homes & people Bringing you all the news that matters to you
July/August 2017
Your Time Your Space
Modern living at Tree Top Village, Walker
Emergency contacts Housing Anti-Social Behaviour and Enforcement (team (HASBET) ASB can take many different forms, ranging from threatening behaviour and hate crime to loud music to untidy gardens. Don’t suffer in silence, report now to our dedicated officers on 0191 278 8740. Repairs and Maintenance service YHN is jointly responsible with you for looking after your home. We rely on you to inform us of repairs as soon as possible so that work can be arranged. To report a repair call 0191 278 7878 or text “FIX” to 80800. For emergency repairs outside of opening hours email Housing Options Centre To speak to someone about applying for a new home, contact us on 0191 277 2020. Housing Advice Centre If you need housing advice, are at immediate risk of homelessness or are homeless and have nowhere to stay please contact the Housing Advice Centre on 0191 277 1711 or visit us at 112 Pilgrim St, Newcastle NE1 6SQ.
Income If you’ve made a claim for Universal Credit, want to make a rent payment, set up a Direct Debit, need some budgeting help or have any queries about your rent account call your income officer on 0191 278 8600. Envirocall We are your single point of contact for environmental services delivered within Newcastle. This includes things like reporting fly tipping, street cleaning, rubbish and recycling, planting and vandalism. Call us at Newcastle City Council on 0191 278 7878 or report and track online at My Leasehold YHN manage properties that were sold under the Right to Buy on a leasehold basis. If you are a leaseholder and have any queries call us on 0191 278 7725 or email us at My Concierge We provide Council tenants and leaseholders and Byker Community Trust tenants living in flats across Newcastle with a Concierge service that includes things from building cleaning to a response service. To contact your concierge service call 0191 278 8600.
0191 278 8633 †dvb K‡i Avcwb GKwU wjwLZ Abyev‡`i Rb¨ ej‡Z cv‡ib| GB Z_¨ nj BDi †nvg wbDK¨vmj- KvDw݇ji dvwb©Pvi mvwf©m mg‡Ü hviv †Ubv›U‡`i Ni evox mvRv‡Z mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ Newcastle Furniture dvwb©PServices vi mieivn K‡i| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“bservice YHN Housing 0191 278 8633 GBServices Z_¨ nj Avcbvi †i›U GKvD›U wbKvm) m¤^‡1566 Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq Rent YHN Housing Services @ YHN Housing @ East End (fvovi wnmve 0191 278 cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633
Walker YHN Housing Services @ West End
YHN Housing Services @ Kenton 0191 277 4360 YHN Housing @ Outer West 0191 277 Z_¨ 7940 GBServices Z_¨ nj Avcbvi Ni evox †givgZ Ki‡Z PvIqv m¤^‡Ü|GB hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq
Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 GB Z_¨ nj †Ubv›U‡`i KvDw݇ji Ni evox †Kbvi AwaKvi m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq 这是有关您的租金账户的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 0191 278 cÖ ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 8633 索取。 Rent 這是關於您的租金賬戶的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 0191 278 GB Z_¨ nj wbDKvm¨vj KvDw݇ji †Ubv›U council wnmv‡e Avcbvi `vq m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨want hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb Repairs Tenancy 这是有关要求维修您的住房的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 0191 This is ‘Homes téléphoner & People’ the for Newcastle tenants and`vwqZ¡ leaseholders. If you this information in your aunewsletter 0191 278GB 8633 obtenir traduction écrite. 278 8633 索取。 fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j bv¤^vpour ‡i †dvb Ki“b-une 0191 278 8633 8633 索取。 