Delivery plan 2014 2015

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Delivery Plan 2014 -15

Contents Page •

What is the Delivery Plan?


Who was involved in developing this plan?


Review of 2013-14


The year ahead


2014-15 Top 20 targets and actions


2014-15 Service Improvement Programme



What is the Delivery Plan? The Delivery Plan supports our Business Strategy 2013 to 2016 by turning it into actions for the year ahead. This helps staff see how what they will be doing in the year contributes to delivering against our purpose which is to ‘enable positive living for people in our homes and neighbourhoods.’ It also makes clear to our tenants and key stakeholders what we will do during the year. All of the actions for the year ahead contribute to our strategic objectives which underpin our purpose, these are:

The diagram below illustrates the cascade from the Business Strategy objectives to individual staff appraisals and work plans.


Core values Our core values are at the heart of our business, and are the principles and standards that influence the way we work in all that we do. They are: •

Accountability – acting openly and taking responsibility

Integrity – acting fairly and honestly

Passion – working positively with enthusiasm

Respect – treating everyone with care and professionalism

Forward thinking – proactively seeking improvements and solutions

What is in the plan? This plan is made up of the following things that explain our priorities for the year: •

A look back at our performance against our Delivery Plan for last year

A look forward to the year ahead

Top 20 business targets and actions for 2014-15

Service improvement programme for 2014-15

Operational service plans for 2014-15

Who was involved in developing this plan? Consultation has been delivered at different stages in developing the Delivery Plan and has involved: •

Board members.

Key officers including: o YHN Management Team; o YHN Wider Management Team (WMT), and o YHN Service Managers.

Newcastle City Council, and.


We have developed our delivery plan with Newcastle City Council who is our sole shareholder to ensure that our plan is aligned with their priorities within their Corporate 4

Plan. •

A working City - creating good quality jobs and helping local people develop the skills to do them.

Decent neighbourhoods – working with local communities to look after each other and the environment.

Tackling inequalities – tackling discrimination and inequalities which prevent people from fulfilling their true potential.

A fit for purpose council – a council which leads by enabling others to achieve.

Appendix one (page 13) shows how our targets support these priorities along with YHN’s strategic objectives. Customer feedback has influenced this plan and our Top 20 targets. Each year we analyse tenant feedback from consultation events held throughout the year. During 2013/14 we have delivered 165 consultation events and have engaged with over 2,200 customers. This gives a broader understanding of the issues that affect tenants and where they want to see service improvement. Based on these priorities, there are eight customer priority actions (local offers) included in the Top 20. Tenants identified their priorities as: • •

Delivery against the investment programme; Rent collection;

Reducing staff sickness/engaged workforce;

Generating income;

Increasing tenant access to the internet;


Estate management, and

Welfare reform review evaluation.

By involving all stakeholders in the development of our delivery plan we can ensure that we are working together to achieve our strategic objectives and supporting Newcastle City Council priorities.


Review of 2013-14 This is the first year in which wider Government policies have been introduced with the express intention of changing the choices that tenants make. So lots of our time at the start of the year was spent preparing for the introduction of the underoccupation charge. Reductions in Housing Benefit meant thousands of tenants would have less income and that would in turn impact on our income and our ability to provide vital services. Providing advice and support to tenants via specialist services and our core Housing Management function has always been a key part of what we do, but the changes are predicated on an assumption that tenants are take control of their own situation, or able to cope with the changes. Many tenants haven’t arrived at that point yet; some of them simply don’t have the scope to make that change. Many will continue to need our support. Coping with the challenge continues to be a significant issue for us. We embarked on a project to communicate with the City Council, Byker Community Trust and Leazes Homes tenants we believed to be under occupying, to assess their individual situations and look at their options moving forward. Our staff in housing management carried out the visits in addition to their usual daily activity, fitting them in where and when they could. The process was time-consuming, and at times difficult. Never before had we attempted to personally contact 6,700 tenants in such a short space of time - but it identified some key issues and updated our records on thousands of customers. The need to focus on income generation and look at ways to diversify was becoming increasingly important so NFS’s latest contract wins provided a welcome boost at a challenging time. Their acceptance on to the Darlington Social Fund Household Goods Agreement led to Darlington, Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland Councils all awarding contracts to NFS for the supply of white goods amounting to a potential value of £1.5m; they’ve gone on to win other similar contracts since. Our hire purchase of household goods scheme, Own Your Own, underwent a facelift and was re-launched with a broader product range in response to customer feedback. The scheme was set up in partnership with Moneywise Credit Union to provide a low-cost, interest-free alternative to other high street weekly payment stores. We hope to extend the service to other landlords. 2013 also heralded the end of our Modern Homes Programme. The focus of our investment team has changed and a new programme of work is now coming on stream. Tenants across the city have been benefitting from, among other things, a number of energy efficient measures and interventions designed to reduce the heat lost through their walls. 6

Some tenants reported up to 50% savings on their energy bills. Many have told us that the amount of time they need to have their heating on has reduced. One of the big risks tenants face is fuel poverty, which can often lead to health issues, so this will make a huge difference to their quality of life. These schemes are also helping to reduce our customers’ carbon footprint. Throughout the year we ran ‘You’ve got the Power’ – a participatory budgeting scheme which encourages customers to put forward their ideas for environmental improvements. Tenants were given a budget of £1m a year, for the next four years, to assign to projects across the city. The team received over 200 suggestions and when voting on the projects ended in August, over 6000 votes had been cast. With the help of a tenants’ panel, the final shortlist was announced in October and work is now underway to deliver those projects. This is just one of the ways we engage with tenants to make sure the work we do meets their needs and aspirations and leads to more sustainable communities. It is fair to say that welfare reform has dominated our work recently. Preparing for and dealing with its impacts has been a priority. A key part of our response has been around employability. We are almost at the end of our second round of apprenticeships and we’ve had some extremely hard working and determined apprentices pass through, some who now work for us. Not to mention our Your Homes, Your Jobs employees who, having spent time working with us, have gone on to find longer term employment. YHN has always been a socially responsible organisation and helping tenants into work is a big part of that – even more so when tenants’ incomes are having to stretch even further, and newly introduced sanctions threaten benefit entitlement. The knock-on effect is clear – developing tenants’ skills leads to employment which in turn helps them sustain their tenancy and play a more positive role in their community. At Walker we have been working with the City Council to further develop our work around employability into a pilot project, delivered in partnership with local employers, with the aim of mitigating the impact of welfare reform within one of the wards that has been most affected. It’s one of many ways that we and the City Council are working together to identify and deliver modern services which benefit communities.


Performance against Top 20 targets 2013-14 Green text indicates that the target was achieved or is predicted to be achieved at year end. Those in red are the ones that we will not hit.

Business critical targets – Strategic Objective: Make the money deliver Generate a minimum of £769,000 during 2013/14 through sponsorship and grants. Generate an additional £350,000 income from external business through NFS by 31/03/14. Collect 97.37% of rent owed (excluding arrears brought forward) during 2013/14. Carry out a structural review of Tenancy Services by 30/09/13 to enable us to effectively respond to the challenges of Welfare Reform. Achieve 97% accuracy of HRA expenditure, revised outturn budgets to actual, during 2013/14. Business critical targets – Strategic Objective: Create homes and neighbourhoods we all can be proud of 3,000 properties to receive life cycle improvements during 2013/14. Upgrade and connect 95% of concierge properties scheduled for connection to the Enquiry Centre by 31/03/14. Build 42 new homes in conjunction with Leazes Homes by 31/03/14. Business critical target – Strategic Objective: Work together to deliver positive outcomes for all 100% of external contracts to be retained during 2013/14.


Priority targets – Strategic Objective: Make the money deliver Appoint and formally induct a new Chair of YHN Board by 24/09/13. 52% of staff to feel engaged with the organisation by 31/12/13. Achieve 3% structural efficiency saving on the 2013/14 HRA revenue base budget of £30 million by 31/03/14 Reduce number of sickness absence days per full time equivalent to eight days by 31/03/14. 80% of actions within the Finance Service Improvement Plan due during 2013/14 to be complete by 31/03/14. Reduce the average total re-let time of council properties to 30 days by 2013/14. Seven service areas to be migrated to the enquiry centre by 31/03/2014. Priority target – Strategic Objective: Create homes and neighbourhoods we all can be proud of Every estate to receive a tenant-led inspection and an associated improvement plan by 31/03/14. Priority targets – Strategic Objective: Work together to deliver positive outcomes for all. 70% of apprentices to complete apprenticeship and accredited qualifications during 2013/14. 80% of Your Homes Your Jobs (YHYJ) recruits to complete placement during 2013/14. Achieve a 90% success rate against key performance indicators as agreed with the Byker Trust, during 2013/14.


