Your Child in Casey and cardinia February 2020

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Casey & Cardinia

lOur Back to School Bumper Edition lArticles lWhat’ On lKids Corner lSchool Snacks Volume 4

Your Local Family Magazine

e e r F

February 2020


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EditorsLetter Happy New Leap Year to you and your family! Unfortunately, with Summer as always, comes fire, and Australia has had its fair share this season, our love and prayers go out to all who lost much loved family members or friends. Hopefully those who lost homes and businesses will be able to rebuild and communities can establish themselves once again. When safe to do so, we all need to visit these areas to help them re-establish and provide much needed, moral support. It was heartwarming to see the great Australian spirit shine through once again with an avalanche of donations. Last, but not least how do we thank our brave CFA and SES Men and Women plus Members of the timber industry , there are no words that say enough. You are our heroes! Despite the smoke I hope you had a restful holiday, although I think for parents the holidays are just beginning as you swing back into the Back to School routine! We have some great articles and tips just to help you along. We have also included a list of Term Dates and Public Holidays for 2020. Check out page 22 for ‘What’s On’ if you are looking for something to do with your family, plus we have a tasty school snack recipe that won’t test your culinary skills on page 27. Best wishes for a great month,

Glenda Long Editor

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School’s Back!

by Marilou Coombe fitting in anywhere. Boy did he prove me wrong! He not only excelled, he actually superseded all of my expectations. How? I reflected forward once I made friends with my worries.

Oh, how quickly a year can pass!! And before we know it, we are getting into the hustle and bustle of going back to school. Getting uniforms ready, everything labeled and perhaps even certain areas around the house configured so we are better organised for the year. As a new decade has rolled around, we tend to reflect back on all our ups and downs, and perhaps how we can do things differently in the coming year. I invite you to reflect forward, especially for our children going to school in order to make it a fulfilling year for them helping them to thrive and learn.

What does reflect forward mean? Let me share this little story with you first. When my youngest started foundation in 2019, there was a rise in my anxiety levels and apprehension to how he will cope, what his year would look like, if he will make friends etc... He is such a sensitive soul who picks up on everyone's feelings, I stressed he would be occupied with being the people pleaser and not 6

What reflecting forward means is to envision the outcome you want for the day, month, year ahead. It is an amazing practice to master as it trumps over fears, worries and anxiety. Normally anxiety is about what we cannot control in the future. However, if we can think about what we want, what it looks like, how it makes us feel, and focus on that instead of what we don't want, the anxiety dissipates, and we can end up having a successful outcome. If you are in a place right now thinking ahead of all the things YOU DON'T WANT, this is a good place to start. When we know what we don't want we can flip it to work out what it is we DO WANT and focus on that instead. So imagine focussing on how your child will become resilient in the face of adversity, because let's face it that is what school is really about learning, or how your child will expand their intellectual knowledge instead of what challenges they will face would be much more helpful don't you think! And remember, your vibe passes unto your child, so if you want them to not be anxious, check in with your feelings and let that be their mirror. Marilou Coombe Coach, Mentor, Author, Speaker, Yoga Teacher to little humans

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Einstein helps me with my computer & my (grand) parenting! Einstein supposedly said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. I think of this quote when I'm having trouble with my computer. I often try the same thing two or three times to fix a problem. It is only then that I try something else and surprise, surprise, the problem is solved. So how does this relate to care of my grandchildren? Well I do know there are certain times when I recommend to parents whose children have an issue, to try something and if it doesn't work, then choose another course of action and so on until all is well. Times when this approach is a good one is with a young baby who is constantly crying. My husband and I had the philosophy during those early months, “Keep on trying things until something works”. Another time when 'switching tactics' can be helpful is when a young child has had a minor accident (think scraped knee and a little blood) and is panicking. You might start out trying to reassure the child, but they keep panicking, so you might switch to 8

by Debra Landini distracting him or her, and then you might switch again to a big body hug. Having talked about changing from one strategy to another for troubling behaviour, for other behaviour issues and misbehaviour, being consistent and following through, is definitely the way to go. Research by organisations like Triple P International (from the University of Queensland) has found that parents who use strategies consistently, following through to a logical conclusion, have really good results in resolving problems. When a child is throwing tantrums, swearing, fighting, having separation anxiety, being fussy at mealtimes and so on and so on, using the exact same 'strategic plan', reacting the same way over and over each time your child displays the problem behaviour, will give you the best chance of changing your child's behaviour. It is also critically important to follow through from the start to the end of your plan each time, otherwise your child can get mixed messages and the misbehaviour is likely to continue or even get worse. Now, I'm a realist and I know that life isn't perfect and we as humans are not perfect. So, my philosophy is to aim for perfection because we are always going to fall at least a little way short! Perhaps the 80/20 rule can be applied here… Eighty percent of the time, be “on target” being consistent and following through = Success. Debra Landini – Good Health and Parenting Registered Nurse Accredited Triple P Provider

