YHN Annual Review 2014-15

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Changing Landscapes YHN Annual Review 2014-15

Contents Introduction


Homes and streets




Managing the city’s assets


Representing and protecting the city


Our world


Value for money 0191 278 8633 †dvb K‡i Avcwb GKwU wjwLZ Abyev‡`i p24 Rb¨ ej‡Z cv‡ib|

wcastle Furniture vice

GB Z_¨ nj BDi †nvg wbDK¨vmj- KvDw݇ji dvwb©Pvi mvwf©m mg‡Ü hviv †Ubv›U‡`i Ni evox mvRv‡Z mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ dvwb©Pvi mieivn K‡i| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b0191 278 8633 GB Z_¨ nj Avcbvi †i›U GKvD›U (fvovi wnmve wbKvm)p26 m¤^‡Ü| GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb nq Zvn‡j GB bv¤^v‡i †dvb Ki“b- 0191 278 8633


The Board

Rent pairs

Management这是有关您的租金账户的信息。如果您需要此信息的普通话版本或其它语言版本,请致电 Team p27 0191 278 GB Z_¨ nj Avcbvi Ni evox †givgZ Ki‡Z PvIqv m¤^‡Ü|GB Z_¨ hw` <evsjvq> A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb fvlvq cÖ‡qvRb


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Right to Buy

Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@0191 278 8633@ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ

Esta informação refere-se ao direito que os inquilinos têm de comprar a sua habitação social. Se @òìóÝ—bØüïä@ñŠb’@ñaŠü’@çóîý@óÜ@óØ@óîóØó䆋؊bØ@ðmóïäüš@ì@ Your Homes Newcastle @ói@pòŠbió@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷ precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. + informação refere-se às suas responsabilidades como inquilino social em Newcastle. Se Tenancy YHN general / Homes Esta @ðäbàŒ@ói@óäbîŠbïäaŒ@ãó÷@m‹ Šòì@óÜ@çbmŒóyŠó ó÷@NpbÙi@ðmóîaŠóiòí–Šói@Šb’@ñaŠü’@ðäbØòìíäb‚@óØ@òìaŠ‡—q@ñòìó÷@ðØŠó÷ People precisar desta informação em <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. Kurdish Nç‹i@ñ‡äòí—q@ 0191 278 8633@ðäüÑïÝm@òŠbàˆ@ói@óîóè@óÙî†@ðÙ—äbàŒ@Šóè@bî@ñ†ŠíØ YCH Esta informação refere-se ao serviço de arrendamento. Se precisar desta informação em idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. <português> ou noutra língua, queira ligar para o 0191 278 8633. Repairs Éstainformação es información sobre cómoHomes pedir que se realicen reparaciones en su casa. necesita YHN general / Homes + Esta refere-se à Your Newcastle, a organização responsável pela Si gestão da esta Português información en em español enMunicípio otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. People habitação social nomeodo de Newcastle, e a nossa situação actual. Se precisar desta Portuguese informação em <português> língua, ligar para o 0191 278 Right to Buy Ésta es información sobre ou losnoutra derechos de queira los inquilinos a comprar su 8633. vivienda municipal. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Tenancy Ésta es información sobre sus responsabilidades como inquilino municipal de Newcastle. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. Russian YCH Ésta es información sobre nuestro servicio de adjudicación. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633. YHN general / Homes + Ésta es información sobre Your Homes de Newcastle, que es la responsable de gestionar las Español People viviendas municipales en nombre del Ayuntamiento de Newcastle, y sobre nuestra manera de Spanish hacerlo. Si necesita esta información en español o en otro idioma, llame al 0191 278 8633.



A word from our Chair, Olivia Grant. I am pleased to confirm that YHN continues to focus on the things we know are important to our customers, and that enhance and protect the city. The contents of this year’s report, and the plethora of facts and figures contained within it, demonstrate that we are continuing to achieve our aim of enabling positive living for people in our homes and neighbourhoods. We’ve called the report ‘Changing Landscapes’ to reflect two of the key themes that emerged from our work during the year, which were to continue to create modern homes and neighbourhoods in the city, and to take on some of the responsibilities entailed in helping our customers prepare for, and cope with, the challenges that they are being presented with at the moment, such as the introduction of Universal Credit and the increased need and desire for delivery of digital services. The pace and scale of these changes is challenging. Some housing organisations find the uncertainty it brings to be the worst part. Customers could, without our support and assistance, find themselves left behind. This year we have continued to build on the customer understanding that we tried to enable whilst preparing for the introduction of the under-occupation charge, and we relaunched our estate-based housing management services around centrally located housing hubs, co-locating with the City Council where possible to pool resources and improve the service that customers receive.

