Mutual Exchange Customer Events Planning Meeting Wed 27th July Checklist Date / Venues / Times One event in each Hub – West End, Kenton, Walker, East End, Outer West & North Over a 4 week period – 5th-30th September How much time will be allocate to the events – 2hr slots, mixture of am/pm across a arrange of dates Booking computers/reserving areas – HO assistant to check and book computers where needed in their Hub Advertising / Promotion – Hubs/Locally What will we do to market and promote the events? Who will we invite? – targeted MX customer invite, targeted transfer customer invite, generic invite to all customers Team Meetings – spread the word amongst colleagues, HO Assistants will target team meetings to discuss the project and events at Tenancy & Estates, Housing Options and Income Meeting Front Desk discussions – officer on duty to be prepped on events to talk to customers Posters in the Hubs – print off the PDF versions of the newsletter invitations Invitations – what do they need to say? Promote benefits of MX, target info to customer groups, present the offer of what we will cover at the events, times and dates, locations needed
Benefits of MX to promote: - Less red tape, easier process, easier application process, easier quicker sign up process - Provide customer with more options of homes compared to transfer list – freedom of choice, no need to complete with need on transfer list MX is about choice and want - Flexibly to find the home you actually want in an area that you want to be in not the home that you are allocated/allowed to bid on e.g. more options for upsizing and downsizing where restrictions occur on transfer list and no need to prove local connections - Flexibly in start of tenancy date – organise and arrange your own move date and start of tenancy - Homes on MX list are available to look at any time – don’t have to wait for list to come out and bid within a certain time and wait and hear if you are successful you can do it all within your own time
Advertising Promotion – Business Strategy/Centrally What will we do to market and promote the events? Facebook/Social Media/YHN website – YHN Facebook page, West End Facebook page, YHN chit chat promotion, add to YHN events calendar, link to
events calendar from ‘Apply for Homes’ page, can we put a notification on Tyne and Wear Homes Log in page? E-Newsletter invitations to who – what do they need to say? – Promote benefits f MX, target info to customer groups, present the offer of what we will cover at the events, times and dates, locations needed
Gathering Resources What resources do we need to gather/have in place? o Customer literature – Step by Step guide, FAQs, video – all need to be available to customers for events, Libby has sent drafts of literature to Joanne and Michael who are going to confirm the content so that the literature can be produced and uploaded online o Research on best practice, good example adverts o Computers o Staff – 1 Customer Involvement officer and 1 HO Assistant to attend Agenda setting for events What are we going to do at the events? What is our offer to customer in attending events? What will customers get from the session? o Staff will be on hand to: 1. Show you how to complete an MX application form and best advertise your home as well as help you best search of properties and use the search drop downs/menus, contact people and use the system (HO role) 2. Talk you through the MX process, tell you what you need to do and when at the different stages of the process and give you some hints and tips on advertising good practice (Customer Involvement role) Measuring Success/Evaluation Feedback enquiry form at the session – what is the nature of your enquire with MX, what do you need help with, what further help do you need, have we helped you today, how likely are you to use the information have given you? Has your knowledge increase – type questions Evaluation session – regroup meeting after events in Oct Actions/Tasks Date / Venues / Times Venue Outer West & North CSC
Date/Time Mon 5 Sept
Time Slot 1.00-3.00pm
Staff Attending Helen Dresser (HO) Libby Dodd (BS)
East End CSC
Tues 13 Sept
Sunny Michael (HO) Libby Dodd (BS)
Walker CSC
Thurs 15 Sept
Marion Woods (HO)
Jill Hayton (BS) Kenton CSC
Wed 21 Sept
Ayad Dosky (HO) Libby Dodd (BS)
West End CSC
Fri 30 Sept
Kerry Mateer (HO) Libby Dodd (BS)
HO staff for each Hub venue to check access to computers for their session and make sure event date and time is suitable before promotional material is produced and sent out – any issues to contact Libby asap
Advertising / Promotion - Tasks Libby to draft invitations in Word based on ideas from staff today on what to include and email to HO for approval before creating as e-newsletter Libby to email HO staff a PDF of finished e-newsletter invitation to be used at Hubs as marketing material Libby to lead on social media/YHN website advertising once material agreed (create events in YHN events calendar, advertise on Facebook, link to invitation on YHN Facebook, MX groups, YHN chit chat, and speak to West End CSC to get them to advertise on their West End services Facebook page) Libby to enquire about possibility of Abritas notification of events HO staff to lead on local advertising (posters, conversations with staff at front desk, talk to teams about creating a conversation with customers face to face) HO staff to speak to colleagues about MX events, purpose, aims, offer, dates and times at their Team Meetings with HO, Tenancy & Estates and Income Gathering Resources - Tasks HO staff to research good practice adverts on MX system to be used at events Libby to research social media good practice adverts to be used at events Libby to continue to liaise with Joanne/Michael and Communications to make sure customer literature is completed ahead of events Measuring Success/Evaluation - Tasks Libby to design feedback survey and calendar in evaluation session following events Next session: Meeting ahead of first customer events (Libby to put in calendars) Libby to update Joanne and Michael of planning progress ahead of next meeting
Advertising checklist Who? Customer Involvement
YHN Facebook – create as events
Done – ongoing, every other day Done – ongoing, every other day Done – ongoing, every other day Done – ongoing, reposting video Done
YHN Chit-Chat – share in group YHN twitter Promote Biteable MX video on social media and add to YHN website YHN website (events calendar) Link from ‘Apply for a Home’ page MX Facebook groups – ask to share
E-Newsletter invitations to customer groups Send newsletter to Community group email Advertise at Dog Chipping Event Advertise at Walker Event Contact Gail Forbes to see if Let’s Talk Newcastle Facebook Housing Options Staff OW&N CSC Kenton CSC West End CSC East End CSC Walker CSC All Hubs
Poster in Hub Poster in Hub Kenton Facebook page Poster in Hub West End Facebook page Poster in Hub Poster in Hub Walker Facebook page Posters up in local supermarkets (Walker Hive to promote) Info to be given to Tenancy and Estates and Income Officers to discuss with customers (phone conversations and face to face conversations with customers) Duty staff updated for conversations with customers at reception
Posted on Newcastle MX closed group, awaiting approval form admin Done 24/8 and 9/9 Shared on Facebook 9/9 w/c 22/8 - Amina Done 3 Sept Done
Done w/c 22/8 Done Done Done Done w/c 22/8