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Victorian Term Dates 2020 1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term 4th Term

28th January 14th April 13th July 5th October


27th March 26th June 18th September 18th December

Victorian Public Holidays 2020 Labour Day


9th March

Good Friday


10th April

Holy Saturday


11th April

Easter Sunday


12th April

Easter Monday


13th April

Anzac Day


25th April

Queens Birthday


8th June

Grand Final Eve


25th September

Cup Day


3rd November

Christmas Day


25th December

Boxing Day


28th December


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After School Snacks The words “Back to school” can be a relief, frightening or a bit of both. But when it comes to school lunch boxes and after school snacks there aren't many parents who feel they have it totally under control. This feeling seems to be more common now with the increasing pressure to ensure your kids have healthy, waste-free, tasty, inviting lunches and snacks. But the reality is… it shouldn't be that hard. And it's likely that your child doesn't care that much anyway! The most important thing is that you ensure your child has some fruit, some sort of salad or vegetable, some dairy (or alternative), some carbohydrate (e.g. bread, legumes, pasta, rice, potato, corn etc) and some protein each day. There is nothing wrong with a cheese and vegemite sandwich at lunch if that is all that your child wants as long as all the other food types are covered in the day at other times. As always with kids, any stress, pressure or negative emotions around food and eating can lead to a poor relationship with food and longerterm issues with eating. Have an open conversation around what food is and why it is important, and provide nutritious options to eat, but pull back on the pressure to eat the amount that you feel is right. Leave portions size up to your child. A good time to get some nutritious foods in is after school. Kids are usually quite hungry and are more likely to accept a variety of foods. Some simple ideas for high energy, highly nutritious snacks are: n Peel a banana, insert a skewer inside

lengthwise, and freeze – eat like an icecream. You can do different versions of this such as frozen grapes, stone fruit or watermelon pieces with toothpicks inserted

by Mandy Parkinson-Bates n Smoothies made with fruit, yoghurt, rolled oats and honey n Cheese, peanut butter

or hummus on grainy crackers (such as vita weat) n Cold baked egg snacks such as zucchini slice

or tomato and cheese egg muffins n Toasted wholegrain English muffin with

ham and cheese or other topping n Sushi handrolls n Carrot sticks, celery sticks, qukes, baby corn

spears, capsicum spears with hummus or tzatziki

Try this recipe for an easy and nutritious summery snack: 3 ingredient Berry frozen yoghurt 1 cup Greek yoghurt 2 cups frozen berries (any type) n 1 tbs honey (or to taste) n n n

Blitz all ingredients in a food blender or st i c k blender. You can then put into moulds for icecream or in a tray to be served with a scoop. Place in freezer overnight – and serve!

Mandy Parkinson-Bates Accredited Practising Dietitian


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Back to School! Are they ready?

by Ai Wei & Jia

School holidays over summer break is a great time for children to take a well-deserved break and have loads of fun. But do you know, children with that extended break can result in lost knowledge and academic skills? Often, when school reopens you will notice a demotivated child for school, lower confidence in numeracy, and playing catch up to some of the materials thought last year. But don't worry. Your child isn't the only one. Often referred to as summer learning loss, or summer slide, is due to the extended break in children learning pattern that leads to them forgetting. Teachers often find themselves spending weeks re-teaching materials students have already learnt prior to summer break.

explore different genres of books, from fantasy to sci-fi, anything that might tickle their fancy. Always keep your child guessing, and never let them lose interest or get bored by the activity. Signing them up for holiday activities and workshops.

