Your child in monash august 2016

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Monash What’s on in Monash Build up your child’s Self Esteem


Simple tips for a Healthy smile

Superfoods - Myth or Miracles

Volume 2

August 2016


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From the Editor


re you surviving the cold weather and the flu? Hope you are staying well! Kids have started Term 3 and it feels like another school year is flying past. Have you noticed a difference in your child from the beginning of the year? My daughter Lilia is attending 3-year old kinder; I notice she is speaking a lot of English at home, sometimes even paraphrasing a story she listened to in kinder. As parents we pick up the differences and are thrilled at their development. It is great to be part of it, isn’t it? A huge thank you to all the patient teachers in kindergartens and schools.

Overview ♥ Your Child in Monash is published monthly for the moms, dads and grandparents of the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ 5000 copies monthly are distributed in the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ Estimated readership of 15,000. ♥ If you would like to contribute an article or products for competitions feel free to contact us. ♥ For advertising enquiries please email or give us a call.

Do you know that we check Facebook messages every day? Talk to us! Let us know what you like about this edition. Anything you would like to see in our magazines is definitely worth suggesting. Sometimes things that are obvious to you can be overlooked by other people. Give us feedback on Facebook and together we will make this, your local magazine better and better. Until spring, hibernate! Kirill and Rachel

Thank you for taking Your Child into your home and please support local business Editor Rachel Blake Design & Layout Kirill Blake Ad Sales Rachel Blake

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Whats on in monash

8-12 August 5-9pm Call 03 9905 9716 Monash Uni Clayton

Winter Concert - August 14 August 2pm-4pm

860 Fentree Gully Rd Wheelers Hill 6

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Disco Nights 12 August Make, Bake and Create Nights 26 August 31 July

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Cakes for all Accessions Call Elizabeth 0458 888 325 Baked fresh with best ingredients ♥Birthdays ♥Engagement ♥Wedding ♥Baby Shower ♥Gradua on

Affordable photography for the whole family & Training sessions for newbies

Call Khyber 0470 279 998

Nurture Educate Inspire

Murray Street Early Learning Centre

Quality Childcare & Kindergarten

NOW OPEN Enrolments now open for July 2016 onwards

Call 9562 6748 1Murray Street Clayton Next to Monash Medical Centre and Monash University Email: of Web: To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986



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Maria Montessori Preschool Member of the Montessori Australia Foundation (MAF)

751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150

Give your child the best founda on for future learning and living. Maria Montessori Preschool provides firstclass care and educa on for children from 3 to 6 years of age in a s mula ng environment. With over 30 years experience the qualified Montessori teachers will give your child the opportunity to experience enjoyment in learning and achieve a strong educa onal background. “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. The more fully the needs of one period are met the greater will be the success of the next”. Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952)

To secure a place for your child call us on

“I can do it myself”

9545 0764 or send an email to:

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TRADITIONAL TAEKWONDO CLASSES Develop skills such as: Self Defence, Kicking, Blocking, Punching, Learning Patterns, Board Breaking



Sword Fighting skills, Apply Sword skills into Taekwondo Learning Patterns, One step sparring



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Friday 4:00pm - 6:00p m Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm

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0433 920 423


www. k-tigers * O ffer for new members who join K- T igers Taekwondo (Mount Waverley )


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Junior Gymnastics at Waverley is a structured program that is oriented towards gymnastics learning in our fully set up 5-star gymnastics facility in Mount Waverley. Children are taught gymnastics skills to increase balance, coordination, strength & confidence. Lessons incorporate a wide range of gymnastics equipment & teaching aids, including the beam, bars, floor, trampolines & foam pit. Each session runs for fifty minutes & is coached by our dynamic, friendly & qualified staff in a safe gymnastics environment, designed to maximise the learning opportunities for every child.

Timetable MON






2u -



2016 Prices $21.70 per session payable by monthly direct debit I $55 annual insurance & registration

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MUSIC LESSONS ON MYRTLE Piano, violin, cello, voice, guitar and music theory in Glen Waverley Comprehensive Music Education Our school offers music lessons in a variety of instruments. We also provide group ensembles, voice and early childhood classes to cater to all different ages and levels of experience.