The year ahead Much of our recent focus has been on bringing the Modern Homes Programme to a close and working with tenants to help them navigate the introduction of the Government’s initial changes to the benefits system. Now the time is right to look forward, and to apply our new organisational purpose and objectives in ways that generate and protect the funds that sustain core services to tenants while helping the City succeed in challenging times. We are under no illusion about the circumstances which many tenants continue to find themselves in, and are acutely aware of the challenges this will present for rent and service charge collection. Rent collection is essential as it helps maintain our range of services; the trend in arrears may have levelled out across this financial year but many tenant incomes are vulnerable and difficult to sustain. In the forthcoming year, many of the improvements identified in our Welfare Reform Service Review will become visible and accessible to tenants. These will help us maintain a strong local presence on estates, enabling specialisation amongst housing office staff, and retain the customer at the heart of our services while the wider environment continues to shift, sometimes uncomfortably, around them. Similarly, the reorganisation of our Property Services Directorate means that we continue to be well placed to create modern living for tenants and to maximise value for the City Council from its housing stock. The changes within the Directorate will ensure that resources assigned to maintaining and improving the stock are directed to actual work in homes and neighbourhoods as effectively as possible. The effective use of existing resource is a theme underpinning many of our plans for the year, especially as we know that we need to strike a new balance between acting commercially and remaining true to our social purpose. Over the last couple of years some parts of YHN have had great success in bidding for contracts for new business, whilst others have managed to access things like grants for customers, or sponsorship. The responsibilities that have been taken on in self-financing have given those activities an increased role in securing YHN’s future financial viability, so we’re trying to do more of them, and to support teams involved in income generation such as NFS, so that their day job is not compromised. NFS are one of the services that are benefitting from the investments we are making in technology that can help us work more efficiently. This investment can reduce the long term cost of our services to customers while delivering more flexibility to them so they can use our services in ways that suit them. More and more routine calls are being handled by our Enquiry Centre, which means that customers can get a good level of service around the clock. NFS and our Concierge Service will be introducing workforce scheduling and mobile working, which will help them improve productivity and the quality of the service experienced by customers. Internally, we are 10

continuing to automate more and more of our internal processes, eliminating duplication and reducing our long-term corporate overhead. Our work to improve efficiency is not exclusively inward facing. We recognise that the City Council continues to face unprecedented financial difficulties and that ways of working more efficiently together must be identified. Much of this work will be channelled through the Council’s review of the future management options for its housing stock. Our staff see that this may present an opportunity for us to do more as well as finding efficiencies, and that the City Council is supportive of the work we have been doing and recognises the positive impact that YHN has had on the City. Our successes in the past are not just attributable to our ability to deliver; much of it is down to the skills we have developed for identifying how the Council’s wider priorities can be delivered via Council housing and the services that complement it. The Council and YHN are interlinked and it is more important than ever that we work together.

Top 20 targets and actions A set of 20 key business targets and actions has been developed as part of the annual Delivery Plan. They are designed to give snapshot assurance to key stakeholders of NCC, YHN Board and tenants that business critical areas are on track. These targets have been derived from individual service plans and have been informed by feedback from staff, stakeholders and customers. The targets are also aligned to the YHN strategic risk register. The targets are a combination of: Sector wide performance measures; Performance measures unique to YHN, and Priority actions and service reviews. The Top 20 targets for 2014-15 are included on page 13.

How do we monitor our progress against the Top 20? We formally check our progress against these actions every three months. Progress is monitored by senior officers through our Wider Management Team and by Board through our Audit Committee. We also report our performance every three months to Newcastle City Council, our sole shareholder.


For customer priority actions or local offers, we involve customers in monitoring our progress. We do this by setting up a working group. Progress on local offers will be publicised in Homes and People and on our website.

YHN Service Improvement Programme This is a framework which manages formal and critical projects and service reviews considered to be a priority for YHN. It forms part of YHN’s wider quality assurance framework which enables us to check whether YHN is doing the right things in the right way. The assurance framework also includes audit, risk management, performance management, scrutiny, accreditations, benchmarking and customer involvement. The projects or reviews are overseen by officers through our Wider Management Team or Senior Management Teams to ensure they are on time, on budget and meeting our desired outcomes. The content of the programme is reviewed on an annual basis to allow us to respond to our changing priorities. The 2014-15 Service Improvement Programme is included on page 24.

How do we monitor our progress against the Service Improvement Programme? We check our progress against these actions every three months. Progress is monitored in the same way as the Top 20 targets, by YHN managers, Audit Committee and the City Council. The Chair of Audit Committee also provides scrutiny on scoping projects and reviews and in evaluating outcomes to make sure they delivered the right improvements for our customers.

Service plans These are operational team plans and targets which are the responsibility of service managers to deliver. These are monitored through individual staff one to one meetings and checked through quarterly performance review meetings with the service manager. Where services are failing to deliver against their plans, more regular monitoring and recovery actions are put in place.


Appendix one- Top 20 targets 2014-15

Target number


Justification for proposed target

New or existing target from 2013-14

The amount of money we collect directly contributes to the provision of our services. This target is based on the total amount of rent available for collection from all our properties, not including rent arrears from previous years or rent not collected when properties are void (called void rent loss).

This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have changed the definition of the target.

YHN objective: Make the money deliver Supporting the NCC objective of: • 1

A fit for purpose council Collect 98.6% of rent and service charges owed (excluding arrears brought forward and void rent loss) during 2014-15

(This means collecting ÂŁ112.76m of rent and services charges)


The void rent loss amount not to exceed 1.07%

The current target for 2013-14 is: Collect 97.37% of rent owed (excluding arrears brought forward) during 2013/14

Using the new calculation method we expect to achieve a collection rate of 98.6% at the end of 2013-14.

Allocating our empty properties This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have quickly means we can help re-

Local offer

during 2014-15

house customers who need to move home and reduce the amount of rent that we lose (This means void rent loss when a property is empty. does not exceed ÂŁ1.22m during 2014-15)

changed the definition of the target.

The current target for 2013-14 is: Reduce the average total re-let time of council properties to 30 days by 31/03/2014

This performance target is based on aiming to maintain our current performance.


Reduce the number of sickness absence days per full time equivalent to 7.5 by 31/03/2015

Achieving this target will help us deliver our services for customers. We will continue to support staff that are off work ill, to help them back into work when they are able.

This is a current target for 2013-14.

Our performance against this target at the end of quarter three was 7.41 days.

We are not expecting to achieve this target by the end of 2013-14 We have set the target for 2014-15 in line with the best performing ALMOs across the country.



Generate an additional 6% (net surplus) from external business through Newcastle Furniture Service by 31/03/2015

(This means making a profit of £3.83m during 2014-15)


Achieve a £978k efficiency saving on the 2014-15 HRA running costs of £48.9 million by 31/03/2015

The additional income generated by Newcastle Furniture Service and Palatine (known as our Business Services) supports us to deliver our services to customers. This target will ensure we can continue to support the services we provide to customers. This year the target will report on the amount of additional income generated when we take into account any increase in our running costs (this is called net surplus).

This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have changed the definition of the target.

This target challenges us to use our financial resources efficiently and means that the money is spent on providing services customer’s value.

This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have changed the definition of the target.

The current target for 2013-14 is: Generate an additional £350,000 income from external business through NFS by 31/03/2014. At the end of quarter three we had generated an additional £659,544 income from external business.

The wording of this target is currently: Achieve a 3% structural efficiency saving on the 2013/14 HRA revenue base budget of £30 million by 31/03/2014. Against this definition we have achieved 15

ÂŁ1.15m of savings by the end of quarter three.


Repairs and Maintenance spend to be no more than 3% over the budget of ÂŁ20.6m during 2014-15.

Repairs and Maintenance is a high spend area for the HRA and a key priority for tenants in terms of service quality. Spend is largely demand-led.

This is a new target for 2014-15.

This is based on maintaining our current performance.

(This means the Repairs and Maintenance spend is no more than ÂŁ21.21m during 2014-15.) 7

Implement workforce scheduling and mobile working for the Concierge and NFS services by 30/09/2014

By using new technology we This is a new action for 2014-15. can equip our staff to deliver services more efficiently. This target allows us to focus on the This project is also part of our service improvement delivery of our new workforce programme. scheduling software for two services which can make use of its capabilities.


YHN objective: Working together to realise a brighter future Supporting the NCC objectives of: • • • • 8


A fit for purpose council Decent neighbourhoods Tackling inequalities A working city 82% of customers are satisfied with the overall service provided by YHN by 30/06/2014

We will use our Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) to gather the views of our customers. This means we can better understand which services our customers value and which they feel we can improve.

