2016-17 YHN Delivery Plan

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Delivery Plan 2016-17



What is the Delivery Plan?

Page 3

Review of 2015-16


The year ahead


Appendix 1- Strategic targets reported to NCC Cabinet and YHN Board


Appendix 2- Service Improvement Programme


Appendix 3- Operational targets reported to NCC Officers


Appendix 4- Diagram of reporting arrangements


Appendix 5- Operational service plans


What is the Delivery Plan? The Delivery Plan supports our Business Strategy 2016-2020 by turning it into actions for the year ahead. This helps staff see how what they will be doing in the year contributes to delivering against our purpose; which is ‘delivering great services, enabling people to thrive in great communities, supporting a great city’ It also makes clear to our tenants and key stakeholders what we will do during the year. All of the actions for the year ahead contribute to our strategic objectives which underpin our purpose. Our three service objectives are: •

Keep the housing stock decent, and neighbourhoods clean and safe

Collect the rent and let properties efficiently

Promote health and wellbeing and support vulnerable people to enjoy independence.

The actions in our Delivery Plan also support our six cross cutting objectives which act as a guide for the way we do things over the next year.

These cross cutting objectives mean we will: •

Use modern technology and innovation to challenge and redefine service delivery

Achieve efficiency at every level and direct resources to where they are needed most

Have high performing people who understand how to contribute to our purpose

Trade profitably and appropriately to support core services

Work proactively with NCC and our other landlords

Maximise partnerships to improve services.

The diagram below illustrates the cascade from the Business Strategy objectives to individual staff appraisals and work plans.


Core values Our core values are at the heart of our business, and are the principles and standards that influence the way we work in all that we do. They are: • • • • •

Accountability – acting openly and taking responsibility; Integrity – acting fairly and honestly; Passion – working positively with enthusiasm; Respect – treating everyone with care and professionalism; and Forward thinking – proactively seeking improvements and solutions.

What is in the plan? This plan is made up of the following things that explain our priorities for the year: • • •

A look back at our performance and challenges during 2015-16; A look forward to the year ahead; and The strategic and operational targets reported to YHN Board, NCC Cabinet and NCC officers during 2016-17, and our Service Improvement Programme for 2016-17

Who was involved in developing this plan? Consultation has been delivered at different stages in developing the Delivery Plan and has involved: • •

Board members; Key officers including: o YHN Management Team o YHN Wider Management Team (WMT) o YHN Service Managers;

• •

Newcastle City Council (NCC); and Customers.

We have developed our Delivery Plan with Newcastle City Council who is our sole shareholder to ensure that our plan is aligned with their priorities within their Corporate Plan. These are: • • • •

A working city - creating good quality jobs and helping local people develop the skills to do them; Decent neighbourhoods – working with local communities to look after each other and the environment; Tackling inequalities – tackling discrimination and inequalities which prevent people from fulfilling their true potential; and A fit for purpose council – a council which leads by enabling others to achieve.

The Delivery Plan (in particular the strategic targets) is also designed to give NCC assurance that we are delivering across all areas of our Management Agreement to deliver housing services on their behalf. A number of the strategic targets have been set for us by NCC covering all aspects of the Management Agreement. Throughout the year we have gathered feedback from customers on the issues that matter to them. Based on these priorities, there are eight customer priority actions (local offers) included in the targets for next year. Tenants identified their priorities as: • • • • •

Collecting rental income; Managing empty properties and the cost to the organisation; Repairs satisfaction level and how long it takes to complete a repair; Having decent neighbourhoods; listening to customers views and understanding satisfaction levels; and How support makes a difference to older people living in our communities.

By involving all stakeholders in the development of our Delivery Plan we can ensure that we are working together to achieve our strategic objectives and support Newcastle City Council priorities.


