Grand Rapids SouthWest Young Life — Mario Awator

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Opportunity Operating Budget Staff Salary Benefits Program Expenses Training BudgetTotal

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30,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 50,000

Grand Rapids SouthWest Young Life

*Of this budget, my goal is to raise $15,000 in personal support

Personal Fundraising Goal # of Partners 1 3 5 7 TOTAL:

Amount per Mo. $ $ $ $

250 100 75 50

Annual Total $ $ $ $ $

3,000 3,600 4,500 4,200 15,300

Personal checks may be made out to Young Life, with MI275 — Mario Awator on the memo line, and sent to: Young Life P.O. Box 503 Grandville, MI 49468

Young Life is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has maintained that membership through a yearly review of its compliance with the ECFAÕs standards.

Young Life was incorporated in 1941 by Jim Rayburn, a seminary student and part-time youth minister in Gainesville, Texas, who wanted to reach out to kids disinterested in church. Rayburn went where kids were and found creative ways to share the love of God with them. His methods continue to transform lives today.

Mario Awator P.O. Box 503 | Grandville, MI 49468

Mario Awator

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” — Galatians 2:20


Because kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care, Young Life leaders show they care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are and believing in who they can be. Within Young Life we call the persistent going out into the world of kids “contact work.” But kids just call it friendship.


We like to think of club as a “party with a purpose.” It’s controlled chaos that’s almost impossible to describe, but kids know it when they see it. And before the party ends, we share a simple message about God’s love for them. After all, that’s what the celebration is all about.



Grand Rapids SouthWest Young Life has 13 different ministries all across the southern part of Grand Rapids. Our area has almost 100 volunteer leaders and impacts hundreds of kids each year. The Potter’s House is one of the newer ministries in our area and has quickly become a flagship club in our area.


Kids consistently tell us that Young Life camp is the best week of their lives. How else would you describe a week where deep relationships are forged in the midst of mind-boggling fun and you hear the greatest story ever told?


Campaigners is a weekly gathering for kids who wish to learn more or grow in their faith through study, service and leadership. We’re with kids for the long haul to help them take the first steps of faith with unconditional love. Along the way, we encourage kids to celebrate their faith through participation in a local church congregation.



My name is Mario Awator, and I am originally from Togo (West Africa). My sister was brought to the United States through human trafficking when I was 12 years old. A few years later, when she was rescued, she was given the opportunity by the United States government to bring her family to the States with her. I moved here in 2013, and for the first time, experienced culture shock. After graduating high school, I went to Grand Rapids Community College, but I did not finish because I didn’t know what I wanted to study. I started working in different factories, trying to find my purpose and where God was calling me. My mentor told me about a Young Life staff position that was open, doing ministry at The Potter’s House High School. I told him I wasn’t interested because I was busy making money at the factory. After a couple months of prayer, God showed me that my joy and purpose not only came from Him, but also, that it will be through ministry that these will be fulfilled. I came on Young Life staff in August, and I am excited to see how the Lord is working already through Young Life at The Potter’s House.


• Build a strong leadership team of volunteers who are building friendships with kids. • Create a safe place during club where every kid feels accepted and a sense of belonging. • Create a strong and stable ministry that develops disciples into leaders.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” — Galatians 2:20


Because kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care, Young Life leaders show they care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are and believing in who they can be. Within Young Life we call the persistent going out into the world of kids “contact work.” But kids just call it friendship.


We like to think of club as a “party with a purpose.” It’s controlled chaos that’s almost impossible to describe, but kids know it when they see it. And before the party ends, we share a simple message about God’s love for them. After all, that’s what the celebration is all about.



Grand Rapids SouthWest Young Life has 13 different ministries all across the southern part of Grand Rapids. Our area has almost 100 volunteer leaders and impacts hundreds of kids each year. The Potter’s House is one of the newer ministries in our area and has quickly become a flagship club in our area.


Kids consistently tell us that Young Life camp is the best week of their lives. How else would you describe a week where deep relationships are forged in the midst of mind-boggling fun and you hear the greatest story ever told?


Campaigners is a weekly gathering for kids who wish to learn more or grow in their faith through study, service and leadership. We’re with kids for the long haul to help them take the first steps of faith with unconditional love. Along the way, we encourage kids to celebrate their faith through participation in a local church congregation.



My name is Mario Awator, and I am originally from Togo (West Africa). My sister was brought to the United States through human trafficking when I was 12 years old. A few years later, when she was rescued, she was given the opportunity by the United States government to bring her family to the States with her. I moved here in 2013, and for the first time, experienced culture shock. After graduating high school, I went to Grand Rapids Community College, but I did not finish because I didn’t know what I wanted to study. I started working in different factories, trying to find my purpose and where God was calling me. My mentor told me about a Young Life staff position that was open, doing ministry at The Potter’s House High School. I told him I wasn’t interested because I was busy making money at the factory. After a couple months of prayer, God showed me that my joy and purpose not only came from Him, but also, that it will be through ministry that these will be fulfilled. I came on Young Life staff in August, and I am excited to see how the Lord is working already through Young Life at The Potter’s House.


• Build a strong leadership team of volunteers who are building friendships with kids. • Create a safe place during club where every kid feels accepted and a sense of belonging. • Create a strong and stable ministry that develops disciples into leaders.

Opportunity Operating Budget Staff Salary Benefits Program Expenses Training BudgetTotal

You CanHelp Ways to Give Give Online:

• Go to or • Scan QR code ....

By Mail:

$ $ $ $ $

30,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 50,000

Grand Rapids SouthWest Young Life

*Of this budget, my goal is to raise $15,000 in personal support

Personal Fundraising Goal # of Partners 1 3 5 7 TOTAL:

Amount per Mo. $ $ $ $

250 100 75 50

Annual Total $ $ $ $ $

3,000 3,600 4,500 4,200 15,300

Personal checks may be made out to Young Life, with MI275 — Mario Awator on the memo line, and sent to: Young Life P.O. Box 503 Grandville, MI 49468

Young Life is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has maintained that membership through a yearly review of its compliance with the ECFAÕs standards.

Young Life was incorporated in 1941 by Jim Rayburn, a seminary student and part-time youth minister in Gainesville, Texas, who wanted to reach out to kids disinterested in church. Rayburn went where kids were and found creative ways to share the love of God with them. His methods continue to transform lives today.

Mario Awator P.O. Box 503 | Grandville, MI 49468

Mario Awator

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