Grant Application form
YHN Community Investment Fund
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Grant Application Form We know that one of the best ways to have a positive impact in our communities is to fund organisations that are already doing great work, and helping them to achieve more. Our YHN Community Investment Fund is made up of £100,000 that will be open to applications all year round from not for profit organisations to do something they otherwise could not afford to do.
Important: Please refer to the Guidance Notes that accompany this form prior to filling in the application. All sections of this application form must be fully completed before submission. Please note that YHN’s decision is final as to whether your application is approved. If we feel that your application does not qualify we will inform you by email and where possible provide support to help you apply again.
Part A – You and your organisation To be eligible to apply you must be one of the following types of organisations. Please tick the relevant box and attach supporting evidence such as a Constitution, Charity Number or Community Interest Report. Name of organisation: Are you a: Tick Registered Charity
Charity number (if applicable):
Constituted organisations such as community or voluntary
Please attach written constitution
Community Interest Company
Company number: Please attach community interest report
Social enterprise
Date of application: Please tell us what your organisation does (do not exceed 250 words)
Please tell us what your organisation does (continued)
Part B – Eligibility Do you have the following in place and how can you evidence them? Criteria
Evidence provided
Management committee Equality and diversity policy and/or an equal opportunities statement Organisational bank account with at least two unrelated signatories who do not live at the same address Systems in place that enable you to manage your finances Practices and procedures in place for any paid employers and volunteers Safeguarding policy Up to date DBS checks (if working with young people and/or vulnerable adults) Sufficient insurance cover in place for all relevant risks – e.g. theft, fire, employer’s and public liability and third-party damages Financial records for last year’s accounts to demonstrate your financial position Compliance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 3
Part C – Applicant details This must be the contact details of who will manage the project/fund Applicant name: Position in organisation: Address (for correspondence):
Telephone (landline): Mobile: Email: How much are you applying for? (The maximum you can apply for is £10,000) £
Part D – Project details Which of the following funding themes and outcomes do you expect to achieve from your project? Please pick ONE theme and ONE outcome Theme Building stronger communities
Pick ONE Expected outcomes A decrease in anti-social behaviour Customers feeling proud of where they live An improved sense of belonging to the community More interaction between neighbours
Reducing social isolation amongst vulnerable people
An improved sense of belonging to their community More interaction between neighbours Increased membership of local social groups Customers feeling proud of where they live More residents encouraged to take up a new hobby
Strengthening community partnerships 4
For this outcome YHN would expect evidence of how working in partnership has strengthened the project and maximised the impact on the community.
Pick ONE
If your project involves you working directly with young people or vulnerable adults, you will need to have successfully completed DBS checks. (We will only request completed DBS checks from applicants whose project involves working with children or vulnerable adults.) Does your project involve working with children, young people or vulnerable adults? Yes No
Which of the following area(s) will your project cover? Slatyford Shieldfield North Kenton
Newbiggin Hall Benwell Kenton Bar
Walker Elswick Cowgate
West Denton Westgate Fawdon
What is the name of your project? Project start date (cannot start until funding is recieved) DD /
Project end date (cannot exceed March 19) DD /
How many people do you expect to take part in the project? Project description. In no more than 500 words, tell us about your project following the advice we have provided in the application guidance.
Partnership working – If applicable please explain any local partnership working that will be taking place during the delivery of your project i.e. publicity, delivery etc. Name of partner organisation
What will their role be?
Will your project continue after the funding from YHN comes to an end?
Part E – Project publicity and engagement What is your social media handle (Twitter and / or Facebook)? Facebook
Twitter @
Please tell us in no more than 500 words how you plan to engage with the community through each stage of your project. We ask that you consider the advice set out in the application guidance when providing your answer.
Part F – The money bit Organisation income (for the last financial year) Organisation expenditure (for the last financial year) Please provide a brief breakdown on what you will spend the grant on and the amount each would cost: Description
Have you applied for any match funding to deliver the project?
If yes, please provide us with more information: Name of match funder
How much have your applied for?
Status of the funding (secured / not secured / awaiting decision)
Part G - Declaration On behalf of the organisation, I can confirm that the information contained in this application for grant funding is true and correct. I/We certify that the funds applied for will be used solely for the purposes outlined for the YHN Community Investment Fund. Name: Applicant signature: Position in the organisation: Signature: Date:
To be completed by Your Homes Newcastle Comments
Project number Date application approved / rejected
Amount awarded: £
Ist installment due:
Interim evaluation date:
£ Date:
Proposed 2nd installment due: £ Date:
YHN Signature: Date:
YHN Community Investment Fund
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0191 278 8600 |