Homes & People September/October 2014

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homes & people Bringing you all the news that matters to you

September/October 2014

In this issue The annual review

Who are you proud to call your neighbour? Who makes you feel positive about where you live?

See page 8 and 9

Who’s on Board? See page 11

See pages 4 and 5

YHN Housing Services YHN Housing Services @ Byker

0191 278 1555

YHN Housing Services @ East End

0191 278 1566

YHN Housing Services @ Kenton

0191 277 4360

YHN Housing Services @ Outer West

0191 277 7940

YHN Housing Services @ Walker

0191 278 8455

YHN Housing Services @ West End

0191 277 1484

Other numbers Adaptations

0191 278 3842

Housing Options Centre

0191 277 2020

0191 278 8633 †dvb K‡i Avcwb GKwU wjwLZ Abyev‡`i Rb¨ ej‡Z cv‡ib| Customer Involvement 0191 278 8720dvwb©Pvi Leasehold 0191 278Rb¨ 7725 GB Z_¨ nj BDi †nvg wbDK¨vmjKvDw݇ji mvwf©m mg‡Ü hviv †Ubv›U‡`i Ni evox mvRv‡Z mvnv‡h¨i ewcastle Furniture dvwb©Pvi mieivn K‡i| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“bervice Community Care Alarm Service 0191 278 8699 Newcastle Furniture 0191 278 8633 Service (NFS) 278 1888 GB Z_¨ nj Avcbvi †i›U 0191 GKvD›U 278 (fvovi wnmve wbKvm) m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev 0191 Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq ent Envirocall 7878 cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633

HASBET (Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Enforcement Team)


0191 278 8740

Repairs Centre and Gas Servicing

0191 277 8888

GB Z_¨ nj Avcbvi Ni evox †givgZ Ki‡Z PvIqv m¤^‡Ü|GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq

Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b0191277 278 8633 Housing Advice Centre 0191 1711


Young People’s Service

0191 277 1190

这是有关您的租金账户的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 0191 278 GB Z_¨ nj †Ubv›U‡`i KvDw݇ji Ni evox †Kbvi AwaKvi m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq ight to Buy 8633 索取。 cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 Repairs 这是有关要求维修您的住房的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 0191 Rent 這是關於您的租金賬戶的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 0191 278 GB Z_¨ njthe wbDKvm¨vj KvDw݇ji †Ubv›U wnmv‡e Avcbvi `vq and `vwqZ¡ m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw`want <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb enancy This is ‘Homestéléphoner & People’ newsletter for Newcastle council tenants leaseholders. If you this information in 278 8633 索取。 au 0191 278 8633 pour obtenir une traduction écrite. fvlvq 索取。 cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 8633 we will arrange for an interpreter to help you on 0191 278 8633. This information is also available Right to Buy your own language 这是有关租客有权购买他们的市政房屋的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致 GB Z_¨ nj Avgv‡`i †jwUs mvwf©m( fvov welqK) m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ ‡qvRb nq CH Repairs 這是關於如何要求維修您住房的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 0191 电 0191 278 8633and 索取。 in easy read, large print, Braille audio tape. We can also arrange for you to see a British Sign Language interpreter. Zvn‡j GB 索取。 bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 278 8633 Tenancy 这是有关您作为纽卡斯尔市政租客所需要承担的责任的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语 Newcastle Furniture informations concernent le service « mobilier de Your Homes qui fournit du mobilier GB Z_¨ nj BDi †nvgm wbDK¨vmj mg‡Ü| Ges Avgiv » wKfv‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb Newcastle, KiwQ †m mg‡Ü| BDi †nvgm wbDK¨vmj, HN + Ces Rightgeneral/Homes to Buy 這是關於租客有權購買他們的市政房屋的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致 言版本,请致电 0191 8633 索取。 dans leur logement. Si vous avez besoin de ces service aux locataires pour les278 aider àKvDw݇ji s’installer wbDK¨vmj wmwU KvDw݇ji c‡¶ Ni evox e¨e¯’ v cbvi `vwqZ¡ c Ö v ß| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb eople 電 0191 278 en 8633 索取。ou dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. YCH 这是有关我们的出租服务的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 0191 278 informations fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nqfrançais Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 8633 索取。 Tenancy 這是關於您作為紐卡素市政府租客所需要承擔的責任的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語 Rent Ces informations concernent votre loyer. Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en français ou YHN general / Homes + 这是有关代表纽卡斯尔市政府(Newcastle City Your Homes Newcastle 言版本,請致電 0191 278 8633 索取。 dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278Council)负责管理市政房屋的 8633. People (您的纽卡斯尔住房)组织的信息,内容解释了我们是如何运作。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其 Repairs Ces informations concernent les demandes de travaux pour votre logement. Si vous avez 0191 besoin de YCH 這是關於我們的出租服務的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 278 它语言版本,请致电 0191 278 ces informations en français ou 8633 dans 索取。 une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633.