How can we help? The idea is to allow children have meaningful breaks to prevent fatigue but to also encourage constant enrichment of knowledge and learning. Parents and surrounding environment play a big role in achieving this outcome. So, with this in mind, here are two ways to help your children learn and have fun at the same time: Start a family reading club or join a neighbourhood one instead! Studies have shown that students tend to lose most knowledge in their literacy skills over the summer break. Starting or joining a pre-existing book club will help curb this problem! Not only do you help your children retain and improve an essential skill, but when given the right book to read, they'll have nothing but fun. Make sure to 14

Sending your child on summer holiday activities or workshops such as soccer, science, coding, reading and creative writing often lower the risk of summer learning loss by keeping their mind occupied, body moving, and imaginations stimulated. They get to explore a new environment and connect with people they would otherwise not have met, helping them further develop their confidence and social skills. This also offer them a chance to make new, possibly lifelong friends all while learning new and invaluable experience in the process. Remember, all children are susceptible to summer learning loss regardless of age, albeit some more than others. Lack of practice and learning activities breaks their learning rhythm. As parents, let's discover activities that generate the curiosity and fun in our little ones! By Ai Wei & Jia of Begin Bright Doncaster We help children's to build their confident in learning

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At Beaconsfield Dental our focus is on prevention. One area we are passionate about is preventing a mouth injury by educating everyone to wear a mouthguard for contact sports. If you play a contact sport, and a lot of Aussies do, you are at risk of injuring your teeth. Even non-contact sports like cricket, basketball, netball, touch football, skateboarding and soccer carry a real risk of accidental collision resulting in dental trauma. Mouthguards can protect you from serious sporting injuries, such as broken jaws, fractured, cracked or knocked out teeth, cut lips and bitten tongues. A mouthguard that is custom-fitted by your dentist is far superior to an overthe-counter mouthguard because it’s specially designed to fit the exact contours of your mouth, is resilient, balances your bite and allows speech and normal breathing. Only dental professionals can design and manufacture a custom fitted mouthguard that provides adequate protection.

Photo supplied by the Australian Dental Association

Beaconsfield Dental has eight dentists, so you can choose one that suits your personality. Check out our website and Facebook to see how we care for the community and the environment. Beaconsfield Dental is a state of the art dental clinic that offers exceptional service and value. Please phone our receptionists on 97073508 if you have any questions you would like answered prior to booking your appointment or book online at Look for the big smile.

Health fund rebates are applicable for mouthguards

Beaconsfield Dental - Caring for the community and the environment 1-3 Cardinia Street, Berwick(next to Akoonah Park) 16

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BEACONSFIELD DENTAL Caring for the Community and the Environment

OUR SERVICES Examinations & Consultations Scale and Clean Full mouth X-Rays Fluoride & Preventive Dentistry Fillings Teeth Whitening Extractions Wisdom tooth removal Root Canal Therapy Crowns Ph: 9707 3508 Implants Cosmetic Dentistry or book an appointment today online Emergency Dentistry www.BeaconsďŹ

1/3 Cardinia Street Berwick 3806

Preferred providers for Medibank, CBHS, HCF and BUPA. Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme available for eligible patients

Half -Priced Discount... Make time for yourself." "It's not about having time. It's about making time.” "Have a break. Have a Kit Kat."

"Darling, I told you that I would be here for a few hours," I tell Mandy. "You insisted on coming with me."

Life is just damn hectic. It's go-go go from the moment I wake up and doesn't end until I'm passed out in bed. I'm like a lab rat running on a wheel, only I'm not having fun and I can't get off. Every so often I need a time-out; sit on the bench; press the pause button on life; give myself some self-love.

Mandy gives me The Look. A perfect combination of apathy and boredom you would expect from an adolescent.

Everyone has different ideas when it comes to self-love. Some people go away on retreats; some do treks to reconnect with nature (shudder); some simply just need a night without the kids. My choice of self-love comes in the form of discounts, coupons and bargains. So when a business card for fifty percent off hair colouring and cut was thrust into my palm, I decided I was well overdue for some me-time. I lean back on the comfy chair and close my eyes. The warm water washes over my poorly maintained hair and the caressing hands of Salon Lady massages my scalp. It feels divine. "Mummy." I ignore the voice. The smell of sweetly scented shampoo wafts towards my nose as it's being lathered on my hair. "Mummy! I'm bored." I can't remember the last time I got a head massage. It feels great. I could almost fall asleep. Almost. “Mum! Are you even listening to me?" I open my eyes and peer over to my six-year-old fickle pickle. 18

