YMCA of Saskatoon IMPACT Report 2021_2022

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TheYMCAofSaskatoonacknowledgesthatweareonthetraditionallands, referred to as Treaty 6 Territory and that the City of Saskatoon and all the people here are beneficiaries of this peace and friendship treaty. Treaty 6 encompasses the traditional territories of numerous First Nations, including Cree,Dene(DEN-Ē),Nakota,Saulteaux(SO-TO),andOjibwe(OJIB-WĒ)andthe homelandoftheMétisNation.Wearededicatedtoensuringthatthespiritof Reconciliation and Treaty 6 is honoured and respected. This acknowledgementalsoreaffirmsourrelationshipwithoneanother.

The YMCA Federation in Canada’s Statement of Reconciliation was unanimously approved by all YMCAs in Canada and strengthens our dedication to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and communities in Canada. It is reflective of the YMCA Federation’s commitment to fostering a sense of belonging for all and its values of inclusiveness, accountability, and collaboration.

YMCAs in Canada Statement of Reconciliation

The YMCAs in Canada have a commitment to building healthy communities through the power of belonging. Communities that are safe and vibrant, with a strong economy and a sustainable environment. Communities within a Canada that demonstrates:

leadership in improving the health of all people; respect for diversity and pluralism; combatting inequality; protecting its most vulnerable; and nurturing the potential of young people.

For our country to become the Canada We Want, the YMCA recognizes that we must place a special and intentional focus on Canada's relationship with Indigenous Peoples.

The YMCA movement in Canada declares its commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. We acknowledge and respect that our programs, services, and community facilities are on the traditional territory of Indigenous Peoples. YMCAs in Canada are aware of the impact that colonial actions, including residential schools, have had on Indigenous Peoples, and we remain committed to understanding past injustices and will continue to move forward for a better future.

YMCAs in Canada are committed to playing our role in addressing the Calls to Action that have been made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, such as:

19. …. close the gaps in health outcomes between Aboriginal and nonAboriginal communities; 92iii. Provide education for management and staff on the history of Aboriginal Peoples, including the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal Crown relations. This will require skillsbased training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism.

We are committed to developing and sharing program models, tools, and resources that will improve Indigenous Peoples’ access to our programs and services.

We will work with Indigenous communities as partners to find opportunities to have an active presence where it is desired.

YMCAs in Canada are committed to moving beyond a Statement of Reconciliation to the development and implementation of an Action Plan which will be reviewed regularly.

The YMCA Federation in Canada’s Statement of Reconciliation was unanimously approved by all YMCAs in Canada and strengthens our dedication to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and communities in Canada. It is reflective of the YMCA Federation’s commitment to fostering a sense of belonging for all and its values of inclusiveness, accountability, and collaboration.

Made possible by: 19 locations across the Saskatoon and Martensville area 622 individuals received financial assistance $233,883.26 4,943 participants* 1,672 Health & Fitness 1,502 Camps/SODC 67 Youth Leadership 420 Before & After School 800 Swimming Lessons 27 Corporate Workplace 35 YCAN *participantscapturesourprograms' cumulativereachduringtheyear. Someindividualbenefitsfrom multipleYMCAprogramsandmaybe countedmorethanonce. Martensville Warman 237 giving donors 134 volunteers 321 staff
ListofneighbourhoodsinSaskatoon. (2022,May20).InWikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ neighbourhoods_in_Saskatoon


The YMCA has been serving our community from downtown Saskatoon for 116 years. The Board passed a resolution in June 2021 confirming that a downtown presence for the YMCA was crucial to achieving our organization’smissionofbuildingstrongcommunities.Wearedeterminedthatthecitycentre/downtown/core will continue to be home to our programs and services. Given our many partnerships with other service providers, our historical track record of offering innovative and leading-edge programming, and our current significant daycare offerings, the YMCA is uniquely positioned to support the revitalization of downtown Saskatoon.

This year we did not use the term "the new normal" as the time during Covid taught us that we needed to be a different Y with a different and stronger focus if we were going to be successful in thelongrun. The previous year we were fortunate to open a new childcare in Brighton and a new family resource Centre in Fairhaven and these helped us see thatourplantoreachmorepeopleinthecommunity was achievable. Our plan as we entered into the fall of 2021 was that we were going to rebuild or bounce back from the worldwide pandemic slowly and steadily over the year. In many ways we did: Childcare remained strong, before and after school programs came back, our community programs grew. But it was our health, fitness and aquatics membershipsthatstruggled.

