Ymca tnscc newsletter jan jun 2017

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YMCA STUDENT CARE CENTRE @ TAO NAN NEWSLETTER January to June 2017 Dear Parents/Guardians, Much to our delight in mid-2016, the school was informed by MOE that we can transit to single session in 2017. The transition was by no means a walk in the park. Our group of dedicated teachers was involved in rounds of intensive discussions week after week to iron out the anticipated issues. Some of these issues included Classroom Allocation, Dismissal Arrangements and many more. We also had to look into how to communicate these changes to existing parents as well as new parents whose children are entering Primary 1. Through the good teamwork of all our staff, we were able to anticipate and address these issues to ensure that we started the new school year with minimal hiccups. We would like to thank all parents for their cooperation during this challenging time.

The Good Character Award recognizes students who demonstrate exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their daily actions and behavior. The award undergirds YMCA’s ongoing efforts in inculcating and enhancing desired values in all students.

Following is a snapshot of the exciting programmes and experiences specially organized for students in YMCA Tao Nan Student Care Centre from January to June 2017. [Primary 1 — Ryuu Ong ]

[Primary 2 — Lim Jun Han Jayden ]

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR We kicked off the year of the Rooster with an exhilarating celebration of the 2017 Chinese New Year. The students did an amazing job decorating the Centre with oriental lanterns using recycled red packets brought from home. The younger children also learned about the traditional symbols and elements that mark the Chinese New Year Celebration. They also learned about the legend behind these traditions and the zodiac animals from the Chinese calendar.

[Students from all levels all dressed up in their traditional Chinese ethnic costumes ]

[Primary 3 — Tan Ethan ]

[Primary 4 — Tan Ray Kai ]

[Primary 5 — Regine Lam]

[Primary 6— Heng Zi Xin ]


February is always a busy month full of special occasions. Valentine’s Day normally serves as a day for passion and romance. The children did not forget about their loved ones, specifically those who gave them life—their parents. They know that their parents loved them before anyone else did, so they were sure to return the love at least once a year, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to spread the affection.

Easter is one of the most festive events among Christians worldwide. The students love the process of colouring the eggs—the colours are so bright and beautiful!

[The students love decorating the noticeboard with their Easter Egg] [Pri 3 children with their DIY artwork filled with a message of love]

Budding junior chefs from the Primary 3 and 5 classes also spent some time whipping up a little Easter Magic by making a dessert with marshmallow and chocolate.

[Pri 4 children expressing their heartfelt emotions through the power of words] [Tzu Rui, a Pri 5 student helping her friends from the lower primary]

[Pri 1 & 2 children busy at work with their Valentine’s Day Craft]

[The children enjoyed fixing the marshmallows and adding Oreo sprinkles]


The students started Sport Stacking, also known as cup stacking or speed stacking in Term 1. It requires the students to stack and unstack cups in various specific formations as fast as possible. According to recent studies, sport stacking improves concentration and hand-eye coordination, and utilizes both the right and left brain. It also improves bilateral coordination, the ability to use both sides of the body at the same time in an organized manner.

In Term 2, the students did Y Crayon which provides children with the foundational knowledge of art theory in the elements of Art and equip them with basic colour rendering skill sets. The children worked on a different theme each week including ‘Cupcakes’, ‘Ice-cream’ and ‘Lovebirds’.

[Pri 4 teacher, Ms Ilah demonstrating on the theme “Window”] [Pri 4 students disassembling their cups as quickly as possible] Some of the upper primary students spoke about the reasons why they love to stack. Though each of them have different motivations for stacking, from self-improvement to a love of competition, they all shared an obsessive interest in practicing and paring down their personal records, a few milliseconds at a time.

[Children at work after teacher’s demonstration]

[Lower primary students having their go at sport-stacking]

[The students have a passion for sport-stacking]

Through the foundational programme, we aim to nurture the children into confident learners who can freely express their ideas and passions in life creatively through art. We also hope to instil values such as responsibility and compassion to nurture children into caring individuals in society. Using crayon as a medium, the children look at the world from the perspectives of different artists, learn about their artistic intentions and proceed to create artworks which convey their dreams and aspirations through the artist’s signature art style.


Mother’s day is a celebration honouring the hard work and love of mothers around the world. On this very day, the students decided to express their utmost gratitude for their mothers’ unconditional love.

[ From left to right, Primary 2 class getting involved in Mothers’ Day craft to show how much they love their mother. The boys from Primary 3 posing proudly with their flowers for their mothers!]

Straight after Mother’s Day, was Father’s Day. There is nothing our fathers appreciate more than a handmade card from their children.

[ From left to right, children from the Primary 6 and 2 classes making their Father’s Day card. Their heartfelt messages for their fathers!]

