YHN Limited Tuesday 29 January 2019 at 5.00 pm YHN House, Benton Park Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7LX Contact Officer: Jill Davison
Tel: 0191 278 8624 Email: jill.davison@yhn.org.uk
AGENDA Page No Introduction Items 1.
Welcome and Apologies for Absence
Declarations of Interests
To consider the agenda order and exclude the press and public during discussion of protected agenda items because of the likely disclosure of confidential information. The definitions of what is considered confidential are contained within Section 16 of the Company's Standing Orders Abri Trading Ltd. 3.
Abri Business Update
1 - 34
Abri Minutes of 20 November 2018
35 - 36
Abri Budget - to be considered during YHN Board Item 6
Main Business Items 6.
Draft 2019/20 Budget, Delivery Plan & Risk Register
37 - 54
Brexit - What Does It Mean for YHN?
55 - 66
Managing Director Report
67 - 72
Minutes/Forward Plan 9.
Minutes of 20 November 2018
73 - 76
Your Homes Newcastle Limited. Registered in England and Wales Registration Number 5076256 Registered Office: Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8PR. A company controlled by Newcastle City Council
Confidential Minutes of 20 November 2018
77 - 82
Public Action Log
83 - 84
Private Action Log
85 - 86
Board Forward Plan
87 - 90
Assurances from Committees:
91 - 114
Group Audit and Risk 13th November Remuneration and Nominations 20th November Customer Service 5th December Finance and Performance 10th December Remuneration and Nominations 14th December
Petitions Monitoring
115 - 118
Main Business Item 16.
Governance Review
Date and Time of Next Meeting
26 March 2019
Agenda Item 9
Board 20 November 2018 (5pm to 7pm) Present: J Boaden (Chair), R Clark, L Doherty, V Dunn, D Huddart, K Lowry, J McCarty, M Page and H Simpson In attendance: S Bramwell
Chair, Asfaleia
J Davison
Company Secretary
T Drury
Managing Director
M Foreman
Customer Services Director
D Langhorne
Assets and Development Director
A Senior
Fairer Housing Unit, NCC
B Joyce
Democratic Services
S Bull
Observer, Campbell Tickell
Welcome and Apologies for Absence
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Elaine Snaith and Paul Scope. 655
Declaration of Interests
None. Jill Davison (Assistant Director – Business Support) asked Board members to check their Declaration of Interests from last year and to submit any updates or amendments to ensure the company records were up to date. 656
Chair’s Items
The Chair advised Board members that a paper had been circulated providing details of the recent budget announcements. This included confirmation that the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) cap that controlled local authority borrowing for house building would be abolished from 29 October. What this would mean for the
Page 73
organisation would be fully considered following the next Spending Review expected in 2019. Tina Drury informed Board that YHN was looking at undertaking an HRA review to consider demands and competing demands on the fund. A recent NCC bid for additional HRA borrowing funding, submitted prior to recent budget announcements, had been placed on hold. It was hoped that more information would be available for the Board away day on 14 December. Joyce McCarty pointed out that the regulations only allowed the council to borrow against its assets. Priorities would need to be reviewed. The situation was further complicated by the reduction in rental income. Veronica Dunn acknowledged that Right to Buy remained a big priority. T Drury raised a further point around the HRA and stated it was about the provision of new build housing although there was also the need to invest in existing stock. Following a suggestion from Doreen Huddart that the Northern Powerhouse could provide an opportunity to bring in funds, the Chair advised that officers pursued all avenues of potential in partnership with NCC. Business Strategy Update T Drury informed Board that work had been ongoing across the organisation to launch the new business strategy, “Destination 2022”. A range of new measures had been embarked on including a guerilla marketing campaign and lots of initiatives to create a buzz and excitement around it. It had been launched via a short video and staff were asked to search for a golden ticket in the workplace to win pizza. The next day there was a boarding pass on all work stations for staff to book a place for the next stage of the launch. A presentation had also been delivered to the Newcastle City Council (NCC) Directors Team (DT) to raise awareness of the three strategic objectives and DT were very complimentary about it. The video was shown to the Board at this point. On behalf of Board, the Chair said that the new approach to launch the strategy was both very good and very different. T Drury informed Board that the staff team were quite excited about it and talking about it already. This wasn’t the type of strategy that would sit on a shelf. The fact that it was simple made it easier for everyone to understand and relate to.
Page 74
Response to Social Housing Green Paper Consultation
Tina Drury introduced this item for information regarding the NCC and YHN joint consultation response to the Government’s Social Housing Green Paper and the associated Review of Social Housing Regulation: Call for Evidence. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) had invited expressions of interest for a social sector (Building Safety) best practice group. This took forward a proposal from the Social Housing Green Paper, which originated from the Hackitt Review. This was an opportunity for YHN to further develop its customer engagement work around building and fire safety and an expression of interest had been submitted. The joint NCC and YHN responses to the Green Paper were informed by sector analysis, local CIH member briefings, a staff workshop, staff surveys, discussions with senior managers and tenant feedback from the independent Newcastle Independent Tenants Voice response. The consultation closed on 6 November 2018. RESOLVED: 658
AGM Minutes of 18 September 2018
The minutes of the AGM held on 18 September 2018 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 659
Minutes of 18 September 2018
The minutes of the Board held on 18 September 2018 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 660
Matters arising and Action Log
Jill Davison advised that the action to populate the Learning and Development Plan with dates would be tied into the governance evaluation and be brought back to Board in December. The action log was received and noted for information. 661
Board Forward Plan
Noted for information. 662
Assurances from Committees
Customer Service Committee – 27 September 2018 The minutes of the last meeting of the Customer Service Committee held on 27 September 2018 were noted.
