Ymca ycscc newsletter jan jun 2017

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Time flies and it’s Year 2017!! This year, we had a line up of very interesting programmes for our children in the first half of the year:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Photography workshop Food Safety Talk in school by AVA Anti Drug Talk by CNB Army Open House Visit (AOH 2017) K POP Dance Junior Entrepreneurship Family Carnival Our June Holiday Activities which include: a) Pokemon Gift Workshop b) Garden Treasure Box c) Magic Show Workshop d) Farm Mart Centre Visit

YMCA SCC @ YIO CHU KANG Photography Workshop

Guided by students from North Vista Secondary School, our children were able to learn a lot about photography in just a few afternoons

Photography is about making pictures, not just taking them. Here, our children learn how to use the camera to take pictures beyond the casual snapshot! Our children were also taught some basics in composition and lighting. There were able to develop a solid foundation in photography – from camera handling, to getting the right exposure, using optimal manual functions and composition.

YMCA SCC @ YIO CHU KANG Food Safety Talk in school by AVA As the national authority for food safety in Singapore, AVA (Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore) has put in place an integrated food safety system to ensure that food sold in Singapore is safe for consumption. The assurance of food safety is a shared responsibility which requires efforts by the government, food industries and consumers. AVA conducts various food safety talks to educate students on how simple practices can go a long way in preventing food contamination and food poisoning. Our children were greeted by the AVA’s Food Mascot, Oscar the Otter, which had caused them to be more enthusiastic and active during the Q & A session.

Students excitedly answer questions in order to win prizes from Oscar himself

The Primary 1 Class poses together with Oscar for a memorable shot

YMCA SCC @ YIO CHU KANG Anti Drug Talk by CNB Officer Preventive Drug Education is the government's major initiative to empower our young with the knowledge of commonly abused drugs and prevent them from falling prey to drug abuse. During the anti drug talk, The CNB officer explained to our group of children of the addiction, effects, and consequences of consuming drugs.

ARMY OPEN HOUSE 2017 (AOH 2017) The Army Open House excites the children to experience the feel of being in an army. There were only 8 luckily children who was selected from YCSCC to visit the Army Open House. The children participated in various activities such as mini obstacle course, photo booth for children to dress up, mini battle rides and army window art.

YMCA SCC @ YIO CHU KANG Junior Entrepreneurship Family Carnival It's the time of the year again for Our Junior Entrepreneurs to reveal their talents and exhibit their handmade items from recycled materials for sale in order to raise funds for the needy students.

YMCA staff volunteering at the Little Entrepreneurs & Family Day Carnival held at Hougang Marquee N6

Some of our unique handmade items like multicoloured pencil holders, photo frames & jug.

Look at our YMCA beauties and our K POP dancers at Hougang (in their outstanding black T-shirts)! Aren’t they GORGEOUS?

YMCA SCC @ YIO CHU KANG Besides food & drinks stalls, the children were looking forward to some of the enjoyable games which included a bouncy castle, animal kiddy ride and tic-tactoe as seen below!

Everyone is having fun at the carnival games!

Our Assistant General Secretary, Miss Lynette was so engrossed with the stage performance!

YMCA SCC @ YIO CHU KANG Our June Holiday Programme Highlights: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pokemon Gift Workshop Garden Treasure Hunt Workshop Magic Show Workshop Farm Mart Centre Visit

POKEMON GIFT SHOP & GARDEN TREASURE HUNT We had fun, we had joy in making Pokemon with clay and able to bring it home to share with our families.

MAGIC SHOW WORKSHOP A live demonstration by Mr John allowed our children to learn some simple but entertaining magic tricks to wow their friends and family with.

YMCA SCC @ YIO CHU KANG Farm Mart Centre A Visit to the Farm Mart Centre on 23/6/17 which is located at Sungei Tengah is a One-Stop Destination for a range of fun activities where our children got closer to Nature on this day!

It was fun and educational. Surrounded in a lush green environment, children got a chance to get close to & interact with animals besides feeding them. There are farm produce shops besides a prawn pond. Children got close to goats, bull frogs, tortoises, rabbits, birds, fishes & hamsters. Our children also learned interesting facts about animals & various farming in Singapore from Uncle William on this fun filled day!

YMCA Student Care Centre@Yio Chu Kang 1 Hougang St 51, Singapore 538720 Tel: 6341 6055 (Email: ycscc@ymca.edu.sg)

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