Review of 2015-16 This year we have maintained strong performance across most of our key business areas while continuing to generate efficiencies and support customers. We collected £112m of rent due (99.49%). Dedicated resources were assigned to working with the customers who were the first in the city required to move to Universal Credit, the welfare benefit introduced by the Government in 2013 to replace six means-tested benefits and tax credits. As that work has been progressing, we have worked collaboratively with the City Council and partners in the public, private and voluntary sector to develop a joint understanding of how our customers are likely to respond to the change. Collection rates amongst this initial cohort have been better than were forecast, which vindicates lots of the decisions we and the City Council have made so far; however the challenge will be to maintain this performance as the pace of transition increases, more customers move to the new system, and other changes to the welfare system exert more pressure on customers, many of whom are vulnerable and experiencing reductions in income and opportunity. We have been able to continue improving the City Council’s housing stock, predominantly via lifecycle improvements and energy efficiency measures and new build. Eleven new homes have been delivered in partnership with the City Council in the year and we are on track to help our partners deliver 231 homes next year. In October 2015 we established a new company structure. Asfaleia Limited is our charitable subsidiary and Abri Trading Limited is our trading subsidiary. This new group structure enables us to operate in the most tax efficient way, make the best use of our financial resources and better reflects the breadth of activity we carry out. We have developed our telecare service and applied new branding to help make the business self-sustaining and to give more residents of the City, not just tenants, the opportunity to live independently. Finally, a new Management Agreement was agreed in January with our owner the City Council. It is for 10 years, which gives us certainty and scope to plan for the future. The Agreement will start on 1 April 2016, exactly 12 years since YHN opened for business. The environment in which we are operating is very different now, but our focus remains firmly on enabling our customers and supporting the city.

The year ahead The new Management Agreement marks the start of a new relationship with the City Council, who remain our sole shareholder and key partner. Working together has helped both organisations continue to provide quality services against the backdrop of an economic downturn and the consequences of changes introduced by the Government, largely but not solely restricted to the welfare system. The policy agenda of the Government elected at last year’s General Election means that it is more important than ever that our objectives match those of the City Council, duplication is avoided, and a joint response to issues is adopted where possible. Our initial experience of Universal Credit has been a relatively positive one, but maintaining that performance at scale will be challenging, as we anticipate nearly 3,000 customers beginning to claim Universal Credit by March 2017. This year we have to persuade more of our customers to use Direct Debits and our digital services; we need to make sure that these options are accessible and good to use for our customers. Digital services can help us reduce the cost of providing our services, but we must be able to continue to provide intensive and personalised services to those that need it the most. We will continue to offer a range of work experience and apprenticeship opportunities, working in partnership with other organisations to generate further opportunities where possible. Changes to the welfare system, and evolving customer tastes and preferences, have combined to make it more difficult to let some of the properties we manage, particularly in the areas of the city with older stock and higher concentrations of council properties, especially high rise flats. To minimise the proportion of void (empty) properties, we will make better use of information, including data from other sources, to help us identify the customer groups that have the most to gain from the stability and quality that a council tenancy will afford them. New processes will be introduced to reduce the time it takes to let an empty home, and we will trial new ways of promoting and attracting new customers, mainstreaming their use as it becomes clear which techniques work best across the range of locations and property types we manage. Dealing with those type of risks will require significant time and attention; the depth and detail required to master the issues demands it. But they cannot be the whole focus of our work this year. We need to reserve some energy to understand how we can maintain a high level of overall customer satisfaction with our services, as budgets for improvement to the existing stock (traditionally a great driver of customer satisfaction) remain under such pressure. This is a challenging time which will require us to innovate and adapt to the changes happening around us. Once our new Managing Director is in place we will start on the new programme of business transformation that was discussed in our new Business Strategy. The principles explained in the Strategy will help us navigate what is likely to be a period of unprecedented change for social housing providers and their customers; our recent experience shows that you cannot predict the future, but you can prepare and be ready for it.


Strategic targets and actions A set of key business targets and actions has been developed as part of the annual Delivery Plan. They are designed to give snapshot assurance to key stakeholders of Newcastle City Council, YHN Board and customers whether or not business critical areas are on track. Each target is reported to either: • • •

YHN Board; NCC Cabinet, or NCC officers (via the quarterly Performance Board).