This year saw us take a fresh look at the homes and neighbourhoods that we manage. A new Asset Management strategy was agreed for the development and maintenance of the City Council’s housing stock, and we have continued to assist our clients at Leazes Homes and Byker Community Trust as they develop and refurbish social homes for the city. The Council’s Sheltered Housing stock is being transformed and the energy efficiency of many of the city’s social homes improved. One thing the last decade has shown us time and time again is not to fear change, as we can assume that new opportunities will be presented as well. Making the most of those will require us to work effectively with others, support delivery of the Council’s priorities, and to be coordinated and coherent in the responses we make and decisions we take. Although this is the second annual report I’ve introduced, it was my first full year as Chair of YHN. I continue to be reassured and impressed by the commitment of our staff, delighted by the contribution made by customers, and grateful for the support of my Board and the staff at YHN. I hope you enjoy reading it. Olivia Grant, YHN Chair. 3

Homes and streets Our customers and the homes we manage are the main reason we exist. So we need to make sure that we get the services we provide to you right and, if we don’t, tell you why.


Carrying out repairs as quickly as possible and to the highest standard can have a big impact on your quality of life and how comfortable you are in your home.

to collect 98.6% of rent due by collecting £111.8m (99.6%). This is down to the hard work of staff working out on estates and behind the scenes day in, day out.

But, we can only carry out these repairs if we collect rent from customers to pay for them. The rent we collect is the biggest source of income to the Council’s Housing Revenue Account and a reduction in that funding, for example through increased rent arrears, would put the future of those services at risk.

As well as collecting rent we also try to make sure the homes we manage don’t sit empty (void) for any longer than they need to, so that rental income is not lost. The void rent loss for 201415 was 1.45% (£1.61m), so we did not achieve our target for the year, which was not to exceed 1.07% void rent loss.

Recent changes to the benefits system have placed tenants’ finances under great pressure, so it is more important than ever that we collect as much rent as possible. This year we exceeded our target

Whilst our performance in this area has improved overall, the reason for rent loss is down to a lack of demand for specific property types in some areas of the city. During the next year we will be trying

During 2014-15 we carried out:

100,702 repairs

That includes:

which cost


The total cost of all maintenance and servicing was £18.6m.

262 radiators replaced

1,511 electrical sockets

608 internal doors

“Tenant satisfaction in the city reached a new high.”

to reduce the time it takes to re-let void properties and improve on this figure by reviewing how we manage void properties and improving how we use the information we already have.

Customer feedback It may seem surprising that the year in which tenant satisfaction in the city reached new heights (87.5% against a target of 82%) has seen arguably the most reorganisation and review within YHN since we opened for business in 2004. The feedback that we receive from customers not only helps us to improve but also shows how much you appreciate the work our staff do every day. We know that we don’t always get everything right

though and your feedback helps us understand where we need to improve. A total of 504 complaints were received in the year; 263 of which were upheld. Of those 504, we responded to 402 of them within our 10 working day target; 54 that were not responded to on time were as a result of further investigation into the complaint.

Providing support Our care and support services had another busy year. Customers really value the personal service we offer and helping people bring money in and maintain successful tenancies is vital to ensuring we can continue to provide our support services as well as give customers a good quality of life.


In 2014-15 our Advice and Support Service assisted people on 5,200 occasions and helped customers access over £3.5m in benefits and grants. £1.63m of this was to assist with rent payments through:

£ £


Discretionary Housing Payments

Housing Benefit

Backdated Housing Benefit




Within our Young People’s Service: • We supported 46 families through our Family Intervention Project • Our Homelessness Prevention Service worked with 352 young people

we increased our Your Homes, Your Jobs intake from 20 to 30 to work across a range of business areas including: • • • • •

Office administration Facilities management Gardening Catering Community Environmental Assistants

In April 2014 we launched ‘Make your own Money’, which is a partnership between YHN and Sustainable Enterprise Strategies (SES) to support unemployed tenants to set up their own businesses. SES provides support in areas such as business planning, marketing, grant finding and accounting, so that tenants can sustain their business. The scheme is funded by North East Procurement and since its launch has helped 30 tenants create businesses, ranging from furniture restoration to photography and African hairdressing. Our work with the Walker Hive saw 200 local people (150 YHN customers) engage with the service of which 22 people gained qualifications, 17 progressed into further external learning or training and 11 gained permanent employment.