"Why don't you get some crayons and paper from the massive bag you made me carry and create something," I say as I close my eyes. I'm desperately trying to emulate feelings of being pampered and relaxed. You know, the ones you're supposed to have while getting hair treatment at an expensive boutique salon. Salon Lady goes to get the heating towel. "Mummy, you should see how much of your hair is in the sink!" Mandy exclaims, peeking into the basin. "What?" I ask. There isn't any point pretending to relax anymore. "So so much hair. Mummy, that colour doesn't suit you," Mandy remarks, as if she's a hair colouring expert. "It's my natural hair colour," I reply dryly. Salon Lady puts the towel on my conditioned hair and tells me to chill out. How on earth am I meant to 'chill out' with a Debbie Downer in my ear? After what seemed like an age of listening to Mandy whine and getting a crook neck from being forgotten by Salon Lady, I shuffle over to the chair to have my hair cut. I see Mandy spinning in circles on a salon stool. "Mandy! Stop that!" I yell out. "Jeez Louise.” I continue chatting to Salon Lady about the real

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..Still Not Enough!

by Kathy Ha

estate market. From the corner of my eye, I can see Mandy draped over two seats and doing horizontal leg presses. "Mandy! Seriously!" I yell again. At the rate I'm jerking about, I'll become a trendsetter in sporting lopsided haircuts. As Salon Lady prepares to blow dry my hair, Mandy jumps up and down in front of me. "Mum, I need to go," Mandy mutters. "Like now." The salon doesn't have a toilet. Self-love total bill = 50% discount + 10% whining surcharge + 10% negative commentary tax + 100% quick exit fee

Doesn't seem like much of a win, does it? Kathy Ha is a creative writer and storytelling enthusiast, sharing snippets of her journey through life and parenting on her blog, KN J Tales and Snippets. She aims to inspire, empower and ignite laughter, with every word that she writes.

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Time to Reset with Nature

by Kristin Edwards

The new school year brings many new beginnings and as we have just begun a new decade, it is the perfect time for a reset!

As we start our new habits and schedules, the thing that often suffers as we become busier is sleep.

The kids are heading back to school, now is the time to create healthy habits to start off the year on the right foot. How can you look after yourself during this time? What healthy and nourishing habits can you create for yourself that your kids will be inspired by as they grow older?

Nature gives us the keys to how our natural environment should be. Have you been listening? It's time to breathe into the new year and be who you truly are. You are here on earth for a reason.

Is it time to have an early morning wake up, watch the sunrise and be fresh and ready for the new day? Waking up and watching the sunrise increases serotonin levels (which then convert to melatonin at night), tells our body it's time to start the day and allows cortisol release to happen when it is meant to. Getting outside at noon. Have your lunch out in the natural sunlight, breathe the fresh air and place your feet on the earth. Watching the sunset, letting yourself wind down before bed and reduce screen time.

So, get outside! In your natural environment and notice the elements around you. Notice the sun at the main points in the day, receive its energy. Notice the plants, how they need water and a loving environment to thrive – just like you! Notice how the plants bloom and shed, letting go of what they need and reviving themselves. How can you incorporate this mindfulness of nature into your day? How can you teach your kids to live that way too? The best reset is the one we can always come back to, whenever we need. And what is always there, no matter what?

Sunset is a signal for our body to wind down and the red light we see in the sunset allows melatonin production to happen, so our body knows it's time for bed. Any blue screens that we see after this time inhibit this.



Kristin is a Kinesiologist and Mind Body Medicine Practitioner at Genki Massage + Wellness By Simply Natural Living

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2020 What’s On........... CASEY 2020

Saturday 28th March 11am - 4pm

RELAY FOR LIFE 13-14 March 2020 5.45pm Friday to 6pm Saturday Akoonah Park 2 Cardinia Street Berwick REGISTER NOW


Casey Kids Carnival The Casey Kids Carnival is a free day of activities for children of all ages. The event will include live performers, rides, interactive games, roving entertainers, face painters, art and crafts and live animals Akoonah Park 2 Cardinia Street Berwick

Shop Local and mention Your Child in Casey & Cardinia Casey + Cardinia Cockatoo Country Market 5th Birthday Twilight Celebration Date: 29 February 2020 Location: Alma Treloar Reserve , 73 Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road, Cockatoo Time: 3.00–8.00pm Cost: Free entry It's Cockatoo Country Market's 5th birthday and they're throwing a party! The twilight market will have something for entertainment, local musicians, delicious local food, beer and cider, face painting, pony rides, an animal farm, and a huge variety of stalls selling everything from refurbished tools to bread, preserves, plants, craft, timberware, and so much more. See you there for a great family afternoon out in Cockatoo

Do you have an event happening in Casey or Cardinia?