own language we will arrange for an interpreter to help you on 0191 278 8600. This information is also available in easy Right to Buy 这是有关租客有权购买他们的市政房屋的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致 GB Z_¨ nj Avgv‡`i †jwUs mvwf©m( fvov welqK) m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ ‡qvRb nq YCH Repairs 這是關於如何要求維修您住房的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 read, large print, and audio tape. We can also arrange for you to see a British Sign Language interpreter. 0191 电Braille 0191 索取。 Zvn‡j GB278 bv¤^8633 v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633 278 8633 索取。 Tenancy 这是有关您作为纽卡斯尔市政租客所需要承担的责任的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语 Newcastle Furniture informations concernent le service « mobilier de Your Homes qui fournit du mobilier GB Z_¨ nj BDi †nvgm wbDK¨vmj mg‡Ü| Ges Avgiv » wKfv‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb Newcastle, KiwQ †m mg‡Ü| BDi †nvgm wbDK¨vmj, YHN + Ces Rightgeneral/Homes to Buy 這是關於租客有權購買他們的市政房屋的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致 言版本,请致电 0191 8633 索取。 dans leur logement. Si vous avez besoin de ces service aux locataires pour les278 aider àKvDw݇ji s’installer wbDK¨vmj wmwU8633 KvDw݇ji c‡¶ Ni evox e¨e¯’vcbvi `vwqZ¡cÖvß| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb People 電 0191 278 索取。 YCH 这是有关我们的出租服务的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 0191 278 informations oubv¤^ dans une autre téléphonez 0191 278 8600 fvlvq cÖ‡qvRben nqfrançais Zvn‡j GB v‡i †dvb Ki“b- langue, 0191 8633 au : 0191 278 8633. Tenancy 這是關於您作為紐卡素市政府租客所需要承擔的責任的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語 8633informations 索取。 Rent Ces concernent votre loyer. Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en français ou YHN general / Homes + dans 这是有关代表纽卡斯尔市政府(Newcastle City Council)负责管理市政房屋的 Your Homes Newcastle 言版本,請致電 0191 278 8633 索取。 une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. People (您的纽卡斯尔住房)组织的信息,内容解释了我们是如何运作。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其 Repairs Ces informations concernent les demandes de travaux pour votre logement. Si vous avez 0191 besoin de YCH 這是關於我們的出租服務的信息。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它語言版本,請致電 278 它语言版本,请致电 0191 278 ces en français ou8633 dans索取。 une autre langue, téléphonez au : 0191 278 8633. 8633informations 索取。 Right to Buy / Homes + Ces informations concernent les droits des locataires relatifs à l’acquisition de leur logement social. YHN general 這是關於 Your Homes Newcastle(您的紐卡素住房)機構的信息,內容解釋了我們代表紐卡素市政府 Si vous avez besoin de ces informations en français ou dans une autre langue, téléphonez au : People (Newcastle City Council)負責管理市政房屋以及如何運作。如果您需要此信息的廣東話版本或其它 0191 278 8633. 語言版本,請致電 0191 278 8633 索取。 @ói@óäb îŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @NóäbmóØòìíäb‚@ñòìó䆋ÙØbš@üi@ðîŒaí‚a†@ðmóïäüš@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ Tenancy Ces informations concernent vos responsabilités en tant que locataire de la municipalité de Repairs HN general / Homes + Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 0191 278 8633 @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ Si vous deآن ces informations enدرfrançais dans uneدرﺑﺎره autreاﻃﻼﻋﺎت langue, ،Newcastle. ﺷﻬﺮدارى ﻧﻴﻮﻛﺎﺳﻞ از ﺳﻮىavez ﺳﺎزﻣﺎنbesoin اﻳﻦ.اﺳﺖ ﻋﻤﻠﻜﺮد ﻧﯿﻮﮐﺎﺳﻞ« و ﻫﺎى ﺷﻤﺎou ﺧﺎﻧﻪ » ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن اﻳﻦ eople téléphonez au :ﻫﺎى 0191 8633. @ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @NòŠb’@ñaŠü’@ðäbØòìíäb‚@î ‹Ø@üi@çbåï“å–‹Ø@Àbà@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ دﻳﮕﺮ ﺑﺎ ﺷﻤﺎره ﺗﻠﻔﻦ زﺑﺎن278 ﻳﺎlíngua, ﻓﺎرﺳﻰ زﺑﺎن اﻃﻼﻋﺎت ﺑﻪ ﻧﻴﺎز ﺑﻪoﺻﻮرت .