The targets reported to NCC have been developed following consultation with NCC officers and feature as part of the Management Agreement. Appendix one provides an overview of each target and which body it is reported to. There is at least one target for each service being provided by YHN on behalf of the Council, with a small number of additional targets derived from the YHN Business Strategy. How do we monitor our progress against the strategic targets? We formally check our progress against these actions every three months. Progress is monitored by senior officers through our Wider Management Team and by Board. We also report our performance every three months to Newcastle City Council. For customer priority actions or local offers, we involve customers in monitoring our progress. YHN Service Improvement Programme This is a framework which manages formal and critical projects and service reviews considered to be a priority for YHN. It forms part of YHN’s wider quality assurance framework which enables us to check whether YHN is doing the right things in the right way. The assurance framework also includes audit, risk management, performance management, scrutiny, accreditations, benchmarking and customer involvement. The projects or reviews are overseen by officers through our Wider Management Team or Senior Management Teams to ensure they are on time, on budget and meeting our desired outcomes. The content of the programme is reviewed on an annual basis to allow us to respond to our changing priorities. The 2016-17 Service Improvement Programme is included as Appendix two. How do we monitor our progress against the Service Improvement Programme? We formally check our progress against these actions every three months. Progress is monitored in the same way as the strategic targets; by YHN managers, Service and Strategy Delivery Committee and the City Council. Service plans These are operational team plans and targets which are the responsibility of service managers to deliver. These are monitored through individual staff one to one meetings and checked through quarterly performance review meetings with the service manager. Where services are failing to deliver against their plans, more regular monitoring and recovery actions are put in place.


Appendix one- Strategic targets reported to NCC Cabinet and/or YHN Board Target number

Simplified wording of target

1 2 3

Spend no more than £20.57m on repairs and maintenance by 31/03/2017 100% of properties to have a gas safety certificate by 31/03/2017 No properties (0%) fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard by 31/03/2017


Increase the SAP rating (which measures the energy efficiency of homes) for council properties to 68.58 by 31/03/2017 The average re-let time for all void properties not to exceed 53.3 days by 31/03/2017 The average re-let time for non-Walker multi storey void properties not to exceed 28 days by 31/03/2017

7 8 9 10 11 12

The turnover of properties not to exceed 2,210 (8.5%) by 31/03/2017 The void rent loss amount not to exceed 1.26% (£1.40m) by 31/03/2017 Collect 99.22% (£110.69m) of rent by 31/03/2017 Rent arrears from current tenants not to exceed £2.87m by 31/03/2017 Evict no more than 78 tenants for rent arrears by 31/03/2017 Resolve 96% of anti-social behaviour cases investigated by 31/03/2017

     

     


Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies that Young Peoples Services support by 31/03/2017


Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies referred into the Advice and Support by 31/03/2017 51 (85%) people in our employability programme move onto education,

5 6


Reported Reported Local to YHN to NCC offer Board Cabinet (reported to tenants)      

 

Target number

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Simplified wording of target

employment or training by 31/03/2017 80% of customers are satisfied with the condition of their neighbourhood by 31/03/2017 87.5% customers are satisfied with the service provided by YHN by 31/03/2017 The average cost of a void repair for standard voids not to exceed £1,903 by 31/03/2017 The average cost of a void repair for major voids not to exceed £5,822 by 31/03/2017 Increase the number of transactions completed online to 93,450 by 31/03/2017 Generate a net surplus of £2.96m from NFS and Palatine by 31/03/2017 The total cost per property managed not to exceed £382.60 by 31/03/2017 Reduce sickness levels to 7.5 days per staff member by 31/03/2017 58% of staff feel engaged with YHN as an employer by 31/03/2017

Reported Reported Local to YHN to NCC offer Board Cabinet (reported to tenants) 

 

     

Appendix two- Service Improvement Programme 2016-17 Programme These programmes have been identified from the Business and Financial Planning process with service managers. The IT programmes were agreed by Wider Management Team in February 2016 Programme name

Programme lead

Outline of programme

Implementation of Universal Credit

Head of Income and Tenancy Management

This project started in 2015-16 and ensures that our customers and staff are ready for the changes brought about from the roll out of Universal Credit and other benefit reforms announced by the Government.

Digital by Choice and tenant Wi-Fi


As part of the joint Digital by Choice Strategy with NCC we have committed to moving more of our services online and providing affordable (and ideally free) basic internet access to all tenants. The programme of work oversees the individual pieces of work which will work towards these objectives.



This programme of work will oversee the individual projects which will help staff increase their productivity by being enabling staff to access our core IT systems from any work location and roll out our workforce scheduling software to new services.

Business Support


This programme of work will oversee projects which focus on piloting an electronic document management system and joining customer information from different IT systems to form a single view of this information.

Service reviews These service reviews were identified from the Business and Financial Planning process with service managers. Review name

Project lead

Outline of project

Management restructure

Managing Director

The Managing Director will lead a restructure of the top tiers of management to reduce cost and ensure the senior management structure remains fit for purpose and to help meet the demands of a reducing Management Fee.