Right to Buy / Homes + YHN general People Tenancy


N general / Homes + ople

Right to Buy



YHN generalTenancy / Homes + Repairs People

Right to Buy


Tenancy YCH

YHN general / Homes + People


YHN general / Homes +

People Right to Buy

Tenancy YCH YHN general / Homes + People

8633 索取。 Ces informations concernent les droits des locataires relatifs à l’acquisition de leur logement social. 這是關於 Your Homes Newcastle(您的紐卡素住房)機構的信息,內容解釋了我們代表紐卡素市政府 Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en français ou dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : (Newcastle City Council)負責管理市政房屋以及如何運作。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它 0191 278 8633. 語言版本,請致電 0191 278 8633 索取。 @ói@óäb @NóäbmóØòìíäb‚@ñòìó䆋ÙØbš@üi@ðîŒaí‚a†@ðmóïäüš@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ Ces îŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ informations concernent vos responsabilités en tant que locataire de la municipalité de Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 0191 278 8633 @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ Si vous de‫آن‬ ces informations en‫در‬français dans une‫درﺑﺎره‬ autre‫اﻃﻼﻋﺎت‬ langue, ،Newcastle. ‫ﺷﻬﺮدارى ﻧﻴﻮﻛﺎﺳﻞ‬ ‫از ﺳﻮى‬avez ‫ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن‬besoin ‫ اﻳﻦ‬.‫اﺳﺖ‬ ‫ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد‬ ‫ﻧﯿﻮﮐﺎﺳﻞ« و‬ ‫ﻫﺎى ﺷﻤﺎ‬ou ‫ﺧﺎﻧﻪ‬ » ‫ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن‬ ‫اﻳﻦ‬ téléphonez au :‫ﻫﺎى‬ 0191 278 8633. @ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @NòŠb’@ñaŠü’@ðäbØòìíäb‚@î ‹Ø@üi@çbåï“å–‹Ø@Àbà@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ ‫ﺗﻠﻔﻦ‬ ‫ﺷﻤﺎره‬ ‫ﺑﺎ‬ ‫دﻳﮕﺮ‬ ‫زﺑﺎن‬ ‫ﻳﺎ‬ ‫ﻓﺎرﺳﻰ‬ ‫زﺑﺎن‬ ‫ﺑﻪ‬ ‫اﻃﻼﻋﺎت‬ ‫اﻳﻦ‬ ‫ﺑﻪ‬ ‫ﻧﻴﺎز‬ ‫ﺻﻮرت‬ ‫در‬ .‫دارد‬ ‫ﻋﻬﺪه‬ ‫ﺑﻪ‬ ‫را‬ ‫دوﻟﺘﻰ‬ ‫ﻫﺎى‬ ‫ﺧﺎﻧﻪ‬ ‫اداره‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺌﻮﻟﻴﺖ‬ <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. Ces informations concernent notre service location. @óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 278 8633de .‫ﺑﮕﻴﺮﻳﺪ‬ ‫ﺗﻤﺎس‬ ٠١٩١٢٧٨٨۶٣٣ Esta informação refere-se à sua0191 renda. Se @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra français ou dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. @m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @N óîa‡Ý—bØüïä@óÜ@Šb’@ñaŠü’@ðÙ—åï“å–‹Ø@íØòì@òí—÷@ðäbØóïmóîb‹qŠói@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. Ces informations concernent Your Homes Newcastleem : qui chargé gérer les logements sociaux Esta informação refere-se ao8633 pedido de reparações suaest casa. Se de precisar desta informação em Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí— q@0191 278 @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ@ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ au nom de la municipalité de Newcastle et comment nous procédons. Si vous avez besoin de ces <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. @Šóè@ bî@ ñ†ŠíØ@ ðäbàŒ@ ói@ óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ ãó÷@ m‹ Šòì@ óÜ@ çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @ Nóîóá—÷@ ð–‹Ø@ ðäbØómóà‚@ ói@ pòŠbió@ óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ ãó÷ Esta informação refere-se direito os langue, inquilinos têm de comprar a sua social. Se informations en français ouao dans uneque autre téléphonez au : 0191 278habitação 8633.

Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 278 8633@ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ precisar desta informação em <português> ou0191 noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. @òìóÝ—bØüïä@ñŠb’@ñaŠü’@çóîý@óÜ@óØ@óîóØó䆋؊bØ@ðmóïäüš@ì@ Your Homes Newcastle @ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ Esta informação refere-se às suas responsabilidades como inquilino social em Newcastle. Se precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. @ðäbàŒ@ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @NpbÙi@ðmóîaŠóiòí–Šói@Šb’@ñaŠü’@ðäbØòìíäb‚@óØ@òìaŠ‡—q@ñòìó÷@ðØŠó÷ idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Esta informação refere-se ao serviço0191 de arrendamento. Se precisar desta informação em Nç‹ i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 278 8633@ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ Ésta es información sobre cómo pedir quepara se realicen reparaciones en su casa. Si necesita esta <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar o 0191 278 8633. Esta informação refere-se a organização información en español oà enYour otroHomes idioma,Newcastle, llame al 0191 278 8633. responsável pela gestão da habitação social em nome e a anossa situação actual. municipal. Se precisar Ésta es información sobredo losMunicípio derechosde deNewcastle, los inquilinos comprar su vivienda Sidesta necesita informação em <português> noutra para278 o 0191 278 8633. esta información en españolou o en otro língua, idioma,queira llame ligar al 0191 8633.

Ésta es información sobre sus responsabilidades como inquilino municipal de Newcastle. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Ésta es información sobre nuestro servicio de adjudicación. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Ésta es información sobre Your Homes de Newcastle, que es la responsable de gestionar las viviendas municipales en nombre del Ayuntamiento de Newcastle, y sobre nuestra manera de hacerlo. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633.

Your Homes Newcastle Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registration number 5076256. Registered office: Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8PR. A company controlled by Newcastle City Council.

page 2

Designed by: barkingdog design and layout. Printed by: Mosaic Print Management Plc


homes & people Page 3 Bringing you all

the news that matters

July/August 2014

to you

• Welcome

In this issue ???

See page 12


Page 4

• Community Spirit Awards

Page 6

• National Customer Service Week 2014 • What matters to you • Working together to benefit tenants

Page 7

• Do you know your community? • “Who are you?”

Page 8

• YHN annual review • Performance Plus

Page 10

• Glorious gardens - the results • You’ve Got the Power update • Get Online Week

Page 11

• Who’s on Board?

Page 12

• Involved in investment

Page 13

• Got into gardening • Make Your Own Money latest...

Page 14

• Big Community Switch • Can you quit it?

Page 15

• £25 prize crossword

Page 16

• Our customer promises • Jobs and training

See page 11


See page 14


Make your own mon See page 7

you’ve got the


Round 2

Read previous editions online:

Welcome to the involvement issue of Homes & People Everything we do is for our customers, and we need your help to provide the best services we can. We try our best, but we know that we can’t get it right all the time, and that’s where you come in – by telling us what we’re doing right (or wrong) we can make changes that will improve your experiences in future. We offer a wide range of different opportunities for you to get involved and have your say, from something as simple as filling in a survey to becoming a Tenant Board Member. It all depends on how much time you have and how often you want to get involved. You can find out about opportunities to get involved in this newsletter. But involvement isn’t just about taking part in specially organised activities like these. It’s also every time you talk to a member of staff about a service or when you’ve taken part

in a community clean up or fun day in your neighbourhood. In this issue you’ll find information on the 2014 Community Spirit Awards that we’ll be launching this autumn to celebrate people living in our neighbourhoods who make a big difference. We need you to nominate people in your community who have shown outstanding community spirit – so if there’s someone who helps make your estate or community a better place, why not nominate them?! I hope you enjoy reading our involvement issue, and if any of the articles inspire you to get involved, whether it’s with YHN or in your own neighbourhood, go for it! For YHN involvement opportunities contact our customer involvement team on 0191 278 8600. Louise Horsefield Head of Business Strategy

page 3

Community Spirit Awards 2015 - the search is on! Who are you proud to call your neighbour? Who makes you feel positive about where you live? This year we’re on the lookout for: Good neighbours Someone who helps out others where they live, doing little things that make a real difference to the lives of others and being a supportive influence. Community champions For those who go above and beyond for their wider community, fighting to make things better for their whole neighbourhood, selflessly thinking of many others in their community and improving lives. Community groups For groups who take an active role in making things better for the whole community. Health and wellbeing For individuals and groups that are trying to increase the health and wellbeing of others. Education For schools as well as individuals and groups involved in education in a formal or informal way - helping others to better themselves by increasing knowledge and experience. Change makers Recognising individuals and groups who are responding to changing times in a positive way and motivating others to do the same. For individuals and groups striving to make their homes, estates, communal buildings and extended communities greener, more sustainable and more attractive for others. Volunteers Those who give their valuable time up for the good of other individuals, organisations and the wider community. Employment and training For those who are doing everything they can to make the most of opportunities available to them through YHN and other outlets in order to improve their job prospects. Community safety For individuals, groups and organisations working to reduce crime and anti-social page 4 in their communities. behaviour