دارد ﻣﺴﺌﻮﻟﻴﺖ اداره ﺧﺎﻧﻪﻫﺎى دوﻟﺘﻰ را ﺑﻪ ﻋﻬﺪه <português> ou noutra queira ligarاﻳﻦ para 0191 در 278 8633. Right to Buy YCH Ces informations concernent notre service location. @óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ Si vous avez besoin de ces278 informations en Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 278 8633de .ﺑﮕﻴﺮﻳﺪ ﺗﻤﺎس ٠١٩١٢٧٨٨۶٣٣ 0191 8600 Rent Esta informação refere-se à sua0191 renda. Se @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra françaisqueira ou dans une autre langue, au : 0191 278 8633. @m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @Npara óîa‡Ý—bØüïä@óÜ@Šb’@ñaŠü’@ðÙ—åï“å–‹Ø@íØòì@òí—÷@ðäbØóïmóîb‹qŠói@ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ língua, ligar o 0191 278téléphonez 8633. Tenancy YHN general / Homes + Esta Ces informations concernent Your Homes Newcastleem : qui chargé gérer les logements sociaux Repairs informação refere-se ao8633 pedido de reparações suaest casa. Se de precisar desta informação em Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí— q@0191 278 @ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ@ðäbàŒ@ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ People au nom de ðäbàŒ@ la ou municipalité de Newcastle et para comment nous procédons. Si vous avez <português> noutra queira ligar o 0191 278 8633. ói@ pòŠbió@ @Šóè@ bî@ ñ†ŠíØ@ ói@ óäbîŠbïäaŒ@língua, ãó÷@ m‹ Šòì@ óÜ@ çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @ Nóîóá—÷@ ð–‹Ø@ ðäbØómóà‚@ óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ ãó÷ besoin de ces Right to Buy YCH Esta informação refere-se direito os langue, inquilinos têm de comprar a sua social. Se informations en français ouao dans uneque autre téléphonez au : 0191 278habitação 8633. Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@0191 278 8633@ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ
0191 278 8455 0191 277 1484
Right to Buy Rent
Tenancy YCH
YHN general / Homes + People
YHN general / Homes +
People Right to Buy
Tenancy YCH YHN general / Homes + People
page 2
precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. @òìóÝ—bØüïä@ñŠb’@ñaŠü’@çóîý@óÜ@óØ@óîóØó䆋؊bØ@ðmóïäüš@ì@ Your Homes Newcastle @ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ Esta informação refere-se às suas responsabilidades como inquilino social em Newcastle. Se precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. @ðäbàŒ@ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷ @NpbÙi@ðmóîaŠóiòí–Šói@Šb’@ñaŠü’@ðäbØòìíäb‚@óØ@òìaŠ‡—q@ñòìó÷@ðØŠó÷ idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Esta informação refere-seNç‹ ao serviço0191 de 278 arrendamento. Se precisar desta informação em i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 8633@ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ 8600 Ésta es información sobre cómo pedir quepara se realicen reparaciones en su casa. Si necesita esta <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar o 0191 278 8633. Esta informação refere-se a organização información en español oà enYour otroHomes idioma,Newcastle, llame al 0191 278 8633. responsável pela gestão da habitação social em nome e a anossa situação actual. municipal. Se precisarSidesta Ésta es información sobredo losMunicípio derechosde deNewcastle, los inquilinos comprar su vivienda necesita informação em <português> noutra para278 o 0191 278 8633. esta información en españolou o en otro língua, idioma,queira llame ligar al 0191 8633.
Ésta es información sobre sus responsabilidades como inquilino municipal de Newcastle. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Ésta es información sobre 0191 278nuestro 8600. servicio de adjudicación. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Ésta es información sobre Your Homes de Newcastle, que es la responsable de gestionar las viviendas municipales en nombre del Ayuntamiento de Newcastle, y sobre nuestra manera de hacerlo. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633.
