YHN 2017-18, quarter 1, April 1 - June 30 2017

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Your Homes Newcastle

2017-18 Quarter 1 (Q1) April 1 - June 30 2017

Performance has been challenging in Q1. We are on track with two targets, slightly behind profile position with four targets and concerned about two targets. We are finding it a greater challenge to let homes in different parts of the city, and are increasing support to customers claiming universal credit. There are improvement plans for the targets which are reported as amber


To date

Investment and repairs

Rent collection and void management

Our budgets

Spend against the Cabinet approved (£47.80m) Capital programme budget

Collect 98.72% of rent from current and former tenants

Budget surplus generated



Complete 99.6% of repairs on time





Tenancy turnover not to exceed 8.5%





Performance is in line with expectations

Performance remains strong with only 4 repairs not completed on time

We were 0.9% behind profile target, but this improved soon after the end of the quarter

There has been 84 more transfers this year compared to last

Overall the budget position is healthy. This is driven by underspend in the transformation budget

95% of customers are satisfied with the R&M services

Spend no more than £21.13m on Repairs and Maintenance (BCE contract)

Void rent loss (excluding Walker multis) not to exceed 0.90%

Overall void rent loss not to exceed 1.61%

Cash in the bank



Satisfaction has fallen during Q1, with 452 customers being dissatisfied with the service





The BCE contact is over spent by £559K the end of Q1. The voids budget currently overspent by £763K



See other void rent loss target



Higher void rent loss is now affecting other areas of the city and different property types



This is not available as NCC continue to hold our cash. This should change by Q3

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