We’re thrilled to launch another round of our awards scheme that proves community spirit is alive and kicking in Newcastle. The Community Spirit Awards recognise and reward the neighbourly and community spirit that exists in the many streets, estates and communities within Newcastle. These awards are our chance to say thank you to the people who make our communities a better place to live - the ‘good neighbours’, the community groups, the drama groups, the football clubs-all the people who make a difference to your community. Everyone at YHN is working hard to ensure our customers are part of communities they want to live in and have homes they feel proud of. But we can’t do it alone. It’s good neighbours and community groups that hold local communities together, which is why we want to recognise the selflessness and hard work of these unsung local heroes. Now it’s your chance to pay tribute to the individuals and groups that make a real difference to your life or that of another neighbour. Each winner will receive a fantastic £200 cash prize and a hand crafted trophy. Our finalists and their family and friends will be invited to attend a special awards ceremony at Newcastle United Football Club, where we’ll celebrate the finalists’ achievements and announce the winners of the Community Spirit Awards. Every person who makes a nomination will be entered into a prize draw to win a fantastic £50 Eldon Square voucher - what more of a reason do you need to tell you need to tell us about your local heroes?!

How to enter Nominating a person or group for the Community Spirit Awards couldn’t be easier! • Complete the nomination form on the next page • Visit and fill in the online form • Visit any YHN Community Housing Office and pick up a nomination form Don’t forget that every person who makes a nomination will be entered into a prize draw to win a fantastic £50 Eldon Square voucher! Closing date 12th January 2015. Supported by

Here’s your chance to say thank you to the people who make your community a better place to live - the ‘good neighbours’, the community groups, the drama groups, the football clubs…all the people who make a difference to your community.

Your details Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone:


Person/Group you are nominating Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone:


Reasons you are nominating (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Send your completed form to:

Community Spirit Awards, FREEPOST NAT 22311, Communications Team, Your Homes Newcastle, YHN House, Benton Park Road, NE7 7LX.

For more information • Call: 0191 278 8633 • E-mail: • Web: Closing date for entries: 12th January 2015. Please visit for full terms and conditions.

page 5

Working together for tenants If you want to get involved in making decisions that affect thousands of tenants across the city, why not join one of Newcastle Tenants’ and Residents’ Federation’s working groups? There are four groups to choose from, and you can join more than one: • Investment forum • Living in flats • Repairs development group • BME forum The groups meet quarterly with officers from YHN and Newcastle City Council to discuss service performance and improvement. To find out more about any of the Federation’s working groups, please call 0191 285 2724, email info@newcastletenantsfed. or visit www. what-we-do

National Customer Service Week, 6-10 October 2014 National Customer Service Week gives employers like us an ideal opportunity to recognise the efforts and achievements of our staff working in customer service. It’s also a chance for us to show our commitment to you. This year, National Customer Service Week has been split into themes, focusing on the key elements of customer service. The themes are: Monday – understanding your customers Tuesday – easy to do business with Wednesday – dealing with problems Thursday – business impact Friday – recognition We have taken part in National Customer Service Week for a number of years, with staff volunteering for activities such as clean ups, painting projects, gardening and football coaching! This year we are celebrating with a series of events that we’d like you to get involved with. Below, you’ll find details of a consultation session we’re holding to get your views on our customer access strategy, and opposite you can find out about the “Know Your Community” events we’re holding at the end of October. Making sure you receive the best possible service is really important to us, so please make your opinions heard. Why not tweet us @NewsfromYHN, visit our Facebook page (search ‘Your Homes Newcastle’) or e-mail and tell us how we are doing?

What matters to you Customers are at the heart of the services we provide so it is important that we get things right and continue to do the things that matter to you. However you get in touch with us, whether it is by telephone, visiting an office or at one of our customer events, we hope you are satisfied with our service and that you feel valued as a customer. As part of Customer Service Week, our customer involvement team is holding an event at the City Library on Thursday 9th October. ‘What Matters to You’ will give you the opportunity to tell us what good customer service means to you. Good customer service goes much further than just being polite on the telephone, so this event will have different stalls that will look at the bigger picture and you will be able to help us make sure that we get things right. This event is also a great way to find out about

page 6

the other ways that you can get involved with YHN, so don’t miss out. Refreshments will be provided at the event and you will receive a contribution to any travel expenses that you may require. We will also be able to provide support for any extra assistance that you may need, such as an interpreter or a hearing loop. To attend this event you must book your place. You can do this by: • Phone 0191 278 8600; • Text ‘Customer Service’ followed by your name and address to 07814753088 or, • E-mail