Your Homes Newcastle Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registration number 5076256. Registered office: Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8PR. A company controlled by Newcastle City Council. Follow us on Facebook. Search Your Homes newcastle Follow us on Twitter: @NewsfromYHN Designed by: barkingdog design and layout. Printed by: Mosaic Print Management Plc
Private and secure, these apartments are finished to a high specification and offer an exceptional standard of living in an affordable area of Newcastle.
g t in en m on pm Co so elo v de
w Ne
Marley Court, Kenton
We have spacious one and two bedroom flats to rent in a brand new residential development close to Kingston Park. • • • •
No fees or deposit Affordable weekly rent Furnished option on request All repairs and maintenance costs covered
Due for completion in September 2017, we are accepting expressions of interest now. Contact us now to find out more. Call 0191 277 4306 (option 3) or email
Hi everyone Social housing continues to dominate the news in the aftermath of the terrible tower block fire in London. Understandably, lots of you have been in touch, seeking reassurance and asking questions related to fire safety. I really welcome your comments and queries as they do help us focus on the things that are important to you – so please keep them coming! I would like to assure you all that we are working very hard with the Fire and Rescue Service, the council and other partners to ensure the safety of all our accommodation, and to learn where we can from the investigations at Grenfell Tower. We are proud to have an excellent record on fire safety. This is the result of years of close working with our partners to make tower blocks as safe as they can be. You, our customers, have been a big part of that success and we’re indebted to you for the patience you’ve shown during successive upgrades to the blocks, and for reporting problems that develop to the fabric of what
remain, on the whole, popular and social places to live. The blocks we manage in Shieldfield are hosting a really exciting Wi-Fi project, which you can read about on page 8. We’re very keen to give our customers the chance to develop their digital skills so they are able to access many more things online. Understanding how to do things digitally opens up so many opportunities, not to mention making lots of things easier and cheaper. We hope that it will be the first of many to come – watch this space! Many thanks Tina Drury Managing Director, Your Homes Newcastle
page 3
Don’t take a risk: fireproofing your home Understandably, with the terrible fire at Grenfell Tower in London, we’ve received lots of calls from customers about fire safety. Here’s a few simple things you can do to reduce the risk at your home. Electrical safety Overloaded sockets, or faulty electrical products such as mobile phones and tumble dryers, can cause fires. Our partners Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service have a simple Socket Overload Calculator linked from their website. This will help you see whether you are overloading your socket. Some white goods have to be recalled by the manufacturer. The best way to stay informed is to register them when you buy them. If you are worried about any of the appliances in your home, visit
Cooking Half of all domestic fires start in the kitchen, as a result of cooking (particularly when intoxicated) or because of faulty appliances. Don’t drink and cook. Escape plan Everyone in the household should know what to do in the event of a fire. If you have children, get them involved. They will be used to fire drills at school, so should not be surprised. Documents
Night-time routines
One of the biggest risks in the event of a fire is people delaying getting out of the home because they are rushing to find documents such as passports, driving licences etc. You can buy a fireproof safe for as little as £20.
• Close all doors;
Check your sofa
• Unplug electrical items that can be switched off; and
It should have a permanent safety label, usually found under the cushions, which should state clearly that the furniture complies with the 1988 Furniture Regulations. Sofas that are old, or bought outside of the UK, will not necessarily have the same level of protection.
Don’t leave mobile phones or e-cigarettes charging overnight, and make sure you have the correct charger.
• If everyone sleeps upstairs, make sure you have at least one working phone with you.
Could you afford to replace your possessions if they were stolen in a burglary or damaged by a fire, flood or accident? You won’t need to if your things are protected by contents insurance.
premiums added to your rent so you don’t need to worry about keeping your payments up to date.
Many customers believe that their furniture, belongings and decorations are automatically insured, but this is not the case.
The scheme is very flexible, you don’t have to pay any excess if you make a claim and you can make easy weekly payments with your rent.
So we strongly advise all customers to take out household contents insurance. You can do this either through a scheme arranged by Newcastle City Council or by making your own private arrangements.
You can download an application form from our website, pick one up from your nearest YHN Housing Hub or request one by emailing or calling 0191 278 8600.
Royal & Sun Alliance has a scheme designed just for our customers. It’s a simple and affordable scheme which covers your furniture, belongings and decorations. Prices start from as little as 40p per week with
When joining any insurance scheme, please make sure you know exactly what you’re covered for by reading your policy carefully.
page 4
Can you help us put customers at the heart of what we do? We’re looking for tenants to join our Customer Service Committee. The committee will ensure that customers’ voices are heard at the highest level within YHN and members will have a direct influence on the way we deliver services. This is an important and exciting role that will require time and commitment. The committee will usually meet four times a year and all members will receive training but we’re looking for certain skills and personal qualities. These don’t have to be work related though; we’re
looking for people who have life experience! Newcastle is a diverse city and we are keen for the committee to reflect the communities we work with, so we welcome applications whatever your background. If you are passionate about ensuring customers’ voices are heard and acted on then we’d love to hear from you!
