Creating A Winning Mindset Month 4

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The Zone or State Content

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What is Zone or State?


When is it required?


How do I know when I am in the zone?


What do people look and act like when they are in the zone.


Is it easy to go into state?


What are the benefits of going into state?


How can I learn how to get in the zone?


Creating an Anchor.


A powerful example of being in the zone.




Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State

Introduction Welcome to month 4 of Creating a Winning Mindset, in this months section we will be discussing the most important skill you can learn in life, this skill alone will enable you achieve a wide range of things you may have never ever thought possible.

Now I know this is a huge claim, I can make this claim because I know it is true.

Just imagine a task you never ever thought possible, something which is well outside your comfort zone, something you are so scared of doing it is almost impossible to contemplate. By the time you have finished this months content you will have the ability with practice to do so much more.

I have highlighted the practice statement for one simple reason, you will need to create a series of programs in your subconscious mind first. The good news is that if you are already a tennis match player you will have created a wide range of programs you can use to Win using the techniques I will be discussing here.

So let’s get started.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State

What is Zone or State? Zone or state mean the same, in the sporting world people talk about going into the zone. In the personal development world the term used is state.

The terms mean when someone is 100% focused on the task at hand and their actions are controlled directly from their sub conscious mind without any interference at all from the conscious mind.

When a Tennis player goes into the zone they play at their very best, often producing incredible shots, reaching a ball which almost seems impossible to reach.

Having spent considerable time learning the skill they are able to execute it to as near perfection as possible.

Anyone can enter the zone or create the state of mind which gives 100% focus, when reading this you may be able to recall times when you have played at your very best, you were probably either in the zone or very close to being in the zone.

Zone or state can be accessed and used in any aspect of your life and as I said before you have probably already achieved this state in many things you have done in your life time to date.

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The Zone or State Just imagine if you could switch on being in the zone whenever you like and play the game at the best you have ever played. Well fortunately for you, you have joined a program and stayed with a program which will teach you how to go into the zone whenever you choose.

You will be able to play the very best Tennis possible for the level you are at, you may even surpass your very highest expectations once you know how to enter the zone and switch off your conscious thoughts and just let your subconscious mind take over your game.

Have you ever played a shot in tennis which is brilliant and wondered why you don’t play that shot more often? The simple answer is that when you played the shot you were in the zone, the problem is you amazed yourself so much that you jumped out of the zone and allowed your conscious mind to take over and bring you back to your usual self.

Remember zone or state is when your conscious mind is silent, no thoughts are passing through it allowing your subconscious to control the actions your body makes. Your body is functioning without your conscious intervention, just like when your heart beats or your digestive system converts food into energy. They do it virtually without you knowing because these functions are controlled by your subconscious mind.

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The Zone or State Just imagine if you had to continually tell your heart when to beat, you only breathe when you remember to do so. Think about these activities taking place without a single conscious thought. If your brain can do this without you getting involved then why not use this same skill when playing the best shots you have ever played. Believe it or not, it is possible for you to create a state of mind where this is possible.

We have already talked about programming your subconscious mind, now you are beginning to learn how to use the programs you have stored there.

Hopefully you are beginning to see the benefits of being in the zone or state. Think about this incredible skill, it can be used in a wide range of activities. Yes in every sport you can think of, you can use it at work, at home, when reading, perhaps recording a video or writing a book.

You can even use it when you are in a challenging situation like a job interview or driving a car when the road is covered in snow and so much more.

I will give you a few examples as we proceed in the task of Creating a Winning Mindset.

You will be amazed at how powerful being in the zone or state can be. Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State

When is it required? Going into the zone is required whenever you want to be at your best, if you have trained your subconscious mind to achieve a certain task and practiced the task sufficiently well then you can access this task when ever your mind recognises the time it will be beneficial to the activity you are doing.

Let us use the example of serving, when it is your serve you are in the best position to win the game as it is the only time in Tennis where you have complete control over the ball. For a start it is in your hand, you will throw it into the air and you are the person who will hit the ball, which means you will decide where the ball lands on the opponent’s court.

Sounds real easy when it is broken down in this way, I know what you are saying. If only all these things happen every time I serve, yes every so often I serve the best serve ever and then the next serve hits the net or goes out.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State Maybe you find yourself a couple of points down on your serve so you just make sure you get the next serve in just to be sure you don’t lose another point. Of course this often means your opponent has an easy return and wins another point.

Serving is one of the times when you need to be in the zone.

If you have rehearsed your serve often enough to create a series of really good serves then you will have created a series of grooves in your subconscious mind that you can access whenever you like.

The secret is being able to access them without allowing your conscious mind to get in the way.

We will be discussing this process in more detail shortly.

So when is another time getting into the zone is really beneficial?

