Good Character Award from YMCA, The girls demonstrated excellence in Character values: 1. Valerie Pong Wen (P5) (Honesty, Attentiveness & Obedience) 2. Keira Leong (P4) (Respectful, Responsibility & Caring) 3. Cadence Lim (P3) (Humility, Tenacity & Graciousness) 4. Ng Rui En Chloe (P5) (Honesty, Attentiveness & Obedience) 5. Tan Xiu En Gwyneth (P1) (Respectful, Responsibility & Caring) 6. Stefanie Lee You Lin (P1) (Respectful, Responsibility & Caring) 7. Quek Rui Wen (P2) (Honesty, Attentiveness & Obedience) 8. Lim RuiCi Ariel (P3) (Humility, Tenacity & Graciousness) Congratulations to the following girls who were awarded the Improvement Award in YMCA SMSCC: 1. Sangwanprai Phoebe Yeo (P1) 2. K. Hashwinie Cordellia (P2) 3. Perle Tan Xuan Ye (P3) 4. Annabelle Wong Kit Yi (P4) 5. S.B. Asvika (P6)

JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016

National Day Celebrations (4 August) The students learnt about the importance of National Day and how it is celebrated every year. They are also exposed to Singapore’s history and how Singapore gained national freedom in 1965 and to remember why we celebrate National Day every year.

Celebrating National Day together Students participating in a song quiz

Teachers’ Day Performance (1 September) Our students from Primary 1 to 6 presented a wide range of performances for their classmates, friends and teachers. The performances included an incredible array of abilities: violin solo, recorder pieces and a variety of engaging songs and dances. All students did a tremendous job, much deserving of the spirited applause they received from the entertained audience.

Students performing a Chinese song titled 感恩的心

Students performing a recorder piece

Student Emcees performing a dance

Milo Discovery Tour (6 September) Students learnt about the history and processes of producing Milo. Besides that, interactive games were designed and used to walk the girls through the learning process.

Processes of producing Milo

History of Milo

Interactive games


JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016

YMCA SCC’s Story Telling Competition (7 September)

Four girls proudly represented St Margaret’s Primary School for the 4th Story Telling Competition held at YMCA of Singapore on 7th September. The theme was “Peace – Let it begin with me”.

From Left: Ariel Lim (P3), Gwyneth Tan (P1), Chloe Lim (P2) & Alexis Chew (P4)

Continuous support from students’ parents

From Left: Alexis Chew (P4) won 1st Runner- Up for the Upper Primary Finals Category. From Right: Gwyneth Tan (P1) won 3rd Runner-Up for the Lower Primary Category

Best Teachers Award: Mdm Seow Thuang Noi (Mrs Lim) & Mdm Megajani Wahjudi (Mrs Mega Siew ) Mr. Lo Chee Wen, General Secretary of YMCA and Ms. Lynette Yeo, Assistant General Secretary for Social Enterprises YMCA of Singapore, presented the Best Teacher Award to Mrs. Lim and Mrs. Siew at St Margaret’s Primary School. Congratulations to Mrs. Lim and Mrs. Siew!

From Left: Mrs. Lim is presented her award by Mr. Lo Chee Wen and Ms. Lynette Yeo

From Left: Mrs. Siew is presented her award by Mr. Lo Chee Wen during the SCC Story Telling Competition 2016

Remembering Former President Mr. S R Nathan (1924 – 2016) Mr. Nathan, President of Singapore from 1999 to 2011, passed away on Monday 22 August. He was 92. Teachers and students wrote on their cards and posters thanking Mr. Nathan for his many years of service to the nation and expressed their condolences to his family.

Poster Tribute by SMSCC Teachers

Students doing up a poster for Mr. S R Nathan

Teo Hui Si (P4) drawing a portrait of Mr. S R Nathan


JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016

ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMES 1. Fun with Chinese P1-6 (Term 3) The Primary 1-2 students learnt the basics of Chinese poems (Tang Shi) and the Primary 3-6 students learnt the “Students’ Rule” Di Zi Gui. This programme enabled the students to synthesise traditional Chinese culture with modern life and helped to strengthen their sense of identity, cultural roots, pride, and self-esteem.

P1& P2 – Tang Shi

Chinese Story Telling

P3 to P5 – Learning the actions to the song: 感恩的心

Explaining Tang Shi poem

Primary 3 students reciting parts of Di Zi Gui

1. Choral Beats (Term 4) The students were introduced to Choral Beats as a form of presentation of a poem, song or story. This is to enhance the students’ life skills of teamwork and communication. The activities will also develop in students the social and emotional competencies of self-awareness and relationship management through teamwork and respect for one another.

