CHOOSING YOUR COURSE OR SUB JECT What we offer A Levels A Levels have an academic approach to subjects and are primarily assessed by written exams. Students are advised to take four AS Level subjects. Many students will drop one AS Level at the end of the first year, and study their remaining three subjects to A2 Level (full A Level). Vocational/Technical Courses These courses have a contextual approach to learning and are primarily assessed through assignments and coursework. Students should choose one Vocational/Technical course. Apprenticeship Programmes These provide a mixture of on and off-the-job training whilst being paid. Students should choose one Apprenticeship course.
How to choose the right programme of study Plan to your strengths You should choose subjects you think you will enjoy and do well at. If choosing A Levels, don’t be too worried about ‘odd-looking’ combinations of subjects if those are the subjects which will give the best grades. Don’t just look at what to study You should also look closely at how you will study a subject, e.g. does it involve group work, or discussion and debate? Also, how it is assessed, e.g. will you have to write long essays, produce coursework or do a lot of calculations? Do you know what you want to do next? If so, there may be some subjects you have to do. You can check the entry requirements for degree courses using the search facility at Be careful, as if you find you are going to need to study a subject you don’t enjoy, you may need to reconsider your ambition. Consider alternatives The College has a very wide range of courses at all levels. Many Level 3 (A Level equivalent) Vocational courses provide an excellent route to university, as well as to employment. We are also the largest local provider of apprenticeships, so you should look at all options and play to your strengths. 10