Form of Consent
Your Homes Newcastle (YHN) would like to process your project for publicity purposes. We may also share this information with Newcastle City Council (NCC). YHN takes its responsibility for processing personal data very seriously and your images [video and still] and personal data [name] will only be use for the purpose that you have provided your explicit consent for. I understand that YHN may use third-party contractors for photography, design and publicity material. I have been made aware of the Privacy Notice and that the document outlines how YHN are processing my information, who they are sharing it with and why. I have fully considered the following options and have ticked those that I wish to opt in to. All YHN printed publications
All NCC publications
YHN information posters
NCC information posters
YHN adverts
NCC adverts
YHN information films
NCC information films
YHN Releases issued to local and national NCC Releases issued to local and national media titles media titles YHN and partner social media profiles (i.e. Twitter, Facebook etc)
NCC and partner social media profiles (i.e. Twitter, Facebook etc)
YHN presentations
NCC presentations
YHN Website
NCC Website
I [Name]
Confirm that I am signing this consent form in my capacity as the Project Lead and I confirm that I have obtained explicit consent from all individuals included in the images for the purposes outlined above. [Please note we may do spot checks to ensure that that you have recorded consent] Signed:
Dated: ____________
You have the right withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the information governance team, Business Services, YHN House, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE7 7LX or emailing I understand that we are not entitled to any compensation for the use of our images
Our privacy notice and further information is available to view on or you request a printed copy.