This is a new target for 2014-15.

No more than 0.39% of tenants to be evicted for rent arrears during 201415

We provide support to customers who may be struggling to manage their tenancy and may have rent arrears. This target will ensure that the support we are providing is effective and supporting customers during 2014-15.

This is a new target for 2014-15.

(This means no more than 110 tenancies)

When we conducted our last STAR (in 2011-12) we achieved 81.2% satisfaction.

This is based on maintaining our current performance achieved during 2013-14.




Achieve 100% success rate against the Key Performance Indicators, as agreed with Byker Community Trust and Leazes Homes, by 31/03/2015

We want to deliver an excellent service to customers who live in properties owned by the Byker Community Trust (BCT) and Leazes Homes. This target monitors our performance against the contracts we have with BCT and Leazes Homes and it is based on targets that are jointly agreed between YHN and BCT, and YHN and Leazes Homes.

This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have changed the definition of the target.

70% of people who finish an apprenticeship or Your Homes Your Jobs placement during 2014-15 to move onto further education, training or employment.

Supporting customers into work is a key priority for YHN. This target allows us to monitor the outcomes for those customers who take part in either our apprenticeship or Your Homes Your Jobs scheme during 2014/15.

This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have changed the definition of the target.

(This means 28 people out of 40 move onto further education, training or employment)

The current target for 2013-14 is: Achieve a 90% success rate against Key Performance Indicators, as agreed with the Byker Trust, during 2013/14This is based on improving our performance during 2014-15.


The current targets for 2013-14 which we expect to achieve are: 70% of apprentices to complete apprenticeship and accredited qualifications during 2013/14 80% of YHYJ recruits to complete placement during 2013/14This is based on maintaining our current performance during 2014-15.



The average number of days taken to complete an investigation of anti-social behaviour cases not to exceed 46 days by 31/03/2015.

The way that YHN responds to This is a new target for 2014-15 complaints of anti-social behaviour affects customer’s quality of life and our ability to This is based on maintaining our current manage our estates effectively. performance during 2014-15. This target ensures that cases reported to the local housing office or the Housing, Antisocial Behaviour Enforcement Team (HASBET) are investigated quickly.


Publish a Business Plan for Community Care Alarm Service (CCAS) by 30/06/2014

The development of a business plan would direct the work of CCAS as it looks to review its service offering, develop its customer base, increase revenue generation, upgrade its technology and manage new accommodation.

This is a new action for 2014-15.

Publish an evaluation report to determine the effectiveness of the Welfare Reform Service

The move to a specialist housing management service which provides additional support to customers is a

This is a new action for 2014-15.


This project is also part of our service improvement programme.

This is part of our Welfare Reform Service Review 19

Review by 31/12/2014

significant change for YHN. project that is also part of our service improvement This target will allow us to programme. check that these changes have made the difference we planned.


Carry out a service review of Advice and Support, and Young Peoples’ service by 31/10/2014

A reduction in government This is a new action for 2014-15. funding to NCC in turn puts pressure on Supporting People funding for our Advice and This project is also part of our service improvement Support and Young Peoples programme. Service this year. We need to ensure that the services are structured in the most effective way to continue providing support to customers.


Complete the procurement for a supplier of tenant broadband by 31/03/2015

The work to support the procurement and delivery of broadband internet access to customer is a major project for us. The Government intends for people making benefit claims to make greater use of the internet. We also know that being able to search the internet for cheaper utility suppliers or shopping discounts etc. can help

This is a new action for 2014-15.

This project is also part of our service improvement programme.


customers manage their finances. YHN objective- Create homes and neighbourhoods we can all be proud of us Supporting the NCC objectives of: • • 17


Decent neighbourhoods Tackling inequities Deliver 4150 life cycle improvements by 31/03/2015

80% of all YHN estates to score over 70% in their 2014-15 going for gold inspections (This means 78 estates (from a total of 98) achieve over 70% in their going for

Every year we invest millions of pounds in improving the housing stock we manage. This target looks at the total number of cyclical improvements we will make to our properties during the year and ensures our properties are maintained to a high standard.

This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have changed the definition of the target.

We know that customers want their estates to be clean, tidy and well managed. Our inspection process ensures that all estates are inspected during the year and any problems identified can be addressed by our staff.

This is a new target for 2014-15 as we have changed the definition of the target.

The current target for 2013-14 is: 3000 properties to receive life cycle improvements during 2013/14. Performance against this target at 31 December 2013 was 2,200. This is based on our projections in our investment plan.

This is based on improving our current performance.


gold inspection process). 19


Achieve 53% from our Sustainable Homes Index For Tomorrow (SHIFT) audit application by 31/03/2015.

The SHIFT index is an industry supported method for assessing our approach to environmental sustainability. Two years ago we achieved 51% which meant we obtained the silver accreditation.

This is a new target for 2014-15.

Publish a new Asset Management Strategy by 31/12/2014

We spend millions of pounds on our properties to ensure they remain good quality homes. We also use money to demolish properties that are unpopular and re-build homes that better suit customers’ needs. A new asset management strategy would define our new vision for continuing to deliver investment in our estates for the next four years. The strategy will also outline our contribution to NCC objectives for housing investment in the City.

This is a new action for 2014-15.

This is based on our projected score from our application for SHIFT accreditation.

This project is also part of our service improvement programme.


Service Improvement Programme Service reviews Outline of proposed review Advice and Support, and Young People Service End to end void management process

Suggested Justification for proposed review completion date 31/10/2014 • This was agreed by Board following changes to the Supporting People funding arrangements.

Suggested governance

30/09/2014 •

An internal audit report has identified areas for improvement in the way that we manage void properties. The Heads of Service responsible for parts of the void management process raised the suggestion of a review in the business and financial planning process.


OD Team

30/09/2014 •

A review was suggested when the proposal for using Learning Management System was agreed by Management Team. This could also look at the provision of training across YHN, the development centre and corporate training budget.

Corporate Services Senior Management Team (CS SMT)

Once Universal Credit is implemented the charges for garden care will no longer be eligible by Housing Benefit. Preparatory work during 2013-14 has reviewed some possible options to alter the service (by taking on new business) but these would require an alternative structure to the service.

Tenancy Services Senior Management Team (TS SMT)

Need to review support available so that account management support can be provided for external contracts. Give consideration to alternative marketing for Palatine including the location of the current retail unit. Consider whether the current staff


Garden care

30/09/2014 •

NFS sales and marketing review

30/06/2014 •

• •

Wider Management Team (WMT)


structure is appropriate to support additional growth in customer numbers.

Key projects Outline of proposed project Inclusive digital housing services

Development of new Asset Management Strategy Location Independent Working

Suggested Justification for proposed project completion date 31/03/2015 • This brings together the work from the current digital inclusion work stream (within the Welfare Reform project) and combines this with the roll out of tenant broadband and other projects during 2014-15. A Board time limited committee will also oversee the work of this project group. • 31/03/2015 • This would review the current strategy to ensure it remains fit for purpose and reflects the current NCC/YHN priorities. 31/03/2015 • This consolidates the work underway on the mobile working pilot for housing management and workforce scheduling. • The suggestion for 2014-15 is that three work streams sit underneath the overall project group. These are: o Workforce scheduling (initially Concierge, Newcastle Furniture Service); o Mobile working for Estate and Income Management (initially completion of the pilot starting in 2013-14), and o Mobile technology – device management and mobile access to corporate systems.

Suggested governance Critical project (WMT)

Critical project (WMT) Critical project (WMT)


Creation of Community Care Alarm Service (CCAS) Business Plan

Smarter Use of Information Technology (SUIT)

• 30/06/2014 •

• 31/03/2015 •

IT system for income management

30/09/2014 • •

Implementation 31/12/2014 • of the Welfare Reform Service Review •

Environmental Services IT system

30/09/2014 •

The business plan would direct the Critical project work of CCAS as it looks to (WMT) develop its customer base, upgrade its technology and manage new accommodation. This was discussed in the business and financial planning process. This brings together work looking at our strategic direction for using IT to support YHN, improving the intranet and internal communications and the reporting and analysis of information and process automation. Owing to the size of this project there will be work streams which will report into the overall SUIT project (which in turn reports to WMT).

Critical project (WMT)

The procurement of a new IT system to support aspects of the collection of rent arrears. It gives an opportunity to transform the way that income officers work in the new specialised service.

Formal project (TS SMT)

While the review has been concluded there are many items in the Service Improvement Plan which will be completed during 2014-15 and will require support from other teams in YHN. The project group (lead by the Director of Tenancy Services) will continue to monitor the Service Improvement Plan. A report to MT in January 2014 outlined the reasons for requiring a new IT system and the proposed budget for funding it. IT and Environmental Services have worked out proposed solutions, though a business case is required (expected before March 2014).

