November / December 2014

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METHOD November / December 2014



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Yo u r M e t h o d . c o F a c e b o o k /YourMethod I n s t a g r a m @YourMethod Tw i t t e r @PcolaMethod ON THE COVER LIVING AFTER MIDNIGHT P.55 photography by CHRIS VISUAL PHOTOGRAPHY styled by ANNA MOHRBACHER model ERIN CUNEO shoes & accessories provided by ALDO











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METHOD Editor-in-Chief

Ashley Simmons

Creative Director

Jesus Nieves

Creative Assistant Anna Mohrbacher Managing Editor

Gina Chivers

Promotions/Marketing Designer Erin Cuneo

for behind the scenes footage Follow Method on Instagram


Fashion Editor Sports Editor Editorial Writer

Taylor McLemore Brooke Adams Christian Graves

WANT TO WORK WITH OUR TEAM? We are always searching for creative and unique individuals to join our team. We are currently interviewing graphic designers, writers and interns in all areas. TO APPLY, PLEASE SEND A COVER LETTER, RESUME AND A PORTOLIO TO CONTACT@YOURMETHOD.CO





Volume ONE Salon is one of Method’s biggest sponsors. They have helped us get to where we are today! Anna Mohrbacher and Hurst Butts have main contributors, helping us Wrightbeen Stthe • Pensacola, FL 32501 achieve the look we strive for. Volume ONE stylists have been featured in every issue of Method so far and we are very thankful we have such talented people to work with. Volume ONE is continuing to grow and has moved to a new location in the SoGo District of Downtown Pensacola located at 7 West Main St.

850.434.5409 volumeonesalon



Photographer Chris Visual is originally from Ohio, and moved back and forth before settling on the Gulf Coast. He graduated from Pensacola State College and has built a large following with his work. His portraits and wedding photography have a unique style that we have been excited to use in Method. Chris’ work can be viewed in our cover story, where he teamed up with Volume ONE stylist Anna Mohrbacher to produce “Living After Midnight” on p52.

ALDO is our main sponsor for accessories and shoes in Method. They were first featured in our first cover story “Remix Your Closet.” ALDO’s broad selection of accessories always helps us elevate any look and everything we use is available in our local ALDO in Cordova Mall. ALDO managers Mary Macias and Jesus Nieves always send the best pieces and help us create looks for every season. You can see the Fall Collection in our fashion editorials, “Luxe Holiday” and “Living After Midnight.”


from local to global Written by Daniela Summers

If you’ve ever been interested in the arts or any visual stimulation, or trying to find inspiration and wondered what to do in Pensacola, there is plenty to see at the Pensacola Museum of Art. From local to global, the Pensacola Museum of Art offers a diverse range of art: from Artist Kim Howes Zabbia, to local Artist Pat Regan, to an amazing selection of Artists the whole world knows and admires. These call be viewed during the expo “Guild Hall: An Adventure in the Arts (Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Guild Hall Museum).” Artists from the caliber of Warhol, Pollock and De Kooning, just to name a few, are here for us to enjoy; in an incredible journey…from local…to global.


Pat Regan, will be displaying her expo “Roots & Remembrance” (Open from October 24 to January 3, 2015). Born in Mississippi, local artist Pat Regan gives us an exhibition rich in variety. Paintings and sculptures indiscriminately meet us in a time where the past is the present. The place where Regan invites us is intimate, private and full of meaning: a place full of memories and “remembrances.”


Kim Howes Zabbia’s expo is named “Creativity vs. Fear” (Open from October 17 to November 29). Born in Louisiana, Zabbia excites us with a vibrant selection of her works. Her collection includes her works created over many years, from the 1990’s to her more contemporary art. What can’t be missed is her passion that engulfs you from the entrance of the museum. Art of Pat Ragan located in the Pensacola Museum of Art. Photo by Daniela Summers

Art of Kim Howes Zabbia as you enter into the Pensacola Museum of Art. Photo by Daniela Summers

Vibrant colors: Reds and yellows, oranges, purples, light greens and more show us amazing sensibility. Zabbia, is a refined and sensitive artist in constant pursuit of a “fearless self.” About fear and creativity she writes “Creativity and fear…….They actually block each other. Fear is the stronger of the two, but the more we develop creativity the more our fear subsides” (Zabbia, 2010). In her latest works, the organic shapes find a new environment to live in. The canvas turns into panels and becomes 3D: panels that at times “break apart”, almost as a force that at the end cannot be contained. This more controlled setting of the grids ironically gives her freedom to experiment with some more unusual elements. Rocks can be seen peeking from a niche of the painting. The perfect breakages here and there allow the background to declare Kim Howes Zabbia, its own presence, becoming one with the Apprehension II (2014), Acrylic on split panel with stones. work of art itself. The colors are vibrant Photo by Daniela Summers and stimulating.



