Mutual exchange – closed list customers summary (Service Quality) 39 customers answered the survey. The key points are below: Most of the customers who responded had not moved via mutual exchange in the last 12 months (34 customers/ 87.18%)
The main reasons that stopped customers moving after registering for mutual exchange was that they did not see a property they liked (11 customers/ 36.67%), 23.33% (7 customers) found the system too difficult to use.
Customers found out about mutual exchange through reading on YHN or Tyne and Wear Homes website (14 customers/ 41.18%)
The main reason that customers wanted to move was to get a bigger/smaller property (19 customers/ 63.33%)
Most customers had not advertised their home themselves (21 customers/ 63.64%)
Most customers did not move via mutual exchange in the end (14 customers/ 42.42%).
Customers felt the best ways to promote mutual exchange were: o Advertise mutual exchange on YHN social media (19 customers/ 55.88%) o Send customers a regular newsletter (19 customers/ 55.88%) o Hold customer mutual exchange events in local areas (16 customers/ 47.06%)
Customers are put off moving through mutual exchange because: o The process was too long and that’s what puts people off moving with mutual exchange (12 customers/ 35.29%) o People don’t expect to find a property they like via mutual exchange (15 customers/ 44.12%) o People forget they are registered and aren’t prompted to revisit Tyne and Wear Homes (12 customers/ 35.29%)
40% (14 customers) felt the process was difficult. Break down for the other customers is below: o Very easy – 22.86% (8 customers) o Easy – 28.57% (10 customers) o Very difficult – 8.57% (3 customers)
Overall more customers found it very easy or easy.
Reasons given why customer found the process difficult/very difficult o frustration at not being able to get anyone to swap with them 1
the system was hard to work having to go through many obstacles to get a swap issues with repairs at the home the customer moved to frustration with lack of response from customers contacted about a swap when they are live on the system o frustration when contacting customer to find people have already swapped but their homes are still listed on the system o poor customer service from staff and errors made by landlords (not named) o o o o
Reasons given why customers found the process easy/very easy – o the system was easy to use and helpful o it was easy to register o it was easy to contact YHN for help o YHN kept customer involved via email and post all the way o the process was straightforward o one customer found their exchange through a customer event and found this process very helpful as they met their fellow swapper at the event, swapped photos and the process was completed in 6 weeks o online process was easy to work o it’s easy to look for properties
About the respondents: The majority of customers who responded were in employment (8 customers/ 32% in part time employment and 7 customers/ 28% in full time employment) The majority of customers who responded were female (21 customers/ 84%) The majority of customers who responded were aged 25 to 34 (14 customers/ 56%) The majority of customers who responded were not disabled (23 customers/ 92%) The majority of customers who responded were white (23 customers/ 92%) The majority of customers who responded were Christian (13 customers/ 54.17%) The majority of customers who responded were heterosexual (23 customers/ 92%)
Mutual exchange – transfer list customers summary 37 customers answered the survey. The key points are below:
Most customer who answered registered in the past six months (18 customers/ 48.65%) however seven customers (18.92%) had registered over two years ago. The main reason customers want to move is to get a bigger or smaller property (15 customers/ 41.67%) Seven customers (19.44%) were not aware they could be eligible to move via mutual exchange. Most customers who had not registered for a mutual exchange had not registered as they did not feel confident that they would find a property that they wanted through mutual exchange (16 customers/ 45.71%). The main ways customers felt we should promote mutual exchange were: o Provide customers with more information on the mutual exchange process (18 customers/ 48.65%) o Advertise mutual exchange more on YHN social media outlets (18 customers/ 48.65%) o Send customers a regular newsletter (16 customers/ 43.24%) The key information customers felt would encourage them to register for mutual exchange were: o Information on how to effectively search and find properties (18 customers/ 48.65%) o Information on what to do if they find a property and want to exchange (16 customers/ 43.24%) o Information on how to register for mutual exchange (14 customers/ 37.84%) o Information on how they qualify for mutual exchange (13 customers/ 35.14%)
About the respondents: The majority of customers who responded were in part time employment (10 customers/ 27.78%) The majority of customers who responded were female (32 customers/ 86.49%) The majority of customers who responded were not disabled (29 customers/ 82.86%) The majority of customers who responded were white (27 customers/ 72.97%) The majority of customers who responded were Christian (19 customers/ 51.35%) The majority of customers who responded were heterosexual (34 customers/ 94.44%) 3