Wehavehadtorethinkhowweoffermanyofour adulthealthandfitnessservicesasmanyofour instructorsandmembersarestillnotfullyengaged asmembers.However,weknowthatwhenthey decidetocomebacktheywillappreciatethe programs,cleanliness,andfeelingthattheybelong toastrongandvibrantcommunity.

Wecontinuetoworkwithmanypartnersandwe continuetobeastrongvoiceinthecommunityfor children’sservicesaswellasaleaderinchildcare.We recognizethatmorepeopleneedhelpthanever beforewithmentalhealthservicesandwestarted offeringmorementalhealthprogramsforyounger participantsinthecommunity.

We are focused on providing stable and safe work practisesforourstaff.

We also recognize that the City of Saskatoon is embarking on a once in a generation plan to revitalize the downtown. In June we issued a statement to the community and to our members that we are committed to the downtown. This means we believe that there are many needs that we can help people meet and for the YMCA in the downtown this may include childcare, health and fitness, employment, services, as well as being a strong voice for people who may not be able to advocateforthemselves.

Asaboardchairithasbeenadifficulttimeto makeprogressoneverythingwewanted,butwe havebecomeastrongerandmorefocused organization.Wehavebecomeamorediverseboard andworkforceandwehavegreatplansforhowwe canbeastrongsustainablecommunityYMCAforthe nextgeneration.

Finally,Iwantedtoextendmydeepestthankstothe staff,volunteers,members,donors,andsupportersof theYMCAwhomIhavebeenprivilegedtomeetand gettoknowoverthepastthreeyearsasIhave servedmytermaschairoftheboard.IknowIam leavingthechairsroleingoodhands.

Pauline Melis Board President Dean Dodge CEO



To foster life-enhancing opportunities and to strengthen the foundations of our community by being an organization that nurtures health, wellness and a collective sense of community.


To become the leading Charitable provider of health and wellness programs, family-centered activities and childcare in our community.


In the potential and worth of every person; We are dynamic and meet the needs of the community today; Everyone has leadership potential. That the Y is a movement; Belonging to the Y makes you stronger.

Honesty Respect Caring Acceptance Responsibility Fairness


Amanda Long

YMCA Board of Directors – Governance

Pauline Melis, Board Chair (outgoing)

Arian Andkhoie (outgoing) Caroline Bagnell (outgoing) Daniel Ford Beavis (outgoing)

Drew Bilboe (outgoing)

Ryan Chute (outgoing)

Shannon Friesen

Josh Marko

Stephan McLachlin

Mike McKague Michael Souweha

Tim West

Carlie Russell Rick Peddle


YMCA Management Team DeanDodge Chief Executive Officer BrianLanoire Director of Finances RoxaneKaskiw Director of Child Care RobTreleaven Director of Maintenance SheraleeTeichroeb Director of Programs TetianaKalenska Director of Human Resources SerenaDallas Director of Strategic Engagement
Committee Members
Friesen Ralph
Don Story
Jerry Grandey Shannon
Rick Peddle Stephen

OUR 2021-2022GOALS


Encourage the community to return or check out the YMCA

Continue safe cleaning practices

Encourage individual safety (masking/cleaning)

Reduce the number of COVID-19 holds

Convert from outdated CRM to an "all in one" CRM that allows families to apply ONCE for financial assistance

Encourage members to invite friends

Membership Saves Contests


Expand drop in Partners in Play Book Play Sessions

Centre on Wheels expandion June 6Sept 26, 2022 (family fun bike)

Just Me & My Dad Time

Outdoor Explorer sessions

Basketful-o"fun Spring Event ! Parties at the Pumpkin Patch Camping with Babies & Toddlers

Child Care/BASC/Y Programs

Increase locations of Before and After School program

Exceed active movement each day in all BASC and Child Care programs

Implement refunds for Child Care as we move towards $10 day services

Increase the staffing in each Centre to meet the growing demand for Child Care

Increase training opportunities for leaders in child/youth and family programs

Expanded free offerings of child/youth programs


Expand staffing to reflect the additions of new programs

Focus on Reconciliation Awareness Training

Provided Leadership teams with Mental Health training to support staff

2 1

OUR 2021-2022 GOALS CON'T

Volunteers & Instructors

Retain Fitness Volunteers

Focus on networking/connection opportunities

Work with local partners to provide Volunteer opportunities

Expanded opportunity areas

Tracking volunteer hours more effectively


Focus on reducing the amount of fund development events to be more strategic

Launch updated donor opportunities

Focus on Grant opportunities

Focus on developing meaningful connections/partnerships

Expand Caribou Legacy Club

Create Bi-Annual Philanthropy Newsletter

Y Mind (teen)