For an informal chat about the role please contact the Customer Involvement team on 0191 278 8600 or email:
The Scrutiny Pool – Newcastle City Council tenants and leaseholders working together to improve services Do you feel like your housing service is stuck in the last century? Do you think the Council and YHN can do better? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions then The Scrutiny Pool could be for you. You might have taken the time to read this and just think that housing services are ‘ok’ and therefore this is not for you – but we need people like you as well! The City Council has recruited a company called Engage Associates to work with tenants and leaseholders to really challenge how housing services are provided. Eileen Adams is leading on the project and she’d like to hear your views. The Scrutiny Pool has already looked at the customer experience through the YHN Enquiry
Centre and is about to embark on their next project, which is looking at how we tackle antisocial behaviour. You might think this would just involve sitting looking through a bunch of paperwork but oh no, it’s so much more than that! You’ll have the opportunity to work shadow staff, carry out surveys with customers, shed some light on what works well and what doesn’t, look at other housing providers, carry out mystery shops and much, much more.
If you want to find out more then please get in touch. Even if it’s for just a quick chat, you can do this by ringing Eileen on 0800 612 8280 or email page 5
Your Time Exclusively for older people, we offer apartments to rent in 24 well-located developments across Newcastle upon Tyne. Our apartments are warm, modern and bright with plenty of storage space. Time and space to enjoy life
3 All repairs and maintenance costs covered 3 Communal lounges and landscaped gardens 3 Onsite development manager 3 Optional daily calls and 24 hour call alarm system to keep you safe and well
3 Affordable weekly rent 3 Specialist dedicated staff to support your
move and help you throughout your tenancy
17 16
10 20
11 23
4 22
18 19
3 9
1 7
Image courtesy of Google Earth
Call 0191 278 8585 or email to find out more or register your interest in any of our properties. page 66 page
Your Space Walker 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• Allendale House, Allendale Road, NE6 2SU • Dr Ryan House, Airey Terrace, NE6 3HR • Eastbourne Court, Eastbourne Ave, NE6 4DS • Keebledale House, Keebledale Ave, NE6 4HS • Margaret Collins House, Canterbury Street, NE6 2JD • Milecastle House, Finchley Court, NE6 4YW • Monkchester Green Bungalows, Kingston Green, NE6 2LN • Tree Top Village, Walker Road, NE6 3JR • Welbeck Green, Monkchester Road, NE6 2QH
Jesmond, Heaton and Shieldfield 10 • Belvedere House, Heaton Walk, NE7 1QX
11 • Dunira, Reid Park Road, Jesmond, NE2 2TA
12 • Shield Court, Shield Street, NE2 1XS
13 • Theresa Russell House, Algernon Road, Byker, NE6 2UE
14 • The Minories, Rosebery Crescent, Jesmond, NE2 1ET 15 • The Spinney, Newton Road, Heaton, NE7 7HR
Fawdon 16 • Leagreen Court, Kenton Road, NE3 3UW
17 • Conewood House, Fawdon Park Road, NE3 2PG
Arthur’s Hill 18 • Iris Steedman House, Thorpe Close, NE4 5HN
19 • Moor House, Hamilton Crescent, NE4 5HN
Westerhope, Throckley and Lemington 20 • Bamburgh House, Hillheads Estate, Westerhope, NE15 5PZ 21 • Hadrian House, Hexham Road, Throckley, NE15 9HX 18
22 18 • Wansbeck House, Alm Court, Lemington, NE15 8ES 23 18 • Coniston Court, Slatyford Lane, Slatyford, NE5 2SH
Leader of Newcastle City Council Nick Forbes, YHN Managing Director Tina Drury, Lee Clark, the Lord Mayor of Newcastle, and David Langhorne, YHN Property Director.