Structural review of Property Services Directorate

Director of Property Services

Following the reduction in the HRA Capital Programme we will review the teams within the Property Services Directorate to ensure they are appropriately resourced.

Review the service delivery model with Tyne and Wear Homes partners

Head of Housing Options

We will work with our Tyne and Wear Homes partners to complete an options appraisal for shared service delivery model across all partners.

Review the delivery of housing management service from hubs

Director of Tenancy Services

Following the transfer of housing services to Byker Community Trust, our aspirations to expand and improve our online service offer and our commitment to work with NCC to review front line service delivery from the community hubs we will consider how best to deliver housing options, income recovery and tenancy management services.

Review of the Community Care Alarm Service

Head of Support and Care

Following the reduction in funding for the telecare service, a restructure of the existing telecare team is required to create a sustainable delivery model. This review will also look at how to provide support to these services (via our Business Support and Sheltered Housing Customer Service Assistant teams).

Appendix three- Operational targets reported to NCC Officers Target number

Simplified wording of target

1 2

Repairs take 6 days to complete by 31/03/2017 95% of tenants satisfied with the most recent repair by 31/03 2017

Reported to NCC officers (via Performance Board)  


Build at least 137 new council homes by 31/03/2017


Deliver the capital programme on time and in agreed budget during 2016-17


61% of properties accepted on first offer during 2016-2017

6 7 8 9

Collect 97.78% of rent including arrears from last year arrears by 31/03/2017 Rent arrears from current and former tenants not to exceed £5.13m by 31/03/2017 No more than 1,103 tenants owe more than 13 weeks rent by 31/03/2017 Achieve Substantial Assurance for the areas audited within the Housing rent system following the internal audit in 2016-17 Manage all Right to Buy applications within prescribed timescales during 2016-17 Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies that Young Peoples Services support by 31/03/2017

   

Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies referred into the Advice and Support by 31/03/2017 68% of customers believe that YHN listens to their views and acts on them by 31/03/2017 Customers complete 350 hours of volunteering time by 31/03/2017 Attend on time for 95% of furniture collection and deliveries by 31/03/2017 All high rise multi storey blocks meet cleanliness standards during 2016-17

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Local offer (reported to tenants)  

 

   

Target number

Simplified wording of target

18 19 20 21

The void rent loss for sheltered housing not to exceed 2% (£86,000) by 31/03/2017 Collect 100% (£4.21m) of rent from sheltered housing tenants by 31/03/2017 Deliver garden care program to all garden care customers by 31/03/2017 The average cost of a void repair for standard voids not to exceed £1,903 by 31/03/2017

Reported to Local offer NCC officers (reported to (via tenants) Performance Board)    

Appendix four- reporting arrangements for 2016-17 target

Directorate Managing Director

Service name Development and Procurement

Service objectives Ensure an open, transparent and compliant procurement process that meets the requirements of the Public Contract Regulations and our clients including Newcastle City Council, Byker Community Trust and Leazes Homes Achieve Value for Money in all procurement activities Encourage environmental and social sustainability through effective procurement policies and practices Work in partnership with the private sector and other organisations to achieve value for money, quality and effective service delivery Promote equality of opportunity for all businesses and in particular SMEs Deliver the Leazes Homes development programme Support Leazes Homes in identifying new development opportunities and securing those development opportunities Deliver specific services in the Management Agreement between

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes Build at least 137 new council homes by 31/03/2017

YHN outcomes

Service plan 90% of procurements to be delivered within agreed timescales during 2016-17 100% of procurements to be delivered in accordance with regulatory requirements during 2016-17 Delivery of actions within the Procurement Strategy Action Plan during 2016-17


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

Leazes Homes and YHN Support the work of other YHN teams in delivering the services detailed in the Management Agreement between Leazes Homes and YHN Managing Director


To provide robust governance system which enables the Board to make the right decisions about YHN’s strategic direction

Send a summary of key decisions to all Board members within three days of all Board meetings during 2016-17 Assess the effectiveness of the Board and Committee remit and cross Board communications by 30/09/2016 Succession plan to be approved by Board by 31/07/2016 Evaluate the cost effectiveness of the Governance SLA by 31/12/2016 Conduct options appraisal on use of digital board meetings by 31/12/2016


Corporate Services

Service name

Business Strategy

Service objectives

Make YHN a customer focussed organisation which drives forward service improvement Ensure the Business Strategy, and its supporting strategies and plans, are delivered This is delivered by: - Communications - Customer Involvement - Business Support - Service Improvement - Monitoring assurance.