“This body of work is an intimate look at my life. The series begins with my ancestors and explores important milestones of the last 73 years” says Regan. Regan shares her personal memories and important moments with a spectator and courageously experiments and uses creative techniques to deliver her message. “Throughout the year it took to create these works, I have revisited my childhood, reviewed a life filled with passion for art, remembered what makes me who I am” (Regan) From abstracts to figurative or a meeting of both, Regan’s presence is still powerful and distinct. Visually intriguing compositions, where images defined or undefined, tell us a story that happened sometime in the past….a moment frozen in time like antique postcards. The past still carries its message but time has come imposing its presence. The paintings are, in some works, sectioned in parts; verticals and horizontals. Each one of those parts harmoniously come together. In “I’ll Be Right Back” what appears to be a tree can be seen in the upper right comer. The roots of the tree may be symbolic and representative of familial solidarity and history. Words can be seen; which compel you to close the distance to understand the full message. Here is where the communication with us becomes more intense. Regan makes you want to get closer, reaching for the meaning, making us curious about the process and the materials used. Pat Regan, I’ll Be Right Back (2014), It’s in this time that her story Mixed media on canvas. Photo by Daniela Summers becomes a little bit of ours as well.

EXPO GUILD HALL: An Adventure in the Arts (Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Guild Hall Museum) (open from October 3 to January 4, 2015)


Part of the Permanent collection of the Guild Hall Museum of East Hampton NY, this exhibition is an absolute gem not to be missed. The collection includes the works of very significant artists that used to live and work in East Hampton of Long Island, NY. The opportunity to see all those artists that many have only known through art history books is a chance of a lifetime: Artists like Pollock, De Kooning, Lichtenstein, Ernst, Moran, Close, Warhol and many others. These figures had a pivotal role in shaping the Art of the 19th and 20th century. De Kooning, born in the Netherlands, is one of the major Abstract Expressionists, which the work above embodies. Abstract Expressionism represents the first American Art movement to gain international acclaim. The work below, done by the American artist Jackson Pollock is also a great example of Abstract Expressionism. Jackson Pollock, whose art is also gestural, is one of America’s most celebrated artists. Jackson Pollock is famous Untitled, Willem de Kooning (1972), for creating the “Drip Method” oil on paper mounted on canvas of painting in which he dripped Photo courtesy of the Guild Hall paint onto raw canvas laying on Museum, East Hampton, NY the floor, creating a revolutionary art form. Another major art protagonist is the prominent American artist Jasper Johns. Well known for his painting “Flag” and “Three Flags” Johns has produced many other famous works that include iconic American symbols such as the American flag, maps, numbers, and also targets such as the one presented below. “I tend to like things that already exist.” says Johns. This contemporary Artist is one of the most important figures of our time: Instrumental in paving the way for much of the modern art we see today. In 2011 he was awarded “The Presidential Target, Jasper Johns (1973) Medal of Freedom”, the highest screenprint. civilian honor in America, from Photo courtesy of the Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, NY President Obama.

From abstract to figurative there is so much more to be seen, at the Pensacola Museum of Art, than what we’ve already spoke of. Not to be missed, for example, is a famous screen print of “Marilyn Monroe” by Andy Warhol. This screen print is an example of many celebrity portraits constructed by Warhol using vivid and bright colors. Fascinated by Hollywood and American pop culture, Warhol was inspired to create provocative and controversial works of art which have become iconic and instantly recognizable worldwide. Intriguing artists such as Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and more are often the cause of much curiosity but these artists are perhaps best understood in their own words:

“If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me and there I am….” (A. Warhol)

“I feel that works of art are an opportunity for people to construct meaning, so I don’t usually tell what they mean. It conveys to people that they have to participate.” (J. Johns) In the journey that we took throughout the different expositions we lived and experienced so many emotions and feelings through the beauty of art. Art allows us to use our imagination and allows us dream with our eyes open. Art is generous and doesn’t ask for anything; but only invites us to enjoy it: How much is up to us. We have a chance to dream with the help of brilliant artists.