Formal project (TS SMT)

Formal project (reporting to TS SMT)


Submit application for Sustainable Homes Index For Tomorrow (SHIFT) accreditation

31/03/2015 •

Expansion of employability services

31/03/2015 •

Approach to 31/03/2015 • Equality and Diversity (E&D)

SHIFT measures YHN’s approach to environmental sustainability. The audit process is a useful benchmark of our progress made since the last application. The application criteria have altered since we last applied which means we will have to submit a full application again. This is linked to the proposed top 20 target to achieve a xx percent increase on our last SHIFT application score by 31/03/2015.

Formal project (Property Services Senior Management Team)

Formal Board approved the plans to project (CS expand the range of support the SMT) whole organisation offers to help tenants into work. This requires us to work with other external partners or employers to support the increased number of apprenticeships and Your Homes Your Jobs placements Board approved a revised approach to E&D. This project will implement the recommendations.

Formal project (CS SMT)


Service Plan 2014-15

Directorate: Chief Executives Office Service: Business Development and Procurement Purpose of the service: To deliver development opportunities and procure goods and services on behalf of Leazes Homes, YHN and Byker Community Trust Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Generated additional grant funding from the Homes and Communities Agency which supported the delivery of additional housing in the city. 2. Provided procurement and project management support to Byker Community Trust for the work to the district and group heating scheme. 3. Explored the use of private finance to support further development of new build schemes. 4. Members of the team completed or were in the process of completing professional training. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

None for this service. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and 27

appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Build 110

Build new homes

Create homes and


homes in

to increase supply

communities we all


conjunction with of desirable stock Leazes homes

can be proud of.

in the city.

by 31/03/2015. Submit 100% of

Ensure we are

Make the money

A fit for purpose

all tender

maximising our

deliver/ Create



opportunities for

homes and

for which it is

funding from HCA

communities we all

agreed we will

to deliver our new

can be proud of.

bid, to Homes

build programme.

and Communities Agency within timescales during 2014-15. Bring 15 empty

Increase the

Create homes and


properties back

supply of stock in

communities we all


into use by

high demand

can be proud of.


areas by bringing


empty homes back into use. 100% of

To ensure the

Make the money

A fit for purpose


delivery of



to be delivered


according to

within legislative 28


requirements and


securing value for

during 2014-15.


Key projects/work streams/challenges None for this service.


Directorate: Chief Execs Office Service: Governance Purpose of the service: To provide a robust governance system which enables the Board to make the right decisions about YHN’s strategic direction. Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Successfully recruiting new Chair of YHN. 2. Successfully managing the transition between the retiring and incoming Chair. 3. Completed recruitment campaign for new Board members. 4. Implemented YHN’s response to the Bribery Act. 5. Launched a Committee self-assessment tool to ensure Committees operate effectively. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

None for this service Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to


to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to


This will ensure

This relates to all our

A fit for purpose


that our Board

strategic objectives.


approaches to

works effectively

communicate with Board members by 31/03/2015. Launch revised

This target will

This relates to all our

A fit for purpose

Board and

help ensure that

strategic objectives.



Board and


Committee reports

templates by

are clearly set out


and easy to follow.

Complete a

This will help

This relates to all our

A fit for purpose

review into the

ensure that YHN

strategic objectives.


Bribery Act

meets its legal

training to

obligations under

determine its

the Bribery Act.

effectiveness by 31/10/2014. Key projects/work streams/challenges None for this service.


Directorate: Corporate Services Service: Business Strategy Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Business Strategy Service is to: •

Make YHN a customer focussed organisation which drives forward service improvement;

Support the organisation to generate income while retaining focus on social objectives, and

Ensure the Business Strategy, and its supporting strategies and plans, are delivered.

This purpose is delivered through: •


Customer Involvement;

Policy and Business Support;

Service Improvement, and

Monitoring and assurance.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Launched the new Business Strategy. 2. Achieved a ranking of 30 for Stonewall. 3. Delivered new business panel structure and governance approach. 4. Re-launched the intranet and increased the usage of it. 5. Supported the Welfare Reform Service Review and Welfare Reform project with working it out events and support to the project group from Service Quality and Communications. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.


Top 20 target


YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

outcome (why

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

we want to

relates to

achieve this) 82% of

We will use our

Work together to

A fit for purpose

customers are

Survey of

realise a brighter


satisfied with the

Tenants and


overall service


provided by YHN

(STAR) to gather

by 30/06/2014.

the views of our customers. This means we can better understand which services our customer’s value and which they feel we can improve.

Generate an

The additional

Make the money

A fit for purpose

additional 6%




(net surplus)

generated by

from external


business through

Furniture Service


supports us to

Furniture Service

deliver our

by 31/03/2015.

services to customers.

The Business Strategy Team support this


target by writing the tender submissions for Newcastle Furniture Service. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target


YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

outcome (why

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

we want to

relates to

achieve this) Evaluate the

To ensure that

Make the money

A fit for purpose

impact of the

the service






have been fully

Plan for the


Tackling inequalities.

Communications and Service Quality teams by 31/12/2014.

Our customers (internal and external) are benefiting from the changes that we have made.

Coordinate the

So that

Work together to

tenant scrutiny

customers can

realise a brighter

panels for

influence the way


projects in the

in which YHN


invests its 34



Budget scheme during 2014-15. Enable customers to verify that projects are delivering value for money. Establish a

To support other

Make the money

baseline for the

teams in YHN


amount of grant

fund projects in

Tackling inequalities.

money generated their service by the Policy and


Business Support Team during 2014-15.

Coordinate activities within our “Good to Great” programme to better coordinate our submissions for grant funding.

Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Approach to Equality and Diversity (E&D). Formal project to be completed by 31/03/2015.

Smarter Use of Information and Technology. This is a critical project that reports to Wider Management Team.


Directorate: Corporate Services Service: Customer Service and Administration Purpose of the service: The purpose of Customer Service and Admin is to ensure that: •

We deliver accessible services in a way which suits the needs of our customers;

We provide excellent customer service;

We manage and optimise administration and customer service support across the business to maximise and continually improve the quality and efficiency of our services; and

We carry out corporate administrative duties.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Eight internal services and two external services migrated to the Enquiry Centre. 2. There were no maladministration complaints made against YHN. 3. Implemented new complaints process and trained investigating officers. 4. Reporting on complaints was assessed and resulted in only reporting by exception. 5. Retained Customer Service Excellence with full compliance. 6. Maintained a satisfaction level of ‘very good’ with the YHN Admin Pool during 2013/14. 7. Management Team satisfied with the administration service provided through the year. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to


to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

None for this service. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

All scheduled

We can improve

Make the money

A fit for purpose



services due for our customer migration to the

service by dealing

enquiry centre

with telephone

during 2014-15

queries quickly

are completed

and efficiently.

within the agreed timescales. Review and

Our current

Work together to

A fit for purpose

publish our

Customer Service

realise a brighter


future approach

Strategy ends this


to how

year and we want


to want to ensure

access our

we deliver

services by

excellent customer


service. We want customers to be able to access our services in a 37

variety of ways. This could mean customers use the telephone, our website, social media, text message or face to face in our offices when they want to interact with us. Complete a

We will assess

Work together to

A fit for purpose

review of our

whether any

realise a brighter


Potential Risk




improvements can

(PRIs) by

be made to our


current system. This means that our staff, contractors and customers are not placed at unnecessary risk when we deliver our services.

Change all

Our process

Making the money

A fit for purpose





scheduled for

workstream will

review within

reduce the time


and effort our staff


put into internal

during 2014-15.

process. We will use a “lean� 38

approach and make best use of our IT systems to achieve this aim.

Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Smarter Use of Information Technology (SUIT) (process automation work stream).

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Project.

Text messaging (SMS) project.

Admin Pool Review.


Directorate: Corporate Services Service: Finance Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Finance Service is to ensure the business remains financially viable through: •

Supporting budget management to understand actual cost and income;

Carrying out financial forecasting;

Supporting new business initiatives;

Driving efficiency savings;

Providing information to Wider Management Team, Committees and Board on the overall financial picture of the business, Treasury Management and the 30 year business model;

Ensuring the integrity of the summary rent information stored in Northgate; and

Paying for goods and services.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Provided valuable support with the development of the Own your Own scheme and the New Business panel. 2. Supported service reviews. 3. Helped to maintain a strong financial position, with audit verifying financial position with no change to the position. 4. Delivered the restructure successfully. 5. Employability and Palatine board reports were received successfully. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.


Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Achieve a

This target

Make the money

A fit for purpose


challenges us to




use our financial

saving on the


2014-15 HRA

efficiently and

running costs of

means that the

£48.9 million by

money is spent on


providing services customer’s value.

Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Complete the

Finishing all the

Make the money

A fit for purpose


actions in the



actions in the







enables delivery of

plan by

new finance



Evaluate the

Managers have

Make the money

A fit for purpose

success of






confidence and

partners and

competence in


managing the

reporting by

finances of their


service area.

Finance team

Work with NCC in

Make the money

A fit for purpose

to complete all

the delivery of the

deliver / Work


milestones they

review of YHN

together for a

are responsible


brighter future.

Work with

Finance and

Make the money

A fit for purpose


Business Strategy



Strategy to

to work closely


together to allow

process that

services to make

aligns budget

budget and

setting with

business planning

business and

decisions at the


same time.

for as part of NCC review of YHN during 2014-15.

planning process for 2015-16 budgets. Key projects/work streams/challenges None for this service.


Directorate: Corporate Services Service: Human Resources /Organisational Development/Employability Purpose of the service: The purpose of Human Resources is to: •

Recruit and appoint the right people to the right jobs at the right time.

Develop the people agenda to deliver the YHN Business Strategy.

Support robust performance management across the organisation.

Support the organisation in promoting attendance, through robust absence management and contribution to wellbeing agenda.

Support structural change and contribute to the management of service reviews.

Proactively and commercially manage employee relations issues.

The purpose of Organisational Development is to: •

Enable staff to develop the required skills, knowledge and experience to deliver the YHN Business Strategy.

Support staff so they are motivated to learn, grow and perform to their full potential.

Develop leadership behaviours, standards and expectations to improve staff performance when required.

The purpose of Employability is to: •

Support unemployed tenants into employment, education and training.

Increase the skills and confidence of unemployed tenants.

Support tenants to move off benefits.

Key achievements during 2013/14


1. Implemented a new HR structure. 2. HR and OD co-located. 3. Planning and support for major change programmes including Finance, Concierge and Welfare Reform service reviews. 4. Achieved the Health and Wellbeing at Work award. 5. Implemented a Learning Management System (LMS). 6. Obtained Board approval to expand the Employability team to increase the support offered to customers to find work. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target


YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

outcome (why

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

we want to

relates to

achieve this) Reduce the

This will help us

Work together to

A fit for purpose

number of

deliver our

realise a better

council / Tackling


services for



absence days

customers. We

per full time

will continue to

equivalent to 7.5

support staff that

by 31/03/2015.

are off work ill, to help them back into work when they are able.


70% of people


Work together to

who finish an

customers into

realise a brighter

apprenticeship or

work is a key


Your Homes

priority for YHN.

A working city.

Your Jobs placement during 2014-15 to move onto further education, training or employment. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target


YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

outcome (why

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

we want to

relates to

achieve this) Develop e-forms

Streamline the

Make the money

A working city.

for recruitment




process and

processes by

reduce number of


paper forms.

Implement a

Have the right

Work together to

A fit for purpose


technology in

realise a brighter



place for efficient


system for

management of




relations cases.


relations cases by 31/12/2014. Design and

To equip

Work together to

A fit for purpose

deliver absence

managers with

realise a brighter



skills and


workshops for

knowledge to

managers on the

manage absence

NCC’s sickness

using the NCC



procedure by 31/07/2014. Roll out Learning

Increase amount

Make the money

A fit for purpose


of e-learning

deliver/ Work


System (LMS)

undertaken by

together to realise a


employees to

brighter future.

modules as per

utilise the

migration plan


during 2014-15.

Management System.

Design and

Equip managers

Work together to

deliver six stress

with the

realise a brighter


knowledge, skills


workshops for

and confidence to

managers by



manage stress in

A working city.

the workplace. Publish YHN

To publish the

Work together to

A fit for purpose

People plan by

aims and

realise a brighter



objectives of the


service delivery


in the future. Increase YHYJ

To deliver the

Work together to

placements by

growth in both

realise a brighter

10 and increase

programmes as

future/ Create homes

Apprentices by

outlined in

and communities we

20 during 2014-


can all be proud of.


board paper.

Develop and

A bespoke

Work together to


package for

realise a brighter


YHYJ and

future/ Create homes

programme for


and communities we


joining the

can all be proud of.

participants and

organisation to

apprentices by

support during


employment at

A working city.

A working city.

YHN and ensure clear exit routes into further employment, education and training. Monitor the

Help tenants off

Work together to

delivery of

benefits and into

realise a brighter


work by assisting

future/ Create homes


and offering

and communities we

Solutions to

support in

can all be proud of.

ensure the start–

business start-up.

A working city.

up of 30 new businesses during 2014-15.


Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Expansion of employability services, formal project to be completed by 31/03/2015.


Internal review of HR/OD team (formal project in our service improvement programme, scheduled for completion by 30/09/2014).


Directorate: Corporate Services Service: Information and Communications Technology Purpose of the service: The purpose of the ICT service is to provide and maintain ICT systems and services to support YHN's operations and staff. This is done through: •

Developing YHN's ICT strategy and ensuring systems are effective and secure;

Delivering robust ICT solutions to meet changing business needs;

Procuring and supporting hardware and software, from PCs to major ICT systems, and

Planning and delivering ICT training for YHN staff.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Completed major pieces of work on time and in budget such as Windows 7, Northgate Upgrade and Welfare Reform service review. 2. Successfully supported key IT projects such as the Housing Management mobile working pilot, the Learning Management System and Digital Inclusion. 3. Joint working with Communications around Sharepoint. 4. Introduced new contracts for the printers and mobile phones which resulted in substantial cost savings. 5. Changed the way the service desk is utilised which has improved satisfaction. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to


Complete the

Being able to

Work together to


search the internet

realise a brighter

for a supplier of

for cheaper utility



suppliers or

broadband by



discounts etc. can

Tackling inequalities.

help customers manage their finances. Implement

By using new

Work together to


technology we can

realise a brighter

scheduling and

equip our staff to


mobile working

deliver services

for the

more efficiently.

Concierge and

This target allows

NFS services

us to focus on the

by 30/09/2014.

delivery of our new

Tackling inequalities.

workforce scheduling software for two services which can make use of its capabilities. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to


Fix 50% of

ICT staff attempt to Work together to

incidents on

resolve any issue

realise a brighter

first contact

or fulfil requests at


during 2014-15.

the first point of

Tackling inequalities.

contact or referring on to a relevant specialist as appropriate. Meet the

Ensure that

Work together to

timescales set

requests or

realise a brighter

out in the

incidents are


Service Level

resolved within the

Agreement for

target resolution

85% of


Tackling inequalities.

requests or incidents reported during 2014-15. Deliver 85% of

Ensure that

Work together to

service and


realise a brighter


changes occur


changes to the

quickly and


accurately within


the agreed

during 2014-15.

timescales. Poorly

Tackling inequalities.

implemented or failed changes have additional costs and impacts on service availability.


Key projects/work streams/challenges There are a number of projects which IT contribute towards but they do not have overall responsibility for. These include: •

Location Independent Working;

Inclusive digital housing services;

Smarter use of information technology (SUIT);

IT system for Income Management; and

IT system for Environmental Services.


Directorate: Property Services Service: Assets and Regeneration Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Assets and Regeneration Service is to: •

Spend the investment budget effectively;

Ensure staff and contractors work safely,:

Provide support and advice to leaseholders;

Deliver all aspects of the YHN Investment Plan through: o Resident/stakeholder consultation; o Development of new regeneration schemes; o Identifying and applying for new and existing sources of funding linked with property and the environment; and o Delivery of investment projects on behalf of Leazes Homes and the Byker Community Trust.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Established a new team (once Assets and Programming, and Investment Delivery) in Property Services. This team is now embedded in the Property Services structure. 2. Achieved £50m of investment work from the new programme which had to be developed from scratch. 3. Delivered a new Participatory Budget scheme where tenants helped make spending decisions and budget priorities. 4. Energy for the Future pilot benefitted tenants who use the service. 5. Developed a detailed investment plan for remaining years of the investment programme. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.


Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Publish a new

This new strategy

Create homes and



would define the

neighbourhoods we



new vision for

can all be proud of.

Tackling inequalities.

Strategy by

continuing to


deliver investment in our estates for the next four years as well as outlining the contribution to NCC objectives for housing investment.

Deliver 4150

This target looks at Create homes and


life cycle

the total number of

neighbourhoods we




can all be proud of.

Tackling inequalities.

by 31/03/2015.

improvements we will make to our properties and ensures that these properties are maintained to a high standard.

Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this


(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Disseminate a

Enable tenants to

Create homes and


voting booklet

vote to have their

neighbourhoods we


which lists the

say in how money

can all be proud of.