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

68% of customers believe that YHN listens to their views and acts on them by 31/03/2017

80% of customers are satisfied with the condition of their neighbourhood by 31/03/2017 87.5% customers are satisfied with the service provided by YHN by 31/03/2017

Service plan

Carry out a review of the Business Strategy Team structure by 31/03/2017 Evaluate the revised working arrangements for Customer Involvement Team by 30/06/2016 Reduce by 10% the average cost per customer of distributing Homes & People by 31/03/2017 Implement all actions due in Equality and Diversity action plan by 31/03/2017

Corporate Services


To support residents by providing employment and training opportunities which assist residents to become financially independent

51 (85%) people in our employability programme move onto education, employment or training by 31/03/2017 Customers complete 350 hours of volunteering time by 31/03/2017

51 (85%) people in our employability programme move onto education, employment or training by 31/03/2017

Fill all 60 employability posts by 31/03/2017 To assist 40 YHN residents to start their own business through Make Your Own Money programme by 30/09/2016


Corporate Services

Service name


Service objectives

Ensuring the integrity of the summary rent information stored in Northgate Provide a finance function for clients Oversight of HRA Capital and Repairs and Maintenance costs Drive efficiency savings Support financial management to understand actual cost and income Carry out financial forecasting Pay for goods and services Support new business initiatives Provide information to WMT, Committees and Board on the overall financial picture of the business, Treasury Management and 5 year business model Maintain group account structures

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

Achieve Substantial Assurance for the areas audited within the Housing rent system following the internal audit in 2016-17

YHN outcomes

Service plan

Notify customers of any rent increases by 04/03/2017 Ensure that 95% of all invoices are paid to term throughout 31/03/2017 Implement restructure of Finance by 31/03/2017 Implement SIP against agreed timescales during 2016/17


Corporate Services

Service name

Strategic HR

Service objectives

Ensure human resource is being effectively deployed to maximum effect for the benefit of YHN tenants by implementation of the People Strategy Support robust performance management across the organisation Support the organisation in promoting attendance, through robust absence management and contribution to wellbeing agenda Manage the service contract to ensure the effective delivery of operational HR/OD

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

Reduce sickness levels to 7.5 days per staff member by 31/03/2017

Manage the service contracts with NCC to ensure the effective delivery of operational HR/OD during 2016/17

58% of staff feel engaged with YHN as an employer by 31/03/2017

Carry out a survey of all staff to include demographic data by 30/09/2016 Procure a new contract for the delivery of Employee Assistance by 30/08/2016 Communicate change to protocols for attending events and conference by 30/04/2015 Work with NCC IT to build fit for purpose 360 degree appraisal tool within Learning Pool by 31/12/2016 Review the referral process for Occupational Health to ensure a more efficient use of the service by 30/06/2016 Present a business case to


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan consider the future of the staff rewards scheme to Wider Management Team by 31/05/2016

Corporate Services

IT (including Customer Service)

Develop YHN's ICT strategy and ensuring systems are effective and secure Deliver robust ICT solutions to meet changing business needs Procure and support hardware and software, from PCs to major ICT systems Plan and deliver ICT training for YHN staff Deliver accessible services in a way which suits the needs of our customers Provide excellent customer service Carry out corporate administrative duties Manage and optimise administration and customer service support across the business to maximise and

Increase the number of transactions completed online to 93,450 by 31/03/2017

Review and rationalise the provision of admin support by 31/03/2017 Carry out actions to mainstream digital service delivery as per agreed timescales during 2016-17


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

continually improve the quality and efficiency of the service

Property Services

Assets and Regeneration

Ensure the HRA investment programme is delivered to time and budget in order to maintain the housing stock to the obligatory standard

No properties (0%) fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard by 31/03/2017

No properties (0%) fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard by 31/03/2017

Develop regeneration schemes including new build projects

Increase the SAP rating (which measures the energy efficiency of homes) for council properties to 68.58 by 31/03/2017

Increase the SAP rating (which measures the energy efficiency of homes) for council properties to 68.58 by 31/03/2017