• The Floating Support Service assisted 404 customers • We helped secure £124,621 in sponsorship and grants Helping tenants back into work is becoming more important than ever. The forthcoming introduction of Universal Credit means that customers who are able to work and in receipt of benefits will be expected to make a concerted effort to find employment. And there is more emphasis on being able to access services online. Public service providers are expected to save money by steering people towards online services and away from face-toface or phone contact. To that end we have been working with our customers, helping them to make better use of the internet and get online. We have continued to deliver a range of employment and training opportunities, from apprenticeships for young people, to helping customers set up their own businesses. The number of apprenticeships on offer to customers increased from 20 to 30 for the year and 6

In 2014-15, 90% of our apprentices completed qualifications We have continued to work with our partners at FareShare to provide food parcels to those most in need. A mix of rising bills, further changes to benefits and no or low paid jobs continue to put pressure on incomes, leaving households with very little to pay for essentials like weekly groceries. During 2014-15 our officers distributed over 900 parcels to customers right across the city, from single people to families and older people. Our Customer Care Alarm Service (CCAS) had a busy year. During 2014-15, 4,800 customers generated 119,000 calls. We responded to 3,100 emergency calls; 2,300 of which involved customers who had fallen.

Photograph courtesy of www.angiwallacephotography.com

“Starting my business has helped me to feel like a more valued member of society and getting back into work in my own way has helped to empower me to take better control of my life.“ Angi Wallace, photographer from Kenton


Neighbourhoods Our work continues to support neighbourhoods as well as individual customers. Changes to the welfare system have encouraged us to look at new ways we can support our customers and provide services that meet their needs.

The review we undertook in 2014 saw the creation of three specialist functions within Tenancy Services: Housing Options, Income Management and Tenancy and Estate Management. The changes were launched in June 2014 and are now providing customers with a more knowledgeable and expert service, as staff working in those functions have developed their knowledge, skills and experience in a specific area of work.

Where it is possible, we are operating out of existing Customer Service Centres alongside Newcastle City Council services, as it is more convenient for customers, and our self-service options are proving more and more popular.

Adapting services to respond to changing needs Our customers continue to shape the way we provide services. During the year our Customer Involvement Team carried out a number of activities spread across four themes: improving services; quality assurance;


Average bids by property type All homes managed by YHN (including Byker Community Trust and Leazes Homes) Sheltered bedsit Sheltered flat Older persons bungalow Bed-sit Bungalow Communal entrance flat Communal entrance maisonette Ground floor flat Ground floor maisonette House Multi-storey flat Upper flat Upper maisonette

Bedsit average 3

1 bed average

2 bed average

6 13

4 53

50 23 7 43 57 60 12 25 11

81 13 16 22 8 44 13 19 21

3 bed average

4 bed average

5 bed average

9 16

11 12




positive activities, training and employability; and equality and diversity. We worked with a group of customers to develop our Customer Access Strategy and gain their views on encouraging people to use digital services by choice. The feedback helped us identify where we need to provide additional support to vulnerable customers and contributed to the development of a digital access training programme. In partnership with Newcastle City Council’s (NCC’s) Cooperative Communities Team, staff from Customer Involvement and Housing Management consulted with the residents of Byker Old Town.

54 4 17 7 14 21 3 10 8


The feedback we gathered from 214 surveys has helped us to develop a plan, which will enable the community to shape the services they receive. In February 2015 we met with a group of customers to discuss, agree and prioritise our local offers for 2015-16. Their priorities were: • Income collection • Decent neighbourhoods • Value for money • New build and investment • Letting empty homes efficiently


Anti-social behaviour

Those priorities feature prominently in the 201516 top 20 targets. Throughout the year they are monitored by Board, reported to Management Team and customers on our Performance Plus Panel are given the opportunity to see our performance against the targets.

We work hard to make our communities as safe, secure and clean as possible. Last year our Housing, Anti-Social Behavior and Enforcement Team (HASBET) dealt with 503 cases of anti-social behaviour.

Our tenant inspectors, who are trained by the Customer Involvement Team, carried out “Going for Gold� estate inspections on each of the estates that we manage, with support from our Environmental Services Team.