Qualified teachers for you to reach your musical potential Our music teachers are all tertiary qualified from renowned universities and possess a high level of musical certification. More importantly, we provide a supportive learning environment to achieve your musical goals

Music lessons all year round We are one of the only music schools in Melbourne to operate all year round – even during school holidays. We operate seven days a week from early morning to late night to accommodate your busy schedule.

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HANDY PHONE NUMBERS Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police Hospitals


DIAL 000

Monash Hospital................................................. Austin Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................

9594 6666 9496 5000 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline GriefLine

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/1300 072 637 1800 686 268 1800 641 091 9935 7400 / 1300 845 745

Your Local Police Station . Glen Waverley ........................................................ Mount Waverley .................................................... Oakleigh.................................................................. Clayton....................................................................

9566 1555 9888 3757 9567 8900 9543 3888

Other Monash City Council......................................... 9518 3555 If you provide a free service to our community and would like your phone number included on this page please call 0425 301 986


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Whats on in monash


Kids Corner

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寒冷的早晨,我很不情愿地从床上起来,幸好是星期五,还有一 天,就能过周末了。一边早餐,一边打开新闻,却看到爆炸性的消息: “法国尼斯遭恐怖袭击! 一个有名的度假胜地,一个举国欢庆的国庆日,烟花刚刚放完,人 们的心里充满着愉悦,呼吸着夏天的海风,情侣挽着手臂,父母拉着小 孩的手,朋友相聚于酒吧。突然,一辆大车高时速驶入人群,冲,撞, 拖,碾。随后恐怖分子停下车,开始对人群扫射!妻子在丈夫身边一米 处当场死亡,人群四处奔跑,有人跳入海里求生。最让世人流泪的,还 有那小女孩躺在冰冷的路上,她的布娃娃也倒在她身旁。 于是,生活的琐碎,寒冷一点的冬天暂时记不得了。心里难受,恐 慌,身为父母还要担心,这个世界是什么了,我的孩子长大要怎么面对 一个恐怖杀戮的世界? 两年前马来西亚的客机被劫持并击落,还在享受学校假期的我打开 邮件,竟然有一个澳洲同事就在那架飞机上。她在假期过去德国看望她 的孩子,正在回来的途中。就这样,永远天人永隔。我们一直以为这些 事情离我们很遥远,直到,身边的人罹难,才开始震惊,才知道世界是 那么小,没有人能够置身事外。 南海事件发生后,一些键盘愤青开始鼓吹战争,要抵制这里,攻打 那里。且不说政治是一件永远只是利益在驱使的事情,就单说战争,真 的就是泄愤的方式吗?正如一篇三观比较正的公众号的文章说的,战 争,你究竟知道包含什么吗?是血流成河,是家破人亡,是妻离子散。 所以战争,是能避免就要避免的。轻易地鼓吹战争,是幼稚的表现。这 些人,真的发生战争,是否能如此英勇,我心存怀疑。 最近看《鬼谷子的局》这本书,对于里面说的道感触颇深。鬼谷子 的四个弟子,无疑都是不世出的人物。但是各自心里的道却不相同。只 为利己的庞涓视战争为自己成名的途径,几万将士奔赴沙场也是为了他 自己名扬天下的牺牲品而已。这样的人,历史上太多太多。看历史书, 我们看到一句轻描淡写的话:八万将士一去不归。八万,在书上只是两 个字,可是我眼前总会浮现他们背后八万个家庭从此改变命运,从此少 了一个儿子,少了一个丈夫,少了一个父亲。而他们被屠戮的时候,只 是被当作了一个肉体,是“敌人”,可是,我们都是炎黄子孙,争来争 去,得到利益的,只是当权者罢了。每每这些,都让人扼腕叹息,心痛 不已。而对比庞涓,孙膑是一个真正的道器,他最崇尚的是“不战而屈 人之兵”,能不战就不 战,因为战乱受害的最终 是老百姓。所以为什么孙 膑能善终并流芳百世,而 庞涓则兵败并最终淹没于 历史长河。 作为一个平凡的人, 我们没有能力改变一个国 家,没有能力影响一个格 局,甚至没有办法同化不 同信仰的邻居。但是,作 为父母,我们能够教导我 们的孩子,从小做一个敦 厚的人,做一个有悲悯之 心的人。不去仇恨别人, 减少种族偏见,从父母自 身做起,给孩子做一个好 榜样。 如果我们都能努力让 下一代不好战,成为有悲 悯之心的一代,我们也在 改变着未来。 To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986