Maximise net present value of current stock and new projects

Build at least 137 new council homes by 31/03/2017 Deliver the capital programme on time and in agreed budget during 2016-17 YHN achieve Substantial Assurance for the

Carry out a structural review of Property Services Division during 2016-17 Gain approval of 2017-18 asset management and investment programme from NCC by 31/12/2016 Obtain approval from NCC to provide additional leasehold management activities by 31/12/2016 Investigate the management of Right to Buy applications for other social landlords by 31/12/2016 Complete the Byker stock condition survey by 31/12/2016


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

Spend no more than ÂŁ20.57m on repairs and maintenance by 31/03/2017

Spend no more than ÂŁ20.57m on repairs and maintenance by 31/03/2017

Review contractual arrangements for the delivery of the repairs and maintenance service by 30/06/2016

100% of properties to have a gas safety certificate by 31/03/2017

100% of properties to have a gas safety certificate by 31/03/2017

Increase the SAP rating (which measures the energy efficiency of homes) for council properties to 68.58 by 31/03/2017

Increase the SAP rating (which measures the energy efficiency of homes) for council properties to 68.58 by 31/03/2017

Repairs take 6 days

The average cost of

areas audited within Leasehold and Right to Buy following the internal audit in 2016-17 Deliver the capital programme on time and in agreed budget during 2016-17 Manage all Right to Buy applications within prescribed timescales during 2016-17 Property Services

Property Maintenance

Commissioning, oversight, and quality control of property repairs and maintenance including void reinstatement, minor works and programmed and cyclical maintenance Ensure annual gas safety checks are carried out according to statutory requirements Health and Safety management and corporate oversight Delivery of Environmental Sustainability corporate objectives/priorities

Present a business case to Health and Safety Committee on the alternatives to OHSAS 18001 by 30/09/2016 Achieve Gold Status from Sustainable Homes Index For Tomorrow (SHIFT) by 31/12/2016 Carry out a structural review of Property Services Division during 2016-17


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes to complete by 31/03/2017 95% of tenants satisfied with the most recent repair by 31/03/2017

Property Services

Technical Services

YHN outcomes a void repair for major voids not to exceed ÂŁ5,822 by 31/03/2017

Ensure the HRA investment programme is delivered to time and budget in order to maintain the housing stock to the obligatory standard

No properties (0%) fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard by 31/03/2017

No properties (0%) fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard by 31/03/2017

Develop regeneration schemes including new build projects

Increase the SAP rating (which measures the energy efficiency of homes) for council properties to 68.58 by 31/03/2017

Increase the SAP rating (which measures the energy efficiency of homes) for council properties to 68.58 by 31/03/2017

Maximise net present value of current stock and new projects

Build at least 137 new council homes by 31/03/2017 Deliver the capital programme on time and in agreed budget

Service plan

Review the role of environmental sustainability team, aligned with the wider Property Services restructure by 31/03/2017

Carry out a structural review of Property Services Division during 2016-17 Gain approval of 2017-18 asset management and investment programme from NCC by 31/12/2016 Obtain approval from NCC to provide additional leasehold management activities by 31/12/2016 Investigate the management of Right to Buy applications for other social landlords by 31/12/2016 Complete the Byker stock condition survey by


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

during 2016-17

Service plan 31/12/2016

YHN achieve Substantial Assurance for the areas audited within Leasehold and Right to Buy following the internal audit in 2016-17 Deliver the capital programme on time and in agreed budget during 2016-17 Manage all Right to Buy applications within prescribed timescales during 2016-17

Tenancy Services

Advice and Support Team

Increase the sustainment of tenancies and prevent homelessness through Outreach, Refugee Move on, Pre Tenancy team and Pathways

Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies referred into the Advice and Support Team by 31/03/2017

Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies that Young Peoples Services support by 31/03/2017

Generate ÂŁ1 million in Housing Benefit, Discretionary Housing Payment and back dated Housing Benefit by 31/03/2017


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

Refer 100 tenants to employability training programmes (of which at least 50 referrals will be to YHN ran employability programmes) by 31/03/2017 Set up 50 tenancies with support to singles, couples and families seeking refuge in Newcastle by 31/03/2017 Average rent balance reduction of ÂŁ130 from opening to closure of case during 2016/17