We officially opened a new over 55’s development at a celebration event attended by the Lord Mayor of Newcastle and local lad and footballer Lee Clark. Inspired by Dutch principles of ageing well, Tree Top Village combines high quality accommodation with leisure facilities (including an Italian restaurant and hair salon) for residents and local people alike to enjoy. Patricia Spence was one of the first residents to move in: “When I heard about Tree Top Village I was interested immediately. I lived in a bigger house before that but knew I needed to think about downsizing so this is ideal for me. The apartments are spacious and well-designed and we all have our own outdoor space which really means a lot.” The last remaining properties at Tree Top Village are available now. Get in touch if you’re interested.
Coming soon… Hartley Court, Dinnington We’re just putting the finishing touches on our brand new development for people over 55 in Dinnington. One and two bedroom properties are available. Get in touch now to register your interest before they’re all gone.
Patricia (right) with her sister, Janice, and mum, Patricia, who are also Tree Top Village residents.
page 7
Connected We’re providing 188 households in Shieldfield with free Wi-Fi! Customers living in Lort House, Milton Close, Milton Green, Milton Place and Napier Street are now able to surf the internet for free. The network automatically blocks adult or dangerous content so is family friendly. Using Wi-Fi technology has meant minimal disruption in people’s homes, whilst providing a very cost effective solution. The Shieldfield Forum Cafe is also hosting weekly digital drop in sessions every Friday from 10am-2pm for YHN customers looking to develop and improve their digital skills, with trained volunteers available to offer help and support surrounding all things digital. for more information.
Get online with YHN’s free training courses Learn My Way, Basic Computing Develop basic computing skills and learn how to access and use the internet with this two-part course. When? Thursday 27 July, 10.30am – 1pm, and Thursday 3 August, 10:30am – 1 pm
Techy Tea Parties Bring your tablet or smartphone to our informal session and find out how to get the most from it! When? The second and the last Thursday of each month, 2pm-3:30pm
Please note: If you have an iPad you’ll need to bring your Apple ID; if you have a tablet you’ll need your email address and password.
Details are on the homepage of the YHN internet (scroll along ‘What’s happening at YHN’). You can also call 0191 277 4100 to book your place. You’ll need an email address to book online – if you don’t have one you can use Both courses are FREE and take place at Newcastle City Library. page 8
New services available online! Looking for a quick and easy way to report a non-emergency repair? Look no further than our new repair reporting tool, My Repairs Portal! The portal is a really handy way to report nonemergency repairs and can be easily accessed by a mobile phone. You can select a date and appointment time to suit you and track progress on ongoing appointments. You’ll need to register via the My Council section on the Newcastle City Council website – you’ll need your rent number to do so, which you can get from your local housing office – then you just need to set up a username and password and you’re good to go!
Payment Reference (you can find this on your swipe card or your rent statement) handy as you’ll need these to register. Make sure you register as soon as you can – the old online rents portal won’t be available from midnight on 31 July.
We’ve also got a new Online Rents Portal to help you monitor your rent account online in a much easier and more convenient way. The new system will let you check your balance in real time so you know it’s completely up to date. It will also provide you with access to your transaction history, your payment and balance history, and your statements. You can print from it too. To access this handy new system you’ll need to go through a short registration process (even if you’re already registered on our current system). Click ‘View my account’ on the YHN homepage and follow the instructions - make sure you have your National Insurance number and also your
Congratulations to Lisa! A huge congratulations to Lisa Dawson, Digital Inclusion Officer for Get Online Newcastle, who secured third place as Digital Leader of the Year in the recent national DL 100 Award scheme. Lisa has supported hundreds of local people to improve their digital skills in her role over the past year and has now been rewarded for her for her efforts in helping Newcastle to become a leading digital city.
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Jobs and training Your Homes Your Jobs – Office Administration course If you’ve ever fancied working for YHN then this could be your opportunity. We have a number of office admin positions available through our Your Homes Your Jobs programme and we’re looking for people now. These opportunities are only available for our customers and they start with a short part-time course with a guaranteed interview at the end. If you are successful at interview you’ll get a nine month contract to work at YHN.
Apprenticeships We’re looking for our next batch of apprentices. Our opportunities range from admin and customer service right through to gardening and warehouse work. If you’re aged between 16 and 25 and are looking for a career with a qualification attached, then an apprenticeship could be right for you.