Do you know your community? How much do you know about the area you live in? Are there things that bug you or is there a great community spirit on your estate? We’re holding a series of devilish drop-in sessions during October half term to talk to customers about where they live. We will look at what you like, but also how we can help support you to improve your area. Make no bones about it – we want your feedback, warts and all! There will be a chance to take part in a quiz to find out how well you know Newcastle and its rich cultural diversity, information about training and employment opportunities, children’s entertainment and a colouring competition. Whatever it is – we’d love you to come and speak to us so we can find out more about you and your community. Drop in any time on… • Monday 27 October, 1pm – 3pm @ West End Customer Service Centre • Tuesday 28 October, 10am – 12pm @ Outer West Customer Service Centre • Friday 31 October, 10am – 12pm @ Kenton Customer Service Centre • Friday 31 October, 1pm – 3pm @ East End Customer Service Centre You’d be ghoulish to miss out!

“Who are you?” We know it can get frustrating when we repeatedly ask for personal information about age, gender, religion and disability. That’s why we’ll only ask for this information when you apply for a property and when you sign up to a new tenancy. “What about me?” If you are already a YHN customer, don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about you. We would like to invite you to join us in celebrating National Customer Service week from Monday 6 to Friday 10 October by getting in touch on 0191 278 8600 and spending a couple of minutes giving us the information we need. At the end of the call you will be entered into a prize draw to win one of two £50 Eldon Square vouchers. There is a genuine reason why we ask for this information, and no, it’s not because we are nosey! It is about us making sure that we know who our customers are so they have

access to services that best suit their needs. This information will allow us to prevent discrimination, plan and deliver our services to cater for all generations and help you get better value for money from our services. The information we gather all comes together so that we can look at the overall number of customers accessing our services and identify any improvements. It is all kept confidential and it would be easy to just refuse to answer these questions, but remember…if you don’t tell us we’ll find it harder to support you. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Ten reasons to be YHN annual review 2013/14

We reached our tenth anniversary in April 2014 and this gave us a fantastic opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come in the last decade. Ten years is a long time in anyone’s book and our positive position now is testament to the hard work and determination of our staff, Board members, partners and tenants. We think there have been a lot of achievements worth celebrating since 2004 and last year was no different. So our annual review for 2013-14 showcases ten of the reasons we have to be most proud. Here we’ve tried to give some insight into the impact our activity has on the real people behind the statistics – the tenants, staff, partners and others who benefit from our work and who are the reason we have so much to be positive about in 2014. The full annual review for 2013-14 will be available on our website from the end of September if you’d like to read it or you can request a copy by calling 0191 278 8600 or asking at your local housing office.

We’ve made the money deliver

We’ve improved homes and communities

Bringing in £1.107m in sponsorship and grants Making over £1.1m worth of efficiency savings Collecting 98.44% of rent

Brian Guthrie, who works at Palatine Beds, has seen his finances improve alongside the business’.

Completing 3,000 lifecycle improvements Jenny Cavanagh, a member of the Investment Forum, has been consulted on how we should regenerate our sheltered housing.

We’ve supported equality and diversity


We sponsored the Newcastle Mela

30 unemployed tenants had six month paid work placements with us Omar Yaseen, the chair of our multi-cultural network, is offering valuable advice.

20 unemployed young tenants did year-long apprenticeships with us

Performance Plus If how we’re performing and how we’re spending money is important to you, why not join our Performance Plus group? page 8

Creating 14 Mnew properties

We’ve helped tenants into work

We were ranked 30th on the Stonewall employers index We’ve supported staff network groups to advise on equality and diversity issues

Completing 106,594 repairs

23 disabled people were employed through Work Choice at Palatine Beds

Debbie Fisher has completed several training courses and started a paid placement with us.

You could get involved in things like mystery the results above! It’s a great way of helping us identify where service individually.

To be part of the Performance Plus group cal


We’ve listened to tenants

We’ve provided valuable care and support

Matvey Cherny gave his opinions at seven separate events in 2013-14.

Our advice and support service worked with over 3,000 people Our young people’s service (16-25 year olds) worked with over 1,000 people We distributed over 1,100 food parcels

Leanne and her daughters are spending more time together after working with our Family Intervention Project.

We’ve worked with partners to benefit as many people as possible Michael Shields, who oversees Changing Lives’ charity furniture store, is benefitting from a partnership with Palatine Beds and YHN.

