Concierge service:
let’s talk about concierge
You said, we listened
We are very grateful to all of our customers who fed into our consultation and will provide all customers of our concierge service with an opportunity to meet their new caretaker when we relaunch the service. In the meantime, we wanted to recognise the feedback we received from customers and advise where this has meant a change to the proposal for the new service. There may be some instances where we’re unable to fully change the proposal in relation to customer feedback – where this is the case, we have provided an explanation, which we hope customers will think is fair.
Safety and security You said: The service needs to focus on security to actively reduce issues such as ASB, tailgating, crime and general nuisance.
We listened: We understand that residents naturally want to feel safe and secure in their homes. We hope the new caretaker role demonstrates to customers that we have taken this on board. The caretaker role will see a dedicated member of staff at individual blocks acting as a point of contact for concerns, a deterrent for things like anti-social behaviour and crime, and someone well placed to work with other sections of YHN. For example, they will work with our Safe Living team, who take action against perpetrators of anti-social behaviour and those who breach their tenancy agreement, to provide a joined-up service dedicated to tackling these issues and to instil customer confidence.
We listened: We very much take this on board, and have made some changes to our proposed new service offer to reflect this. Therefore, a daytime caretaker will work 8.30am - 4.30pm in blocks, a mobile caretaker will also work 8.30am-4.30pm but will focus on responding to environmental issues such as litterpicking and fly-tipping, and we’ll have responsive caretakers, who will be available 24 hours a day to attend emergencies and deal with concerns around anti-social behaviour. There will therefore be no gap in service for customers.
You said: There needs to be a better offer and tailored presence in some blocks where there are known issues and problems – a 24/7 response is required
You said: Information and advice around dealing with tailgaters needs to be reiterated and clarified so customers know what they should and shouldn’t do. We’ve had mixed messages about what a customer’s responsibility is around this, according to the tenancy agreement.
We listened: We provided a myth-busting information sheet during the consultation period, which had some useful advice to customers about dealing with issues like tailgating and anti-social behaviour. We will reiterate this to customers when the service re-launches and do our best to let people know what to do in various situations. In relation to tailgating, all we ask is that residents have an awareness of who is around and wanting to come into the block when they are leaving or entering the building. We should stress that we are not asking customers to confront anyone; instead they should report tailgaters to YHN. However, if anyone has any immediate concerns, they should contact the concierge service for advice on 0191 287 8600.
We listened: We will look into this to see what’s available. However, in the meantime, we will work more closely with our housing teams to ensure all residents receive reminders of their responsibilities.
You said: Will you install more CCTV?
You said: Can you look at ways to notifiy / alert people to remind them to make sure the communal entrance doors to the blocks are closed securely after they enter e.g. like an alarm or a bell that rings when someone walks through?
We listened: We hope that the new caretaker, who will have a dedicated presence in individual blocks, will act as our eyes and ears and play a bigger role in gathering local knowledge about what is going on, collect evidence and information about things like ASB incidents, act as a professional witness where needed, and act as a deterrent. We advocate CCTV and will keep the CCTV that we already have, but we will also encourage customers to notify us whenever they are aware of an incident, so that we can view the CCTV to determine perpetrators and pass on vital evidence to the police.
We listened: This is a really good question and we will liaise with the police so that your designated caretaker will be able to provide this information.
You said: Can residents be told who their local neighbourhood police contact is?
Caretaker role You said: How many caretakers will there be per block? What is the ratio?
We listened: There will be one designated caretaker per block where there is only one block per site. Where blocks are in a group of two or three, there will be two caretakers per block. We want staff to be able to spend more valuable time at their blocks, take ownership of their blocks, and get to know the residents there. The idea behind this is that they’ll be in the best position to deal with issues on a regular basis and, in doing so, provide a better, more customer-focused service.
We listened: Staff have been part of the consultation process throughout the review and we will ensure staff have enough time to carry out their duties.
You said: How will residents find out who their caretaker will be and get to know them?
You said: We want staff to be happy with the role and changes to their job. Will they have enough time to do their duties?
We listened: Customers will meet their new, designated caretaker at a welcome meeting that they will be directly invited to. At the meeting, the caretaker will talk to customers about the service they will be providing, as well as ways they can be contacted. It is very much hoped that customers will build a positive relationship with their caretaker and see them as a valuable point of contact.
We listened: This is a really good idea and we are planning to do exactly this. We are working with the new caretakers to understand what information to put on the noticeboards and plan to have them up and ready when we relaunch the service.
You said: Will the new caretaker hold regular surgeries for residents to pop in and see them to discuss issues at a set time?
You said: Can you put up noticeboards in all the blocks to introduce residents to their new caretaker, with their photograph on and contact details and other helpful information so that we know exactly who to come to and what they are there for?
We listened: We think this is a good idea and we are happy for the caretaker to arrange this. It can be discussed at the welcome meetings.
Shift times/activities You said: We are concerned around the lack of Sunday coverage specifically. Will there be any Sunday standby crew for targeted work and responses?
We listened: Yes, we have a small team in place that will be available on a Sunday.
We listened: Our block-based caretakers will work Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. A responsive caretaker will be available 24/7.
You said: What will the out of hours service look like?
You said: What will the shift times be?
We listened: We have decided to keep a 24/7 service as we can see how important this is to customers and so responsive 24/7 caretakers will be there to support the emergency services and carry out targeted intelligence patrols, as well as monitor CCTV.
Cleaning You said: You need to get the essentials of the service right and make sure the cleaning is consistently done to a high standard.
We listened: We agree with customers that improving standards of cleaning is very important; we want our blocks to look attractive and be nice places for people to live. This is a significant part of the new caretaker job description, which we shared with customers during the consultation process, and we are committed to this. Caretakers will also be trained up to carry out low-level, general repairs within the blocks, such as changing light bulbs.
We listened: Yes, caretakers will clean them, but only where it is safe to do so.
You said: Will you make a commitment to cleaning communal windows and look at tools to do this effectively?
Miscellaneous You said: Will my service charge change? Will there be an increase in the service charge?
We listened: The only increase that will apply is the usual Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is inflation set by the government annually.
We listened: We recognise that the enquiry centre is a crucial part of the overall concierge service for customers. We are therefore working with enquiry centre staff to make sure that they are included in the relaunch of the concierge service and are fully trained in how to deal effectively with customer concerns. On a wider note, the enquiry centre is currently going through a review itself, and all of the customer feedback we received through the concierge service review will be fed into this, to ensure that improvements are made.
You said: We are concerned about the service we receive from the enquiry centre. It takes a long time to get through and customers can receive varying degrees of helpfulness and advice.