Care work We’re working with a great local care provider that has vacancies and is looking for people interested in care work. They offer great conditions, flexible working and a real opportunity to develop skills and progress within the care industry. We will be running an information session and then a short course that will lead to interviews.
Jobs Fair Autumn sees us back at St James’ Park again, joined by lots of employers who are on hand to talk with you about their current vacancies and career opportunities. The employers range from construction and catering to admin and sales – lots to choose from. If you’re currently out of work or are looking for a change in career, then this is a great place to start. Sign up for our e-newsletter to find out more - we’ll let you know the exact date when it is confirmed.
Interested in any of these? Just contact us either by phone on 0191 277 3667 or via e-mail to On Track with YHN
The best way to keep in touch about all of our vacancies and other opportunities with employers across the city is to subscribe to our e-newsletter. Every month we share the details of all of the job and training opportunities that we have at YHN, as well as links to current job vacancies from across Newcastle and the wider region.
To subscribe to On-Track, contact us using the details above, or simply text ‘on-track’ followed by your e-mail address to 07814 753 088. page 10
ÂŁ25 prize wordsearch This edition we have done something a little different with the wordsearch. You must complete the puzzle which contains words found throughout the newsletter. But â&#x20AC;&#x201C; one of the answers is missing. To enter the competition all you need to do is identify which word is NOT in the wordsearch then text or email us your answer. Good luck!
X V E T J E S H B E J L N S M N F F Z Q E S O N J N I R L L O R I B H U E V J S T B K F O E J U D U N Z P F E D I K O E D I N S Y H W H G Z I P S U T Y A L R D C S I D A T T C D J Z X V C E N A H L I P V F R O A J D I L M I Y L P A O S O I A A N A E K H U H D E W T A S P I Q T G J U D B N S Z R M Y I B O Y E L K C O R H T P Z O I F F R T I O O J U N E M Y Z F A I O W A L K E R A B A Z X D Z T D T R U O C Y E L H C N I F S M V U C D A J Z M I K F I X N I N G X Z O Exclusively for older people, we offer apartments to rent in 24 well-located developments across Newcastle upon Tyne, but which location below can not be found in the wordsearch.
Allendale Road
Avison Street
Finchley Court
Arthurs Hill
Congratulations to Karen Vasey of Denton Burn who won our last competition. Well done! Send the missing word along with your name and address to: Email: Text: 07815 784 037 By Friday 1 September 2017. Please note: competitions are only open to tenants and leaseholders with no rent arrears.
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I need some help with… My money - Advice and Support team 0191 277 1144 Whether it’s help with money management, budgeting, benefit changes, paying your rent, or paying off debts, don’t worry in silence. Call us today or speak to your local tenancy and estates officer who can refer you if you prefer.
Getting a job – Employability team 0191 277 3667 We offer paid work-based training to unemployed customers. We also offer apprenticeships and a range of employment advice. My energy use – Energy for the Future team 0191 278 3842 Making a few changes in your home could reduce your energy bills. Call us for more info or to arrange a home visit. My garden – Garden Care service 0191 278 8600 We can help keep your garden tidy, from one off jobs to regular maintenance. You might not even have to pay for this service if you are receiving certain benefits. Getting online – help, guidance and training 0191 278 8600 Whether it’s the first time you’ve switched on a computer or you’re worried about dipping your toe into online surfing, we can help. Visit our website page for more information. Getting involved - Customer Involvement 0191 278 8600 By being involved you can help shape the decisions that affect you, your home and your community. To find out what we are talking to customers about and how you can give your feedback and share your views please get in touch. Living independently and finding my feet - Young Peoples’ Service 0191 277 1190 We support young people, aged 16-25 years old, in Newcastle by helping them to find accommodation and providing the advice and support they need to live independently. Living safely, remaining independent - Ostara 0191 277 7470 Our 24hr response and support service enables you to live safely and independently in your own home. We provide alarm equipment such as pendant alarms and fall detectors that will alert the 24hr response centre if you fall, feel unsafe or unwell at home.
Your Time Your Space
Living safely, remaining independent – Sheltered Schemes 0191 278 8585 We manage 24 sheltered developments across the city. If you are looking to live independently within a safe and secure environment, we can help.
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