Over 70 customers influenced our new approach to equality and diversity Over 80 customers helped design our customer promises Our tenants inspected 129 estates

We’ve invested in what matters to tenants Phyllis Chilton, from The Retreat, was one of the first tenants to benefit from the completion of a You’ve Got the Power scheme.

Over 6,000 tenants voted for how our You’ve Got the Power cash should be spent We fitted 2,000 double-glazed windows We worked with over 250 tenants to help them save on their energy bills

We’ve provided valuable services to tenants of Leazes Homes and Byker Community Trust We’ve worked with several local charities

We’ve made communities safer

We’ve worked with Newcastle United Foundation to help tenants achieve over 150 qualifications

We’ve responded to changing environments Our Living and Working in Walker pilot worked with over 100 tenants to increase their job prospects We ran 19 sessions to help tenants with computer use and increase digital inclusion We increased our Own Your Own product range

We dealt with 685 cases of anti-social behaviour Our Friday Night Project, which included activities such as football tournaments, reduced anti-social behaviour on the jubilee estate by over half.

Over 1,500 intercoms now link to our enquiry centre Our community care alarm service attended over 4,000 emergency call outs


Peter Williams benefitted from Have your say mutually exchanging properties and is no longer affected by Bedroom Tax.

y shopping and customer inspections. This year the group helped develop our annual review - you can see we can make improvements to your overall experience instead of looking at the performance of each

ll 0191 277 3663, text ‘involve’ followed by your name to 07814 753 088 or email

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you’ve got the


Round 2

In our last edition we said that you would be receiving your voting guide with this copy of the newsletter. Due to the fantastic response we had from customers, it’s taken us longer than expected to work our way through all the suggestions. That means we’re not quite ready to send out the voting guide just yet, but you will be receiving it with the next Homes & People. Since narrowing down the original list of suggestions, we’ve been talking to residents and partners about possible schemes. A meeting has been planned with the tenants’ panel to agree which schemes will feature in the voting guide in the new year. Our work continues with round one schemes. We will soon be starting on site with some of our high category schemes, which will invest around £1 million across several estates in the city. These schemes will see some major improvements made to the safety and appearance of our neighbourhoods. Thank you for your contribution, and for your patience – keep your eyes peeled for your guide arriving through your letterbox!

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Glorious Gardens – the results! On Friday 20 July we reached the closing date for our Glorious Gardens competition for which we had a total of 19 entries across the Colourful Communals and Glorious Gardens categories. After pruning the entries down to the final shortlist, the winners were chosen by a panel which included two of our tenant inspectors. Our winners, Dr Ryan House, Walker, (pictured) and Bill Taylor from Sceptre Place, Elswick, were presented with their prizes on Monday 8 September. The prizes, which were generously donated by Wates Living Space and Walkergate and Parkside Ltd, included a selection of planters, plants and tools (Dr Ryan House) as well as a lawnmower and a £50 Eldon Square voucher (Bill Taylor). Harry Pattinson, also from Sceptre Place, won a special prize for his efforts in maintaining a communal planter on his estate without any help or funding. He was presented with a £20 Dobbies voucher and a lavender tree.

Get Online Week National Get Online Week is coming! On 13-19 October 2014 the annual digital inclusion campaign will once again hit towns and cities all over the UK. Get Online Week is all about helping people to see what they can do online - from keeping in touch with friends and family to saving money, enjoying hobbies or applying for jobs. We’ve already been carrying out lots of training, events and activities around helping you get online as well as making more of our services available through our website, to make it easier for you to get in touch. Why not send us a tweet @NewsfromYHN or visit our Facebook page (search Your Homes Newcastle) to tell us what you would like to do online –or just to say hi? You can also visit the “Get Switched On” page on our website ( to find out where you can get online for free in Newcastle, access free learning guides from Digital Unite and find out about any training courses coming up. To find out more about Get Online Week visit



Who’s on Board ?

bring different skills Our Board is made up of a broad cross section of people, who all are in your best and knowledge. This means we can make unbiased decisions that Board, as the the interests. It’s so important that our customers are represented on made some real services we provide are for you. Our Tenant Board Members have our services really differences to the lives of customers by giving their views on how affect people day to day. Read on to find out more… Lisa Doherty has been a tenant board member for just over three years. She tells us what it’s like being on YHN’s Board.

And everyone is really approachable – if I’m reading Board papers and I’ve any questions I can always ring or email someone.

What made you want to join the Board? I actually joined after some issues during my Modern Homes improvements. At the time I didn’t realise we had a Board but about a year later I saw an advert in Homes & People inviting tenants to apply. I thought it would be interesting to see how decisions about people’s homes are made and to get involved in those decision making processes.