Photo by Daniela Summers

So don’t miss this opportunity to visit the Museum and enjoy this journey… from local to global.

Haute Rebel


















ARE BACK written by Brooke Adams

It’s that time of year again, folks! That’s right, it’s time to pack the Pensacola Bay Center and cheer on your back-to-back Southern Professional Hockey League Presidents Cup Champions. The Pensacola Ice Flyers are heading into their second season with head coach Rod Aldoff, and their second championship under their belt. The Ice Flyers started training camp with twenty-eight players on the roster. Before the season can start, they have to reduce that roster to only eighteen players. That could be a difficult decision for Coach Aldoff, since the team won the exhibition game against the Louisiana Ice Gators on October 18. This season, you can expect to see Ice Flyers Veterans (Adam Pawlick, Mitchell Good, Jeremy Gates, Drew Baker, Brett Lutes, Keegan Flaherty, Joe Bueltel, Corey Banfield, Malcolm Lyles, and Steve Bergin) on the ice, fighting for the team’s third championship win. If the Ice Flyers are able to win the championship this season, they will be the first team in SPHL history to accomplish this. Team enforcer and fan favorite, Joe Bueltel, scored his first professional goal at the exhibition game against Louisiana. He had a few things to say about being on the Ice Flyers team again this year, and how he is thinking this season will go. “It’s always good to have a positive outlook going into the season. With the amount of talent brought into camp, I believe we are going to have a very tough team to beat again this year. I feel extremely lucky and blessed to be a part of such a successful organization. It shows how hard everyone involved with the Ice Flyers has worked to get the organization where it is today, and that is something special. At this point, I’m really looking forward to getting started with games, seeing how we compete with the rest of the league and working our way to hopefully another championship.” I had the chance to talk with Ice Flyer veteran, Drew Baker.

Graphic courtesy of Pensacola Ice Flyers

How are you thinking the season is going to go? “As long as we can compete at the level that coach demands, the season is going to go just fine.” How do you feel being part of a team that’s back-to-back champs? “It is a new season this year, and every team is starting from a level playing field. We have to prove ourselves again that we are the best team in the league.” What are you looking forward to most this season? “I’m looking to better myself as a person, off and on the ice, in all aspects. Having the best off season as far as training off ice. I look forward to bringing more physical play into my game. It is always a plus to see some new faces on the team and try and to help with any questions or concerns.” If you weren’t able to catch a game last season, make sure you are able to get to one this season. Make sure you stay tuned in to Method’s Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts to updates on the season. We will keep you posted on when The Ice Flyers are playing at home so you can come down to the Bay Center to watch!

ROCKING WITH G We have seen them rocking the stages in and around Pensacola for quite some time now. A huge following of guests show up at their concerts; when asked, they will tell you that they love the atmosphere, the positive vibes the band transmits, and the music. They cover beats that any age can relate to; from favorites of classic rock to today’s pop music. They are followed and loved by many throughout the Southern States, rightfully making a name for themselves. Cryssie - lead singer, Max – bass/vocals, James – drums/ vocals and Austin – guitar/vocals, are the four friends that together form the explosive cover band “Gypsy Riot”. I had a chance to meet with Cryssie to talk about her band, and it turned out to be a very enjoyable afternoon. “I’ve been singing since I can remember but I was always very shy” she says. “I didn’t want to be on stage by myself, and in 2007 I had the opportunity to join a cover band called “Gas Station Disco.” We were based in Pennsylvania, where I’m originally from, but we toured all over the east coast. After about a year and half, we recognized it was too expensive to go far from home on tour. The rest of the band decided to stay north. I, however, had fallen in love with the south from previous visits. I loved the warm weather, the people and the music scene, I decided to move to Birmingham, AL.