Page 75
A request was put forward for the timings of the committee to be better ‘married up’ with the Board schedule to enable a speedier reporting back mechanism. J Davison commented that feedback between Board and committees could be difficult as governance scheduling was challenging. However, there was a need to get better at communications outside of and around meetings. Group Audit and Risk Committee Richard Clark provided a verbal update. It was agreed and would be minuted that the service provided by NCC provided good value for money. It was also agreed to defer the work to the Strategic Risk Register until Rachel Morrissey, Finance and Commercial Director, was in post. Health and safety would be added to the risk register with a view to scrutinise further and provide assurance. Committee paid tribute to Lisa Forrest for a good job well done. RESOLVED - that: •
The Board received the draft minutes of Customer Service Committee for information. Date and Time of Next Meeting
14 December 2018 (Away Day) 29 January 2019 (YHN Board) At 18:50 officers were asked to leave the board room. RESOLVED – that in accordance with the organisation’s Access to Information provisions, the press and public were excluded from the meeting during the consideration of confidential agenda items.
J Boaden Chair 29 January 2018
Page 76
YHN Board 20 November 2018 Action Log (Public) Minute ref.
Action required
By whom
Target date for completion
Current status
The Learning and Development Plan is to be populated with dates and recirculated to members
Jill Davison
December 2018
Governance Team planning and sourcing training materials /providers
Board members
No end date
Page 83
Board members to contact Jill Davison regarding any work areas they would like further information on or additional involvement with.
Agenda Item 11
YHN Board Forward Plan 2018-19 Meeting 26 March 2019
Page 87
Report Name Budget/Delivery Plan/Risk Register 2018-19 including Gift Aid payment to Asfaleia
Purpose Approval
Confidential? Report Author Finance and Commercial Director
Health and Safety Update
Assets and Development Director
GDPR Update
Company Secretary
Housing Investment Update
Assets and Development Director
Assurances from subsidiaries: • Asfaleia Ltd. 17th January
Customer Services Director
Assurances from Committees: • Finance and Performance 19th February
Finance and Commercial Director
ABRI TRADING Abri Trading – Budget
Agenda Item 13
Meeting 4 June 2019
Page 88
Report Name Community Investment Fund
Purpose Approval
Confidential? Report Author × Managing Director
Housing Investment Update
Assets and Development Director
Business Strategy Update
Managing Director
Assurances from subsidiaries: • Asfaleia Ltd. 25th April
Customer Services Director
Assurances from Committees: • Group Audit and Risk 12th March • Customer Service 13th March • Finance and Performance 14th May
Finance and Commercial Director
ABRI TRADING Abri Trading – Business Activity Update
Meeting 30 July 2019
Page 89
Report Name Annual Report and Financial Statements -Year End Reserves - Asfaleia Letter of Support
Purpose Approval
Confidential? Report Author × Finance and Commercial Director
Company Secretary
NHF Governance Code Compliance Statement
Company Secretary
Modern Slavery Statement
Assets and Development Director
Assurances from Committees: • Group Audit and Risk 21st May • Customer Service 19th June
Finance and Commercial Director
ABRI TRADING Annual Report and Financial Statements
Meeting 24 September 2019
Page 90
Report Name Appointment of External Auditors
Purpose Decision
Confidential? Report Author × Company Secretary
Retirement & Appointment of Board Members
Company Secretary
Appointment of Vice Chair
Company Secretary
Committee Membership
Company Secretary
Strategic Risk Register
Finance & Commercial Director
Housing Investment Update
Assets and Development Director
Assurances from subsidiaries: • Asfaleia Ltd. 25th July
Customer Services Director
Assurances from Committees: • Finance and Performance 6th August • Group Audit and Risk 13th August
Finance & Commercial Director
ABRI TRADING Abri Trading – Business Activity Update
Agenda Item 15
To be first for housing
Your Homes Newcastle Board 29 January 2019 TITLE
Petitions Monitoring
Tina Drury – Managing Director
Your Homes Newcastle
For Information
This report informs Board on a petition received during December 2018
1. Revolutionary services that support successful living 2. Amazing places where people are proud to live 3. Strong business fit for today, ready for tomorrow
YHN must act accordingly to ensure that resident concerns are addressed.
Page 115
Your Homes Newcastle Petitions Monitoring 1.
Purpose of report
1.1 This report informs Board on a petition received during December 2018 from residents of Denton Park House. 2.
Background information
2.1 The Petitions Protocol states that the Managing Director will refer petitions relating to operational issues to the appropriate director who will be responsible for contacting the petitioners (or petitioners’ representatives). The director will make any further enquires which are required and draft a response on behalf of the Managing Director, who will ensure that Your Homes Newcastle responds to the petitioners’ request. 2.2 Context The Chairman, on behalf of the Denton Park House Tenants Association, presented a petition requesting that Maureen Downie be given sole full-time duties as Concierge for the block. A Letter has been written to the Chairman of the Tenants Association by Claire Lyddon, Operations Manager, confirming receipt of the petition, acknowledging the positive feedback about Maureen in the letter, adding that their comments have been shared with them, and that residents’ views will be taken into consideration as the structural review progresses. 3. 3.1
Petition Received Date received
3rd Residents of December Denton Park 2018 House
Requesting Maureen Downie to be given sole duties as Concierge for Denton Park House
Residents will be kept informed of developments as the review progresses
Page 116
3.2 Detailed paperwork relating to the petition has not been included in the Board papers. If members would like to see the specific details, please contact Andrew Baker-Daley.
4.1 Board is recommended to note this information. Background Papers - Petitions Protocol Contact Officer: If you have any questions about this report that you would like clarifying before the meeting, you can contact Jill Davison by telephone on 0191 278 8624 or email jill.davison@yhn.org.uk
Page 117