Of these: 266 were noise cases 93 were personal harm cases (threats/harassment) 48 were criminal behaviour 14 were pet or animal incidents

We achieved our target for the year, which was for 80% of the estates to score over 70% at their inspection.

Number of empty properties by type:

Number of properties let: Sheltered 115

Sheltered 23

General needs 355

General needs 2,126

Types of properties let during 2014-15

Bungalow Flat 134 1,413 10

House Maisonette 881 114

Total: 2,542

The vast majority of cases were positively resolved, with only a small number requiring formal legal action as follows: Personal harm Criminal Pet or animal Noise

72 notices of seeking possession 2 evictions of starter tenancies/ 7 extensions demotion of tenancy We also achieved a top 20 target for the average number of days taken to complete an anti-social behaviour investigation not to exceed 46 days by 31/03/2015. At the end of the year we had achieved an average of 42.3 days.


Managing the city’s assets We want all of the homes and neighbourhoods we manage to meet 21st century standards, something that tenants have told us is important to them.

Strategic Asset Management to Deliver Modern Living

Asset Management Strategy 2015 – 2018

This year we worked with Newcastle City Council to agree a new Asset Management Strategy for the stock we manage on their behalf. We have already started to deliver some of the commitments in the strategy, including improvements to the Council’s sheltered housing stock with an eye-catching improvement scheme at Moor House in Fenham, followed by Hadrian House in Throckley. This investment is creating modern, spacious, energy efficient homes with a range of support options that better meet the needs of customers aged over 55.


Newcastle City Council secured £773,000 grant funding from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, which will allow us to install free WiFi in the communal areas of the Council’s sheltered blocks. We have re-clad several high rise blocks across the city to make them better insulated, which will in turn reduce tenants’ fuel bills. And we have also helped the City Council and our partner Leazes Homes secure a total of £3.2 million for new build developments across the city.

In the summer, we began rehousing the residents of the Blakelaw 165 Estate ahead of planned investment work. By demolishing some of the existing properties and improving access to those remaining, it will improve the appearance of the estate, create more open space and reduce the potential for anti-social behaviour.


Preserving our assets As part of the new Asset Management Strategy we made a commitment that all the homes we manage will achieve an Energy Performance Band B by 2050. We were also successful in achieving the Silver award at our SHIFT (Sustainable Homes Index for Tomorrow) assessment. SHIFT helps us to make sure we are doing what we can to reduce fuel poverty and create sustainable homes for future customers.


double glazed windows fitted

And we continued to carry out energy efficiency activities such as the installation of double glazing and cavity wall insulation, as well as delivering energy efficiency advice to tenants. We also made some strong progress with the remodeling of three blocks of low rise accommodation in North Kenton, where outdated one bedroom flats are being demolished to make way for 65 apartments in new three storey accommodation. The You’ve Got the Power project continued, with more schemes being completed. Round 2 was launched in April to an enthusiastic response, with over 300 suggestions submitted from across the city, and over 4,000 votes cast on the subsequent shortlist. By the close of the year we were drawing up a timetable for the work and starting to consult with residents on the proposed projects.


Combi-boilers fitted


insulation measures (110 external wall, 45 cavity wall, 89 lofts, 20 floors)


Solar PV systems fitted

“I used to have all the radiators turned on – I was a waster! But I don’t anymore and my gas bills have cut in half.” Carol from Heaton



Energy advice cases


Representing and protecting the city Responding to financial challenges and developing our commercial acumen.

Working with the Newcastle City Council Lots has changed since the original Management Agreement was put in place, so we started work with the City Council to draw up a new agreement. This will provide continuity for tenants, help the Council respond to the significant financial challenges they face whilst enabling us to develop our portfolio of services and commercial acumen. It should be completed within the 2015-16 financial year.


We also developed a new Value for Money (VFM) Strategy. The time was right to take a fresh look at the subject, given the major changes taking place within our operating environment. We need to deliver real savings to our running costs and seek new income streams to optimise the fees we charge our clients. Our new strategy concentrates on maximizing our efficiency and effectiveness, whilst helping our partners invest sustainably in the assets they have.

346 customers involved in events hosted by our Customer Involvement Team.

In 2014-15 we achieved budget savings of £1,233,000 against a target of £978,000. £774,000 of these savings came from within the business – mostly from the restructure of our Concierge and Property Maintenance Services. The remaining £459,000 came from NCC budgets. Cost reductions were made in the repairs and maintenance budget and we saved money by buying outright some leased equipment.