There I met up with Max, (that at the time was part of another band with James), and in time we decided to form our own band. In the beginning we just had a group of guys, and as the band evolved, things started to change. We played in Pensacola a few times already, and at some point we were offered to be the house band at Capt’n Funs on Pensacola Beach. The other members and I discussed it, and given the fact that we love the area and the crowd, we packed our instruments and moved here in February 2013.

Pensacola is a great city to be in; I find it a place where so many talents converge.” And that’s when your new adventure began. What changed and what stayed the same? “Well, yes, with time we lost a couple of members, good people and talented musicians, just with different views from the rest of us professionally. We also gained a few fantastic musicians and I can truly say that, right now, we have the perfect team. It is the best fit for the band; we’re all on the same page, we have the same goals, ideas about where we want the band to go and, it makes it so much easier. I think we work so much harder now, but it doesn’t feel that way because we’re like a family on and off the stage. We do everything together.” What artist inspired you the most? “Growing up, I listened to music from my parents’ generation, like the Beach Boys, Alabama, Clearwater Revival, Steve Miller Band, the Carpenters. All great music, just more mellow. But my friends listened to rock a lot, and I remember the first album I bought, it was ‘Appetite for Destruction’ by Guns n Roses. I think the first song that captured my attention was ‘Sweet Child of Mine,’ such beautiful lyrics. The whole album was fantastic, though. That was the moment I told myself, ‘you know what? I think I’m into rock n roll.’ I still listen to all those other artists I mentioned, but I could really relate to the late 80’s & 90’s rock. The music was a bit darker, but the lyrics were amazing. Talking about female performers, Shirley Manson from ‘The Garbage’ is the artist that influenced me the most. She had such a grunge vibe but still remaining pop, I love her work.”



photography by Wheels of Rock Photography

GYPSY RIOT The question I think is on the mind of a lot of fans, when will we have the pleasure to listen to your songs? “We started to write lyrics, already have a few songs ready. Anytime anybody asks how it is going to sound, I tell them it is going to be an explosion of rock n roll; something unique, a mixture of all our influences. We’ll start rehearsing and recording our original songs in the next couple of weeks, as soon as we have a break from the road.”

Where does the name “Gipsy Riot” come from? “Hum, good question. I was having a hard time choosing a name for the band. I wanted it to be catchy, something with an edge. We, musicians, can be called gypsies; we go from town to town, play for crowds, sell our merchandise and then we pack up and leave for the next. Riot, well, it’s a party so it sounded perfect for us. My good friend Jason in Pennsylvania is the one that came up with it, and was originally going to use it, but it didn’t happen. I asked him if I could name our band ‘Gipsy Riot’ and he replied, ‘I wouldn’t want anyone else but you to use it’. Sadly, Jason passed away a while ago. That’s why ‘Gipsy Riot’ has an even deeper meaning for me, knowing that he gave it to us makes me feel like we’re keeping his legacy alive.” What do you like the most about your career? “The fact that I get to spend a lot of time around people! I consider my fans to be friends, they don’t only come to watch the shows; we converse. Their opinion and suggestions count for us. The people that come to watch us play are amazing; it’s always a great crowd.”



“Gipsy Riot” is on facebook, like their page. You can follow their movements also at “Gipsy Riot” November/December event calendar: Nov 1 Hard Rock Café Biloxi, MS -- Biloxi, MS 10:00 PM NOV 7 West End Smokehouse & Tavern -- Little Rock, AR 10:00 PM Nov 8 West End Smokehouse & Tavern -- Little Rock, AR 10:00 PM NOV 15 The Blue Iguana -- Prattville, AL 10:00 PM NOV 19 Skybar -- Auburn, AL 10:00 PM NOV 26 The Fish House -- Pensacola, FL 9:00 PM NOV 28 The Fish House -- Pensacola, FL 9:00 PM NOV 29 The Fish House -- Pensacola, FL 9:00 PM DEC 6 Top Of The Bay Lounge -- Daphne, AL 10:00 PM

photography by LaideeJae Photography






Michael Smith (850) 712-0639 103 W. Intendencia St Pensacola, FL 32502

Model Limelight featuring Khalid Pedro

photography by Jesus Nieves



A little about Khalid

- 5’11” - 23

Where are you from originally? I was born and raised in the Virgin Islands. St. Croix to be exact. I started middle school in Pensacola FL. What is your next goal in your career as a model? Now that I feel that I’ve gotten my feet planted experience-wise, my next step is looking for a good starting agency. I’m currently working to achieve the funding I need to most likely move to a better area for networking, but I’ll be honest, knowing where to start is quite the enigma for me!