Choral Beats Lower Primary:

Colouring their instrument

Storytelling through Percussion

Rhythm Stick Games


JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016

Choral Beats Upper Primary: Rhythm Clock → Rhythm Cup Song How do you do song

Making their own instrument

Children’s Day Celebrations (6 October) The Children were treated to a day of fun activities planned by the YMCA SMSCC teachers and enjoyed themselves with their friends and their teachers. Station games: Code Plate Game & Blind Bucket

Station games: Chop Stick Game, Deadly River & Keep Balloon

Prize giving for story telling participants

Junior Entrepreneurship Programme (14 October) To promote the spirit of social entrepreneurship and to expose the students to the requirements and challenges faced by an entrepreneur, we organised the Junior Entrepreneur’s Programme. The students were encouraged to be co-operative to make different products for sale.

P1-P2: Pom Poms, Butterfly clips. Dog & Cat Key Chains & Five Stone Pouches P3: Felt Pouch & Name tags. P4: Balloon Bracelets P5-P6: Minion multi-purpose holder & flower pens

Finger Painting Artworks done and bought by Parents of the Pri 2 girls. From bottom left: Elvina Loh Yan Qing, Mdm. Chan, Loh Hui En Corrinne, Lervelle Ho Xuan Hui (Right) & Haley Ng En Ning (Top Right)

Teachers and students working together to sell their products.


JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016


JAN 2016 – JUNE 2016

This activity is part of the “Fun with Chinese” enrichment programme. The centre invited Mr. Lim Seng Keong, senior teacher of SanYi Finger Painting Society to introduce Chinese Calligraphy to the students. Mr. Lim taught the students the evolution of Chinese characters and Chinese calligraphy.

Practicing our Chinese Calligraphy

Learning Chinese Calligraphy with Mr. Lim Seng Keong

Build-a-Kaleidoscope Workshop @ Mint Museum of Toys (24 Nov) Students learnt to build their own kaleidoscope using recycled, everyday materials and even their favourite cartoon character. There was also a guided tour for the students around the museum to educate them on the history and the origins of many interesting vintage toys. Primary 4

Guided tour around the Museum

Process of making our Kaleidoscope

Inside of the Kaleidoscope

Marble Machine Workshop @ The Tinkering Studio (1 Dec) Students embarked on a fun journey of experimentation and exploring the laws of physics like gravity and momentum by unleashing their imagination in making the marbles travel down the 13.6 square metre wall they had created. They also had an educational, entertaining and interactive learning journey around Science Centre.

Students testing their creations

Students exploring and learning around the Science Centre 5|Page

JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016

Student’s Reflections on Marble Machine Workshop

Getting students to reflect about the activities at the Marble Machine Workshop From Left: Pri 1, Pri 2 and Pri 3 & 4

Kids Amaze @ Jurong Safra (6 Dec) Students relaxed and had endless fun with their friends through exploring the learning and discovery zones embedded within highly sophisticated play elements.

Students climb up different levels of the maze excitedly

Having loads of fun with the spiral slides and normal slides

Students having fun playing together with their friends

Making Chocolate House by Chapel Church @ YMCA SMSCC (7 Dec) Students had a hands-on experience building a house out of chocolate wafers, melted chocolate and chocolate chips. They had an enjoyable time of Christmas joy and endless fun making the chocolate house.

Mdm. Wong & Team from Chapel of Christ the King hosted the Christmas Carolling and activities

Learning from the Parent Volunteers to hands-on experience to building their Chocolate House

Students showing off their Chocolate House happily


JULY 2016 – DECEMBER 2016

YMCA Souvenirs for Primary 6 Graduating Class (7 Dec)

YMCA Souvenirs for Pri 6 Students (they have stayed with SMSCC from Pri 1- 6) presented by Ms. Lynette Yeo. From left: Regina Theresa Tran Huyen-An, Leong Sau Kei, Ms. Lynette Yeo & Joanne Lau Sze Kei

Parent’s Testimonial:

Pri 6 Students making and presenting the Chocolate House to Ms. Lynette Yeo to express their gratitude “Thank you to all the teachers in YMCA, for taking care of me and teaching me from Primary 1 to 6. I will forever be grateful and will not forget the valuable lessons that I have learnt in YMCA SMSCC. Thank you again! “– Regina Tran (P6) Parents of Elizabeth Joy Tham (P1) wrote a letter to thank Mdm. Fu & YMCA SMSCC teachers for taking care of Elizabeth during her time at SMSCC. She will be moving to another school next year. We wish Elizabeth and family all the best! – Mdm. Fu & YMCA SMSCC Teachers Claire Gan (P1) “Wonderful friend and a good buddy to Elizabeth, for showing her much help, care & love towards her…”


Start of School: 3rd January 2017

Chinese New Year Celebrations (26 January 2017)

Fun with Crayons Enrichment (Term 1)

Cup Stacking Enrichment ( Term 2)

Parent-Teacher Meeting (Term 2)

CCE Term 1 Topics: Respect, Responsibility & Care

CCE Term 2 Topics: Honesty, Attentiveness & Obedience

YMCA Student Care Centre @ St Margaret’s Primary School 99 Wilkie Rd Singapore 228091 Tel: 6333 5084 E-mail: smscc@ymca.edu.sg


Este Ng, Senior Teacher


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