Tackling inequalities.


is spent to improve

projects for the

their estate/area.


Voting would take

Budget Scheme place in November by 31/12/2014.

2014 and the results would be analysed to determine the ‘successful’ projects.

Begin the

The contractors

Create homes and



have commenced

neighbourhoods we



the estate

can all be proud of.

Tackling inequalities.

work on the

remodelling work.

Blakelaw 165 estate by 31/12/2014. Complete the

Remodelling work

Create homes and


first sheltered

completed to a

neighbourhoods we



high standard and

can all be proud of.

Tackling inequalities.

block by




Achieve a start

The contractors

Create homes and


on site by

have commenced

neighbourhoods we


31/03/2015 for

the estate

can all be proud of.

Tackling inequalities.

the 75 unit 55

facility in

remodelling work.

Central Walker. Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Development of the Assets Management Strategy. This is a critical project in our Service Improvement Programme.


Directorate: Property Services Service: Property Maintenance Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Property Maintenance Service is to enable our tenants to live in well maintained, warm and safe homes through managing: •

All aspects of repairs and maintenance;

Void reinstatement;

Minor works; and

Programmed and cyclical maintenance.

Property Maintenance is also responsible for: •

Health and Safety;

Facilities Management; and

Environmental Sustainability

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Brought in £899,482 of environmental sustainability funding. 2. The performance targets for the Repairs and Maintenance contract were met, in spite of the additional workload generated from managing significantly more void properties. 3. The servicing programme (ensuring all properties have a valid Gas Certificate) has been reduced by two weeks. All properties are serviced every 44 weeks resulting in £80K saving. 4. Ensured that 2819 of concierge properties were connected to the Enquiry Centre which exceeds the original target of 2316 properties. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 target below is the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to 57

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Repairs and

Repairs and

Create homes and



Maintenance is a

neighbourhoods we


spend to be no

high spend area

all can be proud of.

more than 3%

for the HRA and a

over the budget

key priority for

of ÂŁ20.6m

tenants in terms of

during 2014-15.

service quality. Spend is largely demand-led.

Achieve 53%

To submit the

Create homes and


from our

SHIFT application

neighbourhoods we



for the first time

all can be proud of.

Homes Index

and achieve score

For Tomorrow

of 53% or more.

(SHIFT) audit application by 31/03/2015. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Implement new

To ensure that the

Work together to



service that is

realise a brighter


slot of 10am-

offered is flexible


2pm for tenants

and meets the

booking repairs

needs of tenants. 58

by 30/09/2014. Achieve 95%

To ensure that a


high quality service realise a better future

satisfaction with

is delivered to

/ Create homes and

the Repairs and


neighbourhoods we


Work together to

Decent Neighbourhoods.

all can be proud of.

service during 2014-15. 90% of agreed

To ensure that a

Make the money

targets (11 out

high quality service deliver.

of 12) with City

is delivered to

Build meet or


A fit for purpose council.

exceed their target value during 2014-15. Upgrade and

To complete the

Create homes and

A fit for purpose

connect 95%

rollout of the

neighbourhoods we


of 1013 of

upgrade to

all can be proud of.


intercom systems.

properties scheduled for connection to the Enquiry Centre by 31/03/2015. Present to the

YHN to implement

Work together to

A fit for purpose


a new Health and

realise a brighter


meeting of our

Safety Policy.


Board the proposed Health and 59

Safety Policy. Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Submit application for Sustainable Homes Index For Tomorrow (SHIFT) accreditation. Formal project to be completed by 31/03/2015. This is linked to the top 20 target to achieve 53% from our Sustainable Homes Index For Tomorrow (SHIFT) audit application by 31/03/2015.


Directorate: Property Services Service: Technical Services Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Technical Services Service is to: •

Ensure our Investment Programme is delivered in line with YHN’s Business Strategy and NCC’s corporate goals and objectives.

Technical lead for YHN in the delivery of construction works and provision of technical support to sections in YHN, Leazes Homes and the Byker Trust.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. The team has been able to support apprenticeships with our contract partners by working with Procurement and Employability. 2. The team has supported an apprentice led investment scheme by working with City Build. 3. The team has integrated well with the new team members from City Design (NCC team) and has increased their technical skills by job shadowing with other team members. 4. Worked closely with NCC to deliver the upgrade to Fenham Library. 5. Worked with Leazes Homes to deliver their new build schemes. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Deliver 4150

This target looks at Create homes and


life cycle

the total number of

neighbourhoods we




can all be proud of.

/Tackling inequalities.


by 31/03/2015.

improvements we will make to our properties and ensures that these properties are maintained to a high standard.

Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Complete 100% Ensuring all work

Create homes and


of the work for

is completed on

neighbourhoods we


Leazes Homes

time and to the

all can be proud of.

to the agreed




during 2014-15.

Failure to do so has repercussions and impacts on future work.


Formalise an

This would

Work together to

agreement with

enhance the skills

realise a brighter

contractors to

and employability


recruit two

of two tenants as

tenants from

well as ensuring

Your Homes,

that the contractor

Your Jobs

is recruiting local

(YHYJ) /


A working city.

apprenticeships during 2014-15. Achieve a start

To have

Work together to

on site by

commenced work

realise a brighter

31/3/2015 on a

on the new build


new apprentice

scheme which is

led new build



where experienced

A working city.

trades work alongside apprentices to complete works from beginning-toend. To achieve a

The contractors

Work together to

start on site for

have commenced

realise a brighter


the replacement of


replacement of

the Palatine roof.

A working city.

the Palatine roof by 31/1/2014.


Key projects/work streams/challenges: None for this service.


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: Advice and Support Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Advice and Support Service is to: •

Prevent homelessness and sustain tenancies by providing appropriate support to vulnerable individuals and households, and

Promote financial inclusion to maximise income for tenants and YHN.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Provided support to project supporting customers affected by the benefit cap. 2. Took on over 1000 additional referrals as a result of the under occupation visits. 3. Delivered training on Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments. 4. Generated approximately £2.5 to £3 million for customers. 5. Work provided by the service resulted in 98% of the tenancies that the team work with being sustained. 6. Applied for Discretionary Housing Payments for over 400 tenants during the March 2014, due to Housing Benefits being awarded an additional £860,000 which had to be spent by 31 March 2014. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Carry out a

A reduction in

Make the money

A fit for purpose

service review




of Advice and

funding to NCC in

Support, and

turn puts pressure

Young Peoples’

on Supporting 65

service by

People funding for


our Advice and Support and Young Peoples Service this year. We need to ensure that the services are structured in the most effective way to continue providing support to customers.

Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Generate ÂŁ3m

Access funds to

Make the money

A fit for purpose

for customers

help customers



by 31/3/2015.

remain in their

(ÂŁ750,000 of


this to be made up from Discretionary Housing Payment, Housing Benefit (HB) and backdated HB 66

all of which go directly onto rent accounts)


Ensure rent

Make the money

A fit for purpose


collection is




maximised through

between advice

effective operating

and support

practices between

officers and

income officers

income officers

and advice and

by 30/9/2014.




Work together to

A fit for purpose

sustain 98% of

accessing advice

realise a brighter



and support


during 2014-15.

receive the support required to sustain their tenancy.

Comply with the Continue positive

Work together to

A fit for purpose

targets in the


realise a brighter


Service Level

relationship with


Agreement with

NCC by delivering

NCC wellbeing

on the targets in

care and

Service Level

learning during




20 successful

Customers who

Work together to

referrals into

have used the

realise a brighter


advice and support



service to


complete YHN



during 2014-15.

programme to

A working city.

improve employability. 100 referrals

Customers who

Work together to


have used advice

realise a brighter


and support


education and

service are moved


on and referred to



during 2014-15.

services to move

A working city.

them closer to the labour market.

Key projects/work streams/challenges •

The Advice and Support and Young Peoples’ Service review which is part of our Service Improvement Programme.


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: Community Care Alarm Service (CCAS) and Sheltered Housing Service Purpose of the service: The purpose of Care Services is to: •

Provide a housing management and support service to sheltered housing and learning disability schemes across the city; and


Provide a responsive, flexible support and care service to clients, through the enquiry centre, Telecare and mobile response services, to reduce admissions to residential and nursing homes.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Expanded the remit of the enquiry centre by taking on the calls for the new service areas migrated to it. 2. Successfully delivered the re-enablement pilot. 3. Submitted the Care Quality Commission registration on time. 4. Supported the development of the new extra care services resulting in an increase in the number of telecare customers. 5. Achieved Platinum award with the Telecare Services Association. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Publish a

The development

Make the money

A fit for purpose

Business Plan

of a business plan



for Community

would direct the

Care Alarm

work of CCAS as it


Service (CCAS)

looks to review its

by 30/06/2014.

service offering, develop its customer base, increase revenue generation, upgrade its technology and manage new accommodation.

Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Increase the


Make the money

A fit for purpose

number of

additional income




for the service.

using telecare by 10% (net .

growth) by 31/3/2015. Reduce the re-

Reduce the re-let

Make the money

A fit for purpose

let time of

time performance,




while the


modernisation of

properties to 50

our sheltered

days by

housing properties



takes place.


Implement the

Work together to

A working city / A fit


structure that

realise a brighter

for purpose council.

review of the

ensures the

future / Make the


business support

money deliver.

support team by team can deliver 31/05/2014.

its objectives.

Review and

Carry out review of

Work together to

A working city / A fit


senior sheltered

realise a brighter

for purpose council


officers to ensure

future/ Make the

review of senior

that structure is fit

money deliver.


for purpose.

housing officers by 31/08/2014. Develop a

Have a

Make the money

A fit for purpose





dashboard for

framework and

monitoring the

reporting system in

performance of

place that easily

the Enquiry

manage the

Centre by

performance of


enquiry centre staff.

Allocate all

Maximise rental

Create homes and


properties in

income of

neighbourhoods we



Teasdale House,

all can be proud of.

House by

have a desirable


block for residents to live in.


Implement night

Expand the

Create homes and


care service for

service offered by

neighbourhoods we



sheltered service

can all be proud of.

using the

to include night



Service by 31/08/2014. Care services to To ensure the

Make the money


pass the short

service has

deliver/ Create


notice 2014-15

complies with the

homes and

Care Quality

standards of the

neighbourhoods we


Care Quality

can all be proud of.





Key projects/work streams/challenges None for this service.


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: Concierge Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Concierge Service is to help make our blocks a safe and nice place to live through: •

Managing access to properties;

Monitoring CCTV and responding to incidents;

Cleaning and maintaining communal areas, and

Providing the role of a ‘good neighbour’ to tenants.

Carrying out Fire Safety Inspections to all Concierge Blocks

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Continued to deliver Concierge Service review implementation plan. 2. Worked closely with Human Resources to manage sickness, grievance and disciplinary cases. 3. Introduction of the Responsive service who in additional to covering lodges have also started to complete communal repairs at considerable cost savings e.g. an estimated £72k saving from clearing blocked bin chutes. 4. Sourcing external Technical training to support Response Team role. 5. Close working with Property Maintenance to ensure the Top 20 target re linking of tenants in Concierge Properties into the Enquiry Centre was exceeded YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 target below is the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to



Allow greater

Work together to


efficiencies in use

realise a brighter

scheduling and

of workforce.


mobile working

Provides robust

solution for


A working city.

concierge/respo information. nsive service by Enables effective 30/9/2014. stock control. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Evaluate the

Evaluate the

Work together to

A working city / A fit

impact of the

review to see if the

realise a brighter

for purpose council.


outcomes set out

future / Make the

service review

for the review have

money deliver.

by 31/03/2015.

been met.

All blocks to

Ensure a high

Create homes and


achieve a

consistent level of

neighbourhoods we



service throughout

all can be proud of.

standard of

the city.

level four in inspection by 31/03/2015. Work with

The service offers

Create homes and

Tenants and

a flexible service to neighbourhoods we




the needs of



and the


can all be proud of.


Tenants Federation to ensure work and schedules reflect block needs during 2014-15. Achieve ÂŁ200K

Demonstrate the

Make the money

A fit for purpose


review has



savings by

delivered efficiency



Key projects/work streams/challenges None for this service.


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: Environmental Services Purpose of the service: The purpose of Environmental Services is to ensure our estates are safe, clean and attractive through: •

Managing the Estate Services, and Facilities Services, Service Level Agreements (SLA) with Newcastle City Council;

Delivering a Garden Care Service;

Supporting Tenancy and Estate Management to improve our estates

Facilitating the Community Payback project, and

Managing our Community Environmental Assistants (CEA’s).

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Worked well with Newcastle City Council (NCC) to develop partnership working including developing a street warden pilot across the city with NCC and offering the Garden Care service as part of NCC’s home improvement scheme. 2. Became more cost effective by reducing the running costs of the Garden Care service and using community payback for £42k of work. 3. Set up contracts with Leazes Homes to support the management of their soft landscaping in new build sites. 4. Advised Byker Community Trust on tenant led inspections. 5. Supervisors training provided to all managers and supervisors in the team. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 target below is the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to


80% of all YHN

We know that

Create homes and


estates to score

customers want

neighbourhoods we


over 70% in

their estates to be

all can be proud of.

their 2014-15

clean, tidy and well

going for gold


inspections. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Evaluate the

Ensure effective

Work together to

A fit for purpose


working between

realise a brighter







Make the money

A fit for purpose

preferred IT

management and



system to

service information


across all YHN





between EST and Tenancy and Estate management by 31/12/2014.

by 30/09/2014.


Deliver a pilot

Working with

Create homes and


“YHN garden” if

tenants to develop

neighbourhoods we

neighbourhoods / A

approved by

skills and grow

all can be proud of.

working city.

YHN MT during

own produce.

2014-15. Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Environmental Services IT system. Formal project to be completed by 30/09/2014.

Complete a review of the Garden Care service by 30/09/2014.


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: Housing Options Purpose of the service: The purpose of Housing Options is to: •

Support YHN, Newcastle City Council and other providers to allocate properties in a way which makes best use of stock.

Lead the voids and lettings process across all YHN managed properties, including specialist accommodation

Support tenancy sustainment by ensuring customers are tenancy ready at the point of offer

Enable financial independence through pre-tenancy support

Provide a health and housing support service to customers with complex and specific needs

Manage partnerships which relate to Housing Options.

This purpose is delivered through: •

Housing Options

Health and Housing Support

Partnership and Performance

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Ensured all Registered Housing Providers in the city are formally signed up to the Tyne and Wear Homes partnership and rolled out training to these organisations, generating an annual income to the partnership of over £35,000. 2. Through the Tyne and Wear Homes partnership obtained £87,000 grant funding towards a dedicated Armed Forces Outreach Service, which will have an Officer based in Newcastle. 3. Continued to embed the Abritas IT system across the Tyne and Wear Homes partnership. 4. Developed a pre-tenancy risk assessment process for customers seeking rehousing.


5. Supported the response to welfare reform, including an Incentive Scheme for customers needing to downsize and Swap It Events to promote exchanges. 6. Agreed a process to determine the sustainability of accommodation managed by YHN to ensure we make best use of stock and support local communities. 7. Worked with BCT to re-market Byker properties. 8. Provided ongoing support to housing management colleagues to achieve re-let targets for void properties. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

None for this service. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to


Develop the

Make the money

A fit for purpose

awareness of

Housing Options




Service offered by

Options Service


to promote it to new markets 80

during 2014-15. Work with

Ensure effective

Make the money

A fit for purpose

Tenancy &

working between




services and

Management to

improve efficiency

achieve 30 %

of income

reduction of


current arrears transferring to former tenant arrears by 31/03/2014. Spend no more

This ensures that

Make the money

A fit for purpose

than ÂŁ1.7

we receive value



million on

for money for the


adaptations that

during 2014-15.

we complete.

Key projects/work streams/challenges None for this service.


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: Income and Tenancy Management Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Income and Tenancy Management service is to: • Report and monitor repairs; • Support the delivery of improvement programmes; • Support tenancy sustainment; • Deal with Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB); • Provide a victim-centred approach to ASB which prioritises personal harm and Support and advise local teams to resolve ASB cases • Collect income when it is due to prevent arrears and Manage, collect and minimise arrears • Manage complex rent arrears cases that have been referred for legal action, including possession, evictions, bankruptcies and debt relief orders; • Negotiate repayment plans with tenants referred for legal action, and • Represent the organisation at court.

This purpose is delivered through the following teams: •

Tenancy & Estate Management

Rent Recovery


Housing, Anti Social Behaviour and Enforcement Team (HASBET)

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Continued to provide an excellent service despite the impact of Welfare Reform and a service review. 2. Worked on projects such as the mobile working programme. 3. Delivered a mobile working pilot 4. Collected 98.44% of rent and service charges owed. 5. Achieved the former tenant arrears target.


6. Exceeded the Leasehold service charge target. 7. Something about number of new build units managed 8. Something about strengthening partnerships with MAPPA, MARAC & Safeguarding. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Collect 98.56%

The amount of

Make the money

A fit for purpose

of rent and

money we collect



service charges

directly contributes


to the provision of


our services.

arrears brought forward and void rent loss) during 2014-15. The void rent

Allocating our

Make the money

A fit for purpose

loss amount not

empty properties



to exceed

quickly means we

1.07% during

can help re-house


customers who need to move home and reduce the amount of rent that we lose when a property is


empty. No more than

We provide

Make the money

A fit for purpose

0.39% of

support to



tenants to be

customers who

evicted for rent

may be struggling

arrears during

to manage their


tenancy and may have rent arrears. This target will ensure that the support we are providing is effective and supporting customers during 2014-15.