How much time do you have to commit? It varies depending on how flexible you can be around other commitments. As well as Board meetings you’re also a member of two committees so you have meetings for each of these every few weeks. You also need to give yourself time to read the Board and committee papers before the meetings and prepare any questions or notes.

What did you have to do to apply? I filled in an application form, at the time YHN were looking for people living in my area of the city and were inviting applications from women so it was ideal. I then had an interview with the Board Chair, another Tenant Member and an Independent Member.

What sort of things have you been involved in? A range of things; from the judging panel of the staff awards, through to the purchasing of new intercom system for the concierge blocks and I also attended the Chartered Institute of Housing conference in 2012.

Did you know much about being a Board Member before you joined? Not really – in fact I didn’t realise how strategic some of the discussions and decision making would be. It’s been a big learning curve and really interesting. As a tenant, you can also talk about your personal experiences because it highlights issues that other tenants face, which can be used to improve services. Have you had any training? There’s been lots of training! I was given a mentor when I was first appointed – someone who sat with me at Board meetings and generally showed me the ropes. There was a really comprehensive induction - I learned so much about what YHN do, not just housing! Regular training sessions are available, if you want them. They’re not compulsory but if you want to get the most out of your experience, they’re definitely worth it. There’s health and safety, how to be an effective Board Member, employment law – really varied!

What have you been most proud of? I’m proud of everything – I really enjoy what I do on the board! But one of the best things was the staff awards. Getting to see what goes on behind the scenes and celebrate the great work of YHN’s staff was really rewarding. What would you say to any other tenants considering joining YHN’s Board? Be aware of the time commitment and give some thought to how involved you want to be before you apply. There is a lot of quite high level strategic thinking, but it’s put across in a straightforward way. If you don’t understand something – ask. You’re making some big decisions and if you don’t understand what you’re making decisions on, how do you know you’re making the right choice? Finally…are you proud to live in social housing? I’ve never really given it much thought. It’s my home, I like my little house and I wouldn’t change it. To me there’s no stigma attached to council housing any more, so if anyone is looking for somewhere to live – try it.

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Involved in investment Making sure your homes remain in good condition, and estates are safe, pleasant places to live is as important to us as it is to you. That’s why, when we’re planning where to invest money in the city, we involve you wherever we can. There are lots of schemes either taking place, or planned to take place, where customers have had a hand in making investment decisions. Two of those are the New Mills estate in Westgate and the Blakelaw 165 estate.

New Mills

Blakelaw 165

Residents have been involved in deciding what environmental improvements will be made to the estate. They had raised a number of issues that were causing concern and distress including fly tipping, anti-social behaviour, poor lighting and a lack of parking facilities.

Built in 1968, the estate was named because it was home to 165 houses and bungalows. Although the homes were a good size, the estate has become a haven for anti-social behaviour, is poorly lit and many homes open straight out onto public walkways. Some residents have also said they feel isolated because of the layout of the estate. Monday Crescent Using Monday Crescent as a pilot, we consulted with residents and have been meeting each month with a steering group of residents to identify and agree improvements to tackle the issues they’d raised. Work started in September to revamp the courtyard – installing metal fencing at the front of the properties, timber fencing at the back and creating driveways wherever possible.

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Residents worked with architects to develop the new design for the estate. We then consulted all residents and invited them to an event where the design was agreed. Work should start early in the new year and improvements will include the creation of off-street parking, moving front doors away from public walkways, creating larger living room windows and closing off alleyways.

Got into gardening! We had a great response to the Get into Gardening apprenticeship course that was advertised in the last issue. The young people were really enthusiastic about being part of the programme and keen to learn new skills. Fourteen young people took part in the course, learning skills in customer service, health and safety, practical gardening skills and teamwork. A celebration event took place on Friday 5 September where those who completed the course were presented with their certificates of achievement. Brad Hope, 16, from Fenham, said: “I have had previous work doing gardening before and enjoyed it. I’ve been looking for an apprenticeship for a while but I haven’t been able to find one so this is a really good opportunity. “I’ve enjoyed the practical side. We did a work placement with Newcastle City Council for two days, and with YHN for two days and we got to use machinery at Kirkley Hall, so we saw what it was actually like to be doing this job.”

Make Your Own Money latest… In the last issue of Homes & People we featured Clare Henderson from Newburn who’s set up her own dog crèche, Paws to Play. She’s just one of a number of customers who have worked with Sustainable Enterprise Strategies (SES) and YHN to set up their own business. If you’ve got an idea for a business, and it could be anything, why not get in touch? SES will help you from start to finish and answer any questions you may have. Several other business have now been set up by our tenants, who include a painter and decorator, a will writer, a dog walker, an artist, and a textile worker. To find out more call 0191 278 8600, text ‘business’ followed by your name to 07814 753 088 or email



Some of the participants from Get into Gardening at their celebration event.

