An Energy Breakfast Shake
1 Banana, 1/2 an orange, 4 ice cubes 3 tbl non-fat yogurt, 3/4 cup oatmeal (un-cooked), 1 tsp of vanilla, ¼ tsp nutmeg 1 teaspoon honey or sugar, 3/4 cup non-fat milk, ½ a cup of water and 1-2 tbl spoons of olive, flax-seed, coconut oil or canola oil This shake is perfectly balanced, with protein, complex and simple carbs, and a small amount of healthy fats so as to give you energy for literally hours, without being fattening, so try and include everything. Of course do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients. (And keep in mind, that although I am trained in basic nutrition, in no way am I a certified nutritionist or dietitian). The oil sounds gross but you need the healthy (non-saturated) fats for a balanced diet and so your body has something to hold on to while expelling the “unhealthy fats” it has stored)