We know your passion for modeling. What else are you passionate about? Primarily I’m actually working toward being one of the best actors ever. I WILL brag about my natural talent for becoming another person. My dream is to take the role of a classic superhero. I wish to one day be The Flash, Green Lantern, or Spiderman someday, you don’t have to tell me how hard it’ll be to get there. Believe me, I know. What do you like about modeling? My favorite NEED when I work is to be told what attitude the people I’m working with are going for. I just like finding a role and getting stuck in it. I try to make sure that if you’re digging through a spread of mine. You lose count of the expressions I put forth. Who is your favorite model and designer? My absolute favorite model, hands down, is Miss Candace Swanepoel. Yes, it’s a girl. A WOMAN to be exact, because she displays some of the strongest confidence and beauty through just her facial expressions, and she’s just so damned sweet. I aim to be that male equivalent. As far as my favorite designer? Honestly, I just love throwing things on! If I open a magazine or catalog and see an outfit I like, I might just try to match it because I want to. But I always go for a slim, sleek look. Although I love seeing all varieties of style, I’m a huge fan of myself having a clean-cut look.

You can also see Khalid in our July/August 2014 issue modeling in our Modern Vintage editorial featuring clothing from Years Ago Go.






Article written by Christian Graves Photography by Christian Graves & Ashley Simmons

Writer Christian Graves goes behind the scenes to get all the details from next years Pensacon.

The address was somewhere in Cantonment. I wasn’t given many details--just my supposed contact’s first name, a location, and some basic information about Pensacon 2015 that I had been able to gather from a few internet searches the night before. After initially pulling off of the narrow dirt road into the wrong driveway following the guidance of my GPS, I found the 10-acre stretch of land hiding around the bend 200 yards further down the pothole-laden path. The way in which the fenced in field of grass disappeared into the surrounding forest at the edge of the treeline, complemented by the scene of two zombies with professional-quality costume makeup roaming around outside the house brought to mind Herchel’s farm from The Walking Dead. It seemed like the perfect set for the filming of a Pensacon commercial. After reading about the statistics from the year before and stories from fans who attended, naturally I was somewhat excited about going behind the scenes. Last year’s commercial was a spoof on ‘Visit Pensacola’ and became a huge success, winning a SILVER ADDY Award at the local level. Stephen Wise, producer at Kinematic Entertainment and producer of this year’s commercial was the co-director of the ‘Visit Pensacon’ spot and informed me that he wasn’t the only person returning. With returning members on both sides of the camera, things seemed to be going smoothly--taking only around 45 minutes to get all the shots of the Star Wars characters trekking through the forest--and without any complaints from director or actors, much more easygoing than the typical commercial set you’d imagine might seem. Before lunch was even served, the crew had finished with the individual clips of Star Wars actors and super hero characters, and moved on to bringing everyone in together for what looked like a possible final scene. As a couple of storm troopers, two Tuscans, Bobba Fett, and Darth Vader himself lined up behind him for another take, Wise spoke for the team when he stated that they were ‘cautiously optimistic’ about the success of this year’s commercial, “Pensacon-Where Fans Come Together.” It was a mixed crowd, and an interesting picture. Heroes were alongside villains but everyone seemed to be tolerating each other. There were zombies next to Spiderman, who casually chatted with the

The Joker and Lady Sif; Poision Ivy and Catwoman were playing nice as well. The idea behind the hashtag, ‘#WhereFansComeTogether’, was beginning to come into focus. Wise told me he enjoys the message behind this year’s commercial even better because he feels that it truly represents the Pensacon environment, not being the only person there that day by any means to describe it as a family atmosphere. “Pensacon-Where Fans Come Together, its perfect because we have literally done that. We have pulled characters and fans of all types together for one single convention, we even had some furries,” he laughed. Pensacon has turned into one of the areas most anticipated and profitable events of the season overtaking the Crowne Plaza Grand Hotel and Pensacola Bay Center over the weekend of February 21-23. Last years’ events included the popular Nerd Speed Dating (which is slated for a comeback), the Official Costume Contest, karaoke, informational workshops, a vendor’s floor and interactive panels with famous celebrities--yes, this is something that happens in Pensacola. Manda Manning, Director of Marketing for Pensacon, sat down at the set and discussed the numbers from last year, excitedly telling me that they are determined to make it bigger and better in 2015. Manning said that increased tourism to Pensacola was one of the main benefits that came from hosting the convention and is a focus for the chairman of Pensacon, Pensacola native Mike Ensley.