Working with partners in the city We have continued to provide housing management services to Byker Community Trust (BCT) and Leazes Homes. The management agreements we have with BCT and Leazes Homes include a number of targets that we are expected to meet each year.


For BCT we made 96 successful Discretionary Housing Payment claims on behalf of their tenants. The total value of the claims was £55,417 with the average claim being £577. Byker Community Trust

Rent owed collected

Emergency repairs completed on time

Average property relet time



31.5 days

against a target of 97.8%

against a target of 99.5%

against a target of 33 days

This year we delivered 57 consultation events and engaged with over 1,300 tenants. This gives us a unique understanding of the issues that affect tenants and where they want to see service improvement. Eight customer priority actions (local offers) were included in our top 20 targets, which are the key business targets and actions we will be working towards.

More than money It’s not just about income; we’re generating social returns for the city as well. Our work to transform Palatine Beds (our supported employment business) into a successful business with social responsibility at its core was recognised at the National Federation of ALMOs 2014 awards in July.

Leazes Homes



Rent and service charge arrears on current tenancies against a target of £80,000

Average level of arrears per property at the end of the 2014-15 against a target of £170

Involving and understanding customers and our changing city One of our priorities was to improve customers’ access to online services to complement Newcastle City Council’s digital inclusion agenda and their “Go Digital” programme. Getting online is increasingly necessary in the modern world, with public service providers expected to save money by steering people towards online services. We launched a ‘Digital Champions’ project to improve the opportunities for customers to develop their IT and digital skills. We worked with customers to develop a new training course, which was subsequently delivered to 31 customers. Of those, 18 customers successfully completed the Digital Champions training and have since gone on to work, on a voluntary basis, in communities across the city to help other customers get online and increase their confidence in using online services. The YHN app, a program that allows users to access services through their smart phones and tablets, underwent some changes to improve the experience for the growing number of customers wishing to 18

access our services in this way. We broadened the number of services now available so customers can report and track repairs, view their rent account and pay their rent using the app.

Palatine Beds won “Most innovative social enterprise partnership” for their work to improve training and enterprise opportunities for learning disabled clients in recognition of their work with Changing Lives, The Percy Hedley Foundation and registered charity JET (Jobs, Education and Training). A community café opened at Palatine Bed’s facility in April 2014 and is run by JET, which helps people from the BME (Black Minority Ethnic) community, asylum seekers, refugees and new migrant communities to find work, improve their skills and to integrate into the community. We retained our place in the Stonewall Top 100 index for the fifth year in a row, which demonstrates the progress we have made since 2004. As the year drew to a close, we took a little time out to recognise the sterling efforts of some of our most community-conscious customers at our fifth Community Spirit Awards. This uplifting event reaffirmed that working in partnership with customers and community groups makes a difference, even in straitened times for the city.

“I just want to compliment you on this app. It’s brilliant and so easy to use. I find it really useful and handy when I work with clients who are tenants and use this on their behalf if they have any issues or repairs.”

“I’d like to say a big thank you for the awards night and to everyone that made the night special for not only myself but for everyone who got the awards. I felt very humbled by the whole thing and was very proud to be part of a great night..” Liz Stephenson from Walker

“[The course] was brilliant. I’ve really enjoyed becoming a Digital Champion and I’m looking forward to running my first surgeries. My confidence is the highest it has ever been and my self-esteem has benefitted, I can’t thank you enough.” Terry Gorman, Digital Champion 19

Our world How we work, the services we provide, the money we have and what we spend it on are influenced by the wider environment, in particular the government. So whilst we have the freedom to manage the business the best way we see fit, there are some rules and regulations we are expected to abide by.

“As we become more independent it’s more important than ever that we generate income through our own trading services.”


Preparing for Universal Credit We have developed our understanding of what Universal Credit will mean for us and our customers. By the end of the government’s roll-out of the programme, up to 60% of our customers could be affected, which means that they would receive monthly, instead of weekly, payments and will be expected to make and manage their claim online.

Many customers will, for the first time, need to have their own bank account. We have put personal budgeting support initiatives in place to help our more vulnerable customers and we have made links with local banks where we can refer customers who are looking to set up an account.

We have invested in new IT systems to assist with managing rent arrears, introduced new training for income management staff, and reviewed our Income Management Strategy to ensure that Universal Credit and associated wider welfare reforms are anticipated and potentially negative effects mitigated.