OUR 2021-2022IMPACT

In 2021-2022 Volunteers Contributed over 1870 Volunteer hours equaling over $56,000
There is no program or service offered at the YMCA that is not supported by volunteers, including our Board of Directors and various Committees. Without the generosity and commitment of volunteers, the YMCA’s reach would not be as far and the local impact as great. Thank you to all of our volunteers!


Before we learn about the amazing outcomes of this event that is hosted every four years, let's start with some background information...

For nearly 200 years, the work of the YMCA Movement has evolved to meet the needs of young people, and vulnerable people, and communities everywhere.

In 2015, as part of the One Million Voices research carried out by the global YMCA Movement, young people highlighted the four areas that concerned them most, and where they wanted YMCA to work. These were Health, the Environment, Employment and Civic Engagement.

YMCAs worldwide align, because almost all of their programmes – all over the world –address one or more of these four issues. But YMCAs address other key issues too, like supporting refugees and migrants, and people living with disabilities.

So first, in 2017, the World YMCA Executive Committee issued a values statement which underlined that diversity and inclusiveness are cornerstones of the YMCA movement, which is open to all people, everywhere, regardless of their ability, age, culture, ethnicity, race, religion, sexuality, social or economic background.

We seek a YMCA – and a world – which is safe and inclusive, and where everyone can feel welcome.

And second, in 2018, at the 2018 YMCA World Council in Chiangmai, Thailand, the global YMCA approved a Resolution committed to supporting Migrants and Refugees in all their many needs.

All these concerns are interlinked: some YMCA programmes supporting Inclusiveness and Migrants and Refugees are standalone, while others in fact fall under one of the four main key impact areas of Health, the Environment, Employment and Civic Engagement. And so the global YMCA is able to communicate within and beyond the Movement about six priority areas of action.

World Council was held in Denmark and hosted its first InPerson & Online Event
quality health
It provides services to improve their
Environment: YMCA is committed to advancing global conservation and responsibility to reduce the effects of climate change through youth-led education programmesandadvocacyinitiativesthatimproveenvironmentalawareness. Engagement:YMCAiscommittedtoprovidingplatformsforyoungpeopletolead changeintheircommunitiesthroughcivicactionandadvocacy,genderequality, youthjusticeandleadershipdevelopment. Employment:YMCAiscommittedtoprovidingqualityeducation,vocational training,andopportunitiestoyoungpeopletoensuretheyhavetheexperienceand knowledgeneededtosucceedintoday’sworkenvironment.
Atthe20thYMCAWorldCouncil,on5July2022,theglobalYMCAMovementadopted Vision2030,acollectiveroadmapforthenextdecade.YMCAVision2030comprisesone collectivevisionstatement,onecollectivemissionstatement,thefourcollectivepriority actionareasof CommunityWellbeing MeaningfulWork, SustainablePlanet JustWorld ...and12collectivegoalstoturntheprioritiesintoactionattheYMCA,thecommunityand thegloballevels.Vision2030isaframeworkforglobalalignmentwhichallowseachofthe 120YMCANationalMovementstogoattheirownpaceaccordingtotheirownstrengths andtheirowncommunities’needs,inpursuitofcommongoals. 2026eventhasbeenannouncedandwillbehostedrighthereinCanadainToronto, ON. StaytunedformoreinformationandhowtheYMCAofSaskatoonwillbe involved! WORLDCOUNCIL2022 Learn More https://www.ymca.int/key-impact-areas/
wellbeing in spirit, mindandbody.


We had an opportunity to meet with Luke before he continued his journey East, possibly working at another YMCA! Below is a summary of what Luke shared.

The start: I started working for the YMCA in 2016, although my first day at the Y predates that. I came while in elementary school in September 2011. My first experience was swimming lessons and Wado Kai Karate. For three years, my Y life was doing swimming and karate, which then led me to take the bronze medallion and bronze cross.