Is it FREE to the Community? Are you a charity or community group? Get in touch with us and we may be able to include your event on this page

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21 23

The Lunchbox Becoming environmentally conscious in our daily lives takes few changes Like you, I’ve become a master at re-using my shopping b a g s , keeping a full inventory in the car ready to go! I recycle, reuse where I can and look at ways to reduce waste. I try and embed, where I can, the same principles in my kindergarten program to help raise a future generation of responsible global citizens. The only problem is, I often see lunchboxes loaded with processed and packaged foods. Believe me, I’m not judging! As a working mum of four, I totally get it. Some mornings, I just don’t know how I even make it into the car, let alone bags packed with lunches! So, in a bid to save time, nutritionally empty and packaged foods can end up in the hearty school lunch box. We all know the implications this can have on our children’s health and wellbeing, and it makes quite a dent in the weekly grocery budget. It also goes without saying, the huge environmental implications these choices have on our planet and earthly creatures. So, last term, to demonstrate how much soft and other plastic waste comes out of our lunchboxes, our kindergartners decided to collect their rubbish. In just over a week, my kinder class alone gathered a large fruit box of plastic waste. So, this got me thinking. Imagine for a moment, if every student, at every 24

kindergarten and school, all over Australia, made some simple changes to the contents of their lunchbox. We would see an extraordinary reduction in the waste collected every day, as well as support healthier minds and bodies. Now close your eyes and imagine the effects this would have if it were a world-wide change. I couldn’t possibly begin to measure what this would mean in terms of reducing waste, but I think we can all agree, the change would be considerable. So, I thought I’d share some simple ways to move towards packing a healthier and more environmentally happier lunchbox. The first step is to invest in an environmentally friendly lunchbox. Bento boxes make a great choice, as they contain different levels and compartments for portioning foods. There are some great ecofriendly choices on the market, which are bio-degradable and easy to care for and clean. Planning and preparing l u n c h together with your child opens discussion a b o u t h e a l t hy eating. Discuss with your child the importance of packing brain smart foods, like fruit, raw vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and breads. Where you are able, limit processed foods in your child’s lunchbox as this not only supports healthy bodies and minds and reduces waste, but also helps with the weekly budget!

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Edict Avoid buying packs of single use yoghurts, cheeses and crackers. Instead choose one large tub or one package of the food item and then portion these into ecofriendly containers or lunchbox. Imagine all the single use plastics we could avoid if every student discontinued using them. Not to mention, they are more economical then buying multi-packs. Switch to reusable sandwich bags or snack

wraps which are ecofriendly alternatives to plastic wrap or zip lock bags. These alternatives come in an array of fun and colourful materials, which keep sandwiches fresh and are kind to the environment. Finally, pack only what your child will eat to avoid food wastage! Statistics estimate around 3.2 million tonnes of wasted food ends in Australian landfills, each year*. So, portion food appropriately so your child has what they need to meet their daily nutritional needs, without excess food being thrown in the bin. If you are unsure, talk to your local Maternal Health and Child Nurse for further information

by Toni Dicello relating to your child’s daily nutritional requirements. Always remember, making these changes are best achieved through thoughtful discussion with your child. Using language intentionally leads to many learning opportunities about healthy eating and develops children’s understandings of the significant role they play in becoming responsible citizens of the world.

As, the Chinese proverb reveals, “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”. So why not take this step towards environmental change together? * Department of Environment & Energy, The National Food Waste Baseline, Executive Summary, Retrieved from:

By way of introduction, my name is Toni Dicello and I am a proud mother of four incredibly spirited children, ranging from the ages of 18 to 8. I am a bachelor degree-qualified Early Childhood Teacher and am currently pursuing post-graduate qualifications in Educational Leadership and Management.

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Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Casey & Cardinia Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 5374, Cranbourne 3977 email: ph: 1300 657 996 26

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n e h c t i K e h t n i Kids With Tyler s r e h t uit Lea


Ingredients: 1 cup strawberries 1 large mango 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice Method: Step Step Step Step

1 - Preheat oven 80C 2 - Wash strawberries, remove stalks and cut into pieces. 3 - Peel mango and cut into pieces. 4 - Place all fruit into blender with sugar and lemon juice, then blend un l pureed. Step 5 - cover a baking tray with baking paper, then pour pureed fruit. Step 6 - Cook for 3-4 hours un l it is dried and not s cky (maybe a li le tacky to touch.) Step 7 - Let cool and cut with kitchen scissors.