“We have pulled characters and fans of all types together for one single convention...” She explained that 40% of the estimated 12,000-15,000 attendees in 2014 were from out of town and $1.4 million in revenue was raked in for the city. When asked about the crowds last year and how they planned to combat that at Pensacon 2015 with a higher expected turnout, Manning assured me that they had it under control. “We’re going to try to add a lot more to do outside of the convention this year and cap attendance at 15,000 since we’re expected to break capacity (15,000 max in the Pensacola Bay Center), we can’t really have anymore coming in after that,” she said. “It is so crowded at other conventions and the atmosphere was something people enjoyed, so we really want to try to keep it comfortable.” Noting the fact that almost half of the guests were from out of town at the inaugural event and sci-fi conventions are not typically the ‘norm’ in the area, I was curious about Pensacon’s advertising and how they received

such a great response. “We try to reach Mobile, Ft. Walton, a lot of people from Orlando and Alabama came last year. I advertised a lot at Dragon Con, sort of used it as a promotional event,” Manning smiled. “We go as far as San Diego Comic-Con, travel to conventions around the country and try to take advantage of fans to promote our own con,” she said. Manning mentioned the fact that continuing to put the Pensacon name out there and show their desire to give back to the community was another focus of hers. That is why it is important to host the events such as the Zombie 5k presented by Kinematic Entertainment and Pensacon, the second-ever race is scheduled for November 1st. The first annual Zombie 5k in February had around 350 people running through downtown Pensacola from roughly 80 zombies who were trying to ‘turn’ them. The event benefited Mana Food Pantries and collected 1,410 pounds of canned food in all. In addition to a couple dozen costumed heroes and villains from all different walks of life, Chairman Ensley was dressed up for the shoot as well. Sporting an ‘El Superbeasto’ costume--apparently his go-to outfit according to the other actors--Ensley sat down with me on the porch to tell me about some of the things to expect at upcoming Pensacon 2015. “One thing we’re really excited about is that we will have one of the largest, if not the largest, Power Ranger reunion at a non-specific event. So far we have 10 actors (some Power Rangers, some villains) from the original show and movie that have confirmed,” he said. “There is going to be something for everybody and a lot more to do outside the convention. There will be events going on at the Fish House starting Monday and going throughout the weekend with servers dressing up and everything,” Ensley said. He explained that they only talked to a handful of venues this year in order to match the expectations they set and will have six businesses downtown hosting ‘official’ Pensacon events. Tim Dohms, General Manager and Beverage Director of Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen and Tap Room talked to me while he was getting ‘zombi-

fied’ by Kinematic Entertainment’s Makeup Effects Artist Lemmie Crews. Dohms told me that last year was the best weekend on record with their Star Wars themed party. He promised me that there would definitely be another themed event at his location this year, although he said not to share specifics because they were still working out the details. “There is for sure going to be some themed drinks, I’ve been looking into some good ones. I’ve also have a friend who likes to dress up in a skeleton costume and DJ--maybe we have that going on,” he said, spitballing some possible ideas. “They reached out kind of selectively this year though, so we have a certain level of expectation to meet to show them that they chose the right business. But we have a lot of nerds working for us, I have no doubt we’re going to do it right.” One thing that the chairman and other cosplayers mentioned that separates Pensacon from other conventions is the fact that there seems to be something for everyone. Ensley mentioned that was his favorite part of the event.