Interesting story here: One of my earlier swim instructors, Ishmael taught me star 4-5 and then also assisted in the bronze medallion and bronze cross exams. In 2015 I focused on becoming a lifeguard, and I had to get my NLA certificates. I then applied here to be a lifeguard and an instructor at YMCA. Lo and behold. Ishmael was the Aquatics Coordinator at the time and interviewed me. This happens to many who grow up at the Y and then become staff That is what makes the Y so unique!" Luke followed up the thoughts with "I remember going from the phone call for an interview to hiring feeling so exhilarated! I started by teaching swimming lessons on Sundays, and from there, I grew and matured by being a part of a team. Later, Bobbi, the former Fitness Director, helped me to get into fitness and guided me through getting my Fitness Certificate, leading me to teach Aqua fit.

Opportunities: From there, opportunities always presented themselves. Actually, that is what makes the Y so awesome. If you want them (opportunities, that is), they are there; just leap! I then moved on to the Aquatics team lead, moving into a supervisor role for the first time. I learned how to be a good support and planning staff meetings etc., and because of this, I learned more about various leadership roles. In 2021 when our Aquatic coordinator announced that they would be leaving for maternity leave, this presented another opportunity. I was so nervous, but I wanted to challenge myself and entered my name to be a candidate. was going to. I still remember coming in, feeling like I had a good chance of getting this job, but it was not secure. So I did the "wow factor" for many people that saw me in the facility. I had very long hair at the time, and right before my interview, I got a haircut, and man it was short It did what I thought it would, it wowed everyone. They knew right away that I was determined to get this job, and everyone saw my heart was in it. I did get that job.

Impact: It was really interesting because of the kids that I have seen grow up in the Y. From preschool classes up to the later classes, I was now seeing them (or their resumes) come across my desk to be instructors. It creates emotions of happiness and gratitude. When I see that resume and call them, I'm doing the same for one of the students that happened to me. It's amazing, and it's very full circle. A fantastic way to close my book here at the YMCA in Saskatoon and then pursue the story elsewhere in Canada." Quote & Value: My favourite quote to remember and I hope it means something to you as well " You never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory, so do your best to be a good one." My value that I live by is honesty. Even, even if it's a bittersweet honesty, at least you're being honest."

Thank You Luke; we can't wait for your visits back and more importantly, thank you for being a shining example of what the Y thrives to do in the community.


My Y is My Family

December4th,2022isgoingtobeabigcelebrationhereatthe Y and it all revolves a special staff member who will be celebrating a pretty big milestone here at the Y. 19 Years of dedicatedservicetotheYMCAofSaskatoon!

Dennis started at the Y in a vary familiar way for many high schoolstudents;workexperienceeducation.

At that time, Dennis was in Grade 11, and part of the curriculum was to find a work experience where students could gain experience to help find jobs after high school ended. School also taught you how to do resume building and set you up for what happens AFTER you leave school in grade 12.

Well, Dennis enjoyed his work experience with the facilities team so much that he asked if he could pick up some part-time hours (since he was still in school). At that time, there was only THREE facility/maintenance staff to handle the whole 65,000 square feet of the building. He has done a wide range of duties within the facilities team. Some call it maintenance, cleaning, janitorial -whatever someone calls it. It is so much more than "cleaning the building."

Once school was done and some time passed, he was able to transition from part-time to full time permanent hours. "I take a lot of pride in my job and doing it all a proper way," says Dennis when asked how much he likes his job. "This place and the people here, they are like my family really. My family lives out of town and I don't get to see them as often as I would like. So, the Y members and staff - it's family." "I thrive on positivity. Being happy - I am always trying to be happy and not allow myself to dwell on a bad day or moment. I like the positivity in my life and here I like that we focus on that."

We asked Dennis about why the long term commitment when in a time it is normal to change jobs he said, "When I was 16 years old, I said when I found the job that I liked, I was going to stay at it. When I think of what I do here, I don't think that I am "just a janitor" I 'm more than that."

Dennis is a hard working individual who just "loves to work" coming to the Y seeing everyone - it just makes me happy"

Thankyou Dennis&Congratulationson19yearsandcounting!


National Philanthropy Day (NPD) is a wonderful event held to celebrate the philanthropic spirit and honour those who have demonstrated their commitment to giving back. Through NPD, we are able to show appreciation for all that has been accomplished in the name of giving. It is our chance to step into the spotlight for a brief moment and remind our community how the spirit of giving is alive and well.