Other Flavours We Tried Strawberry Lemonade Mango Mixed Berry To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996


HANDY PHONE NUMBERS Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police


DIAL 000

Hospitals Casey Hospital........................................................ Monash Medical Centre.......................................... St John of God Berwick Hospital............................. Dandenong Hospital..............................................

8768 1200 9594 6666 9709 1414 9554 1000

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268

Your Local Police Station 9705 3111 Narre Warren Police........................................................ 9709 7666 Endevour Hills Police........................................................ Cranbourne Police.......................................................5991 0600 Pakenham Police ................................................... 5945 2500

Other City of Casey..................................................... Cardinia Shire Council......................................

9705 5200 1300 787 624

If you provide a free service to our community and would like your phone number included on this page please call 1300 657 996 28

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Healthy Eye Tips for Children to See 20-20

by Sonya Wijaya

Having your children's eyes tested regularly is very important as good vision is crucial in learning throughout school years. Most kids should have their eye tested when they are 3 years old, unless if indicated earlier by their regular doctor, maternal health nurse or if parents have any concerns with their eyes. Eye exams should consist of vision check (how well can they see; i.e. can they see 20-20?), color vision, binocular function (how well the two eyes work together), eye health as well as visual perception and function (if indicated; especially if they are suspected to have learning issues or difficulties). Things to look for in your kids' eyes: Ÿ Observe how your child look at things; do they sit too close to TV or do they read book close up or sideways, do they have a head tilt or other abnormal pattern when looking at things Ÿ Squinting and other discomforts; do they squint their eyes to see things far away, or do they complain of headaches or pain or do they rub their eyes when reading or watching TV Ÿ Trouble concentrating; low concentration and irritability can be signs of learning issues or ADHD; however, at times it could be as simple as eye problems as they cannot see clearly when doing things Ÿ Trouble with coordination; Balance and hand-eye and body-eye coordination in physical activity (or clumsiness) problems can arise from difficulty seeing Tips before having their eyes checked: Your child can be very nervous seeing their


optometrist/ or ophthalmologist for the first time. Setting expectations can help them to be at ease. Ÿ Read stories where characters they like go to see their eye doctor Ÿ Describe what they expect to do; i.e. watching fun video, seeing pictures, numbers or letters (if they are older) and reassure them that there are no needles Ÿ Explain that there are no wrong answers when the eye doctor asked them questions Practical daily eye tips Encourage 20-20 rule when reading or having screen time; every 20 minutes take 20 seconds break Ÿ Ensure good light when doing any near tasks as well as screen time and good working distance (30-40 cm) while doing near tasks Ÿ Protect their eyes against UV with hats and/ or sunglasses Ÿ Avoid eye injuries; especially when playing outside, sunglasses can help protect the eyes from possible eye injuries while playing outside or in the garden Ÿ

Sonya Wijaya (B. Optom. Ther. Endorsed/ PG. Spec. Cert. Cont. Lenses and Paedriatics) is a family optometrist based in Doncaster East

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4. Editors Letter 26 Kids Corner 27 Kids In the kitchen 22 What’s On in the Community 28 Useful Local Information This Month’s Advertisers


AFM Auto

6 Schools’ Back

Beaconsfield Dental

8 Einstein helps me...

Chairo Christian School

10 Term Dates

Glory Kids

12 After School Snacks

Gym of Arts

14 Back to School.....


18 Half Priced Discount...

Hey Dee Ho

20 Time to reset with Nature

Officer Real Estate

24 The Lunch Box Edict

O’Shannessy ELC

29 Healthy Eye Tip for 20-20..

Paul Sadler Swimland Puffing Billy Regency Calisthenics Scope Splash’s Thompson Parkway Kids Club Your Child Magazines

Book a full page ad from only $290 per month Call 1300 657 996 Book a half page ad from only Book a Quarter page $215 per month Call 1300 657 996 ad from only $145 per month Call 1300 657 996

30 Your Child in Casey & Cardinia takes no responsibility for any statements or claims made by advertisers or authors. All material in Your Child Magazines is Copyright and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.