Achieve 100%

We want to deliver

Work together to

A fit for purpose

success rate

an excellent

realise a brighter


against the Key

service to



customers who live

Indicators, as

in properties

agreed with

owned by the


Byker Community


Trust (BCT) and

Trust and

Leazes Homes.

Leazes Homes, by 31/03/2015. The average

The way that YHN

Create homes and


number of days

responds to

neighbourhoods we


taken to

complaints of anti-

all can be proud of.

complete an

social behaviour


investigation of

affects customer’s


quality of life and


our ability to

cases not to

manage our

exceed 46 days

estates effectively.

by 31/03/2015. Publish an

The move to a

Make the money

A fit for purpose


specialist housing



report to


determine the

service which

effectiveness of

provides additional

the Welfare

support to

Reform Service

customers is a

Review by

significant change


for YHN. This target will allow us to check that these changes have made the difference we planned.

Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target


YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

outcome (why

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

we want to

relates to

achieve this)


Increase the


overall number of information for customers

customers and

accessing their

increased self

accounts on-line

service so officer

by 31/03/2015

time can be used

from the 2013-14

more effectively.

Make the money

A fit for purpose



year end number. 95% of anti-

Improved case

Work together to


social behaviour

management of

realise a brighter


(ASB) cases



Evaluate the

Ensure effective

Work together to

A fit for purpose


working between

realise a brighter





30% reduction of

Ensure effective

Make the money

A fit for purpose

current arrears

working between



transferring to

services and

former tenant


arrears by

efficiency of



responded to within target timescales during 2014-15.

between EST and Tenancy and Estate management by 31/12/2014.

management. 86

Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Inclusive digital housing services. Critical project to be completed by 31/03/2015.

IT system for income management. Formal project to be completed by 30/09/2014.

Implementation of the Welfare Reform Service Review. Formal project to be completed by 31/12/2014.


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: NFS and Palatine Purpose of the service: The purpose of NFS and Palatine is to: •

Promote independence, sustainability and regeneration in neighbourhoods through the provision of furniture items, including child safety equipment, to customers across the North East.

To generate additional income from external business to support YHN’s financial viability.

Offer employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Key achievements during 2013/14 1. Retained supported business status. 2. ISO9001 and 14001 accreditations retained and associated processes improved. 3. Established partnerships with Percy Hedley, Changing Lives and JET. 4. New initiatives such as Own you Own scheme, twilight shifts have been implemented and the Fareshare Partnership has expanded. 5. Successfully implemented the stock management system. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 targets below are the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Generate an

The additional

Make the money

A fit for purpose

additional 6%

income generated



(net surplus)

by Newcastle

from external

Furniture Service


supports us to 88


deliver our


services to



Service by 31/03/2015. Implement

By using new

Make the money

A fit for purpose


technology we can



scheduling and

equip our staff to

mobile working

deliver services

for the

more efficiently.

Concierge and NFS services by 30/09/2014. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target


YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want to

outcome (why

objective this

relates to


we want to

relates to

achieve this) Palatine Reduce the deficit

This means we

Make the money

A fit for purpose

in Palatine’s

are looking to



accounts to the

reduce the

agreed level (to be

overall cost of

agreed by

running Palatine


by increasing

Committee) by

the amount of


money we make 89

from selling our products. Maintain

This allows us

Work together to


to offer

realise a brighter

Business’ status

employment to


throughout 2014-

people who are



Support 7 per cent

This is a target

Work together to

of Workchoice

for the work

realise a brighter

staff into full time



employment by

programme. We


want to offer

A working city.

A working city.

employment opportunities to our staff.

Present the

Having our

Make the money

A fit for purpose





Improvement Plan


from the sales and

agree the

marketing review


to the June



Plan means we


can start developing the services we offer from NFS and Palatine.

Retain ISO9001


Make the money

A fit for purpose






during 2014-15.

means we can continue to deliver our services.

No product fails

This safety test

Make the money

A fit for purpose

any flammability

ensures that we



test carried out

can continue to

during 2014-15.

sell our products to customers.

Complete the

This ensures

Make the money

A fit for purpose

replacement of the

that the



roof on our


manufacturing site

site is

to the agreed

maintained to a

timescales during

high standard.

2014-15. Create a

The framework

Make the money

A fit for purpose

mobilisation plan

sets out over



by 31/12/1014 to

four years how

deliver services to

we will provide

regions outlined in

services across

the Northern

the whole


country. A



framework due for

plan will allow

the service in

us to prepare


for this challenge.



Retain ISO9001 This accreditation

Make the money

A fit for purpose

and ISO14001

means we can



during 2014-15.

continue to deliver our services.

Present the

Having our

Make the money

A fit for purpose






Committee agree

Plan from the

the Service

sales and

Improvement Plan


means we can

review to the

start developing


the services we


offer from NFS and



Report to the

This procurement

Make the money

A fit for purpose

July meeting of

means that we



our Board the

have suppliers of

results for the

stock to NFS that

framework for

offers value for



Work together to

A fit for purpose

procurement for supplier was only

realise a brighter


a financial

contracted for six


provider for

months. This

Own Your Own

procurement offers

by 01/06/2014.

a longer term deal

procurement. Complete

Our current

to the chosen supplier to build a relationship with NFS on the Own 92

Your Own scheme. Deliver two

This helps market

Working together to

publicity events

and promotes the

realise a brighter

to external

service to external



customers and

about Own

encourages them

Your Own by

to join the scheme,


so they can offer

Tackle inequalities.

the service to their tenants. Provide the

This means we

Working together to

Own Your Own

have a good

realise a brighter

service to all

reputation as a



contractor with our

providers within

new partners.

agreed launch

Customers of our

dates during

external partners


also benefit from

Tackle inequalities.

the Own Your Own Scheme. Report to June

We always have a

Make the money

Fit for purpose


number of items of



Committee for


approval to

goods that we

launch a

cannot re-issue to

second hand

our customers but


would be suitable

business for

to sell as second


hand items to


another landlord.


Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Location independent working (leading the workforce scheduling work stream)


Sales and marketing review


Directorate: Tenancy Services Service: Young Peoples Service Purpose of the service: The purpose of the Young People’s Service is to provide an intensive support service to young people and families. The service enables them to manage their home so they can remain together wherever possible and thrive in the community in which they live. Key achievements during 2013/14 1. The Family Intervention Project team took part in a BBC documentary raising the profile of the work of the team and YHN. 2. Service grew to provide support to young people leaving care, which is seen as national best practice. 3. Provided conciliation services for young people threatened by homelessness. 4. Developed a new process for supporting care leavers so route from care to independence avoided homelessness. YHN Top 20 targets The Top 20 target below is the most important to the success of YHN. Performance against this target will be reported to Wider Management Team and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. Top 20 target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to

Carry out a

A reduction in

Make the money

A fit for purpose

service review




of Advice and

funding to NCC in

Support, and

turn puts pressure

Young Peoples’

on Supporting

service by

People funding for


our Advice and 95

Support and Young Peoples Service this year. We need to ensure that the services are structured in the most effective way to continue providing support to customers. Service targets The targets below are monitored by Service Managers and Directors. Managers must ensure that all service targets are incorporated into individual 121’s and appraisals to enable local monitoring. Service target

Desired outcome

YHN strategic

NCC objective this

(what we want

(why we want to

objective this

relates to

to achieve)

achieve this)

relates to


Aim of the work

Create homes and


sustain 98% of

with service users

communities we all



is successful

can be proud of.

during 2014-15.

management of their tenancy.


Income generation

Make the money

A fit for purpose

ÂŁ40,000 in

helps the delivery




of services.

and grants during 2014-15. Increase by

Work with

Create homes and


50 % number of

Newcastle 16 plus

communities we all


to team to offer an 96

care leavers

expanded service


of support to care

Young Peoples

leavers for their

Service for

transition into

support into

independent living

tenancy by

as part of new


service level

can be proud of.

agreement with NCC. Comply with the Achieve the

Work together to

A fit for purpose

targets in the

targets set in the

realise a brighter


SLA with NCC

SLA with


wellbeing care

Wellbeing Care

and learning

and Learning for

during 2014-15.

the delivery of YPS services on behalf of NCC. To ensure continuation of the contract.

Key projects/work streams/challenges •

Service review work stream, to help deliver the service review.


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