This year; it is with great honour to celebrate Gail McDougall. Her philanthropic efforts have impacted the YMCA of Saskatoon for over 40 years. Through her generous gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure

employed 2+ years 66% staff average age 29 numberofcountries representedfromstaff 22 THE HUMAN RESOURCES IMPACT

by donating to the YMCA of Saskatoon from Sept 1, 2021, through August 31, 2022. They made our community strong in a multitude of waysand,forthattheydeserveamomentinthespotlight.


The Grandey Family Foundation INC.

Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon

$2,500 - $4,999

Cherry Insurance

Dave K. Eyolfson

Brian Heagy

$20,000 - $49,999

Anonymus (1)

CTR Industrial Investments Inc Gerald W Grandey K+S Potash Canada

$10,000 - $19,999

Saskatoon Community Foundation

$5,000- $9,999

William D Black Kim Love

Bob E. Racine (A)

$1,000 - $2,499

Anonymus (2) 101032169 Saskatchewan LTD.

Graeme Arklie

Carolyn Bagnell

Fernand G. Boutin Eric H. Cline

Dennis & Lorrie Couzens

Serena C. Dallas Dean M. Dodge Green Prairie Environmental Limited Joanne P. Harpauer-Dignean

Robert Jackson

Bill & Norma J. Kapphahn

Kiwanis Club of Saskatoon Barb Klassen

Malcolm B. Leggett

Ann E. March

James C Martin

Pauline M. Melis

Jim Murphy Randy L. Pangborn

Jeffrey Pfeifer

John C. Rayner

Tessa Ross

Paul Sinkewicz

Sarah E Sliedrecht

Angela Sluzalo Jackie Smith

Jaidyn M Solanik

Paul M. Sopuck

Craig Squirrel Anastasios S Stamatinos

Welldone Mechanicl Services Christopher White

$500 - $999

Gregory R Adams

Affinity Credit Union

Blair D. Chapman

Chapman Holdings Ltd

Gordon Dressler

Katie Dueck

Allen Geeraert

Lillian Gunderson

Gail McDougall

David Patola

Rick J. Peddle

Mark & Jessica Redekop Roy & Eleanore Romanow



Dr. Ralph & Margaret J. Schneider

Kris Seto Davis

Don Story

Those Girls at the Market

Edna Warrington Kevin H. Waugh Peter Whitenect

All contributions are greatly appreciated and valued. Every effort was made to ensure that we captured all names. *apologies in advance if your name was omitted*


$499 and under

Brenda Achtemichuk

Olivia M. Aime

Ken Andreen

Karsyn C Arcand

Raymond Arscott

Barbara Baillod

Maiah Balzer

Shay-Lyn Bansch

Marwa E Behairy

Scott Bell

Gurdeep Benipal Darla Bessette

Drew Bilboe

Royane Bilboe

Jordan L Bolton

Galina Braun

Theodore R. Buckley

Breanne L Buehler

Adriah Buhler

Ivan Bustos

Pelle J. Butros

Lyrra I Cabarilla

Gerald M. Campbell

Barry Chapman

Julie Chiesa

Ryan Chute

Yvette Clark

Jay Conley

Julie Coombe

Jill Cross

Ellis J Davis

Marcel De La Gorgendiere

Justine C. DeBussac

Margaret RS Defehr

Zachary Digout

Sandra L. Dodge

Chloe Dodge

Janice D Dodge

Don D. Dodge

Lance Dolman

Taylor Doyle

Robert N Dyck

Lyndsey D Elliott

Jodi L Epp

Ruth I. Epstein

Kelly D. Foth

Naimah Francis

Breanne M French

Rob Friedt

Shannon Friesen

Veronica A. Fusnik

Helen Gallaugher

Janet Gallucci

Mike Gawley

Grant Gibson

Terry Gibson Kim Goodman

Leisha A. Grebinski

Grant L. Gudmundson

Rebecca Gunn

Tu Ha

Cliff J. Hansen

Chantel Hansen

David C Hedley

Elizabeth Hernandez

Raelynn Hildebrandt

Sara L. Humphreys

Tekla Hunter

Patsy A. Ippolito

Bobbi M Janzen

Shane Jeffery Aaron Kaminski Roxane L. Kaskiw

Randy Klassen

Katie Krueger Shannie Lyn Krueger

Lisa Labrecque

Tonia O Laird

Dale Laturnus Linda Laventure

Kun Li Mark Lich Darby Liebrecht

Madelyn R Lies

Alyta Little Jordan Lohneis

William Love Rodney Lover

Heather Macdonald

Mark L. MacLeod

Jaedyn MacNeill

Maria V Magdayao

Maranda Mazoka Hunter McAlear

Lisle McCallum

Joan McDonald

Carol McInnis M McInnis

Kaitlyn McIntyre

Charlene McKelvey

Stephen McLachlin Caroline Melis

Dulce N Meza-Meza

Mr. John A. Miller Lauri Miller Alaysia Misa-Delainey Sandy Monteith Darien J. Moore