[ From left to right, children from the Primary 4/6 and 2 classes posing with their masterpieces. ]


Casuarina Curry: Prata-making Workshop A Green Ranger: The Solar Car After learning about energy, environmental issues and the mechanism of solar cells, the children built a solar powered car and tested it outdoors. The children were able to learn about solar power by actually experiencing how sunlight generates power, giving them a new appreciation of energy production.

[From left to right, the teacher facilitator helping a Pri 1 child assemble the body of the solar car. Two Pri 1 boys assembling their cars on their own with confidences.]

[From left to right, 2 Pri 1 children painting their solar cars with their favourite colours. 2 Pri 2 children amazed by the number of colours available.]

Here is something fun for students—prata-making workshop at one of the most famous prata and curry restaurants in Singapore, Casuarina Curry Restaurant at Upper Thomson. For most of the students, this was the first time making prata and it was fun. Many of them thought it was sure to be a cinch but they realized it was a lot harder than it looked.

[From left to right, the real prata professional is on hand to show the ropes and tricks on to how to flip the prefect prata. Both boys have a sporting attitude and they mastered the prata flipping tactic in no time.]

[Majority of the children ruined their first dough before they even had the chance to flip because they pressed too hard]

[The children were clearly pleased with their cars.] [The children gave their prata a thumb up sign!]


PartyJojo: Balloon Scrulpting Workshop Balloon sculpting is an awesome way to entertain children. The balloon sculptor was able to create a multitude of beautiful balloon sculptures; every child was able to take their balloon sculptures home as a cherished souvenir. You can see for yourself why the teachers are also queuing up in front of the balloon sculptor.

Movie Magic: Despicable Me 3 The students often want to spend more time with their friends in school. This is a perfect opportunity for them to enjoy their favourite movie together. It was certainly more enjoyable watching it on the movie screen complemented with surround sound which added on the fun to their experience.

[The children learning how to inflate their balloons.]

[The children enjoying their popcorn and drinks before the movie.]

[Look at their happy faces]

[Let’s not forget to take a group picture after the movie.] Watching a movie together is also a great way for the teachers to spend time together with the students. After watching the movie, teachers can also take time to have a conversation about what they just watched.

[Joel (P1), Keith (P2) and Chloe (P2) posing happily with their masterpieces.]


Sport Stacking Competition Hiroshima Peace Lantern

Sport stacking is an individual and team sport that involves stacking plastic cups in specific sequences in as little time as possible.

Once again this year, we participated in the Hiroshima Peace Lantern Making Ceremony. The ceremony began several years after Hiroshima experienced the tragedy of the atomic bombing that took away many lives. In memory of this bombing, people gather at the riverside at the Peace Park and float Peace Lanterns decorated with paintings and messages to express their hopes and wishes for peace. Students were taught the importance of peace and universal love.

[Our boys in Upper Primary relay team in action—Tedrick Lee (P2), Reymus Loh (P3), Chan Jian Kai (P3) & Fang Hong Bo (P2).]

[From left to right, P3 students Yan Tong, Ashley and Malcolm doing their best for the community.

[From left to right, Ong Yiok Kiat (P2) taking part in Lower Primary Individual category & Malcolm Yong (P3) taking part in Upper Primary Category.] [From left to right, P4 students Xavier and Ethan working on their drawings attentively. Name the students]

[The parent and child pair, Mr Ong and his son, Ong Yiok Kiat (P2) also participated in the doubles event.] [Our final product!]


Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) has always been at the heart of Singapore’s education system. In CCE, our students learn to be responsible to family and community; and understand their roles in shaping the future of our nation. Our programmes provide guidance to all our pupils and help them to manage expectations, learn the need to follow rules and understand that they have a choice when taking action and must face the consequences of their choice and decision.

We have come to the end of another busy semester and we would like to thank all parents, teachers and students who work together to contribute to the great centre we have here. We have wonderful, enthusiastic students who put their very best foot forward every day. They have shown how kind, caring, welcoming and friendly they are; and they have worked hard on all of the in-house activities their teachers have planned for them. In addition, they have represented our centre very well in events outside the school. Many times this year, people have remarked on how well behaved and knowledgeable our students are, and how polite and respectful they are when meeting new people or on excursions.

[From left to right, Ms Nor, the Pri 1 teacher conducting CCE lessons with the lower primary students on Generosity.]

[The teachers having their Annual Chinese New Year Lou Hei.] Sadly, we have to say goodbye to Ms Ashley and Ms Jemmie who have worked with us for the past 6 months and supported the students in their learning. We wish both of them well and continued success in their studies. [From left to right, Tabitha (P2) and Xuan Wen (P1) working on their Generosity Tree.]

YMCA Student Care Centre @ Tao Nan 49 Marine Crescent Singapore 449761 Tel: 6244 0681

[Their end product!]

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