TOGETHER Young Life and the Catholic Church

The Lord is leading us to “prepare the way.” The missional moment between Young Life and the Catholic Church is here. Bishops and cardinals, priests and lay people, teachers and administrators are discovering the power of Young Life ministry and are jumping onboard. Young Life Catholic Relations is compelled to prepare for the “tsunami” of the Spirit that will usher in a new era of evangelization to young people. As we equip, educate, and encourage a new generation of ecumenical leaders, we believe that this movement will forever change the lives of teeenagers around the world. We invite you to join us!
“We are deeply committed in Young Life to our partnership with the Catholic Church. We believe it is of God. We believe it is Christ-centered. And we believe that kids around the world are going to benefit.”
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God.’”
— Isaiah 40:3
“I pray for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you ... May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them.”
“that they may be one so that the world would know “
— John 17:20-23, NIV
We are living in a time of profound and unprecedented change. This change of era has ushered in a massive disaffiliation from the the Christian church like never before. Today the “nones” (no religious affiliation) represent the largest and fastest growing demographic in the West. The staggering statistics show that while young people are desperately searching for belonging, they are more isolated, anxious and desperate than ever.
85% of young people completely walk away from their faith by the second year of college
What if the largest global outreach to teenagers came together with the largest body of Christians in the world to reach the unreached? What if Young Life and the Catholic Church joined forces to introduce young people to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith?
This is precisely the vision and mission of Young Life Catholic Relations. In a world dominated by division, Young Life and the Catholic Church are coming together to do exactly what Jesus did — proclaim love, forgiveness and belonging in the Kingdom of God.
To do this, we need new methods, new expressions, and a new explosion of energy around our core mission: to make disciples of all nations. This is the work of Young Life Catholic Relations.
“We are not living in an era of change but a change of era.”
— Pope Francis
Christians will become a minority in the U.S. by 2070 if trends continue
Second leading cause of death among adolescents is suicide
“I was in an abusive relationship and I don’t trust anyone now. People don’t understand why I’m distant, but I can’t tell them why.”
— anonymous submission by high school student at Young Life camp in Minnesota
Young Life Catholic Relations builds bridges so that Christians from diverse backgrounds and traditions might unite for the sake of kids and the gospel.
Jesus calls us to “heal the wounds.” As one body of Christ often divided by different denominations, we call on the Lord to mend our brokenness, purify our memories, and help us forgive one another in the name of Jesus.
Jesus prayed “that they all may be one.” Our oneness in Christ reveals the love of the Father and draws the world to God. Young Life Catholic Relations cultivates a sacred space of unity “so that the world will know” (John 17:23).
Young Life Catholic Relations forges partnerships with dioceses, parishes, schools and universities. These models of collaboration allow the diverse body of Christ to serve the needs of young people together.
Total: $2.25M
In order to reach disconnected kids who identify as Catholic, we need more Catholics in Young Life leadership.
For Young Life to be an ecumenical organization, we need our volunteer leaders and staff to reflect the population of students we serve. Of the 5,600 Young Life staff around the world only 50 are Catholic (that’s less than 1%). Our goal is to quadruple the number of Catholic staff in 10 years. How do we invite more Catholics to consider volunteering or working in the mission of Young Life?
Students tend to experience Young Life several times over the course of several years before considering a career in Young Life. While many Catholic kids start this process in middle school by attending club or camp, few are aware of the next steps of involvement so only a few Catholics step up as volunteers or end up on staff.
We are determined to invite Catholic students to every stage of the process. This intentional invitation needs to have stipends and incentives to be effective.
This is a long-term investment that requires particular attention to Catholic adolescents who are currently 12 to 22 years of age. Our strategy incorporates specific initiatives to engage Catholic students in leadership — accompanying them through the care of a leader and equipping them for missionary discipleship within Young Life.
“If you want to have lasting influence upon the world, you must invest in people’s lives; and if you want to maximize that investment, then you must invest in those people while they are still young.”
— George Barna
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
— Matthew 9:37-38
85% of Christians make a lifelong decision to follow Jesus by age 14. We invest in middle school students through:
• WyldLife in Catholic K-8 Schools
• Camp scholarships for Catholics
More than half a million students are enrolled in Catholic high schools. Only 7% of those are intentional disciples of Jesus.
We invest in high school students through:
• Young Life in Catholic high schools
• Camp scholarships for Catholics
• Work crew scholarships
• Servant Leadership Project
3.9 million Catholic students in college. 221 Catholic colleges. Over 2,000 Catholic Newman Centers at public universities. We invest in college students through:
• Young Life College for university students
• Summer staff scholarships
• NextGen Leaders
• Academic Partnerships with Catholic universities
Goal: Quadruple the number of Catholics on staff by 2033.
Subtotal: $1.5M
Wy ldLife
“I was a Young Life kid. I was a Catholic kid. Praise God I never felt any tension between the two.”
— Dr. Bob Rice, Professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville
in Catholic K-8 schools in Catholic Parishes
$25K x 20 (two new WyldLi fe/year x 10 years) = $500 K
$25K x 15 =$375K
Subtotal: $.5M
“The depth of formation and study that I received from this class was fantastic! We highlighted the best of each other and grieved our shortcomings in the hope of understanding our common goal of reaching more kids for Christ.”
— Dustin Bailey, Young Life Area Director in Webster, New York
$25K x 10 (1 new Cape rnaum/year x 10 years) = $250K
$25K x 10 = $250K
Reaching disinterested kids with the gospel today is no easy task. The question in youth ministry is, “Does it work?” The movement of Catholic Relations replies with a resounding “Yes!” showing the world that Young Life and the Catholic Church are truly “better together.”
Our Catholic Leadership Development Project and Catholic Adult Guest Programs introduce Catholics to a whole new vision at Young Life camps throughout the country. Nationwide initiatives like the Young Life Catholic Summit and our “Better Together” training cohorts educate and equip youth workers to reach kids together.
And our vision doesn’t stop there. We’re preparing to launch a multi-pronged strategy that will reach kids in Catholic middle schools, high schools, and universities through WyldLife, Young Life, and Young Life College. Our YoungLives and Capernaum ministries also offer dynamic ways for Catholics to make a difference and celebrate the dignity of every human life.
Invest in what works. Invest in the time-tested models that have successfully reached kids for over 80 years. Our time is now.
Young Life College Capernaum in Catholic High Schools Young LIfe $25K x 5 =$125K Young Life Catholic Summit ($100K) “Catholics/Protestants Ministering Together” class ($100K) “Better Together” training series ($100K) Catholic Adult Guest Program ($200K)Total: $1.75M
• Director, Associate Director, Associate Director of Diocesan and Parish Collaboration, and Administrative Assistant ($300K)
• Three Coordinators of Diocesan and Parish Collaboration (3x$25K = $75K)
• Three Focus Ministry Coordinators (Latino Ministry, Capernaum and YoungLives) $75K
• 6 Divisional Catholic Relations Coordinators
• 6 x $25K = $150K $150K
• 12 Regional Catholic Relations Coordinators
• 12 x $25K = $300K $300K
CATHOLIC TEACHER STAFF (part-time mission staff positions)
• 12 Catholic Teacher Staff
• 12 x $25K = $300K $300K
CATHOLIC Youth Ministers (part-time mission staff positions)
• 10 x $25K = $250K $250K
• 10 x $5K = $50K $50K $300K
TOTAL: $1.75M