Jeanette N Neufeld Rebecca Newson David Newton Ruth G Nicolas Melissa A. Nicolls

Tom Novosel Isabella Oanta Carol G. Olson

Raymond J. Olson McKenna MCR Panasiuk Marsiola Papa Pat Pattison

Donna Peiris Morgan V Perra Garry L. Peters Adam Peterson Vera R. Pezer Annette Piche Garth R. Pickrell George Pinckney Becky Pinette Aviana Porrelli Arlene N Prieto Elizabeth G. Pringle

Daryl K Reid Magdalena Richter Nyachudier Riek Lisa Rogalsky Tom Rogers William Rooke Luis A. Santos Saskatoon Seals Underwater Hockey Bree E Sauve Sheryl Savard

Dylana Schwab Kendra M Sepke Gordon M. Strom Harley Strouts

Dan Symenuk Jaden Tapia Tashrwin Tarique Sheralee Teichroeb Austin R Teichroeb

The Flame HVAC and Electrical Ltd.

Jasmine I.S. Thiemann

Ethan K. Thompson

Kelly Tokarchuk

Jacques J Toupin

Dieu Trong Cam Tran

Cindy CM Tsang

United Way of Saskatoon

Fred & Rose Walden

Russ W. Warner

Fred N Wesolowski

Ashwin B. Witt

Margaret Woloshyn Neal A Zaluski

All contributions are greatly appreciated and valued. Every effort was made to ensure that we captured all names. *apologies in advance if your name was omitted*

Ruth Epstein

In Honour/Memory

Giftsreceived HonouringSomeoneSpecial







For almost 30 years now, Ruth has been a member of the YMCA. She is an avid swimmer and while working at the University of Saskatchewan, she felt it was easier to zip in her car, take no breaks and enjoy her swims without the pressures at the Y.

"My decision to leave a gift to the Y through the Caribou Legacy Club was easy. It was time for me to redo my will. I wanted to donate to a charity and I knew that I wanted it to be local. I also thought, "What feels like family to me?", the only place I could think of that has been so good, so friendly, so wide reaching is the Y.", says Ruth. I also live by this quote that I heard from Rumi; “You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.”. Regardless of the size of gift, I encourage you to leave a gift to the Y in your will. I just know it will do a lot of good!"

The Caribou Legacy Club

The YMCA Legacy Club honours individuals and families who believe in the mission of the Y and preserve our good work for future generations by including the Y in their estate plans.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact: Serena Dallas at 306-652-7515 ext. 267

If you have included the YMCA of Saskatoon in your plans, please inform us so that we can recognize you as a member of the Legacy Club.





InMemoryofClareHeagy InMemoryofEvangelineHeagy InmemoryofDavidWilton











InhonourofCarolOlson&Family,Kelly Stadnyk&ShawnStadnyk


InmemoryofEileenBarber InHonourofRayOlson&Family InhonourofKen&RitaEpstein InhonourofSerenaDallas


Ralph Schneider

Dale Maxwell Beavis

Eric Cline

Pauline Melis

Gerald Grandey


James Schwier

Alex Ladouceur

Dean Dodge

Gerard Gardiner

Darryl Yausie

Jacquie Gardiner

Richard Rodda

Jordan Allan

Dennis & Lorrie Couzens

Doug & Lexi Jamieson

Terry & Bea Gibson

Daniel Ford Beavis

A BIG thank you to our partners that are integral to the fabric of our Y *apologies in advance if your logo was missed*

Ruth Eptein

Serena Dallas

Karim Nasser

Estate Irma & Horst


Estate Floyd McNab Clare Middleton

Janis Beavis


A BIG thank you to our Grant partners, your financial support is integral to the ongoing success of our Y *apologies in advance if your logo was missed*

YMCA of Saskatoon

25 - 22nd Street E Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0C7 (306) 652-7515 www.ymcasaskatoon.org ymca@ymcasaskatoon.org

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