How about when you are in the volley position in a doubles match or when you find yourself drawn to the net. Of course you may like to serve and volley which means even in singles you spend more time at the net.

The volley position often means the ball arrives quickly, it also means the ball will arrive high, low, to your left or right, just clearing the net etc.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State Basically in the volley position decisions have to be made really quickly. This is the perfect position to be in the zone. First you need to have a selection of shots programmed into your subconscious for when you are at the net, you also need to have programmed your mind to look for open spaces when returning the ball.

Once you have practiced these shots enough to create a good program and once you know how to enter the zone and focus your mind on playing the best volley shots possible you will see the benefits of being in the zone.

The serve and volley are two good examples of the benefits of entering the zone.

How do I know when I am in the zone? Have you ever been so focused on what you are doing time has just flown by. Well this is when you are in the zone, your conscious mind goes very quiet and all you think about is the task at hand.

People often go in the zone when something they are doing is very challenging, you might be riding a bike down a track at high speed or you might be off piste skiing and find yourself having to

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The Zone or State tackle obstacles you were not expecting.

When you really concentrate on a subject and just do it and think of nothing else you have entered the zone.

Here in the UK there is a TV program called the Cube, when the contestant enters the Cube they have to tackle a task. If they achieve the task then they win money. The people who win are those who enter the zone when entering the cube and only focus on completing the task in the time frame set.

You know when you are in the zone because you achieve what ever you have set out to achieve. If it is serving, then you serve at your very best, if it is volleying then you return the ball time and time again using the skill you have practiced and stored in your subconscious mind.

Now I am not saying you will win every time because your skill set may not be as good as your opponents, what I am saying is when you are in the zone you will be playing at your best.

If you have ever watched the top Tennis players when they are in the zone you will know what I mean. They are amazing because they seem to play at a level beyond reasonable belief. They play amazing shots, reach a return which seems impossible and then return it in such away that either wins the point or requires another amazing shot from their opponent. Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State

I am sure if you think about it you will have already been in the zone without realising it.

What do people look and act like when they are in the zone. Knowing what the zone looks like is important, just imagine if you a playing against someone who is in the zone, do you think it would be helpful to recognise this state.

People drift in and out of the zone when playing a match, so knowing when they are in the zone is very important for a couple of reasons.

First if they are in state then you know they are going to play at their best.

Secondly if they are in the zone you need to make sure you focus even more than normal and enter the zone yourself. Often if you up your game (play better) unless they have fully mastered the skill of entering the zone subconsciously you will often regain control and find they come out of the zone.

Note people’s body language when they are in the zone, they stand ready to play, they move faster and if you look at their eyes they will be wide open and fixed totally on the ball and you. Their racket will

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The Zone or State always be ready for action and finally they will ignore everything else around them.

If you are playing in a competition with a crowd or other distractions and you are in state you will be so focused on the game that you will not hear what is going on around you.

Is it easy to go into state? Once you know how to and have practiced the art of getting into the zone then it is easy to block everything else out and focus on your game.

Of course just like any other skill it takes practice and the more practice you have the easier it will be to enter the zone.

Remember how the mind works, you need to create a groove or connect the neurons together so strong and so deep that you can enter the zone when ever you want to.

Entering the zone is just like learning to serve well or volley well or to play any other shot in the game of tennis.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State

What are the benefits of going into state? I have probably already answered this question, the answer is so important I want to spell it out again.

When you are in the zone you have one hundred percent focus on the task you are doing. One hundred percent focus means the only thoughts that come in to your mind are related to what you are doing at that time.

Your conscious thoughts are completely ignored and you are connected to your subconscious mind which knows everything you have stored there about playing the game of tennis.

Your mind will select the shot required, it will send the information to every part of your body and ensure your racket moves in the best way it knows to ensure the shot is played as well as possible.

In other words you will play the best tennis you can.

Entering the zone is not just about playing tennis, once you learn this skill you will be able to use it in many different activities in life. Whenever you want to do something to the best of your ability then all you need to do is focus on the outcome you require and enter the zone ensuring the only thoughts you have are directly related to the end result you want to achieve.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State

How can I learn how to get in the zone? You may have been asking this question for a little while now probably because you can see the real benefits to entering the zone when ever you need to achieve something really important.

Before I explain the process, let me just remind you what being in the zone is.

1. It is being completely focused on the activity you are taking part in. 2. It is ignoring any conscious thoughts about any other subjects which come into your mind. 3. It is about having complete trust in what you are doing. 4. It is about having a clear outcome in your mind for the task you are doing.

Let us start with outcome, when you prepare to play a match it is crucial you have a clear outcome imbedded in your subconscious mind. What I mean by outcome is the result you want to achieve. Winning is a good outcome, how about if you take this a step further and decide on how much you are going to win by.

The more defined your outcome the better chance you have of achieving your outcome.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


The Zone or State So the first task when entering the zone is to know the outcome you require.