“One thing we’re really excited about is that we will have one of the largest, if not the largest, Power Ranger reunion at a non-specific event.” “We try to make it all inclusive,” Ensley said. “Dragon Con for example, focuses on cosplay--there are some people that buy tickets just to sit and watch people and their costumes--others focus on horror, comics or anime...we try to get it all in one.” The first cosplayer I came upon was a member of the infamous 501st Legion--an organization that needs no introduction, but will get one anyway for those of you who know less about Star Wars and its subculture. As Colby Sullivan the Tusken explained to me, the 501st is a global organization that is recognized by Lucas Studios as a legitimate fan legion with members from all over the world that sport movie-quality props and costumes. Think of the 501st like a tribute band that is so impressive by themselves that they have become recognized by the original artist, such as Led Zeppelin tribute Sosa, Sublime’s The Wrong Way, or the infamous Van Halen cover The Atomic Punks...but with a lot more attention to detail and many more members. Sullivan has been a member of the 501st since last year, crediting Pensacon as one of his reasons for joining up. He thinks that it’s a great event for the area because there is nothing else like it and believes that everyone can enjoy it.

Deep Roy being interviewed by Ed Spencer at Pensacon 2014 “Sure, there will be some people that just won’t care. But if you like sci-fi, fantasy, horror, magic, role-playing games, video games--you can just come and play video games the whole time if you want to--or if you just want to get autographs from famous people, it gives you the chance to meet celebrities,” he explained.

Some of these celebrities who are set to appear at Pensacon 2015 include: Peter Davison- the fifth incarnation of the Doctor in the Doctor Who series from 1981-1984. Olivia d’Abo- the voice of Tek from Invader Zim and Karen from The Wonder Years. Tiny Lister- best known for his role as Deebo from the “Friday” movies, as well as Hulk Hogan’s previous wrestling partner ‘Zeus.’ Daniel Portman- Podrick from “Game of Thrones.” Jason London- played Randall in “Dazed and Confused.” Mira Furlan- best recognized for her role as Ambassador Delenn on “Babylon 5.” Naomi Grossman- Pepper on “American Horror Story.” Robert Axelrod- voice of Lord Zedd on “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” tv show. A full list of attending guests and their biographies can be found online at, as well as a list of events. Pensacon 2015 is slated to run from February 27-March 1, 2015 and is sure to be one of the largest and most original events of the year. After being on the set of the commercial and talking to all of the different fans and cosplayers, I have to agree with everyone there that there is nothing in the area that feels quite like the Pensacon’s care-free, accepting atmosphere. It has at least convinced me to go and try it out this year.




Luxe Holiday

featuring the fall collection from cache’ Photography by JESUS NIEVES PHOTOGRAPHY Styled by TAYLOR MCLEMORE Makeup by SAM SHIELDS Hair by STEPHANIE LANIER & MILLICENT BESHEL


Model Chanel Cegielski wearing a dress, earrings, & purse from Cache’ with shoes from ALDO


Model Cari Anderson wearing a dress, earrings, & ring from Cache’ with shoes from ALDO

Model Chanel Cegielski wearing a dress & earrings from Cache’

Model Cari Anderson wearing a dress & earrings from Cache’ with shoes from ALDO

Model Chanel Cegielski wearing a dress, ring, & purse from Cache’ with shoes from ALDO

Model Chanel Cegielski wearing blazer, pants, & earrings from Cache’ with shoes from ALDO

Model Cari Anderson wearing a top, pants, earrings, & bracelets from Cache’

FALL FASHION TRENDS ARTICLE BY TAYLOR MCLEMORE It’s Fall here on the Gulf Coast and I think we can all agree that we’re a little more than overjoyed to say goodbye to the humid temps of summer. For me the first thing that comes to by mind when I think of Fall is fashion! Fall fashion is my favorite by far; you can layer up, but you don’t have to be completely bundled up. Lucky for us living here on the coast we get the pleasure of being able to still bare our legs & wear a scarf at the same time. Don’t let the thought of buying a new wardrobe take away the excitement of fall fashion, transitioning your wardrobe doesn’t have to break your bank… if you know how to shop & style smart. Fall is all about layers so when you’re standing in front of your closet thinking to yourself “I really want to wear that dress but it’s too cold outside” STOP and think again. You can take summer pieces that you love & transition them into fall just by throwing on a cute blazer or cardigan and you’re set. Maxi dresses are especially perfect to transition with because they already cover most of your body. If you don’t have any cardigans or light weight blazers & be sure to buy them in neutral colors that way you’re able to get more use out of them. Transitioning summer pieces to fall can be as simple as throwing on a great piece of outerwear or the addition of a pair of tights to any dress or skirt. Beware though, some summer pieces are meant to stay in summer, like linen for example. Also, the super cute but a little too short sun dresses, yeah let’s keep those for summer months too. Tights & a cardigan won’t do anything for you if you try to layer a mini dress or skirt up, you’ll look like a middle school teen trying to figure their style out, don’t be that girl. Let’s talk about fur (faux, of course). If you know me, then you know I’m obsessed with a lot of things, but I am completely head over heels with fur vests for fall. I have faux fur in a variety of textures & colors; brown,