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Big Community Switch Do you want to switch energy suppliers and save as much as £200 on your energy bills? Newcastle City Council has joined the Big Community Switch – a collective energy switching scheme. It brings together lots of people to buy cheaper energy, and the more people that join, the more buying power they have. All you need to do is register your details, and once enough people have registered, an auction is held where energy suppliers bid for your custom. The supplier offering the best deal “wins” the auction. They will send you a personal offer and tell you how much you could save – you then have one month to accept or reject the offer. How can I register for the Big Community Switch? Register for free online until 13 October at the following website:

I don’t have internet access, can I still register? You can use the internet for free at your local library or Customer Service Centre. If you need help using the internet call the libraries service on telephone 0191 277 4100 to book an internet taster session. For more information about registering, contact the council’s Energy Services on telephone 0191 278 3427. Newcastle City Council is holding a couple of drop in sessions. You can come along to any session – all you need to do is bring a copy of a recent utility bill. Sessions are being held on: • Thursday 2 October, 1pm to 3pm at Outer West CSC (Interview room) • Wednesday 8 October, 9.30am to 11.30am at Walker CSC (interview room)

Can you quit it? Stoptober is the 28-day stop smoking challenge from Public Health England that encourages and supports smokers across the country towards quitting for good. Stoptober is based on research that if you can stop smoking for 28 days, you are five times more likely to be able to quit for good. This year Stoptober runs from Wednesday 1 to Tuesday 28 October and some of the country’s best comedians including Paddy McGuinness, Al Murray, Andi Osho and Lee Nelson will be getting the stop smoking message across in a humorous way to encourage as many people as possible to take part. This year, Newcastle City Council is getting together with other organisations across Newcastle to support the campaign. There’ll be quit kits available as well as lots of resources offering useful information and advice on quitting. On Friday 12 September, the Stoptober roadshow came to Newcastle with a whole host of entertainment. There were street performers, the Stoptober ‘shack’ where people could talk to someone for advice on quitting and there was even the chance to be filmed telling a joke or offering a message of support! The Council is also holding a health day on Tuesday 7 October at the Civic Centre where there will be more Stoptober information and resources available. Contact 0191 278 7878 for more information. For your free Quit Kit visit

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£25 prize wordsearch Complete the wordsearch to win a £25 Eldon Square voucher to spend on whatever you fancy! B I G C O M M U N I T Y S W I T C H


















Apprentices Big Community Switch Blakelaw Board City Library Customer Service Energy Estates Glorious Gardens Investment Neighbourhood New Mills On Track Panel Property Schemes Utilities What Matters To You

Name: Address:

Postcode: Daytime telephone number: Margaret Wandless (pictured) from Etal Park was the winner of last issue’s wordsearch competition. And Mr. Joseph Taylor, of Thornley Road won our previous issue’s completion. Congratulations to both!

Send your completed puzzle along with your name, address and a daytime telephone number to: Homes & People competition, Communications team, Your Homes Newcastle, YHN House, Benton Park Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE7 7LX by Friday 31 October.

Please note: competitions are only open to tenants and leaseholders with no rent arrears.

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Our customer promises We promise to provide you with...

Good customer service and treat you fairly

Support to find a home

Neighbourhoods to be proud of M

Clear information and ways to have your say

A decent home and reliable services M

Support during your tenancy


Have your say

If you want to find out more information about our customer promises visit our website

Need to get on On Track? Getting into work can be tough, whether you’ve never been employed before, or are trying to get back into work.

Jobs &


We have schemes in place to help our customers do just that. Our Apprenticeship and Your Homes Your Jobs programmes employ tenants, but we also work with businesses that have regular vacancies in other areas such as retail, catering, care work and hospitality. To help you find out about these opportunities, we’ve created an e-newsletter called ‘On Track’ that we send out every month to tenant’s whose e-mail address we have. The newsletter includes jobs and training opportunities that we have at YHN and also a list of current vacancies from other employers. On Track has already helped lots of tenants into work but we can only send it to you if we have your e-mail address. So if you are out of work and looking for a job then please get in touch with us as we can help.

To register for the e-newsletter you can: • e-mail; • Text your name and e-mail address to 07814 753 088, or • Phone 0191 277 3663 and tell us what your contact e-mail address is. Training courses are open to all Newcastle City Council tenants and leaseholders. We can offer a range of support to help you attend our courses like signers and interpreters. If you feel you need any additional support, please just ask.

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