The more you focus on the outcome the easier it is to get into state.

The next task is to quieten the conscious mind, we call this anchoring, some people have a word or gesture they use to access the program which takes you into state. Others use an action like slowing down your breathing or holding your breathe for short periods and concentrating on something like your heart beat.

If you take a deep breathe in and hold it and try and feel your heart beating you will soon find if your conscious mind is still chatting away this task is impossible to do. Your mind has to be silent to feel your heart beating.

Try the same by breathing out and then holding your breathe for a short while and feel your heart beating.

This gets you focused on one task and stops the chatter, it also slows down your heart beat which enables you to focus more by removing the tension in your body.

Now your mind is quiet, focus on the outcome you require and let your subconscious mind do the work you have trained it to do.

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The Zone or State Of course if you have never played the activity before you are unlikely to have any programs related to that activity which mean your mind will choose to use other programs you have stored which are relevant to the task.

I often find when playing tennis I am able to play tennis shots which relate to many years playing badminton and table tennis because the techniques are similar and still deeply grooved into my subconscious mind.

So getting into the zone needs a quiet mind, you then need to focus on the outcome you have decided on.

Avoid allowing in thoughts which do not achieve the outcome you seek, just let your mind and body work together to deliver the best shots and serves you have imbedded into your subconscious mind.

Attention: To become the best you can be requires you to practice every aspect of your game and create deep grooves in your mind which it can access when you are focused and in the zone ready to Win every match you play. Once you have them there, create an anchor which ensures you can enter the zone when ever you choose.

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The Zone or State

Creating an Anchor. Creating an anchor is essential, so let me explain how to create an anchor.

Anchors are created while practicing your shots.

An anchor maybe a word you say in your head or out loud, it might be a feeling or emotion which runs through your mind when you play the right shot. It could even be an action like clenching your fist or raising your arm.

You need to choose the activity which best suits you. Once you have chosen your anchor you need to link it to every shot or serve you make which achieves the result you are seeking. Do this when practicing and playing, the more you do it the stronger the link between your anchor and the good shots will become.

Once you have your anchor you will be able to enter the zone and access the best shot possible when ever you need to. When you want to play well think of your anchor and link it to the end result.

Make sure you only create an anchor for the good shots, the reason for this is simple, the subconscious mind does not know the difference between good and bad which makes it very easy to create anchors for bad shots too.

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The Zone or State

The secret is to ignore the bad shots and anchor the good shots and you will quickly find yourself playing more good shots.

A powerful example of being in the zone. The zone is a skill everyone should learn what ever sport they play or other activity they do.

Let me explain why, the human body is an amazing thing and most people really do not understand its capabilities. When I was learning how the human mind works during the 1990’s I learnt how powerful the mind really is.

You may have heard of stories where people found strength beyond their own belief, someone picking up a car and freeing someone trapped underneath.

Someone entering a burning building and rescuing people and not getting burnt themselves and so many more stories.

When you step into the zone you can achieve much more than you think, for example just imagine walking bare foot over red hot coals

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The Zone or State for a distance of 8 to 10 meters or more and not even having a small blister at the end.

Things that are very hot burn yes? When your skin comes in contact with something red hot it burns too yes?

Well I can assure you with the right training and learning the art of entering the zone anyone can walk bare foot along a path way of red hot coals without leaving any form of damage to the skin on your feet.

As I said earlier the human body is amazing, it has the ability to react in different ways according to your mental state. The soles of your feet become heat resistant or even none existent because your mind completely ignores the heat.

The reason your mind ignores the heat is because your focus is not on the coals or the heat, your mind is in another state where it is focused on something else beyond the heat. The secret is to focus your mind on where you are going and what you want to achieve ignoring the path to get there.

If you don’t believe me then get in touch with me and I will arrange for you to attend a very powerful weekend called The Power To Achieve. It is run by a good friend of mine who changes people’s lives for the better. One of the activities at this event is a Fire Walk once you have learnt the technique of entering the Zone.

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The Zone or State

Conclusion You stand a much better chance of winning with this skill, entering the zone or state enables you to focus totally on the task you have set yourself.

Entering the zone enables you to directly access your subconscious mind.

By programming your subconscious and anchoring the best shots or other techniques in your subconscious makes it possible for your mind and body to deliver the best result possible.

Always focus on your outcome and your mind and body will deliver for you. The human mind is far more powerful than most of us realise, believe in yourself and you can achieve far more than you think you can.

Make sure you are still with us next month as we teach you how to use the power of the mind to win even more than you do now.

Please feel free to feed back your comments on Creating A Winning Mindset. Feel free to ask questions.

You can email us at

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The Zone or State Thank you for joining this program, winning is a state of mind.

Until next month

Derek Kemp Your Mind Coach.

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