“Neutral colors allow _for more versatility -in your wardrobe.”



white, black, sherpa material, shearling & a variety of shaggy furs. Vests are an obsession of mine but make it fur & I’m dying… in love! Layer up this fall in fur by throwing it on over a long sleeve dress, tee shirt (long or short) or even a great flannel, plaid or chambray, add in a statement necklace & you’re set! Don’t get me wrong I’m still vest obsessed & will be rocking my wide variety of colors & patterns of puffer vest this fall as well. I’m a firm believer that matching is not matching. I love to mix prints & patterns, a vest is the perfect way to tie everything together if you’re mixing a pattern or print or if the vest is going to be your neutral, that breaks up the power clash.

“I personally don’t see any time when a faux fur vest wouldn’t be appropriate.”

FALL FASHION TRENDS W H AT ’ S I N Y O U R C L O S E T ? One of my favorite accessories for fall is a hat; beanies, crochet slouchy hats, rider hats & my personal fav is the floppy hat. Floppy hats aren’t just for the beach anymore, bring the oversized trend into your fall wardrobe. I’m not talking about the actual beach hat, I’m talking about a wool felt hat. Not only will a hat protect your face from UV rays & your hair from the wind or a bad hair day but they add the perfect pop & finishing touch to your outfit. And what’s fall fashion without boots?! There’s nothing better than pulling up a great pair of riding boots & stomping around downtown with a warm coffee in hand. Knee-highs, cowboy, riding, combat or ankle booties, no matter your style there’s a boot for you this fall!

My go to boot is a riding boot that I can slip on over a pair of skinny jeans or leggings & have a pair of leg warmers peaking out the top for that little extra warmth on cold days. Ankle booties are also a favorite & a go-to boot of mine. I love to wear them with skinny jeans & leggings, skip the leg warmers for obvious aesthetic reasons. If you’re not the type that thinks they can pull off skinny jeans with ankle booties, wear them with a wide leg trouser instead, they look equally as adorable. The perfect coats for me during colder months are trench coats both long & shorter mid-length. I personally love quilted trench coats. Tweed, wool & peacoats are

classic coats for fall & winter. I like to buy coats in neutral colors such as black, navy, brown (light & dark) & even a nice shade of shade or even a burgundy. A coat is a layering piece & should be able to match everything in your wardrobe...not to mention coats tend to cost more than just a light weight jacket so making it versatile helps your wallet. As far as accessories go, I like to keep it minimal in the colder months outside of scarfs & a great handbag. Nothing is more frustrating than getting your bracelet or necklace tangled on your jacket or sweater. Keep in simple with your jewelry, when you’re layered up no one can see all your bling. Remember, fashion is about having fun & expressing yourself. Don’t stress if you don’t have a fully stocked fall wardrobe, mix in some of your summer pieces, go thrifting & find oversized flannels to layer with & don’t worry about being brand name. If you like J.Crew vests but don’t have the budget, Old Navy has look alikes for half the price. It goes for boots as well, don’t break your bank buying brand new Frye or Tory Burch boots, Target has great boots for WAY less. Let’s be honest, who can read the labels in your clothes when they’re on you? I love name brands but I’m also not a slave to them, if you have to ball on a budget, as they say, you totally can & still be fabulously dressed for fall!

“Keep in simple -with your -jewelry, when -you’re layered -up no one can -see all your -bling.”

Be sure to follow Taylor at






g n i v i L r e t f A ht g i n d i M

PHY A R G TO CHER O H P AL BA R U S H I V O EO M IS N R A U H C N C AN by RIN ALDO y E y b l h e p d d a e gr by mo styl d e d photo i rov p s e i r sso e c c a & shoes



METHOD November / December 2014

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