You've Got The Power, briefing note, August 2016

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Participatory Budget: You’ve got the Power, Environmental Programme August 2016 1. Background 1.1 Participatory budgeting is a proven method of involving local people in deciding how a budget is spent in their local area. Local people are presented with potential projects and can decide which projects are delivered. Successful projects are then given a share of the budget. It;     

Gives residents decision making power; Allows local residents to decide how money is spent in their local area; Promotes localism and a greater flexibility to respond to local needs; Enables local residents to get involved in scrutinising and monitoring performance, and Is empowering, beneficial, engaging and outcome focused

2. Progress to date 2.1 We launched our first You’ve got the Power (YGTP) programme in 2013. Since then we have delivered 47 environmental projects across the City which have ranged from estate parking improvements to community gardens and allotments. The projects we have delivered have received excellent feedback and have had a positive impact on the local community. 2.2 In April 2016, we launched our third phase of this programme and asked for new environmental suggestions that could be considered a priority for this programme. 240 suggestions were received and these are now undergoing technical assessments. 2.3 The next stage will involve shortlisting of the suggestions ahead of consultation with all stakeholders. A voting process will take place later this year to enable residents across the City to decide which projects they think should be delivered. The successful projects will then be programmed for delivery from April 2017. 2.4 A list of the projects received for your Ward will be sent to you very soon. This will enable you to see the type of environmental improvements which are being suggested for your ward and to enable you to provide feedback on these suggestions. 2.5 Although the closing date has passed for suggestions for the third phase of this programme we are always looking to hear about environmental projects which are required in your ward. If you have any suggestions you’d like to put forward for the next phase of this programme then please just get in touch and we’d be happy to discuss whether the project fits the criteria for this programme or whether there is an alternative delivery route. If you have any suggestions or questions about the project, please contact Mark Pearson, Regeneration Project Coordinator, Assets & Regeneration Team, Tel 0191 278 8702.

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