Generating our own income

Operating efficiently

As we become more independent, it is more important than ever that we generate income through our own trading services. We are traditionally strong in this area but are keen to maintain and improve on our current position.

During the year we implemented workforce scheduling and mobile working practices within both NFS and our Concierge Service. Over time this will help us reduce costs whilst providing customers with improved services.

Newcastle Furniture Service (NFS), our furniture rental service, has secured several new contracts during the year, generating an additional 5.5% (net surplus) from external business.

Palatine Beds, as a supported employer, has always had a number of disabled employees, but during 2014-15 we offered more opportunities to local residents.

Palatine Beds also had new contract wins in 201415, including a two year contract with Warwick University to be their sole supplier of replacement beds and mattresses across their entire campus, which includes student, staff and family housing and three training and conference centres.

Six people joined us through the Work Choice scheme Four new apprentices

“It’s a really good environment, there are really nice helpful people around if you need help.” Jack McAvoy, Production Support at Palatine Beds


Recruited a new volunteer

6,043 2014-15



Number of external customers accessing NFS in 2014-15

5,981 2014-15







Number of YHN customers accessing NFS in 2014-15

Number of furniture collections and deliveries carried out in 2014-15


Value for money Our primary business is the management of social homes for rent.

We manage 26,000 Council homes and 1,500 leasehold properties for the City Council, and also have management contracts with Byker Community Trust and Leazes Homes. Income earned from those contracts helps reduce the net cost of our operations to the City Council.

Income and expenditure During the year we prepared for the responsibility and strategic management of the Housing Revenue Account to pass to the City Council. The Newcastle City Council Housing Revenue Account (HRA) records all the income and expenditure related to Council housing in Newcastle.

The total HRA income received in 2014-15 was ÂŁ124.3m.

This is broken down as follows: Income from rents Service charge income

100.0 11.5

Rent from garages and shops


Grants and capital receipts


Other income




Similarly, the total HRA expenditure during 2014-15 was £121.6m.

This is broken down as follows:


YHN staff and offices


Repairs and maintenance of properties


Interest paid on debts


Cost of rent accounts in arrears


Other running costs


Investing in Council properties


The £47.3m spent on investing in the Council’s properties. This was split into the following development areas: £m Keeping properties up to standard


Pro-active investment in current housing stock


Work on communal areas and estates


Regeneration work


New build and acquisitions


Investing in improving YHN services


More income was collected than was spent during 2014-15. This money will go into the HRA reserves and can be used in future years. 25

The Board

The Board is made up of six tenant, six independent and six Council members and an independent Chair. During 2014-15 our Board members were:

Olivia Grant Chair OBE, DCL, DL

Phil Dibbs (Independent)

Lisa Doherty (Tenant)

David Down (Council)

Veronica Dunn (Council)

Julie Purvis (Tenant)

John James Reid (Tenant)

Nitin Shukla (Vice Chair) (Independent)

Elaine Snaith (Independent)

Lynn Stephenson (Independent)


Steve Murphy Chair

Paul Dutton (Tenant) Paul Dutton (Tenant)

John Stokel-Walker (Council) Matthew Myers (Council)

Judith Common (Independent)

Doreen Huddart (Council) Rob Higgins (Council)

Loraine Wilson (Tenant) Sue Pearson (Council)

Phil Dibbs (Independent)

Joyce McCarty (Council) Doreen Huddart (Council)

Lisa Doherty (Tenant)

Veronica Dunn (Council)

Ammar Mirza CBE (Independent) Ammar Mirza (Independent)

Tony Moore (Tenant) Tony Moore (Tenant)

During the year we had a number of changes to our Board membership, with the following members leaving the Board. We would like to thank them for their contributions to YHN: Sue Pearson left 18 July 2014; Robert Higgins left 18 July 2014; Jane Yugire left 30 September 2014; Judith Common left 31 March 2015.

Marion Talbot (Council) Julie Purvis (Tenant)

John Reid (Tenant)

Nitin Shukla (Vice Chair)

Management Team The Executive Management Team is made up of:

David Slesenger (Council)

Elaine Snaith (Independent)

Lynn Stephenson (Independent)

John Lee

Sheila Breslin

Chief Executive

Assistant Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Services

Jane Yugire (Tenant)

David Langhorne Director of Property Services

Neil Scott Director of Tenancy Services


www.yhn.org.uk Your Homes Newcastle Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registration number 5076256. Registered office: Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8PR. A company controlled by Newcastle City Council.

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