Tenancy Services

CCAS and Sheltered

Provide support to sheltered housing and learning disability schemes

The void rent loss for sheltered housing not to exceed 2% (ÂŁ86,000) by

Telecare service to achieve planned budget deficit by 31/03/2017


Service name

Service objectives Responsible for the collection of income and management of arrears in order to sustain tenancies

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes 31/03/2017 Collect 100% (£4.21m) of rent from sheltered housing tenants by 31/03/2017

YHN outcomes

Service plan Manage and deliver the allocation and management for all the Sheltered housing new builds during 2016-17 Allocate all bed spaces in the “Treetop” accommodation within 12 weeks of scheme becoming available to let Allocate all bed spaces in the “Lawson House” accommodation within eight weeks of scheme becoming available to let Allocate all bed spaces in “Shield Court” within six weeks of scheme becoming available to let

Tenancy Services


Provide an affordable service to customers living in multi storey

All blocks achieve at least level 4 for

95% of jobs are responded to within timescales during 2016-


Service name

Service objectives blocks including the cleaning and maintenance of communal areas

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

cleanliness during 2016-17

Service plan 17 Reduce sickness absence to 11 days per FTE by 31/03/2017 Develop stock control system for cleaning materials and equipment by 31/03/2017

Tenancy Services

Environmental Services

The delivery of a garden care service for tenants to maintain high estate standards Manage the Estate Services and Facilities Services Service Level Agreements (SLA) with Newcastle City Council

Deliver garden care programme to all garden care customers by 31/03/2017

80% of customers are satisfied with the condition of their neighbourhood by 31/03/2017

Garden care Create a garden care business plan by 31/10/2016 Maintain income at current level during 2016/17 Environmental Services

Support other YHN teams with managing estate services and delivery of low maintenance investment Work with other YHN services to deliver community based activities Facilitate the Community Payback project Manage our Community Environmental Assistants (CEA’s)

Implement the Environmental Services ICT system by 30/09/2016 Work with NCC and Tenancy and Estate Management to develop a behavioural change (including resident lead action) plan by 31/3/2017 Complete admin review of Environmental Services Team by 31/07/2016


Tenancy Services

Service name

Service objectives

Housing Options

Manage the voids and lettings process across all HRA stock and allocate properties as efficiently as possible Input into strategic decisions on stock viability, and management of adapted properties for people with disabilities Support YHN, Newcastle City Council and other providers to allocate properties in a way which makes best use of stock Lead the voids and lettings process across all YHN managed properties, including specialist accommodation Support tenancy sustainment by ensuring customers are tenancy ready at the point of offer Enable financial independence through pre-tenancy support

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

The average re-let time for all void properties not to exceed 53.3 days by 31/03/2017

The average re-let time for all void properties not to exceed 53.3 days by 31/03/2017

Achieve a 5% reduction in internal transfers in Band D by 31/03/2017

The average re-let time for non-Walker multi storey void properties not to exceed 28 days by 31/03/2017

The average re-let time for non-Walker multi storey void properties not to exceed 28 days by 31/03/2017

The turnover of properties not to exceed 2,210 (8.5%) by 31/03/2017

The turnover of properties not to exceed 2,210 (8.5%) by 31/03/2017

The void rent loss amount not to exceed 1.26% by 31/03/2017

The average cost of a void repair for major voids not to exceed ÂŁ5,822 by 31/03/2017

The stock turnover not to exceed 8.5% by 31/03/2017

Provide a health and housing support service to customers with complex and specific needs

61% of properties accepted on first offer during 20162017

Maintain and develop partnerships which relate to Housing Options

The average cost of a void repair for

Reduce decoration budget by ÂŁ75k through direct management of relevant budget by 31/03/2017 Implement the outcomes of the health and housing review service improvement plan by 31/03/2017 Review and introduce new sign up process by 30/06/2016 Introduce LMS Tenant Training available online for customers prior to offer by 30/09/2016 Introduce a new approach to the property standard by 30/04/2016


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

standard voids not to exceed £1,903 by 31/03/2017 Tenancy Services

Income and Tenancy and Estate Management

Maximise rent and service charge income and prevent arrears accruing within the context of welfare reform Support tenants to manage money and meet their financial obligations in such a way that minimises debts, avoids legal proceedings and sustain tenancies Sustain tenancies through:


collecting income managing arrears improving estates

Manage anti-social behaviour through a victim-centred approach working with other agencies (MAPPA/MARAC) as appropriate

