Ward / Neighbourhood
Contact name & address for the project
Contact phone number for the project Contact e mail for the project if you have one Signature
Payment Details Please give details of the account you would like funding for this project to be paid into below Account Name: Account Number: Sort Code: Bank Name: Branch Address: If you would prefer a cheque – please let us know who the cheque should be made payable to:
Please Note: If the above information is not supplied we will be unable to progress the application further.
For Office Use Only Yes / No Does the project fit one or more of the themes? Is the project sustainable? Will it either involve or benefit people in the neighbourhood? Will the project be finished in timescale? Is the project realistic? Is the project safe? Does the project benefit YHN tenants? Is the project value for money? Has the project received 4p’s funding previously? Is the project being delivered by the group applying? 1
Positive People Positive Places Application Form 2016 / 17 Name of project: (A catchy name will get people interested)
Max 500 words Tell us what you will do and how it will be delivered. Please include how it will fit with one or more of the themes (see guidelines) My good idea is‌‌..
Max 200 words
Where and When will the project happen? Who else will be involved (partners /other organisations)?
Max 200 words
Involving People: How will you involve people and who will benefit from your project? (Please be specific about how many people, how many are YHN tenants and how many are under 18)
Community Benefit: How will your good idea make a difference to your community / neighbourhood?
Money: How much money do you need? (between ÂŁ250 and ÂŁ750 available per project) Please give a breakdown of what the money will pay for:
What next? How will your project continue after the funding has finished?
Email the form to: or post / take to Room 34, Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 8PU Any questions? Please contact Your Homes Newcastle: Lou Grogan Tel. 0191 278 3959 Newcastle C.C. Sue Wannop 0191 2773536 or Caroline Collinson 0191 2773635 3