主 编 随 笔


卖⽕柴的⼩⼥孩 这是一年的最后一天,又冷又黑,一个小女孩赤着脚在街上走着。一 双小脚冻得红一块青一块的。她的旧围裙里兜着许多火柴。 她在一座房子的墙角里坐下来,蜷着腿缩成一团。她觉得更冷 了。她不敢回家,因为她没卖掉一根火柴,爸爸一定会打她的。再 说,家里跟街上一样冷。 她的一双小手几乎冻僵了。她从一大把火柴里抽出一小根, 在墙上擦燃了。她把小手拢在火焰上。小女孩觉得自己好像坐在 一个大火炉前面,暖烘烘的,多么舒服啊!她刚把脚伸出去,想 让脚也暖和一下,火柴灭了,火炉不见了。 她又擦了一根。火柴燃起来了,发出亮光来了。亮光落在 墙上,她可以一直看到屋里。桌上铺着雪白的台布,摆着精致的 盘子和碗,烤鹅正冒着香气。这时候,火柴又灭了,她面前只有 一堵又厚又冷的墙。 她又擦着了一根火柴。这一回,她坐在美丽的圣诞树下。翠绿 的树枝上点着几千支明晃晃的蜡烛,晃动着许多幅美丽的彩色画 片,小女孩向画片伸出手去。这时候,火柴又灭了。 她在墙上又擦着了一根火柴。这一回,火柴把周围全照亮 了。奶奶出现在亮光里,是那么温和,那么慈爱。 “奶奶!”小女 孩叫起来,“啊!请把我带走吧!我知道,火柴一灭,您就会不见 的,像那暖和的火炉,喷香的烤鹅,美丽的圣诞树一个样,就会不 见的!”火柴又灭了。 她赶紧擦着了一大把火柴,要把奶奶留住。一大把火柴发出强烈 的光,照得跟白天一样明亮。奶奶从来没有像现在这样高大,这样美 丽。她把小女孩抱起来,搂在怀里。她们俩在光明和快乐中飞走了, 越飞越高,飞到那没有寒冷,没有饥饿,也没有痛苦的地方去了。 第二天清晨,这个小女孩坐在墙角里,两腮通红,嘴上带着微 笑。她死了,在大年夜冻死了。新年的太阳升起来了,照在她小小的尸 体上。小女孩坐在那儿,手里还捏着一把烧过了的火柴梗。

话故事,是 小编这次选安徒生这个著名的童 读一读,虽 孩子 ,让 因为觉得在这样的冬天 在自己能在 然很悲伤,也能让孩子感受到现 多么幸福的 一件 事是 温暖的家里听爸妈讲故 世界上还有 事情。而且不妨告诉孩子,这个扎地生存下 在挣 子还 一些地方,还有一些孩 对他人都心 去,我们应该存一颗慈悲之心, 存善念,施以援手。


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蒙特梭利学前班 澳大利亚蒙特梭利教育成员 751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150

你想给孩子未来的学习和生活打下最好的基础吗?蒙特梭利学校构建 的学习环境能够刺激孩子的学习能力,致力于给3到6岁孩子提供一流的关 怀和教育。 我们已有超过30年的办学经验,每个老师都有蒙特梭利资格证,我们 将让孩子们体验学习的乐趣,赢在起跑线! 蒙特梭利创始人玛利亚(1870-1952)说:“生命中最重要的阶段并不 是大学阶段,而是人生第一步,从出生到6岁。在这个阶段发展得好的孩 子,才能在接下来的人生里绽放。” 名额有限,请与以下电话联系(英语):

“I can do it myself”

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最好的 聚会和玩乐 场所! 为新⼿妈妈和 新⽣儿提供 实⽤性的 精美礼品

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全澳洲免邮 所有礼品篮都九折 网站付款前输入打折代码:Child10 03 8395 5487

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悲悯之心 儿童故事 卖火柴的小女孩

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