Collect 99.22% (£110.69m) of rent by 31/03/2017

Collect 99.22% (£110.69m) of rent by 31/03/2017

Rent arrears from current tenants not to exceed £2.87m by 31/03/2017

Rent arrears from current tenants not to exceed £2.87m by 31/03/2017

Evict no more than 78 tenants for rent arrears by 31/03/2017

Evict no more than 78 tenants for rent arrears by 31/03/2017

Resolve 96% of antisocial behaviour cases investigated by 31/03/2017

Resolve 96% of antisocial behaviour cases investigated by 31/03/2017

The number of tenants owing more than 13 weeks net rent not to exceed 4.15% by 31/03/2017

80% of customers who are satisfied with the condition of their neighbourhood by 31/03/2017

Collect 97.78% of rent including arrears from last year arrears by 31/03/2017

87.5% customers who are satisfied with the service provided by YHN by 31/03/2017

Rent arrears from current and former

Income Collect 99.5% of Leasehold service charges due by 31/03/2017 Collect £445,000 of former tenants arrears by 31/03/2017 Increase percentage of direct debits payers by 20% by 31/03/17 Income staff to complete 90% of rent sense actions during 2016-17 Rewrite and implement the Income service ways of working policy and escalation by 30/06/2016 Complete a review of the role of the court team by 31/12/2016 Implement the daily recommendations in rent sense system by 30/06/2016 Tenancy and Estate Management


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes tenants not to exceed ÂŁ5.13m by 31/03/2017 No more than 1,103 tenants owe more than 13 weeks rent by 31/03/2017

YHN outcomes

Service plan

Complete options appraisal of centralised call handling for service by 31/03/17 Review the delivery of MAPPA and MARAC including procedures and resource requirement by 31/03/17 All tenancy and estate contact to use Lagan to record customer contact 30/9/2016 Work with NCC to review face to face customer service in shared locations by 30/06/2016 Implement findings from assessing services work by 31/03/2017 Complete options appraisal on our approach to managing anti-social behaviour by 30/09/2016 Review the approach to the delivery of estate events by 30/09/2016 Carry out customer journey mapping and process mapping in key Tenancy and Estate Management


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan procedures to identify efficiencies by 31/12/2016

Tenancy Services


Provide high quality and affordable furniture packages to tenants

Attend on time for 95% of furniture collection and deliveries by 31/03/2017

Generate a net surplus of ÂŁ2.96m from NFS and Palatine by 31/03/2017

Implement revised staffing structure for NFS by 30/06/2016 Carry out a review of the current transport SLA with NCC identifying savings that could be made through alternative providers by 30/09/2016 Investigate and present a business case to Abri Board on the options available for reducing the costs for the disposal of furniture by 31/10/2016 Investigate the feasibility of relocating NFS to alternative premises by 31/12/2016 Develop a business plan for both NFS and Palatine and report to Abri board 26/04/2016 Develop a marketing plan for


Service name

Service objectives

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan 2016/17 that includes better use of social media by 30/04/2016 Explore VAT options for external customers by 31/03/2017

Tenancy Services


Offer employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Generate a net surplus of ÂŁ2.96m from NFS and Palatine by 31/03/2017

Generate additional income from external business to support YHN’s financial viability

Implement revised staffing structure by 30/06/2016 Investigate the options for the retail outlet by 30/06/2016 Review workchoice contract with NCC by 30/04/2016 Develop a Sales Strategy for Palatine by 26/04/2016

Tenancy Services


Provide a support service to young people and families to increase the sustainment of tenancies through floating support, family intervention and homelessness prevention Prevent homelessness for 16/17 year olds by mediating to return to the family home or to live with friends and relatives, or by referring to supported accommodation or living independently

Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies that Young Peoples Services support by 31/03/2017

Successfully sustain 98% of all tenancies that Young Peoples Services support by 31/03/2017

Every person supported by YPS to have a support plan in place by their 8th appointment during 2016-17 Prevent homelessness in 95% of cases within the Homelessness prevention service during 2016-17. Work with NCC to develop a dispersed housing project to replace the North Kenton flats by 30/09/2016


Service name

Service objectives

Enable young people to manage their home and thrive in the community in which they live.

Recurring and nonrecurring fee

NCC outcomes

YHN outcomes

Service plan

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